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Analysis Codebook

A: Newspaper
CI = Community Impact
ST = The Star-Telegram
DMN = Dallas Morning News
NYT = The New York Times
B: Headline (copy and paste) please wrap text to save space
C1: Type of sources. What type of source materials does the reporter cite in the article?
3 - Primary Source ex: Official Documents, Participant Interviews, 1st Person
Account by Writer, etc
2 - Secondary Source ex: Expert Testimony, Witness Quotations, Related Journal
Articles, etc
1 - Tertiary Source ex: Opinion Commentary, Other Articles on Same Story,
Social Media
0 - None ex: No Sources Cited
D. Eyewitness Accounts
0 No eyewitness account noted
1 A eyewitness account but no name
2 An eyewitness account with name
3 An eyewitness account with name and information about the person
4 An eyewitness account with name and information about person relative to story
5 More than 2 eyewitness account with name and information about person
relative to story with quotes about the viewpoints from eyewitness.
9. N/A
E. Interviewees
0 No interviews account noted
1 A interview account but no name
2 An interview account with name
3 An interview with name and information about the person
4 An interview with name and information about person relative to story
5 More than 2 interview with name and information about person relative to story
with quotes about the viewpoints from eyewitness and/or some form of
multimedia platform
9. N/A

1 Credibility Measures: C through E

Content Analysis Codebook

F: Unusual Event: What is the frequency of occurrence for the reported event?
3 - Never Occurred Before ex: First Time Ever for Event - 1969 Apollo Moon
2 - Occurred within memory ex: Giant Oil Spills, New Species Discovered,
1 - Occurs within 1 year ex: Event Occurred 1st Time Last Year, 2nd Time
0 - Trend ex: Commonplace Event, Texas Earthquakes, Heavy Traffic During
Rush Hour
G: Proximity Impact: How much will the reported story directly affect the life of the
3 - Local ex: Directly Impacts Reader, New Local Ordinance, Business Closures,
Road Construction
2 - State ex: Impacts State Residents, Colorado Legalized Pot, State Income Taxes
1 - National ex: Impacts Country as Whole, Congressional Bills, NASA Projects
0 - None ex: International News, New British Prime Minister, UN Resolutions
H: Immediacy: When was this last updated?
5 Updated with the last 2 hours
4 Between 2 and 4 hours
3 Between 4 and 8 hours
2 Between 8 and 12 hours
1 Between 12 and 18 hours
0 Between Older than 18 hours
9 No "time of update"
Supplemental information (video, image, links)
I: Images?
1 Yes
0 No
J: Videos?
1 Yes
0 No
K: Links?
1 Yes

Content Analysis Codebook

0 No

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