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ACTS Ministry


outline for Local Church Planting

Church Planting - a simplified

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


Church planting is
an exciting work. It
works as we partner
with the Holy Spirit in
bringing the Good
News about the Lord
Jesus Christ to a
Gospel Destitute
Area, and a Gospel
Destitute People

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
CHURCH PLANTING WORK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
WHAT IS MISSION ALL ABOUT? .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
HOW DO YOU DO IT? ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
HOW DO YOU TRAIN FOR IT? ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28
CAN I DO IT ALONE? .................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
HOW DO I CHOOSE A TARGET AREA? ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
WHAT ABOUT THE NEEDED RESOURCES?................................................................................................................................................ 52
LAY HANDS ON THE TEAMAND BEFORE SENDING THEM ........................................................................................................................ 59
FORWARD INTO THE COMMUNITY ............................................................................................................................................................. 64
SHARING THE GOOD NEWS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 71
DEALING WITH RESPONDENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 78
FORMING THE CHURCH............................................................................................................................................................................... 82
APPENDIX 01 VUSUYA AO CP MASTER-PLAN........................................................................................................................................ 84
APPENDIX 02 - COMMUNITY EVANGELISTIC CRUSADES ......................................................................................................................105
APPENDIX 03FULANI CP MASTER PLAN BUK SOUTHWEST ................................................................................................................ 112
APPENDIX 04 - FULANI CP STRATEGIC OUTLINE 2014 2020...........................................................................................................130
APPENDIX 05 - RESEARCH in MISSION WORK ...................................................................................................................................... 145
APPENDIX 06 - Becoming a Movement Again...................................................................................................................................... 155
APPENDIX 07 - TIME WASTING and THE TIME WASTER ......................................................................................................................... 171
APPENDIX 08 - VUSUYA HINDI MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL ............................................................................................... 187
Other Notes & Resources .......................................................................................................................................................................198

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


This material has been put together to help Kingdom Workers in our local
churches who did not have the privilege to attend a Bible College. We have
sincerely tried to simplify many of the topics by summarizing their content in
points form. We hope that they will do some good in your church leadership
and church-planting ministry.

To all those who have supported us along the way by prayers and finance, we
are greatly indebted to you. It is our prayer that you will gain much Kingdom
Returns through these materials. May the Good Lord bless you all.

Team Leader
ACTS Ministry Fiji

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


The church will continue to manifest the Kingdom of
Heaven locally through the planting new local churches in
new target areas. The planting of a new local church is a
visible sign of our domination and advancement of the
Kingdom of Heaven in a locality or territory held hostage by
the devil and his army of evil spirits. The power of the local
church comes from the Head of the Church himself, The
Lord Christ, The King of Heaven and Earth. The philosophy
of the Head of The Church universal has to be taught and
manifest in the local churches through the lives of her
members for they will prepare her members for the final
manifestation of the Kingdom Culture in the New Earth.
This philosophy exhibits the values, character, and intent of
the Lord Himself.
Church planting is an exciting work. It works as we partner
with the Holy Spirit in bringing the Good News about the
Lord Jesus Christ to a new Target Area, and a new Target
Group. It could be in the same locality whether there has
already been an existing local church. This is known as an
Un-evangelized Area or Unevangelized Group. It can also be a
new area or people where there is no known Christian
witness. This is known as Unreached Area or Unreached
People. It could also be a new area whether there is an
Unreached People, speaking a different language, and
practicing a different culture. This is what I called Cross
Boarder Unreached Area or Cross Cultural Unreached People. The
whole work of church planting comes under the domain of
Mission as commanded in the Great Commission.
There are three significant aspects of church planting that a
new and aspiring church planter needs to consider. They are


Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


1.) Revelation (from the Word of God); 2.) Research (Scientific

Observation regarding Church Planting in Mission; 3.) Reflection
(Thinking through clearly what Gods intent is regarding our plan for
church planting). These three significant aspects must be
carried out in order to form the base for any planned
Missional Work that is focused on church planting.
This study is meant to help you in considering these
essential elements of church planting and Mission in
general. These are not new as they were used by the Apostle
Paul himself during his Missional Work in Asia Minor.
What we will be doing in this study is detailing the task,
and using Pauls work as a guide, with the leading of Gods
Holy Spirit, and other passages in the Scripture, to give us a
better ground in applying these Missional principles to the
I pray that you will enjoy and be blessed as we walk through
these lessons with the guidance of Gods Holy Spirit, as
much as I am blessed in putting it together.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


Study 01
A simple outline
Church Planting work is a challenging but exciting work. It
is the only work of value that will last through eternity.
Existing local churches ought to be planting new local
churches in and beyond their boarders of influence. A nonchurch-planting church or a non-evangelistic church is not
in accordance with Gods plan. The church is the only
institution that Jesus established, blessed, and
commissioned to mobilize for Kingdom Citizenship.
The work of church planting brings out the reasonableness
of evangelism and mission. Unless a new church is planted
in a Gospel destitute area, all works of evangelism and
mission will not really have the needed continuity and
momentum to carry it forward to the next generation. Every
work of evangelism, mission, crusade, or outreach, must be
purpose-driven, and they must focus on planting a new local
church (congregating a new body of local believers) in a target area,
especially those that do not have a Christian witness, a
Christian church. The planting of a new local church will
congregate the new believers in the area into a new
community of set-apart people that God will use to
influence others or other communities in a mighty way
according to his plan (its the people, not the building).
Most of us have been involved in evangelism work in our
local churches. What are some of the tasks involved in
Evangelism & Pastoral Ministries in your local church
(Brainstorming)? Can they be transferred to a new locality or
cross-culturally and be contextualized?

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1. In Places where there are churches planted and there

is a need to plant more; where do we begin?
1.1. Form a Mission Intercession Group and Pray we
will need to mobilize prayer warriors, individual and
1.1.1. As an individual, couple, family;
1.1.2. Pray together as church leaders;
1.1.3.Pray together as a church For vision To see what God sees (The
envisioning of Gods Vision for our local church) For strategy to answer the question on
How are we going to achieve this vision? For wisdom To be able to apply our
understanding of the knowledge we have
gained from our walk with the Lord and from
our association and experience with Gods
people, and the church. For partners Partners and networks are
important; God is an intimate network of 3
divine persons; Jesus sent the disciples out is
Prayer partners
Going partners
Giving partners
Networking partners
1.2. Consider networking with Christian Stakeholders ;
1.2.1. Christian Churches in the Community;
1.2.2. Christian Organizations; For ministry to children; Ministry to youth; Ministry to Men; Ministry to Women; Ministry to Married Couples; Bible Society;
1.3. Consider Networking with Para-churches Ministry;
in places where these Para-churches organizations
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


are available, outreach partnership can be a good

1.3.1.Campus Crusade for Christ;
1.3.2. Youth For Christ;
1.3.3. Scripture Union (SUIS);
1.3.4. Christian Athletes in Action;
1.4. Consider Net-Working with NGOs & Government
DEPT they may be able to a Christian Person in
their organization to deliver information on certain
1.4.1. Save the Children;
1.4.2. Prison Ministry;
1.4.3. Police Dept; Drugs and Law; Crime;
1.4.4. Health Dept and others; On health and decease issues;
1.5. Consider Net - Working with other institutions who
can contribute to the Purpose and Aim of your
Community Outreach.
1.6. Start planning process beginning with Prayer;
2. In Places where there has not been any Gospel
Advance, where do we begin?
2.1. Prayer
2.1.1. Personal prayer
2.1.2. Pray as a couple if youre married;
2.1.3. Pray as a family;
2.1.4. Take time out to pray; Asking God for a clear vision or clarity of
vision; Ask God for timing of sowing or harvest; Ask God for Partners;
Prayer Partners;
Going Partners;
Giving Partners;
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

Preparation. Pray for the Region; Pray for the Community; Pray for the specified AO; Pray for the inhabitants of the area; Pray for the target group living in the
Spiritually map out the region/area
AO; To see the disposition of
inhabitants and target group;
To ascertain the high places
of worship /fetish and voodoo;
To ascertain the Red Zone
Areas; where there are known
criminal elements and activities,
prostitutions, drugs, insecure
neighbourhood, etc;
Pray specifically for these
2.2. Prayer and Planning;
2.2.1. Pray for the most relevant approach. That the
Spirit of God grant the wisdom to discern the
approach considering The literacy level of the Target Group; The sociological problems within the
community; The economic status of the community;
Be careful of using social work to
spear-head the work of church planting
of EE;
Social Work should only be used
to support the work of EE and Church
2.2.2. Pray for the language of communication; Local Language/s; Official Language/s;
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

Preparation. Trade Language/s.

2.2.3. Pray for the mode of transportation;
2.2.4. Pray for the logistics of the work;
2.2.5. Pray for the Assessment and Division of the
Team; Advance Prayer Team; Evangelism Team; Follow-up Team; Consolidation & Establishment Team; Community Development Team.
2.2.6. Pray for The Duration of the work; For Advance Prayer; For Evangelism; For Follow-up; For Consolidation & Establishment. For Community Development.
3. Group Exercise
3.1. Your church is envisioning reaching out into this area
3.1.1.the population is unascertained;
3.1.2. a multiracial & multicultural community area;
3.1.3. there is a lot of unemployed people;
3.1.4. there are known criminal activities;
3.1.5. there is supposedly high percentage illiteracy;
3.2. Work as a group to design a viable prayer network
plan for reaching out into this community.

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Study 02
Mission in the general sense is an assignment, a task, an
undertaking, a duty, or an operation. This is a word that is used a
lot by the military which speaks of a task that has to be
accomplished. It has now been adopted by the church to
define the vitality of the task given to us by the Lord Jesus,
and that the church must be wisely aggressive in pursuing
this mission to its completion. Matthew 28:19-20 is now
known as the Great Commission. Paul in Acts 22:21
explained that God called and chose him for the significant
mission to the Gentiles;
21 But the Lord told me, Go! I'll send you on a mission. You'll
go far away to people who aren't Jewish.' Acts 22:21 (GW)
So the word Mission in the Christian sense could be
defined as a task that God assigned to a certain Born Again person
where he or she is required to take the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to
a people not his of his own, speaking a different language, practicing a
different culture, that they may know that God had already sent His
Son to save the world.
In Acts 22:21 above, the word mission here is the translation
of the Greek word exapostell; which basically means, send,
send forth, send away, send out. And Pauls mission in this,
according to this text is to go far away to a people who are not
But in order to understand the Biblical significant of the
word mission in relation to Gods Divine Plan for man and
the strategies that He employed in order to bring this plan
to realization, we will need to do the following;
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1. Study and understand the divine plan for the church

1.1. What is the Church? Look at these Bible passages 1.1.1. 22 God has put everything under the control of
Christ. He has made Christ the head of everything for the
good of the church Eph 1:22 (GW) Gods divine institution established to represent
Gods Family, Gods Community, and Gods
Government on Earth. Members are from different People
Groups, different language, different nations,
different cultures, bonded together by this
one fact That the Lord Jesus Christ is their Lord
and Saviour.
They have a profound oneness They have
one faith, one Lord, one baptism (one
philosophy), one Guiding Spirit (The Holy
Spirit), manifesting identical characters
which comes from the unction and leading of
the Holy Spirit.
1.1.2. 23 The church is Christ's body and completes him
as he fills everything in every way. Eph 1:23
(GW) Glory belongs to God in the church and in Christ Jesus
for all time and eternity! Amen. Eph 3:21 (GW)
1.1.4. 24 As the church is under Christ's authority, so
wives are under their husbands' authority in
everything. Eph 5:24 (GW)
1.1.5. 25 Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the
church and gave his life for it. Eph 5:25 (GW)
1.1.6. 26 He did this to make the church holy by
cleansing it, washing it using water along with
spoken words. Eph 5:26 (GW)

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1.1.7. 27 Then he could present it to himself as a glorious

church, without any kind of stain or wrinkle
holy and without faults. Eph 5:27 (GW)
1.1.8. 29 No one ever hated his own body. Instead, he
feeds and takes care of it, as Christ takes care of the
church. Eph 5:29 (GW)
1.1.9. 32 This is a great mystery. (I'm talking about Christ's
relationship to the church.) Eph 5:32 (GW)
1.1.10. 18 He is also the head of the church, which is his
body. He is the beginning, the first to come back
to life so that he would have first place in
everything. Col 1:18 (GW)
1.1.11. (If a man doesn't know how to manage his own
family, how can he take care of God's church?) 1 Tim
3:5 (GW)
1.1.12. 15 in case I'm delayed. I want you to know how
people who are members of God's family must
live. God's family is the church of the living God, the
pillar and foundation of the truth. 1 Tim 3:15

1.2. What is the Purpose of the Church?

1.2.1. The Expansion of the Kingdom of God on
Earth; 18 You are Peter, and I can guarantee that on

this rock I will build my church. And the gates of

hell will not overpower it. Matt 16:18 (GW)
1.2.2. To manifest Gods power and wisdom; 10 He did this so that now, through the church, he
could let the rulers and authorities in heaven know
his infinite wisdom. Eph 3:10 (GW)

1.3. What is the Primary Mission of the Church?

1.3.1.Preparing Earths People for their Eternal Citizen;
The New Heaven and New Earth;

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So wherever you go, make disciples of all
nations: Baptize them in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.20 Teach them to do
everything I have commanded you. And remember
that I am always with you until the end of
time. Matt 28:19-20 (GW) 28 In the church God has appointed first
apostles, next prophets, third teachers, then those
who perform miracles, then those who have the gift
of healing, then those who help others, those who are
managers, and those who can speak in a number of
languages. 1 Cor 12:28 (GW)
1.3.2. Witnessing to the reality of the King and His
But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes to you. Then you will be my
witnesses to testify about me in Jerusalem,
throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth. Acts 1:8 (GW)
2. Study and understand the Great Commission
Matthew28 in context;
2.1. What is the Great Commission?
2.2. Who gave the great commission?
2.3. To whom was the great commission given?
2.4. For what purpose?
2.4.1. Enlisting the church
2.4.2. Partnership I will be with you always These are important questions to answer
because it defines the;
Job description/Task;
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3. Study and understand the Pentecost;

3.1. What is the Pentecost?
3.2. Why is the Pentecost important?
3.2.1. The Holy Spirit is the present Missionary
Member of the Trinity; He directs the Mission
according to the Great Commission and
advancing on from where the Lord Jesus left
during His earthly Ministry.
3.2.2. 25 These things have I spoken unto you, while yet
abiding with you. 26 But the Comforter, even the Holy
Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall
teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all
that I said unto you. John 14:25-26 (ASV)
3.2.3. Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you
that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not
come unto you; but if I go, I will send him unto you. 8 And
he, when he is come, will convict the world in respect of sin,
and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 of sin, because
they believe not on me; 10 of righteousness, because I go to
the Father, and ye behold me no more; 11 of judgment,
because the prince of this world hath been judged. 12 I have
yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them
now. 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
shall guide you into all the truth: for he shall not speak
from himself; but what things so ever he shall hear, these
shall he speak: and he shall declare unto you the things that
are to come. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall take of
mine, and shall declare it unto you. 15 All things
whatsoever the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that
he taketh of mine, and shall declare it unto you. John 16:715 (ASV)
3.2.4. Two main redemptive Missional Work of the
God Head;
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Preparation. The finished work of The Lord Jesus; The continuing work of The Holy Spirit;
3.2.5. The Pre-Pentecost Ministry of the Holy Spirit took
place between creation and the arrival and
ministry of the Lord Jesus. His work here is more
specific to certain places, person, people;
3.2.6. The Extra Pentecost Ministry of the Holy Spirit began
on the day of His Official Arrival for Church
Establishment and Kingdom Expansion; [The
Kingdom is the source and seat of dominion, authority, or
power; The Church is the advancing arm of the Kingdom of
which Christ is the Head] This is also known as the General or
Universal Ministry of the Holy Spirit; [inclusive
ministry] This where the Holy Spirit is heading the
work of World Mission [Acts 1:8];
3.3. The Universal /General Ministry of the Holy Spirit;
3.3.1. The Humanitarian Operation of the Holy Spirit; This is concern with how the Holy Spirit
is keeping man [mankind in general] in a
salvable state, that although the image of
God in him is badly marred, it is not
destroyed, therefore still salvable [2Thess 2:112]; Satans present work is to try to thwart
the work of the Holy Spirit and push man to
an unsalvable state;
3.3.2. The Soteriological Operation of the Holy Spirit; This is concerned with the
communication and acceptance of the
Gospel of the Lord Jesus by individuals; Empowering the Church and individuals
for the purpose of evangelism;
3.4. The earliest results of Pentecost
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3.4.1. Numerical increase (Acts 2:47);

3.4.2. God used the persecution to scatter the church
and they went about preaching the Word (Acts
3.4.3. Number of believers continue to increase (Acts
3.4.4. Turning to the Lord in Antioch (Acts 11:21);
3.4.5. Believers were strengthened in the faith and
their number continued to increase (Acts 16:5).
4. Study and understand Paul & Mission of the church
4.1. In approximately a period of 10 years Paul established
local churches in four provinces of the Roman Empire
[Galatia, Macedonia, Achaia, Asia];
4.2. These churches were well established that Paul was
not worried that they will perish in his absence;
4.3. The Apostles were united in the work of World
4.4. The problems that may arose later in the church in
later years was not due to any insufficiency or lack in
the Apostles part; The Apostles had imparted by
words, life, and service, all that the church needs to
know, learn, and practice;
4.5. Why was Paul so successful? Pauls Seven Divine
4.5.1. Paul was 100% sure of his calling[Romans 1:1;
1Cor 1:1; 2Cor 1:1; Gal 1:1; Eph 1:1; Gal 1:16; etc;
4.5.2. Paul was 100% sure of his primary task[The
preaching of the Gospel and the Establishment of Churches
in his Target Area]; Galatians 1:16.
4.5.3. Paul was 100% sure of his message[we preach
Christ crucified]; 1 Cor. 1:23
4.5.4. Paul was 100% sure of his Target
People[Gentiles]; Galatians 1:16

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4.5.5. Paul was 100% sure of his strategy[He target

important and influential cities];
4.5.6. Paul was 100% sure of his approach[to the Jews I
become like Jew so as to win the Jews; to the Greeks 1 Cor.
4.5.7. Paul was 100% sure of his Phasing Out Phase[I
have run the racefought a good fight]; 1 Timothy 4:7. & 2
Tim 2:2.
5. Study and understand the church & mission in the
modern day era.
5.1. Understanding of mission that is too broad;
5.1.1. Not having a clear and definite objective but
trying to do everything& not achieving anything;
5.1.2. Trying to help everybody in every kind of way
and not improving anybody;
5.1.3. Being drawn into social work with little or
without presenting the Gospel of the Lord Jesus
Christ is not harvesting anything;
5.2. Understanding of mission that is too narrow
5.2.1. Focusing only on evangelism without
considering the physical needs;
5.2.2. Only one way approach disregarding other
kinds of approaches;
5.2.3. Emphasize the multiplication of converts
without emphasizing the multiplication of
congregation [evangelism without discipleship];
5.2.4. Gospel Proclamation without Church Planting.
6. Merging evangelism and mission again
6.1. Mission works more on a holistic approach, whereas
Evangelism works on Gospel Presentation;
6.2. To merge is to bring a balance and know that
Evangelism is part of Mission. Mission without
Evangelism is like a Canvas without a picture; it is just

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social work. Evangelism without Mission is like a

Picture without a canvas.
6.2.1. Jesus designed &employed the same strategy;
6.2.2. God cares about the physical needs of man;
6.3. The holistic Approach to Mission is a Taste of Heaven
in a Dying World.
7. Todays priority Cross Cultural Church Planting
7.1. Look at these stats:7.1.1. Approximately 300 million active Christians in
the world;
High potential of winning the lost for
Christ; High risk of become inward looking and
no mission/more or less a club;
7.1.2. Approximately 1 billion inactive Christians; They represent great potential; But they need renewal/need to be reengaged;
7.1.3. Approximately 500 million culturally near nonChristians; They lived in cultures that had already
been penetrated by the Gospel; There is minimal barrier;
7.1.4. Approximately 2.5 billion culturally distant
non-Christian; Far removed linguistically, socially,
economically, culturally, with no known
Christian Church near them; Churches need to be planted among
7.2. The main question is; What is your church doing in
her area of operation and involvement in Cross
Cultural and World Mission;
7.2.1. A Mission Field is Any community of people without
an accessible church;
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7.2.2. It is the responsibility of believers in existing

churches to fill those voids with believing
congregation, through witnessing, evangelism,
and church planting.
7.2.3. It is not in accordance with Gods plan to be
involved in Mission Work and or with local
churches that are not Establishing Churches;
7.2.4. It is also not in accordance with Gods Plan to
establish churches that are not or never involved
in Mission;
7.2.5. CHURCH PLANTING the firm establishment
of a gathering of believers for growth, fellowship, and
service, and in-turn proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to
others thereby planting new congregations in their locality.

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Study 03
1. Understanding the Heart of Mission - This is very
important because unless people, group of people, or
church, have a clear Biblical understanding of the Heart
of Mission, they will be doing Gods Mission Work
according to their own concept.
1.1. Planning for the task God is the God of planning.
There are many verses in the Bible that tell us that
God has planned things from before the foundation of the
world. He made us in His likeness and with this
likeness comes the divine genes for Kingdom
Expansion Planning. There are a couple of things
worth remembering as we plan our Mission Task;
1.1.1. Your plan gives you a fair idea of what is required
to be done, how to do them, when to do them,
and those responsible for getting them done;
1.1.2. God has the Blue Print; This is why we need to pray that he
directs us; But this does not negate the fact that we
should plan;
1.1.3.The Plan must be opened to Gods intervention;
He is in control; Acts 16:6-10 We as His workers must always be
willing to change when God wants us to
1.2. Understanding the task
1.2.1. Evangelise and plant churches How do we
define the two?[Evangelize & Plant churches] What is Evangelism & the verb
Evangelize? - Evangelism is the process of
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sharing the Good News of the Lord Jesus to a person

within your area of influence, or in a Gospel destitute
area. What do we mean by Church
Planting?-Church Planting is the whole work of
gathering up those who have received the Good News
of the Lord Jesus and congregate them into a
community. Church Planting preserves the Harvests
from Gods Harvest Field.
1.2.2. What are the detailed tasks? This will need to be clearly defined after
all necessary research and need assessment
are done.
1.3. Compare the task with experience and research
1.3.1.If you do not have any experience, try talking
with those who have;
1.3.2. Identify helpful and useless approaches;
1.3.3. Identify considerations for EE approach;
1.4. Make an overall plan to accomplish the task;
1.4.1. Gather Prayer Supporters;
1.4.2. Gather necessary resources; Personnel; Financial;
1.4.3. Strategic Planning for Church Planting Work; Establish the Objectives; Analyse the factors that can affect the
work; Determine the resources needed and how
those resources can be obtained; Determine the hindrances and how they
can be avoided or overcome; Establish a standard for the work and be
sure that they are in accordance with the
Word of God.
1.5. Execute the plan
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1.5.1. Learn from experience and use what is learned

to modify the plan;
1.5.2. Use the three resources of Missiology; Revelation - Use the Bible as your Base; Research - Scientific Observation; Reflection Sound thinking based on
Experience & Knowledge;
2. Understand the logical elements of the Missionary
2.1. Pauline Methodology and strategy;
2.1.1. Paul was the Father of Cross Cultural
Missional Work;
2.1.2. The present 21st century missionaries need to
take time to study the book of Acts;
2.1.3. The Mission Principles therein will certainly
provide an excellent base for your mission work
wherever youre called to;
2.1.4. Because Paul was the First Cross Cultural Church
Planter and Missionary, it would be interesting to
study his Mission Strategy; This certainly brings us
to the questions of whether; Paul himself had a strategy? Paul had designed an excellent strategy
that he did not need the guidance of the Holy
Spirit? Paul had a strategy but also make
allowance for the intervention of the Holy
Spirit? Paul had totally relied on the Holy Spirit
for total guidance and planning without
himself designing a viable Mission Strategy?
Flexible Strategy (Acts 16:6-12)
Rigid Strategy;
2.1.5. All these questions are answered in the Book of
Acts. We just need to read through and analyze
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his mission voyages, his approaches, his

destination, etc;
2.1.6. As the first, he may not have the means to do
his observation (research) and the needed
experience (sound thinking and judgment based on
experience); whereas we now have all the needed
observations and reflection from Pauls time to
present (almost 2000 years of Mission History with all
the needed information). Compare Pauls time and ours;
What did Paul lack in the 60 AD
that we are privilege to have that would
contribute to the momentum and
advance of mission work in the 21st
What do we lack now that Paul
had back in the 60 AD that contributed
to his mission momentum and advance
in the 1st century?
Your answer will help you see
whether we are doing enough in using
available resource to strategize our
mission work in the 21st century.
2.2. Let us look at Pauls Master Plan of Evangelism &
Church Planting (Mission) The Pauline Cycle;
2.2.1. We will look at some of the verses listed here
(all from the Book of Acts, to see how Paul
developed his step by step plan. Read them
through and summarize what Paul did in these
verses; Acts 13:1-4; Acts 15:39-40 Acts 13:14-16; 14:1; 16:13-15 Acts 13:17ff; Acts 16:31 Acts 13:48; 16:14-15 Acts 13:43 Acts 14:21-22; 15:41
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Preparation. Acts 14:23 Acts 14:23; 16:40 Acts 15:36; 18:23 Acts 14:26-27; 15:1-4
2.2.2. You may have noticed from the groups of verses
listed above that they could be summarized as
follows; Missionaries Commissioned; Community Contacted; Gospel Communicated; Hearers Converted; Believers Congregated; Faith Confirmed; Leadership Consecrated; Believers Commended; Relationship Continued; Sending Churches Convened.
2.2.3. Paul may not have used all these 10 steps at one
time but in reading through the Book of Acts we
can see that he used part of the steps in some
places and some in others depending on the
situation; as in the case of Acts 17:34, which is a
good example;
2.2.4. Paul himself had a Team so he was not working
alone, therefore there were steps in the plan that
were carried out by his team members who were
qualified to do so; e.g. (Timothy, Titus, Barnabas) Titus 1:5 Paul left Titus in Crete to
Consecrate the Leadership; In his letter to Timothy, he instructed
him on how a local church to be managed
and lead; In Chapters 18-20 of Acts, we see the
establishment of the church in Ephesus in
which eight of the ten steps were explicitly
carried out.
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2.2.5. As we fit these pieces of step together, its

amazing to see what we have (a detail strategy) as a
result. This will need to be studied with other
letters of Paul, e.g. 1 Tim 1:3-4; 2:2; Eph 1:1-3,
15-16.; and you might want to read his other
letters to the churches.
2.3. The four important aspects of Pauls Mission Strategy
that contributed greatly to the success of his Cross
Cultural Church Planting Mission, and of course,
Church Planting in General.
2.3.1. He had a beginning and an ending; He knows how to string his ideas
together in theory and also in practice; He allowed the Holy Spirit to intervene
in the practical stringing of his ideas;
2.3.2. The end is not the end as in the severing of all
ties and connections, but a completion of the
Mission Work. (we need to be clear about this).He did
not neglect returning to where he had been
before to carry them through a step which the
church was struggling with; so he was moving
back and forth between the steps. The steps
therefore are not a start and end like a 100 meters
race; but its more like farming.
2.3.3. His strategy was carried out according to the
needs of the hearers in the target area; There were places where there had
already an existed group of believers (Acts
19:2 at Ephesus). There were new grounds (Acts 17:16-34).
2.3.4. He applied his strategy to Existing Churches as
well as Pioneer Situations. Effective Mission Work for Evangelism
and Church Planting requires careful,
prayerful Strategic and Tactical Planning.
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Preparation. Careful, prayerful Strategic, and Tactical

Planning must also be opened and flexible to
the intervention of the Holy Spirit.
Exodus 3:16-20 God is a God of
Strategic and Tactical Planning. - 16 Go,
assemble the leaders of Israel. Say to them, The
Lord God of your ancestors, the God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, appeared to me. He
said, I have paid close attention to you and
have seen what has been done to you in Egypt.
17 I promise I will take you away from your
misery in Egypt to the land of the Canaanites,
Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and
Jebusites, a land flowing with milk and honey.'
18 The leaders of Israel will listen to you. Then
you and the leaders must go to the king of Egypt
and say to him, The Lord God of the Hebrews
has met with us. Please let us travel three days
into the desert to offer sacrifices to the Lord our
God.' 19 I know that the king of Egypt will not
let you go, even if he is forced to. 20 So I will use
my power to strike Egypt. After all the miracles
that I will do there, he will let you go. Ex 3:1620 (GW)
We are in partnership with him in
this Kingdom Expansion work.
1 Corinthians 3:6-10 - 6 I planted, and
Apollos watered, but God made it grow. 7 So
neither the one who plants nor the one who
waters is important because {only} God makes it
grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who
waters have the same goal, and each will receive
a reward for his own work. 9 We are God's coworkers. You are God's field. You are God's
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building. 10 As a skilled and experienced

builder, I used the gift that God gave me to lay
the foundation {for that building}. However,
someone else is building on it. Each person must
be careful how he builds on it. 1 Cor 3:6-10
(GW) The Accomplishment of Gods purpose
and plan requires ;
Divine wisdom, intervention, and
Our commitment and dedication,
Body, Heart, and Mind, to the task of
Gods Kingdom expansion.
3. Group Exercise
3.1. Select one of your local churches;
3.2. Design a strategy to meet the spiritual needs in the
3.2.1. Use Pauls strategy as your guide;
3.2.2. Do researches first before you design your plan?
Your strategy must come as a result of your
research and reflection.
3.2.3. Where do you start and where do you end;

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Study 04
The church has majored in sermon preparation and
preaching plus other things, but very little has been done in
the domain of structured Bible teaching; especially in the
area of Mission, and Evangelism that is focused on, or, will
result in the planting of new local churches. One of the
reasons is because many local pastors do not know how to
do it, either because they were not taught about it, or they
do not know how to string their pearls of evangelism and
church planting knowledge together and apply it to a real
situation. If the church is constantly relying on Bible
Colleges to do their training for them, then a lot will be
hindered in the work of Kingdom Expansion because there
will only be a handful who will know and probably be able
to apply what theyve learnt. The Great Commission was
given to the Leaders of the Church (the Apostles and disciples),
which goes to say that the responsibility of the Great
Commission in all its facets falls on the church as a
movement (members multiplying members through sharing of their
faith) and as an institution (legally established organization).
Therefore, educations with regards to Mission, Evangelism,
and Church Planting for the fulfilment of The Great
Commission MUST begin first in the local church, and to
every individual member. Lets see where we can start. Lets
begin with;
1. Mission Education in the Local church;
1.1. You can start with Designing a Local Church
Mission curriculum;
1.1.1. This is very important and an excellent way to
start because the local church is the first
institution for education and training in the
things that concern Kingdom Expansion;
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1.1.2. The basic curriculum should contain; The Lord Jesus and The Kingdom of
Heaven(The Kingdom Concept); Personal Evangelism Systematic Theology Ecclesiology Practical Theology (Evangelism
Campaigns) Mission in general (which includes Cell
formation with the aim of planting a new
church) Practical, Practical, Practical.
1.2. The Main Message of the Lord Jesus Christ during
his Missional Work on Earth. Take time to study
the Missional Message and Missional Approach;
1.2.1. His Missional Message is a Message of the
Kingdom of Heaven; it was Kingdom Focused. 17 From that time began Jesus to preach, and to
say, Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Matt 4:17 (ASV)
The Good News about The
Kingdom of Heaven;
23 And Jesus went about in all
Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and
preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and
healing all manner of disease and all
manner of sickness among the people. Matt
4:23 (ASV) The Values of the Kingdom; -Matthew

5:3-12 The Influence of the Kingdom; Matthew 5:13-16 The Eternity and surety of the Kingdom;
Matthew 5:17-20

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Preparation. The wrath of the Kingdom - Matthew

5:17-26 The Holiness of the Kingdom; Matthew 5:27-32 Oath in the Kingdom - Matthew 5:3337; Revenge in the Kingdom - Matthew
5:38-42; Love in the Kingdom - Matthew 5:4348.
Selection of Kingdom Citizens Matt 7:21 Honouraries in The Kingdom - Matt
1.2.2. The Lord Jesus Missional Approach was one
that utilized teachings, teaching in parables, and
accompanied by miracles when the situation
deserved; 35 And Jesus went about all the cities and the
villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching
the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of
disease and all manner of sickness. Matt 9:35 (ASV)
1.2.3. His Missional Command is a command that is
holistic. 5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and charged
them, saying, Go not into any way of the Gentiles, and
enter not into any city of the Samaritans: 6 but go
rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And as
ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at
hand. 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the
lepers, cast out demons: freely ye received, freely give.
Matt 10:5-8 (ASV)

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1.2.4. His Missional Journey Instruction is one that is

totally based on Reliance in Gods Provision,
Gods Protection, and Gods Power. 9 Get you no gold, nor silver, nor brass in your
purses; 10 no wallet for your journey, neither two
coats, nor shoes, nor staff: for the labourer is worthy
of his food. 11 And into whatsoever city or village ye
shall enter, search out who in it is worthy; and there
abide till ye go forth. 12 And as ye enter into the
house, salute it. 13 And if the house be worthy, let
your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let
your peace return to you. 14 And whosoever shall not
receive you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth out of
that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet.

15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for

the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of
judgment, than for that city. Matt 10:9-15 (ASV)
1.2.5. His Missional Approach Instruction in relation
to persecution is one that is tactically Purpose
Drive; 16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst
of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and
harmless as doves. 17 But beware of men: for they will
deliver you up to councils, and in theirs synagogues
they will scourge you; 18 yea and before governors
and kings shall ye be brought for my sake, for a
testimony to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when
they deliver you up, be not anxious how or what ye
shall speak: for it shall be given you in that hour what
ye shall speak. 20 For it is not ye that speak, but the
Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you. 21 And
brother shall deliver up brother to death, and the
father his child: and children shall rise up against
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parents, and cause them to be put to death. 22 And ye

shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he
that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.

23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee into

the next: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have
gone through the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be
come. Matt 10:16-23 (ASV)
1.2.6. His Missional Support is one that is based on
his Character. He is all-knowing, ever present, all
powerful. 26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing
covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall
not be known. 27 What I tell you in the darkness,
speak ye in the light; and what ye hear in the ear,
proclaim upon the house-tops. 28 And be not afraid
of them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the
soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both
soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold
for a penny? and not one of them shall fall on the
ground without your Father: 30 but the very hairs of
your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not therefore: ye
are of more value than many sparrows. 32 Every one
therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I
also confess before my Father who is in heaven.

33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will

I also deny before my Father who is in heaven. Matt
10:26-33 (ASV) I am with you always, even unto the end of the

world. Matt 28:20 (ASV)
1.2.7. His Missional Power and authority was
vindicated by miracles; 7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of
heaven is at hand. 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead,
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cleanse the lepers, cast out demons: freely ye received,

freely give. Matt 10:7-8 (ASV)

1 And as he passed by, he saw a man blind from

his birth. 2 And his disciples asked him, saying,

Rabbi, who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he

should be born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither did
this man sin, nor his parents: but that the works of
God should be made manifest in him. John 9:1-3

1.2.8. He wants his disciples to preach the same

message strategically to the Target Group; Go not into any way of the Gentiles, and enter
not into any city of the Samaritans: 6 but go rather to
the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And as ye go,
preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast
out demons: freely ye received, freely give. Matt 10:5-8

1.2.9. He wants his disciples to mobilize for Kingdom

Citizenship. 19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the
nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: 20 teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded
you: Matt 28:19-20 (ASV) The whole focus and reason for making
disciples is to mobilize Kingdom Citizens
from all people groups.
1.3. Allocate a time each week for step by step study of
the curriculum above; this will help new workers
and potential workers to know how to lay the
foundation of new local churches according to the
Way of The Master and King, The Lord Jesus. Lets
look at the probable core curriculum in detail;
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1.3.1.Doctrine of sin & salvation;(Remember, the doctrine

of salvation varies by denomination But be good to see
what the Bible says).
1.3.2. How to share your testimony (3 min) what
God is currently doing in your life is the main
thrust of a testimony.
1.3.3. How to Share the Gospel This is important
and this skill needs to be on the finger-tip of
every Kingdom Worker. Different approaches Evangelism Explosion Four Spiritual Laws
1.3.4. How to do follow up Do not make the
mistake of birth-them and Leave-them. All new
Christians need to be nurtured so they can make
an impact in the communities they live in.
Remember Discipleship is 95% of the Christian
Life, based on practising the six basic pillars that
they become part of a disciples lifestyle; Prayer Bible Study Personal Time with The Lord Fellowship Service Evangelism and Mission
1.3.5. Study the Theology of Mission; The term Mission or Cross Cultural
Mission needs to be defined thoroughly to
avoid being misused. It needs to be defined in
relation to other terminologies such as
Evangelism, Outreach, Crusade, Local
Mission, witness or witnessing, etc.
Mission is the sending forth of authorized
persons beyond the boarders of a local church
and her immediate gospel influence to proclaim
the Good News of the Lord Jesus in a Gospel
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destitute area, to point the lost to Christ from

their old faith, to establish, functioning,
multiplying, and new local communities of
Christians within that community and in that
country. Why do we as individuals or corporate
groups need to be involved in Mission or
Cross Cultural Mission?
The gravity of Sin in a lot world;
The Expansion of the Kingdom of
God has been left to us (Matt 28:19-20); The Theology of Cell Formation;
What is a Cell Group? Cell Group
is a Missional approach that is designed to
congregate believers for the purpose of Spiritual
Growth (discipleship) or Church Expansion
The Important of Cell Formation
in the work of Church Planting Cell
formation in the work of church planting is
important because the formation of a Cell
Group is the commencement of a new life of a
new local church. The birth of a baby begins with
the development of a human cell; and so the birth
of a new local church begins with the formation
of a Church Cell. Relationship between Cell formation
and discipleship When a new local church
cell is formed, there is the responsibility for the
workers to nurture it. This nurturing work
comes under the domain of discipleship, because
in the nurturing there is the learning. The Theology of Church Planting;

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What do we mean by the term
church planting? This term defines the
work of evangelising the Unevangelized , or
reaching the unreached, with the Gospel of the
Lord Jesus, and establishing those who have
received it into a legal congregation of local
Why is church planting
important? This is all in the concept of
Kingdom domination. The planting of a
local church in a locality is the visible
manifestation of Gods Kingdom
domination is that area.
The significance of church
planting in the work of Kingdom
Expansion? The establishment of a new
local church carries on the Kingdom
advancement on that front. The advancement of
the Kingdom will be stagnant when we are not
planting new local churches amongst the
Unevangelized the Unreached people.
1.4. Describe for themselves in Biblical terms what the
church is designed to be and do in the plan of God;
1.4.1. Do a corporate study on The Church; The Theology of the Church; - 1. OLD
4:13"And if the whole congregation of Israel sin
through ignorance, and the thing be hid from the eyes
of the assembly. . ." The Hebrew word for
assembly means to call or assemble, and is used
not only for the act of calling itself, but also
for the assembly of the called ones. In this
sense Israel is called a "church," an assembly,
because called out from among the other
nations to be a holy people (Acts 7:38, "the
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church in the wilderness"). There is always a

religious aspect associated with this
particular call. 2. THE NEW TESTAMENT
USE OF THE WORD. It is from the New
Testament primarily, if not really exclusively,
that the real meaning and idea of the Church
is derived. The Christian Church is a New
Testament institution, beginning with
Pentecost, and ending, probably, with the
rapture. Two words are of special
importance in this connection:
Ecclesia, from Two Greek Words
Meaning "To Call Out From." This word is
used in all about 111 times in the New
Testament. It is used in a secular sense
in Acts 19:39"It shall be determined in a
lawful assembly"; of Israel in the wilderness
(Acts 7:38), and of the assembly of
believers in Christ (Matt. 16:18; 18:17; 1
Cor. 1:2; Eph. 5:25-27). In keeping with
this idea the saints are said to be the
"called-out" ones (Rom. 8:30; 1 Cor. 1:2; cf.
2 Cor. 6:17).
"Kuriakon"which means That
Which Belongs to the Lord. So we have "the
supper of the Lord" (1 Cor. 11:20); the "day of
the Lord" (Rev. 1:10). See also Luke 22:25
and Rom. 14:8, 9, as illustrating that over
which the Lord has dominion and
authority. To sum up then: The Church
is composed of the body of believers who
have been called out from the world, and
who are under the dominion and
authority of Jesus Christ.

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Preparation. What is the Church? [Universal & Local];

by definition; The church visible "consists of all
those throughout the world that profess the true
religion, together with their children." It is called
"visible" because its members are known and its
assemblies are public. The church invisible
"consists of the whole number of the elect that have
been, are, or shall be gathered into one under Christ,
the head thereof." This is a pure society, the church in
which Christ dwells. It is the body of Christ. It is
called "invisible" because the greater part of those
who constitute it are already in heaven or are yet
unborn, and also because its members still on earth
cannot certainly be distinguished. What is the purpose of the Church?
1:4-6"According as he hath chosen us in him
before the foundation of the world, that we
should be holy and without blame before him in
love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption
of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according
to the good pleasure of his will. To the praise of
the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us
accepted in the beloved."
28:19, 20"Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
Acts 2; 5:42; 6:5-8; Eph. 3:8; Acts 15:7.
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CHRIST: Eph. 4:11-15. Hence the gift of
pastors, teachers, etc. Herein lies the
value of church attendanceit promotes
growth; failure to attend leads to
apostasy (Heb. 10:25-28), cf. 1 Thess. 5:11;
1 Cor. 12.
"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy
Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be
witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all
Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost
part of the earth." 8:1, 4.
CHURCH: Eph. 3:10, 21; Rev. 7:9-17.
1.4.2. What is the Grand Plan of God in relation to
the Church? FORETOLD BY CHRIST - Matt. 16:1618". . . . On this rock I will build my church." Here
is the Church in prophecy and promise; the
first mention of the Church in the New
Testament. Note the distinction here
recognized between the "Kingdom" and the
The Church is to be founded on
Peter's confession of Jesus Christ as the
Son of the living God. No supremacy is
here given to Peter, as a comparison of
these verses with John 20:19-23, and
Matt. 18:18in which the same privilege
of the binding and loosing is given to the
whole Church and to all the apostles
will show.
In Matthew 18:15-20 our Lord
recognizes the fact of the Church, and
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also that it has the divine seal and

sanction in the exercising of the power
of the keys.
God desire to build a people for
himself; a people for his Kingdom. The
Church is the community of those who
have confessed their faith in the Lord
Jesus. The church local is Gods
instrument in Gods work of Kingdom
Citizen Mobilization. Those who are
included in the Church have a very
important place in the Kingdom because
they are those who formed what is
termed The Bride of Christ.
1.5. Joining the pieces Gradually piece together a
picture of the life and programme of the local church
showing how each part contributes to the basic
purposes for the church existence;
1.6. Do an analysis of your local church;
1.6.1. Evaluate the existing programme and ministries
and see whether they need some changes in terms
of conformance to Biblical patterns and actual
1.6.2. How are the current programme and ministries
contributing to Evangelism Discipleship Cell Group formation Church Planting Cross Cultural Mission Mission in general
1.7. Analysis Look at the past and present trend of
Church Revival [Past Evangelical and Present Pentecostal

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1.8. Prayer Prep Pray for and participate in the various

programme of the church in accordance with the plan
and resources God has provided;
1.9. Promote mission evangelistic outreach in other
communities beyond our boundaries (AO);
2. Pray together
2.1. Trusting God for the Harvest of the Work;
2.2. To be touched by the heart of God;
2.3. For Team Bonding;
3. Group Work (Exercise)
3.1. Work in groups and design a Mission Curriculum to
be taught in your local church. Include the time frame
and the duration of the course.
3.2. Write a proposal to the Senior Pastor of your local
church proposing to your Mission Course design to
be taken in church effective by the end of the year.

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Study 05
Mission cannot be done by one man or a one man team. It is
highly unlikely that he will achieve much. When the Lord
Jesus came, he took under his guidance 12 men whom he
discipled (trained) to work with him (as a team) and continue
the work after he is gone. Jesus knew the enormity of this
task and because he was restricted to a body (being a man),
he is limited as a man, and therefore recognized that the
work could be easily done by having a Team of Like-minded

13 And he goeth up into the mountain, and calleth unto him whom he
himself would; and they went unto him. 14 And he appointed twelve,
that they might be with him, and that he might send them forth to
preach, 15 and to have authority to cast out demons: 16 and Simon he
surnamed Peter; 17 and James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother
of James; and them he surnamed Boanerges, which is, Sons of thunder:
18 and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and
Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the
Cananaean, 19 and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.
Mark 3:13-19 (ASV)

1 And he called unto him his twelve disciples, and gave them authority
over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of disease
and all manner of sickness. 2 Now the names of the twelve apostles are
these: The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother;
James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; 3 Philip, and
Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of
Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4 Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot,
who also betrayed him.
Matt 10:1-4 (ASV)
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Paul, the pioneer missionary and whose strategy set the

foundation for Modern Mission, worked with a team that
was instrumental in the church planting work in Asia
It is therefore imperative that to build a team for the work of
such magnitude, we need people who are Spiritually
Matured, Mission Minded, and trained for this kind of
work, from our local church members whose hearts are
gripped by the occupation of Kingdom Expansion to lead
and strategize the Local Church Mission Evangelism and
Church planting movement. Lets define what is needed at
this stage;
1. Define a Leadership and strategy for the TEAM;
1.1. The Team may include available members from each
existing church ministries; (Children Ministry, Youths,
Ladies, Men, Prayer, Interested people);
1.1.1. In Apostolic Leadership, the Mission Team or
Church Planting Team is under the direct
leadership of the Pastor of the Local Church;
1.1.2. In evangelical and protestant churches
leadership, the team is or may be under the
leadership of an Elder, or a Committee chaired by
an elder or a Pastor;
1.1.3.The churches in Asia Minor during the time of
Paul were under Pauls leadership. He led the
Team, supervised the work, and organized his
team to meet the needs of the newly planted local
1.1.4. Paul also delegated certain supervisory and
formative roles to his team members; Timothy was sent to Ephesus& Corinth
etc; Titus was sent to Crete(Titus 1);
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They were given clear instructions
about their responsibilities and the
standard of life they need to show;
1.2. The strategy of the Team will depend on the research
and reflection result of the Target Area guided by the
Word of God;
1.2.1. Note that strategy is the overall game plan or
course of action, process, and programme used to
accomplish a certain Objective. Strategies are applied from
one objective to the next and they may differ depending on
leadership, policies, and resources available.
1.2.2. Note that objective is that which should be
accomplished in a given time period to reach the Aim;
1.2.3. Note that Aim is what we are striving to do? Or
what we desire to achieve? The main target that defines our
1.2.4. The strategy should be realistic and viable; It is our input according to our resources.
God will increase what we are able to invest
to meet the unexpected and increasing
demand in the Target Area according to His
will; Our faith focuses on the outcome
believing that our strategy plus our faith that
we vocalize to God in prayer will bring
exponential return both spiritual and
1.3. Team Character: Holy Lives, Maturity, Enthusiasm &
Fire, Humility, Team Player.
1.3.1. A quality team (spiritual lives); this should be
first and foremost. Knowledge must be
demonstrated by the life and lifestyle (habit).
Knowledge is important but a Holy Life is more
1.3.2. Its not about quantity but quality;
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1.3.3. Pray for that God would send in the people he

has already chosen for the job (spend time in prayer);
2. Spend time in prayer for VISION & PLAN;
2.1. The Leader must be clear with the Vision and
Mission of what the church and the Team are to do;
2.1.1. The Vision MUST NOT BE what we want to
see, BUT what God wants to see happening in
the Target Area;
2.1.2. The Mission MUST BE in line with the Great
Commission; in fact the Great Commission is The
Main Mission. Our Mission is a Little but integral
part of the Great Commission in our Target Area;
2.2. The Vision and Mission are to be transferred to the
Team in the simplest and clearest ways possible.
2.3. The Leader and his Team are to strategize together,
planning the best way and approach for the work;
2.4. The Church, The Leader, and The Team are to spend
time praying individually and corporately for the
Vision, Mission, and strategy.
2.5. The Team with the support of the church leaders is
to encourage the church members to be involved in
mission (Evangelism & Church Planting) as;
2.5.1. Associate members;
2.5.2. Praying members;
2.5.3. Giving members
2.6. Designing an overall plan of church evangelism and
church planting for the local church;
2.6.1. Suggest ways of carrying out these plans;
2.6.2. Provide leadership in its implementation;
2.6.3. Constant evaluation to monitor the progress;
3. Draw a structure in relation to church government;
3.1. The Structure of the CG is to be Biblical
3.2. It needs the Leadership of a Pastor /Apostle
3.3. It needs the counsel of a group of Elders;
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3.4. It needs the Administration of the Deacons;

3.5. It needs the Offices of the Five Fold Apostolic
Ministries of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors,
and Teachers.
3.5.1. This is necessary too because the Mission Team
will needs to know how these governing offices
contribute to the Evangelism and church planting
work of the local church in terms of planning and
resource deployment;
4. Group Exercise
4.1. Work in groups and form your Church Planting
Team. Choose a Leader and note the members with
their skills and gifts needed for your church planting
4.2. Work on your Group Vision for the Church Planting
Ministry. State the Vision Clearly and be sure that all
your Team members know the Vision.

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Study 06
Before the church carries out any evangelism work, the
evangelism, mission team will need to decide of an area to
work in. This will require a lot of research. In a multiracial
society, the target people of the target area will also need to
be determined. The main reason for deciding on a target area
is because there is the presence or possible growth
(projection) of responsive unreached people. The selection of
the target area for mission or evangelism will also be
influenced by the existence or non-existence of a local
church in the area. Of course we will need the data from our
community research to help us reflect on the issues and
make a decision. Let us look at the important points in this
1. How did Paul selected a Target Area?; (In Acts)
1.1. This question cannot be directly answered from
stated verse in the Bible but you will see if you
studied the Book of Acts that Paul was strategic in
the selection of his target area for church planting
work. The cities he selected, they were;
1.1.1. The Centre of Roman Administration in the
1.1.2. The presence of Jewish Communities that have
religion influence in the community, which offers
a good background for Missional work;
1.1.3.Cities of Commercial Importance;
1.1.4. Cities of religion importance to the heathens;
1.2. When Paul targeted a city, he was always looking
beyond that city to the surrounding region. He used
his target city to launch his mission work to the
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1.3. On the question, Why was Paul targeting these cities?

1.3.1.They were cities of strategic importance;
1.3.2. He was capable of seizing these cities for
Christ; When a target area is selected; the
question is do we have what it takes to seize the
target area for Christ, in the face of political and
religious opposition? This will of course include
manpower (human resources) characters and
abilities, with other necessary resources.
2. What to look for in selecting a target area and people
(When & Where); for Strategic Prayer;
2.1. Decide on a definite area and people to be the focus of
our labour and attention;
2.2. Things to consider and be certain to answer;
2.2.1. Should we focus on our home church AO or
should we move to a new AO (item for prayer)?
2.2.2. Should we witness generally to everybody
irrespective of receptivity or should we focus on a
group of people (people group / tribe)?
2.2.3. What do we do when a field or people group is
more receptive than the other?
2.2.4. Should we partner with others or should we
work by ourselves?
2.2.5. Should we reach out to the unreached or should
we re-engage the already reached?
2.2.6. Should we go to rural areas or stick to urban
and its suburbs?
2.3. About the designated AO;
2.3.1. What is significant about the area chosen?
2.3.2. Who will spearhead the work in the chosen
area (AO)?
2.3.3. What are the significant sociological make-ups
of the area?

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2.3.4. Can we set up a base in the area or do we have

to stay at home base (Local Church)? every new
AO will need a base to co-ordinate the local
2.3.5. Analyse the target area and the people; do a
need analysis;
2.3.6. Gathering of essential data that will validate
and support our desire and vision to work in the
new AO;
2.4. Do not panic or try to do everything when you see the
needs in the Target Area;
2.4.1. In the Target Area, there will be all sorts of
people in different strata of life, living with all
sorts of needs;
2.4.2. Make sure that you stick to your strategy; 31 At that time some Pharisees told Jesus, Get
out of here, and go somewhere else! Herod wants to
kill you. 32 Jesus said to them, Tell that fox that I
will force demons out of people and heal people today
and tomorrow. I will finish my work on the third day.

33 But I must be on my way today, tomorrow, and

the next day. It's not possible for a prophet to die
outside Jerusalem. Luke 13:31-33 (GW)
2.4.3. Any change in your strategy must come with a
clear burden or vision from the Lord. 6 Paul and Silas went through the regions of
Phrygia and Galatia because the Holy Spirit kept
them from speaking the word in the province of Asia.
Acts 16:6 (GW) They went to the province of Mysia and tried to

enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus wouldn't allow
this. 8 So they passed by Mysia and went to the city of
Troas. 9 During the night Paul had a vision of a man
from Macedonia. The man urged Paul, Come to
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Macedonia to help us. 10 As soon as Paul had seen

the vision, we immediately looked for a way to go to
Macedonia. We concluded that God had called us to
tell the people of Macedonia about the Good News.
Acts 16:7-10 (GW)

3. NOTE this should come first before the selection of

target area;(Target Area of Operation TAO)
3.1. TAO is determined by;
3.1.2. Reflection; The Mission Vision of the Local Church; The responsiveness of people in the
desired area; The unreached people in the desired are; The relative importance and setting of
the area (rural as oppose to urban, and why);
3.1.3. Research Data of the Designated Area (analysis);
which should include; The Spiritual needs of the People; which
are instigate by;
Increase criminal activities;
Increasing Social Problems such as
family problems, broken families,
teenage pregnancies, lack of education,
financial problems, etc; The need to establish a Christian church
in the area; Potential for growth and more church
planting; Map of TAO, Zoning, Location of
buildings, location of important points in
community where people usually meet or
congregate; Demographic projection ascertain;
Socio-economic status;
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Race & ethnic groupings;
Future growth; NOTE 1 data of 2 or more areas should
be collected. Prayerful evaluation and rating
to determine the TAO that should take
priority; NOTE 2 consider refraining from
entering a new area without prior prayer and
research; unless otherwise prompted by the
Holy Spirit.
4. Group Exercise
4.1. Work in Groups and do demographic research on
three (03) areas before selecting the one your team
believes is best option to carry out a Church Planting

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What do we mean by the term Resources? Britannica
defines the word resources as the apportionment of productive
assets among different uses. The choice among alternative uses
determines the composition of the social product.
And therefore Resource allocation arises as an issue because the
resources of a society are in limited supply, whereas human wants are
usually unlimited, and because any given resource can have many
alternative uses._
In view of the above, we need to be mindful of the fact that
local churches also have limited resource and therefore need
to make wise decisions in the utilization and distribution of
what is available at hand. God is able to supply all our needs
according to His riches in Glory (Philippians 4:19), but that does
not mean that we can use and distribute what He has given
us in any way we like; the Bible also cautioned the church on
stewardship and the Lord does not want his people to waste
the resources He has given into the hands of a local church.

42 And the Lord said, Who then is the faithful and wise steward, whom
his lord shall set over his household, to give them their portion of food in
due season? 43 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh
shall find so doing. 44 Of a truth I say unto you, that he will set him
over all that he hath. Luke 12:42-44 (ASV)

1 And he said also unto the disciples, There was a certain rich man, who
had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he was wasting
his goods. 2 And he called him, and said unto him, What is this that I

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hear of thee? render the account of thy stewardship; for thou canst be no
longer steward. Luke 16:1-2 (ASV)
1. Luke 14:28-30 counting the cost;
1.1. Luke 14:28-30 "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. He
will first sit down and estimate the cost to see whether he has
enough money to finish it, won't he? Otherwise, if he lays a
foundation and can't finish the building, everyone who watches
will begin to ridicule him and say, 'This person started a
building but couldn't finish it.'
1.2. Realistic appraisal of resources;
1.2.1. From home church
1.2.2. Partnering churches
1.2.3. Members and supporters
1.2.4. Friends and Families
1.3. Resources;
1.3.1.People; Supporters in prayers and finance are the
greatest resources;
Prayer contribution from supporters and
intercessors; Financial support from Kingdom
Expansion stakeholders.
1.3.2. Time; do not waste the time. It is a valuable
resource. Time management for each individual
missionary and as a team is very important. Time invested on people for discipleship
and time invested in the team for planning
and administration must be balance. Time invested in people must come first. Do not neglect time with the family; take
time with the family whenever possible; Most important of all is your personal
time with the Lord; Family time with the
Lord; Corporate Time/Team Time with the
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1.3.3. Talents & gifts; Take note of the presence of talent
within your team; Do not neglect to use those talents and
gifts to benefit others in the work of
Kingdom Expansion;
GW Translation, 1 Peter 4; 10 Each
of you as a good manager must use the gift that
God has given you to serve others. 11 Whoever
speaks must speak God's words. Whoever serves
must serve with the strength God supplies so
that in every way God receives glory through
Jesus Christ. Glory and power belong to Jesus
Christ forever and ever! Amen. Talents and spiritual gifts are your
Mission/church planting Resources; Find time to develop and nurture those
talent and spiritual gifts; Work together as a team and remain
dependent on each other recognizing that all
gifts and talents are of equal importance.
1.3.4. Money / finance Ministry budget is a necessity. Do a
projected budget and an actual budget. This
will help as the work goes on or in working
in a new area. Stewardship of the financial supports
from supporters and donors need to be well
accounted; Funds designated for a specific event or
part of a ministry must be allocated to that
which it is designated for; Letters of thanks be sent to supporters
along with the current activities/what it was

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used for/ or results from the field (Financial

1.3.5. How should we use the five Offices of the
church? The Biblical role of the five Offices must
be clear to the Team Leader, otherwise he
will not be really used in the process;
11 And he gave some to be apostles; and
some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some,
pastors and teachers; 12 for the perfecting of the
saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the
building up of the body of Christ: 13 till we all
attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, unto a full grown
man, unto the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ: Eph 4:11-13 (ASV) If the Team is to choose an Evangelist,
the choice of an evangelist needs to also be
considered along with the target group and
language of communication; The theme, sessions, and time, need to be
discussed prayerfully with the evangelist. His office, the office of the evangelist,
must be respected.
1.3.6. How should we employ Team Strategy? The Team must design a strategy for the
team that is specific for each planned event; All the Team members must have a fair
knowledge of the plan.
2. How should we recruit people with talents and
2.1. How we should recruit skilled people will depend on;
2.1.1. What Evangelism Approach will be used?
Whether it will be;
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Preparation. Open Air Crusade; Door to Door; Tracts on the Streets; Cross Cultural Evangelism (Open Air or
2.1.2. What specific talents are needed? Singing Talents;
Instruments players;
Others/ technicians;
Choreographers; Evangelism Skills;
Specialist for children evangelism;
Specialist for youth evangelism;
Specialist for cross cultural
Specialist for Open Air Crusade;
Specialist for Door-to-Door
Other specialist ministries;
2.2. What language of communication will be used will
depend on the;
2.2.1. Target group;
2.2.2. Race;
2.2.3. Level of education;
2.2.4. Desired outcome;
2.2.5. Level of comprehension for the language of
2.3. All recruited specialists must be able to communicate
in the language that is comfortable for the Target
2.3.1. Proficiency; In everyday usage; In Bible Language and dialogue; To clearly present the Gospel;
2.3.2. Training;
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Preparation. To gain proficiency in everyday usage; To gain proficiency in Bible Language
Usage; To clearly present the Gospel in the
Target Language of Communication to the
Target Group or people.
2.4. Recruitment is to be Purpose Driven because;
2.4.1. There is a target group and we want to reach
2.4.2. There is a Mission to be achieved;
2.4.3. There is a vision for the work;
2.4.4. Working according to the Great Commission.
2.4.5. God has the Blue Print.
3. What / which church planting strategy should we
3.1. Cell church planting strategy the formation of a number
of cells in new localities using existing Christian
families or believers in that locality with the vision of
church planting;
3.2. Pioneer church planting the formation of one group of
believers in new locality has no know Christian
Witness, that will grow into a congregation without
using the cell method;
3.3. Network and co-operation with other assemblies;
3.3.1. If there are existing churches in the area; can
they be considered for partnership in this work?
3.3.2. An Evangelist from another Christian
denomination can be used for one session;
3.3.3. Band members from another Christian
denomination can be asked to help out provided
there is a clear arrangement made with their
3.4. Form a partnership and agreement with another

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3.4.1. This can happen in places where there are

existing churches and we are only going to
evangelize but not necessarily to plant a new
denomination. If we believe that the existing
church is capable of taking on the work of
discipling new believers, than what we can do is
to have an agreement that all new Born Again in
the Evangelism work will be care for and
nurtured by the Pastor and workers from the
existing church.
3.4.2. Tension arises when there is no understanding
or agreement of this kind because than the New
Comers are viewed not as Kingdom Ambassadors
but as Kingdom Embezzlers.
4. Group Exercise
4.1. Work in Groups and do an allocation of resources
plan for the church planting work you have already
4.2. Look back at all the exercises your Team has done to
give you a fair idea of where to allocate necessary
resources in terms of Time, people, property, and

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14 Don't neglect the gift which you received through prophecy when the
spiritual leaders placed their hands on you {to ordain you}.
1 Tim 4:14 (GW)

Now we come to the official presentation of the Team

prepared for the local church planting work to the local
church. We have been talking about all the major aspects
and little minor issues of church planting; we have also
talked about the training, preparation, selection, and now
the Team is ready for deployment, but we will need to do
one final and important formal procedure; and that is the
Laying of Hand which we will do as a church to formally
show your support (individually and corporately) to the work.
The Laying of Hands signifies our fellowship in the work of
Kingdom Expansion and that the church will definitely offer
total support for the continuance momentum of Kingdom
Expansion in the Target Area in order to achieve the Goals,
Objectives, and Vision given us through them by God
through the guidance of His Holy Spirit.
1. Official Presentation of the church planting team
1.1. Praying;
1.1.1. The need to pray for those whom God had
already chosen for church planting work.
1.1.2. Ordain their work, contribution, and
partnership. They represent the local church,
each individual member, and the corporate
1.2. The selected are presented to the church;
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1.2.1. Laying on of hand by Elders;

1.2.2. Sending; blessed with our corporate prayer as a
1.2.3. Support; both spiritual, and physical (financial
1.3. Encouragement for CPT
1.3.1.The need for encouragement
Boldness in the face of extreme
27 And when he was minded to pass over
into Achaia, the brethren encouraged him, and
wrote to the disciples to receive him: and when
he was come, he helped them much that had
believed through grace; 28 for he powerfully
confuted the Jews, and that publicly, showing by
the scriptures that Jesus was the Christ. Acts
18:27-28 (ASV) Courage in battle in anticipation of

22 And the people, the men of Israel,
encouraged themselves, and set the battle again
in array in the place where they set themselves in
array the first day. Judges 20:22 (ASV) Loyalty, and willingness in service
2 And he set the priests in their offices,
and encouraged them to the service of the house
of Jehovah. 2 Chron 35:2 (ASV)
1.3.2. The provision for encouragement (John 14:6; 1
Corinthians 16:17-18); The ever Presence of the Lord
5 Thomas said to him, Lord, we don't
know where you're going. So how can we know
the way? 6 Jesus answered him, I am the way,
the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father
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except through me. 7 If you have known me, you

will also know my Father. From now on you
know him {through me} and have seen him {in
me}. John 14:5-7 (GW) The Provision of the Lord;
19 And my God shall supply every need of
yours according to his riches in glory in Christ
Jesus. Phil 4:19 (ASV) The absolute support of the church;
12 For if the readiness is there, it is
acceptable according as a man hath, not
according as he hath not. 13 For I say not this
that others may be eased and ye distressed;

14 but by equality: your abundance being a

supply at this present time for their want, that
their abundance also may become a supply for
your want; that there may be equality: 15 as it is
written, He that gathered much had nothing
over; and he that gathered little had no lack. 2
Cor 8:12-15 (ASV)

The prayers of the Believers;

2 Keep praying. Pay attention when you
offer prayers of thanksgiving. 3 At the same time
also pray for us. Pray that God will give us an
opportunity to speak the word so that we may
tell the mystery about Christ. It is because of

this mystery that I am a prisoner. 4 Pray that I

may make this mystery as clear as possible. This
is what I have to do. Col 4:2-4 (GW) The sharing and words of
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you
richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing
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one another with psalms and hymns and

spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts
unto God. 17 And whatsoever ye do, in word or
in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Col 3:16-17 (ASV)

2. Advance Training of workers for church planting task.

This is to enhance gifts and skills and be in-line with
what is expected on the field.
2.1. Train according to gifts;
2.1.1. 5 I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt
first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice
and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. 6 For this reason
I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in
you through the laying on of my hands, 7 for God gave us a
spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2
Tim 1:5-7 (ESV)

2.2. Train to train others(to win others & train others);

2.2.1. 17 With this in mind I have sent Timothy to you. He is
my dear and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you
of my ways in Christ; the manner in which I ever teach
everywhere in every church. 1 Cor 4:17 (MontgomeryNT)
2.3. Train in sound doctrines (2 Timothy 2:2);
2.3.1. 1 Thou therefore, my child, be strengthened in the grace
that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things which thou hast
heard from me among many witnesses, the same commit
thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
2 Tim 2:1-2 (ASV)

2.4. Train in practical theology;

2.4.1. Theology can be simply defined as The Study of
God. Britannica defines it as a discipline of religious
thought that is restricted in its narrower sense, because of
origination and format, to Christianity, but in its broader
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sense, because of its themes, to other religions. The themes

of theology are God, man, the world, salvation, and
eschatology (or the study of last times)._
2.4.2. The Practical side of Theology is the
manifestation of that which one believes,
expressing itself in the words, deeds, and
2.5. How to glorify God with practical daily living;
2.5.1. 10 But you know all about my teachings, my way of life,
my purpose, my faith, my patience, my love, and my
endurance. 2 Tim 3:10 (GW)
2.5.2. This is where discipleship comes in; learning to
live the way of the Master and living it out as a
way of life as one is influenced by it.
2.5.3. The Truth that we will tell the lost must first
find exponential expression in our lives.
3. On the job training emphasised;
3.1. This is the practical side of church planting
3.2. Especially for first timers;
3.3. The point is to show how it is done, and this is
normally the responsibility of an experienced and
spiritually matured church planter.
3.3.1. First learn as you follow;
3.3.2. Second Learning and doing under supervision;
3.3.3. Third doing under limited supervision;
3.3.4. Fourth doing without supervision BUT with
3.3.5. Fifth teaching others to do it.
4. Group Exercise
4.1. Work in groups and design an advance training
programme for your church planting team.

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The actual going into the community is where we will
demonstrate what we have been preparing for during our
preparation period both spiritual and physical. Our personal
and corporate intercession will definitely clear the way in
the spiritual realm manifesting itself in the physical when
we make contact with the community. All other
preparations in terms of logistics, communication, and
networking, are made to support our spiritual preparation.
1. Begin this work with Prayer! Prayer! Prayer!
1.1. That those contacted may be saved;
1.1.1. 1 Brethren, my heart's desire and my supplication to God is
for them, that they may be saved. Romans 10:1 (ASV)
1.2. The Lord Jesus had already made supplication for us;
1.2.1. 31 Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to have you, that
he might sift you as wheat: 32 but I made supplication for
thee, that thy faith fail not; and do thou, when once thou
hast turned again, establish thy brethren. Luke 22:31-32

1.3. Any other important prayer point that may have been
forgotten; Let your forbearance be known unto all men. The Lord is
at hand. 6 In nothing be anxious; but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known unto God. Phil 4:5-6 (ASV)
1.4. Many things are achieved through prayer because we
are voicing to God our concern, which (in terms of
mission) are also His concern.
1.4.1. 16 Confess therefore your sins one to another, and pray
one for another, that ye may be healed. The supplication of
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a righteous man availeth much in its working. James 5:16


1.5. Pray for all in the community; 1 Timothy 2:4; Acts

1.5.1. 1 I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications,
prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all men;
2 for kings and all that are in high place; that we may lead
a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and gravity. 3 This
is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 who would have all men to be saved, and come to the
knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim 2:1-4 (ASV)
1.6. God visits those who commune with Him in prayer.
1.6.1. 30 And Cornelius said, Four days ago, until this hour, I
was keeping the ninth hour of prayer in my house; and
behold, a man stood before me in bright apparel, 31 and
saith, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are
had in remembrance in the sight of God. Acts 10:30-31

2. Contacting community through LOVE (1 Corinthians 13).

The base of this Contact Phase is love. This must not be a
programme. This is the outward expression of an overflowing love that flows from God, through us, and into
the community. We are the channels of Gods Love. This
love is spoken through our actions and by our words.
2.1. 4 Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love
vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 doth not behave itself
unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not
account of evil; 6 rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but
rejoicethwith the truth; 7 beareth all things, believeth all things,
hopeth all things, endureth all things. 1 Cor 13:4-7 (ASV)
2.2. This is manifested through;
2.2.1. Outgoing LOVE;

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12 Having many things to write unto you, I

would not write them with paper and ink: but I hope
to come unto you, and to speak face to face, that your
joy may be made full. 2 John 1:12 (ASV)
2.2.2. Inviting LOVE;
28 Come to me, all you who are troubled and
weighted down with care, and I will give you rest.
Matt 11:28 (BBE);

1 Listen! Whoever is thirsty, come to the water!

Whoever has no money can come, buy, and eat! Come,

buy wine and milk. You don't have to pay; its free!
2 Why do you spend money on what cannot nourish
you and your wages on what does not satisfy you?
Listen carefully to me: Eat what is good, and enjoy the
best foods. 3 Open your ears, and come to me! Listen
so that you may live! I will make an everlasting
promise to you the blessings I promised to David.
Isaiah 55:1-3 (GW)

2.2.3. Befriending LOVE;

14 Ye are my friends, if ye do the things which I
command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants; for
the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I
have called you friends; for all things that I heard
from my Father, I have made known unto you. John
15:14-15 (ASV)

2.2.4. Understanding& Active LOVE (culture and

36 I needed clothes, and you gave me something
to wear. I was sick, and you took care of me. I was in
prison, and you visited me.' Matt 25:36 (GW)
2.2.5. Giving LOVE (John 3:16);
16 God loved the world this way: He gave his
only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not
die but will have eternal life. 17 God sent his Son into
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the world, not to condemn the world, but to save the

world. John 3:16-17 (GW)
2.2.6. Living LOVE;
29 Jesus answered, The first is, Hear, O Israel;
The Lord our God, the Lord is one: 30 and thou shalt
love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy
strength. 31 The second is this, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than these. Mark 12:29-31

3. Contact bountifully(and cautiously in a close country);

3.1. Make contact to as many people as we can. As we go
on contacting, we explain the reason for our presence
in the community;
3.2. Be prepared to answer any question that may arise
during the contacting period;
3.2.1. If there are oppositions, do not be carried away
with trying to defend your position. The devil
will try to cause all kinds of distractions.
3.2.2. If there are signs of receptiveness and
complimentary remarks, thank the Lord for it,
and be alert to what the devil is skimming up to
3.3. If there is a specific target group, than make as many
bountiful contact as you can with the target group;
3.4. The way to reach people is for us to go to them. We
cannot expect people to come and contact us in the
work of Church Planting. This is not evangelism; this
is Church Planting; i.e; it is Purpose Driven
Evangelism, and the Contacting Phase is an
important part of it.
3.5. Contacting objectives; The Objectives of the
Contacting Phase must be clear to all team members;
3.5.1. To gain understanding of the local citizens;
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3.5.2. To make friends with the un-churched

Christians and invite them to a Purpose Driven
Event that focuses on Church Planting;
3.5.3. To reach prepared people / receptive people for
the Lord Jesus;
3.5.4. To get a wider hearing; the more people
contacted, the more we will expect at the
Purpose Driven Event.
4. Our background knowledge for contact comes from
survey data;
4.1. Our contact strategy is dependent on survey
data;(Literacy, Language, racial composition, social class, etc,
marital status, age groups, etc)
4.2. Contact, though abundantly, should focus on to the
lower commercial and working class labourers (They
have qualities and community contacts which are /may be/
needed to give strength and potential to the new church);
4.2.1. This will help the formation of a strong centre
of respectable religious minded people who will
take the lead and serve the church to both upper
and lower class;
4.2.2. But take caution in this and be open to the
Lords leading remember sow bountifully to all
4.3. Consider the social structure
4.3.1. Study and learn the divisions within a
community / society, and people groups;
4.3.2. Get to know the community before sharing the
4.3.3. Move cautiously with a learning attitude;
4.3.4. Ascertain whether the community / people
group World View is: Shame Based; Fear Based; or
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Preparation. Guilt Based;

4.3.5. The community world view will determine
your presentation approach;
4.3.6. Shower with prayers and it will increase
effectiveness yielding bountiful returns;
4.4. Prayerfully find ways to
4.4.1. breakdown walls of prejudice,
4.4.2. gain hearing;
4.4.3. secure understanding;
4.5. work alongside them and use your skills to help in
any way you can;
4.6. Select the group which has the greatest potential of
response to the Gospel and greatest potential of
becoming effective Gospel witnesses to the target
area and target group;
4.6.1. Study their world view;
4.6.2. Timing when is the best time to contact
4.6.3. What strategy will fit the cultural values and
social norms / forms of the target or receptive
4.6.4. Determine which relation is important in the
blood link and relationship of the target people;
4.7. SOW BOUNTIFULLY by preaching and teaching;
4.7.1. 2 Peter 3:9 - 9 The Lord isn't slow to do what he
promised, as some people think. Rather, he is patient for
your sake. He doesn't want to destroy anyone but wants all
people to have an opportunity to turn to him and change
the way they think and act.
4.7.2. Use every available means of sowing
compatible with the culture;
4.7.3. Team work is highly recommended in sowing
4.7.4. Use the gifts of team members in this sowing

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4.7.5. Partnering with Base church and other local

churches if possible; if you have the man power
and can do the sowing alone, go for it. If a
partnership is preferred, make sure that there is a
clear work guideline to protect your interest in
this work.
4.7.6. Once the church is established TRUST THE
give them over to trained workers and most of all to God;
5. In summary;
5.1. Engage the church in prayer for TAO;
5.2. Analyse the TA;
5.3. Design contact strategy based on cultural
consideration & world view;
5.4. Review updated information;
5.5. Courtesy contact can also be made to Govt Dept,
Business Community, Education Community, others
in the area;

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This is the pinnacle of the work, the climax of that which
we have prepared hard for, the apex of this work of
Kingdom Expansion. All others serve to support this, in
terms of building relationships, community development in
needed areas, and presenting an acceptable image of the
local church to the community.
I would like to state a point of caution here. There is this
erroneous philosophy of sharing the Gospel and expect the
contact to respond by giving his or her life to the Lord at the
conclusion of the presentation. This goes for healing prayers
too. Sometimes it will happen but other times it will not
happen as we expect, especially if we are going into the
community for the first time and presenting the gospel
straight away. The idea of making pre-evangelist contact is to
break-down the walls of ignorance that exist between the
community and us, and also give them a chance to share
with us their current status of spiritual destitution.
The employing of social approach is not meant to entice the
community members, as some would have thought; but to
bring an approach that is holistic touching the three main
areas of a persons life; spiritual, physical, social, in-line with
the scriptures; And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour
with God and men. (Luke 2:51-52)
1. Pray for every contact made.
1.1. If the person shows interest and is touched by your
sharing in the power of the Holy Spirit, he will ask
you to return;
1.2. Friendship EE (Friendly Neighbour, Loving
Neighbour). As the love principle is applied, look for
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opportunities in conversation where you can share

the good news.
1.3. Be alert to areas of struggles, abuse, sickness,
rejection, low self-esteem, hatred, and hope for the
future, self-worth, habits, etc.
1.4. Share your experience of how Christ changed you.
2. The Good News must be proclaimed HOW?
2.1. How can we effectively share the Good News?
2.2. Do we need to learn / know more about sharing the
Good News in the TAO?
2.3. For effectiveness of Gospel Application, study their
World View.
2.4. Objective of Sharing the Good News;
2.4.1. Clear and persuasive sharing of the Good News of the Lord
Jesus Christ to every person we can possibly reach within
our TAO whose hearts have been prepared by the Holy
Spirit, so that they will repent of their sins, have faith in the
Lord Jesus & follow Him as disciples.
2.5. Important points to consider:2.5.1. Mobilize as many spiritually matured believers as
you can who are enthusiastic about Kingdom
Expansion and who are able to clearly share the
Good News of the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom;
2.5.2. Relate the Good News clearly, convincingly,
compelling, contextualize and simplify;
2.5.3. Use all available means of communication;
3. The Context of the GOSPEL MESSAGE;
3.1. The Gospel is the Arrival of the Kingdom. Corinthians 15:1-43 I passed on to you the most
important points of doctrine that I had received: Christ
died to take away our sins as the Scriptures predicted.
4 He was placed in a tomb. He was brought back to life on
the third day as the Scriptures predicted. 5 He appeared to
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Cephas. Next he appeared to the twelve apostles. 6 Then he

appeared to more than 500 believers at one time. (Most of
these people are still living, but some have died.) 7 Next he
appeared to James. Then he appeared to all the apostles.
8 Last of all, he also appeared to me. 1 Cor 15:3-8 (GW)
3.1.2. Acts 20:2726 Therefore, I declare to you today that I
am not responsible for the {spiritual} death of any of you.
27 I didn't avoid telling you the whole plan of God. Acts
20:26-27 (GW)

3.2. Gods Kingdom


Gods plan
Gods wrath
Gods love
Gods promise

3.3. Man as rulers of the Kingdom3.3.1. Mans problem

3.3.2. Mans position
3.3.3. Mans separation & death

3.4. Christ as King of the Heavenly Kingdom3.4.1. Christs person

3.4.2. Christs coming
3.4.3. Christs work

3.5. Judgment of the King of the Kingdom3.5.1. The meaning of judgment

3.5.2. The certainty of judgment
3.5.3. The warning of judgement;
3.6. Forgiveness by the King of the Kingdom3.6.1. The love of God
3.6.2. The mercy of God
3.6.3. The justice of God

3.7. How to become a Citizen of the Kingdom

3.7.1. Repentance
3.7.2. Confession
3.7.3. Receive

3.8. Acknowledge Christ as Lord and only Saviour by

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3.8.1. Simplify and make relevant the message;

3.8.2. Be careful of Biblical jargons;
3.8.3. The Holy Spirit convicts man;
3.8.4. Main theme John 16:8; sin, righteousness, and
3.8.5. God uses people n the power of the Holy Spirit
to teach the truth about His Son; Our Lord Jesus
4. Be willing to change or modify the method to suit the
4.1. Study the approach of sharing the Good News in the
4.1.1. One to one John 3:4ff; Acts 8;
4.1.2. Publically to gathering group Acts 13:14-41;
4.1.3. Crowd in public places Acts 17:17ff; Acts
4.1.4. Preaching Acts 2:14-40
4.1.5. Teaching Acts 10:34-43
4.1.6. Witnessing Acts 26:1-23
4.1.7. Monologue Acts 2:14-36
4.1.8. Dialogue Acts 17:16-17
4.1.9. Proclamation & exhortation Acts 13:14-41
4.1.10. Apologetic & polemical (Disputation) Acts
4.2. Selection / choosing relevant / appropriate media for
sharing the Good News with clarity; (and consider note
on Phase 9 K (ii));
4.3. in teaching, consider using modern technology
(power-point presentation, visual aid);
4.4. The use of sound system and band with
contextualised music in outreach; but be careful of
the sound that it doesnt irritate the members of the

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4.4.1. Working people coming back from work and

need some quietness to rest;
4.4.2. Students needing silence to do some study;
4.4.3. Babies and young mother needing some sleep;
4.4.4. Sick people and old people needing tranquillity;
4.5. Media forms that are relevant to culture;
4.5.1. Relevant tracts in a language best understood
by the Target people;
4.5.2. Letters, books, materials;
4.5.3. Christian movies, Videos, DVDs, VCDs;
4.5.4. Flip Charts
4.5.5. If there is more preference for media, than use
more than two to complement each other; i.e.; if
use DVD, than use tracts to complement and
clarify what is being shared on DVD;
5. Measuring understanding and response
5.1. Measure by numbers numerical measurement;
5.1.1. Acts 2:41ff;
5.1.2. Acts 4:4 4 But many of those who had heard the
message became believers, so the number of men who
believed grew to about 5,000. Acts 4:4 (GW)
5.1.3. Acts 16:5 4 As they went through the cities, they told
people about the decisions that the apostles and spiritual
leaders in Jerusalem had made for the people. 5 So the
churches were strengthened in the faith and grew in
numbers every day. Acts 16:4-5 (GW)
5.2. Measure by quality5.2.1. 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10; 9 You don't need anyone to
write to you about the way Christians should love each
other. God has taught you to love each other. 10 In fact,
you are showing love to all the Christians throughout the
province of Macedonia. We encourage you as believers to
excel in love even more. 1 Thess 4:9-10 (GW)

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5.2.2. Colossians 1:7-10; 7 You learned about this Good

News from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant. He is taking
your place here as a trustworthy deacon for Christ8 and
has told us about the love that the Spirit has given you.
9 For this reason we have not stopped praying for you since
the day we heard about you. We ask {God} to fill you with
the knowledge of his will through every kind of spiritual
wisdom and insight. 10 We ask this so that you will live the
kind of lives that prove you belong to the Lord. Then you
will want to please him in every way as you grow in
producing every kind of good work by this knowledge
about God. Col 1:7-10 (GW)
5.2.3. 1 Corinthians 1:1111 Brothers and sisters, some people
from Chloe's family have made it clear to me that you are
quarrelling among yourselves. 1 Cor 1:11 (GW)
5.3. NOTE We need to be able to gauge the progression
of the believers from elementary to exemplary stage
of understanding & conduct;
5.3.1. A continuous change from one level to another;
2 Cor. 5:17 therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation; the old has gone, the new has come. In paraphrase; the old will continue to go, and the new will
continue to come.
5.3.2. A decent testimony in the community;
Ephesians 1:15 for this reason, ever since I heard of your
faith in the Lord Jesus...(ref: Col 1:4).
5.3.3. The ability to be Christ-like is all circumstances;
Philippians 1:27 whatever happens, conduct yourselves
in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
6. Group Exercise
6.1. Work on the community you selected (Praying and
Planning) and if all the other stages of work (from the
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previous lessons) have all been done, you can now try it
out in your target community.

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Study 11
This is an important part of the work of community
evangelism in relation to church planting. As target hearers
start to respond to the salvation call, there needs to be a
follow-up mechanism already in place that will help screen
the intensions of hearers and determine their authenticity. It
has been seen that people come to a personal decision to
receive the Lord Jesus for more than one reason, and some of
those reasons are definitely unrelated to the Gospel message;
and this is what we need to be observant about.
1. What is involved - People need to know what is
involved with becoming a Christian; has the person
understood the Gospel Message?
1.1. The main question that we need to ask a respondent;
(Have you understood the Gospel message?)If the person
says YES, ask Where is Christ Now? If the Gospel
Message is clear, the respondent will answer, He is in
my HEART. If he answered otherwise, it could mean
either the Gospel message wasnt presented clearly or
the respondent was not being attentive during the
1.2. On the question What does the message mean to you
personally? Some of the genuine answers are;
1.2.1. Turning away from MY SIN and ask for Gods
1.2.2. Jesus died for me so I can live eternal life;
1.2.3. Jesus died for me and I need to turn away from
my sin to be saved;
1.2.4. Turning to CHRIST and turn away from my
1.2.5. Gods forgiveness and Love that came through
the Lord Jesus for me;
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1.2.6. My admission of my sinfulness and that I need

Jesus to change me.
2. Analyse the motives
2.1. The analysis of motive is important. Motive is the
reason behind the action; it explains why a person
decided to do what he did. In the context of
evangelism, we can ask this question; Why do you want
to become a Christian? There are three categories of
2.1.1. Person Oriented Motives; Mark 1:40; And there cometh to him a leper,
beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying
unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
(ASV) Mark 10:51And Jesus answered him, and said,
What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? And the
blind man said unto him, Rabboni, that I may receive
my sight. (ASV) Some reasons would be;
I want to be blessed;
I want to have a better future;
I want to have my visa stamped;
I want to find a good job;
I want to be healed of my physical
2.2. God Oriented Motives;
2.2.1. Romans 1:16 I'm not ashamed of the Good News. It is
God's power to save everyone who believes, Jews first and
Greeks as well. 17 God's approval is revealed in this Good
News. This approval begins and ends with faith as
Scripture says, The person who has God's approval will
live by faith. (GW)
2.2.2. The respondent will also exhibit an awareness
of Gods Love in reasons such as;
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Preparation. Now I know God loves me; now I know

I am a sinner and Christ died for me. I want to be free from evil bondage; I desire to know and have peace with
God; I know that the Christian message is
2.3. Society Oriented Motives;
2.3.1. John 4: 19 The woman said to Jesus, I see that you're a
prophet! 20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain.
But you Jews say that people must worship in Jerusalem.
21 Jesus told her, Believe me. A time is coming when you
Samaritans won't be worshiping the Father on this
mountain or in Jerusalem. (GW)
2.3.2. Other reasons exhibited by the respondent
could be; My parents / friends/ others / are
Christian; I want to belong to this church or group; I have / want a Christian girl-friend; I hate my father / mother/ parents /
religion, etc;
2.3.3. We seek to focus on those who have genuine
motive (God Oriented); but God still works in the
other two categories. The other 2 will need to be
re-engaged with the Good News. All respondent
need a fair opportunity.
3. Nurture Genuine decision respondents
3.1. We need to explain conversion and what it entails
(immediate follow-up);
3.2. Prayer & outline basics of Christian Living;
3.3. Literature pack / Bible to give;
3.4. Contact address & phone no//
3.5. Encourage the person to join a follow-up group and
immediate discipleship;
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3.6. Delegate a mature Christian beforehand for

immediate discipleship responsibility;
3.7. Prepare lesson materials to dig deeper into Christian
Living principles;
3.8. Confirmation and Baptism;
3.8.1. Romans 10:9 If you declare that Jesus is Lord, and
believe that God brought him back to life, you will be
saved. 10 By believing you receive God's approval, and by
declaring your faith you are saved. 11 Scripture says,
Whoever believes in him will not be ashamed. 12 There is
no difference between Jews and Greeks. They all have the
same Lord, who gives his riches to everyone who calls on
him. 13 So then, Whoever calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved. (GW)
3.8.2. WHEN? best at completion of immediate
3.8.3. Public confirmation & baptism before the
church and confession of Christs Lordship; (&
invitation to the Lords Supper) Confession Baptism Confirmation

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Study 12
Those converted, confirmed and baptised need to know and
understand that they now belong to a big family (The
1. Assurance of where they belong;
1.1. Through Love and Verbal Instructions;
1.2. Through relevant, culturally appropriate written
1.3. Through the Bible & Church Service in their own
language or in a language that is comfortable to them;
1.4. Through notes in their language or one they are
comfortable with;
1.5. Through further discipleship and Prayer;
1.6. What kind of local church do we desire to establish?
1.6.1. One that is Biblical and meet the important
needs of people;
1.6.2. One that considers present community culture
and willing to change if contradicts Godly
1.6.3. One that meets all ages;
1.6.4. One that educates;
1.6.5. One that people are comfortable with;
1.6.6. One that helps people grow to maturity in
2. Fellowship Formation
2.1. Consider the culture; (gender, age, relational ties
between people)
2.2. Do we need a church building or should we have
home church?

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2.3. Do we need structured service or should we have

open Bible study and sharing, than continue to build
on this foundation?
2.4. What is culturally relevant? [according to the present
2.5. What about the time of meeting?
2.6. Who is going to lead the fellowship?
2.7. Language of communication comfortable for the new
2.8. Other discipleship ministries relevant to the growth
of the new fellowship, and when is the good time for
them to start?
2.9. All these questions are to be considered and reflected
on before the new fellowship moves forward.
Remember to deal with the Heart Issues first
before dealing with the Social Issues.
We have written extensively but now coming to the end of
this study, hoped that what we have studied together have
made some important contributions to your work as a
church planter. These principles are only beneficial when
they are put into practice; otherwise they are only
information without any real power and result. In our work
as cross cultural church planters, we are convinced of the
importance of planning, yet, we are also convinced that all
our planning must be led by prayer, powered by prayer,
showered by prayer, and be opened to the intervention of
the Holy Spirit to modify or change the plan according to
the Kingdom Blue Print in the Kingdom Royal Office. It is
our sincere prayer that you will be richly blessed in your
Kingdom Expansion Work and that more local churches
will be planted in unreached areas amongst unreached

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John 10:16

I also have other sheep that are not from this pen. I must lead them. They, too, will respond to my voice. So they will be
one flock with one Shepherd


We see a fully Hindi Speaking Church, vibrant, and Gospel Mission Minded.


To plant a Hindi Speaking Church in the Vusuya Area.

Team of 2
years (20142016)






Gathering and
collating of essential
data that will help
determine CP
possibility, define
the target group,
and determined the
viable approach.

December 2013
Bro William Maloveretaki is tasked
February 2014 (this
with co-ordinating the
will be for 3 months)
community profiling work with
a team of young people or
church members who have a
vision for cross cultural church

a. Formation of a Team;
b. Carrying out the community
survey within the designated
c. Analysis of data and
d. Report tabled before the
Valelevu Hindi Ministry Team;


Contacting the

2 months (08
The team will work with the Hindi
weeks; allow an extra
CP Ministry of the Gospel

a. Identifying one or more contact

person (man of peace),

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

4 weeks to cover for
Team of 3
years (20142016)



Communicating the

Following up of
New Believers.

Confirmation of
Faith by the New

church House to House


2 months (08
Possibility of using the Jesus Film
weeks; allow an extra
DVD from Campus Crusade
4 weeks to cover for
(contact Bro Joe Rokosawa
Fire), Tract distributions, Open
Air Crusade, working with the
Gospel Hindi CP Team.
Valelevu Assembly has been
spear-heading this work.


03 months doing a 07 Assessment of new Christians;

lesson study of initial
follow-up work to be cofollow-up before the
ordinated by Bro Filipe Lewai;
baptism. (12 weeks
engage a team of disciplers.
and allow an extra 4
Materials from Navigators
weeks to cover for
Ministry could be considered
(contact Bro Filipe Nainoca).
03 months (after
Discipling Team to run a study on
baptism) study
Bible Doctrines for 03 Months
Bible Doctrines. (12
(12 weeks) after baptism. No
weeks; allow an extra
preaching on Sundays but
04 weeks to cover for
Teaching to form their
foundation of faith.


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prominent community
Team visitation to all families;
Leaders visitation to prominent
community members.
The Team contacting Joe
Rokosawa Fire and arrange the
uplifting of 400 Jesus DVDs;
DVD distribution and response
Continuing Community
Visitations and Friendship
Carry out Community Open Air
Formation of small groups
straight after the Gospel
Acquisition of relevant needed
follow-up materials;
Commencing the study at the
designated time.

a. Consistent and continuity in

group discipleship;
b. Noticeable change in the lives
of the new believers;
c. The expression of desire to be
baptised and actually going
under the water of baptism.

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


Term 3th
4th year


Formation of a

12 months
structured Bible
Study and spiritual
nurturing (allow an
extra 02 months for

Work with available Bible

Teachers (Hindi Speaking Bible
Teachers or using translators).
Simple Doctrinal material to
cleanse the Hindu religious
doctrines from the New


Leaders Grooming
and Mentoring

06 months (24 weeks; Formation of leaders and possible

allow an extra 04
elders and deacons. Study is
weeks to cover for
based on 1&2 Timothy, Titus,
Peter, Nehemiah and other
studies that could supplement
the core materials. Sessions on
Preaching and teaching will be
organized which are
compulsory sessions.

a. The continuing and consistent

Discipleship Groups;
b. Identifying of possible leaders;
c. The acquisition of relevant
leadership materials;
d. The commencement of the
Leadership coaching and
mentoring group.
e. The continuity and consistency
of the leadership coaching and
mentoring group at the
designated time.


Consecration of

02 month under
observation and

a. The continuing and consistent

leadership coaching and
mentoring group;
b. The willingness of the mother

Observation to be carried out by a

designated Elder of the Mother
Church who is experience in
the field of church leadership,
Page 86 of 195

a. Continuing and consistent

Group Discipleship;
b. Knowledge balance with action
as faith is acted out in life;
c. Identifying a Called and
Availability of a Hindi Speaking
Pastor willing to carry out
congregational teaching,
preaching, and training.
d. Commencing of a structured
and purpose driven
congregational meeting of all
discipleship groups.

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

teaching, and preaching.

Ministry Leaders

03 months (12 weeks

and allow an extra 4
weeks to cover for

Ministry leaders to be trained in

their different areas of ministry.
The need to engage qualified
and gifted people from our local
churches to carry this out
otherwise engaged qualified
and gifted members of other
denominations or Christian



10. Ministry Leaders

01 month of
observation and

Observation to be carried out by a

designated trainer from the
Mother Church.


11. New Local

Assembly is

03 months under
observation and

The new local assembly will run on

her own and govern her own
Page 87 of 195

church elders to support their

growth and move them into
leadership position.
Continuing and consistent
leadership coaching and
mentoring group;
The identification of possible
and probable ministry leaders
gifted in designated areas of
Acquisition of relevant
materials for Ministry leaders
and workers training and
Employing an available and
qualified Ministry Workers
Consistent in the moulding of
ministry workers;
Nurturing of the different age
Utilization of spiritual gifts in
an enthusiastic and consistent
The willingness to serve in the
church of the Lord Jesus Christ
and in particular, the Vusuya
Hindi Local church.

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


guidance before fully

commended (12
weeks and allow an
extra 4 weeks to
cover for unexpected

assembly under the leadership

of the Elders and Deacons once
the team is satisfied with the
spiritual and ministerial level
attained to be able to care for
her members and help her take
the Gospel to others who do
not know.
After the commendation of the new
assembly, the Elders and
deacons will then be presented
to the Mother Church and also
to the Council of Elders of the
Gospel Church of Fiji.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


Short Term of 2
years (2014



Phase 01 Community
profiling and analysis

A. To complete the initial

observation of the area by
20th November 2013

Filipe Lewai and William

Maloveretaki with
any/other interested
person/s to walk and
survey the land and note
any distinctive change on
the ground that do not
appear on the map.

B. Set-up a mobile operation

centre before the 25th of
November 2013.

Operation centre located at

the Maloveretakis

C. Mapping out the area print

out a map of the area before
the 25th of November 2013.

Print out from Google.

D. To put up a topographical
view of the area by 01st
December 2013.

Maloveretaki to be
responsible for this.

E. To form a team to do
community research before
the 06th December 2013

Seek available youth

members from Nausori
and Valelevu. Request for
Valelevu youth be made
through Filipe.

1. To gather the necessary data
that will assist in designing a
viable evangelist and church
planting approach in the


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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting




Short Term of 2
years (2014

Short Term of 2
years (2014

Phase 02 Community
1. To get our leaders
acquainted with the



F. To complete all necessary

admin by 06th December

Get IDs done, permit from the

Police Department, research
awareness letter, report to the
Valelevu Gospel who is
heading the Hindi CP work.

G. To commence the data

gathering work (community
research) by the 07th
December 2013.

Research questionnaires to be
prepared in advance. Half the
team should be ready after
orientation. This exercise
needs 21 people divided into 07
groups and each group is to
research one of the 07 sectors
of the community; an area of
4sq km.

A. Leaders Goodwill /courtesy

visits to begin in February
2014 after collating and
analysing all data. This
exercise can be done anytime
as it is part of CP work.

This will need to be discussed with

the Elders of the Mother
church. Prominent people who
are possible Man of Peace in
the area are to be identified by
the team. General visitation of
this kind to prominent

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

community and its leaders or
prominent community
2. To build good rapport with
the community using
organized and purpose
driven community visitation

community members builds

bridges to the CP work.
B. Commoners Goodwill/
courtesy visits are to begin
after the completion of the
Leaders Goodwill visits.

This will need to look at the

information we have; consider
Christians and those who have
express desire for further
visits. Visit with prayer for the
sick, deliverance, needs,
counselling, and other
activities relating to general
visitation to the community

C. Organized and Purpose

Driven Community Service
can also be carried out at this
time to help community
members meeting some real

Organizing community awareness,

community training for small
business, community health,
student counselling. The
possibility of working with the
Nausori Hospital has been
affirmed by Senior Dental
Officer ManoaTawakevou on
11/02/14. FDB has also made
known of their community
workshop programme to guide
community members who
want to start their own

A. Selective evangelism To

This can be done first because we

Short Term of 2
years (2014

Phase 03 Sharing the

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

1. To give all target members of
the community, and all who
understand the target
language a chance to hear the
Good News of the Lord Jesus
and make a decision based
on its clear communication
and explanation.

Short Term of 2
years (2014

Phase 04 New Believers


begin in conjunction with or

after the Commoners
Goodwill visit. (04 weeks)

have the relevant data showing

existing Christians and those
who desire for further visits.
This is done in conjunction
with Phase 02 Objective b.

B. Widespread Evangelism to
begin after the Selective
Evangelism (02 Weeks).

Using the Jesus DVD with

accompanied questionnaires,
Gospel Hindi Outreach Team
for crusade; these can be done
concurrently or do the DVD
distribution in the first week
followed by an Open Air
Crusade in the Second Week.

A. Immediate Follow-up to be
done asap.

Affirmation of sealing of the Holy

Spirit when the turn is
genuine. This is normally a 30
minutes of assurance talk after
the Crusade; which will also be
a time to make arrangement
with the converts for future
planned intensive follow-up

B. Intensive Group Follow-up

to be done immediately,
commencing the following
week (07 weeks with 07
basic lessons for spiritual

An arrangement for Group Followup study commencing

immediately after the Open air
outreach or DVD distribution
(Sharing Gospel Phase).

1. To ascertain the authenticity
of the New Believers
decision, and to nurture
them into practicing the
basic of Christian Living.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

growth culminating to

Phase 05 Confirmation of
1. To establish believers in the
Life of Christ;

A. Instruction in the Christian

Doctrine All New Believers
will need to learn and master
our common set of
fundamentals of the
Christian Faith.

2. To provide for opportunities

for God-honouring worship
(in spirit and in truth);
3. To help believers tell others
in the community about the
Lord Jesus;
4. To encourage believers to
use their spiritual gifs in the
expansion of Gods church.

The Team will need to faithfully

engage themselves in this
work. Navigator Material
could be considered.



B. Instruction for Worship
that all believers will know,
personally and corporately
practice worship in words
and deeds (08 weeks)
C. Instruction on Service that
all believers will know and
follow after the life and
service of the Lord Jesus,
both personally and

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Writing & printing or

purchasing of Basic Christian
Doctrines Instruction
TEE Courses and those
discipleship studies written by
Ian Malins could also be
Core studies for those of
Hindu backgrounds would be
God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Man,
Sin, Salvation, The Church,
Angels, Demons, The last days.
To consider the use of TEE
course on Worship that has 08
lessons and can be done in a
simplified format.
The Teacher will have to be
familiar with teaching TEE
Use TEE materials on
The TEE study on the Life of
Christ is a good one to
consider because it teaches the

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

corporately (12 weeks)

Phase 06 Congregating
the New Christian
1. To officially recognize the
new local church as a new

D. Instruction in Witnessing
that all believers know the
importance of telling others
about the Lord Jesus; and
also the HOWs and
practicality of doing it (04


E. Instruction in Stewardship
that all believers will know
the reason and purpose of
the resources that are at our
disposal; and that the Lord is
the Owner of Heaven and
Earth and Everything in
them (04 weeks).




Breaking of Bread
organized Communion


(01 month monitored by the

Elders of the Mother


Page 94 of 195

life and service of the Lord

Jesus during his earthly
Both TEE materials can be
Consider working with
Campus Crusade on this one;
Partner with the Mother
church for practical.

Clear Bible teaching sessions

on Tithes and Offerings;
Materials to be assisted by the
Mother Church.

The Team and the Elders of the

Mother church are to work
together to achieve this
The communion service could
be included in the discipleship
group meeting at the end of

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

established Gospel
fellowship located in the
Vusuya Area
Organizing preaching
schedules weekly
preaching schedules and
teaching sessions
including Bible Study
sessions at designated
evenings of the week.

Goals Medium
Term 04th year

Phase 07 Elders and

Deacons Training
Phase 08 Leadership
Probation to confirm
Phase 09 Church

(02 months observation/08

Will be designed and carried
out once the CP ministry
has reached Phase 05



every month since it is meant

for Born Again and Baptized
Believers only.
The Team and the Elders of the
Mother church are to work
together to achieve this
The preaching and teaching are
to be done systematically to
carry the believers from the
known to the unknown which
they need to know.

Vusuya CP Team in consultation

with the Elders of the Mother

***Consideration is also
place on acquiring a
piece of land or property



To share the gospel and plant a church in the Hindi Language


To get all members for the Vusuya CP team speak the Hindi language at a level where they could share the Gospel clearly and
be understood.
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


Immediate Goals
(03 months)


Phase 01 Language
Learning Ground Work



1. Forming the Team in

accordance with the Master

a. Discuss with all groups

involved including the
Gospel Mission Department;
b. Find a good and available
Hindi Language Tutor.
c. In consultation with WEC

2. Assessment and Agreement

of Hindi Language learning

a. Different levels of Hindi

Language comprehension
may need to separate for
different classes;
b. Design a programme for each
c. Work out the rate per/hr, hrs
per/day, p/week, to start
with 9hrs p/week.

3. Commence Hindi language

learning after objective 02 is

a. Confirm programme, time,

days, venue;
b. Under supervision of the
Gospel CP Ministry
provision of a language
learning supervisor.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

Short Term
12 months

Phase 02 Level Zero > Level

Basic Level (03 months)

1. To complete 09hrs per week

> 36hrs per month > 108hrs
2. To pass the basic level; be
able to say, read, and write,
the names of items and
things in Hindi;
3. Begin to greet and introduce
ones-self and others in
4. To be able to read and write
in basic Hindi (both
Romanised and script

a. Short Test at the end of each

month and at times deemed
necessary by the language
b. Major Test at the end of the
c. Exam to be designed by the
tutor in consultation with
Fiji Mission and WEC Fiji;
d. Programme review.

Phase 03 Level 01 > Level 02

Primary Level (03 months)

1. To complete 09hrs per week

> 36hrs per month > 108hrs
2. To pass the Primary Level >
be able to greet and
introduce ones-self in the
formal and informal levels of
3. Able to speak, write, and
read, short simple and
correct phrases; and in
Romanised and script Hindi
4. Able to tell a simple story in
the Primary Level of Hindi.

a. Short Test at the end of each

month and at times deemed
necessary by the language
b. Major Test at the end of the
c. Exam to be designed by the
tutor in consultation with
Fiji Mission and WEC Fiji;
d. Programme review.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

Phase 04 Level 02 > Level
Intermediate Level (03

1. To complete 09hrs per week

> 36hrs per month > 108hrs
2. To pass the Intermediate
3. To be able to read, write, and
speak in the intermediate
level Hindi;
4. Able to identify and use
Hindi grammar correctly;
5. Able to listen and contribute
to discussions and

a. Short Test at the end of each

month and at times deemed
necessary by the language
b. Major Test at the end of the
c. Exam to be designed by the
tutor in consultation with
Fiji Mission and WEC Fiji;
d. Programme review.

Phase 05 Level 03 > Level

Secondary Level (03 months)

1. To complete 09hrs per week

> 36hrs per month > 108hrs
2. To pass the Secondary Level;
3. To be able to read, write, and
speak in the Secondary level
4. Able to identify and use
Hindi grammar correctly;
5. Able to tell a story in the
Secondary Level Hindi;
6. Able to listen and contribute
to discussions and
7. Able to lead, facilitate,
summarise, and conclude a

a. Short Test at the end of each

month and at times deemed
necessary by the language
b. Major Test at the end of the
c. Exam to be designed by the
tutor in consultation with
Fiji Mission and WEC Fiji;
d. Programme review.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

Phase 06 Level 05 >
Proficient Level

To develop a deeper
understanding, and usage
of the Hindi Language.

Page 99 of 195

A continuing phase that is

meant to grow Hindi
vocabulary and usage.

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting




Last night I returned from an Evangelist Meet with a group of Evangelists. I was invited to join
them and seeing the amount of utilities we have to take opted to pay for a motor-taxi to transport
them. However our co-ordinator brought one that was incapable of doing long-runs. It broke
down on the way to the destination and took an hour to repair. At the designated evangelist site,
the team took almost two hours just trying to set-up. One of the pre-departure preps that the team
overlooked was the pre-setup of utilities to clean and repair. It cost the team time at the site trying
to find out which goes where. As a result we finished around 1 am which was way over time and
most of the children had fallen asleep. On our way back to base, the Motor-taxi lost a wheel as a
part of it broke so we had to take an hour to repair. Four kilometres from base the Motor-taxi ran
out of fuel so they had to draw fuel from my motor bike. One of our missionaries was really
discouraged because he knew the team could have done way much better.
This was not the first community evangelistic meet we struggled with the site set-up. I
remembered another one I was involved in back in 2012 where our planning and advance section
did a bad job with the community liaison, bridge-building, and site designation. As a result our
logistic team arrived at the site and did not find any of our Advance Team on the ground. We tried
calling them but their mobile phones we switched off. As a result we called off the event and called
back our logistic team with all the utilities.
As I was doing the post-evangelistic evaluation, I found out that the team had not been trained to
carry out evangelistic operations in an organize manner. It has prompted me to try and help them
in the set-up, mobilization, planning, etc., so that the operation can run smoothly and the
evangelistic team arrive encouraged and leave satisfied to and from the site.
What I have noted here are some of the important points that a missionary will have to look at in
his/her pre-preparation for community evangelistic operation. I have tried to be broad but the
scope of the operation preparation could be reduced depending on your resources and preference.
For example; in the Planning Section, I normally use a 3 man team for demographic research,
community liaison, bridge-building, and site preparation. Others may prefer a bigger team.

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

I hope that what I have written here will help in modifying or consolidating some of your preconceived thoughts or bad working experiences.
Team Mobilization
Getting the right people on the team is important. People whose life are right with the Lord,
burning desire to see the lost being saved, have the time, can make time, availability, ability to
testify about Jesus openly and also be able to share the Good News clearly. Every member of
the Team must be able to do this; whether he is in the field or at base; whether he is on-stage or
behind the scene; whether he is involved with people or involved with logistics. He must be
able to testify and share the Gospel to those who are lost. There will be either many or none to
choose from but like the Lord Jesus, the Team Leader must spend 99.9% in prayer so he could
mobilize the ones given him by the Lord through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Spiritual Bonding
Praying together as a team is important. This is part of team work and team bonding with the
Lord, the leading of his Holy Spirit, and with each other. The Spiritual Bonding will include
Bible Study and Prayer, Team Bonding Sessions and Weekend Camps, Prayer Breakfast and
Prayer Fast. The aim of the Spiritual Bonding is get the Team on the same spiritual wavelength.
As a team they really together on the Lord and the leading of the Holy Spirit, and they also see
the importance of one another that as a Team each part played by each member is as important
as mine and for the achieving of the Evangelistic Objectives, Goals, and Aim.
Team Division
Have the team divided up into smaller but stream-lined sections.

Planning Section (Plansec)

i) They are responsible for mapping out and doing a demographic research and analysis of
the designated area.
ii) This Section which is responsible for community liaison, contact and connect
(Community Bridge Building), organizing with the communities the possibility of
doing the Jesus Film in that specific community.
iii) They will also be the section that be the Advance Group that will go and pray over the
area with all kinds of prayers. The monitor and evaluate all the work carried out. They
will be the first to go in, and the last to come out.
iv) The Section is divided into two Units;
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

(1) The Ground Team The PlanSec Ground Team is the team that goes out into the
field to observe, build bridges (contact & connect), and do demographic data
collection. They work together with the WelSec and the data are also needed by the
Welfare Section to analyse the community needs.
(2) The Base Team This team receives data from the field and plot them on the map,
analyse, and they see whether an area is appropriate or not. It is it than they will do
a proposal to the team to start their preparation for Community Evangelism in the

Logistic & Movement Section (Logsec)

i) This section is responsible to preparation of materials, equipment, including transport

vehicle, sound system and gadgets, generator and gadgets.
ii) They are also responsible for the bedding items, lodging, and ration logistics if the team
is going for more than one night; including other necessary utilities such as
communication (coms) first aid supply (meds), etc.
iii) They will also be responsible for the setting & packing of utilities. Their green light
movement will depend on the go from the Plansec.
iv) The composition of the section includes
(1) a sound system man and an electrician;
(2) An IT computer man to take care of the recording, filming, and streaming (live if
possible) of the event depending on the resource and situation.
(3) a driver with mechanical knowledge;
(4) Three or four (may be less or more depending on the operation scope) unit section
hands who also have hands on knowledge of this section.
v) The Section is divided into two Units;
(1) The Ground Unit . They will be helping the Base Unit in the Logistic Prep &
Pack before the team leaves for a designated field. They will also be the unity
responsible for field transportation.
(2) Base Unit - This is the unit that will do bulk of the logistic prep & packing
working with the ground unit varying logistic details. They will be on standby
along with the rest of the team in case there is a logistic emergence on the field.
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


Evangelistic Section (Evansec)

This is the main team which is going to carry out the Evangelistic Work through all kinds
of evangelist crusade. This section is further divided into units
i) Gospel Unit This is the main unit that will be on front-stage sharing the Gospel.
They are not to be involved in the logistic side of things but be free so they can spend
more time in prayer and message preparation. The composition includes the
evangelists, the music team, and the crusade leader.
ii) Follow-up & Discipleship Unit this unit will be somewhat behind the scene and
will be preparing themselves to meet those who will respond to the Salvation
Invitation. They will do the initial follow-up, and registering the respondents so they
can be discipled by the team and be monitored in their spiritual growth. This is also the
Unit that will stay on long after the Crusade is done and will work with new believers
with the purpose of establishing a local church.
iii) Counselling Unit This unit will work closely the Follow-up Unit and cases of abuse,
family problem, marital problem, money problem etc. that prompts a person to respond
to the Salvation Invitation are to be referred to them.
iv) Intercession & Deliverance Unit The Intercession and Deliverance Unit will work
on cases refer to them by the other three Units relating to social problems, spiritual
problems, demonic manifestations, and healings. Their work will mainly focus on the
crusade itself and the post crusade prayer follow-up. The pre-crusade prayers for the
designated area and people including Jericho Prayer March and area preparation will
be done in coordination with the Plansec.

Welfare Section

This Section in primary responsible for looking at viable ways where we can help
contribute to solving a community problem, improving community living, or assist in
community development.
i) The Welfare Section (WelSec) will carry out community researching and analysis of a
designated area.
ii) It will work in co-ordination with the PlanSec on a designated community and their
focus is the community needs.
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

iii) They look at the needs and see where the church can be of assistance, to partially or
fully meet a need in a given community.
iv) The main areas that they are to look into are Children & Education, Community
Health, and Community Finance.
v) The Section is divided into 2 Units
(1) Ground Unit This is the unit that goes out into the community to do
demographic research collecting all kinds of data necessary to their work. The unit
will work in consultation with the PlanSec Ground Unit.
(2) Base Unit The Base unit is the unit that will receive all the field data and do the
required analysis and priority classification to see or verify the real needs in the
community before the section can sit together to draft a proposal for community
The structure here helps you visualize the Team and their sub-divisions according to that
which have been explained above. You will notice that the three sections (Plan, Logistic, and
Welfare) have the same division of a Base Unit and a Ground unit, except the Evangelistic
Section which has a different division. They dont have any Base Unit because their back-up
resources are all within the Team on the Ground.
Ground Unit
Base Unit
Ground Unit
Base Unit
Gospel Unit

Ground Unit
Base Unit

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

I hope that these have caused you to evaluate some of the pre-evangelistic preps you have been
doing. These are normally the main ones I focused on. I have also seen that many groups add other
un-necessary schedules to their plan; I do not disagree provided they have the resources to cover
for them. Otherwise the Aims, Goals, and Objectives of the Evangelistic Operation must be
thoroughly clear to the Team so that there will be clear purpose driven planning.
For those that work in difficult areas where there is no electricity or do not have access to all
modern gadgets, stick to the Team Division and improvise according to the available resource. You
cannot do away with 2 important factors; they are Prayer & Planning.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting

NEXT I will be covering Demographic Research for Evangelistic and Development Purpose.
NOTE Pse feel free to contribute or critique

William Roger Maloveretaki


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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting




This paper presents our tentative Master Plan for Fulani CP Ministry in the South West or
wherever we will be placed in the South West region of Burkina Faso. We look forward to what
God has already planned out to happen, especially at this time when the WEC Burkina Faso
TEAM is winding up her operation with us looking for the possibility of a partnership with an
existing church or another mission organization to reach out to the Fulani in the area.
The Master Plan is designed in the clearest possible way so that those who join the team without
any prior knowledge of the work can familiarize themselves easily just by looking at the outline. It
is divided into 09 tentative phases with an estimated time frame of 2 3 years before a local church
is finally convened and governed by her local leaders. All established groups will run concurrently
and bulk of the time will be used to train leaders who will lead the church and nurture the
believers to grow spiritually and become vibrant witnesses of the Lord Jesus
It is our hope that with the leadership of the Holy Spirit, many Fulani speaking church shall be
planted in designated Peul communities of the south west Burkina Faso.
Be Blessed.
Fulani CP Ministry Team
Burkina Faso South West.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting


Someone asked me; Are you still looking forward to work amongst the Fulani? Oh yes! an
affirmative Yes was my reply. Fulani on our Minds Used to run before; now, Jacob runs no
more. We have prepared a little paper to supplement our vision paper. This is a 32 pages
document titled Frontier Vision which we are hoping to share with WEC BUK, or any
interested Partner, on the positiveness of this possibility right at this moment, and also to
help mobilize the churches back home.
The Frontier Vision looks at the prospect of pioneering CP work amongst the Fulanis, or
working in partnership with a local church or organization to established vibrant cross
cultural mission teams along the BUK South-West boarders. I have personally covered quiet
an area in spotting and plotting the observing the location and distribution of the Fulani
people in the south west region (Poni Province); even downloading terrain satellite images
and sticking them together with an added map orientation skill so we can verify those
positions on the ground to the map.
We have found that;
1) There has been an increase in the Fulani population in the south west.
2) There is a % that moved down from the north, probably due to the feeding ground and
the instability through terrorism and war.
3) There is a concentration of Fulani close to both the Ghana and Ivorian boarders. Probably
because it offers them security of a passage way out whenever there is instability.
4) Dioula is their preferred language of communication.
5) A good number of men do speak French in comparison with the Fulani ladies.
6) The concentration along the Ghana boarder could also be due to the river which offers an
excellent drinking place, and the unstable relation with the local people (Birifor & Lobi).
These were why we wrote the Frontier Vision to help review our strategy for our future
ministry. This paper however, is not so much a statistical research but an observational one
that presents informative observation evidence needed for a broad overview of the area
demographically and the existing opportunities. These nevertheless may require still a detail
examination of the area to ascertain its credibility.

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The Fulanis are a nomadic people moving continuously in search for water for their animals.
They may have come from the Middle East North Africa Central Africa migration over
1,000 years. Philip Schaff in The History of the Christian Church wrote;
The illegitimate offspring of the Crusaders by Moslem women, called pullani, were a degenerate
race, marked by avarice, faithlessness, and debauchery. Fulani, "anybodies." The designation Fulani
bn fulan, "so and so, the son of so and so," is a most opprobrious mode of address among the Arabs.
History of the Christian Church.
They numbered 27 million (+) and stretched across the Sahel, from the Senegal to Sudan.
They are considered as a GATE WAY PEOPLE meaning that their evangelization could
cause a break-through for the Gospel through-out the Sahel, Central, West, and East Africa.
Many Fulani completely or partially abandoned their traditional nomadic life in favour of a
sedentary existence in towns or on farms among the people theyve conquered. Today, some
seven million Fulani cling to the nomadic lifestyle, while up to twenty million have settled to
a semi-nomadic, village, or city way of life.
Their population in Burkina Faso is 1.3 million. Fulfulde is also an Official Language of BUK.
There are 4 subgroups of Fulanis in BUK. They are;
1. Fulani Maasina located between Niger & BUK Boarder numbering 8,200 and 1.18
million in all Africa;
2. Fulani Gorgal originally from Cameroon numbering 6,800 and 44,000 in all countries;
3. Fulani Gurmanche Located in the South East of BUK numbering 349,000 in and all
4. Fulani Jelgooji located up north of the country numbering 349,000 in and all countries.
In general, the semi-nomadic Fulani revolve their lives around these seasons, and around a
strict division of labour based on gender. The boys look after the animal in wet season, but
usually milked and cared for by the women and girls. The men plant, care for and harvest the
crops; which mostly consist of millet, rice, and peanuts. They also build fences to keep
livestock in the appropriate pastures. The women do the house work, maintain huts, weave
mats, spin cotton, make soap, and care for young children.

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Their animals are a major part of their livelihood, and since they are not like the other tribes
in Africa in that they are not customary landowners, their lives revolves around their
They are generally known as an Islamic Tribe, so to be a Fulani is to be a Muslim. In Burkina
Faso, they practice a kind of faith which is generally known as Folk Islam. This is an
Islamic Faith that is mixed with other kinds of Cultural Superstitions. I believe that this is
true for most Fulani tribes in the Sahel especially those who live in rural areas.
In education the men are generally knowledgeable and most of them speak French, whereas
it is not so for the women do the house work and trained up their daughters to do so. Most
ladies in rural areas are able to speak the Trade language instead of French. The boys attend
school except those who are far from an education institution who then have to look after
the cows. The Fulanis have been known to have the ability to pick up the language of the
people group they live amongst. Those who are still nomadic do travel widely in and around
the Sahel and also cross-boarders. This makes them a good candidate for Gate-Way People.
However the disadvantage would be that they tend to be extremely exclusive in their social


The South-West Frontier Vision
1.1. WEC and Mission Africa began their work in Burkina Faso 75 years ago. The
enormous work done by the pioneers and former missionaries has borne exponential
fruit and the local church has expanded to almost all of the people groups of the
South West region of Burkina Faso and the merging of their work has resulted in the
establishment of the EPE.
1.2. The 21st century however poses a new challenge for the Churches and Mission
Organizations in Burkina Faso. The Expansion of Islam in the north of Africa and
movement southward is presenting a real confrontation for the work of Kingdom
expansion. This is augmented by the fact that the South is still between 15 18%
evangelised, indicating that majority of the population of the reached people groups
are still unevangelized mostly in the rural areas. In the semi-urban south-west
towns, Islam is growing rapidly.
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1.3. The South-West Frontier Vision looks at;
1.3.1. The possibility of establishing Mission work along the Burkina Faso SouthWest Boarder to the Fulani People living within the area;
1.3.2. Making disciples amongst the receptive Fulani people;
1.3.3. Targeting Fulani mobile Families and Travellers at designated entry and exit
points along the South-West frontier;
1.3.4. And The possibility of assisting local churches in training so they can effectively
reach the unreached and unevangelized in their area;
1.4. The Goal of the South-West Frontier Vision is to reach the Fulani of the South-West
region using an approach that is Biblically Ethical and relevant to Fulani Culture.
Our objectives at this point are;
1.4.1. To learn the Fulani Language and be able to converse and share the gospel
fluently with the local Fulani populace; (consideration will also be given to
studying the Dioula, the trade language of the South, and is also commonly used
by Fulanis of the South-West;
1.4.2. To carry out necessary demographic research at designated areas of the SouthWest to better map-out their movement and location;
1.4.3. To form dynamic cross cultural mission teams and position them at strategic
locations along the South-West Frontier.
1.5. This vision was born in prayer and is also in-line with the WEC Burkina Faso Team
Goals and Objective which was developed and reviewed since 2006-09.
The unreached people of the South-West
2.1 The Influx of the Fulani People There is quiet an increase in the population of the
Fulani in the South-West. This may have been known to you. There is quiet a good
number coming down South from the North. Their movement has been attributed to
a number of reasons;
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The expansion of the Sahara up North which is a disadvantage to their



The greener fields of the South West which provide enough for their animals;


The effects of the Mali crisis.

2.2 Field Excursions I have been around the area these last two years doing Spotting &
Plotting, and talked to some Fulani people to gain some basic demographical
information as well as for general observation on their movements.

Sideradougou Area in visiting the area and talking to the EPE Pastor of
Sideradougou (Pastor Jonas), it is visible that there is an increased
concentration of Fulani population around the Sideradougou area.


Logonsou Area in visiting the area with Mark Cocker of WEC BUK,
personal visit to the area, excursion discussion with the EPE Pastor from
Logonsou, and talking to Tal Mamadou, I can conclude that there is a
concentration of Fulani in the area of Logonsou.


Loropeni Area in visiting the area with Mark Cocker of WEC BUK,
observation visits and lengthy meetings with the local Fulani men both at the
market and in the communities, talking with the cattle herders around the
area, with the late Pastor Philip of EPE Obire Village, with one Mr. Togo a
deacon of SDA Loropeni, and with personal observation has led me to
conclude of the large Fulani concentration in the area.


Kampti and Alentira Area On a couple of community observation visits,

talking with the community members at large, and in talking with the EPE
Pastor from Alentira has also led me to conclude of the concentration of
Fulani along the Ivorian frontier in and around the Alentira area.


I have also done a couple of observation visits between Gaoua and Batie, and
one following through the Gougoubili road right down to Batie; from Gaoua;
Gaoua and Malba and right up to Nako; and in and around the Gaoua and
Bourumbourum area. The observations results varies and it could be generally
noted that herds are normally found in and around the low lands of the area
where it normally pools up rain water in the rainy season. There is also a good
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number who have settled in Gaoua. Some have settled with their herds and
some have settled without, or being taken care of by some herdsmen.
2.3 WEC BUK Field Research

We have not seen the research paper done by Seraina of WEC BUK which
was sent to the WEC International Office as recorded in the Minute of the
Field Conference held on from the 10th 14th of May 2004. It may be tucked
away in the office somewhere. It would be valuable to review her report and if
possible, have it updated.


We could also consider a partnership with another Mission Organization to

carry out another extensive research to gain detailed stats and distribution
around the South-West, covering the area from Sideradougou in the South
along the frontier to Kampti and further on to Batie, than up along the Ghana
Boarder to Malba and Nako.

Fulani Church Planting Vision

3.1 Nurturing the Vision WEC BUK has been nurturing the vision for Fulani Church
Planting work well before 2004. The influx of the Fulani in the South-West region
warrants a Team responsiveness to pray and strategically plan for the work amongst
them. Consideration must also be placed on their relationship with the existing
people groups of the South-West, their cultures, their dialects, the regional trade
language, the evolving lifestyle, literacy level, and other unseen reasons that may have
caused some to relocate down South from the North. Since WEC BUK works closely
with EPE, it is logical that any new local church planted by her be affiliated to EPE,
yet there are some very significant factors to take into account;

Antagonism The existing antagonism between the Fulani people and other
people groups of the South-West (Birifor & Lobi especially) who are
cultivators. This adverse relationship does not always occur but from time to
time it does become very confrontational resulting in injuries and even death,
especially during the planting season. Cows could become very destructive to
the farmers when they are not well controlled.

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Language The Language that is spoken widely by the Fulani of the SouthWest apart from Fufulde is Dioula. Although some have and are able to
communicate in the languages of the two major people groups of the SouthWest, yet the Trade Language seems preferable in market places.


Culture The culture of the two major people have also permeated the local
church and has determined who thing are and should be done.


Urban work may not be as difficult as rural work, I presume, that most Fulani
in urban or semi-urban area have changed and are educated. Therefore they
are comfortable with French, and of course Dioula and Fufulde. It may not be
easy with the rural pastoral Fulani.

3.2 In view of the proposed areas of consideration above, it may be worthwhile that
WEC and EPE or a partner church or organization work hand in hand in determining
the best possible strategy for Church Planting amongst the Fulani of the South-West.
In my view, it may be good to deliberate on allowing the Fulani converts to pray
about the issue and decide for themselves their preferable denominational affiliation.
The most important thing is to get them to Jesus. Their denominational affiliation
therefore is a secondary matter.

That WEC BUK and EPE take constructive actions in bridging any existing
and lingering feeling of detestation within the EPE denomination toward the
Fulani people;


That local Missionaries and Pastors be designated by the church to work in

partnership with WEC Missionaries in making disciples amongst the Fulani
of the South-West, and that they exhibit genuine friendship, love, and give
themselves totally to the work of making disciples and church planting
amongst the Fulani;

3.3 My views in this regard may contradict with many in relation to planting new
churches that may become another denomination, but WEC BUK and EPE need to be
clear about the fact that WEC BUK is part of an International Mission Organization
with the clear goal of Reaching the Unreached and Planting Churches. That is what
WEC as an international organization does, and as such I do not believe that WEC
BUK should be tied up to a single denomination but that she can partner with more

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than one denomination or with another organization in fulfilling her goal if and when
the need arises.
3.4 What I have shared here may need to be substantiated by the EPE and other WEC
BUK Missionaries for these are the result of my own observation. I have travelled
extensively in and around the area from Sideradougou to Kampti, Batie, and up to
Malba taking to both the local people and the Fulanis in the region as Ive stated
earlier. But the ratification of these observations by other Missionaries I believe will
greatly help in laying a viable church planting approach that will benefit both the
EPE and the Fulani people of the South-West bringing honour and glory to God. It
remains our ultimate desire to see the Lord Jesus being lifted up amongst the Fulani
people of the South-West.
3.5 Existing Pockets of Fulani Christians and Contacts

In my excursions I have been introduced to Fulani Christians along the

Sideradougou Gaoua route. I have continued to visit some in the Loropeni
region. This group from Loropeni was started by Mark Cocker of WEC
Mission. It comprises of some Fulani young people. I have only met four of
them at one time, but they have told me that there are 10 of them. Our
understanding is that two from this group did a spiritual growth seminar
with Pastor Dialo; one of whom I have been visiting. Mark had admitted to his
incapacity to continue serving them on a regular basis since he is all the way
in Banfora and is also running another group and making contacts with others
in the Banfora region.


Apart from this group, there is another contact person in the Loropeni region,
a man who is an elder in the community and well respected by the Fulanis in
Loropeni. Mark believes that he could be the Man of Peace for this
community. He is not a Christian but has been receiving us well every time we
visited him.


Togo, the SDA elder from Loropeni has offered to introduce us to the three
(03) most senior elders of the Fulani Communities in the Loropeni region.


Our latest contact was Tal Mamadou, a Fulani in his fifties from Logonsou
village. This is Fulani village. I met him during a visit to Logonsou with Mark
Cocker for the Alpha programme. However, we befriended him when he
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visited Gaoua a couple of time. We have been close friends since. At his last
visit he was accompanied by his wife, arrived home with 3 dozens of eggs, a
live chicken, and some fruits. This visit was a good indicator of the connection
bridging our divide. He has invited us to come and meet his family and to get
to know the Fulanis of Logonsou. His invitation was made with the full
knowledge that we are Christians and our primary work is to tell others
about Jesus.
3.6 Local Churches Vision for Fulani Work

We are not sure as to whether there in any local church engaged in Fulani CP
work at the moment. We have talked with Pastor Daniel Narsis, former EPE
President, and he has showed us the 10 year plan for the EPE. He admitted
that EPE has a vision for Fulani work but there is not much in their 10 years
plan to substantiate this.


There are other churches working in the region but we are uncertain that any
of them has a vision for Fulani CP work.


The Radio Eso which is located in Gaoua and being run by Pastor Daniel
Narsis of the EPE has a vision for Fulani CP work and they have been
broadcasting Christian Programmes in Fufulde on the airwave. A partnership
with them would surely be very productive especially when now they are
looking at expanding their Radio Ministry within the region.

Strategic Set-Up
4.1 The idea is to work at planting Missionaries in strategic places along the frontier
region within a period of 10 years. These Missionaries will specifically focus on CP
amongst the Fulani people. These designated places are positioned along the BUK
frontier with Ivory Coast and Ghana. The villages chosen will need to be surveyed
first to ascertain their significance in terms of location and Fulani ministry
4.2 Those who will be stationed in these designated areas must mobilize their own
Fulani Ministry Teams using the committed and faithful local Christians within the
area who have strong desires to work amongst the Fulani people.

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4.3 The initial work requires the leadership of missionaries who have done Missional
training because they will need to train their Teams on the principles of Cross
Cultural Mission, setting Team Objectives and Goals, and other basic trainings
pertaining to mission in general.
4.4 Command Centre All Teams will be directed and co-ordinated from the Central
Command Centre which has to be located in a main town within the region.

Leadership The Team Leader is the Strategy Co-ordinator, who will also be
the CP General Co-ordinator, and who will have to be a WEC Missionary. Major Responsibilities He will be in charge of the Local & International

Administrative work, Team Finance, Team Resources and Training,
Church Co-operation, Team Welfare & Security, Regional and
International Communication and Consultation, etc. He will also need to guide and see that the Team is moving according their
Plan of Action. He will be accountable to WEC Buk or to any other organization or
church he is seconded too, and he is accountable for his Team.

Team Division The Team will be divided into two (02) sections. Section 01
will carry out Church Planting work in the area from Sideradougou to
Kampti. Section 02 will carry out Church Planting work in the area from
Kampti through to Malba and Nako.


Section Leadership Each Section is to be led by a Missionary who will have

the responsibilities of Administrative work, Team Finance, Team Resources
and Training, Local Area Church Co-operation, Team Welfare & Security,
Base Communication and Consultation, etc.

4.5 Organizational Chart

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4.6 Organizational Structure Explained


The structure reduces the pressure and work-load of the Team Leader (Tango
Charlie) and shared the supervisory responsibilities amongst the Section
Leaders (Sierra Lima). Each station is to be led by a Group Leader; each area is
to be led by a Section Leader; and the whole Team by a Team Leader.


The idea of coding within the Team is also part of the Mission Security
Measures. It has come as a result of increased criminal activities in the region
by blockading roads and looting of both business and public vehicles and
transports. It is believed that these criminal elements are developing their
network and communication in order to carry out their activities with
precision and escape the arms of the law.


The structure also provides an easy approach to the formation of Mission

Evaluation and Planning Command since it will only include the Team
Leader, his two Section Leaders, and their 2ICs. The Section Leaders will have
to carry out the same with his Group Leaders; and of course there will be an
Annual Mission Summit where the Team will do an annual stock-take of her
Church Planting Activities. In the long run it would do some good in
alleviating the struggles and difficulties of nomination or selection of leaders
because every missionary is involved in leadership at their level. A movement

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up the ladder may not really have many administrative challenges but that the
scope of responsibilities broadens.
Church Partnership and Approach
5.1 Church Partnership The purpose of WEC BUK partnership with EPE or with any
other denomination or organization for that matter needs to be clearly defined so
they can find a common ground to work in. It needs to be determined whether WEC
BUK is to become an Active Missional Partner, a Church Advisory Partner, or a
Church Resource Partner. The point is to clarify the type and scope of partnership
that is needed and that will benefit both parties.
5.2 Church Planting Approach Holistic Approach is the preferable approach of the 21st
century especially in West Africa Region. In talking to many EPE Pastors on Church
Planting Approach, almost all of felt that WEC BUK has not been receptive to the
idea of Holistic Approach. This may probably due to the fact that WEC Global and
Local vision is solely focused on Planting Churches amongst the Unreached People
Groups. But we certainly believe that there needs to be a balance here and that WEC
BUK needs to consider and incorporate holistic approach in her Missional work.

Collaborative Holistic Approach Where we work with a denomination or

organization that feels the burden of Church Planting amongst the Fulani
using some kind of social action or community development programme as a
vehicle for the Kingdom Expansion.


Exclusive Holistic Approach Where we pioneer the work using this same
approach without any partnership with churches or organizations with the
goal of Kingdom Expansion and planting a new church in a designated area.

5.3 Fulani Work Anticipated Holistic Approach


Our field excursions have helped us in understanding the needs in the Fulani
communities. We have talked with many Fulani men both in the rural areas as
well as in towns concerning this matter. We have noted five of the major ones
here which we believe need more concerted prayers and feasibility studies.

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Preparation. French Language Learning This is coming up mostly from the adults in
the rural areas who believe that they need to keep up with the pace of
development. Generally, they know that French is the official language
and they need to be able to use it effectively in both verbal and written
communication. Community Health Awareness This issue of community health and
hygiene has also popped up during our field excursions. This will
definitely need to be substantiated since we know that there are
community health stations located everywhere around the region. It may
require a community research exercise to ascertain but if the Mission is to
take this one up as a Vehicle for the Gospel amongst the Fulani people,
than we will need to mobilize health workers for the Team or work in
partnership with the Department of Health, or with an organization that
specializes in Community Health. Veterinary this concern has also surfaced from the excursion, the need
to have unbiased veterinarians who are committed to the work and can be
pro-active in their service to visit communities in the outback. This
approach will also require the mobilization of Missionaries qualified in
this field or in collaboration with local organizations. Radio Ministry This Ministry assists in the broadcasting of the Gospel
and other Christian ethical Issues in the Fulfulde language. We have
discussed this possibility with the Director of the Eso Radio, which is a
Christian Radio Station, and who is also someone we know on a personal
level and he was very positive about it. We will also look for a spiritually
matured Fulani Christian or Fulani Pastor to help us conduct this
ministry. New Generation Investment this is a community assistance programme
where we assist the Fulani families in the education of their children. In
the Fulani Lifestyle, animals, especially cows are more important because
they are seen as the Fulani Source of Life. As a result the lives of their
children are passively neglected and many do not have a consistent
education as they would like.

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The programme involves mobilizing the community in this regard

to support their children in terms of having genuine quality family
time; carrying out community awareness for education of their
new generation and the benefits in relation to the 21 st century
development; and the future of Fulani people and communities

We will spearhead and support this programme. We will organize

support for the Fulani community children, and give special
attention to the marginalized families and children. We will see to
it that those who are not attending school have the opportunity to
attend one. We will see that those who do not have their school
resource, as books and text books are provided for. We will see
that they have their study programme which will be evaluated by a
designated teacher. We will see that they have extra classes if and
when needed. We will also see that they are all working toward a
personal goal, and that they and guided and encouraged to achieve
it. Finally we will see to it that they are given the opportunity to
hear the Gospel clearly explained to them in their heart language,
that they may choose to be founded on Jesus to achieve their
dreams and be channels of future development, both spiritual and
communal, in their communities and beyond.

As a member of WEC Mission International, I embrace the WEC mission

very dearly and would see that we do not deviate from it because I believe that
a person must be in Christ first before he can order his life in a way that is
more meaningful to his family and society bearing results of eternal values.
Therefore we do not want to be seen as another Community Development or
Relief Organization. However, I can see that there are certain situations that
warrant reasonable thinking that will balance my inflexibility with meeting
the community needs so that the gospel can penetrate into it and bring to
Christ the many that have a hidden hunger for the Truth of the Lord Jesus.

5.4 Time Frame


All church planting activities will run concurrently. We will not wait for one
group to be established before we can move forward and work on another.
They will all be running together.
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The establishment of a group will be at a Time Frame of 36() weeks; that will
be from the Community Contact Phase to the completion of the Gospel
Sharing and formation of the Group of Believers.


Than another 12 weeks of Bible Study Follow-up before they are given the
opportunity to be baptized.


From this point forward, it will be () 2.5 3 years before a church is

convened and led by her own leaders, empowered to be self -governing but
obligated to work in partnership with other local Fulani church and groups
that will become local churches.

5.5 Church Planting Strategic Set-Ups


We the Fulani Ministry Team will work together to establish Fulani

Churches in the main areas around our region. We will do the initial work of
evangelism and congregation of the believers. Then we will identify those
whom the Lord will give to train as leader of the church. We will than focus
our attention on their training and they will in-turn nurture and build up the
congregation and the church to be able to plant other new local churches.


Each main Fulani Church will then be responsible for the evangelization and
church planting work in their area (Commune / District). The team will
continue to provide for strategic (planning) and technical support (hows of

Missionaries & Workers Mobilization

6.1 Missionaries Mobilization

The Fulani CP Team will need to be constantly informing our individual

sending base of the needs in this field. We will also need to inform other
sending bases as well as partnering churches both locally and globally,
updating them on a regular basis making every effort in informing them using
every possible means available.

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Each missionary on the Team must also be encouraged to include in their

News Letters and reports to the Home Country a column on the needs in this
Fulani Work.


The Team could begin with putting together a Power Point Presentation
specifically focused on the South-West Fulani Ministry. This will be made
available to Team members as well and our Sending Bases, Partner Churches,
and Organization.

6.2 Existing Interest In the Target Region or Country


We will pray and look for existing Fulani Christians in the area and region.
When we find someone, we will assess his maturity level and see where we
can use him / her. Our areas of needs are ministry and language learning.


We will also contact other Mission Organization for assistance. We will ask
whether they have a good Fulani Christian worker available who would be
willing to work with us in the area of ministry and language learning.

6.3 Existing Interest from our Home Country


I can only speak for my home country at this point. The Missionary Trainees
at the South Pacific Missionary Training Centre, Suva, Fiji has been keen on
Mission for the last 20 years and continues to train people who desire to be
used of God amongst the unreached of Africa. Before we came in 2011 we
noted a number of trainees who are interested in Fulani work and are making
time to pray for their specific callings. The school itself has been praying for
Fulani Mission Work since 1995.


A Discussion with the WEC Fiji Director surfaced the growing interest in Fiji
for working with WEC in reaching the unreached people groups (Fulani
included) especially from the larger denomination like the Methodist and


Pasifika Islands Connexion WEC Fiji is also carrying out inclusive

mobilization around the South Pacific region with enormous interest from the
Solomons and Vanuatu. They have also noted that the churches in these two

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countries stand ready to lend full support to those who are called to Cross
Cultural Mission.
7.1. We have written lengthily, hopefully weve said something. The whole point to
show that there is an excellent opportunity for Fulani CP Ministry in the SouthWest. That now is the opportune time to grab hold of this excellent opportunity.
7.2. The scope of this work is immense and we may need to seriously consider partnering
with another organization as well as local churches if we are not able to mobilize for
our own missionaries to carry out pioneer CP work amongst this people group in the
South-West of Burkina Faso.
7.3. Our Prayers and Hope

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John 10:16

I also have other sheep that are not from this pen. I must lead them. They, too, will respond to my voice. So they will be
one flock with one Shepherd


We see a fully Fulfulde Speaking Church, vibrant, and Gospel Mission Minded.


To plant a Fufulde Speaking Church in the South West Area.



Term 04

12. Gathering and

collating of
essential data that
will help
determine CP
possibility, define
the target group,
and determined
the viable

December 2014 March
2015 (this will be for 4
***data to verify
observation of the
designated area.

William is tasked with coordinating the community
profiling work. If possible, form a
Team of 3 workers to carry this
***secondment process?

e. Formation of a Team;
f. Finalizing the community
survey within the designated
g. Analysis of data and
h. Report tabled before the Unit

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

13. Language
Learning &

February 2015 February William will do Fufulde, Lavinia

2018. This is going to be
will begin the Dioula language,
immediate and going long and Elidad will do the Kindy.


Short Term

14. Fulani Language


Primary to Intermediate
Stage (03 years)

Wiliame Fufulde
Lavinia Fulfulde / Dioula

a. Start and continue with

language learning;
b. Pass all necessary & required
c. Ability to converse with the
local populace with increased
proficiency after each level.

Short Term
01 year

15. Contacting the


03 months (12 weeks;

allow an extra 04 weeks
to cover for unexpected
circumstances). Continue
from the contact began in

The team will work with an

associate CP Ministry doing
community visitations. This will
also be used as Language Learning
Practical Platform.

d. Identifying one or more contact

person (man of peace),
prominent community
e. Team visitation to all families;
f. Leaders visitation to prominent
community members.

Term (2018

16. Commence
the Gospel

06 months (24 weeks;

allow an extra 4 weeks to
cover for unexpected

Possibility of using the Jesus Film

DVD in Fulfulde, Tract
distributions, Open Air Crusade,
working with existing Local
churches in the area. Look at all

e. The Team contacting existing

churches in the area for support;
f. Jesus Film to every Fulani
community in the area
g. Radio Programme in Fufulde;

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Identifying and employing a

good Fufulde and Dioula
language Tutor;
j. Start language learning before
mid-1st quarter of 2015.
k. A good Kindy for Elidad.

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

17. Following up of
New Believers.

18. Confirmation of
Faith by the New

19. Establish and

Recognize the

relevant viable modes of

communicating the Gospel to the
Fulani people.

h. Continuing Community
Visitations and Friendship
i. Carry out other forms of Gospel

03 months doing a 07
lesson study of initial
follow-up before the
baptism. (12 weeks and
allow an extra 4 weeks to
cover for unexpected
03 months (after
baptism) study Bible
Doctrines. (12 weeks;
allow an extra 04 weeks
to cover for unexpected

Assessment of new Christians;

follow-up work to be coordinated by Wiliame; engage a
team of disciplers. Materials from
a known Fufulde Ministry could
be considered.
Discipling Team to run a study on
Bible Doctrines for 03 Months (12
weeks) after baptism. No
preaching on Sundays but
Teaching to form their foundation
of practical faith (i.e. faith in

d. Formation of small groups

straight after the Gospel
e. Acquisition of relevant needed
follow-up materials;
f. Commencing the study at the
designated time.
d. Consistent and continuity in
group discipleship;
e. Noticeable change in the lives of
the new believers;
f. The expression of desire to be
baptised and actually going
under the water of baptism.

12 months structured
Bible Study and spiritual
nurturing (allow an extra
02 months for
unexpected situations)

Work with available Bible

Teachers (Fufulde Speaking Bible
Teachers or using translators).
Simple Doctrinal material to
cleanse the Islam or Folk Islam
religious doctrines from the New

e. Continuing and consistent

Group Discipleship;
f. Knowledge balance with action
as faith is acted out in life;
g. Identifying a Called and
Availability of a Fufulde
Speaking Pastor willing to carry

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

out congregational teaching,

preaching, and training.
h. Commencing of a structured
and purpose driven
congregational meeting of all
discipleship groups.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.





Phase 01 Community profiling and


H. To complete the initial

observation of the area by
20th December 2014

William Maloveretaki with any/other

interested person/s to walk and survey
the AO and note any distinctive
change on the ground that do not
appear on the map.

I. Set-up a mobile operation

centre before the 20th of
December 2014.

Operation centre located at the

Maloveretakis residence.

J. Mapping out the area print

out a map of the area before
the 20th of December 2014.

Print out from Google.

K. To put up a topographical
view of the area by 20th
January 2015.

Maloveretaki to be responsible for


L. To form a team to do
community research before
the 06th December 2014

Work in consultation with an existing

Bible College; with senior Pastors in
the existing churches of our
designated region.

2. To gather the necessary data
that will assist in designing a
viable evangelist and church
planting approach in the area.


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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

M. To complete all necessary

admin by 30th January 2015.


N. To commence the data

gathering work (community
research) by the 15th January

3. To be able to converse and share O. To complete primary and

the Gospel with the Local
intermediate language
Fulani Populace
learning by the end of 2017.
D. Leaders Goodwill /courtesy
visits to after language
learning. This exercise can be
done anytime as it is part of
language learning exercise
and friendship building.

Phase 02 Community Contact

Short Term Objectives
3. To get our leaders acquainted
with the community and its
leaders or prominent
community members.
4. To build good rapport with the
community using organized and

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Get the strategic planning centre in

place; partial or full mobilization of
the research Team. Research Team
support will need to be ascertain.
Research questionnaires to be
prepared in advance. The team should
be ready after orientation. This
exercise is a demanding exercise and
well need people who can do the job.
Begin at Gaoua, and then to
neighbouring communities along the
Employ an excellent and available
Fufulde Language Tutor for Wiliame
and an excellent and available Dioula
language Tutor for Lavinia.
This will need to be discussed with the
Elders of the Mother church.
Prominent people who are possible
Man of Peace in the area are to be
identified by the team. General
visitation of this kind to prominent
community members builds
bridges to the CP work.
Visite Chef de Community de Peul and
Chef de Terre. These are the 2

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

purpose driven community

visitation approach.
5. Select possible site for CP
Ministry Base in each locality.

Phase 03 Sharing the Gospel

Short Term Objectives

important community leaders. Also

pay a visit to where the community
elders congregate.
E. Community Commoners
Goodwill/ courtesy visits are
to begin after the completion
of the Leaders Goodwill

This will need to look at the

information we have; consider those
who have express desire for further
visits. Visit with prayer for the sick,
prayer for their cows, deliverance,
needs, counselling, and other activities
relating to general visitation to the
community members.

F. Organized and Purpose

Driven Community Service
can also be carried out at this
time to help community
members meeting some real

Organizing community awareness on

community health, student education,
and animal husbandry The possibility
of working with the local hospital and
local vet officer will be a good
Carry-out Community Mobilization.

C. Selective evangelism To
begin in conjunction with or
after the Commoners
Goodwill visit. (04 weeks)

This can be done first because we have

the relevant data showing those who
desire for further visits. This is done in
conjunction with Phase 02 Objective

2. To give all target members of
the community, and all speakers
of the target language a chance
to hear the Good News of the
D. Widespread Evangelism to
Lord Jesus and make a decision
begin after the Selective
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Using the Jesus DVD with a challenge

and invitation at the conclusion. An

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

based on its clear

communication and

Short Term Objectives

Phase 04 New Believers Followup

Evangelism (02 Weeks).

introduction in Fulfulde is to be done

at the beginning before the movie

C. Immediate Follow-up to be
done ASAP.

Affirmation of sealing of the Holy Spirit

when the turn is genuine. This is
normally a 30 minutes of assurance
talk after the Movie Evangelism or
Crusade; which will also be a time to
make arrangement with the converts
for future planned intensive follow-up

D. Intensive Group Follow-up to

be done immediately,
commencing the following
week (07 weeks with 07 basic
lessons for spiritual growth
culminating to baptism).

An arrangement for Group Follow-up

study commencing immediately after
the Open air outreach or the Jesus
Film Evangelism (Sharing Gospel
Phase). The Team will need to
faithfully engage themselves in this
work. Materials in Fulfulde are to be
prepared in advance (Check SIM).

2. To ascertain the authenticity of
the New Believers decision, and
to nurture them into practicing
the basic of Christian Living.

Phase 05 Confirmation of Faith

Short Term Objectives

5. To establish believers in the Life
of Christ;

A. Instruction in the Christian

4. Writing & printing or purchasing of
Doctrine All New Believers
Basic Christian Doctrines
will need to learn and master
Instruction Manuals.
our common set of
5. TEE Courses and those discipleship
fundamentals of the Christian
studies written by Ian Malins could
also be considered to be used by our

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

6. To provide for opportunities for

God-honouring worship (in
spirit and in truth);
7. To help believers tell others in
the community about the Lord
8. To encourage believers to use
their spiritual gifs in the
expansion of Gods church.

Short Term Objectives

5. Specifically encouraging
believers to tell others about
what Jesus has done in their

6. Core studies lessons would be God,
Jesus, Holy Spirit, Man, Sin,
Salvation, The Church, Angels,
Demons, The last days.
F. Instruction for Worship
that all believers will know,
personally and corporately
practice worship in words
and deeds (08 weeks)

4. To consider the use of TEE course

on Worship that has 08 lessons and
can be done in a simplified format
to be used by our workers.
5. The Teacher will have to be
familiar with teaching TEE lessons.
6. We will also be training our
worker discussing the lessons
before they go and teach others.

G. Instruction on Service that

all believers will know and
follow after the life and
service of the Lord Jesus, both
personally and corporately
(12 weeks)

3. Use TEE materials on Discipleship;

4. The TEE study on the Life of Christ
is a good one to consider because it
teaches the life and service of the
Lord Jesus during his earthly
5. Both TEE materials can be

H. Instruction in Witnessing
that all believers know the
importance of telling others
about the Lord Jesus; and also

3. Consider working with an

Evangelistic Ministry on this one;
or a Mission Organization;
4. Partner with the Mother church for

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

the HOWs and practicality of

doing it (04 weeks)

Phase 06 Congregating the New

Christian Community
1. To officially recognize the new
local church as a newly
established Gospel fellowship
in the Area

5. Contact SIM for assistance.

I. Instruction in Stewardship
that all believers will know
the reason and purpose of the
resources that are at our
disposal; and that the Lord is
the Owner of Heaven and
Earth and Everything in them
(04 weeks).

3. Clear Bible teaching sessions on

Tithes and Offerings;
4. Materials to be assisted by the
Mother Church.
5. The Team and the Elders of the
Mother church are to work
together to achieve this objective.

A. Breaking of Bread organized

Communion Service. (01
month monitored by the
Mission Strategy Coordinator.

3. The communion service could be

included in the discipleship group
meeting at the end of every month
since it is meant for Born Again and
Baptized Believers only.
4. The Team is to work together to
achieve this objective.

B. Organizing preaching
schedules weekly preaching
schedules and teaching
sessions including Bible
Study sessions at designated
evenings of the week. (02
months observation/08

1. The preaching and teaching are to

be done systematically to carry the
believers from the known to the
unknown which they need to
2. Fulani CP Team and the Mission
Strategy Co-ordinator

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

Medium Term

Phase 07 Elders and Deacons

Phase 08 Leadership Probation to
confirm consecration
Phase 09 Church Commended

Will be designed and carried out

once the CP ministry has
reached Phase 05
***Consideration is also place on
acquiring a piece of land or

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*** Phase 7 could be implemented

concurrently with Phase 6.

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.




To share the gospel and plant a church in the Fulfulde Language


To learn the Fulfulde language and be able to speak it at a level where we could share the Gospel clearly and be understood.

Immediate Goals
(03 months)


Phase 01 Language Learning
Ground Work



4. Forming the Team in

accordance with the Master

d. Discuss with all groups

involved including the
Gospel Mission Department;
e. Find a good and available
Fulfulde Ndjioula Language
f. In consultation with WEC
Buk members or SIM Buk.

5. Assessment and Agreement

of Fulfulde Ndjioula
Language learning

d. Different levels of Fulfulde

Ndjioula Language
comprehension may need to
separate for different classes;

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

e. Design a programme for each

f. Work out the rate per/hr, hrs
per/day, p/week, to start
with 9hrs p/week.

Short Term
12 months

Phase 02 Level Zero > Level 01

Basic Level (12 months)

6. Commence Fulfulde
Ndjioula language learning
after objective 02 is achieved.

c. Confirm programme, time,

days, venue;
d. Under supervision of a
designated person
provision of a language
learning supervisor.

5. To complete 09hrs per week

> 36hrs per month > 108hrs
6. To pass the basic level; be
able to say, read, and write,
the names of items and
things in Fulfulde Ndjioula;
7. Begin to greet and introduce
ones-self and others in
Fulfulde Ndjioula;
8. To be able to read and write
in basic Fulfulde Ndjioula
(both Romanised and script
Fulfulde Ndjioula).

e. Short Test at the end of each

month and at times deemed
necessary by the language
f. Major Test at the end of the
g. Exam to be designed by the
Language Tutor in
consultation with SIM Buk;
h. Programme review.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

Phase 03 Level 01 > Level 02

Primary Level (12 months)

5. To complete 09hrs per week

> 36hrs per month > 108hrs
6. To pass the Primary Level >
be able to greet and
introduce ones-self in the
formal and informal levels of
Fulfulde Ndjioula;
7. Able to speak, write, and
read, short simple and
correct phrases; and in
Romanised and script
Fulfulde Ndjioula
8. Able to tell a simple story in
the Primary Level of Fulfulde

e. Short Test at the end of each

month and at times deemed
necessary by the language
f. Major Test at the end of the
g. Exam to be designed by the
Language Tutor in
consultation with SIM Buk;
h. Programme review.

Phase 04 Level 02 > Level 03

Intermediate Level (12 months)

6. To complete 09hrs per week

> 36hrs per month > 108hrs
7. To pass the Intermediate
8. To be able to read, write, and
speak in the intermediate
level Fulfulde Ndjioula;
9. Able to identify and use
Fulfulde Ndjioula grammar
10. Able to listen and contribute

e. Short Test at the end of each

month and at times deemed
necessary by the language
f. Major Test at the end of the
g. Exam to be designed by the
Language Tutor in
consultation with SIM Buk;
h. Programme review.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Preparation.

to discussions and
Phase 05 Level 03 > Level 04
Secondary Level (12 months)

Phase 06 Level 05 > 12 months

Proficient Level

8. To complete 09hrs per week

> 36hrs per month > 108hrs
9. To pass the Secondary Level;
10. To be able to read, write, and
speak in the Secondary level
Fulfulde Ndjioula;
11. Able to identify and use
Fulfulde Ndjioula grammar
12. Able to tell a story in the
Secondary Level Fulfulde
13. Able to listen and contribute
to discussions and
14. Able to lead, facilitate,
summarise, and conclude a
To develop a deeper knowledge
understanding, and usage of the
Fulfulde Ndjioula Language.

Page 144 of 195

e. Short Test at the end of each

month and at times deemed
necessary by the language
f. Major Test at the end of the
g. Exam to be designed by the
Language Tutor in
consultation with SIM Buk;
h. Programme review.

A continuing phase that is meant to

grow Fulfulde Ndjioula vocabulary
and usage.

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting



Cross Cultural Church Planting

In my last piece I said that I will try to write something on community research that will
help rookie missionaries in getting a feel of their area. Those of us who went through Bible
School know that their main emphasis is for students to get a good grasp of the Bible in
knowledge and application. Minor subjects like this (research) could be included in the
electives (if there are electives) or left to individual to study for on their own. I have therefore
written this piece with little restrictions in terms of resources since this has been part of our
work for the last 16 years of ministry.
There are three sources of information that a missionary will need to constantly employ if he
is wants to do well in mission both in theory and in practice. They are 1) Gods word and
Prayer; 2) Research and Analysis; and 3) Reflection Action Reflection. All are important
and none can go without the other. But in this piece, I would like to talk about the research
side of mission and hopefully it will help you as a new missionaries working in a cross or
multicultural field evaluate what you have been doing.
Research in mission is part of the understanding of Missional Science that of course grows
out of the discipline of Social Science. The scope of modern Missional task, the evolution of
societies, the pace of development, and movement and displacement of people require
missionaries to carry-out researches in any designated area to clearly grasp its components.
At one point in history societies practiced communal living, had the same belief system, and
there were no mobile phones and IT gadgets. Now almost all societies are mixed societies
and citizenship is no longer restricted to natives alone; human rights flourish; changing
values; development is at a double-time rate and there are IT gadgets everywhere, even where
the Gospel has not reached; and we are no-longer sure as to whether we are moving forward
or moving backward.
But however important it is, I hope that your research work will not negate the importance
of the Word of God and Prayer which is the standard and basis of all Missional Work. Many

Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Prepara

centuries ago Augustine wrote three important points concerning the use of and reliance on
world knowledge which I could summarise as; 1) We should observe the maxim and nothing
in excess; 2) The amount of pagan knowledge used is quantitatively small when compared to
that which can be derived from Scripture; 3) The Scripture is the standard of Truth 1. Caution
must be exercise in employing research lest it absorbs us that we forget the illuminating,
guiding, and revelatory power of the Holy Spirit who should be in total control in every
Missional and Church Planting work.
There are two major types of research I would like to share here and both are used in Mission
and Church Planting work. I have use both methods but in different fields and they do work
out well. The first is Anthropological Research, and the second is Demographical Research. I
will explain both of them and how best they can be used.

Anthropological Research
Anthropological Research Defined
The word Anthropology is a combination of two Greek words. The first is the word anthropo
which basically means man and logy which is basically defined as the study of. Therefore
the combination of the two forming the word anthropology simply means the study of variety,
distribution, characteristics, cultures, etc., of mankind.
Anthropological Research Purpose in Mission
This is a method of research is used mostly in places where there is no known Christian
witness and no known established Christian Community (Local Church). The focus of
Anthropological research is People, and the target is normally on one people group who have
the same language, culture, worldviews, etc. The approach does not necessarily require you
to go about the community or village with a laptop, but a pen & paper, or digital camera will
do; otherwise youll just have to have a photographic memory. It is carried-out
simultaneously with your contacting & connecting Bridge Building work. I have also written
a piece on Time Wasting, and in Wasting Time with my target group, whether it be family
visit, community visit, Market Place visit, or purpose driven bavarder, I gather information
about who they are.

Augustine, On Christian Doctrine, trans, D. W. Robertson, Jr. (New York: The Liberal Art

Press, 1958), Book II.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Prepara

a) The purpose of doing an Anthropological Research is to gather as much data as we

possibly can so we can better analyse the community, to know and better understand
a target people so that we can adjust quickly as we live amongst them with minimal
threats to crossing cultural barriers. The aim of course is to be able to design a viable
and integrated CP approach in the target area (more like the Dos and DONT Dos
b) Now, what do you want to know when doing Anthropological Research? There are
five major areas you will need to research when doing Anthropological Community
Anthropological Research areas


This has to do with how the Target People make their daily living from their
environment. In looking at the economy you will have to focus on these three (03)
(1) The Ecology researching their Ethnic identification, their language, the
geography of the area, their biological factors, and the history and origin of the
target people. It will be good it there have been other earlier research done
which you can refer to, otherwise it will be a ground breaking work.
(2) The Technology with is again divided into;
(a) Subsistence living looking into their subsistence living in relation to
their food production, their energy source, their health and hygiene, their
occupations, their daily scheduled, their traditional seasons and cycles,
and their animals domestic and important.
(b) Their non-subsistence living which looks into their housing methods,
their ornaments and clothing, their art and craft, their mode of
transportation, and finally their mode of communication.
(3) The Economic Process The economic process researches into their;

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Prepara

(a) Wealth and its distribution and this covers properties and property
ownership and acquisition, trade and trade system, and gifts and giving of
(b) Labour which research into the target people division of labour, how are
people rewarded for their labour, slaves and free-labour, and is there any
traditional labour law.

Cycle of Life

The second area to look at is the target peoples Cycle of Life. This is always an
interesting area to look into; well, of course all other areas are interesting in
researching a people group, but this one is different because you get to know how
a designated people group define their origin or the origin of life and their
(1) In this section you look into your target peoples belief of conception and
birth, naming of children, sterility and fertility, death of a child, other
tradition practices for children such as circumcision, bad luck and good luck
children, etc.
(2) You also look at the weaning and toilet training, the dos and donts a nursing
mother must abide by, the dos and donts of children and nursing of children,
(3) You also need to research the lives of children, youths, man & woman, old
men and old women. See what is special about these categories with the
culture of the Target People and whether there are special rituals associated
with them arriving at a certain age or age-group.
(4) Marriage and Affairs The age to get married, the decision to get married,
courting, bride price, affairs outside of marriage, children of affairs, polygamy,
divorce, remarriage, widows, a new couple and their family, power of the
extended family over a new family, etc.
(5) Also research the issue of old age that covers both man and women, how they
are cared for and what happens to people of authority within the group when
they grow old.
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Prepara

(6) Deaths and Burial Why do people die? Where to the spirits go? Research
how funerals are carried out, mourning, burial rituals, authorities and
properties of the dead person, etc.
(7) Protocols and Manners this looks at the issue of cultural or community
protocols in relation to people and projects; behaviours, greeting and good
byes, addressing of people, classification of behaviours, dealing with
unwanted behaviour, behaviour modification, criminals, crimes and solutions.
It also looks at visitors and strangers; their reception, care, and sending off.

Social and Political Structure

The focus of researching the Social and Political Structure is to learn and
understand how your target peoples community is organized and governed; the
inter-links of institution within your target community such the family, extended
family, clan, tribes, etc., their interactions and interpersonal behaviours. This is
further divided into 3 sections;
(1) The Kinship Organization which looks at relatives and relations,
demographic study, roles relation, clans, kindred, adoptions & orphans,
household and living together, non-relatives living together.
(2) Voluntary associations which looks at friendships, clubs and association,
other formal or informal groups with their membership requirements and
required behaviour; social poly-ethnic & social hierarchy, social class and
(3) Political Structure
(a) Here we examine the target groups traditional system of government
and authority, whether or not power is inherited, decision making, type
of leadership whether its authoritarian or religious, whether leadership is
strictly for man, whether the governing system is hierarchical or
egalitarian, and how much power does the leader has.
(b) We also examined the traditional system of justice and how it relates to
the national governmental system; does the target group refer to the
government to solve their leadership problem, and whether or not the
traditional leaders supported by the government and in what capacity.
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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Prepara

(c) Examination is also focused on Social Control in terms of violation of

traditionally recognized rights, morality, crime, condemnation; traditional
punishment for traditionally recognized offences, behaviour modification
(d) The fourth sub-area to examine deals with conflicts, interpersonal
conflicts, childrens conflicts, family conflicts, tribal conflicts etc., who has
the right to address conflicts; reconciliation, restitution, and reintegration
process; signs of confrontations and how to react to it. We also examine
war how they were fought in the past and now, what defines a warrior,
are warrior restricted to men; when should a situation warrant a war.
Note also how the target group reacts when there is war between other
tribes of the same group.
(e) Relationship with other ethnic group is to be studied, whether or not
there is good relations and intermarriage between close ethnic groups, the
rationale and benefits behind inter-ethnic marriages.


Researching the target groups religion helps you to understand their spiritual
(1) To see whether they believe in a higher God; whether or not gods have
names and the significance of those names; the control of the gods over nature,
environment, and the lives of men. The characters of the gods and their
authority and power over one another.
(2) In religion we also examine the target group concept of the universe;
whether or not there is a creator and source of life; the earth and its spirit;
whether or not there is another world out there; whether the stars and moon
have any control over earth and the people; the fertility of the earth.
(3) The examination of the spirit world; the existence of other spiritual beings
who are not gods; the classification of spiritual beings and their habitation;
whether spirit can be controlled by man and whether they can control man
and how; whether they have power to affect life and mans situation.

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Church Planting - a simplified outline for Local Church Planting Prepara

(4) We also research the target groups beliefs on Human Souls and the Spirit of
the Ancestors /and the dead. Defining the basic make-up of man and what
happens at death. Look into what happen when a person does wrong,
whether there is the consciousness of evil action. How does the target group
define the difference between mans souls and animals souls, and whether or
not they can be interchanged? Where do the souls of men go when they die,
what is so special about that place, and how long will they be there for? What
about those who do evil? Look into what happen to the spirit of the ancestors,
their ability to relate to the living, their control over the situations of the
living, and their reaction to the negligence and bad decisions of the living.
(5) Examine also the concept and practice of witchcraft to see why it is
dangerous, important, and see what the target group thinks of it. Survey the
effects of witchcraft over the community; the power of witchcraft and their
relationship with the spirits; when and why their services are employed.
(6) Study also the term Taboo and the scope its definition to for the target group
in relation to restriction, relationships, authorities, activities, ceremonies,
objects, nature and environment, names and places; study also he who has the
power declare things or situation taboo, whether it can be overruled, and
when is a taboo lifted; the curse and blessing of breaking or observing the
(7) Current religion this of course is also an interesting research activity as this
is where you will gauge the extent of the work you will carry out. Examining
current religious practice helps you to see where the people have any
background knowledge of Christianity; is there are, how much of the peoples
life have been affected by it. If there is an existing church, how is this church
approach to changing peoples lives to become like Christ; whether the
converts become like Christ or become like the people who brought the
gospel of Christ; analyse the message of the local church to see whether they
are according to Christs command in Matthew 28:19 20, and theologically
correct. Look into their worship style and analyse to see whether they have
brought their cultural concept of worship God into their new fellowship and
what are the effects. And also look at the literacy level and whether or not
younger believing members who are literate have or will become a threat to
the current leaders.

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Examining the values is important because we get to understand the major

themes of your target people which define who and what they are, why and how
they act, react, behave, and think, in a certain way. You can learn about the values
of you target people by using your own values as a base for research; look at their
traditional literatures; you can study their symbol and rituals; study their
language, its categories, and usage; and you can employ your own assumptions as
you observe their practices and beliefs.

The whole work will take a lot of your time but the information gathered will be very helpful
in designing your approach and how the word of God can be used to effectively to challenge
the targets life and show him Jesus.
If I may add here the process taken from research to presenting Jesus is something like this.
The Compilation of Data stages, which are gathered through research: The Analysis of data
stage, which is done concurrently with the research or after all required information fields
are answered: The Information Screening Stage, which you will do after the analysis and
view all the target people theory and practice under the Word of God. The Word of God is
the standard of lifes Truth, Theory, and Practice for all people group in the world. After this
comes the Re-aligning stage which is done through the sharing of the Word of God, Prayer,
Bible Study, Counselling, Discipling, individually or in groups depending on your findings.

The Demographic Research

Demographic Research Defined
The word demography is a combination of two Greek words. The first is the word demos
which is basically translated as the people and the second is the word graphy which is
defined as the statistical study of population. The combination of these two word forms the
word demography which is defined as the statistical study of population of people and in the
context of mission, of a target area and of a target population or people group.
Demographic Research Purpose in Mission
Although demographic research is part of anthropological research, it is but focused on a
designated area, and making profiles of these five major areas. The main purpose is to gain a
good understanding of the composition of people in a designated area.

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Areas of Demographic Research

b) The Geographical profile This covers land description, land use, and
c) Population profile This covers population count of the area, population growth,
population projection, and population decline.
d) Economic Profile This researches the occupation, and income of the people in the
target community.
e) Sociological profile This examines the existing ethnic groupings; classes castes,
and clans; and age grouping.
f) Religious Profile This looks at the Christian population and the non-Christian
Where do we use Demographic Research?
a) Well, usually in areas where there is possible opportunity for church planting;
b) In areas where the inhabitant culture, practices, and world-view, are well known to
the missionary or the church;
c) In developed areas (peasant or city society) where there are known Christian witness
and known existing local church.
d) Demographic Research is normally carried our when there are more opportunities
and areas to select from. Demographic research are carried out in these areas, data are
analysed before a designated field is chosen for church planting work.
e) The focus of Anthropological research is toward Unreached People Groups, whereas
the focus for Demographic research is toward Un-evangelised community.
As a new missionary, it must be made clear here that all target people and areas require
research and analysis. We cannot fully carry out our work until we have understood the
people and their environment. No area should be entered simply because there are unreached
people there, or because there are a group of believers in it. We need to do our study on the
people and the area, and if there is no ready-made information than we will have to do one
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I remembered some told me a story of a Pastor who went to Papua New Guinea on an
evangelistic crusade. He was sharing to the crowd on a certain night about the Prodigal son
and when it came to the part where he went to look after the pigs of a certain man, to his
surprise the people cheered and clapped. After the night crusade he asked a local Pastor as
why did the people cheered about the prodigal son. The local pastor replied that pigs are
valuable animal in Papua and to look after them is a noble task. The Crusade Pastor had to
change the story the second night and modified the prodigal sons search for a living in a
Copra Plantation. The people understood this well, the filthy of sin, and many responded to
the Salvation call that night.
What is my point in sharing this story; well, although nobody is going to be saved by doing
research, it helps the missionary in designing his approach and contextualizing the message
because he understands the people culture, customs, and worldviews.


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APPENDIX 06 - Becoming a
Movement Again
The Gospel Churches of Fiji at one point had 21 functioning, active, and growing assemblies
with close to 4,000 members and 2,000 affiliates. It is interesting to note that the 7th edition
of the Operation World 2010 had us dropped from the list of churches with significant
members. Why am I making this comparison? Because it will be quick for us to reason that
membership or numbers are not important but the formation of genuine Christians. I
wouldnt argue with that, but would ask as to whether our concern for the lost could
partially be determined by the number of believers in our local churches? Why? Well, I
believe that a concern must be manifested in action, and action is partially manifest is
I for one would agree to a membership count of our local assemblies to see our numbers now
and compare our stats with the last years. Then we can also set targets and make projections
for the years to come. Some would disagree by reasoning that the Lord forbade David to
count his fighting men. I believe the context is different for in Davids case it was about
security and Davids action was motivated by pride in how strong they have become instead
of giving thanks to God for how they have become secured after years of wars. In our case it
is motivated by the desire to know the reality of how we have neglected and fallen short of
our purpose.
Church Planting is a non-issue in the Brethren Church at the moment. We are engaged more
in evangelism but not so much in Church Planting. Which one is important? They are both
important but Church Planting expands the boundary of a local church into Gospel
Destitute Areas where the name of the Lord Jesus is locally established to witness in a locally
designated area reaching out into every local households. Is it hard? Not really, we just have
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ask God for assurance so we can come out of our fear zone and use our current local
members who are living at a distance from our local assemblies to begin this move. That is
why I have written this paper to challenge the Gospel Church to return and become a
Movement again.
Be Blessed

The Gospel Church Movement Missionaries arrived in Fiji in 1930s and began their work in
and around the country with much enthusiasm and zeal. It resulted in the planting of many
small local churches called Assemblies (Congregation of Believers). These assemblies later
planted other small Assemblies. They called themselves the Gospel Movement or The
Brethren Movement. And the movement continued until all of a sudden it stopped and we
came to a dead end not knowing where to move next. This little piece is meant to summarise
what I believe, from my own research and observation, the reason behind the stoppage and
the way forward. But what exactly is a Movement? So first let me give you a general
missiological definition of what a Movement is as many of the Gospel members today may
not have understood its significance.
The Gospel Church was initially known as the Gospel Movement or Brethren Movement. The
phrase Gospel Movement is the shortened form for the phrase Gospel Church Planting Movement
or Brethren Church Planting Movement. Let me try to give an in-depth explanation of the phrase
Church Planting Movement so we can appreciate the work and success of our early
missionaries. In general a Church Planting Movement is a rapid multiplication of indigenous churches
planting other churches that sweeps through a people group or a population segment. So generally this
definition tells us of what is happening rather than how it is happening; that there is a
movement going on around a designated area, region, and the world, and this movement is
resulting in the exponential planting of new local churches. At the core of this movement is
the Spirit of God at work in the hearts of people convincing them of the Truth, that Jesus is
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the Lord; Acts 4:12 for there is only one name given to man by which he can be save and
the Spirit of God is working in partnership with his missionaries to penetrate in force a
people group, community, or nation, through verbal communication of the Gospel and acts
of kindness prompted by the Spirit of Jesus.


A Church Planting Movement has some important Characteristics and I will want you to
look at these Characteristics in light of the labour of the early Gospel Church Planting
Movement Missionaries.

Firstly, a Church Planting Movement reproduces rapidly.

Within a very short time there are new churches planted all over the area or region, and the
new churches planted grow and they go on to plant other churches. In a Church Planting
Movement, the number does not add, but multiplies. All churches plant new churches so the
number is constantly doubling. How fast is this reproduction? You may ask; could be faster
than one can imaging depending on whom God is using. If God is using a witness to tell
others about God and share how he has experienced Gods miracle, love, and work in his life,
than it could be way quicker than what is normally estimated by church planters and church
planting strategists. If God is using a Disciple come Apostle than it is usually within a time
frame of three to four years before missionaries are send out by a new church.

Secondly, Church Planting Movement is Home-grown

Meaning that bulk of the work is carried out or implemented by the local believers within
the area or region to reach their own people or own population. If the work was started by a
missionary or a group of missionaries, than that would probably be at the beginning but once
the work starts to move, the local workers and local church planters become heavily
involved. When the local church planters and workers caught on to the Heart of God that is
gripping the Missionary, they will do excellent work in the sharing of the Gospel because
they share it in the Heart language of the local people. And when the foreign missionary sees
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this happening he should begin to allow greater freedom to the local church planter to move
forward as God leads.

Thirdly, Church Planting Movement is focuses on developing people.

This is an important aspect of the church planting movement. They do not spend bulk of
their resources on building church buildings that will be difficult to maintain, but they
spend bulk of their resources in discipling people, workers training, leadership training, that
focuses on leadership, discipleship, evangelism, church planting, and community
development. This training adds strengthens the momentum of the movement as members
are trained to lead others to Christ, and train others to be leaders of people. Church
Members are taught to pray, study their Bibles, Apply what theyve learnt to their own
situation and the situations around them, to serve others, and most of all to share the Good
News of the Lord Jesus.

The Church Planting Movement employs Church-Based Training (noninstitutional).

The momentum of the movement can be so quick that it will be a waste of time to send
someone to a Bible college for three years to get trained. The Church Planting Movement
employs an approach that will speed up the preparation of workers; therefore a noninstitutional training approach is normally employed. A non-institutional approach (churchbased training) is simple with minimal resources that offer short segments of training,
coupled with on-the-job practices that prepare the worker well and be ready to go out
within a period of three to four months (3 4 months).

The Church Planting Movement advances through home fellowship.

These home fellowships are usually small is size of probably 10 50 families close to one
another. A family or a person living at a distance from the fellowship site is encouraged
through the Word of God, the Vision of God, and the Great Commission, to start a
fellowship or House Church at his home. A trained worker is then send to him to assist him
in the building up of his group until a fellowship is established through the Baptism of the
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members and the celebration of the Breaking of Bread. Members are again encouraged to
share their testimonies and invite others to the fellowship. The trained worker works at
developing leaders who will lead the new fellowship. If there is a person or family in the new
fellowship living at a distance, he is encouraged to start his own fellowship group at his
home. Then the cycle continues.

Lastly, Church Planting Movement is always on the move in Sharing the

The sharing of the Gospel is not just to evangelize; it is also purpose driven with the aim of
planting a new local church using every viable and relevant Gospel Sharing Mode (GSM).
Every sharing of the Gospel, whether it is community evangelism, crusade, or a one-to-one
sharing is focused on the planting of a New Local Church. Church Planting Movement are
not just sharing the Gospel but are enthusiastic and burning with zeal to see people come to
Jesus and congregated to become a fellowship. They dont just birth them and leave them,
but they birth them, grow them, equip them, and send them out to disciple more for the
Kingdom of God.
These are the major characteristics of a Church Planting Movement and as I researched into
the commencement of the work of the Gospel Movement in Fiji, I am well convinced that the
Gospel church of Fiji started out as a Church Planting Movement. I assumed that within a
very short time there were a good number of assemblies planted in view of the fact that there
were other denominations existing already. The Gospel church bares all the signature
characteristics of a Church Planting Movement, probably with the exception of a Bible
College but which did not come into operation until the 70s and for a slightly different
purpose and objectives than a normal Bible College. Most of our senior elders and church
leaders at the time and even unto today do not have an institutional training but they were
excellent. There are those who know of the time when the Gospel Missionaries from NZ
were working in Fiji, their struggles, their faith, their vision, their ministry and prayer life,
and of course the cry of their hearts. They wanted people saved, they wanted people to be
disciple, they wanted disciple people send out to disciples more for the Lord Jesus, and they
wanted new local assemblies planted in Gospel destitute areas.
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I continually reminisce the stories of those who walked for many miles and days in the
burning west, on sugar cane fields, through farmlands, into the interior, taking the Gospel,
sleeping where they can, regarding their comforts of less importance than the Good News of
the Lord Jesus.
Then came the locals at work, those who were trained in the School of Hard Knocks, who
caught on the fire and zeal of the Gospel Church Planting Movement, people who were
employed in secular employment and use their influence to plant new churches, that resulted
in the establishment of the Nadi Community Church, the Valelevu Gospel Church, the
Nausori Gospel Assembly, Banaras Assembly, and others. But lately there has not been any
new assembly planted and the movement has stopped. We begin ask questions as to where
have we gone off track and yet we all seemed to turn a blind eye on the issue and in doing so
failed to address it. Now we have no idea what movement we are.


The Gospel started out as a Church Planting Movement and then shifted into a Church
Development Movement. This shift became the cause of our stagnancy because we (the
Gospel Church) are purposed for Church Planting Movement (Growth through Movement)
not Church Development Movement (Growth through Development). What is the
Difference? Well, let me tell you of the major characteristics of a Church Development
Movement as opposed to the Church Planting Movement;

Firstly, large church syndrome (the lets stay here obsession)

An Assembly that is focused on Church Development is always focused on growing the
number or population of an existing central church. The leaders and workers are working
hard at reaching out to the unevangelized, the unreached, and in gospel destitute areas. But
their problem is that they want the people saved to come and attend their existing Assembly.
With the Church Planting Movement, its the other way round, sort of, but in Movement we
want to form an Assembly where the saved people are (if they are at a distance from the
existing assembly), disciple and train them there, establish an assembly, and they are the
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ones who will do outreach in their own locality. The large church syndrome could be very
subtle because it could be under the guise of integrated fellowship when in reality we are
just wanting to increase our numbers for our glory.

Second, Easy Road Evangelism (Attraction Evangelism).

Like all mission work, they do extensive research but they focus their attention and effort on
responsive areas and the already reached communities, they focus more of their attention on
what I termed Attraction Evangelism; therefore the marginalised communities are always
left out. The rationale is, why would we waste out time and effort on an unresponsive
community or a community that need our constant attention and resources? Church
Planting Movement on the other hand are constantly energized by the challenge of going into
a new area, an unresponsive area, a marginalised area, an area no one would dare go into,
thats where Church Planting Movement thrives and finds satisfaction; when they are
surrounded by challenges and seeing the people hearing and thinking about the Good News,
and then making a decision to follow the Lord Jesus.

Third, Leadership and Authority are in the Hands of the Mother Church.
The Church Development Leadership philosophy is to centralised the leadership and control
so all daughter churches are not given the freedom to lead their new fellowship by
themselves with the obligation to work in partnership with the rest of the Assemblies and be
governed by the main registered body. With the Church Planting Movement, authority is
given to the daughter churches or news assemblies to lead their own assemblies (which
happen at the dedication of the New Leaders of the New Assembly) with the obligation to
work in partnership with other Assemblies and be govern by the main registered body.

Lastly, Church Development Movement has become extremely project

When Church Development Movement becomes extremely project oriented, it will pour a
major chunk of their resources into it. These projects and resources are usually channelled
into areas where the leaders believe the harvest is or there is a field of opportunity. As a
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result they focus first and more on building big churches, building schools, dispensaries,
community welfare projects, because thats where they perceived the windows of
opportunities for future harvest to be. With Church Planting Movement its the other way
around; resources are channelled into church planting and sharing of the gospel, crusade,
evangelism, first and project are used to help assist in meeting the needs in the community.
With the Church Planting Movement it is the continuity of the Planting of New Churches in
Gospel Destitute areas that is the priority and not the projects. The resources are always
channelled first to cater for Church Planting work.
The Gospel Church has had countless opportunities to grow exponentially and plant
numerous new Assemblies, but we have not taken many of those opportunities. We have the
capacity and the resources to do so. But maybe we do not know who we as a church
originally were; that we were and should be a Church Planting Movement. May be we have
glean too much from other churches and have augmented our desire to become like them.
May be we have read too many books and seen too many secular institutions programme and
have enticed ourselves to believe that we should be what they have become. We have been
praying for the way forward, and sorry to say that we will not find it. Why? Because it has
already been given; and we can only rediscover it. Our purpose as an institution has already
been defined by God and implemented the moment the Gospel Missionaries were called to
come to our shores. Why continue to adopt a model that is not working (Church
Development Model)? So, what is the next step?


We need to return to our Initial Movement Approach. Our extreme shift to Church
Development mode has transmuted us to become more like a company than a Church
Planting Movement. The Physical manifestations of this shift are visible and their
continuation will not really help in the advancement of the Gospel Church as a Movement.
We are not investing our resources in church planting. We are taking too much time in
discussing our administrative procedures and institutional development when more time
should have been spent on planning and strategizing the way forward as a church planting

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movement. The result is who we are today. My proposition on the return to Church Planting
Movement is outlined below and I hope that our leaders will take time to reflect on these and
that change is inevitable if we are to regain out cutting-edge.

Prayer! Prayer! Prayer!

This work is to begin with prayer and the church leaders, elders, workers are to get together
and confess our sin concerning the suspension of the movement to the Lord. Then the
committal of the Return to the Movement praising God for what he is going to do in the
church, in Gospel Destitute Communities, and in all other regions we will send our workers
to. The Council of Elders will need to return to Acts 6:4 and we will give our attention to prayer
and the ministry of the Word. The power and effectiveness of this movement will depend on the
return to the Biblical Foundation of Church Movement by our God Ordained Leadership.
The work is to begin with prayer, planned in prayer, executed through prayer, and evaluated
with prayer. In Acts 6:7 says that as the Apostles focused their energy on what they should
be doing (prayer & ministry of the Word), the believers number increased. Prayer beginning
at Leadership level therefore is a key factor in Church Planting Movement.

Focusing on Mobilization
The work of Mobilization for Church Planting Movement will need to be directed by the
Council of Elders. They will either have to create a department within the existing structure,
or if this is too much of a hassle than they should consider appointing and empowering a
gifted person in the field of mission and church planting to be the Church Planting Strategy
Co-ordinator and to implement this formation.
a) Mobilizing of Gospel Church Planting Movement Strategic Prayer Teams: These Church Planting Movement Prayer Teams will gather and pray strategically
about our return to again be the Gospel Church Planting Movement we were and are
purposed to be. Their prayers will be guided by the Holy Spirit and by the
information given them by all other Teams.

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b) Mobilization of Church Planters: - This initiative will need to be led by the Council
of Elders in asking local assemblies to forward the names of their workers who are
good church planters, and also Church Planters Candidates. These workers are than
assessed in their current level of Bible knowledge, Evangelism, Church Planting, and
Mission knowledge, and Field Experience. They will then attend four (12) weekends
of refreshment workshops of coaching and equipping before they are registered by
the main Body as Brethren or Gospel Assemblies Church Planters. They are then send
out into areas identified by the Strategy Co-ordinator or into a Gospel Destitute Area
they are burdened with by the Holy Spirit.
c) Mobilization of Mission and Church Planting Field Research Strategists: - This
Team will be responsible for research new fields where church planting can be
carried out. Preference will need to be given to Gospel Destitute Areas (GDA). They
will also be responsible for planning and co-ordinating the work of church planting
of the Fiji Gospel Assemblies Church Planting Movement as well as community
d) Mobilization of Non-institutional Trainers: - These non-institutional trainers will
be responsible for designing training curriculums that are focused on evangelism,
church planting, mission & cross cultural mission, leadership, and Bible knowledge.
They will also be the one to organize and evaluate training sessions, and also make
field assessment of the effectiveness of the training.
Training & Equipping
Purpose Training and Equipping is vital in Church Planting Movement. The training is not
just to gain knowledge but to be ready to put the acquired knowledge into use straight after
the training. But what is the difference between training and equipping? Training in the
discipline of missiology is the empowering of people who have already gained knowledge
and skills in the areas of discipleship, evangelism, and church planting. Equipping on the
other hand is the resourcing of those called of God for the work of mission and church
planting with needed knowledge and skills to be able to disciple others and plant new
churches. The equipping is normally done to those who do not have any knowledge and
skills in their designated field of ministry, or have a partial knowledge and skills of the two.
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These two important factors are not to be taken for granted because the knowledge and
skills acquired will be reflected in the field. If workers are equipped with guns, they will do
the shooting. If they are equipped with money, they do the buying; if they are equipped with
discipleship skills, they will do the discipling. And the same goes for training. If a worker is
skipping his training, he will quickly wear himself out. If he is consistent with his training,
he will stay the course in good times and endure in the difficult times.

Resourcing of Workers
Resourcing is like providing fuel for an engine. If you have a generator you will need oil and
benzene to be able to work. On the hind side, a pilot needs a plane, a builder needs tools, a
cook needs utensils, etc, etc. So it is with the resourcing of workers and Church Planters. It
is imperative that they be resourced according to their ministry needs to be able to do their
work well. Resourcing a church workers or church planter is the members investment into
the work of Kingdom Expansion and any satisfaction becomes their satisfaction, and success
becomes their success.
It must be made clear here that all the Teams above will lose their importance if they become
the centre of attraction or fail to carry-out what they were mobilized for. The mobilized
teams are to work hard at training and equipping Church Planters who will go out into
Gospel Destitute Areas and with Gods help plant more local churches. The core of their
responsibilities is to see that Trained Church Planters are sent out into Gospel Destitute
Areas. Otherwise we are just good looking structures and programmes.

Language Learning
In Cross Cultural Church Planting work it is highly recommended that workers and Church
Planters attain a Ministry Level of the Target Language. Therefore all Team members need to
be able to converse fluently in the target language. Does that mean that they will have to stop
ministry and do 03 years of language learning? Not really! But the Strategy Co-ordinator
must make sure that there is a language learning time set aside every week and that it is
compulsory for those in Church Planting Ministry to attend the language learning course. As
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Hindi is one of the major languages of Fiji, the CP members are to first all learn the Hindi
language for it will be surely useful in the Cross Cultural context. Other languages like
Mandarin Chinese or Urdu are to be learned by those who are focused or specifically called
to these people groups. It has been proven that those who speak the Gospel in the Heart
Language of the Target people in Gospel Destitute Areas gain more acceptance and
receptivity than those who speak it in a foreign language.

It is anticipated that this return to Become a Movement Again with be faced with many
difficulties in terms of church planting and organizational perspectives, financial resources,
manpower, interests, support, etc., as well as oppositions. What it needs is the total
agreement by the Council of Elders if they saw fit that we as a Church Planting Movement
must return to what we were purposed to be. As long as the endorsement by the Council of
Elders is there, the work will move forward without Gods reshuffling work, and the
resources will follow from where God has raised up his people to support the work of his
Heart Beat, which is seeing the lost saved and be disciple to lead others to the Lord Jesus.
The Gospel Church will be blessed as it is repositioned to her original role in this work of
Kingdom Expansion and also being part again of what God is doing in drawing the lost to


We are blessed to have the establishment of the Hindi Church Planting Ministry directed by
the Valelevu Gospel Assembly. This is definitely a very challenging ministry as it is not just
church planting but cross cultural church planting. The difference between the two is that
the phrase church planting normally refers to church planting within the same language as
the church planter; but the phrase cross cultural church planting gives a clear description
that the language of communication and the target culture is both foreign to the worker. My
wife and I have been blessed to be part of this cross cultural church planting ministry. We

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have learned a lot even with all the difficulties faced. It is also interesting to note here that
this ministry employs two distinctive approaches which I will explain a bit here.
The 2 approaches to church planting employed by the Hindi Church Planting Ministry;

The Structured Approach

a) Characteristics- The structured approach is one where the worker follows a
distinctive plan in his church planting work. He studies the Bible and learns from the
work of Paul. He does his work in phases and begins with Field Observation and
detail community research before he can carry out his communication of the Gospel.
He is very concerned about the available manpower and financial resources and
normally works toward building a church building in a designated place within the
b) Strength This approach is one which can work well provided the Church Planter is
flexible about his plan, willing to listen to the advice of those around him, spend
much time in prayer for the guidance and intervention of the Holy Spirit. The
strength of this approach lies in its detail strategy and timeframe and the
development is easy to evaluate; and having a detailed post evangelistic structure to
cater for the new souls saved and the formation of a local fellowship. Any diversion is
referred back to the master plan for verification and re-alignment.
c) The Weaknesses The weaknesses of this approach is that the church planter could
focus too much attention in one area at the expenses of other possibilities, become
inflexible or rigid in following a structured plan and does not allow for any
intervention even from the Holy Spirit. When the resources are not enough or his
proposals and ideas not accepted, he becomes frustrated. When he is diverted from
the plan he will be lost and will turn the plan upside down. When the approach is
used to focus on one area only, it will take a long time to plant a church before
another is earmarked. It should be carried out concurrently with other CP works in
other designated areas; otherwise it will take a long time to plant single local church.
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When the master plan becomes a law for the church planting work the approach
becomes inappropriate for Church Planting Movement.
d) Where Visible This approach was visible in the Korociriciri and Vusuya Church
Planting Ministry. This work was carried out by Filipe and I and of course with our
wives and a temporary team of volunteers. My responsibility was to be the Strategy
Co-ordinator setting the plan on paper and strategizing how things should and can
work well on the ground. The weaknesses noted above overtook us and we got stuck
in one area for 12 months, and were only able to establish an assembly in 3 years. We
were diverted from the plan and focused too much on the community welfare rather
than on the communication of the Gospel. We allowed the religious perceptions of
the Hindu Background Believers to influence us and our energy was drained in trying
to build a church in a designated area when we could have been flexible to the
leading of the Holy Spirit and be content for the moment in forming Home
Fellowships. Had we done that, a Church Planting Movement would have been
The Unstructured Approach
a) Characteristics The unstructured approach one which is defined by the name itself;
an approach where there is no structure, may or may not have a team, grabs hold of
every opportunity, mixing evangelism with church planting, little research, with an
extreme zeal and focus on the sharing of the Gospel and salvation of people, with very
little or no follow-up at all. Pastor Maika Bovoro normally termed it the Birthem &
Leaveem Approach. I always refer to it as the Hit & Run Approach.
b) Weaknesses The weaknesses of this approach are in terms of understanding the
terrain or AO and the people in it. Because there is no emphasis on demographic or
ethnographic research the church planter will not have access to needed information
that enable him to design a viable approach for his target community. As
communities are different in terms of racial, cultural, and literate composition, the
church planter will also need to design a church planting or evangelistic approach for
the target group. This could not happen if there is no research. The danger of having a
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one man band or an ad-hoc team with an unconventional approach is that most of
the important aspects of church planting could be overlooked, neglected, or may not
be carried out because they lack the structure. As a result, the focus is on frontal
evangelism only, inconsistent follow-ups, unstructured sporadic advances, and
lacking the workers or their divisions to carry the work toward the establishment of
a local church that is self-governing and capable of planting another local church.
c) Strength Apart from the weaknesses the approach is still a viable one provided
there is a bit of structure. The strength of this approach lies in its ability to grab hold
of every evangelistic opportunity, to move the work at unfavourable times, quick
formation of Home Fellowships, being enthusiastic and zealous about the work and
draw energy and satisfaction from it energizing him and his ad-hoc team to move on
and reach-out to and in other areas. Their reliance on the impossibilities of God, and
working with minimal resources.
d) Where Visible This approach was seen in the Church Planting Work of the
Valelevu assembly in and around the Suva corridor, Nausori Womens Cross Cultural
Evangelism, Tavakubu Church Cross Cultural Outreach, and even around Vanua
Levu. I noticed that there was very little research, and an ad-hoc team with an ad-hoc
structure. The results were that most newly formed groups are struggling because the
CP Team was not able to have a post evangelistic structure that will assist the new
group in her spiritual growth, as well as catering for new seekers and believers.

The Preferred Approach

The preferred approach is not really a method in a text book, but it requires the consultation
between those who use the two different approaches. They need to come together and
discuss and find a balance between being structured and being unstructured. Our Church
Planting Approach must be on a middle ground and also allows freedom to move where there
are high possibilities and the structure will follow later. There is no right and wrong
approach in this work but strength and weaknesses which need to be rectified, and workers
will need to be flexible in using one and complementing it with the other. We need to
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convince ourselves that the Blue Print for this work in any designated place has already been
drawn up by God Himself before the creation of the world. The Lord Jesus wants to see the
work of Kingdom Expansion move into all Gospel Destitute areas around us and the world.
What we need is more strategic prayers and a little bit of structure so we can design a viable
approach into a Gospel Destitute Area and carry out consistent post evangelistic follow-ups
with good evaluation procedure to see where we need improvement so that a local church is
planted and is able to plant other new churches. When this is done, were on our way to
become a Church Planting Movement again. May God Bless us all in this work of Kingdom

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Time Wasting is a new concept in the Field of World Mission. It is basically a consolidated
art of Bridge Building into a community, its members, families as well as individuals,
government departments and business houses, and using the Market Place, Community Tea
House, Popular restaurants as his approach platform. Time Wasting brings in the Pasifika
concept of Community Networking through home or market place mens group or womens
chatting of everything and anything with no real urgent objective but just to be present for
one another, getting to know what each one is up to and the hot topics of the day from
probably all walks of life that is important to the community.
Time Wasting in Western Society (Cold Culture)
Not all western societies or people can be termed Cold Cultured. A Cold Cultured
People or person is one that has a high value on personal and family privacy over
community; one that values time over solidarity, priority over people, programme
over flexibility, procedure over reason, and etc. When a Cold Cultured Person sees
two or more Pasifika Persons yarning together for more than an hour, he sees no logic
to it unless they are discussing something that is extremely important. Unless he/she
understands the rationality behind the yarning, he/she will quickly conclude that
these Pasifikans are Wasting Time doing nothing, whereas to these Pasifika Islanders
they consider their yarning as an important part of their activities.
Time Wasting Pasifika Style
The practicality Time Wasting in the Pasifika region vary amongst the existing
people groups but they demonstrate a reciprocal aspect in that the Pasifikans can
yarn for hours over everything and anything. In rural Pasifika normally when a visitor
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comes to a community, he/she is received into the home, and sitting down, the
greetings begin with just the introduction. Than the traditional drinks is prepared,
with the reason for the visit and more words of greetings from the visitor, which is
than accepted by the home or community with some traditional words of greeting
and goodwill. This is then followed by the Wasting Time proper which can last for
Time Wasting in West Africa
I could only at this point share about Time Wasting in West Africa since that is
where we are at the moment. I cannot speak generally for all of Africa since that
would require a great deal of Time Wasting Observation. But I assumed that there
would not be any major difference since all people groups of Africa are considered
Hot Cultured. The West Africans and the Pasifikans are very much the same in
their practical application of Time Wasting. They would stop whatever they are
doing whenever there is a visitor. They would sit down together under the shade and
talk which normally begins with the greetings and into asking all sorts of questions
regarding the family, work, health, and other issues of family interest. Then they
would call on a young lad who will become the Tea Maker for the day, making special
Home Brewed Tea for the guest. They would sit and talk, and the interesting part is
that the visitor would ask for the road when there is nothing else of importance to
talk about, and excusing himself for the disruption in the house.
I believe that different people groups manifest different ways of Time Wasting, and may be
not to the extreme as the Pasifikans do, but a time to socialize and mingle, talking about
anything and everything that they find a common interest in. And probably the rationalities
behind their practices do not differ much amongst the people groups of the world. I am using
the Pasifika mode as a model because the time spend by the Time Waster is important in
building good contacts, connects, and networks into the target community, of course bearing
in mind and being sensitive to the fact that people have more important activities to do at
certain times. The adaptation of the Pasifika Time Wasting for World Mission is purpose
driven, an added advantage to our Missional work, and is working well amongst our target
people group.


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The evolution of World Mission in the 21st Century has led us to create this person who is
called the Community Bridge Builder (CBB). He is also known as the Time Waster and
his main job is to Waste Time or rather Waste his Time with People. He wastes his time in
the Market Places with the Market Vendors, in the shops with the shop owners; on the
streets getting to know people; in business house kindly asking questions as an interested
inquirer. He wastes his time on making friends, building networks, and gathering
information at the same time. He genuinely visits his friends from time to time to ask how
they are, their business, family, health, life, asking all friendship questions and keeping
within the cultural boundary and within the security or political periphery of the day. He
makes friends with all sorts of people, in consideration of the cultural boundary of the people
or area, and usually meets them in the Market Place as an Open Door Approach so no one
would suspect him of any classified work.

The NETWORKING SKILLS of a Time Waster

I have an uncle who has been around a while in Government and the Public Sector. I always
admire the way and skills he has and how he employs them when meeting people. One thing
that touched me was how he relates to people high and low, young and old, and of different
ethnic origin. Seeing how he became very successful with people prompted me to glean from
his skills and, since we are all different and character plays a major role, resorted to emulate
him in my own way. Of course you may reasoned that we all need to emulate Jesus; exactly,
but my decision arose over the fact that I saw how Jesus related himself to people lived out in
him in the way he took time to meet with people everywhere. As a Hot Cultured person I
have noted in these pages what I have experienced and also gleaned some major points from
my uncle, from the Bible, and from other missionaries, and refined them to suit my person,
and currently employing them to benefit not just myself but also the people group we are
working amongst.
Understand the Culture
A Time Waster needs to know and understand the culture of his Time Wasting
Target. Since the purpose of Time Wasting is to connect with people, it is a Bridging
Point Acquisition to know and understand the culture and being able to use it when
necessary. Of course you will always be different and your TW Target Group will
always see you that way no matter how much you are accepted into their circle. But
the knowledge, understanding, and employment of culture especially the greetings
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and respect for the elders will open up some great opportunities to connect with
them in at a more personal level, leading up to the corporate echelon.
Know and Employ the Greeting Phrases
The employments of basic greeting phrases during TW at the Market Place usually
open-up the hearts of the Target People. It shows that youre interested in their
language and the desire to be identified with them and they would be interested to be
identified with you. They would be willing to correct you if youre wrong and add on
to what you already know. The TW at the Market Place is also a good time to
practice your local language and add on to your local vocabularies. I did not attend a
French Language Learning School so my wife and I went to the field with level zero
French. However we organized ourselves so we could learn French on the field. I
spent hours in the Market Place, Wasting Time with those in the market with the
objectives of practicing my French and adding on new vocabularies, apart from
making connections. In using the basic greeting phrase in the local language, it
initiates connection on an interpersonal level, and dont be surprise when you get an
invitation to come to their homes.
Show Genuine Love and Respect
To be seen as a foreigner who loves the people and shows great respect for them is a
great challenge for the TW Target Group, because any native person would always,
after a little period of curiosity, want to show how macho he is amongst the rest of
the group. Quickly work toward knowing, understanding, and employing the
greeting words and address for adults, children, ladies, young men and women. Lack
of knowledge in this area may precipitates resentment closing your door of
connectivity. I once went to a village with a young African man from the
neighbouring village. The house we were to visit was at the other end of the village.
As we walked by the first house, an old man sitting outside greeted us and asked us
to sit for a while. The young man whom I was with declined, saying that we are in a
hurry to visit the last house. I inquired of what he said because they were speaking in
the local language. On hearing what he said, I decided that we sit with him for a
while before we move on. The old man was resentful at first because my young
African friend had declined his offer which showed lack of respect on his part as a
young native to an older person. Then he turned to me and thanked me for accepting

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his invitation. That day opened up a big door of Time Wasting into their home and I
continue to visit him every now and then.
Be ready to Cross the Role Barrier to help at Critical Times
During our first Missional term in West Africa, I was asked to go and pray for this
certain lady who was very sick and bed-ridden. I went with a young local man and on
arriving found that there was no water in the house. That daughter of this lady had
just return from the market and gathering firewood for dinner prep. Their water hole
was four kilometres away. On seeing this need, I said to my friend, well have to go
and get some water for the house, so please get the water drums. Now generally in
Africa, fetching water is a female and young boys role and the rural Africans are very
strict on role play. So it was a big surprise for my African friend to hear me say that
well have to go and get some water; here were two adult men amongst the ladies at
the water hole. But we did, and I was certain that it was the right thing to do. What
we did that day became the talk of the community and we gained more respect and
more Time Wasting opportunities in return. I dont do it often but I see when and
where it is crucial to cross this barrier, and in doing so have met positive responses
from the community.
Be willing to sit at the Market
I am using this terminology Sit in the Market to express the Time Wasting mode
generally employed in Africa. They sit in the market all day doing business, meeting
people, talking issues, and drinking tea. Although those who do not go to the market
stay home and cultivate in the cultivating season, and those who have animal send
their young boys off to tender the animals while they sit around at home when there
is nowhere to go. But as a Time Waster, I must be willing to sit with them at the
market from time to time. To sit and talk with them, drink tea with them, and be
willing to buy tea for them whenever needed. Local will enjoy sitting and be identify
with you.
Ask relevant and genuine questions
The desire to know more about the community, work, life, etc. in the target people
group has always met encouraging co-operation from the local people. Asking
questions is an indirect way of telling the locals that even-though we work
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internationally, we still do not know everything, and we desire to learn if they are
willing to help us. Nurture an analytical mind and it will help you in how and when
to ask the right questions. I have always asked questions in the market place or in
home visitation and have found that people were eager to answer when they felt that
the question is genuine assuming that their contribution to my knowledge is an
important one which will help me understand an issue or situation better.
Visit your connections with something and at occasions
Take time to visit your connections and talk with them. Be mindful of the fact that
they could be busy, and if so keep you visit short on just the greetings. I normally take
time to visit those I am connected to during my Market Place Time Wasting
connection. In visiting, I tried to take something with me for the target person or
family. It could be bread, maize, clothes, not all the time but most of the time. What I
take depends also on the economic level of the family. If it is a well off family, I
normally take bread. If it is a struggling family I normally take something they really
need. I have found that it opens up other avenues of Time Wasting Discussions,
especially on issues that bothers them but they may reserve them during our Market
Place connection.
Be ready to open your door
Because of your TW connection at the Market Place, you may from time to time have
a surprise visit from someone youve connected with. This kind of visit could be for a
couple of reasons; 1) it could be to see you home and you level of lifestyle; 2) it could
be to verify your address; 3) it could be just to say hello; 4) it could be to test your
reaction and see how you receive locals into your home; 5) it could be a personal visit
to ask for a favour, genuinely, or probably wanting to see how you react; 6) or it could
be just passing the time / wasting time. A good Time Waster will be prepared for this
and employing an Open Door Policy in expectation of interrupting visits on a daily
basis. Some may come in the morning, some at lunch time, some at night, but be
prepared to receive and reason with them in a respectable way. How you handle
these visits will destroy or strengthen your TW Connection.
These are the TW Networking skills I have been using and have tried to be good at. It is not
easy and I guess you will not find it easy either. There are many challenges, many humbling
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situations, and there will also be misunderstanding encountered. But overall, it is an

interesting and enjoyable work.

The BEARING of a Time Waster

When we had the 50yrs anniversary of the Christian Churches Council in Burkina Faso, a
regional celebration was organized in which there was a march-pass before the Senior
Churches Leaders and Senior Government Officials. After the march-pass a senior church
leader came to me saying that they thought I was in the military before. I said I was, to which
he turned to his other senior Pastors friends and said, See! I told you. Bearing was what
drew them to their conclusion. The bearing of a Time Waster is important in the ministry of
Time Wasting.
First is his Viewable Comportment (Bearing)
Your viewable comportment is observable and could put-off your connections or
closes your TW doors of opportunities. The Target Group is the Time Waster is
something that the Time Waster himself will have to research and understand. He
has to be sure of why things are done in certain way by his Target Group.
a. Dress Code: - Consideration will have to be put on the age group and the
culture of your TW Target. If youre targeting the youth than you will have to
consider their common physical bearing in terms of dress code, the cultural
restrictions, and also your age. If youre targeting the adults than you will have
to consider the age bracket, the culture, common dress code, and your age.
Disregarding the Physical Bearing can really offend your TW Target. Do not
overdress or underdressed yourself but be on a middle bearing.
b. Physical: - Stay physically fit and not overly muscular or sexy, and try to be so
that your body mass matches your height. We dont want people in the
Market Place creating a situation because of your Size & Look with an LG
Looking Good. Your dressing in this regard must match your body size. Be
careful that you do not allow your dressing wrap tightly around the flabbiness
of your body mass if you are a big person.

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c. Gentleness & facial expression: - This will need to be researched carefully

by the Time Waster. Different people have different manner of facial
expressions when with different sex, hierarchy, strangers, etc. In some culture
it is prohibitive to talk with an unmarried woman. In some cultures smiling at
a woman is a sign of sexual advancement. In others, being emotional is a sign
of weakness. These are the expressions the Time Waster will have to consider
in his research so that he does not continue to cross the cultural line when in
the Market Place or whilst doing Time Wasting Visitation.
d. Other Bearings include the Time Wasters Voice Tone when in the Market
Place talking to or with people; Language Level used whether it is the
Veranda Class Level (VCL), the Working Class Level (WCL), or the High
Class Level (HCL). I have noticed that there are from time to time retired civil
servants spend their time in the Market Place and they use the Working Class
Level (WCL) in their discussion. And then the whole atmosphere of the
discussion while they are present switches from Veranda Class Level (VCL)
to Working Class Level (WCL). A Time Waster must anticipate this and be
ready to switch and fit-in from time to time as the atmosphere in the Market
Place discussion is determined by the calibre of people who are present.
Secondly, his / her Intelligence Comportment
Your intelligence comportment which although not observable but which can be
detected by your TW Target. The Intelligence Comportment is manifested in a
know-all attitude. It manifests a superior exhibition of knowledge that does not give
the TW Target any room to explain what he / she thinks about an issue, situation, or
to express himself or herself. The I normally comes into play when the Intelligence
Comportment is taking control of the conversation. I did this, I did that; I was here, I
was there; I know this, I Know that; and so on. This will not help in bonding with
your TW Target. The exhibition of Intelligence Comportment can really offend or
insult the aptitude of those whom you desire to connect to in the Market Place.
Lastly, the Evaluative / Judgemental Comportment
The evaluative comportment is the one that paints a picture of your superiority and
advancement in terms of culture and development. The Evaluative or Judgemental
Comportment manifests itself in the continual comparison of what you see in your
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current AO with your home-country. When you continue to make comparisons with
your home-country you will subdue the interest of your TW Target to show you
novel things; and what really is the point of showing you something new when all the
last ones are inferior to the ones in your home country. It will correspondingly
intensify your abhorrence of the AO if their development is indeed slow and the
nation is internationally considered as poor. A good Time Waster will try to avoid
being judgemental or evaluative and will only explain any comparison when asked by
the TW Target, even so, he will strictly keep a low profile because his purpose is to
get the best out of his TW Target.

The PRIORITY of a Time Waster

Many Pasifikans waste their time on talking for no real purpose but to pass the time and
have a good Pasifika Chat of everything, anything, and no-thing. The French equivalent is
bavarder which basically means to chat with no real purpose which normally ends up in
gossiping. But Time Wasting in the context of Mission is Purpose Driven. The purpose of
Time Wasting is determined by the Goal of the Mission.
I worked as a Church Planter in an area where there is no known Christians amongst the
Fulani People Group. The Mission Base that we are stationed is in the area of another People
Group known as the Birifor. So we had quiet some work to do in terms of; 1) French
Language Learning on the Field; 2) working with the existing church to understand their
world views and views for the Fulani People; 3) forming a General Network within the
community we live in so we could gather necessary information for the Fulani People; 4)
understanding the different cultures in the community.
The goal of the mission organization we are affiliated to is reaching the unreached, planting
churches. Our purpose hinges on that goal. So as my wife and I go around and wasting our
time meeting people from all walks of life in different places in the community, but especially
in the Market Place, we are constantly reminding ourselves of our purpose which is to plant a
Christian Church amongst the unreached Fulani People of the Burkina Faso South West. Our eagerness to
waste our time talking with and visiting people stems from a clear Missional purpose and
that is our priority.

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If the Time Waster does not have a clear purpose, he / she will not see Time Wasting as
important, and even if he is engaged in Time Wasting in the Market Place, it will be a real
purposeless Time Wasting, and he will talk about all other issues and many may not have a
positive contribution to his / her work. My time in the Market Place is always purpose
driven. I make a point to ask questions that are in line with what I what to know in relation
to my work. I meet a lot of people, but I tried to get closer to those who will have a positive
influence to our work. If a Time Waster did not do this, than his / her progress in using the
local language, understand world views and philosophy, formation of purpose driven
network, and appreciation of culture, will be greatly decelerated.

The ADVANTAGE of Time Wasting

Well, as I have already mentioned; Time Wasting is a Missional Tool that assists a
Missionary in; 1) his / her knowledge and usage of the local language; 2) understanding the
views and philosophy of different people groups within the AO; 3) formation of purpose
driven network within the community and amongst the different people groups; 4) and
appreciation of different cultures existing within the AO. These are of course the major
advantages which are directly related to the purpose and mission of the Time Waster.
The second advantage is in relation to Crisis and its management. The 21st century Missional
Strategy has expanded so much to include Mission Security and Crisis Management. During
our first term in a West African Field, we encountered two crises in our town.
1. The first was a solidarity uprising by the armed forces that resulted in the open
shooting demonstration by the armed forces around the big cities and regional
capitals of our Target Country for two days and two nights. At the same time Elidad
our son had contracted Malaria and needed urgent medical attention. Fortunately for
us we had already formed a General Information Network with people we had met at
the Market Place and these sources have been very supportive. We had people who
gave all sorts of needed information and some called to see how we were doing. Even
a senior male Staff-Nurse opted to come home every twelve hours to administer
Elidads medicine.
2. The second was an Ethnic Crisis in our town between the Birifor and the Fulani
people groups. It went on for two weeks and resulted in eight deaths and over a
hundred displaced Fulani families. The armed force had to cautiously move it to stop
the situation from deteriorating as other people groups are slowly getting involved.
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During this crisis many shops and homes were looted and burnt. We also resorted to
our General Information Network and were able to manoeuvre our way our town
during this period of ethnic instability.
In both of these crises we had to source our information from somewhere. Information
relating to the actual crisis as well as shopping needs since the entire town was closed
during these crises. Had we not been around town and wasting our times at certain places
like the Market Place, it would have been difficult. Now we are facing another problem and
its now on the rise and that is Road Blockades and looting of motorists by bandits. It seems
that these bandits have a good network since their raiding operations have resulted in the
looting of people just coming out of the bank with big sums of money. I am now making a
point to go the Market Place and waste a couple of minutes in order to get Road News of
when to travel from a desired Point A to a desired Point B, and of course the Police
Department. The second is to try to befriend a person of influence is all the villages within
our AO. This is a humongous task as the AO is 32,400sqkm, but it is worthwhile and worth a
These are the benefits of Time Wasting. It has direct Missional Advantages and it also has,
may I say, indirect Missional Advantages. Other than that, there is the forming of new
friendships, the adoption into new families, and etc., add to the motivation of Time Wasting.

When Time Wasting becomes an ART

Time Wasting becomes a Work when it is purpose driven. And the Time Waster must be
good at doing Purpose Driven Time Wasting to get something beneficial out of it. The word
Art can also be defined as a skill, talent, ability; something someone is exceptionally good at.
In this context Purpose Driven Time Wasting can become an Art that can benefit the
mission in an exponential way. There are people who can do research and after reading this
piece one might conclude that it is the same as doing research. That is true; but Time
Wasting goes a little further in that it continues to maintain and build on these TW Targets
nurturing these relationships so that it achieves the Missional Goal. It could be equated to
the Secret Agents in the Military but the difference is that they do things secretly, whereas
the Time Wasters approach is determined by the culture of the TW Target. He works hard
at blending in with the people and in the process gathers his required information. The Time
Waster does not manipulate his Targets but he looks at opportunities where he can be of use
to them.
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Time Wasting does not come easy, even for Pasifikans, because now it is no longer
Bavarder and just passing the time, then go home, eat, sleep; but it actually a work / a
Missional line of work that is purpose driven. If at the end of the year evaluation, the Time
Waster has not formed any network from his Market Place Time Wasting sessions, than he
has to ask himself whether or not he could be a Time Waster, otherwise he will become,
what I would term, a Time Consumer. A Time Waster is to waste his time on others and
not consuming time for himself or herself. There will always be visible results at the end of
the day.
For Time Wasting to become an Art, the Time Waster needs to nurture these four important
Maximizing Greetings
This will involve perfecting the use of local greeting that it becomes an art. In some
parts of the world, how well you know a person is determined by your greetings. If
the greeting is detailed and you ask the well-being of many of his family members,
than you can be seen as one who is very close to the family, or very close to the one
youre greeting.
Sharpening of the Interrogative Approach
This helps you on acquiring needed information: - In West African societies, direct
interrogative questions can be very offensive. A Time Waster must learn the culture
of the society in relation to asking Interrogative Questions, when to ask and how to
ask a question depending on the situation; and must master it to gain maximum
Proverbial Speaking
Learning and mastering the art of proverbial speaking will be an added advantage if
proverbial speaking is commonly used in the society. In some cultures, mastering the
art of proverbial speaking is a sign of wisdom. Discern the context and know when
and how to use it.

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Cut-Off Point
To discern and know when is the right time to ask for the road (knowing when to
leave), play an important role in concluding a visit. There will be times when the time
waster wants to leave because he has finished his business but the Target still wants
to continue the discussion. Here, the Time Waster will have to weigh between his
time, his target, and if his time is really important because he is engaged elsewhere,
than he will need to talk his way out of the session; even this will need to be

The REVOLUTIONIZED Art of Time Wasting

To revolutionize something means to transform or Modernize so that it is up to-date
with the current state of development. This is sort of peculiar one may say as first of all, how
would Time Wasting become an art? And secondly, how would revolutionizing it benefit
mission and community at large? In travelling around the world and even in this West
African region, I have found that Time Wasting plays a major role in peoples lives. But in
relation to development and the development of rights, it has become a disadvantage to areas
where role play is stringently observed, because in most of these places, women and children
tend to do most of the daily chores and they get busy from dawn to dusk while the man can
be seen lazing around (if the observer is an outsider). The men on the other hand dont see
themselves idling but consider their Time Wasting session as an important part of their daily
business. And here is a very interesting point, that in West Africa, during the planting
season, the mens Time Wasting sessions decrease dramatically. All day they can be generally
seen in their farms cultivating. They do majority of the cultivation work and then they rest,
and the farm is looked after by the women and children until harvest time. When we arrived
in West Africa we saw that polygamy was still flourishing in rural communities amongst
those who are not Christian. Later I found out that wives were not only acquired to bare
children but also to share the household responsibilities and care for the Man of the House.
Interestingly, the mans obligation is to build a hut each for his wives and their children. But
now with the enforcement of International Laws concerning women and children, major
social structural changes could be happening in rural Africa.
The revolutionizing of Time Wasting could benefit the family, community, and especially
organization enormously. The introduction of this approach into the 21 st African Missional
Approach will certainly be of get help provided there is a clear goal and clear objectives.
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Revolutionizing Time Wasting brings in the idea of perfecting personal approach beginning
Learning to spend time with people
Time Wasting in the 21st century is not the same as it was 50 100 years ago. This is
due to development and the changing values of society. 100 years ago society valued
people more than time. In the 21st century, its the other way around, society value
time more than people. A Time Waster of the 21st century must research how best he
or she can waste his time on people without disrupting his targets schedule. And if
his Time Wasting visit is a disruption, how can it be directed to benefit the target.
Learning how to talk to people
Language Translators know that all languages evolve and that they have to expect
that new vocabularies are coined and old one become less usable from time to time. In
revolutionizing Time Wasting, a Time Waster needs to be up to date with the
language of the society and their usage. He will also need to consider his Target
Group with their lingo, slangs, and clichs. It would be very interesting to see the
reaction of a group of young people in New York City if you were to create a
conversation with them using the King James English.
Learning to accept peoples views
The 21st century culture is a very complex one that has progressed exceedingly in
terms of personal views, corporate world views, and freedom of expression.
Entertainment, Education, Sports, Science and Technology, and Politics, have
advanced to an unimaginable dimension and have influence society to the degree that
majority of the people everywhere wants to become like another celebrity or person
somewhere. Personal rights and the freedom of expression have begotten an attitude
of Who care what you think. People are defiance of the truth not because of their
ignorance but because of their arrogance. A Revolutionized Time Waster will
ruminate on these facts and develop an approach where he can listen attentively and
remark or critique constructively. The interesting fact is that majority of the people
living in the world today want somebody to listen to what they have to say.

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Learning to constructively waste his time

It is the 21st century and you dont need to go back in time to be effective but flow
with the time and use it to your advantage. When Time Wasting is purpose driven it
becomes a ministry. In the private sector, I can say that it becomes a business. When
Time Wasting is purpose driven it become a profession. As a profession, the Time
Waster must be professional in his approach. He must be skilled, proficient, and a
specialist. It is no longerjust bavarder, but mission information gathering. It is not
just passing the time but observation, analysis, and chronicling. It is not just making
friends but associate building, networking, and looking for opportunity to serve the
target and his community. This is constructive Time Wasting.
When Time Wasting is revolutionized, the Time waster will be focused in his approach,
calculative in his entry and exit timing, crafty in information gathering, appreciative in
connecting, equivocal in explaining the truth. These allows him maximum impact in both
contact and connect that will later enabled him to penetrate into his Targets personal and
communal life. The success of Christian Mission to a lost people also depends on forging
good relationship with the Target People.

Was JESUS A Time Waster?

In reading the Gospel accounts, one can certainly find numerous references of the Lord Jesus
spending time with people high and low, rich and poor, adults and children, and especially
the marginalised. Jesus mastered the Art of Purpose Driven Time Wasting. One account that
has always interests me was when he told his disciples, Peter & John, to go and make
preparation for the Pass-Over where they can eat together. This account is found in Luke 22.
On enquiring of the detail, Jesus gave them specific instruction into what they will
encounter. The fascinating fact is that the disciples did not even know who the person was
and where the house was located. All that Jesus had told them were true. Was the owner of
the required house an angel? Could be, but I dont think so. I believe that Jesus had been
wasting him time on many people without the disciples knowledge. The owner, by the way,
willingly gave them the needed Upper-room to prepare for their Pass-Over meal.
Another account can be found in Luke 19 where Jesus told two of his disciples to go the
village thats ahead of them and bring a certain colt, with the specific instruction that if
someone asked, they are to say, The Lord needs it. And it happened to the disciples just as
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Jesus had said. Now, were the owner and the person who asked angels? Could be, but I dont
think so. I find it highly probable that Jesus being a man of service and for the people was
wasting his time on the people of this village. He said of himself, the son of man did not come to
be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.
These are just two accounts, but there are numerous others that can be found in the Gospels.
His time wasting account with the sinners, eating and drinking with them, drew sarcastic
remarks from the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law. His time with the Samaritan woman
caused the revival of a whole Samaritan Village. And I could go on and on listing them down.
So to answer the question; Was Jesus a Time Waster? Definitely yes; He was the Master
Time Waster and His Time Wasting Sessions were all purpose driven. His comportment is
excellent and his timing is always right; he is strategic, calculative in entry and exit, and
proverbial in conversation. The Church is here today because Jesus purposefully chose to
waste his time on wasted people.


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TITLE Life Restoration

There hasnt been a major breakthrough in the Brethren church planting work for the last 20
years until the commencement of the Cross Cultural CP Ministry targeting Muslims and
Hindus spearheaded by the Valelevu Gospel Assembly. We of the Vusuya Hindi Ministry
Team believe that we are entering into a very exciting time where we will see a great move of
God in this area and that more Fijians of Indian descent will believe that Jesus is the only
Lord and Saviour.
The CP approach being carried out by the Vusuya CP Team is not new but employing a
method that has been used by our former CP Teams; one which is more structured and
employing a more holistic approach. The mission of course is To make disciples amongst the
Hindus and Muslims of the Vusuya Area, with the main objective of planting a Hindi Speaking
Gospel Fellowship within a period of 3 4 years. The acquisition of a good piece of land is
essential to this development proposal, not only for the continuation of the development side
which is planned for a period of 6 10 years, but also due to the fact that Hindu Background
Believers (HBB) may need a neutral place in future as a site for corporate worship, and as the
group grows and house service in homes may not be big enough to contain the number.
The purpose of this paper therefore is to present and propose the re-utilization of a CP
development follow-up model (DFM) which has been successfully employed by the Gospel
Movement Missionaries in the past and one which we believe is best suited to the present
Brethren Church. We are of the view that this model is feasible and beneficial to the Hindi
community as well as the expansion of the church local. We have titled this development
proposal LIFE Restoration.
The word LIFE here is the acronym for Living Intentionally for Eternity. It spells out the
core of our passion and vocation in our Disciple Making work; that in everything we do,
every activity, every programme, and every event, bares this signature of Kingdom
Expansion, and we will grab every opportunity to clearly explain verbally or show through
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activities to a lost person whom we may make contact to ask, inquire, or express interest in
the way to the Kingdom of God which is found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.


1) Summary
a) The Hindi CP Ministry Team of Vusuya is under the ministry umbrella of the Gospel
Hindi CP Ministry of the Fiji Brethren Assemblies Partnership, the Ministry Arm of
the Fiji Brethren Trust, a registered faith based organization that is focused on
community regeneration employing a partially holistic approach aimed at assisting
community members and communities new generations in acquiring a reliable
platform to build their future for the realization of Gods purpose in their lives.
b) The Gospel Hindi CP Ministry of Vusuya desires to contribute to the holistic growth
of community members in the Vusuya Area by balancing the spiritual and physical in
our CP and community development approach.
2) Our MISSION Our MISSION has never and will never be changed. WE MAKE
DISCIPLES. In our process of making disciples, we work to restore a new generation of
influential community changers in the Vusuya Area.
3) Our VISION Our Vision is COMMUNITY. A Co-operating Community, Conciliating
Community, Caring Community, and is based on Acts 4:32.
4) Our AIM Our Aim is RESTORATION This aim is achieved by praying, seeking out,
sharing, teaching, mentoring, coaching, training, encouraging, motivating, assisting,
nurturing, and sending out as many young people as we can from the Vusuya Area who
will become Life and Community Changers, affecting the community they live in and
beyond, through the Lord Jesus Christ.
5) Ministry Status
a) The Vusuya CP Ministry is headed by Pastor Filipe Lewai. Brother Lewai has been in
Cross Cultural Ministry to the Hindus and Fijians of Indian descent for the last 06
years and was very instrumental in the planting of the Hindi speaking Assembly in
the Korociriciri Area. This assembly is currently at phase 07 where leadership
training for the probable leaders is being carried out by the Valelevu Elders.
b) This CP Ministry is accountable to the Valelevu Hindi Ministry and to the Valelevu
Elders of which Pastor Filipe is a member.
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6) Ministry Structure
a) The Vusuya CP Team is made up of two couples. They are Pastor Filipe and
SainianaLewai, and Wiliame and Lavinia Maloveretaki.
b) The Maloveretakis as co-workers are here on term furlough and will be leaving again
for the West African mission field in June 2014. They are involved in detail CP
planning, co-ordinating community survey and analysis, and general visitation.
c) A short-term team has also been put together to assist in the community profiling
and general visitation. It comprises of senior youth members and youth leaders from
the Valelevu and Nausori Assemblies.
d) The Valelevu Hindi CP Ministry Structure is as follows;
i) Hindu CP Ministry Team;
(1) TaitusiTavakaturaga (Elder / Discipler)
(2) Sam Thargard (Elder / Evangelist)
(3) Manoa (Evangelist)
(4) ElikiLalauvaki (Elder /Evangelist / Pastor Narere Hindi Assembly)
(5) Filipe Lewai (Evangelist / Vusuya CPM Leader)
(6) Charles (Evangelist)
(7) Maloveretaki (Filipes Co-worker from Nausori Assembly)
ii) Muslim CP Ministry Team
(1) ElikiDrodrolagi (Elder / Evangelist / CP Coach / WEC Fiji Director)
(2) Geoff Nainoca (Elder / Discipler / WEC Fiji Mobilizer)
(3) Peter Dimah (Discipler / WEC Missionary)
(4) Josephine Sammy (Evangelist / Discipler)


1) Proposed Development Title This whole proposed development has been titled
2) Proposed Development DescriptionThe proposed development titled Restoration is
a proposed community development project that is purposed for supplementing the CP
work and assisting in the holistic growth of the new generation in the target community.
The word restoration signifies the reinstatement, re-establishment, and re-installation
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of something that was lost, repositioned, or removed, and the need to return it to its
rightful place. We of the Vusuya CP Ministry team have ascertained, from the survey
carried out, that majority of the Vusuya community members are living unrestored lives
and without the eternal relationship with the Lord Jesus, especially those of the younger
generation. This has resulted in the broken down of some of the major areas of their lives.
What this proposed project seeks to reinstate are;
a) The restoration of a genuine relationship with God through the Lord Jesus
Christ. A restored relationship with God is the foundation of a peace loving
community. The power and sustainability of peace in a community can only be when
the spirits of her members are restored to a genuine relationship with their maker.
We will carry this out through;
i) Community contact and building bridges of friendship, security, and love;
ii) House to house visitation;
iii) Clear explanation of the Gospel through;
(1) Community evangelism and crusades;
(2) Tracts, Jesus Film, and Bible distribution;
b) The restoration of community interrelationship We view this as an important
ingredient in the Peace Building Process (PBP) where community members will be
drawn together to bridge the unseen interracial rift between the different races
within the community. This will be performed through;
i) Community visitations;
ii) Community need analysis and meeting those needs which are deemed important;
iii) Building of commuters shelters (application to the Roads Authority has been sent
and waiting for their reply);
iv) Community awareness programme;
(1) Community health has been discussed with SDO Nausori Hospital
ManoaTawakevou who was very helpful and positive about it;
(2) Community awareness on Small Business has been discussed with FDB Suva
Senior Manager AtunaisaRaico who has instructed us to work with FDB
Nausori and that they have a system in place for such programme;
c) The restoration of community living The congregating or living together of a
group of people with the same belief system is important that they know one another
and interact with each other as they live within the same community. It tantamounts
to the practicality of the Greek word Koinonia meaning to share in common from
which we get the word fellowship. We do not want to relegate the word fellowship
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to church alone but to employ it in community living as well. We will do this

i) The gathering of new HBB and formed them into a spiritual community to be
known as the Vusuya Hindi Speaking Community Church;
ii) Teaching HBB to model a Christlike lifestyle that will benefit the community and
desirable to community members in terms of fidelity and integrity;
iii) Carry out Community Policing awareness programme that is purposed for
helping community members lookout for one anothers security and wellbeing;
iv) Community mobilizing programme that is intended for assisting the community
members to work together in harmony and helping each other when needs arise
regardless of race or religion.
d) The restoration of a New Generation Our philosophy of restoration for a new
generation is a holistic one that touches the body, mind, soul, and spirit of a person;
and that he/she can be in favour with God and man. We will accomplish this through
the establishment of a Learning Centre which will house a Kindergarten for preschool children, and a Resource Centre for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary students.
e) The restoration of a Community Godly and Responsible Young People We will
do this through the establishment of purpose driven programme focused on
equipping young people with Biblical personal leadership and life skills knowledge
that will help them realize Gods purpose for them in life. This will be carried out in
the Learning Centre and the intent is to grow and nurture them into reliable
community and nation changers.

1) Timing
a) In relation to the spiritual needs of the community There is no Hindi speaking
local church in the area. We certainly believe that the timing is right to begin the
ground work for this development programme in the area. The result of our
community profiling and analysis has led us to this conclusion. The spiritual need is
obvious as we encountered;
i) Many non- Christian families of Indian descent have eagerly asked for prayers and
continued visitation;
ii) Existing Hindi speaking Christian witnesses in the area who are not in fellowship
because of a homicide involving their Pastor; an incident that challenged their
faith in God and now they are searching for answers;
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iii) Existing Hindi speaking Christian witnesses who are not in fellowship because
they felt the lacking of the Spirit of Fellowship in their affiliated fellowship.
Majority of whom have stated that this is evident in the lack of visitation during
times when they needed it most, especially when they are sick.
b) In relation to the physical needs of the community Our community research also
showed that there are some needs in the area which the community have failed to
address because there is no established Community Mobilization mechanism. Some
of these needs could be seen as insignificant to outsiders, such as the need for
commuters shelters along the Vuci Vusuya road; but then again, meeting these
needs play an important role in the whole works of Purpose Driven Community
c) In relation to current School Drop-outs and Unemployment rate Our survey
stats showed noted a good number of students living in the area. Majority of the
Native Fijians at secondary school level do not really have a definite Life Plan, which
is a stark contrast to the Indo Fijians students. The higher rate of school drop-outs
and the intensity of competition for those at tertiary level vying for a place in the
workforce is a good indicator to the feasibility of this proposed development
programme because in its totality, it nurture future generations, and seeks to create a
platform of resolute mentality in the mind of a young person where he knows for
certain where he is going, what he wants to do, where he wants to be, setting his
goals, and following a definite process to achieving it.
d) In relation to building a support platform for children and young people
i) Since the target for the Vusuya Hindi Ministry are the Hindi speakers themselves,
the establishment of a Resource Centre will significantly offer an added
advantage in the holistic development of the Hindi speaking youth and students
in the area.
ii) The question Whats in it for me? which has often been asked by the majority of
Fijian of Indian descent, and will continue to be asked whenever something of
this sort is introduced to any Hindi speaking community, is manifested in a
realistic way, as the future, for any Fijian of Indian descent, is always uncertain
because he/she has nothing to fall back on except what little material possession
their families have gained over the years. If we were to assist them in the
provision of educational resource platform, it will not only help in the realization

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of their future, but also modify their perspective of what a Christian, Christian
Community, Christian Service, and Christianity is all about.
iii) There is only one known Kindergarten in the area and as such, those with
children at pre-school level have to daily accompany their children to their
schools every morning. These schools are at an average of 03 km from the Vusuya
area; to Vuci Road, Kuku Village, and Korociriciri respectively. We are banking
on the excellent service of our pre-school institutions both in Suva and Nasinu
which can be transferred to the Vusuya area.
2) Driving Resources
a) Existing Development of Higher Priority We have no knowledge of any high
priority development within the Gospel Church except that which has and always be
our priority which is the planting of new assemblies in the new target areas. All
current CP works are at their infant stages and some are need some strategic
planning to move them forward. These of course are being followed closely by the
Hindi Ministry Team from Valelevu Assembly, and we will be offering our expertise if
b) Aligning with the Brethren Long Term Objectives This development proposal we
believe is very much in line with the long term objectives of the Brethren Assemblies
Partnership. The mandate has been given by the Brethren Church Council of Elders
for the establishment of new assemblies in new un-evangelized communities around
Fiji. This whole development is under the intension of church planting employing a
holistic approach.
c) Effects to the Church & CP Ministry
i) The realization of this development will certainly be an added leverage to the
Christian witness and service of the Brethren Church of Fiji in relation to the
Great Commission. We are convinced that we are better suited to the CP holistic
ii) With the spiritual maturity of our members supported by their calibre and
expertise from their secular line of work, we are certain that given the
opportunity, they will do it to the best of their abilities.
iii) We can foresee that once the proposed project is off the ground, more people will
want to be involved. Because it is a cross cultural CP ministry, it will also
encourage our members in the work of local mission.

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iv) We believe that majority of our members want to invest their money on local
cross cultural mission but are not able to do so at the moment because the church
has not been fully involved in mission both locally and globally.
d) The Negatives It is highly unlikely that this proposed project will fail once it is
approved. It is also doubtful that this development will damage or hinder the chances
of other development or projects for the following reasons;
i) It is part of CP ministry and as such, the Lord Jesus has already told the church
Peter that he will build his church and the Gates of Hell will not be able to stand
against it. Therefore it is our view that every CP work along with the
accompanied development purposed for Gods Kingdom Expansion with succeed
come what may;
ii) It is our first and foremost intension to plant a Christian Fellowship which will
come under the organizational umbrella of the Fiji Brethren Partnership. The
development proposal is an added initiative to help the community we are
reaching out to;
iii) The scope of the development requires that it be carried out in stages, which will
move forward as and when the resources are available;
iv) The time frame of the proposed development is reasonable and is projected to
move stage by stage in period of 6 10 years;
v) Once a Christian fellowship is established, the CP Team moves on to a new
designated AO leaving the development work to the selected project Team,
except for the Discipleship Team which will continue to nurture and guide the
newly established fellowship until the phasing-out phase.


1) Research & Profiling This has been outlined in the Vusuya CP Master Plan and
approximately takes 12 weeks to complete.
2) Assembly Establishment The Master Plan has outlined the 09 phases of CP work
which is expected to take 03 04 years where the newly planted Vusuya Hindi Assembly
will be able to stand on her own and led by her own Pastor, Elders, and Deacons.
3) CP Support Development Which involves the reaching out and meeting the identified
social and physical needs in the area has been envisioned by theVusuya CP Team to
continue up to 05 years.

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4) Development as a whole The Vusuya CP Ministry Team envisioned that the whole
development from planning to Church Establishment, and to the completion of all the
proposed projects purposed for addressing the identified needs in the area is estimated to
take up to 10 years.


1) Stages of Development The stages of the RESTORATION Development programme is
to be carried out according to their order of priority based on the Community Profiling
and Analysis exercise. This is also in-line with the Vusuya CP Master Plan of which this
whole Community Development Proposal centres. There will be a whole lot of
collaboration, networking, planning, and consultation in and between the stages, and we
are realistic that the contribution from all stakeholders will bring to materialization this
vision of Community Restoration. The development stages outlined here are to be carried
out by the Vusuya CP Team before the whole works is forwarded to the Brethren
Partnership Development Team.
a) Stage 01 Preparation
Phase 01 (PPC)Praying, Planning, Consultation
Phase 02 (CPA) Community Profiling & Analysis
Phase 03 (IPP) Initial Project Preview &Prioritization by the Vusuya CP Team
b) Stage 02 Intermediate Ground Work by CP Team
Phase 04 (PProp) Project Proposal
Phase 05 (Laac) Land Acquisition. Begin searching for an ample piece of Land
Phase 06 (CCS) Construction of Commuters Shelters (to be organized by CP
Phase 07 (CAP) Community Awareness Programme
Phase 08 (CMP) Community Mobilization Programme
c) Stage 03 Advance Development Work
To be fwd to the Brethren Partnership Development Team
(1) Completion of lease process and Land acquisition
(2) Proposed Project Planning and execution
(a) Learning Centre for Children
(b) Resource Centre for Students
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Other development input required for this proposed CP development work will all be carried
out by the designated Project Team and we need not disclose them here. The areas are;
1) Financing
2) Stakeholders
3) Construction, Planning, and Technical
4) Cost


We understand that we have no say once this proposal is accepted and taken on by the
Brethren Partnership. However may we be allowed to make a suggestion in the selection of
project Team members; that if possible, the following be considered;
1) Mrs.&Mr.Vecenayawa (Nausori Assembly /Gospel Primary School Samabula)
2) Mr.Tuivanuavou (Gospel Valelevu)
3) Mr. Johnny Blake (Nausori Gospel / BPS Company)
4) Mrs.Poggy and Mrs. Sam Thaggard (Valelevu Assembly)
5) Mr.Ravoka (Nausori Assembly)
6) Mr. Isaac King (Nausori Assembly)
We would also like to suggest that a Team of Executive Assistance be formed to learn and
then understudy whenever there is a shortfall in the executive manpower. The philosophy of
using executive assistance is to coach and mentor them for future leadership project
implementation works. And we would if possible that the following be considered for the
executive assistance Team;
1) KitioneTavakaturaga (Valelevu Assembly)
2) Maloni Bole (Valelevu Gospel)
3) AseriRokolekutu (Nausori Gospel)
4) Caleb Nainoca (Nausori Gospel)
5) MaloUkumoce (Nausori Gospel)

It is envisioned that this community development programme will produce an excellent and
desirable result in the creation of;
a) A peace loving community;
b) A community that is able to use their racial diversity to their advantage;
c) A community that is crime free;
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d) A community that is purpose driven for the betterment of her members and certainly
of her young generation;
e) A community that fosters the development of young, responsible, influential, and
educated generation through the utilization of the LIFE Centre.
f) A community that works toward alleviating the poverty problem through community
awareness and empowerment programme;
g) A community that produces purpose driven citizens;
h) A community whose members are restored to genuine relationship with God through
the Lord Jesus;
i) A community whose members exemplify the Life of Christ.

The priority of this Community Development Proposal needs to be emphasised, which is the
establishment of a Hindi Speaking Assembly made up of HBB & MBB in the Vusuya area.
This is our vision and it is of uttermost importance. All others play supporting roles in its
establishment and service to the community. This proposal is based on our research stats and
in consideration of the current events in the area, the population projected growth for the
next 5 10 years, and the exciting and augmenting social issues. The establishment of this
proposed LIFE Centre will, according to our vision, greatly assist in the desired change that
is envisioned for this community as it is purposed for addressing major needs in the area in
terms of developing a new generation of Community Changers.
Sainiana& Filipe Lewai
Lavinia &Wiliame Maloveretaki

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Other Notes & Resources

For Additional Ministry Consultation, you can contact us @ email
Other Available study materials which can be ordered from ACTS Ministry Fiji
include the;
Church Based Community Development Study.
Discipling and Mentoring Study for Disciple Makers.
Christian Living and Growing Study (In the Viti Local Language).
Basics of Inductive Bible Study Method.
Church Leadership, Development, and Management Study 01.
Church Leadership, Development, and Management Study 02
Kingdom Blessings (a study in the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians
We also praise God for the establishment of the ACTS Ministry Fiji is for the
purpose of;
Discipleship Training and Consultation;
Bible Teaching, Training, and Consultation;
Cross Cultural Mission, Mission Mobilization, and Mission
Church Ministries Development and Expansion Consultation;
Church Based Community Development Consultation.

ACTS Ministry Fiji

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