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Vedic Astrology Chart Reading for Lina

Birth Date: 06th July 1974; Time: 03:00 hrs; Place: Kaunas
Something about the present time
From the year 1993, you entered a period of 18 years, governed by Rahu. Now this
is a karmic planet and hence your life can be like a rollorcoster ride. You will end the
karmic period in 2011 and will be completely out of the karmic effect. The main
characteristic of karmic period is that you tend to attract people and circumstance
which give you pain, while you dont understand why this is happening to me. Its
because, you will not find reason, why this person is treating me like this or why this
illness happened to me or why I must go through this there is no immediate cause,
because its coming from karmic planet, its cause lies not in immediate life
circumstances but past karmas. Once this phase will end, your life will be generally
smooth. The best way to go through your karmic period is to suffer willingly. Do not
resist it, because when you suffer, you let go of the karma completely, and no body
can suffer from the same karma two times, if you suffered, its gone for ever. And the
good news for you is that you already finished most of the karmic period (starting
from 1993) and now only two years left.
Basic Characteristics
You are born in the ascendant of Taurus, and your Vedic sign is Capricorn. Both of
these signs are of the element of earth, hence, you could expect that your life will
revolve more around the earthly dimension. Meaning, your life will be consumed
more by the material dimension and that you can expect a successful material life.
Further, you have the strongest influence of the planet Venus on your ascendant,
which also adds to your indulgence within the material dimension of life.
When I say that your life will be consumed by earthly things, it does not mean that
you cant do anything about spirituality; it simply means that material life is your
way to move through even spirituality. Therefore, anything that uses body in a
graceful way can lead you into spirituality.
Regarding your finance, it is governed by more that one planet mercury, sun and
Saturn. Now this is a strange combination. It simply means that generally you will
have a stable finance; you will not have sleepless nights due to worry of money.
However, because of the influence of Saturn, you will experience that the inflow of
money is a bit slow, and maybe you hold money a bit tightly, that is, Saturn does
not allow you to let go the money easily from your hands. At the same time, you will
also experience that the years after your age of 34 are better financially. That
means, from 2008, you will have better finances than the earlier part of your life.
Relationship with men and family life

When I see your horoscope, I see that most of the planets are positioned well,
except those which governs relationship with men and family life. Of course,
relationship with men and family life are two separate issues, but whenever we
consider a long-term, genuine love relationship, both these issues merge into each
other. And in your horoscope, it is clearly seen that your relation with your man was
very much disturbed, and so also your family life. This combination present in your
chart indicates a saperation from your family and your partner. Before you can have
the pleasure of a loving and caring relationship, there will be a relationship in which
you will encounter pain and separation. Only after the saperation with that partner,
you will experience genuine love, caring and bonding with man.
Work and career
As I see, your work and career upto now has been not the best part of your life.
Stability will be an issue regarding your career. But this changes in 2011. After 2011,
your work and career will pickup, you will find experience success in work after that.
Your income is governed by the planet mercury and your work is governed by the
planet Jupiter, hence, I can say that you can have multiple source of income,
meaning, there could be multiple, more than one thing at a time from which you
earn money. Because of Jupiters association with your work, you become successful
in work related with consultaion, spirituality and administration. Yes, you can earn
from spirituality (I dont know how, but it is something that can give you successful
career, maybe like some spiritual therapy, healing, workshops, consultation etc.)
Predictions for future
Starting with your present, this is the time when you will experience a bit resistance
from life. A period when you feel that life is moving slowly. This period will end in
September 2009. But this is also the period for you to learn new things. Life wants
you to let go of the old let go completely. Life wants you to go through the change.
Destiny is changing the people around you, circumstances, friends, values that you
have lived by. So it may appear a bit difficult. But be willing to change. Destiny is
making room for the new to come in. when this period, which started from march
2007 and will end in September 2009 will end, you will be in a new life situation
new relations with friends, new friends, new values, things that were important for
you earlier will be no longer important and you will have completely new set of
priorities. The changes that will happen to you are for growth.
While your life is generally going in good direction, growth, the first 19 months from
now august 2008 to april 2010 are not the best at mental level. Not that bad
things will happen to you, but you will stay in stress. It will be difficult for you to be
relaxed. This is the period of experiencing mental tension. Because your moon is
being afflicted by Rahu, during this period, you may make experience a bit anxiety
and fear, make few false decisions, and pressure inside and outside. I would
suggest, that during this period, do not make any decision out of any pressure no

internal pressure, no pressure from family, friends or the external world. Decide only
when you feel centered.
For your work and career, things will move a bit slowly upto September 2009. After
that you will begin to grow in work, however, the best period will start only in 2011.
2010 and 11 is the best period for you if you are willing to conceiver a child. If you
are not willing, then be careful, because destiny wants you to become a mother in
that period, so be very careful if you dont want child. Further, during this period,
you can learn many new things, if you want to resume a study, this is the period to
do that. You will experience love and caring generally during this period.
As for your health, I see that generally there is no significant issue with it. But the
part of body from neck to breast is most sensitive part of your body. So you must be
careful, not to develop illness with these parts of the body.
To summarize, you life is better after the 34 years of your age and you have a bright
future waiting you from 2011.
(In case you want to know anything special or if you are interested to know about
any particular aspect of your life, you can let me know, I already have your chart. )

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