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Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris

Hari / Tgl.


: V (Lima)




Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !

Text for number 1-5
This is dani. He is in the dining room now. He is having dinner with his parents.
There are many kinds of food on the table. Dani eats rice, soup and fried chicken. They
are is favourite food. Then Dani drinks a glass of lain water after dinner. Dani always
eats nutrious food. Thats why, he is healthy and strong. He also like drinking milk two
glasses a day
1. Dani is having dinner with ...
a. his parent
c. his aunt
b. his brother
d. her grandfather
2. There are many kinds of food on the table, except ( kecuali ) ....
a. rice
c. soup
b. noodle
d. fried chicken
3. Dani drinks a glass of plain water after ....
a. breakfast
c. dinner
b. cooking
d. take a bath
4. The suitable title ( judul ) text above is ...
a. having dinner
c. many kinds food
b. nutrious food
d. my favourite food
5. Nita has a ... from her mother
a. catapelt
b. swing
c. kite
d. doll
6. Tina buys a dress and other daily need in the ....
a. shop
c. restaurant
b. bakery
d. market
7. Mother buys some meat in the ....
a. butcher
c. shop
b. bakery
d. market
8. Tom and Rudi are bringing rackets and a small ball. They are playing ....
a. football
c. tennis
b. badminton
d. guitar
9. Anton likes playing ....
a. marbles
b. slide
c. doll
d. kite

10. A.

: what is your hobby ?

: My hobby is ....
a. swimming
b. reading
c. playing football
d. cycling

11. Bobi doesnt like reading. He ... swimming

a. like
c. liking
b. likes
d. is like
12. Tika likes gardening. She is watering some plant in the ....
a. rice field
c. house
b. yard
d. jungle
13. A. : What time it is ?
10. 30
B : It is ....
a. a half to ten
c. a half past ten
b. a quarter past ten
d. a quarter to twelve
14. Tomi mandi pagi pukul 6 pagi
The sentence above in English is ....
a. Tomi takes a bath at six p.m
c. Tomi has breakfast at six a.m
b. Tomi takes a nap at six a.m
d. Tomi has dinner at six a.m
15. 04.35 It is ... to five
a. a half
b. a quarter

16. 05.10 Rina gets up at ....

c. twenty five
d. twenty

a. ten past six

c. ten to five
c. ten past five
d. five past ten
17. Nino is in the river. Now, he is ....
a. singing
b. fishing
c. painting
d. dancing
18. Ratna is slim and beautiful. She can dance Kecak, gambyong and srimpi.
Her hobby is ....
a. cooking
c. singing
b. reading
d. dancing
19. Dika and Sony ... playing basketball
a. is
c. am
b. are
d. we
20. Jaka riders a bike every morning. His hobby is ....
a. singing
c. painting
b. cycling
d. swimming
All the car must stop when the light is ....
a. white
b. green
c. red
d. yellow

22. My sister arrive at nine a.m. arrive means ....

a. berangkat
c. pergi
b. kembali
d. tiba
23. You can shop at ....
a. temple
c. Mountain
c. beach
d. departmen store
24. The scenery is very beautiful.
The underlined word the same as ....
a. terrible
c. fantastic
b. expensive
d. very bad
25. X : lets go to the beach now !
Y : ....
the answer is ....
a. ok
c. youre right
b. im sure
d. have a nice holiday
26. Today is Monday, tomorrow is ....
a. Sunday
c. Monday
b. Tuesday
d. Wednesday
27. What time do you brush your teeth in a day ? I usually ....
a. three
c. three times
b. third times
d. three third
28. What time is it ? it is ....
a. a half past one
c. a half past two
b. a quarter to one
b. a half to one
29. a half is the same as ....
a . twenty minutes
c. thirty minutes
b. fifteen minutes
d. three minutes
I usually play footbal with my friend in the evening.
The right time is ....
a. a half past four
c. a quarter to four
b. a half past three
d. a quarter to four
31. They play football in the ....
a. garden
c. yard
b. street
d. Parking area
32. It is aquater past seven.
a. 07.20
c. 07.15
b. 07.30
d. 07.45
: what time do you have lunch
Budi : I have lunch at ....
a. two oclock
c. a half past one
b. a half past two
d, a quater to two
34. Mr.Budi works in the plane, he flies the plane. He is a ....
a. captain
c. pedicab man
b. sailor
d. pilot
35. she must walk straight to the garden
The word straight means ....

a. belok kanan
b. lurus

Fill in the blank with the correct answers !


36. What is your favourite food ?

My favourite food is ....
37. We have dinner together in the ....
38. The baby is crying. He wants to drink ....
39. Mother buy some meat in the ....
40. Tom and Jery are playing in the yard.
They are playing ....
41. Rita is playing doll. The negative form is ....
42. Emilia wears ... for kartinis day
43. Andika ... wearing trousers
44. Doni wears a jacket is a ... weather
45. The children are playing marbles
Translate to Indonesia is ....
Answer the question correctly !

c. terus
d. berputar


46. Mention three kinds of clothes !

47. Change the sentences into negative and introgative.
(+) She is wearing pink dress
(-) ....
(?) ....
A : Is it a marble ?
B : .....
49. Arrange this words into good sentences!
sleeping - wears - Bowo - pyjamas for = ....
A :What time is it ?
B : ....

kunci jawaban
1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.d 7.a 8.c 9.a 10.c
11.b 12.b 13.c 14.a 15.c 16.c 17.b 18.d 19.b 20.b
21.c 22.d 23.d 24.c 25.a 26.b 27.c 28.a 29.c 23.b
31.c 32.c 33.c 34.d 35.c
36. fish 37. dining room 38.milk 39. butcher 40.catapelt 41.Rita is not playing doll
42.kebaya 44. cold 45. Anak-anak sedang bermain kelereng
46. kebijakan guru 47. She is not wearing pink dress / is she wearing pink dress 48.
No, It is yoyo 49.bowo wears pyjamas for sleeping 50. It is a quater past seven


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