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Easy Contact

As mentioned above, communication is one of the biggest advantages of the Internet in

education. Students can contact other students or their teachers via the E-mail if they have
queries about any information. Sharing of information, discussions on a particular subject, etc.,
can be easily carried out using the Internet. At the same time, teachers can also contact parents
and guardians easily using Internet.
School/College Projects
The Internet can be most useful for completing projects in schools and colleges. As the Internet is
an ocean of information, covering nearly all subjects known to man, one can find information,
research work, etc., required for one's projects. Going through the information on the Internet is
definitely faster than reading an entire book on the subject. Homework is also made easier with
the help of the Internet which is also one of the important uses of computers in education.
Sometimes, an encyclopedia may not always be available to students and they may have
difficulty in gaining access to the books in the library. In that case, the encyclopedia of various
subjects available on the Internet can be helpful. This is more useful for students who belong to
communities not having English as their mother tongue. Kids and younger children can also be
benefited by the Internet by using the pictures, videos, etc., which is one of the major
advantages, when comparing textbooks versus computer teaching.
All the latest news are constantly updated on the Internet on news sites. Students learning
politics, can have an access to all the current affairs through the Internet in the school campus,
at home, or at any other place. Historical accounts like speeches, biographies, etc., are also
easily available on the Internet in detailed and accurate versions.
Online Learning
Another positive effect of Internet in education is the onset of distance education or online
learning. With this facility, you can take up short-term courses with the course material available
online, learn, and give exams. One of the benefits of online learning is that people from any part
of the world can gain knowledge on different subjects, complete courses, etc.
Using Multimedia
Arguably, it is believed that visual data has a greater impact on learning and memorizing than
plain text. Therefore, images, graphics, animation, pictures, slides, documentaries, etc., have a
greater appeal than a plain textbook. Using multimedia and Internet provides an opportunity for
children to gain knowledge about a particular subject in depth. Students can now see the actual
photographs of rare bird species, or see animated graphics of a volcanic eruption to understand
it in detail.
Affordable Knowledge
Investing in research material may be tedious and unaffordable for some. But, now, thanks to the
Internet, we have content websites, web encyclopedias, and dictionaries whenever we want
them. Today, able as well as less-able students can be benefited to the sea of knowledge through
the Internet. University courses and learning is now easy for people belonging to all strata of the
society with the help of online courses.

Easy Education System

Not only gaining knowledge, but, every part of the education system is simplified because of the
Internet. You can now view your prospective educational institute, look up for courses, enroll to
online courses, take classes, research, see your results, and even look for job prospects on the
Internet. Therefore, the scope of Internet in education is very wide and equal to all.
No Age Bracket for Education
Online courses provide an opportunity for people of all age groups to take up education of their
choice, according to their liking and wish. Be it a student, a housewife, or a professional, they
can just start up their computers, connect to the Internet, and take virtual classes. Therefore,
people can now gain knowledge according to their need and time available. You are, now, never
too old or too busy to learn something new.
Computer technology has had a deep impact on the education sector. Thanks to computers,
imparting education has become easier and much more interesting than before. Owing to
memory capacities of computers, large chunks of data can be stored in them. They enable quick
processing of data with very less or no chances of errors in processing. Networked computers aid
quick communication and enable web access. Storing documents on computers in the form of
soft copies instead of hard ones, helps save paper. The advantages of computers in education
primarily include:
Storage of information

Quick data processing

Audio-visual aids in teaching
Better presentation of information
Access to the Internet
Quick communication between students, teachers and parents

Computer teaching plays a key role in the modern education system. Students find it easier to
refer to the Internet than searching for information in fat books. The process of learning has gone
beyond learning from prescribed textbooks. Internet is a much larger and easier-to-access
storehouse of information. When it comes to storing retrieved information, it is easier done on
computers than maintaining hand-written notes.
Computers are a brilliant aid in teaching.
Online education has revolutionized the education industry. Computer technology has made the
dream of distance learning, a reality. Education is no longer limited to classrooms. It has reached
far and wide, thanks to computers. Physically distant locations have come closer due to Internet
accessibility. So, even if students and teachers are not in the same premises, they can very well
communicate with one another. There are many online educational courses, whereby students
are not required to attend classes or be physically present for lectures. They can learn from the
comfort of their homes and adjust timings as per their convenience.
Computers have given impetus to distance education.
Computers facilitate effective presentation of information. Presentation software like PowerPoint
and animation software like Flash among others can be of great help to teachers while delivering

lectures. Computers facilitate audio-visual representation of information, thus making the

process of learning interactive and interesting. Computer-aided teaching adds a fun element to
education. Teachers hardly use chalk and board today. They bring presentations on a flash drive,
plug it in to a computer in the classroom, and the teaching begins. There's color, there's sound,
there's movement - the same old information comes forth in a different way and learning
becomes fun. The otherwise not-so-interesting lessons become interesting due to audio-visual
effects. Due to the visual aid, difficult subjects can be explained in better ways. Things become
easier to follow, thanks to the use of computers in education.
Computer software help better presentation of information.
Internet can play an important role in education. As it is an enormous information base, it can be
harnessed for retrieval of information on a variety of subjects. The Internet can be used to refer
to information on different subjects. Both teachers and students benefit from the Internet.
Teachers can refer to it for additional information and references on the topics to be taught.
Students can refer to web sources for additional information on subjects of their interest. The
Internet helps teachers set test papers, frame questions for home assignments and decide
project topics. And not just academics, teachers can use web sources for ideas on sports
competitions, extracurricular activities, picnics, parties and more.
Computers enable access to the Internet which has information on literally
Computers enable storage of data in the electronic format, thereby saving paper. Memory
capacities of computer storage devices are in gigabytes. This enables them to store huge chunks
of data. Moreover, these deveices are compact. They occupy very less space, yet store large
amounts of data. Both teachers and students benefit from the use of computer technology.
Presentations, notes and test papers can be stored and transferred easily over computer storage
devices. Similarly, students can submit homework and assignments as soft copies. The process
becomes paperless, thus saving paper. Plus, the electronic format makes data storage more
durable. Electronically erasable memory devices can be used repeatedly. They offer robust
storage of data and reliable data retrieval.
Computer hard drives and storage devices are an excellent way to store data.
This was about the role of computers in education. But we know, it's not just the education sector
which computers have impacted. They are of great use in every field. Today, a life without
computers is unimaginable. This undelines the importance of computer education. Knowledge of
computers can propel one's career in the right direction. Computers are a part of almost every
industry today. They are no longer limited any specific field. They are used in networking, for
information access and data storage and also in the processing and presentation of information.
Computers should be introduced early in education. I don't think I am making an overstatement
in saying that computer education is as fundamental as learning English. Yes, it is.

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