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December 2014
Translations by Bhagwandas Ahuja, Yaqoob-ul-Hassan, and Ashok
By ignoring Indias barbaric acts on border, Nawaz has betrayed Pakistan,
Editorial, Nawa-i-Waqt, 1 Dec 2012.1
..A full account of Narendra Modis apathy towards Nawaz Sharif is given
1. On the day following his swearing-in ceremony PM Modi accused Nawaz
Sharif government for excesses along the border, violating all diplomatic
2. Ceasefire violations by India have increased along the the Line of Control
ever since Modi came to office.
3. The new government has declared Kashmir an integral part of India despite
UN Resolutions on Kashmir.
4. Indian unilaterally cancelled meeting between two Foreign Secretaries
scheduled in August 2014, on flimsy pretexts of Pak High Commissioners
meeting with Hurriyat leaders,
5. There was no formal meeting between Modi and Nawaz in Kathmandu.
When Mian Nawaz Sharif left for SAARC Forum at Kathmandu, he had adopted
strong stance against Indias repeated ceasefire violations on the LoC. He had
also promised to vent his grievances and highlight Indias barbarity on Pak
border and danger to the sovereignty and security of the country. But he failed
miserably in his efforts.
SAARC members gave this explanation that the SAARC Charter did not allow
any discussion on bilateral issues. However, it did not stop the Prime Minister of
Bharat from highlighting Mumbai attacks (on twitter) and accusing Pakistan for

this attack. He also held Pakistan responsible for slow progress in prosecuting
the culprits of 26/11.
Now that Mian Sahib is back from Kathmandu, we must ask him whether it was
useful for him to attend the SAARC meet. The fact remains that he was coldshouldered by Modi. He should now focus on highlighting the issue of Indian
barbarity and ceasefire violations in international forums. He should otherwise
explain the reasons for softening his attitude towards India.
Indian leaders spewing venom against Pakistan, Editorial, Daily Express, 1 Dec
Indian leaders have once again lodged heaps of accusations and plethora of
protests against Pakistan. Among them are: Home Minister Raj Nath Singh,
Indian Chief of Air Staff Arup Raha, and Chief of I.B. Asaf Ibrahim. All these
officers have claimed that Pakistan posed a real threat to India. Indian Air Chief
has stated recently that despite the fact that India was facing a two-front security
threat from China and Pakistan, it was well-prepared to face the challenges from
both the sides.
Indian Air Chief has said that India has to face both Chinese barbarity and
Pakistans intermittent violation of international border. He also argued that that
withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan could complicate the
security scenario for India and the situation was going to be very very delicate in
terms of sub-conventional threats to India. He mentioned that India did not have
expansionist policies except for recovering the territories that the country had
lost to its neighbours in the past. This statement encapsulates Indias vision of
Akhand Bharat. It only makes it clear that from the very inception of Pakistan, Indians
have not been able to reconcile to the fact of its existence.
Home Minister of India Raj Nath Singh accused Pakistan of planning to
destabilize India. India chooses to ignore its domineering style and forcible
occupation of Kashmir. Instead, it has always accused Pakistan of aiding and
abetting terrorist groups. Recently, Dir. Gen. of Intelligence Bureau (IB) of India
also spewed venom against Pakistan. He said that terrorist organizations like
Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba have become a perennial danger to
Indias security! Again Indian MOS Gen(Retd) V K Singh, while speaking to

journalists, reportedly said that Pakistan was not Indias friend but only a
neighbour, and India wanted to maintain cordial relations with all its
neighbours, but not at the cost of its security & stability.
It is evident from these statements that at present there is only a remote (or rather
no) possibility of improving our bilateral relations with India. The
administrative set-up in Bharat has always been anti-Pakistan. ..
The boundary line between Bharat and China is called Mc Mohan Line, which
runs along the Tibetan border. One area adjacent to this line has been grabbed
by Indian authorities and has been named as Arunachal Pradesh after its
forcible annexation with India. This high-handedness, on part of India, has been
the bone of contention between the two big countries. To maintain control
over this area, there has also been war between the two counties, wherein India
faced defeat. To further cite its anti-China stance, Bharat has also granted
asylum to Dalai Lama, the spiritual and political leader of the Tibetan people.
India does not have normal relationship with both Pakistan and China.
Despite all this, China has made huge commercial investments in India. On the
other side, Pakistan wants better relations with India. However, Indian
governmental machinery has proved to be a big hindrance in this direction. Now
in such circumstances, if Bharat is really serious about improving relations with
neighbour, its leaders should avoid bellicose speeches and develop a positive
Bharat should take initiative for dialogue, Editorial, Nawa-i-Waqt, 4 Dec 20143
At present there is not even a remote possibility of Pak-Bharat dialogue during
Modis tenure says Sartaj Aziz. By making flimsy accusation of terrorist attacks
from Pakistan, India wants to sweep the Kashmir problem under the carpet.
Since the dialogue was cancelled by India, it is now for India to initiate the
dialogue and ask for fresh meetings..
It is also true that from the time Modis aggressive team has taken over the reins
of administration, there has been malicious propaganda with regard to
violations on the Line of Control constantly accusing Pakistan for encouraging 04&ediion=LHR&id=1424869-31038727

infiltration into Kashmir and thus creating confusion and tension inside
The Foreign Secretary level meeting was cancelled by India. So the ball is now in
Indias court and it is required of India to initiate the dialogue. On our side,
Pakistan has always tried to resolve all bilateral issues, including Kashmir
through dialogue. But due to aggressive stance adopted by India, little success
has been achieved till now. By maligning Pakistan for infiltration of militants into
Kashmir, India has always misled the international community.
Pakistan Foreign Secretary has rightly said that Pakistan would henceforth
emphasise on resolution of the Kashmir issue according to the UN Resolutions
and would exert all its energies in this direction in international fora. Needless to
say, the international community has been well acquainted with this problem
and is quite concerned about resolving this knotty problem. India would have to
relinquish its aggressive stance. Trade and commerce have nothing to do with
this problem. Peace will not descend upon the region unless the Kashmir issue is
Bharati media and Pak-Bharat relations, Agha Masood Hussain, Daily Dunya, 5
Dec 20144
Indias aggressive political leaders especially those related to BJP have been
suggesting to Modi that in order to improve relations with Pakistan, we should
act upon that formula which he had suggested to Mian Nawaz Sharif in his first
meeting, wherein the first item on the agenda was bringing the perpetrators of
the Mumbai attack to justice. Thereafter, they would offer the promise of joint
initiative to contain militant terrorism.
It is clear that Pakistan has been dealing with the Mumbai attack in its own way
and Pakistani courts have been paying due attention to this issue. Meanwhile,
one court in Mumbai has, in its recent judgment, set Hafiz Saeed free of all the
charges. But the Indian media has been making lot of hue and cry about this
decision. As a result, there has been no improvement in India-Pak relations. God
forbid, if this remains to the attitude of Indian media, then there are very slim
chances of any improvement in the bilateral relations in coming days. As a
4, and

matter of fact, Indian media has proved to be a great impediment in the

Bharat-Pak relations. This fact has been accepted by senior responsible and
impartial journalists in India.
On the other hand, it has been observed that the Pakistani media has always
maintained a soft corner and soft attitude towards Bharat. Rather Pakistani
media has been very anxious to have good neighborly relations in the real terms.
This attitude could be seen from the articles published in the Pakistani
magazines/newspapers. Ironically, Indian government has not paid any
attention to the cry for peace evident from the articles published in Pakistani
newspapers and magazines. This reckless attitude by Indian civil society has
greatly harmed Pakistani media.
As a matter of fact, Indian media has been hand in glove with BJP and is thus
serving as its mouth piece. By virtue of this, they have been trying to dominate
over the South Asian region. This could be seen at the conclusion of 18 th SAARC
meet at Kathmandu. The Indian authorities have been showering their choicest
gifts upon those journalists who are highlighting Pakistani weaknesses,
especially those covering issues of terrorism and internal situation of Pakistan.
They have given this impression to India that Pakistan is a failed state. Recently
Deccan Chronicle published one news item which said that an agency of
Pakistan would attack the economic centers of India. This news was also shared
by other newspapers. Whenever there is a militant incident in India, the whole
blame is dumped on Pakistan.
For spreading such news (without any evidence), RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat is
playing a big role. After visiting several states, he has been inciting militant
Hindu elements against Pakistan. All this is done with the concurrence of the
aggressive BJP comrades of Narendra Modi. There is a strong opinion circulated
in India that war is inevitable with Pakistan! This is happening when there
is an accepted view that Pakistan is a peace-loving country and it does not have
any aggressive design against any country including India. Rather Pakistan,
through economic cooperation with South Asian countries wants to have peace
and progress in the region. This is badly needed for redressing the poverty,
illiteracy and disease in the country.
That is why, while taking over the reins of the country, Pakistani leadership
extended its hand of friendship towards India. But there was no response
received in lieu of all our friendly gestures towards India. Let us not forget that if

India continues with this attitude, SAARC forum cannot succeed. Pakistan has
made an agreement with India that it wont be the first to use nuke weapons.
There is another great concern faced by Pakistan that Indias intelligence agency
RAW has been collaborating with fanatic elements in our country and
encouraging them to rebel. They have been aiding and abetting various anti-Pak
elements in Balochistan. The incident that took place at Quetta was the
brainchild of RAW. Similarly, its agents have been trying to sabotage Pak
efforts in carrying out Zarb-e-Azb.
What we want is that Bharti media and its intelligence agencies should make
serious introspection of their own conditions and try to improve their behaviour.
India should avoid allegations and counter allegations which could lead both
countries to devastation. Let it be known that Pakistan, despite having its own
internal problems, is quite capable of thwarting any malicious designs
engineered by India. We are not a failed State. Bharat is no doubt a big country
in South Asia, but one does not find any sense of greatness in it. Pakistan in its
own way has always been eager to maintain cordial relations with India.
Militants will be defeated soon, Editorial, Daily Express, 12 Dec 20145
Our brave soldiers have, for the last one decade, been fighting terrorism and
they will not rest till the last militant is wiped out from the Pakistani soil. For
the last so many months, Pak army has launched operation Zarb-e-Azb in
North Waziristan, which has been exceptionally successful and one finds
significant decline in suicide bomb attacks, bomb blasts and other military
activities. The other day, our security forces were confronted with extremist
elements in North Waziristan, and eliminated 39 of them. Jet fighters targeted
two locations where 17 terrorists were killed which included some foreign
While analyzing this issue, we find that the problems which we are facing today
are basically due to (a) the wrong policies adopted by our leaders in the past
and (b) growing activities of anti-national elements in the country. This is the
reason that terrorism has become a cancer in the body politic of our country.
And the only cure for this is a major operation.

Is not it an irony the all the militants all over the world find safe haven in our
country-Pakistan! Does such situation exist anywhere else in the world? When
our security men resume their operation, they run away to neighbouring
.Let us not forget that Pakistan is a strong and resolute nation! More than
50,000 civilians and security forces have given their supreme sacrifices for the
cause of the nation. This sacrifice carries one hidden message for all that this
nation would never succumb to terrorism! The professional expertise and
sacrifices made by our forces is laudable. Despite all this, we have to keep a
vigilant eye upon our enemies
Zarb-e-Azb operzation, Editorial, Daily Dunya, 7 Dec 2014.6
While conducting military operation in South Waziristan, Pakistan army killed
one most-wanted terrorist by the US Adnan Lashkari, along with his two
accomplices, while five others were arrested. During the operation one Havaldar
Masood was martyred while one jawan was wounded. During Pak military
operation, Adnan escaped from North and took refuge in South Waziristan.
39-year old Adnan was born in Saudi Arabia on 4 August 1975. He was on the
wanted list by the US because of his being chief of outside operations during the
9/11 attacks. Pakistan army chief lauded his army this success and said that this
operation would continue till the last vestige of terrorism is wiped out from
Pakistani soil. No doubt it is a feat achieved by Pak Army. They have achieved
success while the U.S. forces, its military, Seals and drones could not succeed.
For the last 12-13 years, due to wrong steps taken by Taliban and al Qaeda
militants, serious damage has been caused to Islam and Pakistan. At least
52,000-53,000 innocent Pakistani nationals and more than 5000 soldiers have been
killed. Zarb-e-Azb was initiated on 15th June. Obviously, the military operation
was a difficult venture due to the treacherous mountainous terrains. This is the
area where Britain, despite being equipped with the most sophisticated military
gadgets and devices had to face stark defeat.


.. Pak intelligence has played a pivotal role in Zarb-e-Azb. By isolating the real
enemies of Deen and Nation, they could successfully carry out their planned
operation. Killing of Adnan Lashkari could be possible only because of strong
coordination between our security forces and intelligence agencies. So if
intelligence agencies share critical information with the police, we could easily
detect the enemies of nation and keep our people safe.
If the suicide bomber would have managed to sneak into the crowd on 2
November 2014 at Wagha border, it would have led to a bigger tragedy.
Incidentally, he was detained at a security check-point but still he managed to
reach a point where there was some crowd and exploded himself. For Pakistans
success in the military operation, Afghanistans cooperation cannot be
underestimated. They have also been facing the ghost of terrorism and are wellacquainted with this menace.
As Pak Military resumed Zarb-e-Azb, majority of terrorists escaped from their
hideouts and took refuge across the border. After military operation in the
qabayali (tribal) areas, the terrorists have not been able to carry out their
activities. The Afghan government should stop providing protection to terrorists
and should stand firmly with Pakistan to fight terror.
US double standards on Kashmir, Editorial, Daily Ummat, 6 Dec 2014.7
Uncle Sam has always expressed its deep anguish about militant activities taking
place in Kashmir (Indian side). It has also rejected Pakistans proposal to annex
Kashmir with Pakistan. US State Dept Spokesperson clarified recently that there
has been no change in US policy towards Kashmir. She stated that the US
believed strongly that resumption of purposeful dialogue on Kashmir was the
responsibility of both the countries, i.e., India and Pakistan. [Despite all this the
US approach towards Pakistan and Kashmir might be changing now.]
After suffering shameful defeat in Afghanistan and after having failed to
persuade India for playing a major role there, it has now dawned upon America
to review its policy and adopt a favourable tilt towards Pakistan. In this
connection, the visit of Army Chief Raheel Sharif to the US has obviously
played a critical role. Needless to say, the whole world including America knows
the geo-political significance of Pakistan. After election of Ashraf Ghani as

President of Afghanistan, there has been significant change in the approach of

Afghanistan towards Pakistan. During his visit to Pakistan Ghani renewed his
pledge to work with Pakistan and ensure peace and security for the region. This
is something Pakistan always wanted from Afghanistan.
By expressing grave concern over militant activity taking place in Kashmir
(Indian side), the US has proved its double standards on Kashmir and has
continued admonishing Pakistan. It has to be proved to the US that the
Kashmiri mjahideen could also undertake militant activities inside Kashmir
and that the Indian security forces have, in retaliation, resorted to harsh and
ruthless measures to quell these Kashmiri nationalist elements.
US Spokesperson Marie Harf has been rather kind towards Pakistan,
nevertheless, by not connecting terrorist incidents in Kashmir to Pakistan. But,
we need to ask ourselves: why is the US hesitant to tell Indians that their security
forces have been responsible for the perpetuation of tyrannical rule for years over
innocent, unarmed Kashmiris? By virtue of being the only Super Power, it is the
responsibility of Uncle Sam (a) to pressurize India to stop violence inside
Kashmir, and (b) to force it to negotiate with Pakistan (on Kashmir) failing
which it should cancel all its defence, technical and commercial engagements
with India. By merely saying that purposeful dialogue was the responsibility of
Bharat and Pakistan, it does not absolve itself of the responsibility as a super
As we know, the US has been the most vocal champion of human rights
violations. It is therefore incumbent upon it to see that there is no injustice and
violence in the region. The US Secretary of State John Kerry is right when he says
that Afghanistan, Pakistan and India could face similar challenges in the region.
So, if they collaborate with the US, the whole region would be benefited.
Kashmir is taken to be a flash point in the whole region and if it is even
remotely concerned about world peace, it should come forward to seek an
immediate solution to the Kashmir issue in accordance with the UN
Kashmir dispute & US obligations, Editorial, Daily Express, 8 Dec 2014.8

Uncle Sam has expressed its deep concern over any violence or terrorist activity
in the occupied Kashmir in the past. But of late, the US has rejected any
Pakistani connection in such incidents. US deputy spokesperson Marie Harf,
while responding to a query (for details of her interaction see with regard to
possible Pakistani involvement in the recent attack in occupied Kashmir
(conducted by militants), rejected any kind of Pakistani involvement.Ms Harf
also disclosed that there was a meeting between John Kerry and Raheel Sharif
wherein they discussed several issues including security issue and peace in the
South Asian region. No doubt, this statement emanating from U.S. spokesperson
was quite encouraging.
Three days ago, on 4 December 2014, Kashmiri mujahideens carried out an
attack on Army's Field Ordnance Camp of the 31 Field Regiment (an artillery
unit engaged in counter insurgency operations) located at Mohra, 12 kms from
the Uri town, in Baramullah District, wherein they killed one lt. Colonel and 8
soldiers. Bharati PM Modi, while addressing a gathering, alleged that the
terrorists belonged to LeT, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Hizbul Mujahideen.
Indian political leaders, intelligentsia, and experts always blame Pakistan for any
such incident. The pro-India lobby in the US is also making false propaganda
against Pakistan in this regard. It was per chance that the Pak Army Chief
Raheel Shareef was visiting US during this time and managed to change the
scenario in US. That his efforts have succeeded was proved by Harfs statement
the very next day. She rejected any possible Pakistani connection in this attack.
Indian government and Indian politicians are well aware that the Kashmiris want
Azadi. And one armed Kashmiri group (ref. Hizbul Mujahideen) has been
struggling for a long time to achieve freedom from the Indian yoke.
By merely conducting fake elections (in Kashmir) India wants to give this
impression to the world that the Kashmiri people, by casting their votes, want
to vote in favour of India; this is totally wrong. As a matter of fact, by
conducting such polls, the Indian government wants to completely absorb
Kashmir and deprive Kashmiris of their distinct identity, which is
constitutionally enshrined in the Indian Constitution. They want to include
Kashmir as one more province of India.


The US is well aware of the fact that it was India, who cancelled the dialogue
process with Pakistan. Now, it should, at least, review its policy on Kashmir.
Ironically, there have been several meetings but no initiative has yet been taken to
resolve pending bilateral issues like Siachen, Sir Creek and the water disputes.
We feel now that the US administration should use its good offices, put pressure
upon Bharat, so that Kashmir dispute could be resolved like the problem of
Eastern Timor and Southern Sudan.


Pakistani nation is united against terror, Editorial, Daily Express, 18 Dec 2014.9
The terrorists attack on an army school in Peshawar resulted in the death of 141
persons including 132 school children and injury to 124 persons. This heinous
crime has shocked the whole world.
While addressing a noisy session of the Parliament Nawaz Sharif said that
Pakistan would not deviate from its jihad against terrorism. The chiefs of
various parties Imran Khan (PTI), Khursheed Shah (PPP) and Siraj ul Haq (JI)
participated in the deliberations. The media channels also had a special coverage
of this episode.
British newspaper Financial Times said that it was the darkest day in the history
of Pakistan. All political parties and the civil society of Pakistan came together
and said that it was no time of playing politics, but instead, we should work
out a formula by which these terrorists would be given maximum punishments
for wiping out the innocent young flowers of this country. In this melancholy and
tearful scenario we have to have some mechanism through which we can deal
with this crisis and do some introspection. We will have to close all the avenues
which make terrorism feasible.The perpetrators of such crimes should be
given to understand that the whole nation is standing on one platform to face
them and if any such incident if repeated again they would be completely wiped
out from the face of earth.
Our army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif should make a direct contact with the
Afghan President and ask him to hand over the mastermind of this gruesome
attack to us. Both countries should be more vigilant on the travel of people (to
and fro) on both sides of the border. It is well known that Taliban leaders
hatched this plot inside Afghanistan. Gen Sharif has said that these terrorists
have attacked the heart of the nation. But they should understand that the
morale of this great nation is still high and we will not be cowed down. We will
crush all these terrorists and their sympathizers.


Zia-ul-Haqs dream accomplished? Rauf Klasara, Daily Dunya, 22 Dec 2014.10

Whatever has happened now was inevitable. Granted that we had no such prior
intelligence, but for that also the fault lies with us. When we allowed all
sympathizers of these murderers (Taliban) a free license to come out publicly
with their explanations (in print media and T.,V. shows) to support the cause of
these murderers, who have by now taken more than 50,000 innocent lives, there
is no reason why we should be weeping over the split milk.
We should recall the past when Sufi Mohammad & Muslim Khan had frightened
our national Parliament with threats and we succumbed to their pressure and
agreed to create almost a new State carved out in Malakand. Then, why are we
repenting now? When Sherry Rehman said that all those who are justifying
militants cause are murderers of our children, why didnt we pay heed to her
voice? This was echoed by PPP, PML-N and ANP: Do not surrender. It was
MQM, which had come with a sincere request not to surrender before the
terrorists at any cost. The other person was brave heart of ChakwalAyaz Amir,
who emphasized that we were treading completely on a wrong track. Ironically,
all the newspapers brought it out on the front page. This was followed by
Muslim Khans threat: Whosoever opposes the move to impose Sharia in
Malakand would not be spared. And the whole Parliament came crashing down
like a house of cards!
Now for their political interests only they are busy wiping tears of distressed
mothers. General Musharraf also followed in the foot-prints of Zia. He appointed
Taliban God-fathers as Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa and gave them
carte blanche to administer their province as they deemed fit. Luckily, our media
has been showing these details on TV. Our TV anchors have even showed the
terrorist, who bombed several persons!
Bruce Reidel, former advisor to the US president has written a book, wherein he
says that Gen. Zia-ul-Haq once told him: We would like to have a government
of our choice in Afghanistan, because we have suffered a lot by being a front line
state during the jihad Afghanistan. Afghanistan has to be a Muslim state, based
on the principles of Islam. One day we would conquer all Islamic states within
the Soviet Union. He had thus started his campaign for Islamization. In 1971, we



had only 900 madrasas, which soared to 8000 in 1988. This did not include 25000
un-registered madrasas.
Let us not forget that even Ayub Khan had started allotting land to military
personnel during his rule. Zia took up the cue and sold prestigious commercial
lands to various religious heads. Later on, following the same pattern, Gen.
Musharraf also became a major Estate Agent.
On the pretext of Afghan war, Pakistan had sought help from the whole world.
Even mules (khachars) were imported from Israel. In 1984, the US aid to Pakistan
was to the tune of $250 million. In 1989, it was increased to $400 million. When
President Reagan took over the presidency, he opened the gates of aid (dollars) to
Pakistan. In this mad rush, we all forgot as to what price we would to pay for
all this in future.
Let us not forget that about four million refugees from the days of the Afghan
jihad are now in Pakistan. They include people who were once Arabs, Tajiks and
Uzbeks. Pakistani qabayali girls were married to them. They are the ones who
brought gun-culture and drug-culture with them to PakistanPakistan became a
pool of blood of innocent peoples.
Bruce Reidel in his book also says that Gen. Zia had secretly appointed Charlie
Wilson (Member of CIA) as Field Marshall of the Pakistan Army. During Zias
regime, Charlie had plans to marry in Pakistan (Frontier Province). When Gen
Zia died, Charlie wept bitterly. All his hopes were dashed to ground. During this
period, our religious jamiatis in Afghanistan were killing our children. However,
Gen Zia and Gen. Akhtar sent their children to America. When spy master Bill
Casey visited Pakistan, Gen. Zia showed him one map wherein he proudly said
that the US should understand that Pakistan was the real battle-ground.
It may be recalled that initially our military and civilian intelligentsia had
assured us that whatever was being done in Afghanistan was alright and they
were treading on right path. Assuming it to be so, whatever has happened now,
we should not feel sorry for it. We should understand that war can be started at
our will, but it may not end at our will (when we want it). It is an irony that the
columnists and TV anchors time and again reminded us that after conquering
Afghanistan, we would also capture all the Muslim states of Soviet Union. Was
this Gen. Zias philosophy or his utopian dream? Now we see that Gen Zia died
26 years ago, but until now we could not even control Afghanistan. And in this

process, our country has become a quagmire of blood. We have lost more than
50,000 innocent lives including those of women and children. Who is accountable
for all this? Today, we have again lost 140 innocent children, whose bodies were
riddled with bullets and bombs. They are resting in peace with pieces of bombs
pierced in their chests! So this is how the dream of General Zia ul Haq is being
Move with strong and careful steps, Amir Haashmi, Editorial, Daily Dunya, 22
Dec 201411
It seems very strange that moderation in Islam is considered to be a sign of
weakness. Islamic moderation means to maintain the tempo and the response to
terror should be with full force and with complete coordination so as to save our
country from the scourge of terror.
With regard to Peshawar carnage, we have our submissions and we would like to
retaliate against the murderers & their sympathizers with full force. No one
should nurture this idea that there would be any laxity on our part. We should
punish these elements for their evil deeds.
We should bear it in mind that our centuries-old traditional, conservative, diehard religious thinking has now enabled the jihadi tanzeems and their hardcore
orthodox ideologyLet us not forget that there dwell in Pakistan numerous
schools of thoughts with contrasting worldviews. There are several traditional as
well as hardcore religious groups......But they do not necessarily spread
radical/extremist thinking!
For example the Tableeb (student wing of) Jamiat-i-Islami has a conservative
outlook but people connected with it focus all their attention on dawat-etabligh (invite others to religion or missionary activity). Its workers are not promilitancy because only dialogue and reason are their main weapons. Similarly,
the Barelvi school is also conservative in its thinking. But these people have
strong differences with Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). So do followers of JUI
and many other religious jamaats.Persons working in the armed forces, police
or government departments, despite performing their daily namaz, and keeping
Roza etc., follow traditional religious customs, but they are not radical in their
thinking. And all this should be well appreciated. But those nurturing extremist



thinking must be isolated and boycotted. But their Islamic religious outlook
should not be ridiculed.
We have to work towards bringing moderation to the diehard conservative
groups. Our government has done nothing so far in this regard. There are several
books and cassettes in markets which spread hatred and poison. This has to be
stopped with full force. We should take all the intelligentsia on one platform
chalk out our future strategy for moderation. Leave aside differences between
Barelvi and Deobandi schools. We should remember that such differences have
been are there for the last so many centuries and it would not change so soon.
All the intelligentsia, politicians and religious leaders should resort to
discussions and deliberations on these issues. In the process, a time will come,
when fanaticism will yield ground to moderation.
There is no need to give importance to Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid. Our
intelligentsia should vigorously pursue their campaigns with dialogue and
reasoning. We should discourage anyone from spewing venom against anyone
else. In this world there is no room for hate speeches. The present conditions
demand breaking down terrorist networks and their sleeper cells. This we should
do with extreme care caution and then victory would descend upon our country.
Why save Musharraf?, Editorial, Daily Ummat, 22 Dec 201412
The practice of executions has been resumed. Gen Raheel Sharif, Nawaz Sharif,
Chaudhry Nissar Ali Khan and all other high ranking military and civilian
organizations have demanded that in all circumstances, operation against
terrorism should continue till the last terrorist is eliminated. Against this
backdrop, 25 appeals for converting death sentence to life imprisonment have
been rejected so far.
However, in the commercial city of Karachi, the practice of kidnapping & target
killing has continued for last several months. With the combined operation of
police and rangers several persons have been killed or arrested. But no one has
been punished so far. The reports confirm that up till now only 6 persons have
been hanged one was involved in an attack upon the GHQ, while 5 others were
involved in a plot to assassinate Gen. Musharraf. Unfortunately no arrests or



execution has so far been made for several hundreds of persons killed in city of
If we analyse dispassionately, we find that Gen. Musharraf himself was
responsible for: (i) killing of Baloch leader-Akbar Bugti; (ii) killings of students
and teachers at Lal Masjid with phosphorus bombs; (iii) murder of lawyers and
violation of our constitution; and iv) offering a carte blanche to Americans in
2001 to occupy AfghanistanMusharraf cannot be absolved of his
responsibility to extend full support in men and material to US Forces in
Afghanistan. Instead of being punished for all these anti-national acts, now he
wants to endear himself to Pakistani civil society and has given interviews to
TV channels spewing anti-India venom. He is trying to emphasise his noninvolvement in above mentioned cases. There is a strong view among the people
even now that Pakistan is continuing to dance to the US tunes.
Sinister designs to derail our national unity, Editorial , Daily Ummat, 22 Dec
Maulana Abdul Aziz, Imam of Lal Masjid has come out with a statement that
statement against Pak armys campaign against militants in North Waziristan in
the wake of the killing of 150 students in the militant attack on the Army School
in Peshawar. Altaf Hussain, Chief of MQM has condemned Lal Masjid as zarar
(rogue) masjid and demanded its burning or destruction. He has also said that
Jamia Hafsa should also be closed down. This has aroused immediate action
from religious section in Pakistan. Needless to say that at this moment, there is a
need to stand united to wipe out terrorism. Anyone trying to impede this
campaign could not be called as patriot. On the one hand, MQM has registered
FIR against Maulana Abdul Aziz, while on the other, Shaida Foundation of Lal
Masjid has condemned the statement of Altaf Hussain as irreligious and
unholy and a law suit has been filed against him. Shaida Foundation has taken a
stand that Lal Masjid is not the personal property of Abdul Aziz and it is the
House of Allah! We would therefore urge people not to issue such confusing
statements. Solidarity is badly required to maintain integrity, stability of our
Bharat cannot be our friend in anyway, Editorial , Daily Ummat, 22 Dec 2014.13



Bharats enmity with Pakistan is a perennial feature of its foreign policy. Even in
the game of Kabaddi it displayed such enmity by not only defeating Pakistan (by
bad umpiring) but also treating the captain of our team very badly. Pakistani
team had an edge over Indian team in the first three quarters of the game. Then
suddenly the umpire gave wrong decisions in the 4 th quarter of the game and
declared Indian team winner. When Pakistan team protested the umpires
decision, the umpire refused to listen to the Pakistani plea and treated the captain
harshly by saying, Chal Pare Ho and threw him aside. Our players started
weeping and consoling each other. In future, we should not play Kabbadi with
India and should agree to play only under an impartial umpire. If Bharat cannot
digest Pakistani victory in Kabbadi, then it should be borne in mind that we
cannot have any cultural or economic cooperation with India. Bharat cannot
and will not be our friend in any manner.
Fear of military courts looming large, Editorial, Daily Ummat, 29 Dec 2014.14
Nawaz Sharif government has to be lauded for its determined action for
establishing military courts in the aftermath of Peshawar carnage. It is to be
noted that despite repeated requests from Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General,
the Pak government determined to put about 500 hard core terrorists to gallows
whose cases had been pending for commuting their sentences to life
After telephone conversation between Nawaz and Ban Ki-moon, Pakistan Foreign
Office spokesman said that Pak government had regard for world opinion, but
these decisions were taken under exceptionally challenging conditions and in no
way it violates any international norm. Let us not forget that in Britain and
United States execution is given to those who are dangerous offenders. Statistics
reveals that due to fear of capital punishment in Saudi Arabia and Iran, there is
considerably less crime. Now Pakistan, due to the peculiar circumstances it is in,
wants to move in this direction. But it is beyond comprehension as to why the
world leaders are extending sympathies to the murderers, when our 140 families
have lost their young children. It is really lamentable that no one is speaking
about it.
Despite Ban Ki moons continued pressure, decision taken by our Prime minister
is no doubt laudable. But people are skeptical why there was so much undue


delay in the reviving this order. This delay is attributed to some vested interests
in political parties, which may prove advantageous to terrorists. Zardari has
clearly stated that he would not allow any unlawful use of military courts as was
done on earlier occasions because of which local citizens are scared of this law.
Therefore, according to him, laws of military courts should not be made
applicable to leaders of any political party. There is an apprehension that both
and Zardari and Nawaz Sharif could land up in jail if military courts are given
unbridled powers. Zardaris past is now haunting him. However, mere
association with any political party should not grant a person automatic
immunity against the laws of the land. If that be so, then MQM leaders would be
the greatest beneficiaries. Let us recall our past when all the political parties were
in distress (especially MQM) in Karachi, when the police along with the Rangers
had initiated a security operation.
Safeguards for establishing military courts in Pakistan, Editorial, Daily Dunya,
Dec 201415
Former President Zardari has said that the proposed military courts were badly
required for meeting the new challenges for militants, but cautioned that there
should also be proper safeguards so that they would not be misused. Zardaris
apprehensions are not out of place. In the past, Defence of Pakistan Act brought
some laws and established special courts which were used to (i) harass the
political opponents and (ii) they restricted Journalists basic rights to express
their views. Hence, due care has to be taken so that the same thing is not
It is no less than surprise that in the aftermath of Peshawar carnage, the entire
nation stand united and even those who were staunch supporters of Sharif
government rushed to the scene in Peshawar. They attended All Party
Conference (APC) at Peshawar, which formed national action plan to re-establish
special trial courts to deal with the menace of terrorism. All participants were
heart-broken, angry, full of anguish but helpless. Fear loomed large on the faces
of the participants..
During the last few years, one finds significant change in (i) public psyche, (iii)
the media industry and (iii) thinking of politicians. Nonetheless, it is also



possible that some innocent person could be victimized by these military courts
and some injustice meted out to someone who is actually not the culprit.
Establishment of Special Military Courts would be established after making
necessary amendments in the Constitution. Yesterday, this issue was discussed
at great length at the APC. Army Chief General Sharif clarified at this APC:
Today, we have democracy and no martial rule. The special military courts
would have approval of the Constitution and Parliament. These courts are
basically meant to deal with the crimes of terrorists who are involved only in the
killing of innocent people like the young flowers (children of Peshawar) who
were killed recently. Army needs such checks and balances. Only those cases of
heinous crimes would be processed by these courts which would be referred by
the Federal Government of the country. There should be mutual understanding
and conciliation between our over-confident government and all powerful
Chinese investments in Pakistan, Ehsan-ullah-Ehsan, Ihya-e-Khilafat, November
2014, monthly journal by Jamaat-ul Ahrar, split-away faction of TTP.
The Chinese President during his visit to Pakistan gave utmost importance to this
country and has expressed his interest in the welfare and progress of this
country. This perception is coloured by desire of Pakistans rulers for progress
and thus they are inclined to accept any rising sun as their allah. But we
Muslims have our own way of attaining economic progress which we are
required to follow. Being true Muslims, we have to respect Allahs words and
need to surrender to Him. This is the basic principle of Islam.Let us not forget
that China is emerging at present as the greatest enemy of Islam. At present,
some letters have exposed this fact. If we correctly analyse Chinese behaviour
towards Muslims and Islam, it will not be an exaggeration to call China the
greatest enemy of Islam in the world. For quite some years now, the women of
Sinkiang (Xinjiang) province have been banned from wearing purdah and men
have been asked not to keep their beard. Many of them have been sent to jail for
violating these laws.
According to reports received from provincial sources in city of Karamey in
Sinkiang there are five types of restrictions imposed upon the Muslims. The
women are asked not to wear Hijab, Burqa, Jilbaab(abaya or long and loose-fit
coat or garment worn by some Muslim women), and men are not allowed to


wear dresses with stars engraved on them and keep beards. Muslims with beards
are not permitted to even board buses in the city. Wearing star-studded dress is a
sign of Muslim culture.
Recently, a Chinese newspaper published from Karamey, The Karame Daily,
published one article which stated that the above rules have been imposed with
effect from 20 August 2014. So in a way, the law enforcing authorities in the
province are destroying the identity of Muslims by forcibly enforcing these antiMuslim laws. Before this, during the month of Ramzan, the government
authorities had imposed restrictions on keeping Roza (fasting) saying that the
government employees could not observe fasting. In one government hospital,
the authorities even forced their Muslim employees to sign an affidavit to this
It has been noticed that the Muslims living in China have been facing such
restrictions for quite some time. On 20 December 2013, one news agency called
Shabistan published one report about Chinese authorities resorting to genocide
wherein 13 Muslims were murdered. Spokesman of World Uyghur Congress
Dilxadi Rexiti has said that the Muslims in Xinjiang are facing unreasonable
restrictions and are there is danger to their lives. The government has resorted
to anti-Muslim policies which have made the lives of Muslims miserable.
In Sinkiang province 8 Muslims were given death sentence on 25 August, 2014.
All these Muslims belonged to Uyghur tribe. The Chinese police have, during last
few weeks, arrested hundreds of innocent Muslims and many of them have been
given long sentences. According to Uyghur, the government is only exploiting
them and they are being punished only because they are Muslims. The Chinese
tirade against Islam has increased to such an extent that Amnesty International
has taken note of it and said in its report that China is committing excesses
against Uyghurs.
In such a situation, when Chinas anti-Islamic policy has crossed the limits of
decency, the Chinese President came to visit Pakistan. During his visit, China
extended its support to the ongoing Pakistani operation in North Waziristan. It
may also be recalled that China had pressurised Pakistan intensify its operations
against members of East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM). Their only crime is
that they remain sympathetic to the cause of Chinese Muslims.


In such suffocating environs, the Pakistan government has been publicising news
about China providing an aid of $34 billion on different projects. But it has never
brought the above mentioned reality before the common man nor has it ever
expressed its concerns about the atrocities committed upon the Muslims
brethren living in China. In clear contrast, Western political analysts and Western
media have not kept these realities away from their public and highlighted the
stories of Chinese investments in Pakistan. This is in no way an investment by
China; rather, it is a clever plot (against Muslims). We appeal to the innocent
people of Pakistan to come forward and help us in cleansing this dirty
government and save our Muslim brethren from kufr (disbelief and irreligion).
At the same time, we warn (tanbiya karte hain) the Chinese government to shed
its anti-Islamic policies; otherwise, days are not far off when they would have
to face the wrath of the Mujahideen. Remember that we are like an unsheathed
sword (shamser-e-beniyam) for the tyrant. The disintegration of Russia is not
hidden from you. The economic distress of America, Britain and Pakistan is also
not unknown to you. If you dont change your attitude now then your business
and economic infrastructure will be attacked [by our fighters] and all your vanity
will evaporate (tumahra gumaan tak na hoga).
From Tehrik-e-Lal Masjid to awami Inquilab, Ibn Haider, Ihya-e-Khilafat,
November 2014.
Nowadays with the most sophisticated scientific inventions and super-fast
communication systems, the borders of countries have become irrelevant to such
an extent that the whole world seems to have shrunk to a city so much so, that
if there is any upsurge (inquilab) in any corner of the world, its echoes could be
heard throughout the world. Similarly, if any government collapses anywhere, its
repercussions could also be felt throughout the globe.
It is commonly accepted that whenever there is a revolution brewing in any
place, it is generally resisted and vehemently opposed by the concerned
government and later on (the spirit of such revolution is) grudgingly accepted.
No doubt there also emerge amongst masses some negative and positive
perceptions regarding such a new trend (nazriyati inquilab), which some section of
society accept it on its face value while others (especially those who are in power)
reject it vehemently (siddat se).
Very recently, one political party and one renowned religious Jamaat have
emerged in Pakistan and both of them have different objectives but profess to

bring about Inquilab in Pakistan. One is Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) headed by

Imran Khan, former cricketer turned politician. He is the darling of the Pakistani
youth. The other is Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT), whose chief is Pakistani-born
renowned religious leader Tahir-ul-Qadri.
Imran Khan described his protest as Azadi March, the reason ascribed to it is (i)
electoral rigging in the last general elections and (ii) poor governance. Qadri,
who is a religious leader from Canada, termed his movement Peoples
Revolution (Awami Inquilab). While carrying out their campaigns there were
several violent incidents, especially the one at Model Town in Lahore leading to
unjustified demolition of government buildings. As a result of this gunda-gardi
(hooliganism), police killed a few workers of PAT. To be brief both the leaders
addressed the Nation on 14th August- our Independence Day.
Initially, the leaders assured Government of peaceful demonstration, but
later on it flared up into noisy protests; the demonstrators looted shops and
vandalized offices. In a way, they brought disrepute to their leaders. Life became
difficult for man in the street. Leave aside these things, there were incidents of
arson, loot and chaos on the roads; cell phones were snatched from the persons.
Although there were more than 300 police officials to maintain order, all these
police officials were targeted by the demonstrators. Some of them were injured.
Women were lathi-charged. High officials were at the receiving end. Holigans
had a good time. People started taking baths on road side. Obviously, life became
hell for the common man. Further, in retaliation to police action, protesters used
women and children as their shields to escape the wrath of police authorities.
In 1965, one Mosque was established in Islamabad, which was called Lal
Masjid. Its first preacher was Maulana Mohammed Abdulla Shaheed Rahim
Allah, who was very outspoken and a dare-devil. His past record shows that he
made enormous contribution in Afghan-Russian war. During his life-time, he
fought for, and guided all the persons to follow, the right path. But in doing so,
he bitterly criticized the ruling party (the then government) in Islamabad. He was
martyred in 1998. After the sad demise and martyrdom of Maulana Abdulla
Ghazi, two clerics Maulana Abdul Aziz and Maulana Abdul Rashid
functioned as his heirs apparent. They performed their duties very meticulously.
Following the footsteps of their father, they imparted Islamic education amongst
girls with the sanguine hope of spreading Islamic education throughout the


When former President Musharraf at the behest of his American masters

initiated war against people in South Waziristan Maulana Abdul Aziz Ghazi
issued one historical Fatwa and as a result, his Islamic sermons were was
forbidden. In the year-2007, General Musharraf chalked out a plan to demolish
Lal Masjid. In the process, they demolished seven masjids in different locations.
Because of this, fear prevailed everywhere. But the students and teachers
fearlessly raised slogans against Governments high-handedness. They
demanded ban on massage parlours in Islamabad. Thereafter, the parlour girls
felt sorry and repented and they appeared in burqas and later released. One
auntie Shamim, who ran a sex-shop in Islamabad, was brought inside Lal Masjid
and after repentance, she was set free in burqa.
There was one Childrens Library adjacent to Jama Masjid where girls were
taught tenets of Islam. These students, who were unwaveringly loyal to Islamic
tenets, had made only one demand before the government the aim and object
for which this country (Pakistan) was created should be fulfilled. But instead of
meeting their demands, fake propaganda was raised against these Shariatlovers by announcing that the Lal Masjid was the abode of foreign militants.
False reports were published saying Lal Masjid was full of arms and ammunition
and fidayeen were being imparted militant training inside it.
Ironically, the demands made by these young flowers were smothered by the iron
hand of a military dictator (Musharraf). The military initiated a drama of
holding dialogue just to win public sympathy. Later, failure of these talks was
attributed to leaders of Lal Masjid. The government started false propaganda
through media channels. Thereafter, the innocent girl students of Lal Masjid were
attacked. The military operation continued for several days. Military personnel
used light and heavy machine guns to bring the situation under control. Lal
Masjid was demolished. Same fate was meted out to the building adjacent to
Lal Masjid. Reports reveal that phosphorus bombs were used in this operation.
To add insult to injury the dead bodies recovered from the Lal Masjid were
burnt. Copies of Quran and Hadees were thrown into the dirty lanes of
Islamabad. Hundreds of students and girls were sent to their Master (Khuda).
Equal number of the truth seekers was taken to torture houses and are missing
till now!
Now it is the same city of Islamabad, and the same streets wherein thousands of
protestors are moving freely and chanting anti-government slogans against the
government No one has been arrested so far. There have also been several cases

of vandalizing of offices, looting of shops, and snatching of cell phones and the
government remained a silent spectator. The public finds itself quite safe and
breathes freely. No harsh measure has been taken to cause disorder on the streets.
But alas! When someone raises voice for Shariat or Allah, our rulers are everready to smother such voice.
It is our holy duty to fight Pak military, TTP Mehsud Group, Amir Khalid
Saeed Hafzas Statement.
Today our whole nation is the victim of tyranny and violence perpetrated by
the slaves of falsehood. From Iraq and Syria, to every corner of the world,
Muslims, if they are real Momins and follow the commandments of Allah, then
they are fighting against tyranny perpetrated by their rulers. So Allah says: Oh
followers of Truth!...
Today, the puppet government of Pakistan functioning under the orders of Uncle
Sam has perpetrated excessive tyranny and violence upon the people in the
qabayali region. The US has again ordered the Pakistan fauj to initiate its
campaign in the tribal region in North Waziristan and wipe out everybody there.
Therefore, Pakistani military has emerged as the worst enemy of Islam and
caused more havoc and terror than even the Israeli forces. It has targeted the
common citizens, they have targeted innocent women and children. Pak Military
has claimed to have killed thousands of Mujahideen. But the fact remains that
out of these the number of mujahideen might have been only fifty. Through false
propaganda in media they have tried to prove that the Operation is progressing
in the right direction.
On this occasion, I appeal to all Muslims dwelling in North Waziristan to follow
the right path and support the truth. Be patient and suffer the agony caused by
the tyrant and have faith that Allah is no doubt with us. After so much of
violence and tyranny there is no point in relying on Uncle Sam for any kind of
assistance given to us as alms (bheekh!). We should be contented with our limited
means and suffer the miseries thrust upon us with patience, during this phase of
Hijrat. Allah the Great would surely shower happiness upon us at the end.
Actually, we had agreed to resume dialogue with these tyrants of falsehood so
that we could save our qabayali people from the excesses committed by these
tyrants.It has been wrongly propagated through media that we are now tired
and exhausted by their excesses and that we are repenting. It is not true; we are


neither exhausted in our fight nor regret our decision. The sufferings thrust on us
by the Tyrannical rulers are acceptable to us as gifts in our path of Jihad. In
no way do we imagine that our fight against the tyrant is wrong. Rather, we take
it as our pious duty as per the command of Allah! We consider the ways of
these tyrants as kufr and wrong. This is our faith. Holy Quran also says:
You keep on fighting these people so that there is no remnants left of these
agents of falsehood. Fight till the end. If they understand their follies and come
back, they will be saved. Allah is watching them closely.
......Let us not forget that before the inception of Pakistan, several learned persons
had given supreme sacrifices in the name of Islam. Now these sacrifices have
borne fruits. Our youngsters are offering their blood while following the
footsteps of our forefathers and attaining martyrdom. Such efforts are destined
to bring an end to our sufferings. Let us not forget that the Pakistani government
and its military are hostile to Islam and it is the duty of the youth of Pakistan to
defend Islam. No doubt, Pakistan is a strong fortress of Islam and sooner or later
all these atheists and secular sections of society will succumb to the pressures of
Now is the time to resume fight, Ustad Ahmed Farooq, Nawai Afghan Jihad,
December 2014.
One day, Hazrat Salma bin Nafeel was sitting with Prophet Mohammad and told
him that some man had narrated to her that his people were becoming relaxed
because they felt that jihad had come to an end and war was over. The Prophet
called them liars. He went on to say that one section of his community would
continue its fight even if some people, by the will of Allah, might turn against
them. This group will finally receive Allahs blessings and continue to fight till
the final day of judgment (Qayamat tak).
My dear friends, in the initial stages of Nawaz Sharif regime, the government
officials were all the time sending feelers to us for holding talks with them. They
expressed their desire for resumption of the dialogue. So we agreed to this. But
this anti-Islamic government, despite showing positive intention for dialogue
took a U-turn and launched military operations against us, which a person like
Zardarithe most despicable creature who would find no place in heaven
even did not attempt during his rule.


Nawaz Sharif government had resumed military operations in Karachi with the
sole objective of terrorizing the mujahideen, religious jamaats and our Islamic
madrasas there. The official reports suggest that during period SeptemberDecember 2013 there were 9000 raids, wherein 13,000 arrests were made. This
government also initiated crack-down and raids in the heart of the country, in
Punjab. Such dictatorial action has no parallel in history. By indiscriminate
arrests, the authorities crossed all limits of decency and democratic norms.
During raids they kidnapped our women-folk and infants (milk-fed babies). In
this operation they dumped our sisters and wives into dungeons (police secret
cells) where there was no ray of light. Our ladies were molested and their raped.
The present government has continued with its atrocious activities of kidnapping
intelligentsia, students and qabayali Muslims and many of them have been killed.
To add fuel to fire, the government has also resumed drone attacks with full fury.
Apart from the Mujahideen, the most respected personalities of Afghanistan
(read Afghan Taliban) have been targeted. Like the previous government, the
present one has also issued ritual statements condemning drone attacks. Prima
facie, they have made an excellent show of maintaining diplomatic rapport with
CIA, to please their US bosses and win their favours at the cost of national
..The PM has now taken special initiative to frame atrocious laws to uproot
Mujahideen from the soil of Pakistan. Now the government is seeking
amendments to its laws and taken the cases relating to the Mujahideen away
from the purview of ordinary laws. The government is empowered to inflict
maximum punishments on mujahideen even in case of lack of evidence. The
story does not end here. It has actually taken cue from POTA (Prevention of
Terrorism Act) of the Government of India and issued Pakistan Protection
Ordinance (PPO), which is worse than the law of the jungle. Under this law,
security forces are allowed to (i) shoot any suspected person; (ii) enter the house
of anybody they suspect and can arrest him; (iii) establish special courts which
are authorized to give death sentence to people even though they may not be
remotely connected to jihad; and (iv) sentence anybody to prison for a minimum
of 10 years.
Now there are special Thanas (police stations) and special jails to arrest and
incarcerate whosoever talks about Shariat laws and their implementation or
utters anything against US domination. Anybody who sings praises of Kalma
(anywhere in the world) can be specifically targeted by this Ordinance. PPO has
tagged all lovers of Islam as Enemy Aliens. They could be arrested even before

a crime is proved against them. It is lamentable that these courts and jails are
much worse than the rules followed in Guatanamo Bay.
All these rules and laws indicate how callous our present government has been
towards Islam and Islamic scholars. The provincial governments have also been
instructed to establish new security forces against those professing Shariat and
Shariat laws. Promulgation of this law proves the point that the present
government and the military intend to continue their war and commit atrocities
against Islam and its followers.
They have spent millions of dollars for fixing CCTVs and other espionage devices
in Karachi and many cities in Punjab. This is being done not to maintain peace
but to spy on our gullible citizens. I want to know, who gave them permission to
fix these devices to secretly screen our mothers, sisters and daughters and expose
their photos to public? Is it okay from religious point of view?
If we analyse dispassionately, we find that the appointment of Kayani and
Musharrafs close friend, Raheel Sharif, to the post of Chief of Army makes it
amply clear that our government is merely acting as the stooge of the US. The
army chief of Pakistan, instead of fighting Western powers, Bharat and other
enemies on our borders, has instead directed its resources against our Muslim
brethren. This situation clearly indicates as to which direction our Fauj and
Political leaders are moving.
Since Raheel Sharifs taking over as army chief, the Pak military has unleashed a
reign of terror on the mujahideen. In the military operation more than 70
persons-including women and children were killed on the very first day. The
security forces summoned poor truck drivers from a hotel, made them stand in a
line and shot them one after another. Waziristan is being penalized because it is
an eye-sore for America, Israel and Bharat and the whole world of infidels.Do
our people pay taxes for such Army actions, which are fully dedicated to Kafirs
and are murdering unarmed, gullible Muslims? Our proud people of Waziristan
have high ideals and are prepared to make supreme sacrifices in the rightful path
of Islam (haq).
The Prime Minister has visited the US and Britain several times and is always
eager to seek favours from these imperial bosses. But he has nothing else to offer
to the Pakistani Muslim brethren but the high costs of living and continuous
devaluation of the Pakistani rupee. Such rulers have sold out our country to their

bosses. They are engrossed in striking unholy deals and collecting dollars in
lieu of the dead bodies of mujahideen. Allah will destroy them all!
After knowing the facts, it becomes crystal clear as to who could be responsible
for downfall and destruction of our country. Who are these characters? They are
our leaders who are working at the behest of their US bosses, pouring oil on the
smoldering fire within the country. They are the elected leaders who have been
responsible for (i) permitting American forces to fly their drones over our skies;
(ii) allowing NATO supplies over our roads; (iii) permitting US and its allies to
anchor their naval ships in our waters; (iv) spilling the blood of Balochi and
Qabayali Muslim brethren to satisfy Bharati soldiers; (v) butchering
worshippers (Namazees) of Islam; (vi) working against imposition of Islamic rule
in Pakistan for their selfish and ignoble ends; (vii) disappearance of our brethren
(women, children) and their number is increasing day by day and their mutilated
bodies are being recovered from the market places, road crossings and in
deserted locations...
My dear brothers, obviously, the basic responsibility of all these ills rests upon
Pakistan government and its military generals. And they would have to pay full
price for their crimes. They would have to come to path of righteousness, peace
and security. They would do so only when the sword of danger hovers on their
heads and their feet are subjected to the fire of hell. Uncle Sam and his
lieutenants have committed all kinds of crimes against us. They have used jet
fighters, tanks, and heavy machine guns and showered all their bullets upon us
and all this we have happily endured.But now with the grace of Allah, it is our
turn to strike back. They had hoped that by the force of gun, they would divert us
from our original path. They can never do itWe have strong faith in Allah. We
would resume our jihad full force, for implementation of Shariah in Pakistan.
There is no place for United States and its puppets in Pakistan.
My dearest friends, please remember that India was ruled by the firangis after
1857. After 1947, the same English laws were implemented in our country. In
such a situation, to bring about Islamic laws would obviously take some time.
..By Gods grace, we are engaged in a perennial jihad. Whatever time it may
take, we would attain this objective by the help of AllahThe road which we
have chosen was earlier followed by Prophets disciples and it is informed by
the tenets of Islam.We should all remember that patience is the child of
jihad. We cannot surmount difficulties, troubles without having patience.we
would achieve success only when have patience and perseverance..In Hadees

Mubarak it has been said that on the day of judgment all Kafirs would be thrown
to the jaws of death (hell and fire). Thereafter, the believers would be called
before Allah who had suffered throughout in the world and sent to Heaven.
Shaikh Ayman-al-Zawahris message, Nawai Afghan Jihad, December 2014
Shaikh Ayman-al-Zawahri has prepared one useful and important document for
Jihadi movement in Pakistan. He says that the American have carried out attacks
in Pakistan only as a supplement to the US war in Afghanistan. But we should
try our best to have one safe and secure and well-guarded place for the
Mujahideen in Pakistan. This should be our sole objective so that Pakistan
would function as a citadel for Mujahideen and implementation of Shariah
laws. Our sole aim is that we should have an Islamic regime in Pakistan.
With this resolve, we would continue our jihadi campaign till our goal is
accomplished. Till then, we should hold fast to the path of jihad, without
worrying about the obstacles on the way. Have faith in Allah, keep your morale
high. Never mind setbacks on the way. Gird your lions. We have to pay up so
many debts:
(i) Several innocent men, women are languishing in Pakistani jails they are to be
(ii) We have to take revenge for so many Afghani Taliban leaders who were
killed in Pakistani jails: Mufti Shamzai, Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi,
Maulana Bilgrami, Maulana Naseer Khan Rahimullah and many others.
We still find arms and ammunition laden trucks moving freely on the streets of
Pakistan. These vehicles are to be thrown out. Up till now there are several
secular hypocrites who are using offending languages and spewing venom
against Islam. They have to be set right. So many agencies are responsible for
destroying our religion. The false and hypocritical regime which prevails now is
root cause of all evils in this country. We have to establish Sharia in this land.
This would be the panacea for all the evils. In the end, we pray to Allah to grant
us success for our faith in Islam. We should have courage to extend sympathies to
our oppressed brethren, and side with Allah. May He give us strength so that we
may follow his commands, so that he should be happy with us. Amen.


India has to be paid back in the right coin, Daily Ummat, Editorial, 02 January
Indian army called for flag officers meeting, and when Pakistani rangers sent
two representatives they were fired upon resulting in their death. At this,
Pakistan authorities have summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner to the
Foreign Office and lodged a strong protest by saying that this incident was a
gross violation of the international norms.
It has been seen that Pakistans desire to have long-term peace with its neighbour
should be assumed as our weakness. We reserve the right to protect and preserve
our sovereignty and security. It may be recalled that in this indiscriminate firing
from Indian side, we have lost (i) scores of lives (ii)thousands of our cattle and
(iii) loss of properties worth millions of rupees.
Ironically, Bharat has always reiterated that the firing was started by Pakistan.
But the reality is that until the resolution of the Kashmir problem, such firings
and allegations and counter-allegations would continue. The trade and
commerce and cultural agencies of Pakistan and Bharat should be given to
understand that Pakistans desire for having sustainable peace should not be
mistaken as our weakness and no undue advantage be taken by Indian
government Pakistan knows how to retaliate blow for blow!
One more brutal aggression from India, Editorial, Daily Express, 2 January 201517
On Wednesday, December 31, 2014, Indian forces on the pretext of holding a flag
officers meeting with Pakistani rangers started indiscriminate firing and killed
two members of Chenab Rangers. Rangers sources say that they were responding
to an appeal for flag meeting by Indian forces and when members of Rangers
reached at the scheduled location, the Indian Border Security forces opened
unprovoked firing upon them Naik Mohammad Riyaz and Lance Naik
Mohammed Safdar and martyred them. This is the first tragic and shameful
incident in Bharat-Pak history, when Indian forces did not give time even to
collect the injured soldiers from zero line. In this connection, Pakistan called



Indian Deputy High Commissioner to Foreign Office and lodged a very strong
The spokesman of Chenab Rangers has said that both countries have always had
flag meetings. And in such cases, they show white flag and request to have a
meeting at a scheduled place. In such cases, there is no firing. But now the Indian
Defence Minister, Manohar Parikar, instead of conveying condolences, has
threatened to use double fire power to retaliate Pakistani fire power. It has been
seen that incase of tension on the borders, Indian government has, instead of
reducing the tension, come out with provocative statements. The Indian
authorities have given carte blanche to its forces to deal with the situation with
full force and retaliate as they like. The aggressive policies of Modi government
have prompted its security forces to resume unprovoked firing as and when they
like without observing international norms. So much so that now it has been
decided that the in future there wont be flag meeting at lower levels. The
meeting will only be held at the DGMO or at DG levels. In the last three years,
Bharat forces violated working boundary 95 times, wherein 7 Rangers and 75
civilian were killed.
It may be noted that Pakistan has extended its hand of friendship to India several
times but this has been of no avail. Modi government has always been aggressive
in its designs. Thus there is no scope of improvement in the present relations.
Under these circumstances, Pak government should review its policies and lodge
a strong protest in the international forums with regard to Indian forces violating
the international borders.
As we now see, United States and some Western countries are eager about
augmenting their trade relations with India. For this reason, they are not keen to
take notice of such aggressions committed by Indian security forces on
international borders. If this practice continues by Western powers and Modi
Government, then God forbid, there is no hope having peace and tranquility in
this region!
Funding of terrorist tanzeems, Dr Akram ul Haq, Daily Dunya, 5 Jan 2015,
For a terrorist tanzeem, there could be only one motto, i.e., use force for political
effect. At present, all national and international agencies worldwide are
confronted with one big challenge how to stop funding of terrorist tanzeems?
Ironically, the informal channels that fund terrorist tanzeems work much faster


(and are more effective) than our legal financial systems. So without a proper
analysis of extremist groups, we cannot wipe out these groups.
These days, there are several illegal financial networks in Pakistan, many of
which turn black money into white. Surprisingly, in many cases, funds received
by militants groups are not through illegal channels. They mostly receive huge
amounts through Welfare Associations and Philanthropic Institutions in our
country. Further, at present, there is no law which prohibits offering of gifts to
these tanzeems. As a result, it becomes very difficult to investigate into this scam
and arrive at any positive result. These countries which have been victims of
terrorism do not have strong laws to combat with this menace.
We know that terrorism and illicit money laundering have posed a very big
threat to security at the international level. It has impacted political and
economic systems of the world. Both these vices have been prevalent since time
immemorial. But after 9/11, there has been a sudden increase in these activities.
International community is very keen to stop this nuisance with little success.
The underground network of terrorist tanzeems is so well-spread that it is not
always possible to locate the actual sources of funds. Again organized crime,
coupled with drug trafficking has given further boost to terror activities.
The US and its allies have been combating terrorism in Afghanistan for that last
13 years, but have not been able to wipe it out. As US forces are leaving
Afghanistan, they cannot claim that they won the war against terrorism and
Taliban. Let us not forget that Al Qaeda, Taliban and ISIS have a very strong
funding system, which is spread over Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and few
other Arab countries. As a matter of fact, intelligence agencies at the
international level have not made any sincere effort to analyse funding of these
tanzeems because they were guided by their thinking that defeating these
tanzeems militarily would automatically lead to collapse of their funding
systems. Thus they have failed miserably and succumbed to the ghost of
In such circumstances, governments should seriously work towards tracing
illegal financial transactions by terrorist groups. Serious punishments should be
given to the defaulters. It is also important that various countries should probe
as to how they are getting their arms and ammunition and who is providing
training to them.


Pakistan has been a victim of terrorism. Here we find a long history of money
laundering. We boast about winning war on terror, but we have done nothing to
resolve this problem which is eating our economy like a termite. Let us not forget
that we have a Money Laundering ACT-2010, and hence the banking agencies
should not hesitate to expose such defaulters. It seems we are repeating the
mistakes made by Western powers. But unlike Uncle Sam, we do not have the
choice of retreat. We have to fight till we win.
Extra-ordinary conditions demand extra-ordinary decisions, Editorial, Daily
Express, 2 Jan 201518
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that special military courts will be
established to accord punishments to hard-core terrorists, who have committed
heinous crimes. All these cases would be sent to special military courts only after
thorough investigation. This decision was unanimously taken at the All Party
Emergency Meeting wherein leaders of all parties participated. This special
session was attended by Federal ministers Khwaja Asif, Ishaq Dar, Pervez Rashid,
Chaudhry Nissar, Ahsan Iqbal, Abdul Qadir Baloch, Sartaj Aziz and Army Chief
Raheel Sharif, DG ISI, and DGMO etc.
No doubt our country is passing through hard times and is confronted with the
deadly menace of terrorism and armed extremist movements. Our political
leaders will have to get over them with extreme caution, exhibiting right political
acumen and sagacity. By incorporating 21 st Amendment in the Constitution
special military courts are to be formed with all democratic spirit and a 20-point
plan of action has been arrived at. But the views by some political and
constitutional experts about introducing safeguards to ensure successful
implementation of such plan should not be ignored.
In this connection, some leaders have argued/suggested that establishment of
military courts should not be outside our Constitution. Some of them have
argued that this idea of military courts are death traps for justice. Some others
say that our Constitution has all such provisions which would help us take
strong actions without incorporating amendments.
It is a good idea that under federal governments orders, safeguards suggested by
all political parties should be taken seriously by federal ministers Ishaq Dar,



Chaudhary Nissar and Pervez Rasheed.We only hope that our Courts,
Parliament and provincial governments would work with full zeal and zest so
that we could win our battle against terrorism. Nevertheless, the political
resolve of our government as well as opposition would surely enable us to
combat our enemies and lead us to victory.
Maintain strict surveillance on Indias provocations, Editorial, Daily Dunya, 7
Jan 201519
India has continued border violations for last several months. But after
Peshawar incident when Pakistan formulated National Action Plan to deal
with terrorists, one finds a sudden increase in the border violations by Indian
security forces. Prima facie, it appears that India does not wish that we should
fight terrorists with full force and fury.
Recent unprovoked firing at Chenab Rangers by Indian security forces at the
meeting of flag officers at Shakar Garh shows Indias callous attitude. It has
caused lot of resentment in Pakiustani circles so much so that Pak Foreign Office
summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner and lodged a strong protest and
asked for immediate action against those involved in this killing.
As we know, Pakistan has always extended its hand of friendship to India, but
it has unfortunately been taken as sign of weakness. Indian forces have again
attacked several Pakistani check posts in Zafarwal Sector. Our Rangers have given
fitting reply and silenced enemys guns. But provocations from Indian side do
not end here. Recently, Indian forces destroyed one ammunition-laden boat and
killed 4 persons. In this connection, a letter from Sartaj Aziz has been handed
over to Sushma Swaraj, Indian Foreign Minister, wherein Pakistan has demanded
speedy investigation into the incident and punishment to the guilty.
Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhary has written to UNGA and
Ambassadors of European Union about Indias violations on border and
martyrdom of two Pakistani Rangers. He has urged all the world leaders to ask
Indian authorities to stop such provocations on Pakistani border. One should
remember that since the coming of Modi, there has been a sudden spurt in border
violations. In such conditions, when we have been occupied with our operations
against terrorists in North Waziristan, our neighbour has been involved in wild


adventure of attacking borders to compel us to divert our manpower and

resources to our Eastern border. As a result, not only this region, but the whole
world would remain hostage to terror.
In brief, Pakistan should not nurture any illusion about India. Anything could
happen from across the border. So the need of the hour is that we should fathom
the situation carefully so that in case of any adventure made by India, we should
be fully prepared and be strong enough to retaliate with full force.
Bharat-America-Israel alliance, Khaled H. Lodhi, Daily Jasarat, 07 Jan 201520
Mr. Modi, while taking over the reins of the country as Prime Minister appointed
Ajit Doval, former Director of Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) as his National
Security Advisor. Doval has also worked for 6 years as a diplomat in Indian
High Commission, Islamabad and as a minister in the Indian High Commission
at London. Mr. Dovail is the 6th appointee to the post of National Security
During his tenure in Islamabad, he focussed his attention on Muslims and
Jammu & Kashmir. In 1988, he was awarded the highest bravery award of Kirti
Chakra. Now under the specific instructions of Modi he has been entrusted with
this sensitive department. After his appointment, Mr. Doval has visited Syria,
Iraq and Afghanistan along with other high ranking officers of RAW. It has since
been revealed that several religious groups who have joined the armed struggle
in Syria and Iraq have gone underground and maintained strong rapport with
RAW. After secret meetings with these groups, the militants were brought to
Afghanistan. In the process, they have been issued passports bearing different
names and different visas in their travel documents. While imparting military
training to these militants they have also been taught local languages in
Afghanistan. As we know, one special cell of RAW is working in Afghanistan
and all these activities are going on under the supervision of Indian Ambassador
in Kabul. After withdrawal of Nato forces from Afghanistan, Bharat
government has been entrusted with the responsibility of following the US
Ajit Doval established Vivekananada International Foundation a thank tank in
2009, which consists of ex-RAW officers. This think-tank has been conducting


Seminars highlighting the problems of Balochistan in London and Switzerland.

Narendra Modi has invited US President Obama at such a juncture, when India
along with America could play a new role in Afghanistan and in this process,
and Uncle Sam wants India to play a dominant role in the region. India
deliberately wants to create tension on the Pakistani border. Now with the
coming of the New Year India has been publicizing all over the world the
incident of destruction of (a Pakistani) boat in the Arabian Sea. This plan of
maligning Pakistan with border clashes has been formulated by Ajit Doval and
RAW with the full concurrence of Narendra Modi. Their sole object is to create
frontal war in the region so as to condemn Pakistan as a Terrorist State.
As per Indian authorities, one vessel which started from Keti Bander near
Karachi was destroyed. All these actions are undertaken by RAW and the
National Security Council as part of a grand plan to malign Pakistan. According
to Indian Express Newspaper the claims by Indian intelligence agencies were
false. According to Ministry of Defence, they could not collect any evidence
about this boat because of bad weather, darkness at night and cyclonic winds
blowing at night at the location. Contrary to this, according to data procured by
the Indian Meteorological Department there was no such problem. The skies
were clear and bright. According to President of Indian Fishermen Association,
no fisherman saw any boat being blasted in the sea. Despite all this, Indian
governments official media and some TV networks, who are dancing to the tune
of Indian National Security Advisor, have been spewing venom every day
against Pakistan. And every day, they have been concocting new stories to
disgrace and malign Pakistan. It has been their serious attempt to create anti-am
Pakistan climate during the visit of US President Barak Obama.

Power of speech & power of the gun, Editorial, Daily Ummat, 7 Jan 201521
Hindus always nurture Anti-Pakistani sentiments. But since the coming of
BJP, a militant tanzeem under Narendra Modi, one finds that the minorities
especially the Muslims have not been feeling secure in the country. Hundreds of
Muslims are being converted to Hindu religion. The treatment meted out to
Muslims in Muzzafar Nagar is worse than the treatment meted to animals. Even
the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) authorities would


shudder to see the situation. When Modi was Chief Minister of Gujarat, he used
the local police and got thousands of Muslims murdered. Despite expressing his
regrets about that, he now feels proud about that and recollects that incident
with pride.
Since Bharat only knows the language of gun, when it comes to powerful China,
it behaves like a small cat before the Chinese giant. As we know, from 1980 till
date, the two countries have had a strained relationship and Bharat has
succumbed to Chinese pressure. As a matter of fact it is a regular feature with
Indian government that they do not respect power of speech, but succumb to the
power of Gun,
It is no secret that Bharat has been involved in militant incidents inside Pakistan.
Ironically, despite all this, they are engaged in unprovoked firing on the border
and killing our jawans and then putting the whole blame on Pakistan. They have
been publicizing these incidents to the world as if Pakistan was at fault and
India was engaged in self-defence. If Pakistan were to deal with India like China,
these daily Indian violations would stop and peace and tranquility shall prevail
on the border.
History of India reveals that it has not been a straight forward nation. Woh
laton ke bhoot hain, jo baton se man ne wale naheen hai! India is such an enemy
which feels it right to attack from the front as well as from the back. This is their
religious duty.
It is a fact that for peace to prevail in the region, peace between Pakistan and
Bharat is the need of the hour. For this it is necessary to resume bilateral
dialogue. But the dialogue would bear fruit only when both countries are on the
same level and on same plane. When one side feels intoxicated with power and
looks down upon the other party and target its citizens, meaningful dialogue is
not possible. It is necessary to bring reason to India. [Uska khumaar utarne bhi
zaroori hoti hai].
The recent tension has been caused by Indian security forces at such a delicate
juncture when Pakistani leadership and its military have been engrossed with
their operations to the wipe out militancy. On the one side, military operation is
going on in tribal areas and on the other side, our Parliament is busy bringing
about an Amendment to the Constitution to establish special military courts
to deal with cases involving terrorists. At such a time, one has to understand

what message India wants to convey to us by resuming unprovoked firing on

our borders? Our political leaders should ponder over this problem.
We should not take it in a casual manner. Who does not know that far across our
Western borders, Indian government has established so many consulates? These
consulates have been providing every kind of assistance to militant tanzeems
working against our interests. While in Balochistan, we have got several
evidences of Indias direct involvement in anti-Pak activities. A few days back,
we have recovered some video footage of Ajit Doval, which exposes his
activities inciting terrorism inside our country and issuing bellicose speeches to
Balochis to encourage and incite them to separate Balochistan from Pakistan. On
the other hand, for any militant incident inside India, they have always been
accusing Pakistan. So in this scenario, we should also collect all such evidences
and open a new front against India in the international forums.We should act
with resolution so that our enemys unholy objectives are thrown to dust. If
Bharat is not paid back in the right coin, it will further boost its morale to do
something unholy (na-paak) against our country.
What are the objectives of India?, Editorial, Daily Dunya, 07 Jan 201522
Last year, after Narendra Modi came to power, there has been a sudden increase
in the border violations by Indian security forces.This situation has caused
anguish and unrest amongst the minds of people living in border villages
..Apart from these activities, India has also spread its agents in every nook
and corner of the country, who are active in performing their extremist
activities blowing of railway tracks, blowing of gas pipelines etc. They have
been fanning the feelings of anti-Pakistani elements and separatists. The Indian
Consulates stationed in Afghanistan have no other job to do hut to subvert
Pakistan. They are encouraging militants to resume extremist activities in
Pakistan. The fact remains that India is determined to reduce Pakistan to a
failed state...
.Along with this, India has started a worldwide publicity to bring disgrace to
us. The recent incident of blasting of one vessel in sea near the Indian coast has
been used by India against Pakistan. Some Indian newspapers and political
parties in Parliament have exposed the truth about this drama (incident). But still
the Modi government continues to malign Pakistan for terrorist activities in the


international fora. It is Bharats sacred duty (intense desire) to create chaos and
disturbances and thus destabilize Pakistan.
..The people of Jammu and Kashmir have foiled Modis plan by denying his
party majority in the recent state elections. Otherwise Modi governments plan
was to secure a majority and then wipe out Article 370 from the Indian
Constitution and amalgamate it with the Indian Union. Bharats aims and
objectives are no secret..But surprisingly, no one knows what is cooking in
various areas against India. There is lot of anguish prevailing in various quarters
amongst Kashmiris.
Let us not forget that it is a stark reality that if Bharat stops interfering in the
internal affairs of Pakistan, all the terrorist elements, separatists and all those
who are spreading unrest and turmoil in Karachi and elsewhere would surrender
and terrorism will come to an end in Pakistan.



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