General English Test

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I. Complete the sentences using the correct alternatives

1. Write down your contact details there and I ___ you a brochure.
a) send
b) will send
c) am sending
2. We nearly ___ bankrupt in the summer.
a) had gone
b) have gone

c) went

3. Ive decided what to spend my redundancy money on. I ___ my own

a) am going to start
b) start
c) would start
4. A lot of changes ___ place recently since he arrived.
a) take
b) have taken
c) took
5. The boy appeared with a railway time-table in his hand. The next____
train in twenty minutes.
a) will leave
b) is leaving
c) leaves
6. You look drained. I ___ around all day.
a) walked
b) have been walking c) was walking
7. She said she ___ him since he was in his first year at the university.
a) hadnt seen
b) didnt see
c) hasnt seen
8. I ___ up when you come with my things.
a) shall be cleaning
b) clean

c) am cleaning

9. It was cold and dark in the small room because it ___ for five days.
a) rained
b) was raining
c) had been raining
10. The general ___ on the platform when I arrived at Camberley.
a) waited
b) was waiting
c) has been waiting
11. If you gave us a 5% discount, we _____ the size of our order.

a) will increase

b) would increase

c) increased

12. If we ___ properly, we wouldnt have lost the deal.

a) had prepared
b) prepared
c) would have prepared
13. After supper he suggested they ___ to a movie, but she refused.
a) should have gone b) should had gone c) should go
14. I wish I ___ him at home.
a) find
b) will find

c) had found

15. Could you please tell me how many staff ___?

a) do you employ
b) you employ
c) are you employ
16. Our plan ___ by the members of the committee now.
a) considers
b) is being considered
c) is considered
17. Hundreds of people ___ by the new factory this year.
a) are employed
b) were employed
c) have been employed
18. When the manager arrived, the problem ___ .
a) had already been solved b) had already solved

c) had solved

19. A new book ___ by that company next year.

a) will publish
b) will be published c) is publishing
20. He ___ responsible for the accident.
a) is holding
b) was holding

c) was held

21. We went to the back of the house and he tried another door.
Everything ___ up, he said.
a) is shut
b) is shutted
c) was shut
22. While my car ___ I made a telephone call to my office.
a) was fixed
b) was being fixed
c) had been fixed
23. In many countries you ___ get a visa. Its the law.
a) have to
b) mustnt
c) should
24. Her mother said she ___ play with me if she wished.
a) should
b) ought to
c) might

25. It was one of those days when nobody ___ tell whether it was going to
a) could
b) couldnt
c) could have
26. I admire your mothers look. She ___ a lovely girl.
a) must be
b) must have been
c) must had been
27. I dont think people ___ gossip like that about other people.
a) need
b) ought to
c) should to
28. Anne, would you mind ___ this letter on your way home?
a) to mail
b) mailing
c) being mailed
29. Would you have these people ___ over to your place?
a) to come
b) come
c) to be coming
30. Can you believe ___ a bank?
a) he to have robbed b) him to have robbed
31. There was little hope of his ___ soon.
a) to recover
b) recover

c) him to rob
c) recovering

32. I didnt want to join the dispute, so I pretended ___ .

a) to read
b) to be reading
c) to have been reading
33. He entered the room ___.
a) smiled
b) smiling

) be smiling

34. Diplomacy is ___ and say the nastiest things in the nicest way.
a) to do
b) to be doing
c) to have been doing
35. ___ our things in the cloakroom we hurried to the hall.
a) having leaving
b) having left
c) left
36. Dont interrupt him when he is working. He hates ___ .
a) to disturb
b) to be disturbing
c) to be disturbed
37. The manager ordered the contract ___ into English.
a) to translate
b) to be translated
c) to be translating
38. Mr. Bobkins had his secretary ___ him the necessary papers to sign.
a) bring
b) bringing
c) to bring

39. We expect the Irish delegation ___ tomorrow.

a) to leave
b) to be leaving
c) to have left
40. There was nothing to do but ___ them with the information they
a) to have supplied
b) supply
c) to supply
41. We cant help ___ knowledgeable and industrious people.
a) to admire
b) being admired
c) admiring
II. Supply some, any, no, one, a one, the one, none:
42. She helped me borrow ___ more money.
a) ones
b) some

c) any

43. ___ of us were sure of the facts.

a) none
b) a one

) no

44. He wants ___ more pudding. You can take it away.

a) some
b) any
c) no
45. Such ___ as you want is very rarely seen.
a) a one
b) the one
c) one
46. Browns old car is much better than our new ___.
a) the one
b) some
c) one
47. They understood each other without ___ words.
a) no
b) any
c) some
48. Which girl is Jean? ___ in the green dress.
a) a one
b) one
c) the one
49. Id like you to make ___ effort to obtain all the data we spoke about.
a) every
b) all
c) each
50. He shouted her name twice, ___ time banging his fist on the table.
a) every
b) all
c) each
51. I think the first thing to do is to have ___ talk with your sister.
a) the other
b) another
) other

52. ___ day I made an epigram. I hope youll like it.

a) an other
b) the other
c) other
53. I made few friends in those days, for I was occupied with ___ things.
a) other
b) the other
c) others
54. We drove along a wide road with ditches and trees on ___ side.
a) both
b) neither
c) either
55. By that time ___ his sisters had got married.
a) both
b) neither
c) either
56. What are you going to have, orange juice or Coke? ___. Im not
a) both
b) neither
c) either
57. Nowadays he was very busy and he saw ___ of his friends.
a) little
b) few
) much
58. Florrie had ___ money, so she could buy a present for him.
a) little
b) few
) a little
59. At the bar ___ men were discussing the coming elections.
a) a little
b) few
) a few
60. My sister spends so ___ money on her clothes that she has none left for
a) much
b) many
c) little
61. An airship is an aircraft ___ looks like a big balloon.
a) who
b) which
c) what
62. The Titanic hit an iceberg. Thats ___ it sank.
a) why
b) where
c) which
63. He is the man ___ car I noticed in the square.
a) whose
b) whom
c) which
64. I was sure that ___ he said about the girl was true.
a) this
b) what
c) that

III. Choose the correct synonyms to the given words:

65. floor
a) ground

b) storey

c) stairs

66. to sing
a) to murmur

b) to whisper

c) to chant

67. all right

a) passable

b) nippy

c) cheerful

68. placard
a) poster

b) ticket

c) stamp

69. as a substitute for

a) on behalf of

b) in place of

c) in favour of

IV. Choose the correct antonyms to the given words:

70. gloomy
a) sad

b) depressing

c) bright

71. prominent
a) unknown

b) noticeable

c) famous

72. applause
a) criticism

b) ovation

c) approval

73. to disconnect
a) to divide

b) to join

c) to form

74. similarly
a) likewise

b) differently

c) correspondingly

V. Find the wrong derivative to the following words:

75. supervise
a) supervisor

b) supervisive

c) supervisory

76. permissive
a) permitter

b) permission

c) permit

77. luxury
a) luxurious

b) luxuriate

c) luxuried

78. dress
a) redress

b) dressy

c) dressment

79. protect
a) protectful

b) protectress

c) protectionism

VI. Insert the right prepositions or postpositions:

80. Im responsible _____ this factory.
a) of
b) on

c) for

81. Much depends ___ your making a decision at the right time.
a) on
b) at
c) from
82. He was suspected ___ concealing important information from the
a) of
b) in
c) at
83. OK, lets get _____ to business.
a) through
b) up

c) down

84. His mission had very little to do ___ winning the war.
a) with
b) from
c) for
85. She was treated ___ diabetes.
a) from
b) with

c) for

86. ___ all our efforts to save the school, the County decided to close it.
a) in spite
b) despite
c) regardless
VII. Choose the most suitable verb:
87. Dont ___. The patient is much better now.
a) trouble
b) worry
c) afraid

88. He telephoned me ___ the theatre tickets.

a) to remember me
b) not to forget me
c) to remind me of
89. On _____ of my company, Id like to welcome you all.
a) behalf
b) charge
c) responsible
90. We _____ him an offer so lets see if he accepts.
a) took
b) made
c) did
91. Sorry, I didnt quite _____ that. Could you repeat it?
a) clarify
b) mean
c) catch
92. Lets get straight to the _____ and not waste any more time.
a) point
b) item
c) debate
93. Pen and paper is a thing of the _____.
a) times
b) past

c) date

94. ____ free to interrupt if you have any questions.

a) Please
b) Think
c) Feel
95. I have so many emails waiting to be answered. I just cant keep _____
of them all!
a) view
b) track
c) way
VIII. Complete the text with the correct British English alternatives:
My last overseas business trip was a pleasure from start to finish. I got to
the airport in record time there was no traffic on the _(96)_. The car park was
almost empty, and I parked very easily. I had an _(97)_ class ticket, but they
upgraded it to first class! My _(98)_ was quite big and heavy but they didnt
make me check it in. When we arrived the underground station was closed and
there were no taxis, but I saw from the _(99)_ that there was a bus leaving for
the _(100)_ immediately. The bus dropped me right in front of my hotel.
96. a) motorway
97. a) economic
98. a) handbag
99. a) timeplan
100. a) city centre

b) waterway
b) economics
b) carry-in luggage
b) timetable
b) home town

c) runway
c) economy
c) carry-on luggage
c) time sheet
c) city focus

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