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Status of Pnp to the Barangay Community

Philippine College of Criminology

A Thesis
Proposal Presented to the
Faculty of College of Criminology
In Partial Fulfillment for the
Degree Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Submitted by
Jacob, Mark Lester P.
March, 2011
I would like to dedicate to the following who significantly helped me in
completing this thesis. my parents, who gave me the appreciation of
learning and taught me the value of perseverance and hard work, My
mother Teresita P. Jacob, for her overall support and understanding, while
completing this reaserch study, to my father Odilon R. Jacob, for giving his
support ,motivation and encouragement inspired me in the preparations of
this thesis. To my entire classmates especially to all the 4c4 section for
their unselfish support by providing their knowledge and help that greatly
contributed to the accomplishment of this work , lastly to the creator
almighty Jesus Christ for giving me the power and life to continue lifes
never ending pursuit to learn.


It is a pleasure to thank those who made this thesis possible who in one
way or another help in the realization of this research.

To our immediate family, wife, sons and daughters who were always
loving, kind, and understanding, providing us hope and inspiration.

To our ever admired and respected adviser, DR. MERCEDES A.

FORONDA, for endowing us her unrelenting guidance and support.

To PROF. LINDON AGAS , for allowing us to pursue this study for us

to grow and succeed in our chosen field endeavor.

To our colleagues and friends for their valuable input in this study.

And above all, to our God Almighty who gave us courage, passion
and determination to complete this study

Title Page

Dedication ..


Acknowledgement ....


Table of contents. .





A. Theoretical and conceptual framework .

B. Statement of the Problem

C. Hypothesis .

D. Significance of the Study .

E. Scope and Limitation


F. Definition of Terms. 11

A. Synthesis ....



A. Research Design ...


B. Sampling Design.


C. Instrumentation ..


D. Collection of data .


E. Statistical Treatment ..




During the past previous years even up to these present times, we

can still noticed as the headlines dictates that crimes particularly against
persons and property continuous to increase, most of the public schools
suffers from fraternity/gang wars, several neighborhood were no longer
safe for living, some barangays had difficulties in sustaining peace and
order even within their local subordinates and many young individuals
failed to realized their worth, thus, deflecting to illegal drug use.

These predicaments were just only part of the many dilemmas that our
Country must handle, a problem that could had been resolved if and only

the community will took its part to help in the resolution said issues for if
there is an organized community partnership it will develop relationships
within individuals, neighborhoods, the faith community, and other agencies
to identifies problems and issues and then work together to develop
Among the agencies that must be involved in the development and
enhancement of a successful community partnership was the Philippine
National Police particularly thru its Police Community Relations Branch
which was presently governed and guided by the Eight Foundation
Initiatives Policy wherein the enhancement of the Police-Community
Partnership was one of the major concerns as emphasized by the present

In fact, several programs were already launch by the PNP just to bring
closer the police to the community it serves such as the creation of the
Community Oriented Policing System, Barangay Peace Keeping Action
Team (BPATs) and most specially the SAMBAYAN programs from which all
were envisions to a) to strengthen police-community partnership in
addressing peace and order concerns, b) to organize and mobilize sectors
of the community as a united front against threat to peace and security and
c) to help empower and develop people. But the question was still there,
Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is focused on measuring the extent of partnership

between the PNP and the Community ,
What are the programs of the PNP in maintaining harmonious
relationship with the community?

Ugnayan sa Barangay


Health Services


Anti Drug Campaign


Media Relation

As perceived by the respondents, to what extent on the
aforementioned programs are implemented?
2..1 Extent said PNP programs were implemented
2..2 Efficiency of the PNP in implementing police-community
2..2 Effectiveness of the PNP program.

How significant is the perception made by the three (3) group of
respondents on the extent to which the aforementioned programs are
What are the common problem encountered by the respondents
in the implementation of the aforementioned programs?
Hypothesis of the Study
The study will prove the following null hypothesis;, to wit:
1. There is no significant difference in the evaluation made by the three
(3) group of respondents on the status of the PNP Community Partnership
in terms of :
1.1 Extent said PNP programs were implemented.
1.2 Efficiency of the PNP in implementing police-community programs.

Effectiveness of the PNP program.

Importance of the Study

This Study will benefit the following sectors: to wit:
PNP Administration. The finding of the study will be used by the officers
and men in the formulation of policies and enhancement on the
development in community partnership.
Personnel. The PNP personnel particularly assigned with Police
Community Relation Branch will also benefited with this study since they
serve as a the front-liner unit in dealing with police-community interaction
and implementing PNP planned program of activities specially on crime
Community . To the community namely the Barangay of Sta. Monica,
Bagbag and Nagkaisang Nayon, wherefrom police services begins and
end, this study represent the PNPs continuing attempts to improve delivery
of basic police services through a more effective crime prevention program
anchored upon police-community relationships, thus, will more likely to
reveal how responsive the two-way communication between the police and
the community could be firmly established with the end on view of attaining
better peace and order situation in or communities and consequently, to
identify the extent to which this programs and activities were being
Media .------------------------------------Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses mainly on measuring the extent of

partnership between the PNP and the Community resulting from the
existing PNP programs such as Ugnayan sa Barangay,Health Services
,Anti Drug Campaign, Media Relation being implemented by the PNP
personnel of Novaliches Police Station-4 particularly at three (3) selected
barangays namely Sta. Monica, Bagbag and Nagkaisang Nayon. The
variables included are extent said PNP programs were implemented,
efficiency of the PNP in implementing police-community programs and
effectiveness of the PNP programs. This study covered a period of Five

(5) years , from 2005 -2010. Three (3) group of respondents composed of
Five (5) PNP personnel , Ten (10) people and Three (3) Media
Personalities from the community.
Definition of terms
For the purpose of clarity and to avoid any ambiguities the following
terms are defined in the context by which they are used in this study to
serve as common frame of reference between the researcher and the

Police Community Relations are complicated and constantly, changing

interactions between representatives of the police organizations and an
assortment of governmental agencies, public groups, and private
individuals representing a wide range of competing and often conflicting

Community Oriented Policing - is a philosophy which allows a law

enforcement agency and citizens to work together to solve problems of
crime and social conflicts and ultimately improve the quality of life in that
community. It requires both law enforcement and the community to change
many of their perceptions and expectations of policing.

Crime - as a legal concept, refers to act or omission punishable by law, and

as a behavioral maladjustment- an act which is considered as undesirable.
Community is the sum total of all individuals or citizens in a particular
place having no particular territorial boundary and could be segmented on
the basis of their purpose or nature (such as the business community, the
religious community, and others).
Crime Prevention refers to the measures that are taken to reduce criminal
opportunity and criminal victimization.

Strategy refers to techniques of doing something and designed to

avoid obstacles that would result to failure.

Concept is defined as a generalized idea or notion about the nature or a

thing a way of thinking or an event.

Effectiveness refers to the ability of an action or things to produce the

desired effect or result.

Development Plants/Programs - are future actions intended to be done

with the objective of attaining development goals. Programs are sequence
of actions to done to complete a task event or action.

Participation - means involvements or the process of being included.

Police Public Information refers to an activity that makes the public

understand why the police agency performs as it does and endeavors that
such public be supportive of that performance.

Interdependence - as used in this study refers to the network status created

by the community in providing the neighborhood police with necessary
logistical and moral support.


This chapter discusses the methods of research employed by the

researcher to gather the needed data. It includes the Research design,
sampling technique, the instruments used with its construction, validation,
administration and retrieval, and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study will employ the Descriptive Method of research. Carter and
Good defines it as a process of gathering facts concerning nature and
status of anything that is of interest and important. It is also useful when the
investigation wishes to known or capture the process which explains the
characteristics and behavior of a person, group or institution under

This Study will focused on the assessment on the extent of the policecommunity relationship between Police Station 4 personnel and the
community consigned within three (3) selected Barangays of Novaliches
Proper, Novaliches, Quezon City such as Sta. Monica, Bagbag and
Nagkaisang Nayon in the hope to come up with the baseline data that
would be used as a guide for more effective programs that would help
enhance the already existing police-community partnership.


The researchers of the study will have fifty (50) respondents consisting of
Barangay Officials, Businessman, Government employee, Security Guards,
Law Enforcers and other citizens from every Barangay for at least a one (1)

month. The researchers believed that this people would be a great help in
the evaluation of the extent and effectiveness of PNP programs being
implemented and conducted by Police Station 4 (Novaliches Police Station)
at Barangay of Sta. Monica, Bagbag and Nagkaisang Nayon, Novaliches,
Quezon City.

Sampling Technique

Choosing of respondents will be done at a random state, wherein

during the observation phase at the site were PNP programs were usually
conducted, four (4) pages questionnaire will be randomly distributed among
Barangay Officials, Law Enforcers, Businessmen, Traffic Enforcers,
Government employees, and other civilian personnel present at said

Instrument Used

To gather the needed data, the following instruments were employed:

1. Questionnaire: It was the primary source of data. It contained questions

designed to answer the problems stated in Chapter 1. The respondents
check the blank space that corresponds to their perspective answer. The
responses were given numerical values which were subsequently
computed using the appropriate statistical tool.

2. Interview: This is the secondary source of data. The unstructured

interviews were conducted personally, yet informally by the researcher to
augment the questionnaire.

3. Observation: This is another secondary source of data. The direct

observations by the researcher helped in their analysis of the data and
gave weight to the veracity of the answer in the questionnaire.

Construction of the Instrument

To formulate the concept and framework of the study, and to

determine the variables and indicators to be used, the researcher will read
literatures and studies related to the subject of the study. The researcher
prepared the initial draft of the questionnaire based on these readings and
showed this draft to their adviser whom in turn suggested some minor
changes, additions and deletions.

Validation of Instrument

The researchers will pre-test the instrument to fifty (50) respondents

who were not among the chosen respondents. The purpose of this try-out
was to find several vague confusing items in the questionnaire. The result
of the pre-test was considered in the revision for the final draft.

Administration and Retrieval of the Questionnaire

The researcher will ask for the approval of the Commanding Officer
to float the questionnaire. Once approved, it was personally administered.
Likewise, with the help from several colleagues in the department, the
groups were able to obtain one hundred percent (100%) retrieval.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data that will be yield at a given questionnaire and will be tallied,
tabulated and subjected to statistical treatment in order to ensure validity,
reliability and objective in the interpretation of the result.

Common cases will be investigated, several problems encountered,

the frequency and percentage distribution will be applied in order to
determine the personal profile of the respondent.

To determine the effectiveness of performance as to mission, vision

and function, the weighted mean was applied. The responses of the
respondents will be categorized into five and will be given corresponding
weights which will be multiplied by the number of replies in each category
and will be added and then divided from the sum of the product.

To qualify, the responses on the rating scale, the five-point Likert Scale
method of measuring attitudes will be utilized. Each statement has five
responses. In this study, the responses will be under the degree of
frequency with weight of 5,4,3,2 and 1. The respondents reacted to every
perception item by checking one out of five possible answer or response.
Thus, the score was the sum of the weight of the responses checked.



Frequency and perception distribution

_____ f______ x 100





= Frequency

= No. of respondents

Weighted Mean



= Sum of the product of the frequency

= No. of respondents

The equivalent point assigned to each indicate item and extent to existence
of each weighted average, which becomes the verb description:

Weighted Mean:

Verbal Interpretation:

4.50 - 5.0

Very Effective

3.50 - 4.49


2.50 - 3.49

Moderately Effective

1.50 - 2.49



Very Ineffective

- 1.49

Appendix 1:
Sample Questionnaire

1. Profile of the respondents

Direction: Read every statement carefully and indicate which options apply
to you. Please check the items applicable to you.

1.1 Gender:
____ Male
____ Female

1.2 Age:
____20 - 30
____30 40
____40 - 50
____50 60

1.3 Civil Status:


____Widow / or

1.4 Highest educational attainment

____ High School Level

____ High School Graduate
____ College Level
____ College Graduate
____ Some units in Masters Program
____ Masters Degree holder
____ With (LLB and LLB units)

1.5 Job Description

______ Law Enforcer

______ Government Employee
______ Baranggay Officials
______ Businessman

______ Driver
______ NGOs

1.6 Length of service:

____ 1 5 years
____ 6 10 years
____ 11- 15 years
____ 16 20 years
____ 21 25 years
____ 26 30 years
____ 31 above years
2. What are the programs being implemented by Novaliches Police Station
that help enhance police-community partnership? How effective are these

______ Conduct of Ugnayan/Dialogues to develop community awareness.




Moderately Effective




Very Ineffective

Very Effective

______ Conduct of lectures/seminars to increase knowledge on illegal

drugs, crime prevention and abuse.



Moderately Effective




Very Ineffective

Very Effective

______ Conduct of Pro-Active Operations.




Moderately Effective




Very Ineffective

Very Effective

______ Conduct of police visibility on crime prone areas.




Moderately Effective




Very Ineffective

Very Effective

______ Immediate response for assistance.




Moderately Effective




Very Ineffective

Very Effective

3. What are the common problems encountered by the respondents in the

implementation of the aforementioned PNP programs and activities?

Lack of budget.


Lack of cooperation and interest among civilian citizens.


Overworked personnel.


More Programs than personnel can handle.


Wrong conceptual premise on implementation.

Some Components of the PNP programs have little or no effect
at all police community relationship buildup.

Measures success in terms of the activities it had accomplished
without regard to the impact of the activities to the populace.

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