Securing Online Reputation System Through Temporal and Trust Analysis

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Securing Online Reputation System Through

Temporal and Trust Analysis
Submitted by
With the rapid development of reputation systems in various online social networks,
manipulations against such systems are evolving quickly. In this paper, we propose
scheme TATA, the abbreviation of joint Temporal and Trust Analysis, which protects
reputation systems from a new angle: the combination of time domain anomaly
detection and DumpsterShafer theory-based trust computation. Real user attack data
collected from cyber-competitions used to construct the testing data set. Compared
with two representative reputation schemes and our previous scheme. TATA achieves
a significantly better performance in terms of identifying Item sunder attack, detecting
malicious users who insert dishonest ratings, and recovering reputation scores.

As people use the internet for entertainment, building personal relationships, and
conducting businesses, the internet has created vast opportunities for online
interactions. However, due to the anonymity of the internet, it is very difficult for
normal users to evaluate a strangers trustworthiness and quality, which makes online
interactions risky. Is a piece of news on reedit true? Does a product
have high quality as described? Is a video on YouTube really interesting or
informative? In most cases, the answers can hardly be predicted before the
interactions are committed. The problem is how the online participants protect
themselves by judging the quality of strangers or unfamiliar items beforehand. To
address this problem, online reputation systems have been built up. The goal is to
create large-scale virtual word-of-mouth networks where individuals share opinions
and experiences, in terms of reviews and ratings, on various items, including products,
services, digital contents and even other people. These opinions and experiences,
which are called users feedback, are collected as evidence, and are analyzed,
aggregated, and disseminated to general users.

Software Used:
PHP (personal home page)
PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source, reflective programming
language. Originally designed as a high level scripting language for producing
dynamic Web pages, PHP is used mainly in server-side application software but can
be executed from a command line interface .PHP competes with Visual Basic and C+
+ as the third most popular programming language behind Java and C, based on world
wide availability of practitioners, courses and vendors. (Hypertext Preprocessor) open
source, server-side HTML scripting language used to create dynamic Web pages. PHP
is embedded within tags, so the author author can move between HTML and PHP
instead of using large amounts of code. Because PHP is executed on the server, the
viewer cannot see the code. PHP can perform the same tasks as a CGI program can do
and is compatible with many different kinds of databases. My SQL is a relational
database management system (RDBMS), and ships with no GUI tools to administer
My SQL databases or manage data contained within the databases. Users may use the
included command line tools, or use My SQL "front-ends", desktop software and web
applications that create and manage My SQL databases, build database structures,
back up data, inspect status, and work with data records. The official set of My SQL

front-end tools, My SQL Workbench is actively developed by Oracle, and is freely

available for use.

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