Development of Green Technology in The Xxi Century The Future of World and Vietnam's Economy

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Vo Minh Tap
Ph.D. Candidate, College of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City
Proceedings of International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable
Development 2014 (GTSD'14), HCMC. (Pht trin cng ngh xanh trong th k XXI:
Tng lai ca nn kinh t th gii v Vit Nam).

This article will analyze and clarify the context of developing green technology; activities
and solutions which are using to expand green technology around the world. From that, look
into the actual situation about promoting green technology in Vietnam and solutions oriented
to develop green technology in the near future. Clarification on the above problems of green
technology which is considered a strategic priority economic of all countries, including
Vietnam, also answering the question about future of world economy in XXI century.
Key words: green technology, economic, Vietnam and the World, development
Energy needs of the world is
increasing rapidly due to the demand for
energy use and investment in developed
and developing countries, mostly in the
new consumption centers emerging as
China, India, industrialization process in
developing countries while there are still
limiting alternative energy resource, rapid
population growth, making the world oil
demand growing rapidly2. On the other
hand, resource contention issues and


In the early XXI century, humanity
faces many challenges, which are greatly
impacts on many areas of social life,
particularly in the economic field the
determiningfactor in national development.
Many issues are set out in the new century.
According to study recently, 80% of the
energy demand worldwide particularly the
fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) are depleted in
the next 60 to 100 years1.

become exhausted within the next 50-60 years.

Meanwhile, according to International Energy
Agency (IEA), coal and natural gas reserves now
remain around 909 billion tons and will become
exhausted within the next 155 years. Online:, 4 April, 2008.
Vo Minh Tap (Co-author), Sustainable Energy
Development, Publising Houese for Science and
Technology, Hanoi, 2013, p.55.

According to the figures from Environmental

Work Group (EWG) locating in Germany, there are
around 1.255 billion cans of underground energy,
which are enough for people to use in the next 42
years. With the speed of exploitation today, within
the next 30 years, the sources of underground
paraffin oil will decrease significantly and will

energy security in the world is also make

the global energy problem more difficult to
solve. In order to solving the problem, the
solution was made to develop new, clean

the environment. Green technology is the

technology used primarily renewable
energy, bio-energy, reducing consumption
of gasoline, oil and reducing CO2

Especially the issue of climate

change with the reducing of CO2 emissions
in recent years require increasingly urgent
for the development of clean technology,
green technology. The global economic
crisis in 2008 was the explosion of
contradictions mentioned above, it is not
only a financial crisis, but also the energy,
food crisis and the crisis of poor growth
mode sustainability at the global level.

The goal of green technology is

geared towards the sustainable economic
development. Green
technology is
considered important technological quality,
not quantity, enhance valid for use not only
enhance the value and money...
The fields of green technology
platform are: clean energy and clean
technology, energy efficiently, reducing
the energy which cause environmental
pollution, build housing with clean
material, set transportation systems and
infrastructure which are environmental

Global economic recession, energy

shortages serious, climate change and its
serious consequences to the economic life human society... all factors that lead to the
development of clean technology.
Development of green technology
has become a urgent needs, as a priority
strategy to cope with the crisis and after the
economic crisis in many countries
According to experts, green development
strategy has become a turning point for the
recovery of the global economy and also a
new impetus to the promotion of global
economic sustainable development. The
United Nations also said that economic
policy is clear development path required
by the global economy in the future.



At international level, the 16

Conference of the Parties (COP 16) in
2010 in Cancun (Mexico) suggested an
idea of intergrating green growth in
economic activities to cope with climate
changes and energy crisis. At the first
Global Green Growth Forum3GF in


In the context of the post-crisis

global economy, leaders of countries
around the world are trying to find a new
growth impetus for the economy, in order
to quickly overcome the economic
downturn, conversion growth model and
restructuring the economy. New energy
field has been selected as the key to open
up an outbreak period of new economy.


In general, green technology is the

activities aimed at two purposes: (1)
reducing the toxicity of old technology, (2)
creating new technology environmentally
friendly and does not cause more harm to

Copenhagen in Denmark (October 2011)

with the main target is to encourage green
growth through public and private
mechanism among government and
coporate sector and at the Summit Rio+20
in 2012 together make an agreement about
green growth. All of 30 international
speciality organizations directly under
United Nation, which was the result of the
combination of UNEP with top countries
in the global green wave such as Japan,
China, Korea, EU, especially Germany and
Nothern Europe countries, together release
the message The World Community
should quickly shift to a global green
economy to save the Earth and humanity.

builds the first strategy of green economy

in the world. Germany also makes an effort
to become industrialized power in the
world using 100% renewable energy in
2050. In 2010, England is marked as the
country with large development of green
technology with from electric car to wind
farm and solar energy plane. In England,
households, which use green energy
resources with small scale as installing
solar panels instead of turbine, will receive
up to 1.000 pounds per year for the electric
energy created from those green energy
resources. Wind farm with 8 lines of
turbine with total up to 100 turbine create
capacity around 300MW, which may
supply enough electricity for around
200.000 households. In September 2010, 9
contries: Germany, France, Belgium,
Sweden, Ireland, and England begin to
deploy the project super electric grids
renewable energy. They will exploit
clean energy around North SeaNorth
Atlantic Ocean like solar energy, wind
energy and wave energy. Once this project
is successful, it will be an important first
step to continue to accomplish engage of
Europe United (EU) which states that
trying to use 20% renewable energy
resource in 20205.

In America, U.S. President Barack

Obama regarded the new energy policy
development is an vital means to revive the
U.S. economy. He wanted to rely on the
economic recovery by development of
green energy sources. He said that any
countries move first in the establishment of
a clean energy economy will take control
of the economy in the twenty-first century3.
In Europe, energy consumtion and
gas emission come from 3 main industries:
transportation and 30% form household
Therefore, EU works as pioneers in
developing green technology and green
ecnomy. In 2013, EU deployed to build
clean technology and green economy in all
EU27, Germany is in the lead the country

In Asia, Korea, Japan, China,

ASEAN do as pioneers. China which has
largest developing economy in the world
has become a big player in the green
technology revolution. China made an
investment plan about 738 billion USD to

Brack Obama, New energy policy of Brack

Obama, Politique International Journal, No. 125,
Online: Sustainable Development with green

Online: :

green industry, financing is designed to

use 81% for the aim shifting growing
model, top of the world, being a head of
EU (59%), China (38%). For example,
using 10,5 billion USD investing in
improving the river, 5,8 billion USD in
using energy effectively, 1,8 billion USD
in growing forest8, Korea also invested
around 40 billion USD during 4 years
(20082012) to develop industry and green
technology with general spearhead
industry. The government also builds
green transportation system, including
railway which releases low carbon and
3.000 km bicycle trails around four green
river, as well as sets the medium term goal
to decrease gas emission which cause
greenhouse effect down to 30% before
20209. From 2003, Japan enforced
Strategy of biomass energy and built
biomass city. In 2009, there were 208 cities
and in 2010, there were 300 cities which
win this title. In 2008, Japan made a plan
of Action plan for a low carbon society
like producing solar energy, taking the best
position in the world with the aim of
increase 10 times in 2020, 40 times in
2030, developing new car generation,
implementing life style of reducing CO2,
reducing using fossil fuels, and saving
energy aim to decrease green house gas
emissions, saving the economy and civil in
case of rising the price of energy. Japan
promoted to produce and use nonfossill
fuel energy including renewable energy

develop clean energy from 2011 to 2020.

At the end of 2007, China decided to take
774 million USD to invest in saving energy
project, closing 2000 factories which
directly harm the environment (August
2010). China made an argeement for the
world to reduce gas emission around 4045% in comparison with 2005, building
Green Economic Zone. In 2010, China also
invested 49 billion USD for green
economy. At the same time, to have green
development, China also carried out clean
technology revolution, In recycling and
renewable energy, each year, China
received 17 billion USD and created job
for 10 million people6. Ms.Wu Changhua,
Director of nongovermental evironmental
organization in China states that: new
energy is seen as a motivation of new
growing cycle of the economy in the world.
There is no doubt about it Like the
changes which information technology,
outer space and nuclear bring to the world
after the previous technology revolution,
new energy will decides the future of the
world7. In Korea, from 2008, Korea used
80% from economic stimulus package
(around 38,1 billion USD) to use in
shifting from brown to green economy.
Nation strategy about green growing, low
carbon of Korea define the proportion of
renewable energy in total energy supported
is 2,7% (2009), 3,78% (2013) and more
than doubled up to 6,08% (2020); in 2010,
Korea announced Strategy of developing

Werner Pascha (2010), South Koreas Economic

policy response to the global Economic crisis A
September 2010, pp.20.
Tap, Vo Minh (Co-author, 2013), Green growth in
the Era of Globalisation,...pp.70.

Tap, Vo Minh (Co-author, 2013), Green growth in

the Era of Globalisation, Publishing Economic,
Changhua, Wu, New Energy: Key era of economic
boom, Economic news, Vietnam News Agency, 15
September 2009.

and nuclear energy. Because of the changes

in situation of the world, region and
domestic, Japaneconomy has sluggished
and recession would last long. Japan made
New growing strategy, reconstructing the
economy 20112020 with 7 fields and 21
national projects, among them, green
changing and growing are the mosturgent
with the aim of creating the demand around
50 billion Japanese yen and 1,4 million
jobs through developing and publicing
green technology to reduce green house
emissions gas 25% in 2020. To implement
effectively green growing, Japan made
some solutions such as setting clear price
for releasing carbon, strengthening using
environmental taxs, developing renewable
energy, abrogating subsidy for fossil fuels
and taxs amount10

gave out ideas, green stable developing

models; experiences of building institution,
policy, legal corridor to promote green
growing, and state that green growing is
the solution helping the world overcome
serious challenges of economic crisis,
population explosion, exhaustion of natural
environmental pollution, and climate
changes. The forum promoted, oriented the
policy of Asia Europe of green growing,
ASEM promoted green growing model
aiming to action to greening ASEAM to
become nuclear for the process of greening
the world economy.
At Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) closing at November
13, 2011, Hawaii, America, APEC leaders
passed Honolulu announcement, in there,
environmental and economic challenges
byshifting to green economy, low carbon,
increasing energy security and creating
new resources for economic growing and
jobs. In 2012, APEC developed
environmental catalogue (green products)
and decided to decrease tax for those
products in the end of 2015. APEC will
remove nontariff barriers including
requirements of localization ratio with
services and environmental products. To
promote aims of green growing, APEC will
implement some methods such as
decreasing 45% energy intensity of APEC
in 2035 in comparison with 2005,
combining developing strategy about
releasing low carbon with ecnonomic

ASEAN gave out General Statement

(July 2010) giving out growing model
lowing carbon green growing and
promoting coporating energy with East
Asia region, in there, taking most care of
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),
developing millitary nuclear energyto
limit negative effects of climate changes.
concentrating in investing and innovating
energy technology to increase energy
productivities. Applying technology of
simultaneous producing energy (at the
same time producing both electricity and
heat from a raw material) which is
Indonesia, Malaysia,
At Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)
at Hanoi (Octorber 2011), many countries

Tap, Vo Minh (Co-author, 2013), Green growth

in the Era of Globalisation, pp.71.

growing plan through Low Carbon City

Form project11.

simple . The transition to clean energy still

must overcome many obstacles:

According to SHBC estimates (as of

early 2009), the investment for green
development accounted for 14% of total
the stimulus package globally, with a focus
on: building house which use energy
renewable, transport energy saving,
sustainable agricultural development, water
use efficiency.

(1) In terms of infrastructure. Electric

power supply network from 50 to 100
years old need to change to be able to use
all the alternative fuels;
(2) Energy technology is a difficult
problem, turn wind power into energy is
technology was relatively complete but still
has a lot to do with the different types of
renewable energy such as solar,
geothermal, bio-energy...;

Besides investments from the

stimulus package of the government, the
country focus on using leverage measures,
particularly carbon taxes and fees,
including the USA, the EU... This will
expensive and will increase the pressure on
polluting industries, encourage investment
and consumer cleaning products. For
example, to encourage energy saving in
transport, many countries are adopting fuel
taxes (such as Poland, Sweden ...); tariff
quota licenses and vehicles (such as the
EU, Japan...). In addition, several countries
are going to make land planning at urban
and rural such as China, India, changed
Environmental Law towards improving
regulations in some sectors, environmental
labeling for agricultural products...

(3) The cost to implement green

technologies is very large, it requires a
huge financing costs of countries.
Implementing green technologies also
touching forces are benefiting as oil
companies, coal, cars, insurance... For
example, one of the first factors that may
hinder the intent of President Obama's
green technology is the powerful influence
of coal and oil groups;



During more than 27 years of

innovating, Vietnams economy reached a
quite impressive grow rate, this also cause
a large demand of energy. According to
forecast, the grow of energy demand in
Vietnam is 8,1 8,7% in (2001 2020).
Then, energy demand in industry increases
significantly: from 4,36 million tons TOE
(3) (2000) up to 16,29 million tons TOE
(2010); 23,74 million tons TOE (2015) and
33,12 million tons TOE (2020). Rate of
using energy of Vietnam is twice as big as
regional countries in Asia. To create 1.000
USD GDP, Vietnam use around 600 Kg

The implementation of green
technology is not the immediate solution,
but a long-term solution. The transition to
green technology is very difficult, not

Available at: Viet Nam Government Portal,


TOE, 1,5 times higher comparising with

Thailand and twice higher comparising
with the average amount of the world. In
2010 2020 the energy demand of
Vietnam will increase 3 times. Vietnam is
facing with depending on importing

stabilize CO2 of Vietnam untill 2030,

reducing by half domestic environmental
fees, strengthening energy security without
negative effects to growing. In the present
and future, Vietnam has a lot of advantages
to develop green technologies and aim to
stable development of economy. Vietnam
is country locating in central of Southeast
Asia with tropical monsoon climate with a
lot of sunshine, wind, and rain, natural
conditions are very appropriate to develop
renewable energy with 2.500 MW biomass,
small hydro electric power at 7.000 MW,
wind electricity at 3.000 MW However,
the ability of exploiting those energy
resources is low with around 150 MW
biomass, 1.100 MW small hydro electric
power, 55 MW windelectricity has been
exploited14. According to World Bank
(WB), potentiality of wind electricity of
Vietnam is top of Sountheast Asia with
total capacity estimated around 513.360
MW (10 times higher than electricity
demand in 2020). Wind power is the most
important source of electricity and will be
develop up to 1.000 MW (2020) and 6.200
MW (2030). Electrical energy producing
from wind power takes from 0,7% (2020)
to 2,4% (2030). Next, other renewable
energy such as heat power from solar
energy (the most additional, active,
comparing to gas electricity, diesel,
nuclear), photo electric, tide, geothermy,
electricity, coalfired power, hydro electric

Scientists claim that Vietnam is one

of countries which are most affected
negatively by climate changes. Now,
natural disaster related damages each
year take 1,5% GDP of Vietnam. In 2100,
average temperature in Vietnam will
increase around 2,30C,sea level increase
around 0,74 m. According to estimation of
Asian Development Bank (ADB), average
damages of climate changes in 4 countries:
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and
Vietnam may be 6,7% GDP in 2100, twice
as big as the worlds rate. According to
estimation of World Bank, Vietnam is one
of 12 countries which are most affected
negatively by increasing sea level because
of climate changes, around 16% areas,
35% populations, and 35% GDP of this
country may be damaged seriously if the
sea level increase 5 m13. If Vietnam do not
shift to develop clean technology, lowing
environmental pollution and climate
changes will be unpredictable. Deploying
using energy effectively and applying low
carbon technology on large scale can

Quang, Vu Nhat (2014), Solutions to

ensure energy security for Asia , Available at: -ninhnang-luong-va-moi-truong/giai-phap-dambao-an-ninh-nang-luong-cho-khu-vuc-chaua.html, 23 April 2008.
Available at: The Steering Committee for Climate
Change Mitigation and Adaptation (Vietnam),


According of Mr.Nguyen Duc Cuong - Director,

Centre for Renewable Energy and the Clean
Development Mechanism, Institute of Energy
Science, Ministry of Industry and Trade.

power15. However, according to estimated,

Vietnam will need around 130 billion USD
in 2010 2030 to invest in energy industry,
in there, 65,5% will be used for
development of electricity. Besides, oil and
gas are also one of the top priorities in
Vietnam. To make that a reality, Vietnam
needs to continue to attrack technology
investigation, especially exploration and
exploition technologies.

also create lagging behind further if

Vietnam don't seize opportunities.

Model of economic development in

Vietnam over time primarily developed in
width, based on the exploitation of natural
resources, raw materials and semiprocessed. Therefore requires urgent to
switch to the model developed in depth,
using clean energy. Thus maintain
economic growth, reduce climate change,
strengthen energy security are posing an
urgent need for green technology
development in Vietnam. In addition, the
potential of new and renewable energy in
Vietnam is very large, so the
diversification of energy supply in Vietnam
is necessary and urgent.

Economic Development Strategy Social 2011-2020 of Vietnam has

emphasized the importance of developing
green technologies and the green economy:
focus on the development of green
economy, environmental friendly. Perform
sustainable production and consumption,
step by step development of clean energy
and clean production16. At the Asean
Ministers on Energy Meeting conference of
South East Asia (AMEM 28) in Vietnam
dated 27-7-2010, Prime Minister Nguyen
Tan Dung emphasized further cooperation
in ASEAN to promote power projects, oil
and gas, energy efficiency, renewable
energy, clean development mechanism.
Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai
emphasized the exhibition opening remarks
green technology Green Biz 2009 and
conference on environmental solutions
business of European green for Vietnam in
Hanoi that day 17-9-2009, Vietnam
economic development - society must be
associated with environmental protection,
applaud and encourage the exchange of

For developing countries like

Vietnam, the pursuit of a new economy,
with innovation technology needs are
becoming the major task. Therefore,
development issues and sustainable green
technology should become a strategic
development for next decade.

As the above analysis of the role and

significance of green technology is huge,
not only at national level but also at the
global level, which is focus on sustainable
economic development in the future. The
trend in green technology around the world
opens up opportunities for Vietnam to go
straight to proactively develop green
technologies and the green economy, but


Binh, Pham Thi Thanh (2014), Growth Economic and

Vietnam s energy security issues, Available at:, 27 March 2014.


Communist Party of Vietnam (2010a), The draft

of economic- social development strategy 2011
2020, Ha Noi, Vietnam, 24 October 2010, pp.45.

development and application of green
technologies with foreign partners,
including Europe, one of the most
development technology center in the

Should concretize and realize the

Law used to save energy in many different
- Need to promulgate new laws such
as the Law on clean energy.
- Must have pricing policy, charging
carbon on confidence level, consistent with
Vietnam, the region and the world in long

In 2007, the Energy Development

Strategy of Vietnam country until 2020 and
vision to 2050 approved. Law saving
energy use in 2010... As such, revolution
transition to clean energy demand asked
Vietnam to make significant domestic
policy and deploy institutional reforms.
However, in policies, programs and
strategies for energy in Vietnam has not
mention about reduce using technology
which is exhaust the carbon emissions,
carbon charge, and the specific tasks in
development sources of renewable energy.

- There are specific policies for

development and using energy sources that
Vietnam has strength as source of new and
renewable energy. The government
encourages enterprises to participate
effectively use.
- International cooperation on
developing energy technology, clean
technology and make the commitment to

In 2011, Vietnam deployed building

Green growing strategy (20112030) and
forecasting 2050. This strategy is the
process of reconstruction the economy to
go to use natural resources effectively,
decrease release green house gas emissions
through examining and applying modern
technology; develop infrastructure system
to increase economy effectiveness, cope
with climate changes.

The development trend of green
technology is a strategic priority for many
countries in the world selected to respond
to the crisis and after the economic crisis, it
is considered the turning point for the
recovery process of the global economy
and a new impetus to the promotion of
global economic sustainable development
in the twenty-first century.

In order to make sustainable

development of the energy industry,
Vietnam needs to invest huge funds in the
next few decades, Vietnam enterprises
account for over 90% of Vietnam's
economy is not ready to the energy saving
and using new energy.

innovation economy and restructure
national economy towards developing
dynamic, efficient and sustainable, should
enlist the development trend of green
technology in the world, at the same time
institutional innovation, consolidation and
implementation of policies and guidelines
for the development of green technology in

Because of these reason above, we

offer some suggestions as follows:

order to overcome challenges to restructure

the economy, putting the economy

flourished in the decades to come.


[1] Communist Party of Vietnam, The draft of economic- social development strategy
2011 2020, Ha Noi, Vietnam, 24 October 2010a.
[2] Brack Obama, New energy policy of Brack Obama, Politique International Journal,
No. 125, 2009.
[3] Changhua, Wu, New Energy: Key era of economic boom, Economic news, Vietnam
News Agency, 15 September 2009.
[4] World Bank, Global Economic Prospects 2009, Forecast Update, Washington D.C,
[5] IMF, World Economic Outlook (WEO), Washington D.C, 2010.
[6] VietnamAcademy off Social Sciences, Economic Restructuring towards the model
of green growth International Exxperience and Implication for Vietnam, Publising Social
Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2012.
[7] Vo Minh Tap (Co-author), Green growth in the Era of Globalisation, Publising
Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2013.
[8] Vo Minh Tap (Co-author), Sustainable Energy Development, Publising Houese for
Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2013.
[9] Werner Pascha, South Koreas Economic policy response to the global Economic
crisis A Comparative perspective, Feiburg, 20-22 September 2010.
[10] Sustainable Development with green technology,
[11] Quang, Vu Nhat (2014), Solutions to ensure energy security for Asia,, 23 April 2008.
[12] Binh, Pham Thi Thanh (2014), Growth Economic and Vietnam s energy security
issues,, 27 March 2014.
[13] The Steering Committee for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
[15] Viet Nam Government Portal, Vietnam,


Thng tin Tc gi:

- H v tn: V Minh Tp
- Hc v: ThS, Nghin cu sinh.
- a ch lin h v nhn th: 276/3/45 M L, P.Bnh Tr ng A, Q.Bnh Tn,
- Email: T: 0932 020 248


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