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Christian: A Man of Concivtion

A visible and spiritual reality.
ECCLESIA (Greek) meaning to assemble
KYRIAKON also known as Qahal Yahweh (Latin) meaning to belong to Gods of God

Church Triumphant -> Church Suffering -> Church Militant

1. Oblige
2. Show-off
3. Meet-up
3 Stages of Development of Church
1. Pre-figuration Stage (God the Father)
a. Disciples
b. Peter* as Pope

*Petros meaning rock

c. Sacraments particularly the Holy Eucharist
d. Passion, death, and resurrection
e. Holy Spirit
i. Names
1. Espiritus (Latin) meaning mover
2. Pneuma (Greek) meaning gas of wind
3. Ruah (Hebrew) meaning breath of life
2. Institutional Stage (God the Son)
3. Operational Stage
*Abba daddy
*Jesus -> God

The Church as a Mystery

From the Latin word mysterium
From the Greek word mysterion
*both meaning veil
The church is a mystery due to:
1. The fathers plan of salvation as it comes to concrete realization in the person
of Christ
2. The union of God with man which begin in Christ and continuous through the
3. It holds apparent opposites together.
Models of the Church
1. Church as an institution
2. Church as communion
a. As the people of God
b. Body of Christ
c. Community of Disciples*
i. Mary
3. Church as a Sacrament
4. Church as a Prophet
5. Chruch as a servant
Marks of the Chruch
1. One
2. Holy
3. Catholic
4. Apostolic

Pope (Papas)
-Bishop of

Laity means "faithful"
Marks of the Church
- To distinguish itself from all other religions.
The Early Church used four (4) criteria proclaimed in the Nicene Creed
1. One
2. Holy
3. Catholic
4. Apostolic
The criteria is called the mark of the Church
a. The Church is ONE
i. We are united as the trinity is used
ii. We are of one body with Christ as the head
b. The Church is HOLY
i. The church is holy through the holy spirit
ii. The church is holy as it is made holy through the sacraments

*splunkin (Greek) touched it becomes holy through the genuine

acts of holiness by her people
*Potentia Obidentialis (Latin) to go beyond yourself
c. The Church is CATHOLIC
i. Kath O Lou (Greek) meaning universal, all encompassing
ii. We are Catholic because we are sent out on a mission to proclaim
God to everyone.

d. The Church is APOSTOLIC

i. The church is apostolic both in her origins in Christ and his
apostles, as well as in her mission to spread the good news.
27 A.D.
- Jesus life, death, and resurrection
- Peter as the first Pope
- Jesus Ascension into Heaven
- General persecution of Jesus followers
- Stoning of Stephen

*Due to his faith

- Saul* converts and follow Jesus
40 A.D.
- Peter baptizes Cornelius (A gentile)
- Antioch believes are named Christians
- Paul begins his missionary Journey
60 A.D.
- Council of Jerusalem (Ecumenical Council)
- 2nd missionary Journey of Paul
- Paul writes the Epistles (Letters)
- 3rd missionary Journey of Paul
- Paul gets arrested
- Paul was martyred by Hero
- Nero burns Rome
- Marks Gospel gets written
75 A.D.
- Roman persecution of Christians intensify
- Romans destroy the Jewish People
- Johns Gospel is written
100 A.D.
- Roman law makes Christianity illegal

- Gnostic Heresy
- The roles of bishops, deacons, and priests are defined.
- (Hebrew) God saves
- (Greek) God is with us
Saul -> metanoia
(Greek) Radical change of Heart
Gentiles not Jews
Peter to Jesus Quo Vedis Domine
Pope: Dogma cannot be mistaken
200 A.D.
- Apostles Creed take shape
- Barbarians invade
- Christianity required to sacrifice to Roman Gods
300 A.D.
- Constantine legalize Christianity the Edict of Milan
- Constantinople becomes capital of the Empire
- Council of Nicea condemns Arian Heresy Arius (Demi God)
- Christianity made official religion of the empire
350 A.D.
- St. Basil develops the monastic rule
- St. Jerome writes the vulgate Vulgata (Latin bible)
- The emperor was forced into repentance by St. Ambrose
400 A.D.
- Augustine* writes the confessions and city of God

*become the Bishop of Hippo (Old name of Africa)

- Leo* the Great becomes the Pope
*religious and militant; political Pontifex maximus
- Atilla the Hun plan to invade Rome
- The western empire falls
550 A.D.
- Gregory* the great becomes Pope
*An educator, innovator, and religious leader.
- Muhammed lays the foundation of Islam
o Islam Religion of peace
o Muslim man of peace
o One who submits
650 A.D.
- Muslim conquer the Meditteranean
5 pillars of Islam
1. Allah is the God of Muslim, the one and oly God and Muhammed is the only
2. They pray 5 times a day
3. Fasting
4. They go to mecca
5. They give alms to the the poor

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