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Year 4 (Emma, Nicole, Sian, James Cook)


Computational thinking


Creating resources for a

search engine

Learning about search

(curriculum link) and how to
create a game/doodle
Use search technologies
effectively, appreciate how
results are selected and
marked and be discerning in
evaluating digital content.

Autonomy to create their own

Loose theme idea based
around Easter - large element
of choice and gives freedom
to explore advanced features

Critical thinking


Understand computer
networks including the
internet; how they can
provide multiple services,
such as the world wide web;
and the opportunities they
offer for communication and

Working collaboratively in
smaller groups to create and
then pitch their ideas of

BODDLE - sister search engine

Week One Planning

Introduce ourselves as representatives coming from an up and coming search engine
with no logo and no USP (unique selling point). Discuss that by the end of the time
spent with us (project) they will have created their own ideas to pitch to us (the
company) to use. Split children up into groups of 3.
Show children a range of search engines and establish what their USPs
are. Show the children a search engine like
Blackle and ask them what they think the USP is? Explain that our company needs a USP and
that we would like them to come up with their own ideas of what they feel our USP should be.
Branching on explain to the children that their ideas for USP will have to interlink to the name
and the logo - which we also want them to come up with.

Show them an example and let them explore what the possibilities are in SCRATCH. Ask the children to create ideas and explore what
they may be able to create on pieces of paper in their groups. (Give them an example of a
planned logo with labels and give them a planning format) Children to then go on SCRATCH
and see how far they can push their ideas from paper to the screen without having the input of
vector and bitmap.
Teaching Input - Show the children the Bitmap or Vector Scratch animation to show the
difference between the two. Show children examples of the logos that we have created using
vector and bitmap. Have examples of logos at different stages and give the children the
opportunity to practice these skills and using these tools. Using these skills, create their own
logo image and make sure that this is shared on Scratch so we can show these at the end of
the lesson.
Assessment - two stars and a wish (peer assessment)

9:15 9:45



When is
break/assembly time?
Introduce ourselves
and give out badges.

Give children bingo game

in their groups (search
engines) including
browsers and search

Assign children their


9:45 10:05

What do you think a

browser is?
What do you think a
search engine is?
Thinking about
similarities and
differences. (Note:
browsers are often
linked to one search




Did they realise

that some of the
logos were for

Bingo cards

Refine the
definitions based
on the sorting
activity on IWB

cards /
A3 piece of
paper (venn

Call out names of search

engines. Chn to find the
corresponding logo on
their bingo cards.
Chn come up with a brief
definition of both.
Sorting activity browsers and search
engines using a venn

Discuss what they think Chn to work in their

Share ideas for USP Use laptops to


a USP point is? What is

the USP of EE?
Build a definition of
what a USP is and show
them blackle.

groups to come up with

their own USP i.e. child
friendly search engine.

with the rest of

the group

ideas for a
USP to write
on an A4
sheet of


Discuss that there

needs to be a link
between the USP and
the logo for the search

How might we improve

this logo? - brainstorm
ideas on IWB.



Two stars and a

wish for other
groups - think
about their USP.

Scratch online

Show examples (relate

back to bingo)

Chn to discuss in their


Show chn the boddle

logo that we designed
and showed at a board
Explain that they did
not agree that the logo
represented a USP.

Explain that chn need

to create their own
logo that clearly
represents their USP.
They will be using
scratch to create this
logo but not using the
ready made

Chn to explore elements

of scratch (bitmap &
vectors) seeing what they
can use.

They can choose to use

the existing logo and
make improvements
based on our discussion
or make their own.

After this input and

gaining a better
understanding of the
tools they have chn can
then start to design their
logo on paper. (labelling)
- show example on IWB.

Then show the scratch

link with voice over that
explains bitmap and

Scratch lesson
on bitmap vs
A4 planning
sheet for
design of

Week Two
How search engines work (Laura resources)
Week Three
Teaching the skills needed to make the doodle in Scratch
Set homework - play around with ideas for doodle/game as a test for working collaboratively
Week Four
Creating the doodle/game
Week Five
Pitching their ideas and showing them the mock ups of each of the websites

Notes to us: (BODDLE)


- Badges with names on

- Create a mock up logo for search engine
- Create our own doodle in Scratch to see what
processes need to be taught
- Decide what areas need to be covered based on this
for Scratch
- Create a doodle related to another holiday e.g.
- Criteria for vote - poll box (focusing learning and peer
assessment - computational thinking)
- Bitmaps and vectors (Excel and cell references)
Have some USPs ready

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