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Case Study I:

Beth is a sophomore in Offenhauer and an accounting major. You have noticed throughout the first
semester that she tends to keep herself, so you want to make an effort to get to know her better. You
know so far that she is in ROTC and gets up every morning at 5:30am to get ready for drill. Beth
appears dedicated to her work in accounting as the only times you see her outside of her room is in
the lounge studying or occasionally watching television by herself. As the RA for the floor, you
once asked her to dinner as you were on your way to Campus Corners, but Beth said no since she
prefers to plan further in advance and she already scheduled her evening and typically likes to eat
earlier in the evening. You pass by Beth’s room after the meal and see Beth just watching a movie
and wonder why Beth wouldn’t come along for dinner even just to socialize. Beth’s roommate says
she is kind, but is very focused on tasks to be completed in the room to keep things neat and
- Consider: What do you think Beth’s MBTI type is? Why?

- How could you help reach Beth, considering her potential MBTU type and personality

- For Beth’s type, how would you proceed with other interactions, programming plans, etc.?

Answer: (ISTJ)

Case Study II:

Tom is a first-year student, resident of Offenhauer. He is undeclared and comes to you regarding
roommate issues. Tom has felt since the beginning that his roommate, Scott, doesn’t like him. Tom
admits to you that he is often a sensitive person and he cares deeply about what others think,
however, Tom has been highly bothered by the lack of interaction from Scott. Tom states he has
met plenty of other friends on campus, especially through his current acting class, but he feels
frustrated with not having the type of roommate he expected and hoped he would have. Tom
envisioned a roommate that he could go out to dinner with, share what’s going on in their days, and
eventually, maybe, best friends. It’s November in the school year and Tom feels that is vision for
this roommate relationship is shattered since all Scott wants to do is play video games or go running
by himself – neither of which Scott enjoys. Tom has tried to reach out to Scott, asking him to go out
to dinner or just calls him up when he’s on his way to a campus event, but Scott always says no
since Scott tells Tom that Tom asks too last minute to do things. But Tom defends that likes to keep
his schedule free and decide what he likes to do on occasion. Tom feels dissatisfied with his
roommate situation and is considering moving out. How do you proceed?
- Consider: What do you think Tom’s MBTI type is? Why?

- How would you help Tom in this situation, considering his potential MBTI type and personality

- For Tom’s type, how would you proceed with other interactions, programming plans, etc.?

Answer: (ENFP)
Case Study III:

Chris is always hanging out on your floor, going from door to door, hanging out with other
residents. He’s a floor socialite, which is great since he gets other residents interacting, but
frustrating when it comes to quiet hours. In the beginning, Chris would validate his behavior with
excuses such as “But I just wanted to hang out with my friends because they’re all here right now –
I can’t plan around quiet hours!” but then other times would become upset that other residents
weren’t “busted for quiet hours.” Chris would then rattle off the many other residents who, in his
opinion and that he observed, violated quiet hours and at particular times in the past couple weeks.
Chris often demands the logic behind various rules and will argue with you about it – however,
when you see him even an hour after the argument he treats you with a friendly smile. You wonder
how to get Chris more involved, since he is socially active and knows so many people on the floor,
but you can’t get Chris to commit to a floor committee or to follow-through on promises to attend a

- Consider: What do you think Chris’ MBTI type is? Why?

- How would you help Chris become involved on the floor, considering his potential MBTI type
and personality characteristics?

- For Chris’ type, how would you proceed with other interactions, programming plans, etc.?

Answer: (ESTP)

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