Guia - Junos Software Advantage

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Student Guide

Junos Software Advantage

Slide 1

The newNetworks
network Sales

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Juniper Networks, Inc.

Junos Software Advantage

Slide 2

Junos Software Advantage

2011 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. | | Proprietary and Confidential

Welcome to the Junos software advantage E-learning course


Juniper Networks, Inc.

Junos Software Advantage

Slide 3

Course Objectives
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:
Understand customer challenges
Describe the Junos portfolio
Describe the Junos operating system
Discuss how to sell the Junos operating system

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.



After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:

Understand customer challenges

Describe the Junos portfolio

Describe the Junos operating system, and

Discuss how to sell the Junos operating system


Juniper Networks, Inc.

Junos Software Advantage

Slide 4

Junos Software Advantage

The Customer Challenge

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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 5

Section Objectives
After successfully completing this section, you will be able to:
Discuss current customer challenges
Describe the customer opportunity to move beyond the box

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After successfully completing this section, you will be able to:


Discuss current customer challenges, and

Describe the customer opportunity to move beyond the box

Juniper Networks, Inc.

Junos Software Advantage

Slide 6

Box Perspective of Today Is Insufficient to Meet the

Challenges of Tomorrow
Looking beyond
Thinking its about the box

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The traditional way of looking at the network has become outdated. Need more bandwidth? Add a
box. Need Advanced Security? Add a box. Are those boxes adding an unforeseen problem? Add
yet another box. This is the way things have traditionally been viewed by network architects for the
past 40 years. An approach based mainly on hardware cannot sustain the increasing demands on
the network. Different boxes cannot always communicate well with each other. If we continue
down this path things are only going to get worse. As complexity increases, the network is more
likely to break, and costs are going to go up. Adding another box is not the solution.


Juniper Networks, Inc.

Junos Software Advantage

Slide 7

Closed Stacks Set Limits

Looking beyond
Thinking its about the box
Building point solutions
from the bottom

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The industry has to start thinking beyond the box approach. As networks grow and continue to be
more significant in our everyday lives, the traffic and devices on the network need to be handled
more efficiently and more cost effectively.
Our competitors have continued to stack box on box to try to solve problems. Different colored
boxes with different operating systems and different standards that dont always work together
very well. So if adding another piece of hardware is not the solution then what is?
You and your customers have to rethink the traditional, closed, silo design to networking and
address the issues with an open, horizontal, platform view of the network.
Its going to be a challenge. But with challenge comes opportunity!


Juniper Networks, Inc.

Junos Software Advantage

Slide 8

Learning Activity 1:Question 1

How should customers change their view of the network to meet current and future
A) Shift from a stacked, box-by-box approach
B) Continue to solve problems by adding more devices
C) Use multiple operating systems to add diversity to the
Make use of proprietary software to alleviate network

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.





Learning Activity 1: Question 1

How should customers change their view of the network to meet current and future needs?


Juniper Networks, Inc.

Junos Software Advantage

Slide 9

Section Summary
In this section, we:
Discussed current customer challenges
Described the customer opportunity to move beyond the box

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 10

In this section, we:

Discussed current customer challenges, and

Described the customer opportunity to move beyond the box


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 10

Junos Software Advantage

The Junos Portfolio

2011 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. | | Proprietary and Confidential


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 11

Section Objectives
After successfully completing this section, you will be able to:
Describe what makes Juniper different
Explain how competitors manage complexities
Understand the one common software platform approach to networking

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 12

After successfully completing this section, you will be able to:


Describe what makes Juniper different

Explain how competitors manage complexities, and
Understand one common software platform approach to networking

Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 12

Why Is Juniper Different?

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SAFJUN01F | 13

Juniper Networks has always thought differently about the network. Whereas our competitors have
trended towards a box-on-box, multiple operating system approach; Juniper sees that this leads to
spiraling layers of complexity in customer networks.
We have purposely driven our strategy to simplify the network through specific investment and
new development looking towards convergence. Over more than a decade Juniper has evolved
Junos software as a single, end-to-end, high-performance operating platform of the network to
deliver routing, switching, security, services and cloud. This approach in how we innovate is
fundamentally different than our competitors enabling our customers to build their networks and
deliver new services in converged offerings with simplicity of operations and reduced costs.
Lets listen to Juniper Networks founder and CTO, Pradeep Sindhu, discuss Junipers approach to
these challenges.


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 13

Pradeep Sindhu
Founder and CTO of Juniper Networks

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(Pradeep video)


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 14

How Competitors Manage the Complexity

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SAFJUN01F | 15

The legacy networking providers approach has been hardware oriented. Sell another box to fix
another problem. As these vendors acquire companies and add more products they are also
adding more operating systems, more proprietary software, more complexity, and more problems.
Complexity IS their strategy! Theyll sell more boxes. The customer must pay for a lot of services
and support to integrate and make it all work.
But this puts the customer in a constant state of upgrading, testing, and maintaining. The operating
systems may need to be individually tailored, and it is unknown how changes, bugs, and upgrades
on one box will affect the others. More boxes get sold to attempt to fix problems, but complexity
and cost increases, while customer satisfaction decreases. The bottom line for customers?
Chronic complexity management.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 15

Junos: A Universal Language

A consistent user experience
A complete, layered operating platform from client to cloud
For routing, switching, security and services
Scales up and down
Open programming interfaces and automation

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SAFJUN01F | 16

Junos provides a simpler approach with fewer issues. When talking about Junos to customers,
partners, etc., we need to think outside of the normal box conversation. The discussion needs to
be more about selling a solution rather than just another box. Junos software is changing the way
we should be looking at the whole network experience.
As we stated earlier, Junos is much more than an operating system; it is a simplified, common
language that provides a consistent user experience across multiple devices. With Junos you get
consistent core functionality that scales from the smallest to the largest device on the network.
It is based on open standards so it integrates seamlessly into the network, even with our
competitors products. Customers can move, over time, to a network with fewer problems and
lower cost.


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 16

An Open Platform Approach

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SAFJUN01F | 17

Thinking boxes first limits your design perspective.

Rather than being about bottoms up deployment of boxes, migrating to the open platform
approach of Junos takes customers to a new way of network design. The layered, converged
platform approach of Juniper is about looking at the network as a whole from the top-down
perspective of customer needs.
Providing a platform approach based on layers of silicon, system, and software, allows Juniper to
deliver a complete solution supporting many applications. With Junipers focus on innovation in
software running on silicon and systems layers built with the headroom capacity for innovation,
customers can meet many new requirements for new services delivery through the flexibility and
lower costs of software changes alone.
Moreover, Juniper opens the door to third party innovation and integration by offering a set of
Junos software development kits to partners so they can release even more value from their


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 17

Open Across Software Layers

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SAFJUN01F | 18

Multiple components of the Junos software platform give developers unmatched flexibility to create
dynamic applications that interact with the network from the client to the cloud.
- In the network, the open standards, open platform approach of the operating system inspires
-Junos Space is a programmable platform for developing and running applications across the
-And Junos Pulse is a multi-service network client that can be used on mobile devices such as
notebooks, netbooks, and smartphones. It too is a open, programmable, platform that simplifies
the end user experience.
-Running over these platform layers is a growing portfolio of Junos Ready Software applications
developed by Juniper and third-parties.


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 18

Difference of One Junos

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SAFJUN01F | 19

The foundational component of the Junos software platform is the Junos operating system. Running
a single operating system across devices makes the day-to-day operation of the network less
complex. The IT staff can focus on rolling out new deployments and maintaining the network,
making better use of their time and effort. With a steady release of new features and a modular
architecture they have predictable performance and the ability to streamline their tasks through
automation. They can evolve their current network infrastructure rather than adding box on top of
This provides a consistent user experience for the IT staff and lower costs for the customer.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 19

Lower TCO of One Junos Operating System

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SAFJUN01F | 20

Lets talk about how the Juniper approach can affect operating costs.
This slide shows the results of a Forrester Consulting study looking at the total cost of ownership
when using the Junos operating system. As you can see, the financial impact can be dramatic,
with as much as a 41% combined savings.
Any network will experience its share of unplanned and planned events. But a Junos environment
will experience fewer unplanned events with less time needed to recover. Planned events such as
system maintenance take less time and effort to complete. New deployments are also handled
more efficiently.
The Junos operating system is time-tested and stable, making unplanned events less frequent and
of shorter duration. Having a common language across multiple devices makes maintenance tasks
less time consuming and more efficient. It also takes less effort when deploying new products as
they will work seamlessly with the existing infrastructure including management and operations
This results in increased network stability, less down time, a shorter life-cycle for planning and
provisioning, and an overall lower cost of ownership.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 20

Junos Space Network Application Platform

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SAFJUN01F | 21

Junos Space is a simple, smart, open, network application platform that hosts applications which
reduce cost and complexity and allows you to respond more quickly to business needs. It is
available as either a physical or virtual appliance. The platform and its applications significantly
improve the experience and economics of networking.
Space comes with a core set of applications that automate tasks, ease deployment, and increase
productivity. Furthermore, the plug and play application environment allows you to simply
download other Juniper or third-party applications to the platform. Its open architecture is designed
to allow partners to build and deploy applications to meet their specific business needs. Space
utilizes a Web 2.0 user interface that provides a consistent, task-oriented user experience. From
one location you have full visibility and control of your network resources.
You can use the built-in applications to performs tasks such as deploying services, run network
diagnostics, and simulate changes before deployment. Juniper Networks provides a software
development kit to partners so that they can develop their own Junos Space applications.
Using Junos Space will allow customers to reduce complexity and cost, making their IT staff and
their networks more efficient.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 21

Junos Space Applications

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SAFJUN01F | 22

Here you can see the current Junos Space applications portfolio. There apps to help scale
services, simplify operations, and automate support across Junipers entire networking
infrastructure. Juniper and third-party developers will continue to build this application portfolio.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 22

Junos Pulse and Junos Pulse Mobile Security Suite

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SAFJUN01F | 23

Junos Pulse is an integrated network client that provides connectivity, security, and application
acceleration across a wide range of mobile platforms. Weve all witnessed the proliferation of
notebooks, netbooks, smartphones, and other mobile devices. With this growing use comes a
growing need to allow connectivity to the network, while protecting the devices and the network
from threats.
The Junos Pulse Mobile Security Suite is a solution offering secure management and control that
is purpose built for smartphones. It can provide protection from viruses, spam, malware and other
threats. It offers a personal firewall, and protection from loss or theft, along with a robust set of
remote management tools.
Whether for personal or corporate use, these products deliver a consistent end user experience
regardless of device type -- laptop, netbook, smartphone or tablet.
Junos Pulse and Junos Pulse Mobile Security Suite provide a simple, cost-effective way of
maintaining security while giving mobile users the connectivity they need to be productive. This
suite solves our customers problems like nothing else currently available in the market.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 23

Delivers Security to all Smartphone Markets

and Users

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Service Providers can monetize Junos Pulse products by offering them as services to their
enterprise or consumer customers as a managed or self-managed service . Consumers can
protect themselves from loss or theft of personal or financial information, such as credit card
information, personal files, and photos.
Pulse provides the IT staff or consumers with the ability to remotely backup and restore devices. It
can locate lost or stolen devices, or delete the contents remotely. As we stated earlier, these
products can provide protection from viruses and malware, and provide the user secure access to
corporate resources. Junos Pulse is location aware, so it can provide the protection and access
needed based on the mobile users role, where they are located, and the security posture of the
connecting device. All of this is can be accomplished with very little or no interaction between the
user and the Junos Pulse client.
Junos Pulse and Junos Pulse Mobile Security Suite deliver a wide variety of security to all
smartphone and mobile device markets and users.


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 24

The Junos Portfolio

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Junos Space and Pulse join an involving portfolio of products running on junos software.
Junos ties together Junipers security, routing and switching products with one operating system
that can scale from the branch office to the core of the network. New releases are extensively
tested and delivered in a steady cadence which provides a stable release of new features. The
modular architecture provides predictable performance from the smallest to the largest platform in
the product line.
IT managers can use a consistent set of tools to manage, monitor, and update their network.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 25

Migrate to The Juniper Difference

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SAFJUN01F | 26

In summary, Juniper Networks provides an approach that is different from the competition.
The competitions box-on-box approach involves multiple solutions, multiple products, and
multiple operating systems. This results in increased complexity and interoperability issues. More
boxes are thrown at the problem to address the issues that will ultimately arise.
Junipers focus is to move towards converging multiple technologies to create a new network.
This will create a network of less complexity and more interoperability. Less cost but more
performance. Juniper is looking to change the experience and economics of the network.
All this is made possible by migrating to Junos. Juniper Networks delivers simplicity, scale and
service innovation from one operating platform. This one operating platform provides a common
user experience with consistent core functionality across the network. The result is less complexity
for the IT staff and less cost for the customer.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 26

Learning Activity 2: Question 1

Competitors increase network complexity by doing which three of the
following? (Select three.)
A) Stacking boxes on top of boxes to solve problems
B) Taking a horizontal, open platform approach
C) Building a network with multiple operating systems
D) Applying proprietary software solutions

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SAFJUN01F | 27

Learning Activity 2: Question 1

Competitors increase network complexity by doing which three of the following? (Select three.)


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 27

Learning Activity 2: Question 2

Which of the following are the three components of the Junos Portfolio? (Select
A) Operating System
B) Pulse
C) Space
D) Network APIs

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SAFJUN01F | 28

Learning Activity 2: Question 2

Which of the following are the three components of the Junos Portfolio? (Select three.)


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 28

Learning Activity 2: Question 3

Juniper simplifies the network by implementing which three of the following?
(Select three.)
A) An open, horizontal approach to the network
B) Creating one operating system for consistent core
functionality across the network
C) Implementing a stacked, silo approach to isolate problems
D) Using open standards for interoperability and innovation

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.




SAFJUN01F | 29

Learning Activity 2: Question 3

Juniper simplifies the network by implementing which three of the following? (Select three.)


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 29

Section Summary
In this section, we:
Described what makes Juniper different
Explained how competitors manage complexities
Gained and understanding of the one common software platform approach to

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 30

In this section, we:

Described what makes Juniper different

Explained how competitors manage complexities, and

Gained and understanding of the one common software platform approach to networking


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 30

Junos Software Advantage

Junos Operating System

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Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 31

Section Objectives
After successfully completing this section, you will be able to:
Share how Junos reduces network complexity
Describe Junos architecture
Discuss how Junos simplifies network operations

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SAFJUN01F | 32

After successfully completing this section, you will be able to:

Share how Junos reduces network complexity

Describe Junos architecture, and

Discuss how Junos simplifies network operations


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 32

One Junos: Consistent User Experience

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SAFJUN01F | 33

With the converged operating system of the Junos platform customers can confidently build their
To meet fast changing user and subscriber needs through new services
For scale, ready for growth
And, with the simplicity of cross-network design and leverage


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 33

Reduce Complexity

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SAFJUN01F | 34

The operational benefits of Junos OS derive from a dedicated focus on simplified, error-resilient
tasks across all operations functions along with the reliability, performance, and security of its
design. The hindsight that comes from prior experience has helped Junos OS engineers find
better ways to design operations steps, interfaces, and tools as well as manage upgrades. Many
of these improvements simplify operations and reduce human error through increased automation.
As one example: today, many companies employ persons to do nothing but manage their existing
IOS train. It is hard to believe that today in our economy, that we are still managing in this sort of
fashion. Wouldnt it be easier to just manage one code train? Well, with Junos, we can do just
that! Junos takes the complexity out of managing multiple OS chains. Juniper is known in the
industry for having one release track. So be it a router, switch, or security device, we can run any
of the above with matching Junos code. This makes migration plans much easier to manage, as
well as taking the complexity out of the networking staffs ability to manage subsets of networking


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 34

One Release Track

Disciplined process for development
New versions build upon the prior, so features remain

Predictable schedule
Provides a steady stream of new, well-tested features
Each release supports the varied platforms run by Junos

Streamlines upgrades and reduces upgrade issues

Extended End-of-Life for the last release of each year

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 35

In significant contrast to its primary competitors, Juniper extends Junos in a single software
release track under a disciplined process of development. New releases build-up on the prior,
creating a single train delivered in a series of numbered versions.
Each new release supports each product family with the code set optimized for its role and
application in the network. Whenever customers are ready to upgrade, they simply choose and
qualify a higher release number than their current version. Juniper provides over three years of
support for its extended end-of-life releases.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 35

Modular Architecture

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SAFJUN01F | 36

Lets take a look at some of the architecture highlights whats different in the design.
First, the architecture is modular. So, if youre not a software engineer, why do you care about
this? Well, the bottom line here: dedicated resources means high resiliency, which gives you that
incredible high availability that carriers rely on. Small problems dont become big ones, and are
easier to find. So, carrier class is what we have with flexibility for innovation. We can roll out new
functionality by building a new module and putting it into this same model you see here.
Additionally, the software has been designed from the beginning for scalability. System designers
can provided dedicated hardware for different functions where needed, whether its for control,
forwarding, or services, and it still all works as one system. And not only does the architecture
scale up, but it also scales down with flexible packaging for small systems.
A third highlight is the open interfaces for automation and applications development which lets our
partners customize and extend the deployment of Junos to each of their customers unique


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 36

Open to Innovation

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SAFJUN01F | 37

Junos Automation allows power control on-box while also allowing flexible integration to off-box
systems. With the Junos approach to an open network architecture, Juniper can offer a common
interface set across all platforms. Providing a horizontal platform approach of silicon, system, and
software, allows Juniper to deliver a complete solution supporting many applications. Juniper
delivers access to third party innovation and integration by offering a Junos software development
kit to partners so they can release even more value from their network applications!


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 37

Junos Simplifies Network Operations

Check your work
Fix your mistakes
Re-use your work
Schedule changes
Version control
Version comparison
Rescue configuration
Fast to navigate
Rollback and much more!

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 38

Ask any long time Junos users theyll tell you that the Junos simplifies network operations!
Prominent improvements over other systems include error-resilient configuration with changes
posted to a candidate file, flexible editing with time-saving shortcuts, automated checks of
configurations, version control and rollback flexibility to restore prior configurations, along with
automated rollback in systems inadvertently isolated by configuration changes. All these deliver
the advantages listed here.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 38

Junos User Interface Options

Command-Line Interface
Powerful, hierarchical tool set

Quick setup with templates
and wizards
Dashboard view, performance
monitoring and more

Junos Space
Security Design, Ethernet Design, Virtual Control, Service Now,
Service Insight, Network Activate

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 39

The command-line interface (CLI) is the software interface used to access the device. If you've
used other command-lines, the Junos CLI will look familiar. But, you will also quickly notice that
there are some new and different commands. These differences provide a rich set of new tools
and safeguards that can help your customers to efficiently manage their networks and maintain
high uptime.
Another option for management is J-Web, a powerful web-based management interface available
on Junos devices. J-Web lets you perform the actions available in the command-line interface. It
provides practical tools to monitor, configure, troubleshoot, and manage your device.
Additionally customers can manage platforms run by Junos with an expanding set of Junos Space


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 39

Commit Model
Separation of configuration, edit and activation
Validation checks, version control, automated rollback

Avert downtime caused by configuration errors
Reduce time for configuration and changes
Enforce compliance to policies
Avoid risks of transient configuration state
Compare configurations
Easily roll back to past configurations
2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 40

Think of the commit model as your friend and confidant for everything running Junos software. If
for some reason you commit your configuration and did not want to do so, or fat-fingered your
typing, Juniper has done a lot to make sure you will not be on your bosss list of worst
employees. Juniper has several handy tools that will allow you to immediately erase the changes
you have made to your configuration, and revert to any of up to 50 total revisions of Junos that are
held in flash on the hardware device.
To begin, if you are new to Junos, you need to understand the differences between a candidate
and an active configuration.
Consider the candidate configuration as a blank piece of paper that you can draw on. You can
draw on this paper with a pencil, erase mistakes, make changes, and spot errors that you have
made to your drawing. You can also save changes of your drawing or make a copy of it. In Junos,
this is an example of a candidate configuration. Unlike other systems the changes you make to
Junos will not save in memory with the simple push of the enter key. You will need to make sure
you really want all of your changes to be saved, and then type the word commit before any
changes will be saved to the Active configuration. At the point when the commit command is
entered, the software will check for syntax errors for you and then commit the configuration into
memory. If everything check, only now will your changes become part of the Junos Active running
configuration file. And, if you want to compare the new configuration to any prior configuration,
thats easy to do, along with rolling back to any of the past 50 configurations of the device (without
the need to reboot). Junos even has a way to rollback a configuration if a device somehow
becomes isolated with new configuration changes.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 40

Junos Automates the Network

Operations Automation
Save Time: write custom
commands & automate

Event Automation
Speed Resolution:
Gather/correlate events and
automate response

Config Automation
Avoid Errors: Simplify
& enforce best practices

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With Junos, we characterize Junos Automation with efficiency. Whether it be operations, event
correlation, or configuration, Junos will save time through automation that runs directly on the
Junos device. We also feature Juniper care with Service automation allowing a Juniper service
team to work directly with customers to maintain specific levels of incident response management.
As explained earlier as well, we offer Junos Space which through this platform we offer a
programmable platform for developing and running applications across the network


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 41

Learning Activity 3: Question 1

Juniper delivers access to third party innovation and integration by offering a ___
to partners for developing their own apps.
C) Web-UI

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Learning Activity 3: Question 1

Juniper delivers access to third party innovation and integration by offering a ___ to partners for
developing their own apps.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 42

Learning Activity 3: Question 2

What command will allow you to save your configuration in Junos software?
A) Rollback
B) Commit
C) Save
D) Reload

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Learning Activity 3: Question 2

What command will allow you to save your configuration in Junos software?


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 43

Learning Activity 3: Question 3

Which three of the following describe Junos software releases? (Select three.)
A) New versions build upon prior versions so features remain
B) One steady release track
C) Releases have different core functionality for different
D) Each release supports the various platforms run by Junos

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.





Learning Activity 3: Question 3

Which three of the following describe Junos software releases? (Select three.)


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 44

Section Summary
In this section, we:
Shared how Junos reduces network complexity
Described Junos architecture
Discussed how Junos simplifies network operations

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 45

In this section, we:

Observed how to reduce network complexity

Described Junos architecture, and

Discussed how Junos simplifies network operations


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 45

Junos Software Advantage

Selling Junos

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Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 46

Section Objectives
After successfully completing this section, you will be able to:
Discuss entry points for selling Junos solutions
Describe tools for success in selling Junos
Describe how Junos will save you time

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 47

After successfully completing this section, you will be able to:

Discuss entry points for selling Junos solutions

Describe tools for success in selling Junos, and

Describe how Junos will save you time


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 47

Data Center Entry Points

New & Consolidated Data Centers
Collapsed switching and/or routing
Scale and integrate security
Faster Data Center and Internet
Upgrade of the backbone

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SAFJUN01F | 48

So, what are a few of the key entry points to Junos based sales? A great place to start with your
enterprise customers is the Data Center. Lets take a look at these four sub-bullets. Juniper
provides entry points whether a customer is collapsing switching tiers, looking to scale and
integrate their security, need more speed, or they are just upgrading the backbone of the Data
Center. With Juniper, the customer is going to be able to deploy cost effective equipment with the
port density to collapse tiers all running on a single operating system, Junos and enabling the
virtualization of both the network and security. This is going to lower their requirements for power
and for space, and also reduce the time it takes to manage the network, with Juniper providing a
single operating system and automation tools for managing this equipment.


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 48

More Entry Points

Simplifying campus networks
Collapse layers, upgrades to access, aggregation, and core switches
Upgrades to enable user authentication and access control
VoIP rollouts

Branch office upgrades, including integration of services for routing, security,

voice, and application acceleration
Upgrade of the WAN backbone
MPLS to segregate traffic of different divisions

2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.


SAFJUN01F | 49

The same benefits apply to campus and branch office networks. In these locations there is also
ample opportunity to show your customers how Juniper s approach can benefit their network.
Collapsing multiple network tiers can ease network management , improve performance, and
upgrades or new deployments can be simplified. Win them over by explaining that Juniper
integrates and interoperates with all levels of their existing equipment so they can upgrade and
add to their network over time with little to no disruption.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 49

Time Tested Interoperability

Commitment to standards
IETF leadership
Extensive set of networking protocols

Pragmatic approach
Vendor interoperability tests
Focus on interoperability vs.
by the letter implementation
of standards

Extensive field experience

Largely deployed in mixed environments
Top service providers
Business, government,
and education networks

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SAFJUN01F | 50

Do any of your customers have only one vendor in their network? For the most part, probably not.
Just as most of your customers likely have multiple vendors for servers, storage, and other IT
systems, they may want the flexibility to use multiple vendors in the network. And, its likely that
their migration to Juniper solutions will occur over time. So the ease in which Junos interoperates
and integrates into existing infrastructure is essential.
Juniper engineers have long been involved in building open standards for interoperability in
industry organizations. For example, Junos developers have been at the forefront of defining and
implementing MPLS applications, next-generation multicast VPN architectures, and highavailability features such as non-stop active routing and in-service software upgrades.
Junos supports hundreds of networking protocols standards such as spanning tree, LLDP,
OSPF, BGP, IPv6, and MPLS, to name just a few. Nonetheless, the practicalities of interoperability
require that Juniper goes beyond simply implementing the standards. For example, filling in gaps
in cases of differences in interpretation or where de-facto standards are used.
This practical approach is necessary to support the thousands of customers of Junos.
Interoperability between Juniper and other large networking vendors has been proven several
times over, in the best possible way, with live network implementations in the largest networks over
the past decade.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 50

Selling to Operations
It just works
Stands up to attacks, congestion, and other instabilities with
industrial strength reliability

It eases operations effort and reduces errors

Friendly user interface with fail-safe protections
Automation of day-to-day operations, including configuration,
monitoring, and diagnostics

It simplifies changes and upgrades

More stable software with one release track means fewer fixes and
one upgrade path

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SAFJUN01F | 51

On previous slides we highlighted some of the advantages in operating a network with Junos.
These are going to be key when selling to the operations team. Youre going to want to get these
teams onboard with the Junos decision. After all, any kind of change is going to impact them and
theyre going to have a say in that change. Its going to take them some effort to adopt Junos and
its going to be something that they have to learn. You want them to see the value of making that
changeover. When we talk about what that means to operations teams, the bottom line is that it
can save them time, and allow them to more effectively run a high performance network thats not
going to break as much.
The operations team is different. They care about different things and they want to know: how are
you going to make my day better? We talked a lot about how youre going to make their day
better, but if you can free them up from fire drills, help them automate so that they have fewer
repetitive tasks, so they can get to new and interesting things, and have them spend less time on
fixes and upgrades, you can go in and say, Hey, whats on the backburner now that you cant get
to because of all those mundane tasks you have to do because of how you do things today?
Junos can help you get to the backburner. Let me help you get to those interesting projects and
help your business grow.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 51

Customize Savings
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SAFJUN01F | 52

We also have several tools to help us sell into Data Center, Campus, and Branch Office locations.
These Financial Analysis Tools (FAT) are designed to show customers the capital and operational
expense savings they could experience when deploying a Juniper infrastructure solution. The tool
should be used live with a customer to stimulate discussion of data center, campus and branch
requirements. Leverage these financial calculators to show, in tangible and relevant terms, the
Juniper solutions' business value. You provide a few inputs to customize the business case for
your customer, the calculators then create graphs and metrics to support the sale. These tools
may be co-branded and hosted on your site for use in sales and marketing programs.
Three flavors of this tool exist:
Data Center Financial Analysis Tool (FAT) - designed to show customers the capital and
operational expense savings they could experience when deploying a Juniper infrastructure
solution in their data center.
Campus Financial Analysis Tool (C-FAT) - designed to show customers the capital and
operational expense savings they could experience when deploying a Juniper infrastructure
solution in their campus environment.
Branch Financial Analysis Tool (B-FAT) - designed to show customers the capital and
operational expense savings they could experience when deploying a Juniper infrastructure
solution in their branch environment.
Use the onscreen link to view these ROI tools for helping to sell solutions:


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 52

Sell Junos Once, Sell Everywhere

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SAFJUN01F | 53

So when we talk about selling Junos, we must mention that most of Junipers devices in the tool
belt run Junos. So it makes it an extremely easy sell. When we sell into the Data Center, we
should be asking questions about the customers branch office devices, or vice versa. No matter
where in the network we need devices, Juniper has the solution to fit the need, whether it be
routing, security, or switching, Juniper can do it, oh yeah and with the same operating system
trans-versing from device to device. There is no reason to learn separate operating systems as
traditionally fed to network administrators for the past 40 years.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 53

I2J Conversion Tools

Converts from other to Junos
IOS routing and switching
ScreenOS security to Junos

Available on the Juniper support site

Offered through AES 256-bit encrypted

Additional I2J training :

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SAFJUN01F | 54

Are your customers migrating from Cisco to Juniper? Ease the transition with the I2J tool, a
configuration translator that converts Cisco IOS software configurations to Junos software
configurations. Automatic access to the tool at is provided at
no charge to JNASC Support Manager, JNASC Support Provider, Premier Accounts and all
support contract customers.
Training on the Juniper I2J translator can be found by using the link :
And additional conversion tools can be found using the link at the bottom of this slide:


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 54

Getting Started with Junos

New user to expert
Fast Track
Offers significant time
and cost savings

Day One downloads
OReilly Technical Library

Knowledge Base:

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SAFJUN01F | 55

So how do we get started with Junos? Well, there is always training and certifications available
from new user Juniper Associate (JNCIA) Introduction to Junos curriculum, to expert level
certifications (JNCIE). We also offer a fast track program for those who are already familiar with
other vendors products. This program will offer the student discounts and time savings in certifying
on the Junos OS. We also offer several books including Day One downloads for eReaders as well
as .PDF formats, and a full technical library of books from the publisher OReilly.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 55

Learning Activity 4: Question 1

What tool allows quick configuration changes from IOS to Junos?
A) I2J
B) I2X
C) J2I
D) J2X

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SAFJUN01F | 56

Learning Activity 4: Question 1

What tool allows quick configuration changes from IOS to Junos?


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 56

Learning Activity 4: Question 2

In what three ways will Junos save the customer time? (Select three.)
A) Stands up to attacks, congestion, and other instabilities
B) Eases operations effort and reduces errors
C) Simplifies changes and upgrades
D) Does not work with other vendors equipment

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SAFJUN01F | 57

Learning Activity 4: Question 2

In what three ways will Junos save the customer time? (Select three.)


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 57

Section Summary
In this section, we:
Discussed entry points for selling Junos solutions
Described tools for success in selling Junos
Described how Junos will save you time

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SAFJUN01F | 58

In this section, we:

Discussed entry points for selling Junos solutions

Described tools for success in selling Junos, and

Described how Junos will save you time


Juniper Networks, Inc.


Junos Software Advantage

Slide 58

Course Summary
In this course, we:
Gained an understanding of customer challenges
Described the Junos portfolio
Described the Junos operating system
Discussed how to sell the Junos operating system

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SAFJUN01F | 59

In this course, we:


Gained an understanding of customer challenges

Described the Junos portfolio
Described the Junos operating system, and
Discussed how to sell the Junos operating system

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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 59

Additional Resources
Education Services training classes

Juniper Networks Certification Program Web site

Juniper Networks documentation and white papers

To submit errata or for general questions

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SAFJUN01F | 60

For additional resources or to contact the Juniper Networks eLearning team, click the links on the


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 60

Evaluation and Survey

You have reached the end of this Juniper Networks eLearning module
You should now return to your Juniper Learning Center to take the assessment
and the student survey
After successfully completing the assessment, you will earn credits that will be
recognized through certificates and
non-monetary rewards
The survey will allow you to give feedback on
the quality and usefulness of the course

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SAFJUN01F | 61

You have reached the end of this Juniper Networks eLearning module. You should now return to
your Juniper Learning Center to take the assessment and the student survey. After successfully
completing the assessment, you will earn credits that will be recognized through certificates and
non-monetary rewards. The survey will allow you to give feedback on the quality and usefulness of
the course.


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Junos Software Advantage

Slide 61

2011 Juniper Networks, Inc.

Juniper Networks, Junos, Steel-Belted Radius, NetScreen, and

ScreenOS are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in
the United States and other countries. The Juniper Networks
Logo, the Junos logo, and JunosE are trademarks of Juniper
Networks, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, registered
trademarks, or registered service marks are the property of their
respective owners. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change,
modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.

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SAFJUN01F | 62

Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Junos,
NetScreen and ScreenOS are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the United States
and other countries. JunosE is a trademark of Juniper Networks, Inc. All other trademarks, service
marks, registered trademarks or registered service marks are the property of their respective
owners. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer or otherwise revise this
publication without notice.


Juniper Networks, Inc.


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