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ACS 3000R (Fall 2012)

Research Essay 1 Assignment

Superheroes Beyond the Comics: Stage, Screen, and Cinema

For the first essay assignment in ACS 3000R students are asked to write a research and analysis paper
involving the depiction of a superhero or heroine (who debuted within the pages of a comic book) on
television, cinema, or the Broadway stage. You will be provided with a list of approved topics. However,
you are not limited by this list. Your main goal with this project is to choose a film, television program,
or stage production that featured the superhero genre. You will be asked to discuss the manner in which
the superhero you have chosen was adapted to another medium outside the comic book format. You will
also be asked to consider how faithful the translation was. How was the production received by both the
general public and comics fandom? Was the production a financial and critical success or failure? How
was the production marketed and merchandised? For example, the 1960s Batman television series
starring Adam West was a pop cultural phenomenon that was criticized by many comics readers who
believed the program mocked their favorite hero. However, the series was actually similar in tone to the
adventures presented in Batman comics of the era. An essay on the Batman TV series would discuss the
creation of the character for comics during the 1930s; the development, production, and reception of the
1960s series; and the programs lasting legacy (if any) upon the comics. Your research should also be
sure to include commentary from scholars, journalists, comics professionals and fans, and those involved
with the film or television shows production.
Your task is to determine the cultural significance of both the original comic book creation (superhero)
and its translation beyond the printed page. It is up to each student to structure the essay as he/she sees
fit. It may be helpful to think about including sections on:

The creation/development of the superhero within the comic book medium

Analysis on the superheros popularity (both at the time of creation and over the decades)
Critical commentary from experts on the reasons for the characters success within popular
The creation/development of the film/TV program featuring the superhero (including its critical
and popular reception)
Analysis on the ways in which the adaptation was or wasnt faithful to the original source
Some discussion on how the film/TV program relates to the superheros larger legacy or place
within pop culture

The requirements for the essay are as follows:

Essays should be approximately 7-8 full pages (typed double spaced)

A works cited page must be included
Students should conform to the MLA style of formatting the essay
A minimum of 4 sources must be used in your research
Wikipedia is not a valid resource for academic essays
Late papers will not be accepted
Completed rough drafts will be critiqued by the Instructor prior to the final due date if the student
wishes to take advantage of that option.

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