Pojam Transcendencije

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pojam transcendencije

Na novolatinskom (transcendentia) transcendencija isto je to i

prekoraivanje granice nekog podruja. Meutim kada se taj termin koristi u
filozofiji ono podrazumeva prelaenje granice mogueg iskustva, ono to je u
sferi s onu stranu osjetilnosti ili iskustva. Prelaenje iz ovostranosti u
onostranost, iz osjetnoga u nadosjetno ili apsolutno. to lei izvan granica
svijesti. Kod nekih filozofa transcendencijom se naziva apsolutna stvarnost
uzdignuta izvan i iznad svega relativnog i konanog zbivanja.
transcendence convey the basic ground concept from the word's literal
meaning (from Latin), of climbing or going beyond, albeit with varying
connotations in its different historical and cultural stages. This article covers
the topic from a Western and Islamic perspective by epoch: Ancient,
Medieval, and modern, primarily Continental philosophy.The first meaning, as
part of the concept pair transcendence/immanence, is used primarily with
reference to God's relation to the world and is particularly important in
theology. Here transcendent means that God is completely outside of and
beyond the world, as contrasted with the notion that God is manifested in the
world. This meaning originates both in the Aristotelian view of God as the
prime mover, a non-material self-consciousness that is outside of the world.
Philosophies and philosophers of immanence such as stoicism or pantheism,
Spinoza or Deleuze maintain that God is manifested in and fully present in
the world and the things in the world.
In religion, transcendence refers to the aspect of God's nature and power
which is wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all physical
laws.. This is contrasted with immanence, where God is fully present in the
physical world and thus accessible to creatures in various ways. In religious
experience transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the
limitations of physical existence and by some definitions has also become
independent of it. This is typically manifested in prayer, sance, meditation,
psychedelics and paranormal "visions".
that modern secular culture had lost all sense of the sacred, lacking any
sacramental meaning, no transcendental purpose or sense of providence. He
concluded that for the modern secular mind "God is dead", but he did not
mean that God did not exist. As Vahanian expressed it in his book, the issue
of the denial of God lies in the mind of secular man, not in reality.
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul
Hermes Trismegistus
jung i transcendencija
simbolizam koji pripada najranijoj svetoj tradiciji. ovi simboli nemaju ulogu u

povezivanju coveka sa religijskim ucenjem...

simboli su u stvari covekova teznja za postizanjem transcendencije, prelazak
iz jedne faze u drugu. cilj koji treba dostici. teznja.
kolektivno nesvesno
odnos sa mitovima, religijom i snovima
ulga posrednika - vrac, svestenik.... joga majstori - trans
motiv putovanja- hodocasca, biblijske teme progona, TOL
boginje, anime, sofija, atina
preseljenje - potrba za promenom nacina zivota - pustolovni zivot-manja
kuca, miran zivot- put oko sveta

simboli transcendencije - sta su, TOL

simolika se svodi na zivotinje, predmete, geometrijske oblike
kasirer- animal simbolicum
jung- zivotinje koje dolaze iz dubina zemlje- 78str

geometrijski simboli
krug - spirala - vavilonska kula rotonde, 7 planetarnih sfera, TOL
trougao + piramide
kvadrat - hrisc crkve prelaz iy kv u kr pand i tr
ptica - jung 76str ,
slika - google - lascaux shaman
guska i labud, voda i nebo
tot-hermes krila
golub-sveti duh
krilati konj, zmaj 79 str

avioni, rakete 79 str

zmija - 77str, tekst pored slike
zivi na zemlji u vodi na drvetu
stap lijecnicki
The sephera of the tree was a symbol of transcendence, associated with the
god Mercury (the guide of spirits), who is depicted with wings. This image is a
perfect symbol for the exile and return story of the Kabbalah, symbolizing
both the upward striving and the balancing of opposites; the middle pillar of
the tree represents equilibrium and harmony

drvo- 77 - pshicki zivot - ljudi, nagonski kod zivotinja, kolektivno


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