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Organic farming works in harmony with nature. This involves using

techniques to achieve good crop yields without harming the natural
environment or the people who live and work in it.
A type of organic farming in which crops are produced with the
help of different kinds of organic fertilizers and different kinds
of biological natural insecticides without any interference of
inorganic fertilizers or chemicals.
A type of farming in which development of crops from natural
resources have the complete nutritive value and also manage
to prevent the crops or plants from pest.

Some methods and materials that organic farmers use are

as follows:
To keep and build good soil structure and fertility:
Recycled and composted crop wastes and animal manures
The right soil cultivation at the right time
Crop rotation- is the practice of growing a series of different types of
crops in the same area in sequential seasons.
Mulching on the soil surface. (Saw dust, compost, paper, or other
decomposing materials)
To control pests, diseases and weeds:
Careful planning and crop choice
The use of resistant crops- protects plants from pathogens (give responses
of the immune system)
Good cultivation practice
Increasing genetic diversity
Using natural pesticides
Organic farming also involves:

Careful use of water resources

Good animal husbandry
Organic farming provides long-term benefits to people and the
environment. Organic farming aims to:
Increase long-term soil fertility.
Control pests and diseases without harming the environment.
Ensure that water stays clean and safe.
Use resources which the farmer already has, so the farmer needs less
money to buy farm inputs.
Produce nutritious food, feed for animals and high quality crops to sell
at a good price.
1. Nutrition- the nutritional value of food is largely a function
of its vitamin and mineral content.
2. Poison free -a major benefit to consumers of organic food is
that it is free of contamination with health harming
chemicals such as pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.
3. Food Tastes Better Animals and people have the sense of
taste to allow them to discern the quality of the food they
4. Lower Input Costs- by definition, organic farming does not
incur the use of expensive agrichemicals


1. Time- indeed, organic farming requires greater interaction
between a farmer and his crop for observation, timely
intervention and weed control for instance.
2. Lack of Convenience: One of the advantages of organic
farming is the difficultly associated with this process.
Traditional farming is convenient because in it you need to
buy the fertilizer and pesticides and then to employ them

while in organic farming you need to create a compost pile

or to rotate the crops.
3. Time Consuming- organic farming method is time
consuming and it is one of the biggest disadvantages of
organic farming. The farmer has to maintain the greater
interaction for getting good results. It is a labor intensive job
and for a single farmer it is somewhat unsuitable.

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