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LIR – Emily and Renee

Class 3: Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I. Attendance & Checking In (5:00-5:10pm) – E & R

a. Have students pick up nametags as they enter room
b. Test students on naming all 5 parts of K&P Model
II. Ice Breaker: Blanket Name Game (5:10pm – 5:20pm) – E & R
a. Students are divided into two teams. Each team sits on the floor facing
the other team. A blanket is held by two volunteers (teacher and a
student) between the two groups. Each team then quietly chooses one
member of their team to sit just behind the blanket and ahead of their
own team. At this point the chosen individuals are sitting facing each
other, but concealed by the blanket. The blanket is then dropped and
the two students quickly identify his opponent. A point is scored for the
team who shouts out the opposing person's name first.
III. Small Group Presentations from Last Week (5:20 – 5:40pm) – E
a. Groups get 5 minutes to put the finishing touches on their crest and
election campaign presentation
b. Each group then takes a turn sharing their (1) name, (2) definition of
leadership, and (3) crest to the class
c. Groups will also have 2 minutes to present their creative campaign
(speech, poster, slogan, TV commercial, etc.) for the famous leader
they have decided to represent 2008 LIR elections to the class (each
person must contribute) and then we will vote on who has made the
most convincing argument
IV. Reintroduce “Inspire a Shared Vision” (5:40-5:45pm) - R
V. BREAK (5:55-6:05pm)
VI. Tower Activity (6:05-6:35pm) – R
a. Class is divided into 2 groups and are given two different sets of
b. Group 1 – You will be given marshmallows and spaghetti. Using these
two items, build the tallest tower that you can in ten minutes. Please
take five minutes to discuss your strategy with your group before the
construction of your tower begins.
c. Group 2 – You will be given marshmallows and spaghetti. Using these
two items, build the tallest tower that you can in ten minutes.
However, you are not allowed to talk about how to build the tower. You
may use hand gestures, point, etc., but there can be no talking
d. Processing Questions—
i. Who if anyone took on a leadership role within the groups?
ii. Would you have done anything differently?
iii. What were some barriers to obtaining the vision?
iv. How did it feel to be able to communicate the vision? How did it
feel to not communicate the vision?
v. How does this relate to organizations and leadership within
VII. Inspiring Speeches Large Group Discussion (6:35-6:55pm) - E
a. Students start off silently reading one of several inspiring/motivational
speeches from throughout history (http://www.inspiring-quotes-and- (http://news-
i. MLK
ii. Lincoln
iii. Churchill
iv. Mandela
v. JFK
vi. Obama
b. Students are then shown a series of movie clip(s) of an
inspiring/motivational speech (
i. American President
ii. Braveheart
iii. Field of Dreams
iv. Jerry Maguire
c. Processing Questions—
i. Which speeches did you find most inspiring?
ii. What made these speeches so effective and persuasive?
iii. What were the various speakers trying to inspire within their
iv. What images, words, or other strategies did they use to attempt
to inspire their vision within others?
v. Were any of these visions realized? (in the movie or in real life)
VIII. Announcements & Overview of Next Class (6:55 – 7:00pm) – E & R
a. Homework—keep track of instances in which they “Inspired a Shared
Vision” over the next week, bring list as will be asked to report back on
b. Upcoming Practice—Challenge the Process
c. Reminders—
i. LIR Final Workshop/Banquet—Friday 2/22@ 6:00 p.m. in the
Common's Dining Room
ii. LIR Awards--Within each section of LIR, the students are asked to
choose one student for two separate awards. The first is the
"Achievement Award" which recognizes the leaders who have
most improved throughout the course of the class. The second
is the "Excellence Award" which recognizes the most
outstanding leader. Start thinking about these over the next few
weeks. At the class meeting before the reception students will
be asked to vote on who they think should receive each award.
The award winners will be announced at the reception.

Items to Bring:
- Small group posters
- Class expectations
- Supply Box (has inside nametags, LPIs, etc.)
- Brief “Inspire a Shared Vision” hand-out
- Reflection worksheets
- Attendance sheet
- Printouts of various speeches
- Computer w/ access to video clips
- Blanket
- 4 boxes of spaghetti
- 4 bags of large marshmallows

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