IS602 - Group B - Questionnaire 1: Office-Ines@uni-Mannheim - de

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IS602 Group B Questionnaire 1

Deadline: 7 October 2014

- E-mail ( or paper-based during lecture or exercise
- It would be helpful if you can collect all questionnaires within your team and submit them together!
Team number (mandatory): 11
Gender: male






Age: 25

Part 2. Additional effects

Within my team, I will have the technical resources necessary to use SAP
BusinessObjects and Excel.
Within my team, I will have the knowledge necessary to use SAP
BusinessObjects and Excel.

Agree Strongly


Rather agree



disagree Rather

Part 1. Please rate your personal expectations

Using SAP BusinessObjects and Excel is a good idea
Using SAP BusinessObjects and Excel for my task is a wise idea.
Using SAP BusinessObjects and Excel in my job will be pleasant.
Overall, I like the idea of using SAP BusinessObjects and Excel for the task.
I intend to use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel for the Analytics Project.
I intend to use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel within the next 6 months.
I plan to use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel for the Analytics Project.
I expect that SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will enable me to accomplish
tasks quickly.
I expect that SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will improve the quality of the
work I do.
I expect that SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will make it easier to do my
I expect that SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will enhance my effectiveness
on my task.
I expect that SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will give me greater control
over my job.
I expect that SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will improve my productivity.
I expect that it will be ease to get SAP BusinessObjects and Excel to do what I
want it to do.
I expect that overall, SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will be easy to use.
I expect that learning to operate SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will be easy
for me.
I expect that interacting with SAP BusinessObjects and Excel will not require
a lot of my mental effort.

disagree Strongly

Please note:
- To receive credit for the questionnaire, it is only required to fill out the questionnaire completely! That
means, it has absolutely no influence for your grade which answer you select!

Agree Strongly


Rather agree


disagree Rather


Part 3. Please rate how you perceive/perceived your teams overall

impression within the first week of the Analytics Project.
My team has a positive orientation toward SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
My team has a good feeling about SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
My team considers SAP BusinessObjects and Excel acceptable for use.
Using SAP BusinessObjects and Excel is attractive for my team.
I find SAP BusinessObjects and Excel appropriate for the exercise task 2c that
my team was performing.
When analyzing data with SAP BusinessObjects, the menus and buttons were
shown in a readable and understandable format.
When loading data into SAP BusinessObjects and Excel, the menus and
buttons were easily available.
There were too many menus and buttons available within the SAP
BusinessObjects and Excel making it hard to understand which one to use.
My team was convinced about using SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
My team was committed to the use of SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
My team plans to regularly use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
SAP BusinessObjects and Excel is difficult for my team to use.
SAP BusinessObjects and Excel is too complex for my team to use.

disagree Strongly

A specific person is available for assistance with difficulties with SAP

BusinessObjects and Excel.
People who influence my behavior think that I should use SAP
BusinessObjects and Excel.
People who are important to me think that I should use SAP BusinessObjects
and Excel.
The course supervisors think that I should use SAP BusinessObjects and
My team members think that I should use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
Other students think that I should use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
People with whom I am working on the Analytics Project think that I should
use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
I believe the course supervisor would like me to use SAP BusinessObjects and
My course supervisor suggests that I use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
There is pressure to use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
My supervisor expects me to use SAP BusinessObjects and Excel.
The use of the SAP BusinessObjects and Excel is voluntary.
My course supervisor presented alternatives to SAP BusinessObjects and
Within my team, I would be able to solve the tasks without SAP
BusinessObjects and Excel.
Although using SAP BusinessObjects and Excel might be helpful, it is not a
mandatory for solving the tasks.

Part 4. Please rate your expertise in using the following tools:

Microsoft Excel
SAP BusinessObjects (Analysis Office) (this is the tool we are using in class)
SAP BusinessWarehouse Workspaces (this is the tool that Group A is using)
Business Intelligence Sandboxes in general
Business Intelligence Systems in general

Thank you very much for answering the questionnaire! This helps us a lot to further improve the lecture in the future!

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