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TESDA Hotline

Tel. No: (02) 887-7777

Send Text to 0917-4794370 (Globe)

During the administration of President Benigno Aquino III from July 2010 up to
June 2014, tech-voc graduates reached a total of 6,281,328, according to
records of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
TESDA data further revealed that from January 1986 to June 2014, there were a
total of 21,700,308 tech-voc graduates in the country.

TESDA is the leading partner in the development of the Filipino workforce with worldclass competence and positive work values.
TESDA provides direction, policies, programs and standards towards quality technical
education and skill development.
Quality Policy
"We measure our worth by the satisfaction of the customers we serve"
S trategic Decisions
E ffectiveness
R esponsiveness
V alue Adding
I ntegrity
C itizen focus
E fficiency

Tesda Scholarship:
Website to visit:

-Do we get a certificate of training after completing the online course?

We have developed the online courses for access by as many Filipinos as
possible. We are not yet giving any training certificate.
However once you finish the course and if you think you are ready, you may take the
face-to-face assessment for National Certification at any TESDA accredited
assessment center or venue.

What is TESDA Online Program?

It provides a more effective and efficient way to deliver technical education and skills
development services to the majority with less cost. The program is created for
students, out-of-school youths, unemployed adults, workers, and professionals,
overseas Filipino workers who would like to take TESDA courses at their own pace
and at their own time at the comfort of their desktops or laptop computers.
Qualifications/Programs Covered
1. To fill-up the skills gaps, the specific training programs in the identified priority
sectors shall include any I of the following:
2. With Training Regulations (WTR) programs;
3. No Training Regulations (NTR) programs, if the skills needs cannot be supplied
by the WTR programs; and
4. Cluster of competencies of WTR programs for available jobs.
5. All training programs to be offered in TWSP shall be registered with TESDA in
accordance with the guidelines on program registration.

6. Pursuant to the Special Provision of the 2014 GM and to meet the objectives of
the program,, the TVET qualifications and courses to be offered shall focus on
"Key Employment Generators" (KEGs) in the areas of "agri-fishery/agribusiness/agro-industrial, tourism, information technology-business process
management, semiconductor and electronics, automotives, and other priority
manufacturing industries, logistics, general infrastructure and new and
emerging sectors". New and emerging industries shall be identified and
recommended by the regional offices or industry bodies to be approved by the
Director General. Labor Market Intelligence Reports (LMIR) or industry studies
shall be submitted to support the recommendation.
7. Trainers Methodology Level 1 and Level II for qualifications/courses covered in
the KEGs shall be included in the TWSP.
8. Programs under the TESDA Language Skills Institute (LSI) and National TVET
Competency Assessment and Certification (NATCAC) shall be covered under
the Program.

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