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we interrupt the Axe to


Volume 3
Issue 2
January, 2008
Win at Best Case Scenario - 1
Win at The Bathroom - 2
Win at More Microrants - 4
Win at Chain Mail - 5
Win at Wode’s Odes - 6
Win at The Quest for the Next Am-ER-iKAN IdLe! - 7
Win at News from the year 1794 - 9
Win at ANGER: Chapter the Third - 10
Win at River “Spelled with A J” Bijleveld - 12
Win at Zombies: Day One - 13

Best Case Scenario

by Justin Kayce

Okay, chicos and chicas, here’s the scoop. This is a pick-your-own-adventure-type deal. That means you’ll
have to turn a lot of pages. Sorry. The adventure begins in the hallways of South, which can only mean one
thing: THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!!! Beware. Choose wisely. And stay in school. Or not.

1. You’re in the hallway before school when your friend, Skippy, asks you to cut first period with him.
You’re other friend, Classy, tells you that skipping is wrong and that you should go to class. You’re as torn
as an issue of the Axe in a shredder.

If you skip with Skippy, go to Section 2 (page 2)

If you go to class with Classy, go to Section 4 (page 3)

The Bathroom may seem to be practical necessity, the variations in
the functions of a bathroom are more due to cultural
by Ezra Rex
taboo than anything else.
In the frosh area of the IHS hall (the fur-
In the beginning (3000 BC), there were
thest bathroom from main South), for instance,
baths. These baths were not associated with toi-
we can see a classic example of the almost-single
lets or much of what we would think of, in modern
bathroom. There is one stall and one urinal. This
America, as a bathroom. Their purpose was for reli-
bathroom is vary spacious, unlike similar examples
gious purity. Many baths were communal, but the
in many restaurants and in the U of O. The soap
style of bath differed by area. For instance, in much
comes in powdered form, reminiscent of middle
of Europe the steam bath was evolving, whereas in
school, and the water, rather than being automatical-
parts of Asia they used cold baths. As time passed,
ly distributed, is controlled with a knob. For drying,
the private bath grew more and more popular. To
there are simple paper towels. Each of these as-
own your own bath in Greece or Rome was a sign
pects, however, is different bathroom by bathroom.
of wealth. While, during the Middle Ages, bathing
The differences between the method of hand
was gradually on the rise, during the Renaissance it
drying seems to revolve around environmentalism
declined. This was associated with both a decline in
versus convenience. Many are dissatisfied by the
public bathing in favor of private baths and the fear
speed at which air hand dryers dry hands. Suc-
of water as carrier of disease.
cumbing to demands by consumers, most bath-
Go forward a few hundred years and you’ll
rooms include both an air blower and a paper towel
get the situation today. As we now know, hygiene
dispenser. However, this seems to defeat the pur-
matters. Everyone and every institution has their
pose of including an air blower in the first place:
own bathroom (we should hope), and when the
most will simply ignore it in favor of the fast paper
plumbing breaks down, it’s a public health crisis
towels. If an institution really wants to save paper,
(speaking of the toilets in the main hall boys bath-
why include the towels at all?
room by the 400 hall…). In ‘normal’ life (separate
The style of soap (powdered, foam, liquid,
from more communal forms of life, such as in a
bar) is anyone’s guess, but its use remains interest-
dorm or on a sports team), bathing is done in a
ing. Surgeons scrub their hands for more than a
private setting whereas most other bathroom acts
minute. Food handlers wash for 20 seconds (yeah,
are done whenever necessary. However, despite the
right). People, on their own time, rarely wash their
recognized importance of the bathroom, there is no
hands with soap enough. This is probably the fault
standard method to deliver this important service.
of parents and fellow students (and busy schedules),
One need look no further than South to see the
because all of our official culture tells us to wash
diversity in bathroom styles. As much as all of this

2. You decide not to go to first period. It’s rarely enough to keep your eyes open anyway. Skippy tells you
that Darimart is handing out free Laffy Taffys today. You also know of a peace rally at the courthouse.
Which will it be – sugar or peace?

If you go to Darimart, go to Section 5 (page 3)

If you go to the rally, go to Section 6 (page 4)

3. You enter your violent piece. Unfortunately, your teacher is so upset by your creepy, squirrel-filled writ-
ing that she’s scheduled a meeting for you with the school’s psychiatrist. You’re pissed off that she didn’t
acknowledge your brilliance, and you’re tempted to not go to the stupid meeting. You’d probably get in
trouble for not going, though.

If you blow off the meeting, go to Section 11 (page 6)

If you go to the meeting, go to Section 14 (page 8)
more. In elementary school, we have to wash for 20 trained us to be awkward in this aspect. Histori-
seconds before snack time. Any job where sanita- cally, some women in Japan would flush the toilet
tion matters has standards on hand washing. Some several times in a row in order to mask the noise
delegation from South always seems to put up signs of their urination. In the US, the biggest problems
about hand washing around flu season. Yet still, with public bathrooms seem to be “lewd conduct,”
according to the Minnesota Department of Health, what the anticommunists call the tragedy of the
only 75% of adult females and 58% of adult males commons, and bathroom-phobia.
wash their hands, and, in middle and high school, Even without the Larry Craig scandal, it’s
only 33% of females and 8% of males use soap common knowledge that sex in bathrooms exists.
while washing. Even in a hospital setting, there It’s hard to find a college campus without writing
are many deaths that come from poor hand wash- on the walls about when to get blow jobs. This
ing practices. While we might be better than those problem is the common reason people use to justify
statistics indicate, people still, with alarming fre- segregating our bathrooms by gender: any place
quency, touch their eyes, hair, and face, and cough where people are partially nude, they must not be in
into their hands. No wonder we had an outbreak of the presence of the opposite sex. Of course, their
bacterial meningitis a few years ago. hormones would get the better of them. And we
As much as automated soap, water, drying, shouldn’t tell them to use condoms or teach them
and flushing are championed as a solution to these safer sex because that would lead to a rise in pro-
hygienic issues, do they really serve any purpose miscuous behavior, too (Oh wait, that’s unrelated.
other than annoyance? As far as I know, no bath- Sometimes I get my conservative thoughts mixed
room has automatic doors, so all of the pathogens up). One consequence of segregation is efforts
on the lock of the bathroom stall or the door out are to desegregate. During the U of O’s Trans Week
on your hands. If a flush is automatic, that means of Celebration (trans as in transgender, but more
you probably can’t efficiently clear the way as it is open), the people putting on the event had a seminar
flushing (especially if you have a backpack and the on using a urinal and desegregated the bathrooms
door opens inward), and we all have heard of the (isn’t it amazing how rapidly power structures can
study showing that a flush will aerate feces up to 6 change when you put paper over a sign?). Unfor-
feet away (and toilets are next to sinks and tooth- tunately, this met with a large backlash from the
brushes… why?). Even without this, you still sit university.
your butt on the same seat as everyone else. The idea behind the tragedy of the com-
Perhaps the most interesting is the public mons is that if no one owns something, no one takes
aspect. It seems as though our modern culture has care of it. While the author of this article doesn’t

4. You head to first period. There your teacher announces an essay contest that everyone in the class has
to enter. Groans are voiced around the room. You think about the two essays you’ve been working on at
home. One, a violent piece about a man who skins squirrels, is disturbing but absolutely brilliant, your best
work. The other is boring, a trite tale of unrequited love, but your teacher is sure to love it. Which piece do
you enter?

If you enter the disturbing piece, go to Section 3 (page 2)

If you enter the boring piece, go to Section 7 (page 4)

5. You head to Darimart. How could you pass up on free candy? Skippy was right: they’re handing out Taf-
fys by the truckload. You’ve always loved the purple kind, Grippingly Grape, but the elusive yellow, Basi-
cally Banana, seems appealing too. It’s new, different, but you’ve always been happy with purple. Which
candy do you rip into first?

If you eat the yellow first, go to Section 8 (page 5)

If you eat the purple first, go to Section 10 (page 6)
put much faith in the arguments of the anticom- More Microrants
munists, in the context of bathrooms this one seems
by Felix Falkasius
to be very true. Looking past the graffiti, South’s
bathrooms, a few hours after the beginning of the
day, are always in disrepair. Some students use My first attempt at microranting seemed to be a suc-
bathrooms as tools in pranks (I’m reminded of a cess, so I have chosen to continue the trend. Ideally
time, towards the end of last year, when a student’s I won’t anger too many people.
backpack was put into a toilet… eww). The most
commonly evident forms of grossness in bath- 1. Our lack of preparedness for the Zombie Apoca-
rooms are urine on the seat and the telltale signs lypse:
of masturbation on the walls (as discussed in the You are not prepared. When the gaggle of living
section on bathroom segregation, I can’t speak to dead comes shuffling down the normally peaceful
the cleanliness of girls’ bathrooms). The worst that streets of Eugene, who will be able to fight back?
I’ve experienced was when someone came in to Who will be supplied enough to survive? American
the stall next to me and started peeing 100% on the society is disturbingly unprepared for small-scale
wall. Thankfully, as it started pooling on the floor, disasters. I doubt FEMA is going to be able to deal
it congregated far enough away from me. Ugh. with the problems we will face in the inevitable
Perhaps because of everything that I have discussed Class-3 outbreak. We need to develop a plan to deal
thus far in the article, there are also many bath- with the undead hordes in our community and in
room-phobic people. Ironically, in an effort to stay the rest of the world so humanity will survive the
hygienic (or avoid grossness, perceived unhygenic- outbreak.
ness), they stay away from the place most likely to 2. Odd Weather:
have soap and hand washing facilities. Plus, there’s Occasionally the unfortunate day arrives when it is
the discomfort of having to hold it in all day at totally impossible to describe the weather without
school. an extensive string of adjectives. Days like those
Don’t even get me started on bidets or the are frustrating. Perhaps the weather is partly cloudy
new technology that is integrated into some toilets. with a smattering of slush joined by slight winds
And those parties that spring up in bathrooms at from the southeast. I always have trouble on these
the end of the year are just priceless. The mysteri- kinds of days because I don’t know if I like the
ous showers in the drama department, too, are the weather or not. I can’t decide what to wear. I can’t
subject for another article. make concrete plans for the rest of my day. Odd
weather sucks.

6. You head to the rally. Candy is for chumps anyway. The rally is successful until the police show up. Sud-
denly Skippy is nowhere to be seen, and violence is breaking out everywhere. You find yourself dragged
into a police car and then you’re in jail with ten other protesters. You have a choice: call your parents for
bail, or stay in jail to uphold the rally’s purpose.

If you call your parents, go to Section 9 (page 5)

If you stay in jail, go to Section 12 (page 7)

7. You enter the boring piece. At least, you thought it was boring. Turns out the teacher loved it. She gives
you first prize and talks to the drama teacher about turning it into a play. They want you to work on the
show. They offer you one of two positions: you could play a small role, a quirky character modeled after
your friend Skippy, or you could operate the lights, behind the scenes.

If you act in the show, go to Section 13 (page 7)

If you work lights, go to Section 15 (page 8)

3.Uneven Homework: Chain Mail
I don’t particularly mind homework unless it is
by Leah Wode
obviously useless. However, I do mind very much
when useful homework doesn’t come at a some-
From: Bull Crap <>
what even rate. Some teachers like to assign hours
of work some nights and nearly none on others.
>>Okay, so I don’t usually forward these emails,
(Cough…Krzenski…Cough) It seems reasonable
but this is REAL! I wasn’t superstitious >>before I
to me to spread this work out more. I know that if
got this email. You have to read this and send it on,
I have a large assignment to do on a given night,
or you’ll be totally >>screwed!!!!
I’ll procrastinate until about 9:30 and rush through
---------- Forwarded message ----------
an important thing in 20 minutes. This large assign-
From: Luna Cee <>
ment is inevitably given as the only homework for
To: Dotty Ness <whatthehellareyoutalkingabout@
the whole week. If instead it were assigned over >, Tom Foolery < >>>hahascrewyou@
several days, I might do a better job. >, Twad Elle <balderdash@prodigy.
4.Ron Paul:
net>, Poppi Cok >>>< >,
Ron Paul irritates me. A large number of my friends
Prudence Imm <>
seem to think that he is amazing. Yes, there is a
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 10:17:13 -1000
YouTube video of him saying that the constitution is
Subject: kittenzzz!
important. Yay. Big deal. There are, in fact, many
>>>Luna Cee <>, Dotty Ness
good YouTube clips of him. This is unimportant.
Look at the things that don’t get promoted. Ron
>, Tom Foolery < >>>>,
Paul advocates overturning Roe v. Wade (http://
Twad Elle <>, Poppi Cok
>>>< >, Prudence Imm <
He doesn’t believe in gun control (http://www.> And
worst of all, he believes that leaving health care
to businesses and removing regulations is a good
idea (
>>>this letter
amendment/). Don’t vote for Ron Paul. Although
he has some good positions, the bad ones outweigh
>>It’s very important!

8. What the hell. Carpe Diem, right? You unwrap the yellow one and take a big bite. Big mistake. Turns
out you’re deathly allergic to yellow dye number 7. Sucks for you. You die right there on the floor of the
Darimart. The last thing you see is that gorgeous purple Laffy Taffy, staring into your soul.

9. You call your parents for bail. There’s no way you’re staying in this crazy place. Someone’s already tried
to steal your shoes. Your parents pick you up. They’re not mad, they’re disappointed. You have a frank talk
with them that night and promise to stop going to strange rallies in the middle of the school day. The next
day at school you’re in the hallway when your friend, Skippy, asks you to cut first period with him. You’re
other friend, Classy, tells you that skipping is wrong and that you should go to class.

If you skip with Skippy, go to Section 2 (page 2)

If you go to class with Classy, go to Section 4 (page 3)
>> Of four-kids-to-a-table
>>>Underground kitten fighting is a huge problem. Chatter hesitates as it draws near
But the government won’t do >>>anything because
Food hides in laps
they think they have more important things to do,
like fund the war >>>and defend Michael Vick. So And all voices hush
to get their attention you need to sign this petition. In deep reverence
Put >>>your name and place where you’re living Docker-clad feet approach the computers
now. If we get three million people to sign, >>>we And bespectacled faces condemn those
might be able to raise awareness about this issue! Kids who play insipid games
>>>You must send this to at least ten people within
On the computer instead of doing their
the next sixty seconds or you will >>>DIE. Really.
No kidding. Take it from me. I know form personal Literature homework.
experience. >>>Seriously. Patrolling the detectors
>>> For stolen books
>>>If you pass this on, you’ll be saving furry little Copying crosswords
kittens from being mauled by other >>>furry little
And putting out bookmarks,
kittens. If you send this to ten people, you’ll get an
A on your next test. Charging ten cents per copy,
>>>If you send this to twelve people, your crush Depriving high schoolers of their
will ask you to the prom. Pocket change.
>>>> If you send this to twenty people, you’ll win a Guarding the thousands of books
free wish. With undue veneration
>>>If you send this to twenty-five people, a dancing
While only about one hundred of those nov-
purple unicorn will appear on your >>>screen.
>>>>If you send this to thirty-five people, a fluffy els
pink puppy will appear on your >>>doorstep. Have actually been checked out.
>>>If your send this to fifty people, sparkly rain- O Librarian!
bows will shine out of your ass. Your anal retentiveness
Has annoyed too many
Students to count,
Wode’s Odes Deterring the actual spending of time
by Leah Wode
In the library,
Thus making your lives much easier.
Ode to the Librarian
How brilliant!
The sshhhhhhhhs serenade the groups

10. Don’t rock the boat. Purple has never let you down; there’s no reason to venture into unknown territory.
You and Skippy are heading back towards the school, munching on your Taffys, when you hear an odd
sound, a kind of thunking in the distance. You get closer. Suddenly Hatchet Man comes into view, chuck-
ing his hatchet at random trees. Skippy calls out a friendly greeting. Hatchet Man must have mistaken you
for a tree, because the next thing you know, you’ve got an axe buried deep in your sternum. What a way to
go. Your last thought is that you wish you’d tried yellow.

11. You blow off the appointment. What kind of teacher can’t overlook a little violence in such a great
piece? You’re mad. And once it’s discovered that you didn’t go to the appointment, your teacher’s mad.
The psychiatrist is mad. The principal is mad. They’re all mad and all this anger culminates in suspension.
Great. You head home to play Halo and write another story about a man who skins teachers.
The Quest for the Next... it so that people would be able to see the videos
whenever they wanted, and it would also avoid the
Am-ER-iKAn IdLe! liberal news bias6 by giving everyone a chance to
by Ezra Rex create content instead of just the rich. We would be
able to get a “fair and balanced” look at all of the
While voter turnout throughout Amerikkka is low, candidates, both republican and democrat7. Having
the state is taking measures to counteract this prob- one TV channel dedicated to the presidency would
lem for the upcoming presidential election. If you also make it much more organized. Instead of being
are a political peon who relies entirely on the corpo- distracted from presidential policy by things like
rate media for information, you may not have heard terrorism8, people would always have a place to
about this measure; the United States is consulting view news that’s only about the presidential hope-
American Idol, one of the world’s largest voting fuls. This would surely change the entire way that
democracies1. This policy was headed by congress; campaigns are run: instead of being completely
apparently, many of the democrats think that in about non-political issues and the channels only
the current political arena people won’t take them talking about all of the drugs a president did or who
seriously when someone who is either not-white or they slept with9, we would be able to see thousands
not-male2 is chosen by democrats in the primaries. of different mini videos about lesser known slanders
If the US agrees to the suggestions made that, in today’s presidential system, would never
by American Idol, we may see not only increased even be exposed10. In addition, it would give people
voter turnout, but other ambiguous changes3. One a chance to see the news that they really wanted to
expected change is more equality among candi- see instead of boring ads: who doesn’t want to know
dates. Instead of winning being determined by just how racist11 the Democrats are?
money4, it would be determined by voter generated However, because this would be, as stated
content. People would go to www.AmErIkAnIdLe. earlier, similar to American Idol, not Current TV,
prz and would be able to see and submit the presi- there would also be a series of contests. Because
dential campaign videos (both for and against each presidents act as commanders in chief12, AmErIkAn
candidate: no presidential race would be complete IdLe! would begin with a game similar to Risk.
without its fair share of mud slinging). People who The most tyrannical, barbaric, and strategic would
watch the videos online would be able to vote for move on to further levels where the presidential
the ones they like (democracy in action), and high- race would get more personal. Some events that
ranked videos would be played randomly on the have been brainstormed include questions from the
president channel. Some people say this process American naturalization test13, a contest to see who
would work like Current TV5. Those people are can say the most racist thing without getting called
slanderous, hippie liars. The writer of this article on it14, a real-life game of Pac-Man15, and a reading
has never watched Current TV in his entire life, and of personal essays16.
if he had, he would never write about it. While much of this plan has met with a re-
Proponents of this policy argue that it would sounding success, it still remains “controversial”17.
increase the equality in the political sphere. Having Some, however, are against change. Some say that
the candidates’ videos available online would make overzealous use of footnotes18 is bad for journalism.

12. You stay in jail. Dammit, you’re making a statement! Unfortunately, Skippy and his friends didn’t get
that message. At night they spring you out of jail (how they managed that you’ll never know), despite your
protests. Once in the car, they tell you they’re taking you to Mexico since you’re a fugitive. Great. Thanks,
Skippy. You head south and spend the rest of your days in Tijuana, drinking tequila.

13. You take the role. Turns out you have quite a knack for it. Who knew you could act? The audience
loves you and the show is a huge success. A Hollywood producer comes to see it, and afterwards he offers
you a part in a movie he’s making, “Bite Me: a Shark Odyssey.” Intent on performing all your own stunts,
you die one day in the crushing jaws of your costar, The Badinator.
Who are these people? Terrorists. They are against
our Amerikkkan freedom to change stuff and they
feel as though they must work to create an inad-
equate president. Take a stand against terrorism and
for your liberty, and support AmErIkAn IdLe!

1. We all get our political information from The Daily Show. What it tells
us must be true.
2. While the not-whites and not-males are having quite a year in 2008, the
not-riches still don’t quite have… anything.
3. Every bill needs a rider. Isn’t modern politics great?
4. Yeah right, something that isn’t determined by money. Seriously, though,
Federal Election Commission Chairman Toner predicts that the 2008
presidential race will be the most expensive in history.
5. While Inconspicuous disagrees with much of the procedure involved in
the Axe, they have some good articles on TV. Current is a network that
takes user submitted content and plays it. You can see it/get info about
it at Did anyone see the top pod of 2007? It was about neo-
Nazism in Russia.
6. …even though the idea of a “liberal media” could only exist in a world
where conservatives controlled the media (if liberals controlled the me-
dia, why would they say “we’re biasing the media – don’t listen to us!”).
Think about it: the most mainstream liberally biased news on TV is on
Comedy Central. It’s actually really sad.
7. Third parties = bad
8. No… What? War as a political tool to distract from the president and
raise approval ratings? Of course not.
9. Rudy Giuliani, leader in the polls for the republicans, was married to
his second cousin for fourteen years. Time still chose him as the 2001
person of the year – which is still better than choosing “you” as the
person of the year.
10. I mean, what if Clinton’s (the one that was already president) first
girlfriend could have posted a video during Clinton’s primary? A scandal
that would only be brought to the public eye later on could have been
predicted by a horrible breakup with an ex.
11. Check out Joe Biden of Delaware. He said Obama was a very “clean”
black man. When asked if he thought he would be able to win southern
voters, he talked about how Delaware used to be a slave state, and he
couldn’t resist mentioning that you can’t enter a 7-11 in Delaware with-
out having an Indian accent. Go Dems?
12. Even though only congress has financial control over a war, it’s hard to
say “lets not fund it” after the president already sent the troops to the
Middle East.
13. Lets see how many of our presidents could successfully immigrate to
America if they weren’t required to be born here!
14. Can Fox News run for president?
15. Taking the blue pill gets you extra points
16. …that were written by their spin-masters. Don’t worry, spin-masters
aren’t in the WGA.
17. Like global warming.
18. Yes. Very. Notice how authors will slip in material that, while it may be
true, is also unrelated. This creates a bias in your mind toward/against an
idea without any reason. There is absolutely nothing of substance in this
paragraph (or article), but the way it’s written biases you nonetheless.

14. You go to the stupid appointment. To your surprise, the psychiatrist read your piece and liked it. He,
too, thinks your teacher is overreacting. You spend the rest of the session joking about how she should have
had the appointment, not you. The psychiatrist decides to make you Principal for the Day, since Randy’s
got a cold. Your first ruling as Principal for the Day is the permanent repeal of the attendance policy. A
quick coup among the student body overthrows the administration and you become Principal for Forever.
You leave the school each day hoisted on the students’ shoulders.

15. Your crippling stage fright compels you to work behind the scenes on your show. You’re hanging a
light up in the catwalks during the second dress rehearsal when you slip on a rogue Laffy Taffy wrapper.
You fall to your death and forever haunt the theater with your ghost-buddy, whom you’ve nicknamed Chaz.
And now, for a change of pace, we bring you...
NEWS... from the year 1794
by Maynard James Ferguson XII

Revolution Ends;
Napoleon Wins at History
PARIS—The Reign of Terror finally seems to have the National Assembly to question the Committee
come to an end with the execution of Maximilien of Public Safety. Lafayette has been, after all, a vo-
Francois Marie Isidore “Head Hunter” de Robespi- cal opponent of the Reign of Terror, demanding in
erre on Thursday. Witnesses say the execution, un- one frantic speech that the Revolution “just put the
like others which took place earlier, was completely guillotine away!” He was also known to complain,
effective in removing Robespierre’s head from his usually in somewhat bemused terms, that many
body. Napoleon Bonaparte, the wildly popular army were being condemned without the support of a
general, womanizer, and con artist, has been instat- majority. Because Lafayette was spared in an Act
ed as the King of Everything in the aftermath of the of God, many members of the Assembly began to
Committee of Public Safety. believe that it was divinely ordained that the Revo-
Several days before, France’s jewelry-loving lution slow down.
queen, Marie Antoinette, was also executed, follow- “It seems obvious from the recent events
ing a scandal regarding her purported affair with that God hates the Jacobins,” said prominent rich
Napoleon. After the execution of Louis XVI, An- person Lindz. Though she was executed for treason
toinette had married club-footed diplomat Charles shortly after making this statement, her sentiment
Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord, hoping to avoid was shared by many others, and Robespierre was
decapitation. Not long after her marriage, however, brought to trial not long afterwards.
it was revealed to a less-than-surprised France that Robespierre’s trial, while equally as token
Antoinette, the infamous “Austrian Whore,” had as those of his victims, was far more bizarre than
long been romantically involved with Napoleon, any that have yet taken place. Before an extremely
based on a series of intercepted text messages. A hostile Assembly, he pleaded that Louis XIV had
trial for the disgraced queen had been planned, but appeared to him in a dream, telling him to execute
was interrupted by an angry mob, which escorted as many people as possible. “Who could refuse
her to the guillotine. the Sun King? He even baked me cookies! And
Meanwhile, other heads continued to roll in they were really good!” In an apparent attempt to
the days and even hours leading up to the infamous demonstrate the validity of his plea, Robespierre
Robespierre’s execution. One head, however, that of brought in a tray of terrible cookies which he had
the monarchy-friendly Marquis de Lafayette, man- baked himself. “You see? I’m a terrible cook! If
aged to remain stubbornly in place due to a botched someone bribes me with baked goods, even in a
execution. In an apparent Act of God, the guillotine dream, I have no choice but to accept.”
was struck by lightning the instant before Lafay- Unsurprisingly, the Assembly was unmoved
ette’s neck was severed, causing the entire mecha- by his argument, and he was sentenced to death by
nism to explode. The Marquis, not surprisingly, a large margin. For the first time, his Angry Mob
was horribly maimed in the incident; approximately backup strategy failed: his supporters briefly man-
1/3 of his total body mass was removed in various aged to smuggle him out of Paris, but he was soon
amputations, and his head sustained severe injuries recaptured. Standing before the guillotine, Robespi-
which have seriously impaired his mental capacity. erre spoke for the last time to his allies, saying, “this
It was, in fact, this incident which prompted is all Louis XIV’s fault.”
Bonaparte, the short Corsican noble who I’m So Angry All the Time
was elected by everyone as the Reign of Terror be- the perpetually dramatic adventures of
gan to wind down, declined to comment on Robe-
Harry Potter, boy wizard
spierre’s execution when Inconspicuous contacted
him but did brief us on his new foreign policy: by Maynard James Ferguson XII
“We’re going to war. With everyone. Now I’m go-
ing to go eat my sandwich.” Previously on I’m so Angry All the Time: Harry, on
his way to class, was shoved into a broom closet by
Malfoy, where they did lots of naughty things that
were censored by the administration. Ron, who had
previously been dating Harry, became involved in
an abusive relationship with the Bloody Baron. An
estimated 3.6 characters were killed.

Chapter the Third:

In which Hermione falls in love with Lucius, then
Draco, then out of love with Viktor, then again with
Ron, then with Tonks, then out of love with Draco,
then with Neville’s toad, then makes out with every
single Weasley in turn, which complicates every-
thing considerably, then some other shit happens,
and then she finally gets a grip.
Once upon a time, Hermione was in a long-
distance relationship with Viktor Krum. She really
appreciated his sexy Quidditch player appeal and
earnest attempts to figure out how to pronounce her
name, despite being unbelievably slow at learning
English. In fact, she found his poor English posi-
tively adorable rather than difficult. She wrote him
weekly for news and parchment make-out sessions.
That was before IT happened. Though hard-
ly anybody knew it, including Ron and Harry (who,
incidentally, were involved in a stormy relationship
of their own), the huge Death Eater had not been the
only one irreversibly altered in the room of time-
changing devices in the Ministry of Magic: she, too,
had had her age messed about with, though thank-
fully this incident involved her whole body rather
than just her head. She wasn’t sure exactly how it
had happened, as she had been deeply contemplat-
ing whom to fall in love with next at the time, but
she had somehow stumbled into a sort of giant
time-turner, which, rather than transporting the user
forwards or back in time, changed his or her age.
By the time she was able to scramble out, she was
definitely at least three years older, making her most
definitely a legal adult.
There were only two people in the wizarding
world who knew about her accident: Viktor Krum
and Lucius Malfoy. Viktor, obviously, knew because
he was her significant other. Lucius knew because We could make it
she told him that so he would sleep with her. Right here
Make it all disappear
****several weeks earlier**** Everything we’ve been missing
The soft, erotic night breeze whispered You make me feel
softly through Hermione’s hair as she walked There’s a part of me, that I want to get back again
through Hogsmeade. It seemed to be whispering
her name, to be precise, but as she approached the Make this come true
Hog’s Head, it began to sound as though it was say- Help me get through
ing “Lucius.” The warm air curled around her like Into you
an attractive boy, which was not very congruous to Deep
the fact that she felt very confused about why the
wind seemed to be talking. Then, it became slightly All I can do
more clear when she spotted none other than Lucius Pushing it through
Malfoy in the alleyway between the Hog’s Head Into you
and some other building. Deep
Seeing his long, blond, fruit-scented hair
waving in the warm, talking breeze, she immedi- The song was too long for the wind to sing
ately forgot her previous hatred of him for his being the entire thing, so it played the most relevant por-
a Death Eater. “Oh Lucius!” she cried softly as she tion. Somewhere between “again” and “make”,
approached him, throwing her hairless, perfectly Lucius broke away, grabbed Hermione by the wrist,
toned arms around his muscular neck. “You’re and jerked her lovingly into the pub. “We need a
everything I’ve ever dreamed of! Take me now!” room,” he commanded the bartender icily. The man
Lucius, being the strong, silent type, was about to eyed the couple suspiciously.
say nothing and engage in a deliciously passionate
kiss, but then remembered something. “She looks a bit young for you, mate,” he said, after
a thorough examination.
“Granger, you’re only fifteen years old,” he
swooned in a delicate baritone. “She’s legal, I’ve made sure of it,” Lucius assured
“Not anymore. I’m eighteen now, since I fell into
the age-changing whatsit at the Ministry,” she reas- “Alright then... Upstairs, third door on your left,”
sured him lovingly. shrugged the bartender, handing them a key.

“Oh. Well, in that case...” he said as he slid his The room was tiny and filthy, and the bed
tongue grotesquely into her mouth. full of fleas. Nevertheless, Hermione felt that she
had never been anywhere quite so romantic nor with
“Mmmmmm,” said Hermione, a sign of enjoyment. a more ideal partner. “Oh darling,” she swooned,
Nine Inch Nails’ “Deep” could now be heard in the “your hair smells so nice tonight.”
wind, which was symbolic of deepness, both physi- Lucius, being the strong, silent type, said
cally and emotionally, and of Lucius’ gothic sex nothing and merely withdrew a small, velvet-
appeal. It went as follows: colored box from his robes. Opening it, he revealed
a ring that must have cost some thousands of Gal-
One track leons. “Oh! I love you more than anything on this
Get you on your back Earth!” she cried after a momentary pause during
Your skin speaks up, which she had estimated the value of the ring.
but your lips couldn’t say it After this, they proceeded to remove each
Right now other’s clothes, and, well, you can imagine what
You know somehow happened after that. GROSS. Moving on:
We could take a chance Hermione presently snapped out of her
nostalgic stupor, and resumed her daydreaming River “Spelled With A J”
about various boys, and a few girls, and a hippog-
riff or two as well. “Oh, I do love Viktor, but I also Bijleveld
love Ron. I think I love Ron more,” she thought. Interview by Ezra Rex
“His flaming red hair is like my fiery passion for
him. But then, Tonks can turn her hair any color she The Magnificent Inconspicuous: River, we all know
wants, and I do enjoy aurors on my bisexual days. that you are a unique individual, but few of us know
Lucius was very nice in bed, though. Oh, his son is where it started. Could you enlighten us on what
even better looking, and will eventually be inordi- started you down the road to your celebrity – be-
nately rich from inheritance money. I do love men sides being featured on Inconspicuous, of course.
with lots of money and nice-smelling blond hair.”
It was a moment before Hermione real- River: Which one of me? I mean, I’m legally two
ized that she had said the last half out loud and people: River and Orion. That doesn’t make me
that Dobby was standing there with his little elvish unique so much as constantly annoyed, though; ev-
mouth hanging open in shock. “Mistress Hermione eryone always confuses me for one individual rather
shouldn’t say these things about the Malfoys be- than two. I mean, I attend all of my classes every
cause they are awful, mean people!” Dobby cried. day, but half of my attendance record is just ab-
“They torture and kill people for fun! How could sences because teachers can’t cope with this simple
Mistress Hermione ever want anything to do with fact. The half of me in Classic South (Orion) fares
awful nasty Death Eaters?” much worse, though. As Justin Kayce so aptly put
it several issues ago, Orion was inexcusable, and
“Goodness. Death Eaters? If I’d have known he was sometimes marked absent even when I was
THAT—” Orion instead of River. I (River) rarely get marked
absent in IHS, though.
“But Mistress Hermione, you already knew that. Don’t even get them started on the “Bijleveld”
Are you stupid? Are you having long-term memory thing.
troubles? Have you been waxing your brows? Are
you trying to take the precious? We wants the pre- TMI: On your cover shot, you are wearing a “The
cious, Mistress mustn’t have it!” hissed Dobby. Miracle Meat” shirt, and you appear to be pulling
your pants up. What influenced your attire?
“My God, you’re right, I’d forgotten! I suppose his
sly wit and irresistible charm lured me into a false R: It’s not an issue of fashion (if it were, I wouldn’t
sense of thinking he wasn’t the spawn of Satan... even need to pull my pants back up), but of Free-
Anyways, why are you here? I suppose you came dom and preparedness. When the zombie plague
to get me so I can save Harry from some gay bar finally spreads, some people will find food supplies
fight?” running very thin. Those of us who are prepared,
however, will be doing fine – so long as we embrace
“Actually, it’s something a bit more Twentieth- the Miracle Meat. Assuming each zombie has over
Century Avant-Garde, if you catch my drift,” Dobby 100 pounds of meat on their scrawny, reanimated
said with a knowing wink. bones, a good population center will provide an
ample feast. You’ll have to take out zombies any-
“I don’t really...” ways, so it’s really just a matter of being wasteful.
Being prepared to pull my pants down and up at a
“Then follow me!” said the elf. He grabbed Hermi- moment’s notice is the only necessary component in
one’s wrist and began spinning through the fabric of Freedom. That is, there is no verbal component, the
space-time. somatic component is pulling your pants up, and the
material component is pants (they have to belong
To be continued.....? to someone else – thus, Pants-Giving). Because I
never want to be grappled unawares by a zombie’s
bite attack, I make sure to cast it frequently. This is
also why my backpack is overflowing despite my Zombies: Day One
locker – spare pants for when the material compo-
by John D. Nedry
nent is used up (no, pants ain’t no focus, they’re
consumed upon casting).
No one would have believed, when the coughing be-
gan echoing through the classrooms of the 400 Hall,
TMI: Favorite part of The Axe?
that there was anything happening beyond the realm
of a simple prank. No one would have believed that
R: They don’t wait until February to feature shirt-
as the Administration began opening every window
less guys and headlines including the word “sex” on
and door in the building, they were releasing into
their cover (unlike some underground papers which
the air an unspeakable evil. And no one would have
shall remain conspicuously nameless).
believed that what some students jokingly referred
to as “The Plague” would soon become the great-
TMI: … … … Did you just bite my head?
est disaster in South’s history, unleashing one of the
most hellish series of events humankind had ever
R: No. It was tasty, though. Zombie survival
doesn’t just include not becoming a zombie. Equal-
ly important is surviving once you become a zom-
TMI: Interesting perspective. What are your plans
The dim fluorescent lights flickered on and
for life after South?
off in the bleak chamber, adding to the already
dismal ambience. The windows which had once
R: What most people don’t know is that my life
opened into the Science Hall had been blocked,
after South has already begun. I’ve been taking
further darkening the stale and morose conditions.
online courses since I was a Sophomore, and soon
In the heavy silence, grim faces stared at each other
I’ll have a degree. Even though I got a full ride to
from their places across the table, unmoving. Not
a few smaller technical universities (meeting the
a word was spoken, leaving the air quiet and still,
admissions officers on WoW helps), I’m thinking of
save for the muffled commotion emanating from be-
taking a year off and just finishing with my online
yond the walls. After several moments, the silence
degree. I never would have been able to meet with
was broken by the cold voice of Marsi Vitus.
such success without (after trying the worst) try-
“Damage report, Mr. Garland?”
ing the thirst… QUENCHER. It helped me win at
“The lower 400 Hall is fully contaminated,
with the compound heading down the easternmost
section of the back hall. Our sources in the Math
TMI: Any parting words?
Department estimate that the Performance Wing
of the 500 Hall and the IHS wing are in imminent
R: If you accept my invitation on Facebook to start
danger, with the compound reaching those locations
biting chumps, I’ll get some extra XP. Please?
within two minutes. If we act quickly…”
For the younger readers: stay in school. They have
“Thank you, Mr. Garland. The Science Wing
a very good internet connection here, so not gradu-
has been sealed off, giving us…”
ating (thus staying in school) means you will have
But just what that gave them was never
more access to it. Unfortunately, I will soon be
revealed, for at that moment the phone in the center
limited to using my zombie-based, satellite inter-
of the table rang, startling several teachers, but not
net connection even though its power is not over-
Vitus, who calmly set the phone on speaker.
“Science Department.”
“Hello, Marsi? This is Randall Bernstein.
You may call me Rand…”
“…Yes, we know that. What’s the situa-
“I’ve gotten an emergency grant for the Sci-
ence Department to figure out a cure for the virus.
I’m sending over fifteen thousand dollars as we
speak. Good luck. And God speed.”
The phone clicked off, and in the moment of
silence that followed, it was clear that each of the
science teachers was deep in thought. The moment
passed, and Vitus spoke once more.
“A vote: we have two options. We can stay
here and search for the cure. The barricades should
last for several weeks, and Ms. Hocken and I have
been saving up food and ammunition in the 600
Hall bomb shelter in case of such an event. Or, we
could take the grant money and split for Rio. Per-
sonally, I’m in favor of the second. Ms. Hocken?”
“Mr. Garland?”
“Mrs. Harvey?”
“Mr. Van Dusen?”
“Ms. Drumm?”
“Mr. Shindledecker?”
“Life is a crystal.”
“Mr. Grace?”
“Well. It’s decided, then.” And with that,
Vitus stood, while seemingly out of nowhere pro-
ducing a double-barrel shotgun. A glint in her eye,
she loaded the gun and took one last look around
the room. “Let’s blow this joint.”
To Be Continued…

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