SMUSA Annual Report 09

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SMUSA Profile ..................... 3

President’s Statement .......... 5

5th Students Association Council 9
Vision & MIssion .................. 10
9th Executive Committee ...... 11
Incoming President’s Statement 12
6th Students Association Council 13
ExCo Portfolio Reports ......... 15
Sub-Committee Reports ...... 32
Constituent Body Reports ....
CCA Constituent Bodies 48
School Constituent Bodies 62

Register of SA Leaders ........ 76

Financial Statements ............ 85
Statement by Executive Committee 86
Consolidated Income Statement 87
Notes to Financial Statements 88
Appendix to Financial Statements 91

Notice of Annual General Meeting 93

Proxy Form ......................... 94



The SMU Students' Association (SMUSA) was formed in 2000 by its pioneer batch of students. Its aim is to build a
cohesive and close-knit community of students. Every matriculated SMU undergraduate is a member of the SMUSA,
affectionately known to all as the SA.

The Students' Association Council (SAC) is the policy-making arm of the SMUSA and provides strategic direction to its
executive arm, the Students’ Association Executive Committee (SA ExCo). As a student government body, it is the
highest office of student leadership in SMU.

SMUSA represents the interests and welfare of the student community and continuously strives to establish
communication channels between students, student leaders and the university administration.

It also provides all-rounded support to all student clubs to increase and enhance the level of student participation in
CCAs. Concurrently, it enacts the guidelines and procedures that govern the entire Association.

The SA ExCo, runs these operations of the SA. ExCo members are elected annually through a campus-wide election
system reflecting the mandate of students to effectuate changes and improvements they wish to see in the current year.

With a myriad of student clubs catering to diverse CCAs in SMU, the need for such clubs to come under the
administrative purview of affiliated governing bodies led to the origination of CCA Constituent Bodies (CBds). School
CBds, on the other hand, were in-charged of taking care of students that were in the respective faculties.

The Presidents of these CBds and members of the SA ExCo make up the SAC. The President of the SA ExCo is also
the concurrent President of the SAC.

Up till date, there are 4 CCA CBds, and 6 School CBds, serving approximately 100 CCAs and 6331 undergraduate
students in SMU.

SMU Students’ Association Council


School Constituent Bodies CCA Constituent Bodies

Executive Committee
(School CBds) (CCA CBds)

Motor Inc. GoKart

SMU Xtremist Xseed Airborne SMU Sailing

SAC Retreat



DEAR STAKEHOLDERS also fully taken over the writing and publication of the SMU
Guide which was once part of a project under the
2009 has been a year of constant engagement and
Students’ Initiative portfolio in the previous year.
communication with the students for the SMU Students’
Association Council (SAC) and the SA ExCo. OPEN HOUSE

The eventful year opened with a change in Group Study For the past few years, there has always been talk about
Room (GSR) policy on the first day of school, which whether SMU students still maintained their edge as
caused an almost instantaneous uproar amongst the outstanding undergraduates, and thus we decided to get
students through various platforms such as Facebook. more involved in attracting both academically and artistic/
sports talented students into SMU through the
Many new issues have surfaced throughout the year, with
participation of clubs in the Open House. This is the first
the lack of module pre-assignment for the Year 1s leading
year that the Students’ Association has been engaged on
to exacerbated BOSS bidding inflation, the lack of classes
such a large scale and this would continue for years to
which led to many students left with few modules to
choose from, the revision of hostel fees which accentuated
the financial woes of many international students, the bad STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION SURVEY
job market which led to worries amongst the general
The Students’ Satisfaction
student population, and many more.
Survey - an initiative started in
The SAC has come together many times to discuss and 2008 to gather student
work together to forward the interest of the students. As a sentiment and identify areas
united council, we managed to tackle many of the issues where the SAC can be involved
that we were once unable to tackle, for example, the in has been rolled out for the
reassignment of modules to the freshmen in the incoming second consecutive year. Tan
AY09/10. Yin Yin (SMUSA Students
Initiative Secretary) and her team
For the ExCo, we have continued the events that SA has
executed this year’s survey, with
created and has traditionally been involved in, from the
a total of 1284 respondents - An
planning to the execution. SMUSA Awards Night, where
extremely high response
we got together once again to appreciate the unsung
compared to the number collated the previous year.
heroes of student life and to celebrate the achievements of
individual students and student groups, Grad Night, The key objectives of the survey were to gather general
Matriculation, SMU Yearbook, The Freshmen Experience student sentiment, identify areas for improvement, educate
(FE) comprising of the Freshmen Teambuilding (FTB) students on existing policies and also to clear
Camp, Convocation, Vivace and Freshmen Bash. We have misconceptions.

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Our tagline was ‘Because together, we can make SMU a SA FINANCE
better place, we just need to know what “better” is.’
Chaired by Avnish Desai (SMUSA Honorary Finance
The survey was another step into encouraging more Secretary) and assisted by Lionel Chow (SMUSA Deputy
open communication between the students and the Finance Secretary), the SAC Finance Committee made
school. We managed to glean much insights and many milestones in the area of the Association’s finance
anecdotes from the survey, which we then proceeded to system. Just quite a while back, the finances were
take concrete action on by developing an action plan. disorganized; but as we took over, things have improved
The survey was also followed by a dialogue session substantially and both Avnish and Lionel were
where we invited members of the senior management determined to continue the 5-year plan that was
down to engage with the students. designed by the previous Finance Secretaries, adding on
new initiatives and ideas that came along the way.
One of the major changes to the SMUSA ExCo we have
welcomed for the coming year was the introduction of To expedite the reimbursement of claims, a new Direct
International Connection (ICON) under our wing. The Giro claims system was introduced at the beginning of
President of ICON would be automatically co-opted into this year where reimbursements would be directly wired
the SMUSA ExCo as the International Students’ to individual students’ bank accounts.
Secretary (ISS). This move was aligned to our vision of
Finance Dialogue Sessions were also incorporated into
“Unity within Diversity and the objectives of fostering
SMU after our union exchange trip to Hong Kong. The
greater integration and harmony between the local and
aim of the dialogue session was to improve the level of
international communities.
transparency during budgeting and to provide a platform
for the different clubs to direct their questions and
Following the steep and sudden increase in the hostel
queries to one another. This form of peer accountability
prices, we discovered the gap that existed for the needs
of the international student community. Hence, the was also meant to instill a sense of prudence and
creation of the new position of the ISS. Apart from the diligence in the budgeting process.
normal duties of an ExCo member, the ISS would be Avnish and Lionel came together with a team of students
focused strategically on the needs of the international from the School of Information Systems working on their
students and look towards the greater integration of the final year project to design an online claims system which
school community. International students form almost would see vast improvements to the efficiency of the
20% of the student population and we recognize that financial claims system. This idea has been endorsed and
they have special needs in this foreign environment. approved by the Office of Finance and would be
Therefore, the creation of this post is symbolic of our implemented in full force in the coming year.
commitment to the advancement and protection of their
During our retreat at the end of last year, we wanted to
ICON would also undertake a new strategic position in do something as an ExCo to increase the sense of
bridging the gap between the local and international belonging of SMU students to our university, and we felt
students by organising events and activities which can that the introduction of a line of merchandise would help
bring SMU students closer together as a whole. to foster an identity unique to SMU students.


Our first International Students’ Dialogue session was
conducted this year and there was an overwhelming We have also started to establish more connections
turnout as well as lively discussion and debate. A with other stakeholders. Through sharing sessions with
Students’ Residences Committee has also been new faculty, we hoped to be able to provide a broader
proposed to be set up to ensure that we are involved in perspective of the life of an SMU student and to begin
the decision making processes and that we can to start establishing more communication between the
safeguard and protect the interests of the many students and faculty other than the usual way of
international students. providing feedback via the course feedback twice
every semester.

EXAM WELFARE PACKAGE Through the well-known incident of the change in GSR


policy, the SA ExCo and the SAC has been actively
In the first semester, we gave out 1000 boxes of Brand’s
involved in the decision making processes which affect
Essence of Chicken, ice cream, candy floss and coffee, as
students. We have indeed built more bridges between the
well as 1500 of our very own exam welfare packages. Our
student population and the administration and have
exam welfare package became more and more well-
institutionalized regular meetings between senior
received and there was always a long queue. We’re glad
management as well as the administration.
we made a difference to the students who were studying
hard for the exams. President Hunter, Deputy President Mr Sim and other
members of the senior management has affirmed the
importance of the Students’ Association as a voice for the
We have started to develop our external relations arm, students and as a channel for open communication
where we are starting to host more universities coming between the student community and the administration.
down as well as visiting other universities to see how we
The ExCo has indeed moved forward and has been able
can share and learn from one another.
to reach out better the student population in the past year.
Our trip to Hong Kong has proved to be a fruitful one, and All these could not have been achieved without the
it served to be an incubator for many of the ideas which enthusiasm, the initiative and the passion of many who
we implemented when we came back, one of which is the have put in hours and hours of hard work.
Merchandise Store and the introduction and installation of
We regret to inform everyone about the departure of our
individual noticeboards for the CCA clubs to inject vibrancy
Honorary General Secretary, Rachel Seah and our
into the concourse.
Communications Secretary, Valmond Teng, due to certain
REFLECTIONS circumstances faced during the course of the term.
Throughout the year, we have been constantly revisiting Nevertheless, we were determined not to let our morale
the vision that we have set for ourselves when we first dip but worked doubly hard and ensured that this did not
begun our journey. compromise the work that we did for the students.
“… to increase the relevance of the SA ExCo through The results are obvious - CCA and professional clubs
heightened awareness, accessibility and reach.” increasing and growing from strength to strength, with
With every single activity/event that we had, we strived to more exciting events organized for students to attend and
achieve greater relevance by making small and gradual enrich themselves; more accountability and assurance in
changes. the finance system to the stakeholders; and students
needs and wants preempted and acted on immediately.

Top Left
Distribution of Exam Welfare Package

Top Right
Hong Kong Union Exchange

Bottom Left
SAC during

Bottom Right
New Club under
SICS - Defence

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 APPRECIATION and empowerment has been invaluable to all of us
throughout this extraordinary year.
To all the students who have put in their heart and soul
for the events, thank you for your contribution to student 2009 has been a year of many hits and misses, of joy
life, I believe that all of us are here to make a difference
and of pain, of learning and of unlearning. I am grateful
and be a catalyst for change, and you have achieved for the opportunity to step up and serve the student
that. To the friends who have came to our rescue body. No classroom learning can ever replace the
whenever we need help, you are very very much lessons I have learnt this year. I have savored the taste of
cherished and valued, we would not have come this far student leadership, and I have relished the satisfaction of
without you. being able to serve the student body. Fortunately, I
managed to maintain my grades and this proved to me
To my ExCo members, this year has indeed neither been
that we can indeed strike a good balance between our
a long nor arguably short one, and this journey has been
academics and co-curricular activities. I hope this dispels
one filled with bumps and potholes which we have
the notion that we cannot afford to devote too much time
inevitably stumbled over or fell into. But this has also
to CCAs because it might compromise on our grades.
been one of the most extraordinary periods of stretching
and growth for all of us. We have increased in capacity, The Students’ Association has always believed in
gained more wisdom and knowledge, greater physical grooming and empowering leaders to serve the SMU
and metal stamina, and possibly aged more than we community as well as the community at large in the
have ever could in just one year. Daren, Avnish, Lionel, future, and
Lynette, Don, Rachel Yang, Delphine, Alson, Yin Yin and
I have great faith that Sophia Lo, the incoming President
David, thank you for being so patient and forgiving with
would lead the 6th SAC and the 10th SA ExCo to build on
me, I hope that all of you have enjoyed the past year as
the foundation that the past batch of committees have
much as I have. We were a bunch of strangers just barely
laid and bring the Students’ Association and the name of
a year ago, but we have emerged as a team and a group
SMU to greater heights. They have chose to bravely take
of good friends, it has indeed been wonderful serving
up the leadership challenge, and I am confident that they
alongside with all of you.
would be able to rise to the occasion.
To the rest of the SAC, Athena, Nathanael, David, Kelvin,
SMU has changed quite significantly since I entered, and
Kristina, Brandon, Naresh, Benedict, Josh and June,
perhaps we are nowhere near where we once were, but I
thank you for your unwavering support and your
believe that as long as we hold on steadfastly to the
dedication to improving student life. Each and every one
CIRCLE values, conduct ourselves with a spirit of
of you have served as a form of inspiration to me to
excellence and humility; these would continue to
continue running the race with renewed passion. You
distinguish SMU students as outstanding and respected
guys have been fantastic people to work with, and I hope
individuals in society. Outstanding in our achievements,
that as we will continue to serve the school with great
and respected for the principles and values that we stand
passion even as our term of office ends.
Here, I would also like to express my appreciation to
Though many have heard me recite this quote before, I
President Hunter for his unyielding support for and action
would still like to end with this.
on students’ interests and to the rest of the senior
management for their willingness to communicate and “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity for
engage the students. action despite our fears.”

To Prof. Low for his understanding and encouragement, Amidst all the fears and uncertainties surrounding us
Bernie (OSL Director) for her passion for the students, now, I believe that SMU students still possesses what it
Yew Tong for the times where he slogged it out with all of takes to make that difference if we choose to take action,
us, Kong Soon for his guidance, and to all at the Office of take the initiative and remain optimistic throughout our
Student life and the other offices whom we have worked journey.
with. Thank you for being there for us, your support, trust

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity for action despite our fears.”





7 8 9
19 18 17 16 15 14 13



To create a memorable, fruitful and positive life-
changing experience for all SMU students. To be a
cohesive body that safeguards and champions
students’ rights for the betterment of the school.

Our vision: “To cultivate an SMU identity that is unique and
irreplaceable, by increasing the relevance of the SA ExCo
through heightened awareness, accessibility and reach,
thereby inculcating a sense of belonging to the Students’





2 5
2 ALSON CHEW 8 RACHEL YANG 4 6 9 10 11


Dear friend,

Thank you.

Thank you for being a part of the SMU Student’s Association (SMUSA), and for
giving us the opportunity to serve and to lead.

I would like to introduce you to a lovely bunch of people, the 6th Students’
Association Council (SAC) and the 10th SMUSA Executive Committee.

Together, we care for and represent the entire student population. We truly believe
that there is a place in SMU for every student, be it in arts, sports, outdoor
activities, special interests, community services, international cultural
representation, and even academic pursuit; that in our own special way, we come
together and form a unique SMU identity that we can be proud of.

Let us make our SMU life purposeful. I found meaning through immersing myself
in school life, through making new friends, through discovering myself. How will
you find yours?

Let us embark on a memorable journey, one that we will cherish in time to come.

Yours sincerely,

Sophia Lo
President, 10th SMU Students' Association Exco
Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Singapore Management University


To ignite students’ passion in creating a holistic culture for all SMU students. To
be a credible body that safeguards and champions students’ rights for the
betterment of the school.



Standing (From Left): Low Soon Heng- SMUXtremist President, Chang Yuan Shao, Ken- ACF President; Daniel Lee Boon
Onn, Deputy Finance Secretary, Ernest Cai Kunrong- Information Systems Society President , Pyinnyar Kyaw- International
Students Secretary, Jacob Selvan Muthu- Deputy Events Secretary, Lee Cher Hern- Communications Secretary, Joo Do
Hyung, Michael- Events Secretary, Julius Chen Yifei- Accountancy Society President, Eugene Wee Hui Yuan-SMU Sports
Union President , Png Lee Hong, Brendon - Assets Secretary President, Jack Moy Ting- Business Secretary President, Tien
De Hui, Tommy- IT Solutions Secretary

Sitting (From Left): Law Sui Huei, Emile- Honorary General Secretary, Brenda Loh Chuanling-Economics Society President,
Maria Meta Vania Tanoto- Deputy General Secretary, Claressa Wong Lifang- Student Welfare Secretary, Sarah Swee Ping
Zhen- Honorary Finance Secretary, Sophia Lo Sing Hui- President, Tessa Ang Cheng Ai- Vice President, Jalene Alyssa Seah
Wan Ping-Business Society President, Kwek Hyen Yu- Social Sciences Society President; Irene Ong-Special Interest and
Community Service Sodality President, Sheena Yeoh Shi Yun- Law Society President, Chiam Yan Wen- Student Initiatives



STUDENT SERVICE as a feedback channel to the Dean of Students will be put

in place to ensure that such incidents will not occur again.
It has been a roller
coaster of a year as a ACADEMIC CHANGES
member of the SAC.
While preparing this The push for academic changes was one of our main
report, I am reminded thrusts for students. A grade breakdown for all modules is
of why I changed my now compulsory. Course feedback has been guaranteed
mind to run for the anonymous, with an avenue to seek redress should there
role of Vice-President be a semblance of breach.
instead of the original
Assets Secretary. I wanted to change the asset loaning
structure which can be cumbersome at times. It was also Difficult decisions and situations were aplenty during our
a touch point of tremendous potential for the Students time. Two examples were the vote of no confidence given
Association. Ultimately, I decided on the Vice-President’s to our former Communications Secretary, as well as the
role to realize a greater potential. Whatever the position, incident regarding stolen Bizcom T-shirts. Numerous
both had a common factor: Student Service. meetings were spent debating on what is the appropriate
way to move forward. While we were unable to satisfy all
Looking back, the two words “Student Service” has been stakeholders on these issues, we have nevertheless
my main motivation throughout this journey. They have strived to derive at outcomes that took into consideration
helped me through the most disappointing of times, the all stakeholders.
times where difficult decisions have to be made, coming
up with new initiatives to benefit the student community as As much as we would like to view our term as a successful
well as when it comes to fighting for students rights and one, there are some misses of our time. Unfortunately, the
interests. SMU Merchandise Store which was planned at the start of
the year failed to materialize during our time. However, we
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS REP & LBU REP have full faith that the 10th ExCo will continue from where
Two significant initiatives were the institutionalization of the we left off. There were also student problems that were
Inter national Students Representative and the unresolved during our term. One such example is the
Representative on board the Leasing Business faulty BOSS bidding system, resulting in insufficient
Community. International Students are slowly forming a modules and inflated prices for modules. Despite being
significant portion of the student population and face very unresolved, such problems has been shared with the 10th
differing interests and problems from the local community. ExCo so that they may have an early head start on it.
An overall representative would be a first step in handling
such issues and help them integrate into the local
community better. The incoming Bizcom Director Jack As I close a significant chapter in my life at SMU, I would
Moy, will be the first ever student representative to lend a like to leave a few words of appreciation. First of all, God,
voice with regards to leasing of school space to outside who has constantly reminded me of the values that I
vendors. He will give a students’ perspective on what should uphold as well as always being ever-present at my
genre of vendors would benefit the student community the lowest moments. Secondly, my family and friends who
most. have continuously showed their support and shared both
the good and bad times. Thirdly, certain members of
STUDENT RIGHTS management such as the Office of Student Life and Office
On top of that, we have strived to uphold the rights and of Facilities Management for their corporation and help.
interests of students. One unfortunate incident was the Last but not least, my ExCo that has tide through this year
conducting of classes during Deepavali, which went with me. All of you have taught me something valuable.
against the religious rights of Indian students. Provost Some of you have been an inspiration to change my life.
Professor Rajendra Srivastava has assured that in the Do keep in touch after we step down.
future, steps such as constant reminders to faculty as well

Events Secretary


Choosing to chair Awards Night was a good decision,
One word to describe not just as practice and experience for me as the Events
my experience in the Secretary, but because of the nature of the event. The
purpose of this event is to give recognition to outstanding
individuals and CCAs who have contributed positively to
student life in SMU. It also aims to appreciate all SMUSA
sub-committees who have given up time to help SMUSA
in various ways. What better way to do this than to get
one of the ExCo members to organize it?

SMU students these days are starting to find it less worth

it to make sacrifices for school events and commitments,
especially because it usually turns out to be a thankless
task. As such, we have big dreams for Awards Night. We
hope that in the years to come, Awards Night can
become an event where students involved in student life
can come together for a night of fun and get the
appreciate they deserve, and that Awards Night might be
“With pain comes growth.” This was the message my a source of motivation for other students to get involved
predecessor Anthony left for me in his secretary report as well.
exactly one year ago. And true enough, that’s pretty
much what epitomizes my past year in SMUSA. It has FRESHMEN EXPERIENCE
been a year of ups and downs. And while it definitely has FTB - Convocation - VIVACE - Freshmen Bash
not been a smooth sailing journey, the help and
encouragement of some made it a whole lot easier to


In 2009, the tagline of the Freshmen Experience was “It

Starts With You”. We wanted to tell the freshmen that
their experiences as freshmen and SMU students started
with them. We wanted them to take ownership of their
own SMU lives, and make the most out of it. Sitting and
talking to my ExCo about the Freshmen Experience,
everyone recognized and acknowledged the importance
of the Freshmen Experience. It was the first touch base
As the Events Secretary of the 9 SMUSA ExCo, I have with the freshmen, and if we didn’t properly introduce

taken leadership of a couple of events. The first project of them to the SMU culture right from the start, they may be
my portfolio was Awards Night. This was my first time “lost” for the rest of their SMU lives. Being a young
chairing an event. In fact, it was my first time officially university, SMU’s student culture isn’t yet very strongly
chairing a meeting. I was lucky to have Awards Night embedded, so we as student leaders have to put in the
early in my term to familiarize myself with chairing events additional effort to build this culture from the ground.
and meetings. And indeed, it introduced me to the world
The biggest challenge I faced was conceptualizing the
of heading events, which came in very useful for the rest
Freshmen Experience. I had to turn an intangible concept
of my term.
into a tangible product and achieve tangible results.

This was not an easy feat and it did cause me a few Graduates’ Night
sleepless nights. But after speaking with a few people Yearbook
about it, the three objectives of the Freshmen Experience Matriculation
2009 were finalized, and they were:
Freshmen Teambuilding Camp
1. To inspire freshmen to find their purpose in SMU and Convocation
take ownership of their SMU experience. VIVACE
Freshmen Bash
2. To build relationships among freshmen.

3. To inculcate a sense of belonging to SMU in freshmen. APPRECIATION

First and foremost, thank you my dearest 9th SMUSA

Pulling it off wasn’t easy, and we were faced with all the
ExCo. Without you guys all this would not have been
same problems as 2008. One of the things we achieved
possible. Thanks for always being there for me at my low
was more integrated marketing. In 2009, all the four events
followed a spy theme, and though there were doubts at points and showing me the way when I took wrong turns.
the start to whether it could be done without appearing Thank you Don, for filling up the spaces that I was not able
cheesy, we managed it in the end. to. You have been the best deputy one could ever ask for.
The Freshmen Experience is still a new project, with much Thank you Anthony, for always listening to me whine and
room for growth. The cause is indeed a good one, but helping me realize that things are not as bad as I make
more has to be done to gain the buy-in of the Freshmen
them out to be. I was lucky to have you as a predecessor.
Experience event committees and ultimately the freshmen.
Thank you my event heads. You guys have done a great
Those were the two projects I had personally undertaken job in the various events, and I am sure I have made the
in the past year as the Events Secretary. right decision in picking you to head the events. Arizki,
thank you for helping me in heading the Freshmen
It has been a very humbling year, with sleepless nights,
late-night panic attacks, and clashes with my ExCo. But Experience. Tracy and Sarah, thank you for making FTB a
success once again. Don and Rachel, thank you for the
do I regret running for this position in the ExCo? Definitely
great show you put up at Convocation. Sarah and Joan,
not. In fact, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Through the
thank you for bringing VIVACE up yet another level.
stress and discomfort, I’ve learnt a lot about myself, my
Vincent and Cindy, thank you for the lovely Grad Night you
teammates, and how to work with others. To the next
ExCo, when the going gets tough, just remember this. organized.
Nothing good comes easy. Also, through the late night Thank you OSL, for all the support you have given. We
meetings and major arguments within your ExCo, you’ll may have had our disagreements but I believe we have
grow to love this bunch of people that you see almost achieved what we set out to do.
every day in the SMUSA Room. I know I have grown to
love mine.
Thank you dinosaurs (you know who you are), for all the
advice you have given, for lending a listening ear when I
One word to describe my experience in the SMUSA
needed to rant about issues, and for nudging me in the
ExCo? Priceless.
right direction when I didn’t know which step to take next.
As a conclusion, here is a run-through of the events that Your passion for SMU is truly inspiring.
SMUSA has been involved in for 2009:
Last but not least, I would like to express my heartfelt
SMU Open House thanks to my family and friends for never ceasing to be
Patron’s Day there.
Awards Night

Freshmen Bash

Awards Night

Honorary Finance Secretary


M A J O R F I N A N C E taken to receive payment by at least 3 to 5 working days.
INITIATIVES 2009 In addition the system eliminates the risks associated
with the issuance of cheques such as the payee’s name
With the full onset of the being different from that of the bank account belonging
worst economic crisis to the student and cheques being misplaced or having
since the great depression expired. Data collection exercises were conducted at the
o f t h e 1 9 3 0 s i n t h e beginning of Term 2, 08/09 and Term 1, 09/10 for all
background, 2009 was a existing students while beginning from AY09/10, all
particularly challenging freshmen's details will be captured upon matriculation.
year for SMUSA Finance.
Nevertheless, armed with Student Manual on SMUSA Financial Procedures
the objective and goal of making the SMU Students’
Association (SMUSA) Finance system more efficient,
transparent and user friendly, the following major
initiatives were established and/or launched:

Cashless Deposits via AXS Machines

Designed with students in mind and taking into

consideration that the Finance procedures can get
complicated at times while handover from one ExCo to
another may not be consistent across the board, the
student manual on SMUSA Financial Procedures is an
"Idiot-Proof" Guide that serves as a reference for clubs
and societies for SMUSA Finance-related issues: Apart
from the presence of a pictorial guide that helps the
various finance secretaries fill up the numerous claims
A joint initiative between Nathaniel Koh, 2008 SMUSA forms, answers to FAQs and information regarding
Finance Secretary, SMU Office of Finance (OFIN) and the numerous policies such as the reserves policy and the
IITS and fully implemented in January 2009, clubs and use of SMUSA receipt books can also be found in the
societies are now able to deposit revenue, sponsorships manual. The manual is updated regularly and is placed
and donations into their club accounts from any AXS on the SMUSA Website for easier access and reference.
Machine located around Singapore any time. The
implementation of this system has enabled faster and Streamlined Claims Process – Fewer and Clearer
safer deposit of funds while removing the hassle and forms and Stricter Processing Timeline
need for students to go all the way down to OFIN to A review of the various forms and past practices by
deposit the monies. SMUSA Finance, together with OFIN, resulted in the
Direct GIRO Claims System removal of a number of redundant forms. The format
and layout of all claim forms, including signatory
To enable students to receive their reimbursements in a requirements, were standardized to make it more user-
shorter period of time, The Direct GIRO Claims System friendly. The enforcement of the claims processing
was launched in Q1 2009. Instead of receiving their timeline, particularly at the CBd ExCo and SMUSA
reimbursements in the form of cheques, The Direct GIRO Finance Levels, together will fewer erroneous claims and
claims system enables students to receive their claims OFIN’s adoption of a 5-working day turnaround period for
directly into their bank accounts, thus reducing the time claims has led to a shorter average processing time.

Launch of SMUSA-CBD Finance Dialogue Session payment to the various vendors engaged for numerous
For the first time ever, a series of finance dialogue sessions
were held between the SMUSA, CBd and Club Finance SMUSA Online Claims System
Secretaries in July 2009. The objectives of these sessions
were to (1) bridge the gap between the various parties, (2) Developed based on a concept explored by SMU Special
increase transparency with regards to the budget Interest & Community Service Sodality (SICS), the SMUSA
procedures and standards implemented and (3) provide a Online Claims system was developed in collaboration with
platform for discussion to help improve the finance system OSL and OFIN and with help of a group of SIS students.
as a whole. The sessions were also attended by staff from To be fully implemented in 2010, the system would see the
the Office of Student Life (OSL) and various School admin SMUSA claims system go online and paperless while
offices providing them with a clearer understanding of how clubs and societies will be better able to manage their
the system works and remove any misunderstandings they finances as they have access to various analysis tools and
may have had. information while being able to generate reports at the
click of a button.
Launch of Budget Standards
Overall, the establishment of the numerous initiatives
First developed for the 1st August to 31st Dec 2009 stated above has led to a significant in the number of
budgets to help better allocate resources among the claims that are rejected. In addition, the time taken for
various clubs and societies while taking into consideration claims to be processed from the point of submission by a
the various requirements, the 5 th SMU Students’ club to receiving payment has reduced to an average of
Association Council (SAC) Finance Committee established
about 3.5 weeks and is expected to drop significantly in
and launched budget standards for common requests that the future.
are to be used in future budgeting exercises to ensure
more efficient distribution of our limited budget resources. While there is still room for improvement in our system, I'm
The standards cover areas such as catering for various confident that the system will see significant improvements
size events, attire classification and marketing expenditure. over the next few years and be able to avail ourselves to a
The standards have been placed on the SMUSA website public audit in the near future.
for easier reference and will be expanded and reviewed
periodically to keep up with changing requirements. APPRECIATION
Throughout my term of office, I’ve had the privilege of
Deposit Slots for Clubs and Societies Income,
Sponsorship and Donation cheques serving the SMU student population to the best of my
abilities and would not have been able to do so without
In addition to the AXS the help of the following parties:
system, clubs and
societies are now able to My fellow SMU students: Thank you for voting me in and
deposit their income, giving me the opportunity to serve you all. The vast
sponsorship and knowledge, experience, lessons and opportunities I've
donations into their club gained would not have been possible without your
accounts via deposit slots constant support and encouragement.
established as part of the
main Finance Drop Boxes Lionel Chow, Deputy Finance Secretary and Vice-
set up by OFIN. By Chairman, 5th SAC Finance Committee – Thanks for being
attaching the cheques to so reliable and always being there to help me and ensure
the duly filled deposit that our objectives and goals were fulfilled. Without you, I
form, clubs are able to do not think we would have done half of what we have
deposit the monies achieved. There is nothing that I can say to express my
collected any time in the gratitude to you.
day, reducing the need to
go down to OFIN. My beloved 5th SAC Finance Committee (Lionel, Jayraj,
Rachel, Yacong, Vivien, Jie Ming, Weijing, Amanda, Zi Hin,
Increase in cash advance to S$1000.00 Hazel, Samantha, Irene, Maoyuan, Agnes, Zi Yi and Xin Yi)
- The hard work and dedication you've put in and helping
To address the concern and need for cash advances to to ensure that our objectives and goals were met has
facilitate the payment of Goods and Services that require gained tremendous respect from me. I am sure you all will
payment on delivery, the limit for cash advance requests miss the long meetings and late nights we have put over
has been doubled to $S1,000.00, hence easing the need over the year.
for students to fork out their own savings to make
SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 My dear 9th SA ExCo (Rachel K, Daren, Lynette, Don, To my family: Thank you for your understanding and
Lionel, Rachel Y, Alson, David, Yin Yin and Delphine) - support. Your love and encouragement has always kept
Thank you for all the wonderful memories and times we me going till the end.
spent together, both in and outside the SMUSA
environment, especially during our Hong Kong Trip and To the 10th SA ExCo and 6th SAC: I wish you guys all the
our ExCo gatherings. Thanks for also being there for me very best for your term in office and hope that you all are
in times of need and help. Your effort and passion has successful in making a difference in the lives of our fellow
also given me the motivation to work harder. While we go students. While you guys may face numerous obstacles
on with our plans next year, I do hope that there will be and may feel like quitting at times, do remember that
an opportunity for us to work together as a team again. success is only achieved with hard work and pain.

5th SAC CBd Presidents (David, Athena, Nat, Kelvin, To Sarah and Daniel: Lionel and I, together with our
Kristina, Brandon, Naresh, Ben, June and Josh) – It’s predecessors, have done what we could to improve the
been a pleasure working with you guys. Thanks for the system. Do not be afraid to break your limits if you need
lasting friendship and memories and your constant to in order to make a difference.
support and advice.

Office of Student Life (Bernie, Yew Tong, Geraldine, Alan,

Jimmy, Kong Soon, Chieh Ming, Ridzuwan, Roy, Andrew,
Elain, Wensi, Reneeta, Rochelle, Shermeen and the rest
of the OSL Family) – A Big Thank You for your support,
encouragement, guidance and advice throughout my
term of office, and for always being my listening ear when
I’m faced with problems. ‘Thanks for being so reliable and always being
there to help me and ensure that our objectives and
SMU Office of Finance (Mr. Sim, Jacqueline, Jeffery, goals were fulfilled. Without you, I do not think we
Cheng Siew, Connie, Rose, Xiao Shan, Kate and the rest would have done half of what we have achieved.
of the OFIN Family) – You have been instrumental in
supporting the SMUSA Finance system. Without your
support, my finance committee and I would not have There is
been able to make the SMUSA Finance System one that nothing
is more transparent, efficient and user friendly. I hope you
can share the same level of support you have given me that I can
with Sarah and her team next year. say to
My fellow SMU Cricket Teammates and ExCo members:
Thank you for your patience and understanding and
bearing my occasional absence when I have to attend to gratitude
my SMUSA duties. I promise to make up for it in 2010.
to you ’
To my buddies: Pramod, Ajay, Simer, Sid, Krishin, Elyna, - Avnish
Ibrahim, Seema, Alan, Syahiid, Kumar, Aslam, Imran and
all my other friends. Without you guys, I would not have
made it this far. Your constant encouragement, support
and help have made a huge difference and impact on my
life and nothing I do would be enough to express my

Deputy Finance Secretary

Student Initiatives Secretary



During my term, my The survey was rolled out in February and total of 1284
portfolio duties included students attempted the survey with 873 completions,
encouraging and accounting for more than 10% of the student population.
supporting student The survey results were presented to the President
initiatives through Howard Hunter, Deputy President Tan Chin Tiong, Provost
mentorship, provision of Rajendra Srivastava, Vice President Mr. Sim Teow Hong,
resources, and and Dean of Students Prof, Low Aik Meng. Copies of the
necessary connections results have also been widely disseminated to various
with the offices. On my offices who have requested for them.
own accord I also
initiated projects that I The results of the survey proved useful in enabling the 9th
believed were beneficial to the student community. Holding SA ExCo to identify and address issues that were pertinent
the portfolio with the most amount of flexibility, I was also to the students, and to work with the offices to effect
able to fill in gaps with the SA ExCo and provide relevant changes. Notable areas that we have worked on
assistance to various other portfolios where necessary. following the survey include the mandatory grade
breakdown for all modules, having a say in the type of
2ND SMU STUDENTS’ SURVEY vendors operating on campus, space issues and so forth.

The Students’ Satisfaction Survey was first initiated and STUDENT DIALOGUE SESSION
conducted by the 8th SA ExCo under the portfolio of the
8th Student Welfare Secretary Ms Christina Tay. This year, I The Student Dialogue Session was held
decided to continue the survey and took up the project on the 13th of March at the Li Ka Shing
under my portfolio. Library to formally release the results of
the 2nd SMU Students’ Survey to the
The objectives of the survey were three-fold: student population, faculty, and staff,
and to provide an avenue for students
1) To collect empirical data on the feedback and to converse directly with members of
sentiments of the student population. Being the majority management.
and key stakeholders of the University, we hold the The discussion panel consisted of President Howard
opinions of the students with highest regard. Hunter, Deputy President Tan Chin Tiong, Provost
Rajendra Srivastava, Vice President Mr. Sim Teow Hong,
2) To tap on the knowledge and creativity of the student and Dean of Students Prof. Low Aik Meng. The various
population in providing solutions to various problems. school Deans or their representatives were also in
attendance along with many members of faculty and staff
3) To educate students of certain school wide policies and from the various offices.
matters and to clear misconceptions, if any.
Following the presentation of the results, we had a fruitful
Responding to feedback from management regarding discussion with many students bringing up various issues
validity issues of the first survey, I gathered a group of that were pertinent to them. The dialogue was a step
students with research methods background to craft the towards narrowing the gap between students, faculty, and
2nd survey with me. Alvin, Isaac, Jacqueline, Daren, and staff and to create synergy that can bring benefit to the
myself crafted a survey that consisted of five categories: SMU Community.
Academic, Facilities, Student Life, SMU Experience, and
Administration/Offices. 4 Faculties also tapped onto our
university-wide survey and included their own questions
for their students in a Schools segment. We also sought
the assistance of Professors Norman Li, Evelyn Au, William
Tov, and Luan Sheng Hua from the School of Social
Sciences, as well as 2 of their Teaching Assistants to vet
the survey.

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 SMU GUIDE It was a successful dialogue session that saw all the
seats being taken up. The international students present
The SMU Guide started off as a
were very interactive and provided much valuable insight
Leadership and Teambuilding
to the SA ExCo which would be taken into consideration
(LTB) project in 2007 which
in future operations.
later became a Student
Initiative under the portfolio of PAINT-A-PILLAR
the 1 st Student Initiatives
Secretary Tey Bi Qin in 2008.

This year we decided to

continue this publication as the
Guide was deemed a useful
tool to aid freshmen as they
ease into SMU life.

Over the summer Lynette, Rachel Kok, and myself from

the ExCo, along with Michael Ng from Blue and Gold and
our editors Rachel Lee and Chern Di Xi, wrote, designed,
and produced the 2nd installation of the SMU Guide.
Kelvin Chng provided valuable assistance in This 2nd-3rd January will mark the 2nd installation of the
photography. Changes that were introduced included the Paint-A-Pillar (P-A-P) project. The first P-A-P was created
streamlining of the Guide design to be more reader- by a group of 9 girls with a vision to provide students with
friendly and appealing, as well as the re-selection of a platform to express their thoughts and feelings on SMU
content to be most relevant to freshmen. Culture and at the same time brightening up the pillars
along the Concourse.
The final product was distributed to all freshmen during
Convocation. This year’s P-A-P is chaired by Phylicia Koh and Charlene
Fu and is tied in with Arts Fest ’10 with the theme:
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS DIALOGUE SESSION “Hopes and Dreams”. The same pillars used for last
The international year’s project was reinstated and used again for this
student population year’s project.
accounts for 19% STUDENT INITIATIVES
of the SMU
There were a couple of student initiatives that were
s t u d e n t b o d y.
However despite notable. Firstly, the Adobe Workshop organized by
their large student Dave Tan that was very welcomed by the student
numbers there has population. Secondly the Environmental Sustainability
been a lack of Workgroup that is still a work in progress. This idea had
opportunity and originated from a student who was unable to follow
effort in engaging them. We also acknowledge that through. However, Daren and I picked the idea up and
international students face unique issues and have through discussions with OFM we created a proposal for
differing needs from the local student population. the setting up of an Environmental Sustainability
Workgroup that will consist of representatives from
In response to this, and in collaboration with the students, faculty, and staff.
International Students’ Unit of OSL, I organized the first
International Students Dialogue Session on the 16th of OTHER INVOLVEMENTS
October. Throughout my term I also had the privilege of being
involved in the Freshmen Teambuilding Camp as Senior
The dialogue session was aimed to allow the SA ExCo to
Facilitator as well as other SMUSA projects such as the
engage with the international student population and to
SMU Merchandise.
garner a better understanding of their needs in order to
serve them more effectively. This initiative was also used
as a platform to announce the newly created portfolio of
the International Students Secretary and the decision for
SMU ICON to come under SMUSA directly as a standing


The SA journey for me has been one that is incredibly

challenging yet immensely rewarding. I have been
privileged to be allowed to serve the student population in
such a unique capacity and through it I have grown and
learned so much. However this journey would not be
possible without the presence and help of many others
and I would like to extend my gratitude to them. Firstly to
my predecessor Tey Bi Qin, who had believed in me right
from the start and taught me so much. True to the portfolio
you created you empowered me through all your
unconditional support.

Definitely a big thank you to my ExCo members for their

tireless efforts and support throughout the term. They have
provided with me with such wonderful memories and
friendship throughout the year. Special mention to Daren
who served as partner-in-crime for almost all my projects,
especially the ones I was stubborn enough to refuse to get
a committee for.

Thanks also to the various offices such as OFM, CIT, and

especially to OSL for their invaluable assistance in making
our projects successful and being so supportive.

Special thanks to Wong Pei Yi, who literally became my

unofficial Marketing Director throughout the year. Thank
you for putting up with all my requests and creating such
beautiful posters and often on a whim too! The 10+
posters you have made for me definitely made a difference
to all my events!

Thank you also to my friends and family who have always

been there, even though SA robbed much of my time with
them. Thank you for always being there when I need a
break and to see me through the highs and lows.

Last but definitely not least, I thank God for the amazing
journey He has given me, and for seeing me through every
step of the way. The experience has been one incredible

It has been a good year for the 9th SA ExCo, and I wish the
10th ExCo, especially my successor Yan Wen, a wonderful
term ahead.

Assets Secretary


When I ran to be part of the year and previously. Despite the backlog from previous
9th SA ExCo, I did not know years, we have successfully concluded the checks. We
what was going to be ahead have also discussed with the OSL and AMC with
for me. I have always been advice from SAAT to revamp our current assets check
passionate about student to make it more stringent in the future.
life and wanting to make an
impact in the school. I LACK OF STORAGE SPACE
wanted to contribute to the During the second half of the year, we gathered data on
school insomuch as the unused cabinets that could be reallocated to clubs and
school has opened up doors
societies in need of it. We called in the locksmith to fix
and opportunities for me. Looking back, 2009 has the cabinets and are currently in the process of
definitely been exciting and challenging as I embarked
reallocating the built-in cabinets to various clubs and
on this new and unfamiliar journey. It has been a year societies. We hope that this reallocation will ease the
whereby strong bonds have been forged, new burden of increasing assets of the clubs.
challenges were taken and students rights were
championed as representatives of the students. While fulfilling my constitutional role, I was also
As the Assets Secretary of the 9th SA ExCo, portfolio privileged to be involved in various SMUSA-Events
such as Awards Night and Convocation. Tapping on
duties were of utmost priority and executed to the best
my experiences in events and programs, the Events
of my abilities in ensuring the smooth running of
student activities. Secretary gave me the opportunity to work in the
committee as the programs head. For Convocation, I
LOANING OF TABLES & CHAIRS served as the Student Producer together with Don Liu
for the informal segment.
Support was provided to all CBds who needed to set
up booths for their events. This year, we have seen an APPRECIATION
increase utilization of these assets and procured more
I count it as a joy and privilege to have been part of the
chairs as demand for it has increased tremendously,
which comes naturally as the Association grows and 9th SA ExCo and 5th SAC. I not just appreciate the
friendships forged through the late nights and frequent
matures. As such, we have also tightened loaning
guidelines to ensure all clubs and societies have access meetings, but also appreciate the professionalism and
maturity the committee and council have shown in their
to these logistics. Other groups such as OCIP and LTB
work and conduct. Indeed, it is never easy to juggle SA
were also permitted to loan these equipments. We also
went out of our way to loan the assets for events that work and studies, but the members on board the
committees have proven to be exceptional in their work
lasted beyond the stipulated timings.
despite busy schedules.
I would like to thank above all God for His grace and
Taking on the position of Chairman of the AMC and mercy. Also, I would like to thank the ExCo and council
together with a team of four, we managed the various members for their hard work. It has been a great year
assets and facilities of the SA, and were responsible for serving with you guys. Many thanks to the offices for
the loan of assets to the clubs and societies. On top of being patient with us and assisting us whenever help
loaning major assets to clubs and CBds for their was needed, with special thanks to OSL and OFM.
events, we also facilitated and collaborated in the
loaning of logistics during summer vacation with over Despite stepping down from office, I remain as
ten ongoing camps. passionate if not, more passionate than ever for the
school and student life at SMU. There are many ways
ASSET AUDIT to serve the students and being part of the SA ExCo
was just one way I expressed my passion. As I
Assisting OSL, the annual asset audit was conducted continue on my education in SMU, I seek to continue
at the start of AY 2009/10 Term 1 for all clubs. Clubs being a blessing to the school, students and my friends
were checked for the presence of assets bought this around me.
“ I hope
Deputy Events Secretary


lands their
hand on this
read finds the
and didactic My duty as the passed down to the 10th ExCo (for ease of future editorial
for the
incoming Deputy Events productions). I was also involved in conceptualizing and
10th ExCo as Secretary troubleshooting during production.
a beacon mainly entails
forward.” supporting the The SCG is an alumni scholarship given to needy students
E v e n t s in SMU every year. This year, I was involved in putting
Secretary together a committee of the most popular/resourceful
(Lynette) in her graduates in SMU in order to garner more donations from
work. Through the graduating batch of 2009 during the Commencement
the year, I am very appreciative that Lynette had provided Gown Collection. The SCG Committee performed well this
me with the autonomy to make my own decisions and year, reaching a participation rate of 60%, beating the 48%
organize events on my own. Through this stint as the collection from the cohort in 2008.
Deputy Events Secretary, I have come to take more
interest in student life and the activities/events associated For more information on the SCG, please visit:
with it. I truly believe that in order to appreciate varsity life,
one has to participate more in student activities and not AboutSCG2009.asp
coop themselves up in academics all the time. It is only
then where they really get to enjoy what SMU has to offer.
Together with Rachel Yang, we jointly produced the
Albeit challenging, 2009 has been really gratifying as I look informal segment of Convocation 2009 with OSL this year.
back at what I have achieved during the course of my A more elaborate write-up can be found under the section
tenure in SMUSA. of Sub-Committee reports.


For the SMU Open House this year, I was involved in
In the past, the student life events in SMU was all
helping the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (OUA) in
documented and consolidated in an Excel sheet that was
the administration of the Campus Tour and exhibition
passed around by the CBds. However, due to the
within the main campus. During the actual day, I also
decentralized location, many events failed to be recorded
served as one of the ambassadors bringing people around
and many discrepancies arose as a result. This year, we
the campus.
consolidated all event dates onto a google calendar that is
YEARBOOK & SENIOR CLASS GIFT (SCG) 2009 linked to our SMUSA Website and it served its purpose in
deconflicting events. The events calendar can be viewed
As the Student on A physical version
Liaison of the was also put up on our SMUSA Notice Board and
Y e a r b o o k updated monthly.
Committee and the
Senior Class GIft OTHERS
Committee, I was
Besides the events above, I was also in-charge of
in-charge of linking
maintaining the Honor Roll and Notice Board and settling
the CBds up with
the administration for the SMUSA Retreat. The Annual
t h e O f fi c e o f
Report 09, an in-house production by SMUSA is a
Advancement and
personal creation of mine and I hope whoever lands their
Alumni (OAA) in the
hand on this read finds the report refreshing and
production of the
informative; and didactic for the incoming 10th ExCo as a
Yearbook and putting together a committee for the SCG.
beacon forward.
In the production of the Yearbook, a 3-year archive of Thank you Yee Ling, all my friends and family for their year
photos from all CBds was collected for the editorial long support and understanding of my due commitment. I
production. This was a herculean effort as photographs of would also like to thank the 9th ExCo for being such
high resolution had to be collected from all 10 CBds wonderful friends and team-mates. I would relish another
separately. This was successfully done with the photo chance of working with them again in the future.
archive disseminated to the Yearbook Committee and

Welfare Secretary


My responsibility as the Our ExCo decided to bring back the Nametent Drive held
Student Welfare Secretary the previous year and open it to the entire student
was to handle all matters population instead of only the freshmen; and to prevent
pertaining to the welfare of wastage, we made it mandatory for students to register
students. Issues raised by should the really want a Nametent for themselves. This
students are taken up and also allowed the customization of names.
negotiated with the relevant
offices; problems were also IMPROVEMENT IN BOSS BIDDING
preempted and considered The past 2 rounds of Boss Bidding was deemed
so as to benefit the students. frustrating by many students as there were limited
classes available especially for students who have a
second major in a different school from their first. After
Every Week 14, SMUSA will provide welfare for students speaking to the Office of Registrar (RO), we had
and give them an extra boost for their exams. This year, managed to increase the number of classes for certain
we have decided to incorporate not only food items; but modules. However, in the long run, the task of matching
also useful items needed for their study. Hence, the supply to the demand is an uphill one. There are
proprietary SMUSA Post-Its were customized. A total of many aspects to look at for this issue; many of them
1500 Exam Welfare Packages were given out each term unpredictable even up to months prior to the bidding
and we have received overwhelming response this year. windows. An option would be to encourage students to
In order to bring costs down, Nescafe, Milo and Kit Kats work with their Degree Progress Reports in OASIS to
were all sponsored. With the help of Uni-Vantage, we predict the demand for certain courses. We are still
also got Prudential to sponsor our students with 1000 working on ways to improve this situation and would
packets of Brands Essence for the Spring and Pfingo welcome any constructive feedback.
pillows and Great Eastern Pens for the Fall.

As of 09/10 Term 1, there would no longer be an informal

grade release by Professors; instead, RO has mandated
a formal release on OASIS. This is to prevent students
from ‘bargaining’ for higher grades and pestering
professors prior to the release of grades. With the new
system in place, students will be assured of a grade
breakdown of each component so as to allow for greater
transparency. Results from the SMUSA Students’ Survey
have shown that this is preferred by students. In the
event of a discrepancy, an appeal could be filed directly
Despite the increase in costs of printing, SMUSA still GRADUATION GOWNS
managed to print Namecards for students at a minimum
cost of $10 per box this year. We organized a Namecard We have received feedback that the prices of the SMU
drive at the beginning of this year and opened it to all graduation gowns are more costly compared to the other
students for them to place their orders for their universities. However, upon investigation, we found out
Namecards. To facilitate the process, SMUSA went that the difference in the price is mainly due to 1) Better
online for students to register. Quality & Design 2) Professional Photo Shoot 3) Smaller
Batch Size in SMU. For the same quality and designs,
NAMETENT DRIVE quotations have been compared and the current vendor
being engaged is still the cheapest. Nevertheless SMUSA
will continually look into this matter to ensure that the
students are not being charged unjustly.

PUBLIC STUDY AREAS AROUND CAMPUS to the stated regulation. With the National Environment
Agency conducting regular random checks and enforcing
The Office of Facilities Management (OFM) has kindly fixed stricter conformation to the law, OFM felt that it is
permanent study benches around the campus such as necessary to have designated smoking areas so as to
those at the Level 1 of the School of Business in view of prevent students from getting fined. Currently, NUS has a
the lack of study areas in SMU. The number of available smoke-free campus and NTU is smoke free in certain
study areas has increased exponentially over the year. In areas. Initially, 2 areas were designated for smoking.
addition, focus lights as well as electric sockets have been SMUSA proposed to OFM to increase the number of
installed in those areas to provide students with a more designated smoking areas to 5 such that each building
conducive environment for studying. would have one.

We have received feedback that there are public menaces PRINTING & PHOTOCOPYING
at times disturbing students who wish to study at these
public areas. SMUSA has placed signs in those areas to Currently, all the printing and photocopy machines around
alleviate some problems and we hope that students will the campus have been installed with the new CEPAS (EZ-
also take the initiative to politely ask members of the public LINK) card reader; making it more convenient for students.
to leave should they need to use the area. There are In addition, Seng-city has a staff situated in the Library to
currently more plans to increase the number of study areas assist with general queries and help in areas where
and SMUSA is constantly working with OFM on this. possible. An LCD screen projecting the number of print
jobs in the queue is also available in the Library now.
SMUSA is currently working with IITS (formerly known as
This has been a year full of complaints regarding the CIT) to introduce double-sided printing and a new font so
carpark from different stakeholders and carpark users. as to save on the toner ink.
Sadly, carpark lots are a limited resource in SMU, and
demand for the carpark has been on the rise. LCD SCREEN ON CONCOURSE

To curb this problem, the carpark fees have been revised SMUSA have seek approval from higher management to
upwards in order to reduce the demand for the carpark place a LCD Screen in the concourse (outside Unimax) to
during peak hours. However, care has been taken to showcase students’ activities as well as upcoming events.
ensure that preferential drivers are still given a edge over We invite all CCAs to submit soft-copies of their marketing
public users. Currently, the rates for preferential holders are posters so that we can help them place it onto the LCD
30% less than the public rates and the hourly rates in SMU Screen and students can be able to view them.
are still cheaper than the other carparks in the vicinity.
SMUSA will continue work with OFM to monitor the VENDING MACHINES
On behalf of SMUSA, OFM have spoken to the Leasing
CHANGES TO GSR BOOKING POLICIES Business Unit (LBU) to increase the number of vending
machines that provide food/snacks for students around
During the beginning of the calendar year, OFM introduced the campus. This was in response to feedback that there
a new policy in which GSRs can be booked by multiple are no vendors in school that provide food late in the night
users. This would solve the problem of students hogging when students have to stay back late in school for
the entire GSR to themselves at the expense of other projects. Sandwich machines and other snack machines
project groups. However, students were unhappy as the have been brought in to cater to the needs of the
system was cumbersome and impractical. Hence, SMUSA students. However, should there be a lack of demand for
approached OFM to make changes to the policy. such machines, the service would be discontinued.
Currently, the policy being implemented is that where one
student is needed to book the GSR while another needs to APPRECIATION
confirm the booking. Based on statistics, the demand of Thank you friends and fellow schoolmates for the
GSR has since dropped and students who truly need the encouragement, support and the opportunity to serve you
GSRs find it much easier to book GSRs as there are in 2009. My heartfelt gratitude for all administrators who
enough to go around for projects. have supported and appreciated our efforts. Last but not
least, I would like to say a big Thank You to my dearest
ExCo, for all your help and the sacrifices you made for the
There is a new law prohibiting smoking within 5m of school.
covered buildings and being an educational institution,
I wish the 10th SMUSA ExCo a great year ahead and may
SMU have assigned designated smoking areas according
you carve your own legacy.
IT Solutions Secretary


As the IT Solutions With depreciating, we’ve launched
Secretary of the 9th SMU our own forums system for members of the community
Students Association to just sit back, relax and chit chat. We also hope to
Executive Committee, my build this platform to be an important source of
role is to represent the feedback for SMUSA.
students in IT matters as
well as to develop tools to streamline SAC’s internal SMUeets
and external processes. Besides engaging CIT (now @SMUeets (
known as IITS) with feedback from the student
populace, my team and I have been busy building up Tweet, Tweet! Who says SMUSA is an old dinosaur! At
from ground-up, a new IT infrastructure and processes the beginning of the work year, a brand new service on
in order to reduce the amount of paperwork within the twitter was setup to engage the student population as
organization to facilitate better high-level decision well as to open up new a new marketing channel for
making. clubs and societies to advertise their events. SMUeets
is a twitter broadcasting service where authorized clubs
Throughout the year we’ve introduced many new are able to broadcast their events and news within 140
features: characters to all users who are following our twitter
As the world moves to the collaborative Web, we’ve
setup a wiki site available a that is open to all members In the middle of the year, we’ve relaunched SMUSA’s
of the SMU community to share and store information website with a brand new interface designed and
about the school, student life and everything around produced by our team. Hoping to engage even further
the entire SMU eco-system. with the community, we’ve setup personal blogs for
members of the executive committee to share their
FORUMS opinions and personal thoughts. Not to mention, there’s an event calendar and video section to keep up-
to-date with what’s going on around school.


SMUSA Website, FORUMS, SMUeets, Internal Documentation Archival System, Uservoice & SMUWiki

USERVOICE As we proceed on to the new year, I look forward to more and more exciting new IT initiatives as we try to become
the most IT-savvy Student Body in Singapore.
This is a brand new initiative to allow students to directly
write suggestions that they'd like to see changed in SMU,
be it the service of the staff at Koufu, or the way certain
modules are being marked. Just post a suggestion, and
get your friends to vote on it!


The year is also marked with the introduction of an internal

documentation system that is safely hosted behind the
school network with multiple redundancy functions. All
SMUSA/SAC documents (like minutes, financial
statements etc) are now hosted internally on a private
system that is run and maintained by our team.

This allows us to easily retrieve old documents without

having to put our nose through the stacks and stacks of
paper in our cabinets.


As part of our objective to digitalize everything, all

portfolios within the SAC umbrella gets their own private
folder within our document storage system for them to
park documents relevant to their portfolio.


At the beginning of the previous year, after working with

the previous IT Solutions Secretary, Nasir, and consultation
with CIT, we’ve purchased, setup, and configured our new
servers to provide clubs and societies with free
commercial-level web hosting services maintained by our
team. All clubs and societies have to be registered via our
in-house developed registration application and processed
by our team before approval.


Together with the SAC Finance Secretary, Office of

Student Life, Office of Finance, School of Information
Systems Professor Benjamin Gan and Team DJ Jay
(School of Information Systems Students), we’re in the
middle of beta-testing a new finance claims system for
clubs and societies to remove one layer of paperwork by
putting the claim process online. This marks a significant
milestone as once completed, it would be the first
university-level online claims system implemented in


I would like to thank my team for helping me with all this , if

not all this would not be possible. Hamlyn Yew for being
the Server Administrator; Tran Van Minh Phuc, Ng Junyang
& Kelvin Law Chuek To for helping me in Innovation and
Business Secretary


of the 9th SMUSA ExCo,
I have received around 120 proposals over the past year
my main role is to ensure
from various organizations. Of which, Bizcom and I
that all SMU student
managed to follow up with 90% of them and firm up
bodies adhere to the
collaborations with around 70%. Many of these were
SMUSA Sponsorship
forwarded to SMU Bizcom where they joined the Uni
guidelines, handling all
Vantage Scheme, set up stores in bazaars or pushcarts;
sponsorship queries from
sponsored our events/initiatives. Some of the leads have
LTB groups/CCA clubs,
also been passed on to the CBD’s where the CBDs have
securing strategic
managed to secure them for their events.
sponsorship deals for the
association and leading BIZCOM, where I am the LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS/EVENTS
Director. Other responsibilities include, but not limited to,
SMUSA-Bizcom CCA Scholarship
liaising with external organizations with regards to holding
events and advertising within SMU; and working closely SMUSA-Bizcom Student Life Award
with the OSL to provide a platform for students to ESPIONAGE – SMU Freshmen Bash 2009
unleash their entrepreneurial potential where possible. U N I VA N Z A A R – B a z a a r a n d m a g a z i n e
Below are the operations undertaken by the Business
Secretary: SMU Tee Shirt Drive 2009
BAZAAR! – School wide bazaar
Oompaloombazaar! – School wide bazaar
Together with OAA and under the careful guidance of OCBC, Starhub and AIA Roadshow for Vivace
OSL, a clearer sponsorship guideline has been drawn up 2009
to guide student bodies on the amount of mileage to be Tri-Uni Bizcom Collaboration
given to sponsors in return of the sponsorship amount.
Regular sponsorship meetings with CBDs/Schools
external liaison in-charge were also held to bring
everyone on to the same platform. The list of permit-able
companies continues to be updated to reflect the current Business Committee (Bizcom)
school officers/SMUSA stand on sponsorship guidelines.


This year marked a breakthrough for SMUSA as we

managed to secure a couple of strategic sponsorship
deals which have helped in growing the capacity of our
operations. With the help of OSL, we are able to rope in
strategic partners such as OCBC and Starhub and
leverage their strength for subsequent SMUSA events/


A detailed description can be found in the SMU Bizcom


Started by our Bizcom predecessor, Mr Roy Chia, the
SMUSA-Bizcom CCA scholarship was set up to recognize
students who have contributed greatly to make SMU
student life a more vibrant one. Each year, Bizcom will
commit S$5000.00 from the money generated from our
initiatives toward this cause. To leverage on the success of
the scholarship, the current Bizcom 9th ExCo decided to
channel more funds back to needy students and
subsequently set up the SMUSA-Bizcom Student Life
Award at S$500 each per semester for 3 deserving
students. The establishment of SMUSA-Bizcom Student
Life Award was spearheaded by outgoing Bizcom Finance
Secretary, Cheryl Chian (Year 3) and Bizcom Programs
Director, Dennet Yap (Year 3). I am pleased to announce
that all Bizcom members are proud of the scholarship and
award and hoped that it will encourage more students to
contribute to make our school life a better one!


I am pleased to announce Jack Moy as the incoming 10th

ExCo Business Secretary and Director of Bizcom. The year
ahead looks exciting as he has made plans to not only
generate more profits; but also to build upon the
sustainability of Bizcom. I have total faith in him in growing
Bizcom’s coffers and better this year achievements.

The past year has been a challenging one with many ups
and down; which have enriched my experiences and allow
me to meet some really good friends. The 9th ExCo has
come a long way to uphold the constitution and pave the
way for the incoming 10th ExCo. I would like to thank
everyone for this wonderful and fruitful journey. They
include Rachel Kok, Daren Li, David Chua, Avnish Desai,
Lionel, Don Liu, Rachel Yang, Lynette Chua, Hu Shing, Tan
Yin Yin, Wong Weiting, Lim Jieying, Sam Kevin Go, Cheryl
Chian, Lee Jun Kiat, Chua Ming Lin, Sherilyn Tan, Candice
Luo, Grace Tan, Gan Shu Min, Priya SHANDHINI, Oliver
Chan, Dennet Yap, Julie Lo and Chan Jue Ling. I would
also like to acknowledge OSL, LBU, OFM and OAA for
their constant guidance and understanding. Special thanks
to Professor Low, Bernie, Wong Yew Tong and Tan Kong
Soon for overlooking SMUSA and Bizcom during the past


Director, Business Committee (Bizcom)
PERSONAL MESSAGE This year has been an excellent year for SMU Bizcom
where we almost tripled last year profits, standing at about
It has been a challenging year for the 9thExCo, having to
$45,000.00 (FY 2009). On top of that, the committee have
make certain drastic improvements to the Bizcom
increased its welfare initiatives and even introduced the
structure and trying out new initiatives not carried out
annual Xmas party to bring together past and current
before. There were rough patches and times when some
batches of Bizcom members.
felt drained. Nevertheless, I am proud of the Bizcom 9th
ExCo as a whole, for without their consistent support and FINANCIAL INFORMATION
commitment, Bizcom would not have achieved so much Profits
within a short one year period. As quoted from one
Bizcom member “Though sometimes things suck, savor Through our various operations and strategic sponsorship
the moments as best you can cos you may end up collaboration with OCBC, we managed to rake in a
missing them” To the incoming 10th ExCo: It may be combined profit of about S$45,000.00 for Financial Year
difficult, but when you look back at the things you have 2009.
done, it is not the $ that put a smile on your face, but the Expenses
friendship and little moments you shared with your ExCo
mates that you will remember. Bizcom is a self-sufficient committee and do not receive
any funding from SMUSA or the SMU administration. Our
On the event/bazaar front, we are particularly blessed with expenses are closely monitored by the SMUSA Finance
capable leaders among the team that led to one of the Secretary and deducted from our reserves to fund our
most successful bazaar (bazAAR!) held in SMU. I must initiatives. Bizcom members are always reminded to be
also thank Gan Shu Min for her leadership in organizing prudent in our spending.
the 1st SMU Valentine’s Day Party at Treehouse. For the
UniVantage team, they had also made a breakthrough in Financial Control and Supervision
expanding the merchant database and holding the 1st We practiced strict financial control and prudence. In each
SMU UniVanzaar, providing students with exclusive initiative that we intend to carry out, we maintained a profit
privileges. Moreover, on the financial front, Bizcom have target model of 3:1. As such, we have always considered
also established a new SMUSA-Bizcom Student Life each project carefully before taking it up. A budget will be
Award for needy students seeking financial assistance. drawn up for each project taken on to make sure
There are many opportunities available in Bizcom and I am expenditure can be tracked by the Bizcom Director,
sure the incoming 10th ExCo would be able to bring the Honorary General Secretary and Finance Director. Any final
committee to greater heights. approval of claims is made by the SMUSA Finance
PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW Secretary to provide an independent review on the amount
spent by Bizcom.
SMU Bizcom is the financing arm of the SMU Students’
Association (SMUSA) and the largest sub-committee OPERATIONS
under SMUSA. Through its initiatives and activities, Bizcom Like any other CCA, we have our assets and limitations. I
is committed to generating profits that aims to facilitate believe that Bizcom’s greatest asset is our knowledge. Not
student life activities in SMU. The long term vision of SMU only do we have the means to earn money, but we also
Bizcom is to develop an organization that actively know how to do it well. However, the problem is when
promotes entrepreneurship within SMU, while on the other there is a transition to a new ExCo. There is a lack of a
hand, foster and strengthen friendship among its proper procedure and documentation of transferring this
members. SMU Bizcom consists of the following entities: knowledge, which could be a potential problem that could
• Events Management hamper the work of the new ExCo especially if old ExCo
members go on exchange on the following school term.
• Bazaar Management The 9th ExCo has tried to implement a grace period, where
• Uni-Vantage (SMU Student Privilege Card) the old ExCo works hand-in-hand with the new ExCo so
that they will be well adjusted to their roles before their
• External Corporation Relations
term officially starts.
• Push Cart Management

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Another limitation that we constantly experience is the ACHIEVEMENTS & MILESTONES
lack of manpower. During the planning phase of an
event, Bizcom normally does well in this aspect.
However, when it comes to the actual event, we find 1. SMUSA-Bizcom CCA Scholarship
ourselves lacking manpower. This makes it difficult to run 2. SMUSA-Bizcom Student Life Awards
an event well and is only done so through the sacrifices
of Bizcom’s more committed members. In order to 3. SMU Tee Drive (Look out for our new design in
alleviate this problem, we have tried our best to 2010!)
incentivize Bizcom members to help out during events 4. Tri-University Meet up with NUS and SIM
through welfare and by giving them more meaningful
roles. Events

In terms of material assets, Bizcom has a storeroom 1. Valentine’s Day Party at Treehouse
shared with SMUSA. Although previously very messy and
almost impossible to go in to, we have managed to clean
up the storeroom and make it easier for people to find
things with the help of our friends in SMUSA. Another key
material asset is the pushcarts. These pushcarts are
leased out to both students and outside vendors, making
it a key source of revenue. Dealing with the leasing of
these pushcarts takes a lot of effort and cooperation with
school offices like LBU and OFM. Hence, it is vital to
maintain good relations with these offices.

Overall, I see a lot of potential in improving Bizcom’s

operations. Particularly, the pushcarts have a lot of room
for marketing and expansion in order to better serve its
purpose of being an avenue where students can learn
entrepreneurial skills. I hope that the 10th ExCo will
2. SMU Freshmen Bash 2009 @ ZOUK
continue on our efforts and bring about improvements in
Bizcom’s operations. Best of luck to you guys!

Growing from a mere 20 merchants in 2007, UniVantage
has burgeoned to incorporate more than 100 by
2009.We have established our very own lifestyle
magazine, written and edited by our very own
students.Besides being a marketing platform, we have 3. Participated in the Seventeen Queen of Queens
also delved into the events sector to build relationships competition
with our students and merchants.Looking ahead, we
hope to foster a greater bond with the SMU population
and become a significant part of the SMU identity. 1. Increased in merchant database by 50%
UniVantage almost doubled our merchant count from 60 2. Univanzaar 2009
into 2007-08 to 110 in 2008-09, extending our discount
scheme into blog shops and nearby favorite cafes. It Bazaar Committee
broke out of its heritage this year by bringing students a 1. Larger scale bazaars with carnival feel
lifestyle magazine that was written, edited and designed
by dedicated students. While piecing the magazine 2. Attracted high profile sponsors such as OCBC,
together, they also had a great time hanging out at the Starhub and AIA.
places they featured such as Ah Chew Desserts and
Push Cart Management
Mad Jack Cafe. The first ever UniVanzaar was also
unveiled strategically in September with fun-filled 1. Increased rental rates for Pushcash@SMU
programs that bridged merchants and students, studded
with a spectrum of vendors offering fashion, food and

FUTURE OUTLOOK experiences, creativity, interpersonal and communication
skills. Great opportunities definitely lie for students who
For 2010, the main plan would be to consolidate the
are interested to join Bizcom.
major successes of the 9th ExCo and to build on them.
Before expanding to new frontiers, it is imperative for the Chua Minglin - Bizcom 9th UniVantage Director
10th ExCo to first continue the legacy of previous ExCos. Bizcom provides a fun-filled experience working with
Such legacies include maintaining the SMUSA-Bizcom peers to events you can call your own. Besides play, it
scholarships and the newly set-up SMUSA-Bizcom offers simulations of real business dealings with marketing
student-life awards, as well as producing an even better executives, where we have to put our negotiation and
Freshmen Bash. The UniVantage team would also be persuasion skills to practice. It is a place where you build
continue on the UniVantage publication and the great friendships and find out if you love or hate them as
UniVanzaar, which have been major successes in raising colleagues. Have fun your term and all the best!
awareness of the privileges students are entitled to under
the privilege card scheme. At the same time, the 10th Sherilyn Tan - Bizcom 9th UniVantage Vice Director
ExCo would continue Bizcom’s strides with a proposed My past year as the vice director of UniVantage had been
co-ordination with the Open House committee for a a very enjoyable and enriching experience. From the time I
bazaar during that day, as well as creating a major bazaar stepped into UV in year 1 till today, i've seen how UV has
which would inject a carnival-like atmosphere in SMU for a grew in terms of the number of  merchants in the SMU
few days. Similarly, UniVantage have already begun work privilege card scheme, and at the same time, the quality of
on sourcing for bigger and better merchants for students. t h e m e rc h a n t s . T h e v a r i o u s i n i t i a t i v e s b y m y
This is very much helped by our improving marketing ExCo,  particularly UniVanzaar 2009, had helped to
facilities, such as the publication and a proposal to display increase awareness of UV, and had also aided in bridging
UniVantage discounts 3-D in glass displays. Hopefully, this stronger ties between our merchants and the SMU body.
can benefit the SMU community as a whole in the future. It had been a very fruitful year for us, and all these would
WORKPLANS 2010 not have been possible without the support from each
and every  committee member in Bizcom. I would hereby
Events/Bazaar Workplan
like to use this  opportunity to thank my committee for all
Mystic Mall Bazaar the hard work and for the  fun times we've shared
Designing of a New SMU T shirt together. Finally, I would like to wish the  incoming 10th
Bizcom executive committee all the best in
Mini Bazaar (organized by Bizcom subcomm) – bringing bizcom to greater heights :)
during Open House (6-7th March)
Priya SHANDHINI – Bizcom 9th Events/Bazaar
Big Bazaar – Week 11 Friday, Saturday Director
Freshmen Bash The past year has been an eventful one with the events/
UniVantage Workplan bazaar committee organizing bigger and more exciting
events and bazaars. Bizcom's hallmark event of the year,
2nd Edition of publications
Espionage- Freshmen Bash 09-  was also a huge
3rd Edition of publications success . The 9th ExCo's passion and dedication in
UniVanzaar creating a vibrant student life has been crucial to this
success. I believe that the new ExCo will have the same
MESSAGES FROM THE 9TH BIZCOM ExCo passion to carry Bizcom to greater heights!
Gan Shu Min – Bizcom 9th UniVantage Marketing
SMU's tenth year marks Bizcom's tenth year as well and
we believe that the new events/bazaar committee will
Firstly, I would like to wish the newly formed Bizcom mark this occasion with creative and exciting events and
ExCo, Senior Business Executives and all Bizcom bazaars. We look forward to seeing the new ExCo in
members a good year ahead. I trust that with their help, action and we believe that their passion, and the
Bizcom can contribute even further to SMU student life. experience that they have gained through organizing
UniVantage, being an arm of Bizcom, has been securing Bizcom events, will serve them well in their positions.
great privileges for SMU students, staff and alumni. We
hope to bring to SMU even better privileges soon.
UniVantage also provides abundant marketing avenues
(emailers, noticeboard, posters, events etc.) for
companies to market themselves within the SMU
community. My experiences as UniVantage Marketing
Director have allowed me to expand my event planning

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Sam Kevin Go – Bizcom 9th Operations Director I am glad to be part of this amazing family. :)
As the Operations Director of the 9th ExCo, I have faced
many challenges during the past year. Bizcom is a CCA Grace Tan – Bizcom 9th UniVantage Sales Director
focused on organizing events for the benefit of student
Being a Sales Manager in Bizcom for the past year has
life. However, doing so requires a lot of capital, human
made me grown as an individual. Besides polishing some
and financial resources. Bizcom has constantly strived to
interpersonal skills through numerous contacts with
come up with the best events with such limited resources
merchants, I also gained perspectives as merchants
and I believe that we have done a very good job. Each
sometimes relate to me about their personal experiences.
member of Bizcom has sacrificed something to ensure
Certain meetings with merchants had been eventful, be it
the success of our events. Despite some rough times,
in a good or unfortunate, but nonetheless, they were
everyone still manages to pull through in the end. For
great experiences. I would not change any aspects of my
this, I believe I was very fortunate to have worked with
experience as a Sales Manager if I were to be one again.
some of the most talented and hardworking people I’ve
ever met. Thank you everyone for making my stay in
Lim Jieying - Bizcom 9th Human Resource Director
Bizcom such a wonderful experience.
Being part of the 9th ExCo has been a stressful yet joyful
Lee Junkiat – Bizcom 9th IT Solutions Director experience. I will never forget how manpower and
Besides being a year 2 student pursuing a double degree logistical work always seem never-ending because
in Business Management and Economics, Jun Kiat is Bizcom simply has too many events/activities. However
also the creative director of his own company, Reactive the entire process was a satisfying one seeing the
Design. With his knowledge and experience in the field of success of our bazaars, freshmen bash and not
advertising, Jun Kiat  has made use of his expertise to forgetting our very first SMU tee. Our team has made
contribute to Bizcom and provided support in the many mistakes, but we have also learnt from them and
enhancement of its key events. bonded well. And I trust that the 10th ExCo will be a good
team and will do a better job in bringing Bizcom to
Chan Jueling – Bizcom 9 Events/Bazaar Director greater heights.

Being a sponsorship director in Bizcom has widen my Oliver Chan – Bizcom 9th Events/Bazaar Vice
horizon and learning experience. The constant need to Director
interact with external clients and negotiating the terms to
The economy took a downturn this year which adversely
ensure a win-win situation for both parties is a definitely a
challenging task for me. This financial year, I'm glad to affected our operations. However, perseverance and
have the support of my team members, who have all sheer determination brought us thus far, allowing us to
performed exceedingly well. I look forward to the future achieve greater heights for our bazaars and Freshmen
events organized by Bizcom. Bash. The success of Bizcom in bringing student life to
the student population would not have been possible if
Julie Lo – Bizcom 9 Events/Bazaar Marketing not for the efforts put in by every committee member and

Director the leadership of the ExCo to brave through the changing

Since young, I have always enjoyed planning events for times.
friends and family. When I heard that Bizcom is in charge Cheryl Chian – Bizcom 9th Finance Director
of planning various school events, I decided to be part of
them. This decision has never failed me, every event that I started out in bizcom as a freshman designing bazaar
I was involved in was an eye-opening experience. props in the marketing sub comm. Then it was just a way
Although we were often stressed up by the tight to fill up free time with something fun and somewhat
deadlines, the feeling of seeing your event being meaningful, try out a potential future CCA and to get to
successfully executed makes it all worth it. Throughout know more people in a new school. I do not really know
the past 2 years, I have also developed new skills such what compelled me to stay on in Bizcom exactly but I
as using Photoshop to design my marketing collaterals can say I really enjoyed being part of the various events
and my leadership skills have also improved through organized by Bizcom overall. And now here I am, 2 years
managing a team of my own. Being part of the Bizcom on, 2 years more aged and hopefully wise, graduating
ExCo has also taught me what teamwork is. The support from the Bizcom 9th ExCo! (Bizcom) time flies and your
given to every one of us helps us in overcoming any (Bizcom) youth zooms by with it! Though sometimes
difficulties we faced and through effective communication things suck, savor the moments as best you can cos you
and perseverance; we managed to make every event our may end up missing them.
best. Bizcom has enriched my life as a SMU student and

Chairperson, Asset Management Committee (AMC)
ASSET MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE of Information System, CCA Office area, store beside
OSL/ opposite Koufu, Treehouse Café which was
The AMC is one of the standing committees of the SMU formerly the Student Lounge, SMUSA Lunchtalk Room
Students’ Association. This committee consists of the as well as the Student Recreation Centre which is
Asset Secretaries of each non-school Constituent Body currently operated by the Screme management.
residing in the Students’ Association Council as well as
the Assets Secretary of the SMU Students’ Association In addition, the Asset Management Committee also
who will automatically be appointed as Chairperson of administers the following facilities for the CCAs and clubs
the Committee. The committee does not consist of for the smooth running of their operations. They are the
school Constituent Bodies as they hold minimal assets built-in cabinets, metal cabinets, and CCA mailboxes.
and have no representative to sit on the committee. They The provision of this service is crucial for the smooth-
are however given the option to sit in the committee if the running of the clubs as they often require storage spaces
Students’ Association Council deems it necessary. for their logistics. Lastly, the Asset Management
Committee has also allocated four meeting rooms for the
The committee was formerly under the Honorary General various non-school Constituent Bodies namely the Arts
Secretary but the responsibility now falls under the and Cultural Fraternity, SMU Sports Union, SMUXtremists
Assets Secretary since its inception under the 7th SA and Special Interests and Community Service Sodality.
Provision of logistical support to clubs and events
The Assets Management Committee is responsible but
The provision of logistical support is a big part of the
not limited to the following duties as governed by the
Asset Management Committee as we have to support
the running of clubs and events on a daily basis. During
peak periods, we attend to an average of 10 loan
1. Ensure accountability for Constituent Body-owned
requests daily from various clubs and interest groups.
and Club-owned assets through biannual auditing;
Off-peak periods, we attend to an average of 4 loan
2. Serve as a liaison between all Constituent Bodies
requests daily. Some of the regular items requested by
and Clubs and the Office of Student Life in matters
these clubs are long table, chairs and easels.
pertaining to logistics;
3. Facilitate and guide representatives of the
Constituent Bodies to oversee the temporary loaning
of assets owned by their respective Management The CCA Office area was found to be underutilized and
Committees; fast becoming a dumping ground for items left over from
4. Provide logistical support to University events, where events. As such, there were many discussions with Office
applicable; and of Student Life, Office of Campus Development, Office of
5. Perform such other functions as may be directed by Facilities Management and the Asset Management
the Executive Committee. Committee Discussions for the major revamp.

VARIOUS AREAS OF OPERATION OF THE The renovation of the CCA Room allows for a publishing
COMMITTEE house with specialized equipments, more space for
maneuver, more storage space for non-school
Maintaining of assets and facilities of the
Constituent Bodies, bicycle cages for students who cycle
to school and less clutter to promote a litter-free
The Asset Management Committee maintains assets as environment.
well as various facilities in SMU for the Association’s use.
During our term, we conducted random checks on these
assets to ensure that all of these assets are accounted
for and are in good condition. Some of the facilities that
are under the care of the Asset Management Committee
are the storage area located at the basement of School

It was announced to the non-school Clubs and
Constituent Bodies in the earlier part of Academic Year
2009/10 Term 1 that the CCA Office area would be
undergoing a major renovation under the supervision of
Office of Student Life and the Asset Management
Committee. However, due to unforeseen circumstances,
the renovation has yet to start. The Asset Management
Committee is pushing for it to go through in the coming
term as it will solve many of the problems we currently face
such as the lack of storage space.


As the Association grows in size and as the clubs under
the Association mature, the Asset Management
Committee have put in place measures for the
accountability of assets clubs purchases. In conjunction
with the launch of SMUSA Online Claim System, a feature
for Asset managers to approve and track asset purchases
will be included. Further features will be implemented
along the pilot of the Online Claim System such as the
generating of tag numbers for approved asset purchases.

With the constant growth of the Association, the Asset
Management Committee has planned for the acquisition of
more assets to ease the current demand for logistics. In
addition, the Committee is also looking at various ways to
provide new storage facilities for the clubs to store their

Last but not least, I would like to thank the Asset

Management Committee members, Lester Lim
(SMUXtremist Logistics Manager), Sheryl Baey (SSU
Logistics Manager), Thashalan Raveendran (ACF Logistics
Manager) and Jonathan Tan (SICS Logistics Manager) for
their time and effort put in throughout the year and
ensuring the backend of all events run smoothly with their
logistical support.

Chairperson, Awards Night Committee


It was the second Awards Night SMUSA has ever and gold instead of red and white. However, admittedly,
organized. As a small event, we were faced with all the we did face problems while getting people to commit to
usual problems. These included budgetary constraints, attending the event as students weren’t entirely aware of
lack of awareness of the event, and also a lack of norms why this event existed in the first place.
as reference. However, as a committee, we did manage
to turn these problems into advantages for us. Lastly, a lack of norms represented freedom for us. There
is usually a trade-off for event planners. The more
The small budget enabled us to organize a small and established an event is, the less room there is for
“no-frills” kind of event. It prevented us from moving off improvisation or that extra touch. This year, we decided
track from the original purpose of this event, and made to use a “hat party” theme for the event. It was a fun twist
sure we stuck closely to the objective of Awards Night. to the event as attendees arrived in their cute hats and
The objective of the event is to give recognition to head gear.
outstanding individuals and CCAs who have contributed
positively to student life in SMU. It also aims to All in all, the event was a success, and it was a
appreciate all SMUSA sub-committees who have given heartwarming sight seeing SMU students having fun
up time to help SMUSA in various ways. Most of the together. The root problem that Awards Night aims to
budget was spent on the venue and refreshments, with a solve is the increasing cynicism and unwillingness to
large proportion of the rest being spent on plaques, contribute or participate among SMU students. Although
certificates and door gifts for the event attendees. It it is a small event, we believe that if we consistently show
made the objective of Awards Night clear to those who students that SMUSA does appreciate the effort that
attended the event. students put in, we will rid students of the mindset that
organizing events is a thankless and useless task.
The lack of awareness gave us much leeway to brand Instead, students will recognize that being in sub-
Awards Night in a way that we thought was most committees is an experience that is fruitful and valuable,
appropriate. Leveraging on the advancement made by and one that they will not be able to get after they
the previous Awards Night committee, we stuck with the graduate from SMU.
classy branding, but changed the color scheme to black

Professor Low Aik Meng and the OSL Team

Bizcom Members acting as bunnies

Chairperson, Matriculation Committee


Every year, incoming students will have to be difficult to ensure that the crowd would walk an entire
matriculated prior to beginning school proper. The round according to our ‘assigned’ route, and some
purpose of matriculation is for students to complete the booths were at a more ‘advantageous’ position than
administrative procedures and of course, start to others; although it was unintended.
integrate into SMU’s culture – through signing up for
camps. The 1st and 2nd windows of Matriculation took place on
the 30th of June - 2nd of July and the 28th - 30th of July
Under the Office of Student Life, SMUSA helps to respectively. Due to some miscommunication, the
manage representatives from the 10 different CBDs, as Convocation booth (part of the Freshmen Experience)
well as the mandatory Freshmen Experience with their was being asked to be shifted down to the 2nd storey,
publicity booths. Although this event comes under the thus causing it to be away from the other Freshmen
Events portfolio, I decided to take it up since I was in the Experience booths. Both Convocation and the Freshmen
committee last year and understand how it is being Teambuilding Camps are compulsory events for the
conducted. freshmen, hence being placed together would be most
This year’s matriculation however, was slightly different
from the previous years’. Part of the Matriculation is In the next matriculation event, I hope there can be less
being conducted online, meaning that no physical constraints and more flexibility in the planning process.
matriculation was being required. However, students As many offices are involved in this entire event, it would
would still need to submit hard copies of their be good to start planning early and have more open
documents and collect their matriculation card. This is channels of communications to facilitate discussions.
extremely crucial to us because in order for the freshmen
to be able to know more about our camps as well as Last but not least, I would like to thank my team for all
sign up for them, they would need to physically be in the help rendered prior to and during the Matriculation
school. period.

Our challenge was that this year, instead of having the

2nd window for International Students, locals can also be
matriculated in the 2nd one. This resulted in a decrease in
students matriculating in the 1st window, and it was more
difficult to find camp participants because most of the
camps are earlier this year, before the 2nd window. If a
student has not been matriculated, he/she will not be
able to sign up for any camps.

H1N1 also pose a problem, especially in the 1st window,

where some of the camp co-coordinators in
matriculation were suspected to carry the virus. OFM
made it mandatory that everyone who enters SOA needs
to go through a temperature scan and precautions were
taken to prevent the spread of the virus.

The location this year was the same as the previous year,
and we were assigned to the 3rd level of the School of
Accountancy (SOA). Our space for camp exhibitions was
thus, tightly constrained. Keeping in mind the fire safety
exits, we assigned the school CBDs to be on the inside
corridor, while the CCA CBDs to be on the corridor
beside the escalator. To ensure fairness, spaces were
allocated by randomly drawing lots. Considering the
directional flow of the crowd was also essential. It was

Chairperson, Freshmen Team Building Camp (FTB)

The world may be our The following charts reflect the feedback from the
campus but amidst our freshmen 2009 with regards to the camp. In all, FTB
learning, we need to set 2009 was a resounding success.
apart the truth from the
smoke and mirrors. Thus, FTB helped you to understand student life and SMU
our theme for FTB 2009: Real/Lies.
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
For the entire month of July, an estimated 1700 freshmen
gathered at OBS East Coast Park to undergo the rite of 9% 1% 7%
passage that is part of every SMU student’s experience.
Under the umbrella of Freshmen Experience, in which
every freshmen will be introduced to SMU in a series of
exciting events, FTB provided the first platform for
freshmen to truly discover what it really means to be 38%
branded SMU.
In those memorable three days and two nights, with and
in the spirit of self-discovery and a sense of adventure,
freshmen learnt about true teamwork through a series of
creative problem solving activities, designed to challenge Are my facilitators able to make me understand the
participants to step out of their comfort zone. These importance of teamwork?
challenges also allowed us to introduce powerfully the Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
essence of our SMU Circle values of Commitment, 1%
Integrity, Responsibility, Collegiality, Leadership and 1%
Excellence. As Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “The 20%
ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he
stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Aptly put,
as leaders of tomorrow must realize and extol the
tangible and inimitable qualities of great leader in order to
shape a better age.

FTB left an indelible mark on our freshmen, from the

friendships that were forged to the memories that will be 36%
savored and reminisced time and time again. Truly, as a
whole, FTB was an amazing journey of revelation for Did you enjoy your FTB Experience?
many. Yes No

For the people who made FTB 2009 possible, tirelessly 11%
working behind and on the scenes- our steadfast
organizing committee-main and sub-committees, our
die-hard senior facilitators and dedicated facilitators- the
journey has been epic-worthy. To witness the joy and
exuberance of the freshmen at the end of the journey
made the all-consuming efforts of planning and running
FTB 2009 throughout the entire summer, braving even
the perils of H1N1, worth it.

Student Producer (Informal), Convocation Committee



Rockband, Chordless. The program was aimed at making

it interesting for the freshmen and more engaging as
compared to previous years.
My team also created 5 videos and 2 photo montages for
the event, making a milestone for the amount of media
rolled out within a short period of 3 months for the show.
CCA Montage
FTB Montage
FTB Video 1
This year’s Convocation Ceremony was set to be grander FTB Video 2
than ever with a theme of “Arts”. This compulsory event Convocation Video
under the umbrella of the Freshmen Experience was a rite Vivace Video
of passage to symbolically initiate students that just
Freshmen Bash Video
entered SMU with a showcase of music, song and dance
at Suntec City Convention Hall 602.
The videos were aimed to be amusing and light-hearted to
portray the meanings and reason behind each of the 4
events under the Freshmen Experience (FE) umbrella -
In this event, freshmen were welcomed by the Chancellor, FTB, Convocation, VIVACE and Freshmen Bash. It was
Chairman, members of the Board of Trustees, President, evident that we achieved our target because we received
Deputy President, Provost, Deans, faculty, staff, and senior feedback from the facilitators this year that the freshmen
students - some of which are dressed in their academic actually got the message from the videos and the meaning
regalia. behind each FE event - and the reason why they should
attend it and appreciate the efforts taken to organize these
The Guest-of-Honor this year was the Founder and Group
CEO of AirAsia, Data Sri Tony Fernandes. During the events in the first place.
ceremony, he gave an inspiring speech to all the freshmen It is noteworthy that this year, the SMUSA team worked
present which left an indelible mark at the start of their extremely well with OSL and I hope that this relationship
phase in SMU. would only improve in years to come, until the cooperation
is seamless. I believe that Convocation, on top of being a
The formal segment also included exciting performances
by some clubs clubs under ACF like Eurythmix, InDancity, formal ceremony, should also remain to be another touch
Chamber Choir and ArtDicted. It also included an point for students to feel and be impacted by the vibrant
imposing student leaders’ procession by approximately and dynamic school culture that SMU possesses, believe
300 student leaders from all the CBds under the SMUSA it or not.
family. This number is set to grow as time goes when more APPRECIATION
CCAs are being setup within SMUSA.
I would like to thank my entire team for their hard-work put
INFORMAL SEGMENT in and the time committed to make the event a success.
This major show also included interactive games like Without them, the rate of success of the event would be
Who’s That - A guessing game where freshmen get to significantly diminished. I would also like to thank Ching
Shiong and Jimmy from OSL for their constant guidance
guess what their favorite senior facilitators are acting as
according to the stereotypes placed on students from throughout the event. Special thanks also goes to my co-
different schools. It also included a segment called Battle producer Rachel Yang, the OSL Student Production Team
of the Voices - A variation of Don’t Forget the Lyrics that and SMUBE.
was played by the Bash Contestants.
Besides that, there were also performances by the
Caderas Salsa, Caderas Latinas and our very own

Chairperson, VIVACE Committee



The new system of allocating funds to the clubs

ensuring greater equality
The new system of goodie bag allocation,
relieving some of the burden on FTB facilitators,
and including exchange students into the
recipients of the goodie bags
Involving the clubs directly in the marketing of
the event, promoting joint ownership and
Vivace, SMU’s very own CCA and part of the Freshmen
Experience umbrella is aimed at exposing freshmen to It was definitely a day to remember for all involved – the
school life outside of classes and to introduce them to organizing committee, the clubs and societies and of
the multitude of activities the shape SMU’s culture. It also course, the freshmen. Everyone had a lot of fun, and we
allows them to find a place where they belong – with the are all definitely looking forward to next year.
vast diversity and range of clubs and societies in school,
there is definitely somewhere that a freshman can find
people of similar interest. It is also a day that unites all the
clubs and societies, as they come together and work
with each other.

Vivace 2009, held on 21 Aug 2009, attracted more 2000

freshmen, including international exchange students, with
its vibrant and fun-filled activities. With more than 100
booths lining the whole concourse, stretching from one
end to the other, there was never a dull moment for
anyone at the event. With all the clubs and societies
grouped and categorized into arts, sports, special
interest and community service and extreme sports,
every segment of the concourse offered something new.
The main stage at the T-junction was overflowing with
people, enjoying the exciting performances put up by
various CCA groups.

This year’s theme was Espionage, complementing the

overall air of vibrancy and energy with an element of
mystery and intrigue. The event day decorations,
publicity and the way the booths were set up allowed the
freshmen to be transported into a whole new exciting

President Howard Hunter graced the occasion as Guest-

of-Honor, taking part in the opening ceremony and after
which, taking a tour of Vivace 2009. Interacting with the
students as he passed by all the booths, he
enthusiastically took part in the booth games, try-outs VIVACE CCA Booths
and activities.

The main things that this year’s committee introduced Bottom

and believe were of great value to the event include: Wondergirls Rendition by Korean Students

Managing Director, Publications Committee



Established in 2007, The Blue and Gold is a fully student- CCAs. This section features events, information and
run publication of the Singapore Management University interesting reflections from students involved in various
Students’ Association (SMUSA) and falls under the CCAs in SMU.
auspices of the Publications Committee of SMUSA.
In our efforts to provide factual information to students, we
2009 has been an eventful year for The Blue and Gold engaged several offices in the school administration.
since the Publications Committee started the magazine in Through these engagements, we were allowed to put
2007. together informative articles that benefit students and
allow them to make informed decisions when they read
The Blue and Gold was published four times in 2009 - The Blue and Gold.
January, March, August and October. The ExCo of the
Publications Committee also developed a new tagline – We also started an online blog in a bid to engage students
“Because you need to know” – for the magazine. A small beyond the magazine. The blog is an added avenue for
advertising campaign and larger scale marketing blitz was students to write about issues that are close to their
launched to promote the magazine and its relevance to hearts. Selected articles also make it to the print version.
In terms of resources, we started a main recruitment drive
Our print ads were developed through the active during VIVACE and subsequent recruitment opportunities
participation of students. As part of the ads, an open call via email. We have promoted two editors to senior editors
for students to model in our ads was launched. This open and have in office four new editors – mostly year 1 and 2
call garnered close to 50 applicants. The final 12 (Olivia students. The current structure of The Blue and Gold is
Cheryl Low May Ling, Paresh Dhote, Kingley Lim Boon now in review and several new positions, to fill up our
Yang, Wu Yue Yue, May, Chong Xin Yi, Clinton Zheng support functions, will be created as the quality and
Guangrong, Bryan Ng Chung Jin, Alvin Lim Tingquan, standards of writing and content improve.
Audrey Lim Ruixuan, Lv Xi, Daryl Pan Zhengxiang and
Tiffany Chia Yuting) from various schools across SMU The Blue and Gold also seeks news tips, feedback and
made it to print eventually. We would like to thank them for opinions on school-related affairs.
their dedication and support towards this marketing blitz.
We believe that we should be the most important source
In addition to the print advertisements as part of the of student-related news in SMU. We ended 2009 on a
marketing blitz, we also reinforced our identity as a strong note – with more focus on marketing, greater levels
SMUSA publication by the use of collaterals. Three of participation from the student body, and an
different versions of postcards – Because we value your improvement in the quality of articles. We are optimistic of
viewpoints, Because we are the student’s voice and even more improvements come 2010
Because we give facts and figures – were produced and
distributed to the school population via our newsstands
located at all schools within SMU.

From the August issue onwards, a cover story section was

added. This section digs into deeper issues that affect
SMU students – for example in August, we featured the
thoughts and developments of the school as it gears
towards its 10th anniversary, and in October, we delved
into the issue of compulsory community involvement

A new ad-hoc section featuring different co-curricular

activities (CCAs) in SMU was added from the March issue.
Content for this issue is mainly generated by the various

Chairperson, Elections Committee


marketing for election nominations, marketing of
candidates and elections and post election marketing.
The Elections Committee is an independent team of
students invited by the outgoing SMUSA ExCo to Internal Events
facilitate the formation of a newly elected SMUSA ExCo.
Briefing for Candidates: A mandatory briefing was held
The Elections committee includes of 3 election officers as
for candidates after nominations were closed. This
dictated in the SMUSA constitution together with 4
briefing included introducing the Elections Committee,
committee members. The elections committee operates
rules and regulations set upon by the Elections
with advice from a manager from the SMU Office of
Committee, timelines and dates of events and the
Student Life.
election process during the voting week.
Before the start of every academic year, the elections
Photo Shoot Session for Candidates: To standardize the
committee would be formed and an array of election
quality of materials the Elections Committee will have for
activities would be planned and organized. These
its marketing efforts, a photo shoot was organized for the
activities include publicity materials, nomination week,
candidates. The photos from this session were used for
campaigning week, voting week and post elections
publicity during the pre-voting session, post elections
publications. These activities are aimed to raise
publicity and all relevant Emailer material.
awareness of the SMUSA and to facilitate prospective
election candidates to nomination. External Events

The SA Elections 2009 was a rather eventful election. A

total of 13 candidates nominated themselves to run for
positions in the SMUSA ExCo. They showed great
enthusiasm and passion for SMUSA and their active
campaigning created great awareness within the student
population. This is apparent during the student dialogue
session held amidst the campaigning week whereby
SMU students were presented the opportunity to better
their knowledge of the candidates. The dialogue session
was embraced with participative audiences and a
successful turnout.

Despite the small candidate pool, the sheer quantity of

the number of votes casted by the voters has shown
great enthusiasm amongst the student population, and
Nominations Booth: The nominations booth was set up
support for the newly elected SMUSA committee
to promote and facilitate the signing up and nominations
or the elections. The booth also served as a point to
The assistance and guidance from our OSL advisor Mr. provide useful information to interested students
Wong Yew Tong and Mr. Tan Kong Soon helped the
SMUSA Elections 2009 Public Dialogue Forum @ T-
committee immensely. The invaluable guidance from the
Honorary General Secretary, Rachel Seah deserves Junction: The purpose of the forum was for the SMU
student population to discuss pressing issues with the
special mention.
election candidates and also getting to the candidates in
EVENTS the process. Topics varied from student club matters to
student welfare.
The Elections Committee organized and executed
various internal and external events. The internal events
were catered for candidates who have signed up for
elections and external events included promoting and


President, Arts & Cultural Fraternity (ACF)


PERSONAL MESSAGE committee will be able to adapt, taking risk and at the
same time embracing new opportunities and changes
The 5th Management Committee (MC) had a meaningful with passion and commitment.
term of office serving the student population, and my
team and I have not regretted taking this step in our To the Student Population: Do not waste your youth by
academic life to make a difference in the lives of SMU just studying. Study and Play Hard! Have an active and
students. balance life, studying and being involve in student led
activities! Do not miss out on the fantastic myriad of
Our MC spent 2009 focusing on standards and opportunities ACF provides for students to learn and
excellence of arts and culture which brought about enjoy about arts and culture in SMU.
sharing of resources, transparency, growth and
development within the Fraternity. The MC continues to As a growing constituent body, the 5th ACF MC
streamline certain processes which will remain recognized the importance of sustainability and a long-
quintessential to enhance administrative and term orientation to improving the Arts & Culture scene in
management practices to serve the clubs better. SMU. We set out to lay a foundation for future leaders of
the Fraternity to build upon, and in that process,
Ever since ACF has started, it has been growing in introduced new core initiatives that will be built upon term
numbers. Apart from the growth in quantity, quality by term.
standards were being raised across the fraternity as more
clubs were asked to perform for the community at large OBJECTIVE
making a difference in the marketplace, penetrating the To strengthen and to build the fraternity, bringing up the
marketplace. We are proud of what the clubs are doing standards and excellence of arts and culture. This
and the passion that drives them for their talents and resulted in progression of the cluster system to develop
skills contributing to the society and to the school. sharing of resources, transparency, growth and
development within the Fraternity.
On behalf of my team, I would like extend our deepest
appreciation to Prof Low, Bernie, Jimmy, Yew Tong, our SIGNATURE EVENTS
OSL Managers, Claudine, Ching Shiong, Jeanine, Khai,
Geraldine, Kelly and Elaine who have given us invaluable Arts Camp 2009
and countless guidance and support throughout our term
of office. To SA and our fellow CBds, thank you for the T h e fi r s t A r t s
support throughout the year fostering good working Camp in 2008
relationships and friendships! was a success at
giving the
Not forgetting the committed, hardworking and unsung
freshman a taste
heroes of my team. The 5th Management Committee -
Alex, Andy, Thash, Joy, Cai, Samantha, Xinyue, you guys of the Arts
are the best! The MC is only as strong as you guys are! Community and
Making things possible and sacrificing your precious time also bonding the
to impact ACF! I would like to thank each and every of fraternity. This
you for driving the heart of the SMU’s ACF and for year Arts Camp was organised with the same objectives
supporting us in this journey. I am proud of you guys! of letting the freshman experience art forms offered by
ACF clubs and also providing ACF clubs a platform to
Thank you for being part of my life and helping to make a recruit members. On top of this, by having the ACF clubs
difference and influencing the lives of students in the work hand-in-hand with each other, the camp also
Fraternity and to the student population!
fostered relationships between the clubs.
On behalf of the 5th MC, I wish the incoming 6th MC all
the best in steering ACF towards new heights. You guys
have great potential to do greater things. There will be
challenges ahead and I have no doubt that the new

Arts Camp 2009 was entitled “Rev” which was a short members had previously participated in Arts Camp 2008.
form for adjectives describing the Arts Community such as Amongst those who have taken up Organising Committee
“revitalising”, experiencing a “revelation” amongst many roles, many have also taken up leadership roles in their
others. This year, Arts Camp, a 3 day and 2 night affair respective ACF CCAs. I am certain that subsequent this
held on campus, featured and were not just limited to the year’s participants would in turn step up to fulfil roles in
following activities: future Arts Camp Organising Committees.

Workshops and performances by 15 ACF clubs,

an increase from 2008 EVE 2009 – ACF Appreciation Night
Mass wet arts game
‘Eve’ was conceived by our
Arts Bash, a first ever night of entertainment,
predecessors, ACF’s 3rd MC.
games and celebration at SMU’s very own
The initial purpose of ‘Eve’ was
to be a night of entertainment
and enjoyment - fashioned to
be a cocktail event – and also
a bonding opportunity for ACF
members. We decided to
revive ‘Eve’ instead of the 4th
MC’s ‘ArtsBash’ because we
felt that ‘Eve’ had a more
conducive environment for
achieving the objectives of
bonding that both events had.

Night games around art venues around SMU, in This year, ‘Eve 2009’ once again fashioned itself as
an effort to expose the freshman to the vibrant art cocktail event aimed to allow ACF members to bond and
community socialize with each other; to appreciate and award ACF
Overall arching storyline which linked the clubs for their performances and achievements; as well as
marketing concept together with the activities of for freshmen to discover what ACF is all about. The main
the camp objective this time around was to concentrate on the
element of appreciation – to articulate to ACF members
how we as a MC have really appreciated their support and
cooperation in ACF affairs, and also for us to show
appreciation for all clubs, especially because some non-
performing clubs are not regularly given constant and
obvious affirmation. Therefore, we decided to further
incorporate an awards segment to show our appreciation.

‘Eve 2009’ was a success indeed, judging by the sales

response and feedback that we garnered from our guests.
The event was attended by 150 guests, including ACF
Musical production on the last day by freshman
members, freshmen, students from the general school
On top of the excitement in welcoming the freshman to population, and OSL staff, including Bernie, the Director of
our close-knit arts family, this year, extra attention to safety OSL. Even some of our 4th MC predecessors turned up to
and health was also practiced due to the H1N1 flu support the event and keep the ACF spirit alive. Guests
outbreak during summer. Much care was taken to upkeep were entertained by the various games staged, including
hygiene and the Arts Camp Committee was vigilant in the cocktail making contest, and the ‘Guess My Name’
detecting any signs of the flu amongst participants. Both contest where guests had to figure out the song title from
the Organising Committee and participants were given lyrics. The ambience of 7atenine @ The Esplanade
constantly monitored and most fortunately, no participant was great, and even though it was not a very large, the
was affected by the flu. cozy quarters allowed people to really move around and
mingle with people. This truly achieved our objective in
Overall, Arts Camp was a success, catering to 88 mind. We also managed to secure a sponsorship from
freshmen, an increase from last year, and also included Jetstar Asia, and were able to provide value vouchers for
more involvement of the clubs.The Organising Committee the first 50 people who arrived.
has also grown from strength to strength, as many of

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 NEW INITIATIVES our clubs face. Together with OSL, we can then identify
areas that we can help at the management level.
Cluster System

One of my management committee’s (MC) goals was to ACF’s Creative Careers

implement a cluster system, comprising of 4 different
clusters: music, dance, culture and media. The purpose The 4th MC started the Professional Development Talks
to introduce ACF members as well as the general school
of this was to inculcate a better sense of belonging and
population to industries that were beyond the traditional
have stronger inter-club ties. And also to improve inter- finance and banking careers. The 5th Management
club communications such that they can support one Committee decided to continue with this endeavour, and
another with challenges in logistical, administrative or any renamed it as ACF’s Creative Careers. We aimed to
other challenges they may face. Unfortunately, the conduct two Creative Careers sessions in the second half
system was not perfect. The segregation of our clubs of the semester, and we managed to engage Esplanade
– Theatres by the Bay for our first session, garnering a
into these 4 clusters was not feasible. Except the dance
respectable response with extremely positive feedback
clubs who were already helping each other, the other about how beneficial the session and the personal Q&A
clubs concluded that it was difficult to implement this was to the participants.
because of issues like the disparity in club size,
operational needs and expertise. Hence the introduction We did not
of Relationship Managers (RM); each MC member will be manage to hold
the RM for certain clubs, based on the club’s OSL the second
session because
manager. This way, for every OSL manager, there will be
at least an accompanying ACF authority, to provide with the second
guidance and advice. company did not
carry through, and
ACF Club Charging Guidelines subsequently
most companies
To target charging issues pointed out by the student were very busy
population, we have partnered with OSL to tackle on during the end-of-
such issues. The first club to have a charging guideline year period and
and endorsed by the Office of Student Life is our heavily could not commit
reliance club, SMUBE. The clubs in SMU relies mostly on under short
SMUBE to provide technical and hosting support to the notice.
students. In the next few years, most performing groups
within the fraternity will need to come up with charging
guideline to have transparency and to ensure that the
club is not a profit making organization. ACF Newsletter


Developing a Fraternity website and portal for all clubs in

the Fraternity; the portal will provide all the operational
information, guidelines and materials for clubs to access
and retrieve. Because of the short span of our term, only
the website has been completed, this initiative will be
carried on by our incoming MC who will revamp the
website and implement the portal. The website can be
accessed at
ACF newsletter were produced monthly and sent to the
Annual Report whole school population. The newsletter included two
parts: the first page is event calendar where all the clubs’
To increase transparency and also visibility within our events of the month were marked; the second page
Fraternity, we introduced and enforced the submission of consists of two write-ups of ACF clubs. Every month,
a club Annual Report. With this standard template, we two clubs would be introduced to the school population
can then identify areas for improvement, good practice s and students were informed with updates of ACF clubs’
etc. This will not only prove useful in tracking club trends events. It is a good opportunity for clubs to publicize
over the years, but also in recognizing the challenges that themselves especially for new clubs who are not well
known yet.
ACF Events Calendar 2. SMUCO

In the effort to publicise and provide a platform for ACF SMU Chinese Orchestra (SMUCO) started off with a small
group of 30 members strong of Chinese Music
clubs and ACF to feature events like performances,
enthusiasts. The absence of Chinese instrumental music in
workshops and exhibitions that ACF clubs have to offer,
SMU’s vibrant arts culture sparked off this group of
the Marketing Manager and the Events Manager
students’ passionate desire to set up a Chinese orchestra
introduced a monthly newsletter, which was designed by in SMU at the end of year 2008. SMUCO has been
our External Relations Manager. The newsletter was sent established as an official CCA since August 2009 and is
as a mass email to the school population as well as currently under the baton of Mr. Quek Ling Kiong,
featured on the ACF website. It included monthly events, associate conductor of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra
in the form of a calendar and also featured two clubs every and conductor of Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra.
month. This initiative was an excellent method of informing SMUCO is on its way to be a full-fledged orchestra. SMU
SMU about the happenings form the arts community and Chinese Orchestra strives to be a unique orchestra and to
also providing them with information on how they could be achieve musical excellence in the settings of SMU’s vibrant
a part in the array of activities that were available. I hope culture.
that the future Management Committees would continue
with this initiative and could also consider involving the Growth
wider arts district, by introducing a variety of arts events
The total ACF membership now stands at a count of
from around the island like The Esplanade and The
2,288 members (accurate as of December 2009), a
Singapore Arts Museum. 40.88% increase over figures in 2008. The increasing
ACF Buddy System number of ACF clubs and widening efforts by both the
ACF management committee and the ACF clubs to
We have also implemented a buddy system within us. promote the championing of passion, vibrancy and vivacity
Based on our predecessors’ experiences, it was in the arts and culture could possibly explain the welcome
challenging to continue regular operations if anyone within increase in membership.
their MC were unavailable. Therefore, within our term,
every MC member had a buddy tied to him/her. For
example, our Marketing Manager was tied to our External
Relations Manager, which also proved to be a good
combination because they had something common in their
duties. Except in our term of office, our Assets Manager
was tied to our Honorary Financial Secretary, 2
operational-heavy roles which did not work out as good as
we though. This buddy system was suggested to be
carried on to the incoming MC; except with our
experience, we also suggested to bring in a Deputy
Financial Secretary to help lighten the workload.

Addition to the ACF Family

During the term of office, two new clubs joined the
Fraternity, making it a grand total of 29 clubs.

1. Ballare
Ballare, a standard Latin ballroom club originally part of
Caderas Latinas, made its debut performance during
Caderas Latinas’ social dancing night, wowing audience
with the beauty and grace of the Waltz. The club went on
to impress with its waltz performance at Caderas Latinas’
Bailamos, sparking an interest in standard ballroom among
the school population. Having turned independent, Ballare
is seeking to put up its first large scale event, gl’Amour, in
early 2010. The club has also garnered much attention
from the local standard ballroom scene, having taken part Feel It, Love It, Flaunt It!
in several competitions and winning numerous awards.

President, Special Interest and Community

Service Sodality (SICS)

PERSONAL MESSAGE 3. Briefing of Finance matters and budgeting issues
It has been a fruitful year for the SICS sodality, filled with The camp was an overall successful with a 95%
new initiatives and exciting events. The direction set for attendance rate. The networking session also proved to
the year was to bond the SICS family through synergistic be useful as everyone gets to interact via games and
collaborations as well as to strengthen the relevance of strategic discussions, share valuable information and
SICS sodality to the clubs. resources, gained valuable insights on the various CCA
clubs and explored future collaboration opportunities.
I was privileged to spearhead the sodality and am proud
to report that my committee has been able to make SICS Website Course
significant improvements to the CBd over the past year
with the strong support from our constituent clubs and The SICS website course was a legacy passed on from
officers from the Office of Student Life (OSL). the previous executive committee. We were privilege to
have Mr. Shahfik from Dotnet Society to teach the
Special thanks to guidance from: participants how to create website and blogs using
Mr Tan Kong Soon Microsoft Expression. Majority of the participants found
Mr Lai Chieh Ming the course useful even for daily school work.
Mr Wong Yew Tong
Presidential Summit
Ms Bernadette Toh
The Presidential Summit was a new initiation by the
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my lovely executive committee. Some of the clubs under the SICS
committee Sharon, Mao Yuan, Agnes, Hui Qi, Eileen, wing have not aligned their term of office from Jan to Dec
Keith, Robin, Irene, Kong, Wei Ting, Yi Fang, Jonathan, and as a result, the transition period made it difficult for
Aksel, Jasmine, Nivedita, Aksel, Cheryl. Nothing would the new committees from the various CCA clubs to fit
have been possible without you guys! into the family. This summit serves to smoothen the
transition process for the new committee as well as a
SIGNATURE EVENTS quick overview of upcoming activities and budgeting
Student Leadership Summit
The first major event that the SICS executive committee FUGUE
had to prepare for was the annual Student Leadership The FUGUE event was a day of intimate fun, games and
Summit (SICS Camp). The objective of the camp serves interaction amongst students, Fugue is a fear challenge
as a networking opportunity for all CCA clubs as well as event set up by SICS that allows students to appreciate
a platform for SICS to better know the various clubs. One SICS constituent clubs and interact with their members in
of the primary highlights of the camp was the very first a fun and relaxed environment. The event was also
SICS AGM which primarily consist of 3 key components: intended as a collaborative opportunity to congregate all
CCA clubs together to organize an event surrounding the
1. Introduction of the new SICS executive committee
theme of fear.
2. Feedback on the Welfare survey of 2008

SICS Webste Course

Presidential Summit

Participation in Club Activities
One of the primary goals that SICS aims to achieve this
year was to better understand the functions of the various
CCA clubs as well as to play both an active and supportive
role as a constituent body.

The main idea of being a supportive body was to bring

across the key message that SICS can do much more
than purely providing funding and logistics. Hence, this
year, all the Liaison Directors (LDs) as well as our own
All CCA clubs as well as SICS
executive committee have attended our own club events
were to propose a range of
to show our moral support for the clubs.
challenges. Mini-game booths,
set up by SICS’s constituent The Leadership Team Building Series
clubs, gave each participant a taste of their activities and a
final challenge, modeled after Fear Factor, was played as a This year, SICS had the opportunity to pilot an internal
finale activity. Lucrative prizes were then awarded to the team building and leadership training under the tutelage of
participants who completed the nail-biting challenges. our in-house instructor, Mr. Wong Yew Tong, Assistant
Director from OSL. The 3rd SICS executive committee
SICS Appreciation Night were given the privilege to undergo the training and benefit
from the program. General feedback from the participants
The annual SICS Appreciation Night aims to honor and
were very positive, and we definitely hope this leadership
provide public recognition to all the CCA clubs for their
and team building series can also be brought to all CCA
efforts and progress made throughout the years. It is also
clubs and benefit them before the start of their term of
a night to celebrate everyone’s achievements and
welcome the newly elected members of the SICS
committee 2010. New Addition to the SICS Family
The Award Winners of the SICS Appreciation Night 2009 Within the fiscal year, there had been a number of
are as follows: proposals requesting to set up new clubs within the SICS
sodality. It had been an eventful year reviewing the new
Awards Award Recipient proposals and definitely most encouraging seeing the
Outstanding Special Interest Gourmet Club many diverse interest groups waiting to be formed. Here
Club of the Year 2009 are some of the new addition to the SICS family:
Outstanding Community Service SMU Red Cross
Club of the Year 2009
Best Newcomer Award Recreational Gaming Club
Best Supportive Award Strategica
Best Partnership Award (SI) Verts & AstrOrdinary (Earth SICS Appreciation
Hour) Night
Best Partnership Award (CS) SMU Red Cross & Caretalyst
(Baik Heart)

On behalf of the 2nd SICS Management Committee, I wish

the new management committee every success in
bringing out the best in our constituent clubs.

SICS Marketing Newsletter
In order to increase the amount of participation in SICS
events from the SMU community, the marketing
department came up with the SICS marketing newsletter,
updating the community of upcoming events happening
within the month. The newsletter allows clubs to better
publicize their events and also raise the awareness of SICS
as a constituent body. It has also serve as an avenue to
better utilization of email quotas.

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 1. Defense Arts (formerly known as KAPAP)
Defense Arts teaches modern day defense strategy
using an original combat system of defensive tactics,
hand-to-hand combat and self-defense methods.

2. Barworks

Barworks serves to impart useful knowledge about

liquors, liqueurs and cocktails which can come in
handy for socializing in the business setting. It also
serves as an avenue for students who are passionate
about bartending to learn about cocktail mixing and
bar flaring.

3. Caretalyst

Supported by CityCare Ltd., one of the leading social

enterprises in Singapore, Caretalyst aims to leverage
on their parent organization to build synergistic
relationships with corporate enterprises, grassroots
organizations and other community groups to meet
the needs of each member of the society. Their vision
is to create an environment where every member in
the community shows genuine care for the
underprivileged and Singapore society by catalyzing
a transformation into a better place for all to live in.

Looking forward, SICS will continue to strive towards
excellence and enhance the vibrancy of SMU student life
with its diverse mixture of interest groups. I am confident
that our sodality will be able to achieve greater heights
under the leadership of the new team. On behalf of the
2nd SICS Management Committee, I wish the new
management committee every success in bringing out
the best in our constituent clubs.



President, SMUXtremists (SMUX)


PERSONAL MESSAGE For this year, we intended to approach this with more
variety. Our aim was to not only be more active in the SMU
It is with great pleasure that I, on behalf of the 8th Crew,
community but also market ourselves better. Our new
present you with a concise version of the SMUXtremists
Signature Event the SMU Adventure Race will also help us
Report 2009. This report is a simplistic summary of what
to consolidate our position in the Singapore adventure
we did the entire year which cannot be covered in the
allocated 4 pages. If you wish to find out more, refer to our
SMUXtremists Annual Report 2009. Approach our Streamline operations
Honorary General Secretary to obtain a copy.
In terms of operations, there is always room for
On behalf of the 8th
Crew, I would like to thank each and improvement. In the past year, we saw that an improper
every SMUX Member who has helped in terms of not only handing over of knowledge was taking place. There were
organizing, but also being such enthusiastic participants information gaps and procedures were not always
as well. followed. In order to run a tight ship, the Crew undertook
various changes in working style and function in order to
Thank you for an unforgettable year. be more effective. We looked at how information
technology could aid our operations. While balancing that
SMUX OBJECTIVE 2009 with normal manual procedures that were executed well.
Diversified member attraction/ retention
Due to factors such as school and the basic level of
activities, Teams found it difficult to attract a large core Adventure Race 09
group of members. “Diversified” refers to the different The SMU Adventure Race (AdRace) is an inaugural
extent each Team took in terms of balancing attracting adventure race, a new signature event that aims to raise
members versus retaining members. The objective was to the SMUX profile. This is an introductory one-day multi-
apply the right strategies for each club in order to disciplinary race that challenges participants through a
maximize the core membership. combination of outdoor adventure elements across
different stations in Singapore.
Promote development of leadership and skills
The nature of organizing a SMUX event will consist of This event was met with great success from both
participation in its Organizing Committees. This will instill a members of the SMU Community and especially the
sense of Leadership and Ownership in projects. Also, this public. We hope to continue strongly next year as well.
year, the official submission for Crew and Team ExCo
SMUX Camp 09
names was on Oct 15th. As such, there was a need to
shift the structure profile of leadership from Year 1’s to Year Held yearly to expose the
2’s. The grooming of leadership and talent is good not only incoming freshmen to the
for the CBD but also the student’s abilities. In terms of plethora of outdoor and
skills, we felt that in order to better retain members and for adventure sports that SMUX
the better of SMUX, it would be prudent to increase the does, SMUX Camp 2009,
skill and proficiency level of our members. Increased skills themed Evolve With Us, was
not only brings about more confidence but also increased one roaring success.
safety as well.
The array of activities
Raise profile of SMUX featured in the event,
After an initial testing period, it was found that Volar! was comprising biking, ice-
not doing what it was intended to do, which was to raise skating, laser-tag, diving,
the internal and external profile of SMUX. Our underwater-hockey, to name
predecessors placed too much emphasis on Volar! as the a few, only further
single event to bridge that gap. emphasized that outdoor activities can be both fun and
manageable for everyone.

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 NiteBike 09 and the accountability of the funds allocated to the
purchase of assets.

As of Jan 2009, SMUX follows a new method of

accounting, where its asset listings are updated through
a periodic clearing of approved purchases. Biannual
internal audits of both assets and procedures have also
been implemented to guard against the recurrence of this
unprecedented discrepancy from taking place again.

For its 2009 asset tally in Sep 2009, SMUX has achieved
a zero discrepancy and 100 percent compliance rate with
regards to all assets and procedures for our CBD.

Establishment of Web and Social Media Marketing

The online portal and web presence of SMUX has been
rebirthed this year with the establishment of the official
A part of our SMUX Mission is to bring our fellow website, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and forum.
students out of their comfort zones into the outdoors to The fully functional website features snazzy graphics and
experience the many adventures it brings. SMUX represents the revamped SMUXbites which has now
NiteBike 2009 – From Stone to Steel provides the been incorporated to present regularly updated articles
opportunity for many of the students for the very first time on the site. SMUXtremists’ history, corporate profile,
to experience cycling on the road and in the night, both important details as well as other miscellaneous
by itself a very much different experience from just biking information can also be found on the site. Teams are also
along the bike paths of our Singapore parks. given their own page featuring the team profile, history
and executive committees.
The event is a night of adventure for the participants,
challenging their physical and mental endurance as they The forum was also launched to allow for dynamic
cycled almost 70km around the island, with its fulfilling communication between members, allowing them to set
uphill climbs. Not forgetting rest and fun, there were up group and post discussion topics. Facebook and
ample pit-stops for them to refresh themselves and Twitter provided an alternative marketing channel apart
interact with the group. The program committee from emails that gave members timely reminders and
presented a well-thought storyline to entertain and well- notifications about ongoing events and happenings.
devised games that challenged and bonded the groups Given the social connectivity amongst members and rise
further. The event definitely is a night to be remembered in social media marketing, setting up these channels
for many of the participants and our organizing represented an important step for SMUX to become
committee. competent against other professional bodies.
NEW INITIATIVES Last but not least, Flickr was a solution that allowed for
Significant Deviation from OSL Method of members to easily access each others’ high quality
Accounting for Addition of Assets photos that facilitated sharing of experiences and at the
same time, function as an effective storage archive for
As of Dec 2008, SMUX has followed OSL’s method of
past events. With great help from Kayaking Manager Kian
accounting for assets via a yearly tallying of excess units
Hean, SMUX has reached new levels this year in terms of
of physical count against pervious’ year’s final count. This her web presence.
method has several fundamental flaws which has led
SMUX to pursue a new method of accounting for greater Exploring New Marketing Platforms
credibility and accountability to our stake holders.
Besides tapping on the Internet, other non-conventional
For Jan 2009, SMUX upon conducting a physical count ideas were also brought into play. Tapping on freshmen
of all assets under its CBD has found discrepancies needs for class nametents, the first ever SMUX-wide
amounting to 30,388.42 SGD unaccounted for (148% nametent was produced which garnered signups totaling
more than the book value of 20531.30 SGD as almost 200. The SMUX nametent looks set to be
accounted by OSL). In view of these serious shortfalls of continued in the following years and have also inspired
accounting values, Logistics have decided to other spin-offs such as the SMUX Camp 2009 nametent.
independently pursue its own method of accounting for
assets to address the issues of credibility in the numbers

SMUX was also the first and only CBD thus far to have Online Water Proficiency Certificates (WPC)
sent representative student bloggers to contribute entries
to the SMU Open House Blog. As part of the recruitment The new regulation at SMU requires all members to
possess a valid swimming certificate or the SMU
exercise, a live blog is posted online to feature student life
and experiences. SMUX contributed a significant number endorsed WPC in order to participate in any water
of entries by enthusiastic members, eager to share their activities. SMUX has collaborated with OSL to move
adventurous escapades. these records online for key appointment holders in the
affected clubs to access. This has significantly decreased
Also, SMUX developed the first ever coordinated formal the response time for event administration in terms of
wear for important occasions. The signature orange ties safety issues.
(for men) and orange flower corsets (for women) made
their debut on Convocation Day when a troop of Xtremist
representatives wore them with pride on suits and shirts
for the ceremony.

Launch of Xtreme Rewards Program

The Xtreme Rewards Program is a new initiative that was

launched to provide:

A standardized
platform for both
SMUX and its
partners to develop
p r o g r e s s i v e l y,
enabling members
to explore more new
Improved control
and accountability
for both SMUX
members and
The Xtreme Rewards Program helps partners to easily
identify SMUX members through the use of the
Membership Sticker that is affixed to the SMU
Matriculation card, giving partners the identity of
members at one quick glance.

The Xtreme Rewards Program also increases members’

ability to find sponsors, through the use of the SMUX
portal, forum as well as the partner decal which is affixed
to the storefronts of our partner merchants.

Excel Signup Sheet

The number of events that each active member

participates in his or her time in SMU is almost countless.
In order to facilitate and reduce the repeated process of
members having to enter personal particulars for every
event, an excel signup sheet was created where in a
matter of seconds, official members of SMUX can sign Top to Bottom
up for an event using solely their NRIC number. SMUX Trekking . SMIUX XSeed . SMUX Kayaking

WIDE EVENTS 17 to 18 January 2009
SMUX Biking Team Events Gunung Angsi
SMU Open House
22 to 23 February 2009
SMUX played an active role as a CBd Bike-a-Laxaton 2009
Mount Rinjani
17 January 2009
in this year’s first student life display
Tour De Singapore 2009 29 April to 6 May 2009
during Open house. Many of our
members came to show their 24 February 2009 Gunung Chamah & Gunung Ulu
support and to explain to potential OCBC Cycle Singapore 2009 Sepat
freshmen about what they could 22 February 2009 25 July to 1August 2009
expect in terms of adventure from Kukup Sri Mahkota Waterfalls Trek
SMU. 9 to 10 May 2009 5 to 6 August 2009
Altius I, Kuala Lumpur - Gunung Irau Trek
Patrons Day Singapore Expedition 5 to 7 October 2009
SMUX Operations Directors were 5 to 11 August 2009 Gunung Yong Yap
responsible for getting a large group Altius II, Penang - Kuala Lumpur 11 to 15 December 2009
of SMUX Members to participate in Singapore Expedition Singapore’s Women’s Everest
the various games and fringe 2 to 9 December 2009 Team Talk
activities to show support for school Wednesdays with Kenneth (WWK)
activities and to interact with other SMUX Diving Team Events
members of the SMU community.
Underwater Hockey Open SMUX Skating Team Events
CCA Day (Vivace) Season Dive
Beginner & Advanced Skating
13 to 15 March 2009
SMUX has always put up elaborate Clinics
Asia Dive Expo
displays for Vivace and this year was Skate Day
23 to 26 April 2009
no exception. SMUX turned its 20 March 2009
Reef Alert
allocated space into a Adventure Journey to the East
wonderland with displays and photos 1 to 3 May 2009 13 June 2009
all around. Complete with people on Saving Oceanus Introduction to Urban
jumping jacks and a tent set up to 24 to 28 August 2009 18 September 2009
collect member sign ups. Summer Dive
Road to Batam
31 July to 4 August 2009
6 to 16 December 2009
Dean of Students Tri-Challenge Back to School Dive
4 to 6 September 2009
SMUX sent two teams to participate SMUX XSeed Team Events
Mid Term Dive
in the Tri-Challenge and we achieved
a 1st Runner Up and a 2nd Runner Up 9 to 11 October 2009 XSeed Horseriding Camp
in 2 categories thanks to our strong End of Year Trip December 2008
riders from Biking and other strong 10 to 14 December 2009 Lasertag Game
swimmers from kayaking and diving. January 2009
SMUX Kayaking Team Events First XSeed Combined Camp
PA R T I C I PAT I O N I N I N T E R - March 2009
Horseride @ Pasir Pelangi
25 to 27 March 2009
Adjam 2009 May 2009
Bay Escapade
Second XSeed Combined Camp
Adjam is an annual event organized 19 September 2009 June 2009
b y t h e a d v e n t u re a r m s o f 4 Punggol Picnic
Introducing Jumping Jacks
universities. SMU, NUS, NTU and 8 to 9 October 2009
July 2009
SIM. This event was created to foster PEE (Post Exam Expedition)
Lasertag @ Macritchie
better inter-university relations. The 7 to 8 December 2009
Sept 2009
organization of this event is rotated Canoe Polo Clinic
Jumping Jacks
once every year. This year it would be 3 October 2009
Sept 2009
done by NTU with the assistance Kayaking Courses
with manpower from other 3rd XSeed Combined Camp
universities including SMU. December 2009
SMUX Trekking Team Events Horseride @ Horse City
Sept 2009

President, SMU Sports Union (SSU)


PERSONAL MESSAGE up and take on the leadership of the sports fraternity in
SMU, and I wish all of you the very best for the next year.
The 5th Management Committee of the SSU came
There will be tough times and moments of uncertainty, but
together in December 2008 at the annual SSU retreat to
look forward to the great times and the laughter as well. I
see how it could best contribute to the sporting fraternity
am certain that the SSU is in good hands and will continue
here in SMU. Cracks were beginning to appear between
to flourish in the year to come.
clubs, and there was a distinct lack of unity between the
different sports. We identified this as a very crucial
obstacle standing in the way of creating a sporting culture
in SMU, and vowed to do our best to patch up the cracks. Sports Awards Night
2009 saw the re-introduction of SSU’s Annual Sports
The vision that we set out to achieve was “To unite the
Awards Night after a one-year absence. The guest of
SSU and all sports clubs as one family, to encourage all
honour for the event was none other than Singapore’s
sports clubs to strive for sporting excellence, and to
most famous sprinter Mr Canagasabai Kunalan. Sports
recognise our student athletes for their contributions to the
Awards Night 2009 saw more than 20 sports clubs
submitting nominations for the various awards. 2
outstanding athletes shared the SMU Sportsman of the
I am proud to say that as a result of my committee’s efforts
year award, Wee Pui Seng from Judo, and Koh Seng
as well as the passion of some remarkable student
Leong from Sailing. Serene Ser from fencing received the
athletes from within the SMU community, we welcome two
SMU Sportswoman of the year award. The coveted SMU
new sports clubs into the SSU family – Table Tennis and
Sports Team of the year award went to SMU Rugby for
Wushu, and we have also paved the way for SMU
their amazing performance during the 2008/2009 season.
Women’s Contact Rugby to be set up alongside the
Sports Awards Night 2009 was attended by almost 200
existing SMU Touch Rugby club. This brings the total
athletes from the 41 sports clubs within the SSU.
number of sports clubs in SMU to 41, and needless to say,
membership amongst sports clubs is at an all-time high. Waikiki

Relations between sports clubs and the 5th Management Waikiki 2009
Committee have also improved tremendously thanks to proved to be
the transparent open door policy that my fellow committee the biggest
members and I have opted to implement. The club buddy and most
system that was first implemented by the 4th Management e x c i t i n g
Committee has also become an effective way to reach out installment of
to the huge number of student athletes in SMU. t h e S S U ’s
flagship event
These vast improvements would not have been made to date. Held at
possible had it not been for the tremendous amount of S e n t o s a ’s
hard work, perseverance, blood, sweat and tears of every Siloso Beach
single one of my committee members. Together we for the first time, Waikiki 2009 drew in a total crowd of
struggled through hours of meetings, pre-event and post- almost 1200 participants who were there to soak in the
event packing and moving of logistics, and not to forget sun and participate in the various competitive beach
the actual events themselves. Not to forget, we also had games. There was also the introduction of the first ever
an amazing year of joy and laughter together, and it will Waikiki Sundown After Party, where local bands such as
always be a year that I will look back on with fond The Great Spy Experiment performed for participants who
memories. I thank all of you sincerely from the bottom of stayed behind after the conclusion of the day activities.
my heart for being a fantastic committee to work with, and The annual Waikiki pageant saw the crowning of Mr
I would like to tell you all that I could not have pulled Nicholas Foo as Mr Waikiki 2009 and Ms Krystle Khoo as
through the year without all your help. Ms Waikiki 2009.

To the 6th Management Committee, I am glad that my

committee has done enough to inspire all of you to step

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Sports Leaders Camp 3. SSU Corporate Communications also introduced the
first-ever SSU Sponsorship Proposal template for
The annual Sports Leaders Camp was held once again
clubs seeking sponsorship for their events. The
at NACLI, and the leaders from SSU’s 41 sports clubs
purpose of the sponsorship template is to aid clubs
came together for a 2D1N retreat to get to know each
when they approach companies for sponsorship.
other, find out more about the SSU 5 MC’s new policies
This initiative will hopefully allow clubs to obtain
and to discuss any problems they were facing. Sports
sponsorship more easily to help in the running of
leaders interacted amongst themselves and with the 5th
their events.
MC through dialogue sessions and small discussion
group sessions. Clubs were required to send a minimum
of 2 members for the camp. The camp ended on a high
with the sports leaders enjoying a sumptuous BBQ
dinner on the final evening of the camp.

Sports Camp
SSU’s Sports Camp 2009 “Skamp!” was the longest and
most activity-packed sports camp ever held. Registration
for “Skamp!” was fully subscribed, with some unlucky
freshmen being placed on a waiting list. More than half of
SSU’s sports clubs also had a part to play in the camp
program, and largely contributed to the huge success of
the camp. Participants of “Skamp!” were introduced to a
smorgasbord of sports throughout the 4 days, and they
also took part in the first-ever 2-day Amazing Race
segment of the camp, which saw participants racing
around Singapore to complete sports-related tasks. The
Amazing Race culminated in a celebration dinner held for
all the participants and helpers, where they were treated
to performances by the facilitators and a sumptuous

Sports Fiesta
The final event on the SSU events calendar for 2009,
Sports Fiesta continued to provide SMU students the
chance to participate in various sporting activities such
as soccer, floorball, handball and dodgeball, as well as
fringe games at the campus green. The theme for Sports
Fiesta 2009 was Texas Hold’em Right There, and the
competitive games enjoyed the usual overwhelming

1. Introduction of outreach program for sports clubs to
approach talented athletes from junior colleges and
polytechnics. With the help of OSL and OUA, these
athletes will be assessed and if deemed suitable,
they will be granted admissions interviews to pave
the way for their application to SMU.
Ashley Liew, President Aquathlon doing another
2. The SSU monthly newsletter was introduced by SSU personal best
Corporate Communications, with the purpose of
highlighting achievements and raising the profile of
sports clubs in SMU. Clubs are encouraged to
continue to use the newsletter as an avenue to
inform SMU students of their club’s activities as well Floorball at Waikiki
as to help raise awareness.


President, SMU Accounting Society (ASOC)


PERSONAL MESSAGE Professional development – advancing the interests and
competencies of accounting students
2009 was a fantastic year for Asoc as we continue to
The following initiatives were rolled out during the year:
uphold the high standards of excellence set by our
predecessors. What I found constantly challenging was ICPAS Industry Talk gave students insights about
the need to balance between leading the team as well as work life in the Big 4, Banks and MNCs.
solving operational issues. Fortunately, I am very proud to
Deloitte and Touche Office Visit
say that I am indeed blessed to work with a team of very
capable and motivated individuals in the Fifth Performance Auditing and Career Talk by
Management Committee to serve the students effectively Auditor’s General Office
and efficiently. Accounting internship opportunities in Shanghai
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the SOA “Matching Your Personality Traits to your Career
Dean’s office including Dean Pang, Prof Themin Suwardy, Choice” talk by ICPAS
Ng Luck Pia, Adeline Heng, Lydia Chan and Denise Yong
Tax policy talk conducted by IRAS
for their valuable advice and assistance, Prof Yee Loong
who ties us up with corporate professionals as well as Tax Investigation talk by Mr. Goh Khee Kuan,
Professors Pearl Tan, Andrew Lee, JJ Williams, Foo See former Deputy Commissioner of IRAS
Liang, Katherine Yuen, Kevin Ow Yong and Gary Pan for Financial Crisis Talk by
their support. I will also like to thank the Fifth EDB International Policies Talk by EDB Centre
Management Committee as well as the various standing Director, Tan Yong Han
committees for your relentless dedication and hard work
in ensuring the successes of Asoc’s initiatives.

NEW INITIATIVES We introduced biannual welfare packages to be given out

to the students. One of them included the new Food
Student Survey
Fiesta package where sweet treats were given to the
Keeping the student’s interest in mind, a comprehensive students to perk them up during the stressful weeks.
survey was rolled out in Dec 2008 to garner feedback
from students about what they wanted Asoc to consider Sponsorship
in its 2009 initiatives. After much evaluation, we rolled out We were fortunate to be able to establish fruitful
new initiatives and improved the old in order to better relationships with corporations that will not only offer
serve the Accounting students and stakeholders. Such financial support but also develop the student’s interest
new initiatives were introduced to ensure that we are able and competencies in Accounting. Many thanks to the
to cater to the changing needs of new intakes of dedication and hard work of my team members our
students. Stronger relationships were built with our key account and relationship with Institute of Certified Public
stakeholders – SOA Dean’s Office, Institute of Certified Accountant of Singapore (ICPAS) as well as the Big 4
Public Accountants of Singapore (ICPAS), the Big 4 accounting firms grew and blossomed during the year
Accounting Firms, alumni and most importantly, our very
own accounting students. Publications
Accentuate has reached new milestones in the past year,
SMU-ICPAS Case Challenge
especially with the publication of the Information Kit for
Jointly organized by Asoc and our esteemed sponsor incoming freshmen. The objective was to introduce
ICPAS, SMU’s first accounting case challenge focused freshmen to the culture of Asoc and the activities
on “Mergers and Acquisitions”. Courses conducted by organized by the society. In addition, the kit included
PwC partners aimed better prepare the students. In the advice from seniors on a wide range of topics from
grand finals, SMU Accounting’s brilliant finalist studies to exchange and overseas inter nship
showcased their hard work, wits and sleek presentation opportunities.  
skills to a panel of high profile CPA Singapore judges.

Sporting a total of 300 student participants from the three local
universities and we are looking to organize a larger camp
Our athletes has done
in the following year. Such collaboration with NUS and
the Accounting cohort
NTU is a stepping stone to future Singapore Tri-University
proud by consistently
coming in as
champions or first
Other Events
runners up for inter-
faculty sporting Asoc Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner where
e v e n t s . H o w e v e r, we ushered in the New Year with students,
what is more alumni, professors and staff from Dean’s Office.
important and noteworthy is the fact that we are now
reaching out to more accounting students. Emailers are
now sent to the entire school when we are looking for
students to represent Asoc at these competitions and we
are seeing greater participation rate from across all four
levels of the school. With greater awareness of our
athletes’ achievements amongst the student population,
we are also seeing greater support for Team Asoc.

Creative Solutions
Asoc shifted its official homepage to http:// in July 2009. The new site featured a Asoc Gala Dinner – “1 After Four” which which
more elaborated description of Asoc’s very own events signified the brand new chapter in life the
and activities and act as a gateway to communicate and graduates will be embarking on, as well as their
interact with the students. The website was used for the coming together as one after four memorable
very first time in the MC Elections to better inform the years in SMU. It was held at Dempsey’s Oosh
voters. Moreover, a bidding survey and academic section which provided an excellent setting for a casual
was added to assist students in making an informed and interactive cocktail event, accompanied with
choice when choosing and bidding for their modules. In live musical performances, good food, wine and
addition, our very own accounting student, Roy Quek beer. Our graduates mingled freely with friends
conducted a Smartphone workshop. and faculty with whom they have spent much of
the last three to four years with.
Asoc Camp – Absolut’U this year took on the
The focus of events this year is to establish a more theme of Superheroes and Villains, with the
familial relationship amongst the students of School of various orientation groups taking on names
Accountancy, and lay the foundations of a stronger Asoc ranging from Daredevil to Big Bad Wolf. Despite
identity. Annual events were organized with the objectives the threats of the H1N1 virus, necessary safety
of providing casual settings for the students to interact precautions were taken by the camp committee
among themselves and also with members of the faculty, to ensure a safe and enjoyable start to the SMU
and to provide a platform for students to relax and have journey for the many Accountancy freshmen.
fun during the school term with food and games. Asoc Day 2009 took on a casual and familial
Members of the NTU and NUS student clubs were also picnic setting to relive the very first Asoc Day
invited to some of the events to foster stronger ties and which was held at a quadrangle at SMU’s Bukit
cooperation among the three universities. The Asoc Timah campus.
events organized throughout the year are:

The Tri-University Camp – Bizioacctiv3
T h e Tr i U n i v e r s i t y e v e n t w a s
I am happy to say that the newly elected 6th MC
revamped this year into a camp
members are enthusiastic and dedicated directors.
format, drawing accounting and
Judging by the new initiatives and revamps that are
business students from NUS, NTU as
coming up in the new year, I believe that the newly
well as SMU. Held in SMU, the camp
elected Sixth Management Committee will continue to
saw a subscription rate of 1.5 times
serve and bring Asoc to greater heights.
the number of vacancies. There were

President, SMU Business Society (BONDUE)


PERSONAL MESSAGE effort – I am sure it is not lost on most of the student
population in SMU. I sincerely hope that this has been a
2009 has been a momentous year for the SMU Business great learning experience for each and every one of you,
Society (Bondue). Apart from the various new initiatives as much as it has been for myself.
Bondue has introduced, all the clubs under the LKCSB
have been subject to a major restructuring in light of the The successful 2009 calendar of events that Bondue
various newly formed clubs such as the SMU BFIG as enjoyed has only been made possible by the various
well as the OBHR society. contributions of all the aforementioned people. It is with
these many thanks in mind, that I present the milestones
Internally, Bondue has also continued to re-invent itself achieved by Bondue in 2009:
throughout the course of the year in order to align itself
with the needs of the business students. Evolving from its MILESTONES & ACHIEVEMENTS
past role as a primarily social and welfare club with only a
1. Academic Events
perfunctory role in academic matters, Bondue has tried
its best to organize more academic events in order to Know-Thy-Major Talks
ensure that all the needs of business students are Dean’s Tea session
catered for. 2. Welfare initiatives
Booking of SRs during study break
Before I proceed any further, I would really like to extend
my sincere gratitude to the various parties who have Free Tau Huey
helped develop and establish Bondue in the past year. UBS welfare pack + survey
They include – 3. Social Events
Bondue Bash
1. The Deanery Office, and in particular Professors Lim
Bondue Freshmen Camp
Kian Guan and Ong Siow Heng who have always
been so supportive of Bondue events the past year Bondue Fondue Party
Vegas Night 2009
2. The LKCSB administrative team, especially to Siok
Appreciation Night
San, James and Elaine for really taking the effort to
bridge the gap between the administration and the 4. Sporting Achievements
students. Adrace - Champions
Gravatical Challenge - Champions
3. The various members of the staff and faculty, as well
as the students who have all helped in one way or Runabout Challenge - Champions
another in any of the Bondue events (especially in the Get Wet Inter-school Relays – Champions
sub-committees), without whom none of the events DOS Tri-Challenge – 2nd Runners up
would be possible. 5. Newly formed business clubs
4. Last but not least, the members of the 5th Executive SMU Banking and Finance Interest Group (BFIG)
Management Committee (MC) who have all worked Merchant’s Club
tirelessly with me - for their passion to serve, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource
tolerance, dedication and perseverance: (OBHR) Society

Especially to my dear ExCo members, I thank you for
your kind patience and tolerance of me throughout this Bondue Bash
entire journey. Trust me when I say more often than not, I
Bondue Bash is one of the flagship events in the Bondue
draw inspiration and strength from each and everyone of
social calendar. Usually organized as a welcome back-to-
you when the going gets too tough. Thank you for just
school party, the Safari-themed Bash this year was held
being there, and thank you on behalf of the student body
at Zouk, and it was quite a smashing success. Entitled
for your selfless contributions and sacrifices of time and
“Caged Inhibitions”, the Bash also included a student
Bondue Fondue High Tea Party
A very new event
introduced this year
was the Bondue
F o n d u e H i g h Te a
Party. Inspired by the
underlying concept
which prompted the
name Bondue, this
Fondue High Tea party
was one indulgent and
leisurely affair with
heavily subsidized
rates for business
Bondue Freshmen Camp undergraduates. It
was a great time for
Ask around and you’ll
students to take time
find out that the Bondue
off their busy schedules for a relaxing catch-up session
Freshmen Camp is one
with friends over extravagant food, relaxing music and their
of the most popular
choices of luxury: dark, white or milk.
camps on campus.
Always oversubscribed Appreciation Night 2009
and organized
Last but not least, the Bondue year ended with
exclusively for incoming
Appreciation Night 2009. This casual dinner affair was
business freshmen, the
essentially organized with the primary purpose of
Camp provides
expressing Bondue’s gratitude to all those who have
freshmen the
helped out on the various sub-committees for the different
opportunity to start their university lives with a huge bang!
events and initiatives organized throughout the year.
This year was no different - fully sold out within just a week
of opening, the Camp was held over 3 days (2 different
runs). It was certainly an unforgettable experience for our
freshmen as they were initiated into our Business family. Know-Thy-Major Talks

Vegas Night 2009

The Know-Thy-Major talks are one of the most important

academic initiative organized by Bondue. These talks
serve as important information sessions to let students
The next biggest event on our social calendar is our very know the various academic requirements and compatibility
own Vegas Night. Vegas Night is Bondue’s largest social of the different majors organized by the school. These
event for the entire school population which culminates in talks also provide students with the opportunity to gain
an annual glitzy gala dinner. Apart from the hugely popular insight into possible career paths and the various industry
poker and mahjong tournaments, the event this year also options that they will have upon graduation.
provided a true slice of the Vegas experience with
celebrity impersonators, wedding booths and recreational
gaming activities such as Black Jack, Tai Sai, Roulette and
Casino Wars. It was a night of great fun, only experienced
and known to all those who attended – after all whatever
happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!

SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Dean’s Tea to ensure that the rights of the business students are
always protected.
The Dean’s Tea, which essentially functions as a
feedback and brainstorming session where both faculty
I wish the 6th Executive Committee all the best in their
and student leaders gather to address and deal with any
future endeavors, and all our members a fruitful year
concerns raised by business students. Issues that have
been discussed ranged from the lack of a rigorous
enough curriculum to the waning interests of students in
non-academic activities.


Academic events aside, Bondue also has several welfare

initiatives in place. The most popular initiative would be
the exam welfare tau huey initiative, where Bondue
provides free beancurd to students studying late in
school during the study week. In addition to this, Bondue
also books seminar rooms and extends air-con hours for
these rules specially for business students.

Welfare Package

This year, Bondue also teamed up with UBS to distribute

free welfare packages during the examination period.

There is no doubt that Bondue is now in a transitional
stage. While I am greatly heartened by the willingness of
my peers to take up the leadership mantle and start the
various new business clubs, the challenge therein lies for
the succeeding Bondue president and her team to
renegotiate Bondue’s identity in light of these new clubs.
What the functions of Bondue should be have to be re-
thought and discussed at great length for the coming
new year.

Nevertheless, it is my hope that the new ExCo will always

remember that one important obligation will never
change – and that is Bondue’s duty to be the voice for all
business students. Bondue must be continue to be
committed to representing and where necessary fighting

President, SMU Economics Society (OIKOS)


“OIKOS” was added to the name of SMU Economics
Society by the 6th Executive Committee. “OIKOS” stands
for home and family in Greek, representing the Society's
vision of uniting the SMU Economics community and
establishing a home away from home for all. The “man” in
the middle, which resembles a person jumping in the air,
represents vibrancy, and it was adapted from our original
logo. The right hand of the man reaches out to the sky,
symbolizing our passion for excellence.


Intermezzo 2009

The annual dinner event was held at SMU Administration

Building level 10. With the combination of white and gold
cloth, candles, dim lightings and the refreshing view of the
business district in the vicinity, the usual examination hall
was instantly converted into a cozy party venue. A perfect
setting to wind down from the buzz of SMU life!

In the midst of good food and drinks, we got students and

faculty members to share their experiences of being part of
the economics family. From representing the school in
sporting competition to organizing events such as our
trademark Oikos Camp, it was clear that everyone played
their part in the vibrancy of the school.
Econs Chalet 2009
As the event came to a close, students voluntarily stayed
behind to help in the tearing down of the set up! Such is
The annual Econs Chalet was held from 21st to 23rd April
the family spirit of Oikos!
2009, at the National Service Resort and Country Club
(NSRCC). The 3 days 2 nights event was separated into 2
segments. The first 2 days were set aside for the
Economics Camp and Economics Bash Organizing
Committee Members to bond as well as to set goals and
expectations for themselves. The 1st night ended with a
fun-filled bowling tournament.

Catered dinner along with barbecue food were prepared

for the 2nd night to welcome the rest of the cohort, made
up of mostly senior students. It was a great night to chill,
full of food, drinks and laughter.


Academic Talk
The Academic Talk was a new initiative introduced by the
6th Executive Committee in conjunction with the SMU
School of Economics Office. Conducted once every
semester, the talk serves the purpose of bringing the real
business world closer to students, addressing academic
related issues such as career prospects as well as
discussions on current economic affairs. Guest speakers
made up of industrial professionals, SMU graduates and
professors will be invited to share their views and
experiences with students.

Our guest speaker for the February 2009 session was Ms

Ng Hwee Jan, Vice President of T.Rowe Price Group, Inc.
and T.Rowe Price International Inc. She is an analyst on
the Equity Research Team of T. Rowe Price International,
Inc. (Singapore) with over 20 years of investment
experience. Issues brought up include:

1. What employers are looking for when hiring

investment analysts

2. What's happening to the equity market?

3. Impact of the credit crisis on the financial market

The night ended with a session of question & answers

(Q&A) which Ms Ng expertly handled. Indeed a fruitful
learning experience for the students! Be sure to look out
for the next Academic Talk!

Exam Welfare Giveaway Nov 2009

An Exam Welfare Giveaway was organized in week 13,

led by the incoming 7th Executive Committee. A total of
250 welfare packs consisting of a notebook, post-its and
either a bowl of chin chow or tau huay, were given out.
Though a small gesture, the initiative has certainly put a
smile on the faces of our peers and hopefully, in its own
small way, has made studying more enjoyable this
mugging season.

CNY Initiative

This year’s Chinese New Year celebration saw the first

ever joint initiative between the SMU Economics Society
and the SMU Social Science Society. Students from both
schools were issued “Ang Paos” filled with sweets,
snacks and vouchers entitling them to treats at Four
Seasons and Simply Toast. Participants also joined in the
fun of decorating a banner to appreciate the school as
well as to give shout-outs to friends. The banner was
subsequently displayed around the school the following
month as a commemoration of our first ever joint

President, SMU Information Systems Society (SISS)


As the year draws to an end and we reflect on a year that Starlight Serenade – Investiture
has sped by in hardly any time at all, I am proud to say,
A new committee’s investiture is often known to most, as a
SISS has on its journal another successful year.
solemn affair with rigid formalities and boring procedures.
SISS does not believe so. With a jubilant and cozy
atmosphere, this year’s investiture was held at Fashion Bar
A school is but a building with four walls distinct by and Yellow Jello as we honored and thank the 4th
individuals who pass through it in their journey towards Management Committee’s effort and ushered in the new
attainment and the others who in time serve in aiding to committee with a rejuvenated beat as everybody partied
reach it. These people, different as they were before along to mark a new year.
coming into this school, now share the same cornerstone
in their life to come and are bonded by the same identity Flaunt-IT 2009
we have come to call home.
A SISS signature event, I believe most would not be
foreign to the 3rd year running of Flaunt-IT. In a world
Passed down from generation to generation, the SIS
where the meek wallflowers are ignored and the bold
experience continually emphasizes on the importance of
rewarded, what better way to grab the attention of the
this creation of bonds to instill the sense of camaraderie
prospective employer than with a professional well-taken
among every member of this newfound family.
resume photograph? Understanding the need of our
students, SISS’s Flaunt-IT delivers high quality professional
This is the SIS spirit as well as the SISS calling.
makeover and photography services to SMU students at
only a fraction of its cost. Continually improving it over the
This year, as we adopt the same tradition and culture
years, Flaunt-IT 2009 was twice its original size and
passed down from our predecessors, our committee
managed to cater to and capture the needs of a much
embarked on a vision to build and to foster an even more
wider audience.
vibrant family that was handed down by our predecessors.
Metamorphosis 2009 – Freshmen Orientation Camp
As the student body for the School of Information Systems
(SIS), it is heartening to see our society growing into a big The inducting rite into the family, Metamorphosis is no alien
and strong tree garnering immense support and trust from to any SIS student. This year’s metamorphosis was a
new peers, faculties as well as the administration. As we roaring success with huge sponsorship deals from Starhub
contribute back to the student life through events, and NCS.
initiatives and welfare, it is extremely warming to see
individuals within this family altruistically sacrificing time Glow – Freshmen Homecoming
and effort for the betterment of their peers and to make In conjunction with the vision to foster a vibrant family,
school a warmer place to belong to. Glow 2009 serves as the first bond between freshmen and
seniors, both local and international students as they join
MILESTONES the family with a huge party to break the ice.
In our fast concluding office term, I am pleased to inform
all stakeholders of the various milestones the management Monstarr Party – Year End Dinner
committee and the executive committee has set across Rounding up the year, before we waves our goodbyes and
the year.
then meeting up for a brand new year, it is in our tradition
to mark the closure of the annum with a family dinner.
The heart and soul of our society, running events has been
SISS forte and bridge towards building the family we have
grown to accustomed to. This year, 5 major events were
successfully planned and organized by the society.

Academic Reference Committee (ARC) SISS.SG
With the growing concerns regarding academics in the At the start of our office term, we realized the difficulties
student body on issues such as BOSS bidding and in maintaining a close contact with our students via the
course tailoring, it is often that students feel left out and usual means such as emails. As such, as a key
not consulted for changes that would impact them the achievement this year, we have decided to revamp the
most. As such, to deal with this problem at its grassroots website to transcend from just an information source into
level, SISS initiated a new Academic Reference a get together portal where SIS students can find new
Committee (ARC), formed by 8 students from every internships or job openings made avail by alumni or
batch nominated by their diverse background to provide industry partners.
our Deans and Faculties a first hand account on their
concerns in a twice per term meeting.

President, SMU Law Society (The BAR)


PERSONAL MESSAGE want much but are unwilling to do much, and it is people
like you which make a difference. I hope this has been a
At the start of the year, the 2nd Management Committee’s fruitful and learning experience for all of you, and I wish
vision was to build a fun and loving community, whilst you all the best in everything else that you set off to do.
inculcating a sense of professionalism, and thereby
creating an identity which all SMU Law students can be The continued operation and success of the society was
proud of. Only in its second year of operation, the Society made possible only with the contributions of these people.
faced many challenges as a young and growing society. With these many thanks, it is with great honour that I
Thus, at the end of my term, it is with great pride that I say present the milestones achieved by the Law Society in its
that we are surely but slowly making the steps towards second year.
maturing into a student society.
The Society’s second year saw many milestone changes,
1. Events
refinements to its structure, internalizing of standards, and
evolvement of portfolios. As the Society continues to Law Play
improve how it functions and evolves according to the M.A.D – Movie and Dinner
changing needs of the community, I would like to thank Lawlympics
everyone who contributed to its growth – Night at the Museum

1. At the forefront, all members of the Society who had Back to School Taboo Competition
assisted in the various departments in their activities Lawlypop – Law Day
and made the community a richer one. 2. Academic initiatives
2. The School of Law Office for their continuous support, Collin & Ng Partners dialogue
especially, Law Suo Times
Our faculty advisor Professor Basil Bitas, Book Sale
A/P Locknie Hsu in dealing with academic matters Prison Tours
Mr Tan Teck Kiang, Ms Yen Lee, Ms Serena Yue, Exchange / LSM dialogues
and other supporting staff
3. Other initiatives
3. The Management Committee members who served
Shout-it-out Law School survey
beside me – for the hard work, passion for the Society,
tolerance for each other, perseverance through the Exam Welfare
difficulties, and dedication through the many long 4. Sub-club activities and achievements
meetings 5. Other milestones
4. Committee Members of the Law Sports Club,
International Relations Club, Pro-Bono Club, and Moot EVENT HIGHLIGHTS
Court Club.
Kicking off the calendar year was “Assault & Flattery”, the
Law School’s first ever production at the Raffles Hotel
To all members of the Society, the life and the shape of the
Jubilee Hall in January. Fully written, produced, directed,
community will always depend on you. Law School must
and acted by law students, it was received with great
be more than the library, the seminars, class participation
enthusiasm and was a roaring success, hitting almost full-
and our assignments, and I encourage all of you to take a
house sales for both nights. All profits from the event were
stake in moulding this community to how you want it to be
donated to Club Rainbow, a non-profit organization for
like. Do continue to celebrate your identity as a law
disabled children. Following its enthusiastic reception last
student, and work towards your ideal university life.
year, the next major event organized was Lawlympics, a
sporting competition for members to pit their sporting
To the 2nd Management Committee, thank you for putting
finesse against each other in law-themed games such as
up with the long hours. Through the many meetings and
“Obiter floorball”.
operations, you have sacrificed much to serve the larger
community. The world will always be full of people who
SMUSA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 To round up the term, the Law Society celebrated a “Night Pro-Acad Department Book Sale
at the Museum”, a chill-out-and-relax party held at the
The Pro-Acad Department also pioneered and organized a
premises of Red Dot Museum, with free drinks and free
physical book sale, providing a reliable and convenient
food to mark the end of another academic year and the
platform for members to buy and sell their textbooks at the
final exams.
start of every term. The department was also instrumental
in clarifying many academic doubts regarding pupilage,
Come summer, the events, marketing, and sponsorship
syllabus, and exchange scholarship and funding issues.
committee worked full throttle in planning Outlaw 2009, a
mafia-themed freshmen orientation camp. The three day
two night camp saw participants plunged into a myriad of
activities such as Fright Night, a Murder-Mystery, and Midway through the year, members were asked to take
Amazing Race. part in “Shout-It-Out”, a detailed survey regarding almost
all aspects of the Society, including the activities it held,
The last major event academic and module queries, as well as the general
organized was Lawlypop, impression of the Society and grounds for further
otherwise known as Law improvements. Results for the survey were submitted to
Day, a talentime competition the relevant authorities to push for the changes asked for,
where members showcased such as the time length given for projects and
their singing, dancing, and assignments.
performing talents in an
attempt to clinch top prizes. During the final exams, “Exam Welfare” was also given out
Dinner and drinks were in the form of snacks and drinks provided to tide members
provided, and all members through the night as they revised their work.
were encouraged to come
down to celebrate their identity as a law student and SUB-CLUB ACTIVITIES & ACHIEVEMENTS
support their friends taking part in the event. The year saw the four sub-clubs, namely, the SMU Law
Sports Counsels (LSC, also known as the Law Sports
INITIATIVES Club), the Pro-Bono Club, the Moot Court Club, and the
International Relations Club (IRC), further develop and play
This year, the Professional and Academic Department took
a more active role in enriching the lives of the members.
on a more active role in the Society by providing avenues
for members to explore their academic options, as well as
To encourage the sporting culture of the Society, the LSC
to learn more about the legal fraternity. With the upcoming held “Law School PE” sessions, where members came
Law Study Mission (“LSM”) and first batch of students down to play traditional “PE” games such as Captain’s
going on Exchange, a dialogue session with the SOL office
Ball. Through the LSC, members were also encouraged to
was set up to facilitate any clarifications of any doubts. To take part in the many competitions organized in SMU, and
reflect the sentiment of the Society, a survey was also set
the Society saw healthy participation in events such as the
up to indicate top preferences of locations for the LSM. A inter-school Dragon Boat competition, Run-About, Waikiki,
FAQ was designed to attempt to address any further Tug-of-War, and Get Wet. Outside of SMU, the Society
inquiries following the dialogue sessions. Academic-wise,
has done well in its participation in the Law Fraternity
the department has also put forward a number of Games, and I am pleased to share that in the recent Rajah
suggestions regarding course syllabus and administration
& Tann Soccer Tournament, the SMU Law Team came in
with feedback from the Society. 2nd, beating our counterparts in NUS to reach the finals
only to bow out to the experienced and well-trained Rajah
Law-Sup Times
& Tann team.
The Law-Sup Times is an online newsletter released twice
every term, with a compilation of the latest news and The Pro-Bono Club stepped up its activities this year as
interesting information from the legal fraternity, allowing well, providing a channel for members to give back to
members to be constantly updated with recent events and society by assisting lawyers in Pro-Bono activities. This
legal news. To further aid members to be in touch with the year, the club was active in the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme,
legal fraternity, dialogue sessions with Collin Ng & Partners the Community Legal Clinics, Pro-Bono office attachments
were organized to allow members to meet up with with the Legal Aid Bureau (Law Society of Singapore). This
practicing lawyers to gain a practical insight of working life. year, the club has also started preparing for their
Prison tours were also organized at the beginning of every “Heartlands Talk”, an event which aims to educate locals
term, where members could visit prison sites in Singapore about their legal rights and how the legal system can
to learn more about how they operate and the life of assist them (pending approval).
With the introduction of another batch of students, the from organizations such as AWARE and MURUAH
Moot Court Club saw more society members being Singapore.
involved in the mooting scene. With the faculty assisting
much in the training and forming of teams, four teams Internally, the Society has improved its manner of
were formed to take part in international competitions recognizing the contributions and CCA records of its
throughout AY2009-2010. It is with great pride that I share members in an efficient and systematic manner as well.
that the SMU team came in second in a recent mooting Important changes and amendments were made to the
competition held in Vietnam! Constitution as well.

The International Relations Club provides an avenue for FUTURE OUTLOOK

members to be more involved in the international scene, Apart from striving towards
and to get to know other law students from other our vision this year, the
countries. This year, IRC sent a number of student society strived to refine and
delegations to various countries such as Hong Kong, set in place key working
China, and the Philippines. IRC was also involved in relationships and systems
supporting the New York State Bar organized later in the to ensure the smooth
year. running and operation of all
its activities. Come its third
OTHER MILESTONES y e a r, i t w i l l b e t h e
Apart from supporting the activities of the Society, the responsibility of the next
committee to further
improve on what we have
left behind, and continue to
meet the needs of its
members. Given the youth
of the Law School,
academic concerns and syllabi are still uncertain, but the
Society will increasingly demand for more transparency,
autonomy, and involvement in deciding what courses they
can offer. Much more can be done in involving the Society
in the school’s Exchange and Law Study Mission
programs as well.

Moving into its third year, the Society will further evolve to
Marketing Department was also involved in coming up becoming a full-fledged one hosting four full years of
with the Law Magazine and the Society’s website. students. With the incorporation of the Juris Doctorate
Following the successful reception of The Law students, the community and needs of the Society will be
Underground last year, the 2nd edition of the magazine increasingly varied and diverse. Furthermore, with the
moved online this year, in line with the initial developments Society’s members moving into their 3rd and 4th year soon,
for the Law Society’s website started this year. older members will demand different things from the
younger members, and it will be the 3rd Management
The Public Relations Department has achieved much this Committee’s challenge to ensure that the society
year as well. Apart from establishing cordial relationships continues to remain relevant to every law student in SMU.
with the many law firms and legal bodies, the department
has gone on to secure event partnerships with a number There is so much that the Society can further achieve. A
of firms, ensuring future sponsorships for the major events bright future lies ahead, so long as its members continue
of the Society (Lawlympics, Law Camp, Law Day). to believe in it, support it, and contribute to the community.
It has been an extremely fulfilling, learning and challenging
During the year, the Society also year for the Society this year, and above all, I pray that the
partnered with the “No-to-rape” Society has become a more fun and loving, more
campaign, co-organizing a discussion professional, and a more identified community. I wish the
as to whether the defence against 3rd Management Committee all the best in its future
marital rape in the Penal Code should endeavors, and all members, a fruitful and enjoyable year
be abolished. Members of the table ahead.
included Ex-NMP Siew Kum Hong,
NUS Professor Chan Wing Cheong, and representatives

President, SMU Social Science Society (SSSS)


PERSONAL MESSAGE Major Decisions Talks
The 5th Executive Committee for SSSS came into office At the beginning of our term, we carried out the Student
with the vision of “Striving for excellence and pursuing Satisfaction Survey along with the SMUSA ExCo, and
opportunities as a cohesive community”, and has sought were able to get valuable feedback on the needs of our
to align the initiatives for 2009 along this guiding members with regards to academic and welfare matters.
principle. In essence, the goals of my committee were to Pursuant to these needs, we started the “Major
facilitate opportunity creation for members, and allow Decisions” talks for students who were concerned about
their abilities to shine through whatever they wished to which majors to take within Social Science, both for
pursue. This could be seen in the various new initiatives students within our school, as well as the university
we’ve created to allow more participation from Social community. Faculty members gave the talks, with
Science students. contributions from both alumni as well as current junior
and senior year students helping sophomore and
EVENTS freshmen decide.
Building on the standard ad-hoc committee setup for
Alumni Networking Session
organizing the freshmen school camp, we expanded on
the idea by bringing ad-hoc committee work to more Furthermore, more events involving alumni were planned,
events within the Social Science Society calendar, to with the Alumni Networking Session at the beginning of
provide more opportunities for students to take our term to help current graduating students find
leadership and gain experience which would be valuable opportunities in the current economic crisis through their
in their education. Cohesion events for all students and alumni. Also, it was simply a time for the alumni to come
faculty in Social Science for each term (“Tee Party” in back and share their experiences in the working world
Term 2 2008-09, and “Social Science Day: Der Karnivale” with our current students, and for them to catch up with
in Term 1 2009-10) were either wholly organized, or co- each other. Discussions have also started on the creation
organized with members of SSSS and the ExCo. of a Social Science alumni group, to further bolster the
Freshmen, sophomores, even junior year students links between alumni and the Society, as well as foster a
assisted in managing and planning these events. stronger sense of community.

Socscistan Lastly, welfare for students was further expanded upon,
with more welfare events and initiatives being carried out
Furthermore, in line with creating more opportunities for
this year. From our ‘angbao’ collaboration with
our students, two new publications were started under
Economics Society during Chinese New Year, to the
the auspices of the Society as well as the school’s
annual April Fool’s ‘package’, to exam welfare for both
administration. “Socscistan”, which serves as the
terms, we sought to create the sense of family the
school’s newsletter and as well as a showpiece for our
Society has always embodied.
students’ experiences within the school, has reached its
2nd issue at the end of our term, and is set for another PARTICIPATION IN UNIVERSITY-WIDE EVENTS
issue within the next ExCo’s term.
Our year-on-year commitment to the various sporting
The Quill events within the university continued within our term,
“The Quill”, also a new publication under SSSS, is a with representatives from our Society participating in
student academic journal which featured the best events like the DOS Tri-Challenge, to Dragonboat to Le
student-written term papers under the different social Basi. Talks with the school have also been initiated about
science majors within our school. It has published a sponsoring jerseys for the teams, and should conclude in
single issue but is awaiting further clearances with the time for the next ExCo’s term, when school funding
school for further development and evolution next year. becomes available for such needs.

As our term draws to a close, we hope that the next ExCo
draws upon the lessons of our present committee, and
committees past, to further build on the Society so that it
forever places one foot in front of the other. As such,
beginning in our term, we will start an annual archive of all
the lessons the committee has learnt, and pass it on to the
next committee so that mistakes made would not be
repeated. The continuing vision of this committee, “Striving “It’s all about...
for excellence and pursuing opportunities as a cohesive
community”, has been passed on and will hopefully be a Opportunities”
strong and ever-present feature for every committee

In conclusion, our term has been fruitful but fraught with

many challenges. We seek to ease the path of future
committees by passing on our lessons learnt, as well as
hope for the continued progress of the Society for the
benefit of all members. We wish the best of luck to the
next ExCo, and hope they may draw on our experiences
to better craft their own.



President President Alvin Lu Wenjie

Rachel Kok Weixian Rachel Kok Weixian Jacqueline Tan Yan Lin
Isaac Chin Yi Sing
Member Vice-President Daren Li Zhao Xian
Daren Li Zhaoxian Daren Li Zhaoxian Tan Yin Yin

Member Honorary Finance Secretary

Avnish Ashvin Desai Avnish Ashvin Desai
Member Events Secretary SMU GUIDE
Lynette Chua Ai Tian Lynette Chua Ai Tian
Member Welfare Secretary Lynette Chua Ai Tian
Delphine Hu Shing Delphine Hu Shing Michael Ng Wai Ting

Member Assets Secretary Writer

Rachel Yang Qimin Rachel Yang Qimin Rachel Kok Weixian
Tan Yin Yin
Member Business Secretary
Alson Chew Ming Yong Alson Chew Ming Yong
Member Student Initiatives Secretary Rachel Lee Rui Chao
Athena Wang Tian Hui Tan Yin Yin Chern Di Xi

Member IT Solutions Secretary Photographer

David Yong Xiang Wei David Chua Zhihon Kelvin Chng Soon Yeong

Member Deputy Finance Secretary

Kelvin Chng Soon Yeong Lionel Chow Kok Yew
Member Deputy Events Secretary PAP ORGANIZING COMMITTEE
Nathanael Lim Yao Hui Don Liu Zhong Jie
Charlene Fu
Phylicia Koh
Kristina Tung Hui Xian

Member Finance IC
Brandon Chen Jun Hao Jonathan Koh Wen Jie

Member Officers Secretary/HR IC

Naresh S/O Vijayakumaran Eugene Tan Chua Ming Lin
Clara Lim
Member Artistic Advisory / Welfare IC
Keh Jing Ren
June Yong Zi Jun Dael Sim
Member Sponsorship IC
Lavinia Cheng
Benedict Chen Zhaorui Lee Jin Sheng
Justin Chua
Member Adeline Tay
Marketing IC
Joshua Leong Wen Jun Candice Ye
Kelly Kon Yikun

Programs IC
Claire Monica Wong Yun Yi

Resource Secretary Assistant Chairperson
Chairperson Khine Su Mon Sarah Leong
Lynette CHUA Ai Tian
Logistics IC Vice-Chair
Joan Chen
Vice-Chairperson Choo Jianhao
Adhyan ARIZKI Secretary
Logistics 2IC
Caroline Goh
Steering Heads Yvonne Tan Yi Wen
Tan Mei Ling Tracy Finance IC
Sarah Swee Ping Zhen Finance Head Liew Min Shan
Don Liu Zhongjie Rachel Therese Yiu Xin Yi
Rachel Yang Qimin Finance 2IC
Lim Jun Jie Publicity/Marketing Head Nina Lee
Cheong Cui Wen Berton TAN Jian Yang
Marketing IC
Leong Lifen Sarah
Audrey Soh
Joan Chen Shiqi
S Priya Shandhini Marketing 2IC
Goh Siau Ling
KHOO Qian Yu Operations IC
Sarah Chong Producers Kervin Chong
Chloe Loh Kaiqing Don Liu Zhong Jie
Lavinia Cheng Rachel Yang Qimin Operations 2IC
Berton TAN Jian Yang Siah Hwei Ting
Denise Teo Wei Lin Directors
Logistics IC
Cheow Yidian Cheong Cui Wen Sam Go
Audrey Soh Xue Ling Lim Jun Jie
Goh Siau Ling Logistics 2IC
Julie Lo Ruli Marketing Manager Stellicia Sim
Denise Teo Wei Lin
Lee Jun Kiat
Programmes IC
Programs Manager Esther Tan
Ong Tzy Yiin
Programmes 2IC
FRESHMEN TEAMBUILDING Assistant Marketing Managers Vivian Yew Shi Hui
Myo Thy Ya Kyaw HR and Welfare IC
Nguyen Viet Linh
Chairperson Aaralyn Tong
TAN Mei Ling
Assistant Program Managers Sponsorship IC
Jacinda Sng Jia Hui
Vice-Chairperson Sherlyn Chua
Sandy See Peri Yan
Sarah SWEE Ping Zhen Tessa Ang Cheng Ai Sponsorship 2IC
Ng Jie Ying
Programs Heads
SIA Jianyang
LOH Kaiqing (Chloe)

Manpower Head
Sugumaran Devaraja
Manpower 2IC
Vaybhav Kumar Sharma

SMU STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION Finance Secretary, Business Chloe Sng
Chairperson Finance Secretary, Economics
Rachel Yang Qimin Society Chairperson
Lim Zi Hin Delphine Hu Shing
Logistics Manager, SMUXtremists
Lester Lim Finance Secretary, Law Society
Tay Jie Ming
Ng Jie Ying
Logistics Manager, SMU Sports
Union Finance Secretary, SMU
Sheryl Baey Information Systems Society Operations IC
Lee Weijing Thiri May
Logistics Manager, SMU Sports
Union Finance Secretary, Social Science
2nd Matriculation Window IC
Thashalan Raveendran Society
Ting Mei Chen
Amanda Gwa Wei Ling
Logistics Manager, Special
Interest & Community Service Finance Manager, SMU Sports Logistics ICs
Sodality Union Tan Chay En Joanne
Jonathan Tan Lee Xin Yi Pamela Wong Jia Qi

Deputy Finance Secretary, Special

Interest & Community Service
Agnes Ang Yi Wen
Chairperson Chairperson
Avnish Ashvin Desai
Deputy Finance Secretary, Lynette Chua Ai Tian
Economics Society
Hazel Ang Yingqi Secretary
Lionel Chow Kok Yew
Samantha Kwan
President, SMU Students’
Association SMU STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION Finance Secretary
Rachel Kok Weixian PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Zheng Shujing
Committee Secretary Managing Director
Jayraj Singh Michael Ng Wai Ting Programs IC
Rachel Yang Qimin
Finance Director, SMU Sports Acting Managing Director Amanda Lau
Union Owen Tan Wah Chen
Koh Zi Yi Internal Liaison IC
Dai Wei Xin
Finance Secretary, Arts & Cultural Anirban Datta Gupta
Fraternity Ephraim Loy Suan Je Jennifer King
Samantha Loh Wenli
Acting Editor-in-Chief External Liaison
Finance Secretary, Special Alexandria Neo Wan Xian Isaac Chin
Interest & Community Service
Sodality Editors
Zhang Maoyuan Bharath Ranganathan
Suren Rastogi Ng Kok Leong
Finance Controller, SMUXtremists Truong Thi Ngoc Anh Jacqueline Tan
Irene See Yi Ling Pranav Backliwal
Pang Hui Qing Internal Liaison IC
Finance Secretary, Accountancy Esther Yeo Shu Xian Claressa Wong
Society Talisa Kaur Dhaliwal
Amanda Lam
Vivien Yeo Hui Yian
Graphic Design Jennifer King
Faith Hu Jingyi
Director HR Director
Alson Chew Ming Yong UniVantage Director Lim Jie Ying
Chua Ming Lin
Honorary General Secretary Logistics Director
UniVantage Vice-Director Jensen Koh
Wong Weiting
Sherilyn Tan
Logistics Executive
Finance Director
Seah Yu Xiu
Cheryl Chian UniVantage Marketing Director
Jessie Neo Jie Si
Gan Shu Min
Sabrina Chew Wan Jun
IT Solutions Director
Lee Jun Kiat UniVantage Sales Director Marketing Directors
Grace Tan Cassandra Ong Zi Ling
Operations Director Lee Jun Kiat
Sam Kevin Go UniVantage Corporate Relations
Manager Marketing Executives
Human Resource Director Candice Luo Lee Sze Ming Shermaine
Lim Jieying Claire Lee Heng Pei
UniVantage Account Executive
UniVantage Director Thiri Aung Myink Kyaing (Tammy) Programs Director
Pauline Nadua DONCERAS Kenny Lin Bao Chong
Chua Ming Lin
Kelvin Goh   
Programs Executive
UniVantage Vice-Director  Jamie Tan Hock Choon
Christiana Wijaya
Sherilyn Tan Asheeq Rafie
Lim Pang Wei
Lau Jun Hui
Lim Yin Ling
UniVantage Marketing Director Qu Shu Hua
Sherlynn Sim Xuele
Gan Shu Min Jensen Koh Jian Sheng Fatimah Bte Yasin
Jack Moy Lim Min Wei
UniVantage Sales Director Melanie Wong Shu Xian
Grace Tan Ang Hee Publications Directors
Yan Meixin (Angeline) Lee Jun Kiat
UniVantage Corporate Relations Hein Latt Zaw Sahimi Bin Ahmad
Manager Lam Kee Yann
Candice Luo Jessie Neo Jie Si Sales Directors
Candice Luo Yusi
Events/Bazaar Director UniVantage Marketing Executive Grace Tan Choo Ling
Priya Shandhini Joice Tjen Jack Moy

Sales Executives
Events/Bazaar Vice-Director
Koh Sin Ee
Oliver Chan
Ang Hee
Melanie Wong
Events/Bazaar Marketing Director SMU STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION
Julie Lo BIZCOM UNIVANZAAR Sponsorship Directors
Gan Shu Min
Events/Bazaar Sponsorship Kelvin Goh Hong Wei
Chua Ming Lin
Chan Jueling Sponsorship Executives
Xie Miao Lan
Events/Bazaar Programs Director Reenee Sophia Martin Ngo
Sherilyn Tan Ying Ting
Dennet Yap


President President President

June Yong Zi Jun Chen Zhaorui, Benedict
Naresh S/O Vijayakumaran
Vice-President, Special Interest Honorary General Secretary
Vice-President Sharon Yeo Hwee Ru Ng Ling Yi
Alex Owyong
Vice President, Community Operations Director
Secretary Service John Goh Guo Zheng
Ong Yu Hian Nivedita Venkateish
Operations Director
Honorary General Secretary Michelle Tan Anqi
Finance Secretary Yeow Hui Qi
Samantha Loh Wenli Business Development Manager
Honorary Finance Secretary Lucas Quek Weiji
Event Manager Zhang Mao Yuan
Joy Ho Pui Wen Corporate Communications
Deputy Finance Secretary Manager
Agnes Ang Yi Wen Caryn Goh Jialing
Marketing Manager
Zhang Xinyue Marketing Director Financial Controller
Wong Wei Ting See Yi Ling Irene
Public Relations Manager
Lam Cai Yu Assistant Marketing Director HR/Welfare Manager
Chee Yi Fang Soo Su Xian
Assets Manager
Events Director Logistics Manager
Thashalan Raveendran Irene Ong Lester Lim Tai Ang

IT Director SMUX Biking Team Manager

Robin Tan Kah Wee Marcus Yap Renjie

Logistics Director SMUX Kayaking Team Manager

Jonathan Tan Wei Loong Lim Kian Hean

Welfare Director SMUX Diving Team Manager

Aksel Yap Kian Wuei Xander Leong Jia Wei

Liaison Directors SMUX Trekking Team Manager

Eileen Tay Yanling Myra Tan Yong Fen
Keith Eng Tai Sheng
Kong Yen Lin SMUX Skating Team Manager
Jasmine Teo Yen San Tan Hui Xin
Cheryl Chiang Si Yuan
SMUX XSeed Team Manager
Leonard Ng Wei Tat


President President President

Joshua Leong Wen Jun Athena Wang Tian Hui David Yong

Vice-President/Welfare Director Vice-President

Leong Zhenyan Tay Wee Leng
Melissa Soh Kay Junn Fern
Honorary General Secretary/ Honorary General Secretary
Honorary General Secretary Sponsorship Director Candice Ye
Shaun Tham Qinwen Tan Yu Pei
Finance Director
Honorary Finance Secretary Honorary Finance Secretary Zhang Yacong
Koh Zi Yi Vivien Yeo
Events Director (Bondue Bash)
Finance Manager Events Director Ang Chi Jun
Lee Xin Yi Chen Xian Wei
Events Director (Bondue Camp)
Events Director Professional Development Amanda Lim
Clement Choong Yong Hui Director
Chong Han Ping Events Director (Vegas Night)
Events Manager Brandon Quek
Jacintha Tan Mei Yi Marketing Director
Sum Yit Wen Events Director (Appreciation
Events Manager Night)
Paranjothy Vanessa Anne Publications Director Wondeline Drahma
Lu Yifang
Logistics Director Sponsorship Director
Sheryl Baey Ying Yan Sporting Director Ji Wen Jing
Roger Koh
Corporate Communication External Liaison Director
Director IT Director Caleb Cheow
Huang Jieying Ong Teng Chiat
Marketing Director
Marketing Managers Chelsea Lim
Fu Shu Qi
Joses Wong Qi Liang IT Director
Tan Boon Kiat
Facilities Director
Shaun Yoon Chee Mun Welfare Director
Koh Gui Jie




President President President

Kristina Tung Nathanael Lim Yao Hui Kelvin Chng Soon Yeong

Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President

Victor Tan Gin Wei Michelle Ong Jiahui Kevin Chan Pui Foong

Honorary General Secretary Secretary Honorary General Secretary

Ang Yingqi Kimberly Tan K-ju Gaw Hwee Hoon

Honorary Financial Secretary Finance Director Honorary Finance Secretary

Lim Zi Hin Tay Jie Ming Lee Weijing

Events Director (Welfare) Events Director Events Director

Benjamin Lai Chung Siew Hoong Joel Tan

Events Director (Academic) Professional and Academic Assets Director

Melvin Chay Development Director Lim Hang Loon
Thai Zhern Leing
Welfare, Recruitment and Liaison Public Relations Director
Director Marketing Director Sum Wai Yuan
Leong Wen Guang Mark Cheng Xin En
Marketing Director
Marketing Director Public Relations Director Danny Seow Liang Cong
Michelle Leong Wong Shi Yun
Welfare Director
Lee Siew Hui

Business Solutions Director

Tan Yi Zhuang

Publications Director
Ernest Cai Kunrong



Brandon Chen


Ephraim Lin

Honorary General Secretary

Vithiyah Kumar

Honorary Finance Secretary

Amanda Gwa

Events Director

Liu Ruixiang

Student Affairs (Academic)


Eugene Yan

Student Affairs (Welfare) Director

David Koh

Assets Director

Joanne Chan

Marketing Director

Adam bin Abdul Rahman



The Executive Committee of the SMU Students’ Association (SMUSA) presents to their members the following
Consolidated Income Statement for the financial period of 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009.

We, the undersigned, being SMUSA Executive Committee Officers, do hereby state that in our opinion,

A) The Statement of Income and Expenditure, together with the notes thereto, set out on pages 87-88 of this
annual report are drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs and the results of activities of
the Association as at the above stated financial period

Prepared by:

Mr. Avnish Ashvin Desai
Honorary Finance Secretary,
9th SMUSA Exco

Mr. Lionel Chow Kok Yew
Deputy Finance Secretary,
9th SMUSA Exco

On behalf of the Executive Committee:

Ms. Rachel Kok Weixian
9th SMUSA Exco


Notes 2009 2008

$ $ $ $
Revenue I

Student Activities Fees 301,398 285,941

Office of Student Life 286,000 239,745
Students' Association Council II 73,919 144,955
Club Reserves Utilisation III 105,891 33,674

767,209 704,315

Other Income
Club Collections/Incidental Profits 236,525 302,923
Donations/Sponsorships 135,353 43,183
OSL/School Admin Additional Funding IV 60,419 11,650
CCA Day Voucher Collections V 8,252 5,565

440,549 363,322

Total Income 1,207,758 1,067,637

Expenditure VI

Participation in SMU events VII -194,477 -135,621

External non-competitive activities -59,431 -62,806
External competitive activities -117,683 -6,295
Club organised activities:
Members-only participation -251,854 -268,064
SMU-wide participation -175,616 -178,222
Open to public -56,530 -53,682
Administrative Operations -57,674 -137,176

Total Expenditure -913,264 -841,866

Total Surplus VIII 294,494 225,771


1. Domicile and Activities

The Singapore Management University Students’ Association (the Association) was formed in the Republic of
Singapore in 2000 by the pioneer batch of students of the Singapore Management University. The
Association has has its office at No. 80 Stamford Road, Basement 1 – SMUSA Student CCA Offices, School
of Information Systems, Singapore 178902.

The principal objectives of the Association are to promote and safeguard the interests of the members of the
Association; to uphold and respect the dignity and equality of every member of the Association without
regard to religion, race, or politics; and to promote welfare, social, cultural educational, and sporting activities
to the members of the Association.

The principal activity of the Association is to provide support to the various member Constituent Bodies
(CBd) and member Co-Curricular Activities Groups (CCA), encouraging their endeavors in enhancing student
life and participation in co-curricular activities in enhancing student life and participation in co-curricular
activities.There have been no significant changes in the nature of these activities during the year.

2. Basis of preparation

These notes form an integral part and should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Statement of
Income and Expenditure.

The unaudited Statement of Income and Expenditure was prepared by the 9th SMUSA Executive
Committee’s Honorary Finance Secretary, Mr Avnish Desai, and Deputy Finance Secretary, Mr Lionel Chow
with guidance from Office of Finance on the use of the SAP system.

The SMUSA Executive Committee is satisfied that the SAP records reflect a true and fair representation of
the state of accounts for the Association.



Allocated funds are recognized when the University makes a transfer of an approved amount to the Association.

Allocated funds comprise an approved amount granted to the Association by the University, ad hoc funding by the Office
of Student Life to specific activity groups or particular events and prize money won for activity group participation in
events organized University-wide.

Other revenue comprises revenues received from sponsorships, collections for activity group events held and services
rendered by the activity groups, in accordance with their respective declared principal activities. Other revenue is
recognized on receipt basis.


The Students's Association Council increased the support of the total budget issued throughout the year by tapping into
the Association's reserves. This was done in recognition of the increased intake and additional clubs introduced into
the various constituent bodies to the association.

The abovementioned also includes the Council's recognition of the additional support needed by clubs in the period
between 1st August to 31st December 2009 in preparation of the various activities organized for SMU's 10th Anniversary
Celebrations, particularly SMU Arts Festival 2010


The creation of the Club Reserves Account was to continue to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of the clubs, as well
as allowing them to provide for their long term plans. Some of these include international competition participation and
fixed asset purchases. Clubs which are able to accumulate more reserves are also encouraged to utilise them for their
own budgets to enable other less endowed clubs to have more money through the budget distribution.


OSL / School Admin Additional Funding includes additional funding to clubs by the Office of Student Life as well as the 6
School General Offices under the various outreach programs such as Sports/Arts Excellence Programmes and/or in
support of selected club organised initiatives.


CCA Day vouchers were incentives given to clubs by the Office of Student Life on the basis of popularity amongst the
freshmen population.


Expenditure is recognized at cost. Expenditure types listed below have been broken further into the following
categories of expenses, consistent with the guidelines issued by the Honorary Finance Secretary of the Association:

1) Assets Maintenance and Repair

2) Assets purchases < $100
3) Assets purchases >= $100 and <= $500
4) Assets purchases > $500
5) Attire
6) Coaching Fees
7) Facilities Booking/Payment to External Organisations
8) Gifts/Prizes/Awards
9) Publicity
10) Stationery
11) Food and Beverages
12) Transport
13) General Expenses

For the detailed breakdown for each expenditure type, please refer to the Appendix provided.


Participation in SMU Events includes registration fees for club participation in school events. Some of these include
Runabout, Sports Fiesta, Waikiki. It also includes expenses for CCA Day, Patron's Day etc.


Surpluses for the year are allocated to Club Reserves and Unspent Budget pulled back to the SAC on a semi-annual
basis. This is carried out with accordance to the guidelines in the Reserves policy. Taking into account the surplus as
at 31st December 2009, it would bring the cumulative amount of available funds belong ing to the Association (SAC
Reserves) and its members (Club Reserves) to $611,693.91.

For participation in SMU For external non- For external competitive

events competitive activities activities
2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008
$ $ $ $ $ $
Assets Maintenance and Repair 2,926 3,128 269 937 1,068 -
Assets purchases < $100 3,217 5,730 1,219 4 189 -
Assets purchases >= $100 and <= $500 3,914 6,424 1,073 780 145 234
Assets purchases > $500 3,657 3,582 3,808 890 - -
Attire 10,139 12,445 12,883 5,957 2,716 510
Coaching Fees 69,694 47,451 1,323 3,420 2,680 -
Facilities Booking/Payment to External 6,769 3,975 12,383 11,200 1,240 1,720
Gifts/Prizes/Awards 9,441 2,685 376 1,379 4,959 120
Publicity 32,036 15,415 200 2,637 3,960 989
Stationery 2,545 3,325 - 242 4,184 -
Food & Beverages 31,910 8,928 2,013 5,225 27,839 180
Transport 1,057 1,210 2,232 236 2,863 1,290
General Expenses 17,173 21,324 21,653 29,900 65,839 1,252
Total Expenditure 194,477 135,621 59,431 62,806 117,683 6,295

Club Organised Activities: Members only SMU-wide participation Open to public

2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008
$ $ $ $ $ $
Assets Maintenance and Repair 22,160 9,050 611 699 600 228
Assets purchases < $100 4,476 1,808 1,229 381 1,318 220
Assets purchases >= $100 and <= $500 13,490 5,933 2,679 1,332 696 542
Assets purchases > $500 13,844 6,052 1,312 650 3,060 1,066
Attire 5,247 9,980 10,237 5,676 3,543 12,823
Coaching Fees 103,978 87,102 9,933 666 1,270 -
Facilities Booking/Payment to External 29,929 68,540 17,757 27,966 3,341 16,381
Gifts/Prizes/Awards 2,910 3,558 16,302 6,693 5,605 1,184
Publicity 2,331 12,908 8,446 13,237 6,692 2,797
Stationery 1,372 2,200 1,159 2,016 644 293
Food & Beverages 26,086 34,619 62,784 68,906 7,823 3,951
Transport 5,797 6,818 7,912 10,623 2,967 251
General Expenses 20,233 19,495 35,254 39,377 18,972 13,945
Total Expenditure 251,854 268,064 175,616 178,222 56,530 53,682

Administrative Operations
2009 2008
$ $
Assets Maintenance and Repair 1,841 18,556
Assets purchases < $100 2,563 4,002
Assets purchases >= $100 and <= $500 4,989 11,822
Assets purchases > $500 3,707 29,265
Attire 3,524 15,061
Coaching Fees - -
Facilities Booking/Payment to External 900 2,375
Gifts/Prizes/Awards 517 1,545
Publicity 12,001 24,251
Stationery 5,215 6,646
Food & Beverages 3,179 4,936
Transport 980 839
General Expenses 18,257 17,877
Total Expenditure 57,674 137,176
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Singapore Management University Students’ Association

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 9th Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held on
Friday, 29 January 2009 at 7.00pm at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, School of Accountancy
Building, Singapore Management University for the purpose of transacting the following

To receive and, if approved, to adopt the Singapore Management University Students’ Association
(SMUSA) Annual Report and Unaudited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2009.

- To reappoint the SMUSA Assurance & Advisory Team as Internal Auditors of the SMUSA and to
authorize the SMUSA via the proxy of the Office of Student Life to fix their remuneration
- To transact any other business which may normally be dealt with at an Annual General Meeting

By Order of the Singapore Management University Students’ Association Council

Rachel Kok Weixian

Singapore Management University
Students’ Association

Singapore, 20 January 2010


Any full-time matriculated student of Singapore Management University is a member of the Association,
and is entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, and is entitled to
appoint one proxy to attend and vote in his/her place. The proxy will need to be a member of the

1. The instrument appointing a proxy must be deposited at the registered office of the Association at SMU
Students’ Association, 80 Stamford Road, School of Information Systems, Singapore 178902 not less
than 48 hours before the time appointed for the Annual General Meeting.

2. The instrument appointing a proxy must be under the hand of the appointer in writing.

Proxy Form
Singapore Management University Students’ Association

I , NRIC/ FIN being a Member of

the Singapore Management University Students’ Association hereby accept / reject according to
my vote below, the following resolutions to be passed at the Seventh Annual General Meeting of
the said Association to be held on Friday, 29 January 2010 and at any adjournment thereof.

*Please indicate your vote “For” or “Against” with a “√” within the box provided.

If the Form of Proxy contains no indication as to how the proxy should vote in relation to each
resolution, the proxy will vote as the proxy deems fit or abstain from voting.

As witness my hand

this day of 2010

Signature of Member

1. Any full-time matriculated student of Singapore Management University is a member of the Association, and is
entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, and is allowed to use this proxy form
as an instrument to vote in his absence.

2. The instrument appointing a proxy must be deposited at the registered office of the Association at SMU
Students’ Association, 80 Stamford Road, School of Information Systems, Singapore 178902 not less than 48
hours before the time appointed for the Annual General Meeting.

3. The instrument appointing a proxy must be under the hand of the appointer in writing.

4. The Association shall be entitled to reject this instrument of proxy if it is incomplete, improperly completed or
illegible or where the true intentions of the appointer are not ascertainable from the instructions of the appointer
specified in the instrument appointing a proxy.




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