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universty of lahore

North American Industry Classification System

In February 1999, the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico, and
the United States launched a joint multi-phase initiative to
develop a comprehensive demand-oriented product classification,
known as the North American Product Classification System
(NAPCS). Work in Phases I-III focused on the products produced by
service industries in 12 NAICS sectors 48-49 through 81. This web
page provides an overview of and progress report on the NAPCS
initiative, presents the final versions of the product lists
developed for the service industries included in those 12 sectors,
and summarizes ongoing NAPCS development

NAPCS Product Lists:

The 102 product lists (98 trilateral, 3 bilateral, and 1 US only) that
have been finalized by the three countries can be viewed
individually in PDF format. Although these lists have been
designated as "final," it is important to note that they are still
considered provisional. The products shown in each product list
are presented in the context of a provisional aggregation
structure agreed to by the three countries. These structures
contain logical groupings of products developed through
extensive research by the trilateral working groups and through
expansive collaboration with industry experts from the respective
countries. However, it must be emphasized that the provisional
NAPCS aggregation structures and the associated working group
codes shown in these product lists bear no necessary relationship
to the final NAPCS structure and codes that will be developed by
the three countries in subsequent phases of this initiative.

In contrast to the final NAPCS structure, the primary purpose of

these provisional and industry-oriented aggregation structures is
to facilitate refining product detail and obtaining agreement on
the trilateral levels of product detail shown in each list, as
provisional targets of comparability in the collection and
publication of product data for the industries covered by that list.
Products common to multiple lists are identified, and the titles
and definitions for those products are standardized.
Once the final aggregation structure for NAPCS is determined,
each product will carry a common title, definition, and product
code across all industries that produce it, and the aggregation
structure will group products regardless of industry in a manner
that reflects how products are used from a demand-side
perspective that will support studies of market share, demand for
goods and services, import competition, and similar studies .

Sic is a Latin word meaning "thus", "so", or "just as that". In
writing, it is placed within square brackets and usually italicized
[sic] to indicate that an incorrect or unusual spelling, phrase,
punctuation, and/or other preceding quoted material has been
reproduced verbatim from the quoted original and is not a
transcription error.
When you quote someone, often the original quote had a
misspelling but you have to quote things exactly so to show it was
not their own mistake they say sic.
Such as, "Tom went to Cannaduh (sic) for a vacation."
The word is Latin for "thus" So you can think of it as "thus we did
not make this stupid mistake"

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