University of Makati Higher School of Umak J.P Rizal Extension West Rembo Makati City

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A.Y. (2013-2014)



Table of Contents

Acknowledgement and Dedication....................................v
Company Profile................................................................1
Narrative Report.................................................................3
Certificate of Recognition..................................................4
Certification of Employment..............................................5
Evaluation Form w/ grades.................................................6
OJT Pictures........................................................................7


The On-the-job training or OJT is one method by which

students is given a chance to apply the theories and lessons that they
have learned from the school. It also helps the students to acquire
relevant knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting.
Colleges and universities require their students to undergo such
training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum.
For the students, an OJT or internship program provides
opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific
job using the real tools, equipments and documents. In effect, the
workplace becomes a development venue for a student trainee to
learn more about her chosen field and practice what she has learn
from the campus.
In this matter, accommodating on-the-job trainees can truly be
beneficial not only to the trainees but also to the companies that
provide opportunities for this type of learning. There is wisdom in
the front lines. Such training can be an investment that will be
valuable to the company later on. This is also why trainees should
take their internship seriously as it can become a powerful tool and
possibly even a source of recommendation when they take a big lift
from being students to career professionals.


With deepest gratitude and appreciation, I humbly give thanks to the people who, with all
they can, helped me in making my On-the-Job Training a possible one.
To my family, most especially to my mother, for their unending love and support, for
providing all my needs financially and morally, for their patience and understanding during my
tiring days that cant help them in the chores, for their never fading advices and for being there
for me no matter what.
To my institution where I am studying, University of Makati, where I am continuously
growing as a Business Education in Salesmanship and to Dr. Gloria G. Mallari and fellow
campus staff for giving us, students, the opportunity to be educated without spending too much.
To all my professors who shared and continuously sharing their knowledge with students
like me and keep on moulding me into a better person. I am extending my warmest thanks
especially to Ms. Adela Reyes, our OJT adviser, in sharing with us everything she knows and
keep on inspiring me to pursue my goals in life.
To the Peoplelink Services Cooperative, for their warm welcome to me. To my Training
Managers, Maam Antonette P. Melao and Maam Irma Villaflores, to my Training
Supervisor, Sir Danny B. Mendoza and to the rest of the Peoplelink Services Cooperative staff,
I am very grateful for having them as part of my On-the-Job Training. For all their advices and
for everything that they taught me during my stay with them and most of all, for the memories
weve shared. I thank them so much.
To my friends and co-trainees, for the happiness and for being there to support and
comfort me, whenever I have difficulties during my training. I thank them for the friendship and
teamwork and for being my companions whom I can share my laughter and sorrows with.
Above all, to our Almighty God, for His unconditional love and for all the blessings that
He is showering upon each day of my life. With love and gratitude, I thank Him for guiding me
during my training and for making this On-the-Job Training a possible one. By His grace, I was
able to finish this training without any conflict.


Peoplelink is a cooperative that has linked together self-employed workers and

professionals whose primary activities are:
Work service / job contracting in various industries.


All members are co-owners who have authorized the cooperative management to
pursue business
and other livelihood opportunities in their behalf

rofessional Standards
We perform and deliver services to our clients within agreed service standards.

We observe proper business ethics in the conduct and delivery of services to clients
at all times.

thical Business Conduct

neness in Objectives

We are driven by unity, harmony and teamwork for the best interest of all the
members and its business partners

rudent Cost of Living

We imbibe living within one's means

Wise spending and modest lifestyle.

We believe in giving back to the Lord all the graces and blessings that we have
planted and reaped


awful Citizenry
We abide by and respect authorized laws, rules and regulations.

ntegrity and Honesty

We believe in transparency and fair play in all our dealings and transactions.

ovelty As A Challenge

fficiency and Effectiveness in Work

We commit ourselves to timely and quality work output.

ove and Fear of God

We keep an open mind to change. We keep a flexible and creative stance to address

nack for Business

We inculcate an understanding of basic business principles of profit and loss among

in pursuance of the cooperatives sustained growth.

In the face of fierce, global business competition and rapid technological advancement,
alternative work arrangements are being tapped as effective mechanisms to keep pace with
globalization. One of these work arrangements is the establishment of Services Cooperative.
People Link Services Cooperative is considered a unique and appropriate medium in the quest
for balance between social justice and economic growth. We have economic and social
objectives; we are values-driven and community-based; we are people-oriented; we
have nationwide coverage; and, we develop people-based linkages.

Our Mission

We perform and deliver services to our clients within agreed

service standards. We observe proper business ethics in the conduct and
delivery of services to clients at all times. We are driven by unity,
harmony and teamwork for the best interest of all the members and its
business partners. We imbibe living within one's means, wise spending
and modest lifestyle. We believe in giving back to the Lord all the graces
and blessings that we have planted and reaped. We commit ourselves to
timely and quality work output.

Our Vision

We abide by and respect authorized laws, rules and

regulations. We believe in transparency and fair play in all our
dealings and transactions. We keep an open mind to change. We keep
a flexible and creative stance to address innovations. We inculcate an
understanding of basic business principles of profit and loss among
member-owners in pursuance of the cooperatives sustained growth.

We strive to achieve the cost effective solution to your needs and requirements and commit
to consistent, focused and driven standards of servicing.
Our company has a solid history of providing quality services, specifically suited for you.

Im Ma. Eleonor B. Alcazar, a K to 12 student of University of Makati which plays the
role of a Human Resources Associate Trainee who completed the required 200 hours at
Peoplelink Services Cooperative. On my first day of training, I was very excited and somewhat
nervous because of the new environment and new people surrounding me. I didnt have any idea
of what kind of people they are and it made me adjust myself with their personalities and
attitudes. My Training Managers orient me about the different equipments and works that Ill be
doing during my OJT. My first task which is filling all the documents of the employees that their
company is handling is somewhat difficult at first. Upon doing that simultaneously, I manage to
memorized the orders and the characteristics of each files or accounts like Pag-ibig, Philhealth,
SSS and many more. I also learned how to deal with different types of people and how to
provide their respected concerns.
In my more than a month stay there, I learned many things not only those things that are
related to my course but also the things that moulded me into the person I am right now. As I was
working as a trainee at Peoplelink, I learned to become a hard-working person. The time to finish
the task assigned to me is important, but it is also important that I should do it correctly. I learned
to appreciate even the simplest lessons studied in school. Also, to understand that everything that
was taught in the school can be a tool that can be used in my future career, because during my
On-the-Job Training, the terms that I have learned from school were used in the company where
I was conducting a training. As I was conducting my training there, I also learned to follow the
instructions and to accept or admit my failure and should learn from it as what my Training
Managers said to me.
After the training, I realized that on-the-job training is not just a requirement to be
completed but it is an opportunity to show what skills, knowledge, and talents that I have and
also an opportunity to experience the feeling of being a professional already.
Despite the short period of my training, it was still a very meaningful one. The training
enriched my confidence and created a foundation of being a good employee someday. It caused a

very huge effect to me as a Business Education in Salesmanship Student. I was really renewed. I
learned to be diplomatic in both action and words.

Ms. Antonette P. Melao

HR Officer

Mr. Danny B. Mendoza

General Manager

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