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LGA 3043 (DRAMA)

Title: Amy and Anna

Group members: Safri, Nur Safawanie, Siti Amerah, Hasfiyah, Rosman
Roles: Amy, Mak Salmah (Amys mother), Anna, Mak Temah (Annas mother), Ayah, Syed
Amran Faiz and a hen.
Scene 1
Mak Temah and Anna enter the living room.
Mak Temah: Ana, you are 22 now and yes you are ready to be someones wife. Is there anyone
that you like or maybe had caught your attention?
Ana: Maakkkkk! I dont want to get married because I am not ready yet to be someones wife!
Mak Temah: (Laughing) Ana, you remind me of myself when I was just pretty like you. Hah! I
heard that Jamal, Wak Sapars son likes you. He is a good man and educated as well. Maybe, I
can ask your father..
Mak Salmah (Curi dengar). She suddenly enters the living room.
Mak Salmah: Ask abang what, Temah?? What else do you want from my husband?
Mak Temah: Your husband?? Hes my husband too, and Im his first wife, Salmah
Mak Salmah: Salmah, Salmah, its Sal, okay! Dont you ever dare to call me using that name
again! Have you cooked for lunch?
Mak Temah: Already, Sal. We are waiting for you to eat together.
Amy enters the living room and brings her gown koyak.
Amy: ( crying) Makkkkkkkk. Look at my gown. Its koyak!!! It must be someone was trying to
wear my gown. Look at this, makkk!! I love this gown very much!
Mak Salmah: Theres no one else in this house other than us. Anna! How dare you!
Anna: No, it wasnt me. I never go to Amys room before. Mak Sal, im telling you the truth.
Amy: Stop lying! How can this gown koyak then??? I knew that you like my gown because its
expensive and looks better than yours, right?
Mak Salmah pulls Annas hairs.
Mak Salmah: Tell me the truth, Anna!
Mak Temah: It was me! It was me. I loved Annas gown. I thought that it will fit me, but sadly, it
wasnt. Im so sorry, Sal.

LGA 3043 (DRAMA)

Mak Salmah: How dare you! Look at yourself in the mirror. Fats are everywhere! How can you
even think that you will fit the gown?
Mak Temah: Im so sorry, Sal. I just I just
Mak Salmah: Enough! Now, go to the dining room and prepare for our lunch! Amy, lets go.
Lights dimmed. Mak Salmah and Amy go to their room.*Evil dramatic music plays*
Amy: What should we do to get rid of Mak Temah, ma? Its quite hard for us to bully Anna
whenever shes around. She will do anything to protect her daughter!
Mak Salmah: Something needs to be done.
Amy: what should we do ma?
Mak Salmah: Theres a shaman that I can talk to. I met him once before your dad and I got
married.I shall meet him again.
Amy: A shaman?
Mak Salmah: he can help us get rid of her. She will be gone in no time. (evil grins)
*light dims*
Scene 2:
*Sad music plays*
Pak Hussein enters and sits at a corner of the stage. Sadly, thinking about his dead wife.
Anna enters and sits at the other corner of the stage. She sobs, grieving for her mothers death.
Anna: Ma, why did you leave me so soon? I cant live without you. I need you Ma.
Salmah walks in, cekak pinggang and looks at grieving Anna .
Salmah: Anna! What are you doing!? Youre not supposed to be here! Theres a lot of works to
do! Your mothers dead! Dont you realize that!? Shes dead! Theres no way you could do
Anna continues to sob. Her crying seems slower now.
Pak Hussein suddenly walks into the stage, slowly. He seems disoriented, grieving the loss of
his wife.
Pak Hussein: Salmah Please, just let it be. She just lost her mother, Sal. Leave her alone.
Mak Salmah: Abang!! She still has works to do!
Pak Hussein: Salmah! Stop it! Just leave her alone!

LGA 3043 (DRAMA)

Mak Salmah exits. Pak Hussein sits next to Anna.
Pak Hussein: You know what, Anna? You are the greatest gift in my life. You look exactly like
your mother.
Anna: Am I, bapak?
Pak Hussein: Yes, when she was just young and pretty like you. Your smile, your eyes.
Everything. Im starting to miss her now. Its my mistake that I always away for work. I wish I
could still see her.
Anna: Then why did you marry Mak Salmah?
Pak Hussein: I dont want to at first. Your mom urged me to, because she believes that she
cannot bear any child for me. After a year marrying Salmah, your mom said shes pregnant. And
I have Amy at the same time.
Anna: *starts crying* I miss her, pak.
Pak Hussein and Anna exit. Mak Salmah and Amy enter.
Amy: Ma, ma, that shamans good. Shes dead for a second and I didnt expect that the poison
to work that fast.
Mak Salmah: I told you to trust me. I know the shaman well.
Both laugh loudly.
Scene 3
Anna is reading a book at the verandah. Suddenly, a hen appears in front of her.
Hen: Buck, buck, buck. Anna. Anna.
Anna: Whos there?
Anna looks around and the only living thing that she sees is a hen.
Anna: Are you talking to me?
Hen: Buck, buck, buck. Yes, Anna. I am a magic hen.
Anna: *slaps herself* Am I dreaming? Ouch, it hurts!
Hen: Hahahabelieve me, I am a magic hen. You can call me Natasha.
Anna: Natasha? Hello, Natasha, nice to meet you.
Hen: Are you out of your mind? That kind of name will not suit a hen! Hahaha! I was just kidding.
Such an innocent little girl.

LGA 3043 (DRAMA)

Anna: Huh! Go away. You are wasting my time!
Hen: Anna, Anna, wait! Sorry, sorry! You can call me __________.

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