Arab and English Grammar Comparison

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In the name of Allah

Modern Theories of Linguistics study language depending on two main

aspects, that are (Meaning Structure) which are linguistically called
(Syntax structure Paradigmatic meaning)
Linguistic name
Also known as

Grammar and rules

Semantics and pragmatics

# Some of the linguists depended only on meaning to study or to interpret

Fredinand de Saussure, (1857 1913) the father of modern language
studied language according to its SIGNS Meaning according to a social
London School, the situational theory of Meaning.
And many others didnt accept but paradigmatic to explain language.
# Others said that language doesnt have any link or relation to (MEANING)
yet structure is the only important thing to study language.
The Pague School (Mathesius; 1882 1946) Special Style of Synchronic
Linguistic: (Language is functional; a tool (depending on certain rules)
performing a number of functions)
And many other linguistics had the same opinion.

Noam Chomsky (1928-)

He was the first person to take both meaning and grammar into
consideration and made a great step forward in linguistics.


WALID B. (2015-)

1. Verbs or Nouns?
For the two meaning and grammar, English uses verbs as the most effective
part of speech; i.e., when they study paradigmatic they mostly do their
studies on verbs, and they also study mainly the verbs when they talk about
When we define according to the dictionary of Cambridge the word
infinitive well see that it is the basic form of a verb that usually follows
to. And when you derive other parts of speech you always start with a
Play (verb)
To play
Also, you cant have a meaningful sentence that is grammatically correct
without a verb.
INCORRECT: The girl beautiful.
CORRECT: The girl is beautiful.
However, from the Quranic verse {And He (Allah) taught Adam the names - all
of them.} [1:31]

We can clearly see that a noun not a verb must be considered to be the
main part of speech. And this can be proven for that even a simplest verb
like (play) is taken from Latin noun [plegian], and this applies on most of
the verbs.
You can also see that most of the main ancient languages (such as: Arabic,
Latin, Greek and many others) derive verbs and other parts of speech from
nouns not verbs.
Studying meanings and rules depending on nouns may give us a wider path
to follow the steps of languages that more than 80 % of English words are
taken from, and this will give us a closer vision to understand how the
human brain reacts and interacts towards language depending on the
prove that Allah has created language starting from nouns rather than

2. Meaning or Grammar?
When Allah created Adam peace be upon him He [Allah] taught Adam all
the (names and nouns) which give only meanings. Adam Knew that the

Arabic word ( = tree) refers to a

He [Adam] knew the meaning, but is that enough?

If we [sons of Adam] only cared about meanings of things (i.e., nouns and
names), sentences would be like: (Tree car fire!)
So, we need a rule or a method (grammar) to combine these meaningful
names and nouns to make a meaningful sentence based on correct
(structure) for the sentence to be: (A tree fell on a car, and caused it

to burn and produce fire.)

Thats why simply we need both (grammar and meaning).
# We cant depend just on grammar for we may then have a sentence such
as [The girl ate a car. ] WOW! What a powerful girl that may be

(verb) (object)


starving! The last sentence is grammatically correct but it doesnt make

sense at all.
# We cant also depend only on meaning because a sentence such as [Boy
home went] all words in this sentence are meaningful but the construction
that combines them together make the sentence totally stupid, and an
English hearer would absolutely know that you are from another country,
(or maybe from another planet if you use such a sentence. Do you like

3. Only Grammar and Meaning?

Actually NO! We can also add [phonology] as a main part to study both
language and human psychology. For example: If a man came to you and
said A tree fell on a car, and caused it to burn and produce fire.
with a low voice, a calm tone and a smiley face, you would know that he
couldnt care any less (psychological) and that this happened in the past
and finished. However, if a man came running and screaming Help!

Help! A tree fell on a car, and caused it to burn and produce

fire, you would know that there is someone in danger (meaning) and that
the man is a good person that helps others (psychological).

4. Meaning levels:
a. Literal meaning: the meaning you can find in a dictionary.
b. Inner meaning: (Intentional meaning): a meaning that is understood
according to a context.
Example (1): When a teacher tells students that there is only 5 minutes
left till the end of an exam. Students will know that they must write and
finish as fast as they can, even though the teacher didnt exactly tell
them to do so.
Example (2): Another example occur with words that have more than one
When a man says He is cold. We may not be sure whether he means
that His temperature is low or He has no feelings. But when he says
He is sick and really cold then well know for sure that he means that
(his temperature is low).
c. Social meaning: (gestures and tones): Some signs are understood
even without the use of spoken language. However, these signs may
be misunderstood according to the society. For example a sign like
this using three fingers up and making a circle with the other two

means (yummy) in France for example

. Any way be

careful when you see this sign shaped on a hand of an Arabic person
cause it actually means (youre dead; Im gonna kill you)

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