2) Write The Most Suitable Words in Each Gap (Ago, Yesterday, Last, While, When, As, On, In, At)

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1) When the post man

(arrive), my father

2) While my brother
3) I

(be) 10, I

5) He

7) I

(make) some muffins

(have) a terrible

(eat) a sandwich every evening

(miss) the train because he

6) The thieves


(study), my grandma

(go) to the doctor 2 days ago because I

4) When I

(have a shower)


(talk) with some friends

into the house while the man


(drink) a glass of water at eleven. I'm not thirsty now


(write) the composition last week?

9) My mother

(not/be) at home when she

10) The children

(fall) down the stairs

(plant) a tree when their mummy



2) Write the most suitable words in each gap (ago, yesterday, last, while, when,
as, on, in, at)
1) Tommy's father worked in that office 2 years
2) The plane was flying

8 p.m.

3) My best friend went to London



I was having dinner, my sister was having a shower

did the supermarket close?

6) Your aunt studied German


7) Rose played in an orchestra

8) Jason was swimming
9) The TV broke

she was 12 years old

his girlfriend was drinking a coke

26th October

did he deliver the shopping?

11) My father's friend had a baby

12) The suspect can't have committed the crime. He was having dinner in the

that time

13) My cousin bought the PSP

he was in London

3) Which sentence is the correct one?


a) The men were studying on the new proyect all day yesterday
b) The men was studying on the new proyect all day yesterday
c) The men studied on the new proyect all day yesterday


a) When were you finishing your project?

b) When did you finish your project?

c) When were you finish your project?


a) You didn't be in the party yesterday

b) you didn't were in the party yesterday
c) You weren't in the party yesterday


a) My sister watched TV while his husband was playing with the children
b) My sister was watching TV while his husband was playing with the


c) My sister was watching TV while his husband played with the children

a) The students were talking when the teacher was arriving

b) The students talked when the teacher was arriving
c) The students were talking when the teacher arrived

_____ her teeth at the moment. (she / clean)

Where _____? It's only six o'clock! (you / go)

_____ to Lake Balaton every summer. (we / go)

Tom _____ in London. (not / live)

Mary _____ her mother. (never / help)

When _____ (Mary / usually / get up)?

_____ your homework at night? (you / always / do)

_____ your homework in the afternoon? (you / do)

_____ books in your free time? (you / read)

I can't go now. _____ your dinner. (I / cook)

Excuse me, but _____ on my foot. (you / stand)

We _____ our friends very often. (not / visit)

James Ellis ...............................

(go) on a business trip last week.
He ............................................. (visit) some customers in Frankfurt.
He ..........................................
(leave) home early on Monday morning
and ........................................
(take) a taxi to the airport.
He ..................................... (get) there at about 8 o'clock. He ................................
(check in) and ...................................... (go) to the airport lounge.
He ........................................... (buy) a newspaper and ..............................................
(go) to get a coffee.
He .................................................... (drink) his coffee when
he ........................................
(see) an old friend, Bob. He ..............................
(be) very surprised that Bob ............................ (be) in London
and .........................................
(find out) that he ................................ (start) a
new job in the city. As they ............................................. (speak)
they ............................................. (hear) an announcement. "Would all passengers
for the 9.30 flight to Frankfurt please go to boarding gate 10".
James ................................. (say) goodbye to Bob and as
they ................................................ (leave) Bob ................................... (give) him
his business card and ........................................ (ask) him to phone when
he ...................................
(return) from Frankfurt.
After ...........................................
(board) James ................................................
(put) his briefcase in the overhead locker and ............................................... (sit)
down. During the flight, James ........................... (do) some paper work
and .................................. (speak) to the woman sitting next to him, while
they .......................................................(speak) the flight
attendant .............................................
(bring) breakfast. When the
plane ................................................ (land) in London, it was almost 11 o'clock.
James ............................................. (take) a train to his hotel. Then
he ..........................................
(walk) to the customer's office.
He ............................................... (get) there at 1.00 pm
and ..................................... (go) to the reception desk. The

receptionist ............................................. (ask) him to wait. Whilst

he ....................................................... (wait) she ........................................ (offer)
him a drink. He and his customer ................................... (talk) all afternoon. When
Bob ..............................
(get) to his hotel at 7 o'clock that night,
he .................................................
(phone) his wife and
then ........................................................................
(go) to the hotel restaurant.

Mary and Joe (be)

They (look)

Joe only (have)

So he (want)

Right now, he (try on)

These jeans (fit)

in a clothes shop at the moment.

at some jeans.
one very old pair of jeans.
to buy a new pair of jeans now.
a pair of blue jeans.
very well, he (say)

But they (not suit)


you, Mary (reply)

What (think / you)

another pair.

? he (ask)

Great! How much (cost / they)

1. Sue (be)
2. She (live)

. Try on another
Mary, when has tried on

a student from South Korea.

in Seoul and (study)

3. At the moment, however, Sue (live)

4. She (do)

in London.

a six-months practical course in a London hospital.

5. In five days, Sue (go)

at university (start)

back to South Korea because the next term

in ten days.

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