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IGBC Green Homes Version 1.

0 Precertification Final Review

(Project without Interiors)
# GH 11 1291 - Century Istana, Bangalore
IGBC Green Homes Precertification Level: Platinum
Date: 28th August 2013
This Precertification review is based on a review of the project goals and intentions. It is incumbent upon the project team to demonstrate that the credit requirements have been
met at the design and construction certification reviews. The Precertification rating awarded need not necessarily correspond to the final IGBC Green Homes Rating. The final
rating would depend on the implementation of all the design parameters detailed in the Precertification documents.

Points Achieved

75 Possible Points



Certified 30 to 36 points



Silver 37 to 44 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points

Site Selection & Planning

Possible Points:

Requirement 1

Local Regulations

Preliminary Review:
The submitted narrative states that the virtual site boundary considered for the project is
1,46,9921.18 sq.ft and the project involves construction of 119 villas with total built-up
area of about 5,54,416.085 sq.ft. The submittal includes a copy of approved plan from
Bangalore International Airport Area Planning Authority (BIAAPA) who are the local
authority to sanction plans in Devanahalli area. A master layout of the proposed
development indicating utilisation of suitable land is submitted. This meets the intent of
the mandatory requirement

Requirement 2

Soil Erosion

Preliminary Review:
The project team has submitted a narrative listing the proposed erosion & sedimentation
control (ESC) measures to be incorporated during Pre-development stage. The ESC
measures include top soil protection, sprinkling water to prevent dust and storm water
drains. The post occupancy measures include use of rainwater harvesting pits and well
planned landscaped. Supporting documents include landscape plan, storm water lay out
and photographs showing barricades. This meets the mandatory requirement

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Site Credit 1.0

Basic Amenities

Final Review:
In response to the preliminary review comments, the project team has identified the 6
basic amenities, within a walking distance of 1 km from the building entrance. The
amenities are grocery store, post office, school, restaurant, temple, and jogging track. A
map highlighting the amenities has been uploaded. This meets the intent of the credit.
Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project has
access to five basic amenities within a walking distance of 1 km. The amenities include
School, ATM, Restaurant, Playground and Jogging track. The submitted site plan
drawing shows jogging track and playground. The submittal further states that seating
area & toilets in the common area and tot-lots will be provided within the project
premises. Supporting documents include a site vicinity map showing the location of
amenities from the project site, photographs of the amenities (school & coffee shop) and
site plan showing the location of seating area & toilets in common area and tot-lots.

Please note that the seating area, common toilets and tot-lots are not amenities and
should be provided in addition to 5 amenities as per credit compliance.
However, from the submittal it is observed that the project has submitted photographs of
only two amenities i.e. school & coffee shop. Also, it is unclear from the submittal if the
play ground is in addition to the tot-lots provided in the project premises.
Technical Advice:
1. Please confirm if the play ground is near the project site and additional to the tot-lot
provided within the campus. If yes, please provide photograph of the play ground along
with the distance. Else identify another amenity near the project site
2. Please submit photographs of all the amenities (i.e. 5 nos).

Site Credit 2.0

Natural Topography or Landscape: 15%,


Preliminary Review:
The submitted a narrative states that the total site area is 1,36,559.01 sq.m and
landscaped area is 60,814.03 sq.m which amounts to 44.5 %. The submittal includes a
conceptual landscape plan along with a break-up of turf and trees & shrub area. This
shows the projects intention to meet the credit requirement.
For certification, please submit photographs showing the site area with vegetation.

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points

Site Credit 3.0

Heat Island Effect on Roof: 50%, 75%

Preliminary Review:
The submitted narrative and calculations states that 100% of exposed roof area will be
covered with china mosaic tiles. The submitted calculations indicates that the total roof
area is 31,408.42 and the same is covered with china mosaic tiles. Supporting
documents include site layout showing the roof areas covered with china mosaic tiles.
This meets the credit requirement.

Site Credit 4.0

Parking Facilities for visitors

Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative submitted states that the project has
provided parking capacity as per local bye-law and additional 10% parking over & above
local code is provided for visitors. The submittal states that as per the local bye-law the
project needs to provide parking for 238 cars & 24 visitor car parks. The project has
provided parking for 251 cars and 33 visitors, which amounts to 13% of the total parking
capacity. Supporting documents includes a copy of the local bye-law highlighting parking
requirement and drawing showing the location of the visitor parking spaces. This meets
the intent of the credit.

Site Credit 5.0

Electric Charging Facility for Vehicles

Preliminary Review:
The narrative and calculations provided in the template indicates that the project intends
to provide electrical charging facilities for 119 car parks out of the total parking of 284
(including visitors parking). The narrative submitted states that the project has provided
15 A electrical sockets will be provided and occupants will be encouraged to use battery
operated vehicles. The submittal states that one electric charging facility is provided for
at each villa. Supporting documents include parking layout highlighting parking spaces
with electrical charging facilities. This shows the project's intention to meet the credit

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Site Credit 6.0

Design for Differently Abled

Final Review:
In response to the preliminary review comments, the project team has provided 3 nos of
preferred parking spaces for differently abled near the entrance plaza. Drawings
highlighting the same have been submitted. This meets the intent of the credit.
Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project intends to
incorporate certain design provisions for differently abled. The provisions include
preferred parking spaces (i.e. 1 no.), easy access to the main entrance, uniform flooring
or provision of ramps at locations of floor level variations, rest rooms in common
areas(i.e. 1 no.). The submittal includes drawings highlighting the above provisions. The
narrative further states that lifts are not provided in the project.

However, from the submittal it is observed that the project has provided one preferred
car parking spaces for differently abled whereas the project should be provide two
preferred car parking spaces as per the credit requirement (one parking space for every
100 dwelling units).
Technical Advice:
Please provide two preferred parking spaces for differently abled. Also, submit a drawing
showing the location of preferred car parking spaces.

Site Credit 7.0

Green Home Guidelines - Design & Post


Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project has
provided prospective buyers and occupants with descriptive guidelines that educate and
help them implement green design features within their apartments/houses. The
submittal includes list of green design features proposed along with details of the green
homes rating pursued in the marketing brochures and a copy of the green home
guidelines providing information that helps occupants to implement green ideas post
occupancy. This meets the intent of the credit.




Certified 30 to 36 points


Silver 37 to 44 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points

Water Efficiency
Requirement 1

Possible Points:

Rainwater Harvesting, 50%


Final Review:
In response to the preliminary review comments, the project team has provided the rain
water revised harvesting calculations to ensure the pit size (1.2 m x 2.0 m) in line with
section drawing. Total no. of recharge pits are 184 and the rain water harvested is 100%.
Plan highlighting location of rain water storage tanks (3 Nos) is submitted. This meets
the intent of the mandatory requirement and credit.
Preliminary Review:
The submitted narrative states that the project proposes to provide rain water harvesting
system to capture 100% rain water run-off from roof & non-roof surfaces. The
calculations submitted indicates that the rain water run-off from roof & non-roof areas is
1118.8 cu.m. The total capacity of the proposed harvesting system is 5,807.92 cu.m. The
project proposes a storage tank having a capacity of 1,000 cu.m and 184 nos.
percolation pits each of diameter 3m and depth 2m & having a percolation rate of 0.5
cu.m/day. The submittal states that excess storm water from all the drains is finally made
to flow to the harvesting ponds.
Supporting documents includes storm water layout along with sectional details of the pits.
However, the calculations claim a pit of size 3 m diameter and depth 2 meters whereas
the submitted sectional drawing shows a diameter of 1.2 and depth of 2m. Also, the
location of rain water storage tanks and capacities are not highlighted.
Technical Advice:
1. Please address the discrepancy in the calculation and submitted section drawing for
the Rain Water Harvesting pit system.
2. Please highlight the location of rain water storage tanks and capacities.

Water Efficient Fixtures
Requirement 2


Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Templates and narrative states that the project
intends to install low flow water fixtures. The calculations submitted indicates that the
average flow rate of the flush fixture is 6/3 LPF, meeting the baseline. The average flow
rate of the proposed flow fixtures is 7.2 LPM against the baseline (i.e. 12 LPM). The
list of proposed low flow water fixtures that shall be installed in the project along with
make and model is submitted. This meets the intent of the mandatory requirement.

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points

Water Credit 1.0

Turf Design : 20 %, 40%

Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Templates and calculations submitted indicates that the
landscape area is 60,814.03 sq.m and turf area is 12,162.81 sq.m; amounting to 20%.
The submittal includes a conceptual landscape plan highlighting turf area. This shows
the project's intention to meet the credit requirement.

Water Credit 2.0

Drought Tolerant Species: 25%

Final Review:
In response to the preliminary review comments, the project team has provided the
conceptual drawing showing trees and turf. However, the plan does not show the various
drought tolerant species of trees or shrubs or how the area has been calculated. Since
project has claimed 51%, benefit of doubt is given to project for meeting the threshold of
Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template, narrative and calculations indicate that the
site area is 1,36,559 sq.m; landscaped area is 60,814 sq.m and drought tolerant species
area is 31,184 sq.m. This indicates that the drought tolerant species area 51% of the
landscaped area. The submittal includes the proposed list of drought tolerant species to
be implemented in the project.
However, more details are required to award this credit.
Technical Advice:
Please provide a landscape plan highlighting the area with drought tolerant species.

Water Credit 3.0

Management of Irrigation Systems

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project
intends to provide certain water efficient management techniques. The proposed
techniques include central shut-off valve, segregating turf & each bedding area based on
watering needs and pressure regulating devices. The submittal include manufacturer cutsheets for central shut-off valve and pressure regulating devices. This shows the
project's intention to meet the credit requirement.
For certification, please provide a conceptual the landscape plan highlighting drip
irrigation system. Also, submit photographs showing the installed irrigation systems and

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Water Credit 4.0

Rainwater Harvesting, 75%, 95%

Preliminary Review:
Please refer to Preliminary Review comments under WE Mandatory Requirement 1.
Technical Advice:
Please address the technical queries raised under WE Mandatory Requirement 1.

Water Credit 5.0

Grey Water Treatment : 50%, 75%, 95%

Preliminary Review:
The submitted narrative states that the project intends to install on-site STP to treat
100% of waste water (grey & black) generated. The calculations submitted indicates that
73 KLD of waste water (grey & black) is generated and the proposed capacity of the
proposed STP is 100 KLD. The submittal includes a brief write-up on treatment process,
flow diagram of the proposed STP, water balance calculations and a site plan showing
the location of the proposed STP. This meets the intent of the credit.

Water Credit 6.0

Treated Grey Water for Landscaping:

50%, 75%, 95%

Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative submitted states that 100% potable
water consumption will be reduced by using treated waste water for landscaping. The
calculations submitted indicates that 73 KLD of waste water is generated, capacity of the
proposed STP is 100 KLD, available treated waste water is 65 KLD and 37 KLD of water
is required for landscaping purposes. Supporting documents include water balance and a
landscape plan. This shows the project's intention to meet the credit requirement.

Water Credit 7.0

Treated Grey Water for Flushing: 50%,

75%, 95%

Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative submitted states that 100% potable
water consumption will be reduced by using treated waste water for flushing. The
calculations submitted indicates that 73 KLD of waste water is generated, capacity of the
proposed STP is 100 KLD, available treated waste water is 65 KLD and 12.5 KLD of
water is required for flushing purposes. The submittal includes a dual plumbing line
diagram for each villa type. This meets the intent of the credit.

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points

Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Water Credit 8.0

Water Efficient Fixtures: 20%, 30%

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Templates and narrative states that the project
intends to install low flow water fixtures. The calculations submitted indicates that the
average flow rate of the flush fixture is 6/3 LPF, meeting the baseline and not eligible for
The average flow rate of the proposed flow fixtures is 7.2 LPM which is 40% lower than
the baseline (i.e. 12 LPM). The list of proposed low flow water fixtures that shall be
installed in the project along with make and model is submitted. This meets the credit
requirement in achieving two points.


Water Credit 9.0

Water Metering

Energy Efficiency

Possible Points:

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and .narrative states that water meters
shall be installed for treated grey water for flushing, landscape water consumption and
for common car wash. The manufacturer cut sheet of the proposed water meters along
with a single line schematic is submitted. This meets the intent of the credit.


Requirement 1

CFC Free Equipment

Preliminary Review:
The submitted narrative and declaration letter from the developer states that the
developer will not provide air -conditioning systems. The submittal states that to prevent
negative impacts on the environment by usage of refrigerants and ozone depleting
gases, the project has made efforts to inform tenants to use only CFC and halons free
refrigerants & hydrants and the same shall be incorporated in the tenant guidelines. This
meets the intent of the mandatory requirement.

Requirement 2

Minimum Energy Performance

Preliminary Review:
Please refer to Preliminary Review comments under EE Credit 1.0.
Technical Advice:
Please address the technical queries raised under EE Credit 1.0.

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Energy Credit 1.0

Energy Performance

10 Final Review:
In response to the preliminary review comments, the project team has provided the
following documents:
1. The proposed LPD calculations for exterior, landscape and common areas in
developers scope. Also the team has considered interior LPD calculations in line with
2. Declaration Letter for developers scope has been provided
3. Conceptual interior lighting layout of each villa type
4. Conceptual exterior lighting layout
5. Revised energy simulation report
The savings claimed by the project is 11% and meets the intent of the mandatory
requirement and the project is awarded 8 points
Preliminary Review:
The narrative submitted states that the project has chosen Option 2: Performance Based
Approach to show credit compliance. The submittal states that the project fall under
moderate climatic zone. The submittal includes energy simulation report calming 10.68%
improvement over the base case. From the energy simulation report it is inferred that all
119 villas have been modeled.

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
The following design parameters are considered while performing energy simulation:
i. The Exterior Wall Construction is 200 mm thick concrete block
ii. Roof Construction is 150 mm thick RCC slab with 50mm brick batt coba and water
proof paint
iii. The glass is Saint Gobain Single Glazed ST150.
iv. The HVAC system is modeled per base case.
v. The project proposes to install solar water heating system for 100% of hot water
requirement and in proposed case zero energy consumption for hot water has been
The submittal includes sectional details of roof, wall and technical specifications of the
proposed glass.
However from the submittal, it is observed that the project has claimed energy savings
due to exterior lighting without any drawings and calculations to substantiate the claim.

Technical Advice:
Please provide the following:
1. Proposed LPD calculations for interior, exterior, common and parking areas, in
developers scope, separately.
2. Conceptual lighting layout of interior and common areas for each typical villa
3. Conceptual exterior lighting layout
4. Revise energy simulation report to correspond to savings in exterior LPD, if necessary.

Energy Credit 2.0

Energy Metering

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project
intends to install energy meters for external lighting, municipal water pumping, grey water
pumping and water pumps for landscaping. An electrical single line diagram indicating
the location of the energy meters at the earlier mentioned locations is submitted. The
submittal includes manufacturers cut sheet of the proposed energy meters to be
installed. This meets the intent of the credit.

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Energy Credit 3.0 Refrigerators
Energy Credit 4.0 Solar Water Heating Systems: 50%, 75%,

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template states that the project intends to install
solar heating systems for 100% of hot water requirement. The hot water requirement for
the project is estimated to be 17,400 liters/day. The narrative and calculations submitted
states that the project would install solar water heating system having a capacity of 200
litres/day for each villa (totaling to 23,800 liters/day for 119 villas). The submittal includes
manufacturer cut sheet of the proposed solar water heating system. This shows the
project's intention to meet the intent of the credit.
For certification, please submit purchase invoice/ payment receipts of the installed solar
hot water system.

Energy Credit 5.0

Captive Power Generation

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template declares that the project intends to install
DG set which complies with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) norms for
emissions & noise. The submittal includes total connected load calculations indicating
that total connected load in the project is 1,057.5 kVA. The narrative submitted states
that the project proposes to install 4 DG sets each having 380 KVA (totaling to 1520
kVA). Supporting documents include manufacturer brochure of the proposed DG set.
This shows the project's intention to meet the credit requirement.
For certification, please submit purchase invoice/ payment receipts of the installed DG

Not Pursuing

Energy Credit 6.0

Onsite Renewable Energy: 2.5%, 5.0%,

7.5%, 10%

Preliminary Review:
Not Pursuing

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Energy Credit 7.0

Efficient Luminaries & Lighting Power

Density: 20%

Final Review:
In response to the preliminary review comments, the project team has provided the
detailed drawing highlighting the proposed fixtures with corresponding LPD calculations
and savings have been submitted. This meets the intent of the credit.
Preliminary Review:
The narrative submitted states that the project intends to install energy efficient lighting
luminaries which are at least three star rated under BEE labeling program or luminaries
or more efficient. The submittal includes LPD calculations for street lighting, landscape
lighting and common area toilets. The calculations indicates that the designed LPD is
20% lower than baseline values.
However, the electrical / lighting layout drawing to substantiating this claim has not been
Technical Advice:
Please provide the drawing showing, the electrical lighting layout and proposed fixtures
with corresponding LPDs and savings

Energy Credit 8.0

Energy Saving Measures in other

Appliances & Equipment

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project
intends to install appliances & equipment with energy efficient measures. The measures
include level controllers in overhead tanks, energy efficient pump with over 60%
efficiency, energy efficient motors with over 75% efficiency and LED lamps in all
display/exit sign boards. The submittal includes a signed declaration from the developer
stating that the above appliances & equipment will be installed. This shows the project's
intention to meet the credit requirement.
For certification, please submit purchase invoice/ payment receipts and manufacturer cutsheets/ brochures of the installed appliances & equipment.




Certified 30 to 36 points

Silver 37 to 44 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points


Possible Points:


Requirement 1

Separation of Waste

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project shall
facilitate collection and segregation of waste at source to prevent waste being sent to
landfill. The submittal includes a drawing highlighting the location of garbage collection
area to collect wet & dry waste at villa level. The submittal states that five bins of
adequate sizes will be provided in the common area to collect paper, plastic, metal, glass
and wet waste. The narrative further states that wet waste will be diverted to Organic
Waste Converter within the site and recyclables will be given to hauler or recycler. The
provision of the same has been indicated in the drawings submitted. This meets the
intent of the mandatory requirement.

Material Credit 1.0 Waste Reduction During Construction:


Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project aims
to reduce atleast 75% of waste generated during construction from being sent to landfills.
The submittal includes identified list of construction waste likely to be generated which
includes steel & aluminum, broken bricks, cement/ concrete bags, packing material,
shuttering material, stone wastage, broken tiles, glass, etc., The submittal includes
disposal strategies for each of the above construction waste. The project team has
provided a format to record the total waste material generated and quantities. This meets
the intent of the credit

Material Credit 2.0 Organic Waste Management, Post

Occupancy: 50%, 95%

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project
intends to install an on-site treatment facility to treat 100% of organic waste generated.
The calculations submitted indicates that the organic waste generated in the project is
generated to be 174 kgs (considering 0.25 kg/person and occupancy of 696). The
narrative further states that the project is in the early stage of construction and in process
of finalising the vendor for the organic waste treatment plant. Supporting documents
include a site plan showing the location of the proposed Organic Waste treatment and
manufacturer brochure for the proposed system. This meets the intent of the credit.

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Material Credit 3.0 Materials with Recycled Content: 10%,

Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project
intends to source materials with recycled content for atleast 10% of total materials cost.
The tentative cost calculations submitted indicates that the project will source materials
with recycled content for 12.11% of total materials cost. The proposed materials with
recycled content to be sourced include concrete, steel, glass, aluminum sections and
frames. The submittal includes recycled content for the above materials. This meets the
intent of the credit.
For certification, please submit manufacturer letters/ cut-sheets/ brochures indicating the
recycled content in the materials sourced.

Not Pursuing

Material Credit 4.0 Rapidly Renewable Materials: 2.5%

Preliminary Review:
Not Pursuing

Material Credit 5.0 Local Materials: 50%, 75%

Final Review:
In response to the preliminary review comments, the project team has provided the
proposed list of vendors and the locations from which the materials will be procured
along with their approximate distances from the project site to the manufacturing unit.
Preliminary Review:
The submitted IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project
intends to source local materials which are manufactured with in radius of 500km. The
list of proposed local materials to be sourced is documented along with the cost and
percent of total materials cost. The tentative calculations submitted indicates that the
project intends to source local materials for 98.11% of total materials (by cost). The
proposed local materials to be sourced include concrete, steel, glass, aluminum sections
and frames.
However, no information has been given regarding proposed vendors or locations from
which the materials will be procured.
Technical Advice:
Please provide identified list of vendors and the locations from which the materials will be
procured along with their approximate distances from the project site to the
manufacturing unit for each of the above materials.

Not Pursuing

Material Credit 6.0 Reuse of Salvaged Materials: 2.5%, 5%

Preliminary Review:
Not Pursuing

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points

Not Pursuing

Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Material Credit 7.0 Certified Wood Based Materials and
Furniture: 50%, 75%

Indoor Environmental Quality Possible Points:

Requirement 1

Tobacco Smoke Control

Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative submitted states that the smoking will
be prohibited in all common areas of the building and the campus will be declared as
'non-smoking'. A declaration letter from developer stating the same is submitted. This
meets the intent of the mandatory requirement.

Requirement 2

Day Lighting, 50%

Final Review:
In response to the preliminary review comments, the project team has provided the
following documents:
1. Drawings showing angle of obstruction between the buildings for all types of villa.
2. Floor plans of all types of villas.
3. Proposed cut sheet for glass showing the visual light transmittance (VLT)
This meets the intent of the mandatory requirement and credit.

Preliminary Review:
Not Pursuing

Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template, narrative and day light factor calculations submitted
indicates that the project achieves more than 2% of daylight factor in atleast 95.58% of
regularly occupies spaces. The submittal includes daylight factor calculations for each
villa type along with door & window schedules and a site plan showing all building types.
However, more details are required to award this mandatory requirement.
Technical Advice:
Please submit the following:
1. Drawing(s) showing the angle of obstruction between the buildings within the project
site and the adjacent neighboring buildings.
2. Conceptual floor plans of each villa type.
3. Manufacturer brochure/ cut-sheet/ letter of the proposed glass showing the visual light
transmittance (VLT).

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
Requirement 3

Fresh Air Ventilation

Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template submitted declares that fresh air ventilation will be
designed such that the openable window area for living spaces, kitchens and bathrooms
will be atleast 13%, 10.5% and 5% respectively (enhanced criteria as per IEQ Credit 2.0).
The submittal includes fresh air ventilation calculations for each villa type. The
calculations submitted indicate that the percentage of openable area to the total carpet
area in all the regularly occupied spaces meets the enhanced criteria. Supporting
documents include door & window schedules and a site drawing showing villa types. This
meets the intent of the mandatory requirement.
For certification, please submit detail floor plans with door and window schedule.

IEQ Credit 1.0

Exhaust Systems

IEQ Credit 2.0

Enhanced Fresh Air Ventilation : 30 %

Preliminary Review:
Please refer to the Preliminary Review comments under IEQ Mandatory Requirement 3.

IEQ Credit 3.0

Low VOC Materials

Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative submitted states that the project
intends to source low VOC content paints, adhesives and sealants which are within the
permissible limits as per the credit compliance. The proposed list of vendors along with
their applications is submitted. A declaration letter from the developer stating the projects
intention to meet the credit compliance is submitted. This meets the credit requirement.

IEQ Credit 4.0


IEQ Credit 5.0

Building Flush Out

IEQ Credit 6.0

Day Lighting, 75%, 85%, 95%

Preliminary Review:
Please refer the Preliminary Review comments under IEQ Mandatory Requirement 2.



Technical Advice:
Please address the technical queries raised under IEQ Mandatory Requirement 2.

Not Pursuing

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
IEQ Credit 7.0

Cross Ventilation

Preliminary Review:
Not Pursuing




Certified 30 to 36 points

Silver 37 to 44 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points

Innovation & Design Process Possible Points:

INN Credit 1.1

Innovation & Design Process

Preliminary Review:
The project has applied under for innovation under Green Education. The project team
has submitted a narrative stating that the Project CENTURY ISTANA is to impart
knowledge on Sustainability, Energy, Environment and Occupational Health & Safety
(EHS) through communication, educational & awareness programs to the occupants of
the building and to the visitors. The education program has been designed so as to have
signages & self-educative leaflets, display panels and education for tenants. This meets
the intent of the innovation credit.

INN Credit 1.2

Innovation & Design Process - 100% Black

& Grey Water Treatment

Preliminary Review:
The project is applying for innovation for treating 100% grey and black water generated
on-site. The submitted narrative states that the project intends to install on-site STP to
treat 100% of waste water (grey & black) generated. The calculations submitted indicates
that 73 KLD of waste water (grey & black) is generated and the proposed capacity of the
proposed STP is 100 KLD. The submittal includes a brief write-up on treatment process,
flow diagram of the proposed STP, water balance calculations and a site plan showing
the location of the proposed STP. This meets the innovation credit requirement.

Silver 37 to 44 points




Certified 30 to 36 points
Gold 45 to 55 points
Platinum 56 to 75 points
INN Credit 1.3

Innovation & Design Process - Heat

Island Effect Roof 100%

Final Review:
The project team is applying for the exemplary performance under SS-Credit 3: Heat
Island Effect Roof 100% covered by china mosaic. The credit has been awarded and
project meets the requirement under exemplary performance.
Preliminary Review:
The project is applying for exemplary performance under MR credit 1.0. The submitted
IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project aims to reduce
atleast 95% of waste generated during construction from being sent to landfills. The
submittal includes identified list of construction waste likely to be generated which
includes steel & aluminum, broken bricks, cement/ concrete bags, packing material,
shuttering material, stone wastage, broken tiles, glass, etc., The submittal includes
disposal strategies for each of the above construction waste. The project team has
provided a format to record the total waste material generated and quantities.
However, more details are required to award this credit.
Technical Advice:
Please submit the following:
1. Submit a gestimate calculations of waste generated in the site (Kg or Volume).
2. Clarify, how all the construction waste generated on-site will be disposed or reused
within the site.
3.Conceptual site plan highlighting the proposed construction waste management yard.
Submit a waste management plan during construction, including expected waste during
construction and plan for reusing and avoiding sending the waste to landfill sites.
Please Note: Even though, base credits under Material are awarded. For Precertification, project attempting materials credit, must submit detailed information such as
calculations, letters from manufacturers, etc.,

INN Credit 2.0


Preliminary Review:
The IGBC Green Homes Template and narrative states that the project team has
included an IGBC AP as part of the project team. The submittal includes a copy of the
IGBC AP certificate of Ms. Ashalatha B R who is involved in the project. Hence this
innovation credit is awarded.

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