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OSI Model Key Terms Table

NTC/245 Version 1

University of Phoenix Material

OSI Model Key Terms Table
Define the key terms related to the OSI Model. Describe the functions of any hardware
connectivity devices and tools listed.


Physical layer

The physical layer is the first

layer of the OSI model

Data link layer

The data link layer is the

second layer of the OSI model

Network layer

The network layer is the third

layer of the OSI model

Transport layer

The transport layer is the

fourth layer of the OSI model.

Session layer

The session layer is the fifth

layer of the OSI model.

Presentation layer

The presentation layer is the

sixth layer of the OSI model.

Application layer

The application layer is the

seventh layer, the bottom layer
of the OSI model.


Signaling is information of an
exchange that is made
between controls or set ups.
Synchronous are event or
objects that may occur at the
same clock rate.
Asynchronous are events or
objects that may occur at
different clock rates.
Bandwidths carry data and
can be measured by Mbps.
Point to point topology is a
wireless link with long range
that works between two sites.
The multipoint connection is a
form of communication that
works from one location.

Point-to-point topology
Multipoint connection

The physical layer works by
encoding and signaling
through data transmission,
with electrical and cabeling.
The data link layer works as a
logical link control by allowing
control access to media
through node to node.
The network layer works by
helping the operation of the
communication link, and
routes to different WANs and
The transport layer manages
the end to end messaging,
ensuring delivery.
The session layer works with
the dialogues and sessions, by
starting and stopping orders.
The presentation layer with
transmission, compression,
and encryption.
The application layer is a form
of communication, whether it
be through email, file
transferring, or server.
Signaling works as an
exchange system.
Synchronous is ran at the
same clock rate.
Asynchronous is ran at a
different clock rate.
Bandwidths is seconds carry
data from point to point.
The point-to-point topology is a
channel that works with two
The multipoint connection
works at one location forming
many connections.

OSI Model Key Terms Table

NTC/245 Version 1


The MAC is also known as

Media Access Control.


The LLC is also known as the

logical link control.


SAP is also known as the

service access point.

Access method

The access methods are files

on a disk that keeps and or
tracks the records.
CSMA/CD allows transfers
from a network on a computer
in which is connected.
The gateway routes traffic
from a workstation to a
network in which is outside as
a webpage.
Hubs works as a point of


Token passing

Bridges help by connecting

two networks to one with an
extended Ethernet.
A Token passing grants
positions over a network.
A polling triggers when a
terminal needs to be sent.

The MAC hardware address in

which can point out the
specific node of a network.
The logical link control is part
of the sublayers of one of the
two, and is connected with the
data link layer.
The SAP works for the
endpoints as it identifies the
labels for the networks.
The access method
remembers files on and off
disks and records.
The CSMA/CD refer to the first
and second layers.
The gateway works as an
entrance to networks.
Hubs is works with the LAN
and connects to the segments
to it.
Bridges accept and forward
A token passing can put data
into a network.
Polling checks programs

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