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The Black Friday : 30 September 1988 Hyderabad

The Black Friday : 30 September 1988 Hyderabad


Tragedy of 30th September 1988 (Hyderabad Massacre)

On Friday, September 30, 1988, a dozen gunmen on motorbikes or cars, said to be Sindhis
militants led by Dr. Qadir Magsi and Janu Arain, fired indiscriminately at people in the streets
making approximately 250 casualties , mostly Muhajirs, in South Hyderabad.
On 30th September 1988, the infamous Sindhi nationalist & terrorist, Qadir Magsi along with his
associates arrived in the densely populated areas of Hyderabad (Gari Khata, Market Chowk,
Gunmen riding in cars sped through the streets .... in a 3 hours shooting rampage that left at
least 250 people dead and more than 250 people injured...The terrorist armed with sub
machine guns and assault rifles drove around ...firing indiscriminately ...the attackers fired on
markets ,movie theaters ,homes and passerby.One Group entered Hyderabad's main rail station
and loosed a hail of bullets at a train standing at platform. The attacker specially targeted in
Mohajir localities. Hundreds of innocent men, women and children were killed brutally on
September 30th 1988 because in an Ethnic conflict. This can be recorded as one of the many
acts of Genocide against the Mohajir Population of Pakistan. Families of the victims mourn to
this day on this dreaded day.
Pretabad, Islamabad, Latifabad etc.), which are mainly Mohajir-dominated areas, on a task to
undertake a mass murder of Mohajirs. Dr. Magsi and his armed terrorists, ruthlessly opened fire
on innocent Mohajirs, due to which more than 250 were killed on the spot and scores more
were injured.
The dead bodies were lying around on the streets of Hyderabad, above-mentioned areas were
turned into a mass slaughtering ground and blood was spread everywhere. Government
officials made a statement that Qadir Magsi and Janu Arain are involved in these attacks, who
belong to a Sindhi nationalist party, however action has been taken since then on mass-murder
of innocent people (Mohajirs) and Qadir Magsi is freely roaming around without any fear.
Source:- []



The Black Friday : 30 September 1988 Hyderabad


Posted 30th September 2012 by FAISAL MAHMOOD


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