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---------------BOOK DETAILS---------------[BOOK NAME]

He's my master, I belong to him (Book One and Two) (Comp

------------------------------------------[ BOOK DESCRIPTION ]
-------------------------------------------Arlene Willingtom is destined to become a vampire's slave in her 17th birthday.
She has to leave her family behind.
Will she do it?
Wil she be able to face her vampire master?
Will she be able to remain sane?
And the most important question: Will she survive?
[1] He's my master, I belong to him
Chapter One
It was my 17 birthday, a very unpleasant day for me. That was the age when my pa
rents had to sell me to slavery. We resided in a small town governed by the King
Lutter; a vampire. Yes, vampires dominated the town since I could remember. The
y kept the town in order, and in exchange each family had to give away a daughte
r at the age of 17, it was a sacrifice for having the right to live and breathe.
Unfortunately, in my family, that daughter was I. I was going to be that sacrif
ice. All that I could pray for was that it was not a cruel vampire.
"I'm so sorry my dear," my mother babbled on the verge of tears.
"It's okay mom, just take care of my little sister," I asked hoarsely. My little
sister was my strongest reasons for acceding to this. I did not want her to suf
fer, I did not want my family to suffer; they were good people. They'd always gi
ven me the best growing up, knowing there would one day come a day they would ha
ve to give me up.
We made our way out of the house and started off to the slave market; it was all
the way in the middle of town. When we arrived a guard queried which family we
were and looked us up on the ledger..
"Aha the Willingtons and this must be your daughter Arlene," my parents and I ju
st nodded "Well, it says here you are not to go to the auction today," he said w
ith absolute tranquility.
"What do you mean? I am 17 this day," I asked, confused.
"You're already sold, to our Majesty the King; I hear he has been keeping an eye
on you since you were about 13. You are to be given to one of his sons, I belie
ve," he explained. "Now follow me."
I could not believe it, my fate had been decided since I was 13. The king wanted
me for one of his sons.This cannot be good,I thought. I had heard too much rumo
rs about the King's sons, that they were arrogant, spoiled and definitely cruel.
Oh God. I said my goodbyes to my family and followed the guard in a daze.
After a few minutes of walking through the maze of streets, we arrived...oh dear
Lord... I had never seen the Royal Palace before; humans were not permitted any
where near the royal territory, unless you were a slave that is. It was resplend

ent, lush green trees all around, ornate fountains with towering statues. We mad
e our way to a small back door. I ascertained we were not go in by the front thr
eshold, only royalty could. Still in shock I followed the guard and found myself
before the King's throne.
"My lord," the guard bowed reverently. I imitated him. The king was pretty beaut
iful for his age. He had brown hair and hazel eyes and ,being a vampire as he wa
s, had skin as pale as paper.
"Oh sweet Arlene, you finally grew up!," he chimed rising from his throne. "Why
you're absolutely beautiful. I must say, the wait was worth it." He made me nerv
ous. Even with that friendly disposition, I could see cruelness that lay beneath
. "Call Damon," he demanded and I finally noticed the slave. She immediately wen
t to follow her order.
As I waited, I got more and more edgy. Damon was one of the king's sons; and obv
iously he was to be my master. Suddenly a guy appeared from nowhere next to the
"What?" he asked with disinterest, and I knew then that the stories were true. H
e was indeed arrogant. He turned and my thoughts came to a halt. He was beautifu
l, he had dark messy hair held up by a strip of leather and deep-black eyes, and
his lips looked so soft and rosy, those lips... Oh God what was I thinking. I c
hastised myself and tried to direct my thoughts to the situation at hand.
"This is to be your first slave, I've been waiting years for her to give you suc
h a special slave, my son," the king replied ecclesiastically. For some reason t
his made me feel special. There were plenty much more beautiful girls than I in
the kingdom, but the king had chosen me.
"I've told you, I do notwanta slave," Damon said coldly. Ouch.
"Rubbish, you must have one Damon, and just look at her," The king gestured to m
e. And as Damon finally looked at me, I could not stop blushing as his gaze met
mine. But then I suddenly felt a slap on my face, and it hit me like a punch, pu
shing me to the floor. I looked up cupping the cheek that had been struck. It wa
s the guard.
"You do not look lift your face in the presence of your superiors. Ever. Do you
understand!?" I nodded fiercely, still clutching my injured cheek. Tears began t
o roll down my face. "Stand," the guard demanded, and I did as told.
"Tsk, you did not have to strike her. You should have explained the rules before
hand. How can she know that she is breaking the rules, if she does not even know
them?" the king said, sounding upset.
"My apologies, my lord," the guard said and excused himself. I realized Damon ha
d not spoken a word, but I did not dare look up to see his expression. I simply
stood before them, and focused on keeping my eyes glued to the floor.
"Prepare her, inform her of the rules and bring her to my room," Damon said. And
after a second I somehow knew he had left the throne room.
I could not help wondering if he did not want me, why did he agree to be my owne
"Wonderful! Guard you know what to do," the king spoke sitting back on the thron
I spent hours with the guard after that as gave me the whole rules spiel.

"You must not look at them directly; you cannot speak unless spoken to. You do e
verything they ask, everything. If your owner wants you to be his feeder you wil
l happily offer your vein." Oh God...feeder?
"You mean... I have to give him my blood?" I asked, fear running cold through my
veins. I had not considered that.
"Yes. You are a virgin, right?" He asked seriously. Okay that was too personal;
I so did not wish to answer that. "Tell me or I will check you myself." Okay, th
at made me sick.
"Yes, I am... Why?" I asked curiously.
"Because slaves for royalty such as Damon have to be pure, virgin. It is law," h
e explained seriously. I just sighed. After the guard finished his speech I clea
ned myself up, put on the bland uniform-like clothes that the guard gave me and
I went to Damon's room. I knocked nervously and heard the door creak open. I did
n't look up though, I stayed completely focused on the floor.
*He's my master, I belong to him*
Edited by Ana aka Anakarla.
Please leave your comment
[2] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter two)
*Chapter 2*
"Come in," he said as he stood before me on the threshold, I stayed focused on h
is feet though.
I went in nervously. I did not know what to do, you would think they'd tell me w
hat was expected but nay. The guard had explained what I couldn't do but not wha
t I could. Oh God!

I already missed my family, my home, my freedom.

"Clean," he demanded and was suddenly gone.

Feeling free to look up now I examined the living quarters. His room was big, an
d it had a monstrously large bed in its center. I looked around, what was there
to clean? Everything looked shining and in order. His closet had plenty of dark
pants and shirts in a plethora of styles. They all looked new and yet unused.
I cleaned, even while there was nothing that needed it. I needed to follow my ow
ner's commands.

Quickly finished with my task, I sat on the bed. I had to remind myself why I wa

s doing this, my family. My instincts screamed at me to run, to escape this plac

e, but it was futile, I could not.

I lay on my master's bed, felt the silk of the pillows bellow my head, and close
d my eyes, imagining that I was on my own bed.

Suddenly the door opened and I hurriedly jumped off the bed. My heart hammered i
n my chest, about to explode. Oh God, if he had seen me I was dead. I was sure t
hat I shouldn't lie on my master's bed.
"Wow, what a surprise," an unfamiliar man's voice said. I couldn't chance lookin
g up though. "My brother finally got his own slave. You are damned well, to be h
is first one," the voice said in a lustful tone. I could feel him assessing me f
rom head to toe. His hand touched my cheek and I stepped back.

"You smell good, too," he continued. "What's your name, slave?" he asked,as terr
or ran my blood cold.
"M-my name i-is Arlene," I stuttered.
"Look at me, Arlene," he demanded. So I did. He was beautiful in a strange way.
He had the same brown and hazels eyes that his father had. "So beautiful," he cl
utched my chin between two fingers. I tried to step back but he wrapped his othe
r arm around my waist. I could feel his breath on my face, smelling of mint. I d
idn't want him to touch me like that, it was bad enough to be slave of one vampi

He kissed my cheek, "So soft," he whispered. He kissed my chin, "So tempting."

Oh God he was going to kiss me. I had to stop him.

"P-P-Please don't" I begged and suddenly the hot look fled his face, replaced by
one of fury.
"How dare you speak! How dare you deny me!" He raised his hand and I closed my e
yes waiting for the strike to fall. But instead I heard the door open. I was so
fucking scared, I was shaking all over.
"What are you doing here?" I heard Damon ask; and inexplicably, I felt a rush of
"I came to see you, brother. I was examining your new toy," he explained, releas
ing me. My knees gave out and I slid to the floor.
"What did you do to her?" Damon asked menacingly.
"Nothing. Relax, don't be so possessive," Damon's brother mocked.

"Whatever. Get out of here Shawn," Damon said. Shawn left chuckling.

"Did you clean?" Damon asked me. I was frozen for a moment, I had to take a seco
nd to collect myself.
"Yes," I finally replied.
"Yes what?" he asked.
"Yes, master," I said nervously fidgeting. I was still shaken by the episode wit
h his brother, uneasy over what my master would do to me.
"Why are you so nervous?" he asked drawing closer.
"I-I-I don't know master," he got closer and closer...I stepped back until I hit
a wall.
"Don't walk away from me, ever," he demanded. "Look at me."

It was the second time I saw his and I had somehow forgotten how beautiful he wa
s. "Do everything I tell you and I shall be good with you." I nodded. He was so
close, he smelled so manly, that my thoughts were becoming hazy. One of his fing
ers touched my lower lip and I shuddered.

"I'm hungry," he said nuzzling my neck. OH MY GOD. He wanted my blood. I started

to shake again.
"No... ," I whispered. So fast my eyes could not track the movement, he grasped
my wrists and drew them above my head, where he held the together with one hand.
"What did you just say?"
"I'm s-sorry master," I stuttered. He grabbed my chin with his free hand and for
ced me to meet his eyes.
"Let's make this clear. You're mine Arlene, every single part of you belongs to
me. I can do to you whatever I please. I don't want to hear another "no" from yo
u. Understood?" I was thoroughly overwhelmed by fear by the time he finished. I
couldn't respond. I felt myself nod and felt his breath fall on my neck, and I w
as paralyzed. He had me against the wall, my hands trapped above me. Suddenly wi
thout any warning he bit me. I screamed and he covered my mouth with his free ha

Pain shot through me but then I was overtaken by pure lust and ecstasy, I moaned
. He grabbed onto me tightly and I was surrounded by his taut, hard body.
Incomprehensibly, he let me go and took stepped back, in a frenzy.

I was hyperventilating and when I looked up, he was gone. What the hell just hap
pened? He bit me, he drank my blood, why had I enjoyed it? I was crazy. I slid d
own to the floor. Someone entered the room it was a boy he was obviously a slave
"Are you alright?" he asked looking down at me.
"I don't know. Your a slave too, right?" I asked.
"Yes, my name is Ryan."
"Arlene," I responded.
"He bit you?" he asked.
"How do you know?"
"You look like a mess. Did he... ," he didn't continue, looking at my clothing,
"Did know."

I didn't get what he was trying to ask.

"Did he force you?"
"Force me? To what?" And then it hit me, "Oh you no he didn't. I hope
he wont."
"Don't get your hopes up. If he's drinking from you, he will do it sooner or lat
er," he said honestly. He would force me to have sex with him? Oh God. Well, if
I'd continue to behave like I had when he'd bitten me, he wouldn't have to.

+O+ Edited by Anakarla.

Hope you liked it. Leave your comments, please.

[3] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 3)
Please comment and vote!!!

- Chapter 3 It'd been hours since my master had left. It felt weird calling him that, master
. I knew I had to get used to it though. I kept thinking back to what Ryan had s
aid, would my master really force himself on me?...Doubtlessly.

I checked the clock on the wall: 3:00 am. I should probably get some sleep, but
where was I supposed to? Maybe the floor?

I went to a corner and laid on the floor. I was so incredibly tired. It'd been a
stressful day after all.

I shut my eyes and the first image that came to my mind was my master's face. Im
mediately the memory of how his body and bite had felt rushed to the fore-front.

"Focus," I said to myself. I could not believe I was actually thinking about tha
t, much less how much I'd enjoyed it. The worst part was... I couldn't wait to s
ee him again. Couldn't wait for...him to bite me again.

You're such a fool! You should be revolted!

I couldn't allow myself to garner feelings for him, so I closed my eyes once aga
in, and pushed those thoughts away, and tried to force myself into slumber.
Right when I was about to succeed I heard his voice.

"Slave," he called, but I was too tired to even attempt opening my eyes. "Slave,
wake up. Now!"

The demand finally startled me from my weary state. Startle, I jumped up and sto
od as fast as I could. Dumb move. This caused an amazing wave of fatigue to rush
over me and I stumbled back. My back crashed into the wall but I was grabbed be
fore I ended up crashing to the floor.

"For god's sake, slave," he said, sounding annoyed. I opened my eyes and looked
up at him. His expression was curious as he looked back down at me, evaluating.
Oops! I was looking him in the eye; I wasn't supposed to do that. I quickly redi
rected my gaze to the floor and he let me go. "Why were you sleeping?" He sounde
d upset?
"I'm apologize master. I was weary...and," he interrupted.
"Forget it. I suppose you don't know where your bed is," he spoke as he walked t
o the left side of the room and opened a small door. It was a sort of closet wit
h a small bed inside. "This is where you are to sleep," he pointed to the bed. I
stepped inside and sat down, "I did not tell you to sit. You are not going to s

leep just yet," I quickly felt utterly dismayed, I was exhausted, but I got up.
"I'm sorry," he interrupted me again.
"Stop saying you're sorry. Now disrobe."

My eyes popped wide open, sleep forgotten for the moment.

"Wh- bu -why?"
"I need not explain myself," he snapped.
"No of coarse...but...master...I," I was utterly shocked, my thoughts and words
"Take off your clothes, now. I do not want to repeat myself," he commanded. I be
gan shaking; I couldn't do this. I knew I had to but...Dear god, was he going to
...force himself on me? No...

I couldn't move, I was frozen but for my trembling.

"Slave, are you listening to me?" he moved in closer. I stepped back.

Suddenly he was a breath away, his right hand grabbed my face. "Look at me." I c
ouldn't. "Look. At. Me," he repeated deliberately slow and I forced myself to fi
nally look up. Oh God, he was gorgeous I could see his rosy lips, they were so n
ear to mine, but even his beautiful mouth didn't make me forget the fact that he
was about to force me to disrobe..
"I can't, master," I pleaded. And I couldn't remove my clothing. I couldn't even
"You can't?" he asked dangerously.
"No," I knew I shouldn't have said that but I was being honest, technically I co
uldn't do it. His left hand went directly to the bottom of my t-shirt and he was
fast, he took it off leaving me in only my bra. I felt the air hit my exposed f
lesh., "No please," I begged.
"How dare you deny me?" he asked, releasing me. I covered my breasts with my han
ds, "You know how many slaves would kill to be in your place, there are many of
them with old and disgusting vampires that treat them like shit. Is that what yo
u want?" he was absolutely furious.

He was right of coarse, but I was a virgin. I had never been naked before a man

in my life. "Speak, slave you look like you are about to pass out, speak!" he sa
id, moving to sit down on his bed, then began with rubbing his temples, clearly
"I...I," I did not know what to say, so I tried the truth. "I'm a virgin, master
," I said blushing, he looked at me, "I've never bared my flesh to a man before,
" God, I could feel my face pulse.
"I wasn't going to do anything to you, for God's sake. I don't need sex from you
, I can find sex wherever I want," I felt a wave of relief, and he noticed. "It
doesn't mean it won't happen," he said honestly. "But right now, all I wanted to
do was to see your body, that's all," I was still shaking, it was cold.
"I understand, master," I started to unbutton my pants.
"Stop, never mind. Go to sleep, you look terrible," he said
is will not happen again, next time I tell to do something,
xplain all my orders to you," he said walking towards me. I
y ear, "Hmm, your quite beautiful. Know that your innocence
ith that he disappeared, leaving me breathless.

standing up. "Ah, th

you do it, I won't e
felt his breath on m
will be mine," and w

------Edited by Anakarla =)
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[4] He's my master, I belong to him (chapter four)
Please!! Comment and vote :)

*Chapter 4*

I woke up slowly, drifting out of sleep little by little. The bed was like a clo
ud, it was so comfortable. But then ruined the piece by looking up at the clock
the hung on the wall. Oh no. 6 pm, I'd overslept. Shoot. I shot up from bed and
opened the door to Damon's and froze. There was a large figure on the bed. Damon
was still asleep. I crept closer, curious, and my heart almost stopped.
He was only clad in underwear and I could see how beautifully formed his body wa
s. He face looked almost innocent in slumber, a wisp of hair lay on his forehead
. God he was hot, I could not stop myself from reaching forward to brush it asid
e but right when my fingers made contact, his eyes shot open. Everything was a b
lur after that, and next thing I knew I was on the bed beneath him.
"What were you doing?" he asked. I could feel his almost naked body against
, and I could not meet his gaze as blood flowed hot through my cheeks. "God
re beautiful when you blush," he planted soft kisses on my cheeks. My heart
pounding like I was about to have a heart attack as I felt one of his hands
h down my waist.


"Master, I'm sorry it won't happen again," I apologized but he continued touchin
g me. "Master... ," I protested because I didn't want to have another problem wi
th him.
"I'm hungry. Mm, you smell so good," he groaned and I could feel his breath on m
y neck. His fangs pierced my skin then but this time, there was no pain.
"Ah," I could not stop myself and moaned. His breath accelerated when I did; his
hands more demanding as he touched my breasts. I moaned again when he slipped h
is hand under the t-shirt and touched my nipples. That felt so good. I was feeli
ng dizzy. He stopped drinking but continued kissing my neck... then my cheek. Th
en his lips were so close to mine that I could sniff the scent of my blood, God
my blood.
"Kiss me, now," he demanded, and I froze. If he had kissed me on his own, I woul
d have responded, but with his demand I didn't want to, he realized that. "Slave
, I said kiss me," he repeated.
"No," I stated.
I knew I was going to be punished this time. It was the second time I didn't fol
low one of his orders. He didn't say a word, but then his mouth was on mine, not
gently, brutally. And suddenly his hands tore my t-shirt and bra. I squirmed an
d screamed but the sound was muffled by the press of his mouth.
"You have to learn your place, slave," he said and looked to my naked breasts. I
tried to move, but it was impossible. I felt so exposed, and I could feel his m
anhood hard against my thigh, "Do I have to hurt you to make you understand?" I
shook my head. One of his fingers trailed down the valley between my breast. I d
idn't realize I had tears in my eyes till they streaked down my temples.
Some sad expression went through his face. He'd left my mouth
urned, kissing me with so much passion and need, it was as if
man at a banquet. This kiss was amazing and before I knew it,
His lips were so soft, Oh... God. One of his hands went to my

but he quickly ret

he was a starving
I was responding.

"Ah, master," I moaned when he stopped the kiss and went down to suckle my nippl
e. It felt so good.
"God, I want you so bad," he said before meeting my lips again. I moaned without
control every new sensation was killing me. One of his hands went to the apex o
f my thighs...and stroked.
"Master!" I screamed and moaned at the same time, but when pushed one of his fin
gers in, the twinge of pain made me aware what was happening. Was I going to giv
e myself away so easy? I mean, I was his slave, just a toy for. He was the King'
s son. He would just fuck me then move on to the next piece of ass, leaving me b
roken. I couldn't allow that, no matter the consequences. He noticed I'd stopped
responding and froze above me.

"What?" he asked breathing fast.

"I... don't want to... you know," I said blushing.
"You don't want me to fuck you?" God! He was so crude! "Let me tell you somethin
g slave... I don't need your permission. I can fuck you whenever and wherever I
want. You know why? Because you belong to me, " he said slowly, enunciating his
every word..
"But... you said... you didn't need to force me that... you could find sex where
ver you want!" I replied.
"Of course I can find sex wherever I want, I'm a royal. But it happens that I wa
nt you," he claimed.
"Oh, I see," I looked away. He was still on top of me, "Please master don't forc
e me, you can have someone else," I begged. I looked up nervously and saw a myri
ad of expressions go through his face. He let me go then and got dressed and lef
t. I remained on the bad, glued to the spot in my shock, as my mind tried to gra
sp everything that had just happened.
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Edited by Anakarla

[5] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter Five)
Chapter 5

Damon's P.O.V

I left the room as fast as I could.

Damn! Damn! Damn! Stupid slave! How dare she reject me? She needed to learn her
place... but I didn't want to be the one to teach it to her. For some reason I d
idn't want to hurt her, actually even the thought of her suffering me made me ac
he. This is bad. I tried to tell myself I didn't care about her. She was just a
slave, nothing more.

It didn't work.

"Shit! What the fuck is wrong with me?!"

"I have a whole list," Shawn replied suddenly appearing, "You look pretty freake
d out there dear brother," he continued. I didn't reply. The last thing I wanted
was to argue with Shawn. "What is it? Is it your new slave? Of coarse. She torm
enting you brother? Mm, I understand that well, she's a curvy little thing isn't
she? Her blood has such a sweet scent. Tell me brother does she taste just as s
weet?" I was beginning to see red, before I exploded I took a deep calming breat
"Don't even think about it," I said, my voice sounded menacing even to my own ea
"Possessive much? She's just a slave. You should share your new toy," he said wi
th a smirk on his face.
"I'm warning you Shawn, she's mine. Don't even think about touching a hair on he
r head. " Damn it! This possessiveness was not me, but I couldn't help it; I cou
ldn't cope with the mere idea of someone else touching her body, drinking her bl
ood, even looking at her.
"Relax brother, just remember, you're a
rself get too involved with her. Just a
through the haze of my fury, I knew he
e for her. But she was so beautiful and
or me to hurt her.

royal, she's only a slave. Don't let you

warning," he said walking away. And even
was right. I shouldn't, no couldn't, car
innocent that it was almost impossible f

She needed to be punished though, I would have her obedience God damn it!
I hadn't even wanted a slave, yet when I'd seen her I'd felt this sudden rush of
protective instincts. I'd known immediately that I would have to have her. Any
other sadistic vampire would have hurt her. And then there was the fact that I w
anted her so damn bad, I was almost insane with it. I wanted her in every way. I
wanted her body, her heart, her every thought,
God! What was wrong with me?! I needed help.
I went to talk with the only person I trusted in my family, Ariel, my cousin. Wh
en you're a vampire it's quite difficult to find people to trust. Ariel was like
the little sister of the family, though in truth she was far more mature than a
ll of us put together. She was almost human, while I on the other hand had to ad
mit that I was a cruel bastard, but it was in my nature to be so cold. I'd lived
for so long that almost nothing affected me anymore, until that stupid slave ha
d appeared.
"Ariel," I said when I saw my cousin sitting on the couch in the living room, re
"Damon! My beautiful big bro!" she said embracing me, "So what do I owe this hon
or? I guess it's true about you and the slave," she said sitting back down.
"Me and the slave?" I asked confused.
"Yes. You know slaves talk... a lot. Their only entertainment seem to be court g
ossip. There are rumors about you being kind to your slave...a bit too much so,"
she explained with disinterest. I didn't know what to say, "Don't worry, it wil

l pass as soon as some other intrigue comes like some vampire killing their huma
n slave then they'll forget about you."
"Damned slaves," I cursed.
"So? What's wrong? Are you in love with her?" she said without preamble, direct
as always.
"What!? No! For god's sake! I just... This my first slave and I'm not used to hu
rting females," I explained myself.
"I know. But you know how all the system works. You have seen it for years, and
you have interacted with other's slaves before and you didn't seem to have a pro
blem then, I may say." She was right, like always.
"I know. But she's so freaking innocent and...beautiful. It's almost a shame to
use and hurt her," I said truthfully.
"Wow I didn't know you had a heart underneath that cold facade, but need to tell
you, she needs the discipline. I bet she doesn't follow all your orders?" I nod
ded. "That's because she hasn't been punished for her disobedience. She thinks t
hat she can disobey her master and nothing will come of it, you're being too sof
t on her my dear," she claimed gently.
"I can't hurt her," I admitted.
"You have to! Imagine what would happen if we're at a royal ball and she disobey
s you in front of someone, they'll hurt her, and in the worst ways. You'll be se
en as weak and her as open for grabs. She'll be taken away from you then. You ne
ed to find a way too make her heed your commands." I knew she was right.
"Damn! This is why I didn't want a slave, everything is too damn complicated."
"Then give her away. If she's beautiful as you claim, she'll find a vampire inte
rested in taking her off your hands in the blink of an eye," she said warily as
my rage grew with every word she spoke. The ver thought of Arlene with another v
ampire made feel like decapitating someone.
"I will not give her away," I replied darkly.
"I knew it! You want her!"
"No, I don't. I mean yes, I want her body if that's what you meant."
"Have you slept with her?" Damn! I knew she would ask that. I shook my head. "Wh
y not? It's obvious you're dying for it," God I hated Ariel sometimes.
"She's a virgin"
"So what?" .
"...I don't want to force her."
She broke out into gales of laughter, "This is so funny! She doesn't like you? W
hat is she? Blind or something?"
"She's scared."
"And why on earth does that matter to you? Her job is to give you pleasure, that
's why she is your slave, she's there for at your leisure. If her body is what y

ou want she must give it! Oh god that girl really needs discipline," I knew Arie
l was right, I needed to stop being so soft with her. I started to walk to the h
allway "You actually care about her, don't you!?" Ariel exclaimed from the couch
I needed to prove her wrong. I walked into my room. Arlene was sitting on her sm
all bed, her dark-long hair resting against her cheeks, her sweet pinks lips gli
stened, she looked nervous.
"Master," she said standing up. I got closer to her and she kept her gaze focuse
d on the floor. She was wearing a nightie, and smelled warm and feminine.
"Slave, if you disobey me one more time, and this is my last warning, I will hur
t you, I will tie you up fuck you against your will, do I make myself clear?" I
felt how her heart accelerated, she was scared. I a pang of regret but this had
to be done.
"Yes master," she replied weakly.
I didn't know what was going to happen but I was sure that sooner or later the t
ime would come where I had to follow through on my threat, I was just hoping it
was later.
Arlene P.O.V
God, he was upset. His warning rang in my ears and made my heart pound like craz
y and I was haunted with the knowledge that I deserved it. I needed to learn to
behave or I'd end up getting hurt, or worse, raped.
"Come here," he said softly and I rushed to him like there was a fire. "Let me t
ell you some rules. One, from now on you sleep only when I do, during the day li
ke me and during the night you'll be awake to serve me. Two, I need to feed regu
larly and you'll be the vein I take. Now, you don't worry about my others needs,
I'll simply satisfy them elsewhere." At that little reprieve I felt a lot more
pain then I should have. The idea of him being with another made my stomach chur
n and my heart squeeze like a vise. Was this jealousy? God that couldn't be good
"I understand," I said and I tried to ignore the catch in my voice. Did I want h
im? I shouldn't, I'm just a slave to him, I reminded myself.
"Kiss me," he ordered and I froze at the unexpected command. I looked up and...
oh. He was just testing me to see if I'd disobey, well I wouldn't make the same
mistake again. I got close to him until I could feel his cool breath on my face,
and quickly brushed his lips with mine. It was a fast kiss, more of a peck and
he looked at me with some weird expression before he took my face in his hands.
"That was not a kiss, kiss me like your life depends on it," he said with his ey
es meeting mine. So I did, this time I kissed him with all the passion I could u
ntil I was sucked in by mine own doing. God his lips were so soft, they tasted s
o nice, his tongue brushed my lips and I felt electricity run through my whole b
ody. The kiss was getting deep and our breaths turning to pants. He wrapped his
hands around my waist and pulled me close till there was nothing but our clothes
keeping our skin apart. My heart was about to explode. He stopped the kiss but
only to trail kisses down my neck. And my blood ran hot as I felt his fangs care
ss my skin, the anticipation was killing me.
"Please master," I begged. God I was horny, was that desperate voice was mine?
"Please what?" He asked with a similarly lustful tone. He was still playing, tea
sing my neck with his fangs and tongue.

"Bite me," I couldn't believe I'd just begged my master to bite me. And his did
quick as a heart beat his fangs were buried in my throat. I wouldn't have believ
ed that I could actually get more excited.
"Ah!" I screamed and moaned at the same time. He took off my t-shirt and then mi
ne own chest was exposed, my nipples erect. He smiled and introduced one of them
into his mouth.
"Hm, I like to taste you here," and I felt his fangs bite into my breast.
"Ah master! It feels so good" I moaned without control; but then he stopped. "No
please don't stop," I knew I sounded like a slut but I was feeling so good.
"It's my turn to say no to you, so you'll learn how that feels. You will beg me
to take your body, I can promise you that," he said coldly and walked out of the
room leaving me chilled to the bone. I covered my breast with my hands as tears
began rolling down my cheeks, and I couldn't conjure the energy to stop them. I
t had all been to teach me a lesson, and that was what hurt most. I picked up my
dress from the floor and slipped it back on. As my emotion swam one fact hit me
, I wanted him and I...cared for him. At that thought hit me my tears ran faster
and all I could do was fall back on the bed, roll into a ball and let my own pi
tiful weeps lull me to sleep.
Edited by Anakarla :)
Hope you like it!!!
What do you think about damon? Comment please and vote :)
[6] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter Six)
I'm sorry it took so long, it's christmas! I been busyy!! I love you guys
please comment and voteee

Chapter Six

Chapter Six

The rest of the night was boring since my master had left the room, I was alone
without a thing to do, I cried until I felt I didn't have more tears. He just tu
rned me on and left like that to teach me a lesson, I remember that he told me t
hat I'd beg him to take me, how could he say that? Well, I had begged him to bit
e me, I didn't know what the hell I was thinking in that moment, actually I hadn
't been thinking a lot! I was so into lust, I had wanted him so bad. God! 'What

the hell is wrong with me?' I yelled to myself.

"I don't know" someone said. I turned around to see, a tall young man standing w
ith the door closed behind him, I didn't even heard him to open it. He took a st
ep forward and I could see his face, he was beautiful he had green eyes, but a d
ark green that I hadn't never since before, his hair was brown with some blond s
lashes, his mouth had a smile.
"Do you stare like that to all your superiors, or just me?" He said smiling. Oh
no... He was a vampire, I knew it but I couldn't stop to look at him. I focused
my gaze on the floor.

"I'm sorry, sir" I said apologizing.

"It's ok, look at me" he asked when I did it he was still smiling. He was charmi
ng I must accepted "but don't eat me with your look, it's intimidating me" he la
ughed. I was so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry" I said again "What can I do for you?" I asked.

"I guess I was curious about the slave that everyone is talking about, you're pr
etty beautiful I must accept that, you have something..." He said and suddenly h
e disappeared in the air and appeared behind me, he wrapped his hands around my
waist and whispered ear "I wish you were mine, lucky Damon" his breath sent elec
tricity through my skin.
I tried to get some space between us but he enforced his hands around me "Don't
worry I'm not here to hurt you, would you like to be my friend?" He said letting
me go and facing me.


"What?" I couldn't stop asking I didn't expect that.

"You heard me, you know when you're a vampire you get bored so easily, I thought
that maybe I can be your friend, I don't have any" he said putting the most bea
utiful puppy face, I never expected to feel pity for a vampire but this one got

"I-I don't know what to say" I said confused.

"Well a "yes" would be good, you know I tried to be friend of the only slave I e
ver had, but it was impossible, she was always so scared and she felt like it wa
s an obligation for her to be my friend" he explained, well it made sense.

"Why me?" I had to ask.

"You're special, you have something you're brave, I heard some slaves
t you don't obey your master sometimes, so I thought you were perfect
riend" he said smiling "so what do you say?" He was asking? "It's not
you can say no" he said putting the puppy face again, God he knew how
t face. Well, I didn't have any friends there either and I spent many
self bored.

saying tha
to be my f
an order,
to use tha
time by my

"Sounds fun" I said smiling too, it'd been so long since I hadn't had a normal c
onversation. His smile got bigger.

"Great" he replied "Now tell me about you, Ah! my name is Ashton but please call
me Ash, Arlene" he said my name smiling like showing that he knew it.

"Nice to meet you, Ash" I replied. He took my hand and made some reverence, I co
uldn't stop laughing.

"Having fun huh? What the hell is going on here?" I heard Damon's voice, Uh-oh h
e was angry, he took a step forward us and slapped Ash's hands to separated them
for mine, I was afraid "I asked a question, slave" he said looking at me deep i
n the eyes, his black eyes were deeper than ever, he was so angry or... Jealous?

Hope you enjoy it!!

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[7] He's my master, I belong to him (chapter seven)
Thank you for voting!!
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I'll upload sooner I promise! :)

0o0 Chapter 7 0o0

I was frozen looking at my master; he was furious maybe I shouldn't have talked
with Ash but I thought I wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Slave, answer me" he commanded.

"Easy, Damon, I was the one who got in here to see her" Ash said trying to make
Damon looked away from me because I thought he would kill me with that look.

"Why on earth would you want to see MY slave?" Damon said focused on Ash now.

"We are friends" Ash said casually, he wasn't afraid of Damon, I could see that.

"Huh! You are friends?" Damon said confused "Or you're just trying to gain her t
rust to take her from me?" I haven't considered that but Ash didn't force me to

"I'm not trying anything, ask her" Ash said looking at me, Damon's gaze met mine

"So, slave, are you his friend?" He asked.

"Yes, Master" I replied.

"Ash, get out" Damon said, god I was afraid now. Without Ash in the room, I didn
't know what was going to happen to me.
"I won't let you hurt her because of me" Ash said.

"She's mine, I'll do whatever I want with her, that's none of your business" oh
god, 'this is bad' I thought.

"She didn't do anything wrong, we were just hanging out" Ash said, thank god he

hadn't left.

"Ash, get out of my sight right now" Damon said like he was trying to control hi
mself. Ash walked to the door before he left he moved his lips and I understood
a 'Scream if he hurts you' I nodded. Ash closed the door. My master looked at me
and I saw many expressions going through his face anger, sadness...

"Master... I I"

"Shut up, what the hell were you thinking?" He screamed on my face "I just let y
ou alone and when I come back I found you with other vampire letting him touch y
ou!!!" He continued "you belong to me, you can't let other vampire to touch you,
and I won't allow it!!" He turned around breathing fast.

"I'm sorry... Master I thought it wasn't wrong" I said honestly.

"You thought?? It's wrong to let him touch you; let me ask you something... Do y
ou really want to be his friend?" I nodded. "Why? Do you like him?" He asked lik
e if the answer was the most important thing in the world.

"I like him... as a friend master" I explained myself to avoid confusion.

"I see, I can't stop him if he wants to be your friend he's a royal, too. But le
t me be clear, you can be friends but he can't touch you, do you understand? He
can't lay a finger on you. I'll kill him if he does and I won't mention what I d
o to you if that happens" he said menacing.

"I understand, master" I said, I was scared but happy. I had someone to talk to.
Damon took a deep breath. He bit his lower lip. I hadn't realized how sexy he l
ooked when he was angry, his dark hair looked like a mess.
"I'm tired" he said sitting down on his bed and then lied down looking up "Take
off your clothes and come here" he commanded, I nodded nervously. I couldn't dis
obey him after what happened. I took off my clothes and walked to his bed wearin
g just my bra and underwear.
When I looked at him he was wearing only his boxers, I didn't know in what momen
t he got undressed "Come here" he said touching the bed, I lied down beside him.
He wrapped his hands around my waist forcing our bodies to touch, he was cold.
I laid my head on his chest, he caressed my face. I was surprised he'd never bee
n so nice to me "Give me a goodnight kiss" he sounded sad, I kissed him, his lip
s were always so nice he tasted so good. When we stopped the kiss he closed his
eyes "Goodnight slave" he said, I closed my eyes feeling his soft skin, I felt s
o comfortable in his arms "I can't lose you" he mumbled and that was the last th
ing I heard before falling asleep.

Damon's P.O.V
I couldn't believe Ash had got so far, trying to be my slave's friend; she was
so innocent that she'd accepted. Well, he was a nice vampire, he didn't have a s
lave for the moment and he released the only one he had. Damn! Damn! I almost ki
lled him when I got into the room and saw him with MY slave because she's mine,
she was laughing with him, he had her hands in his and she was enjoying it. I'd
never seen her laugh before and the first time I saw her she wasn't laughing wit
h me, I didn't know why that made me feel bad.
Damn Ash! I couldn't stop him if he want to talk to her but just that I swore go
d that if he touch her again, I'd kill him
"I can't lose you" I mumble thinking aloud, she was now in my arms, I needed to
feel that she belong to me. Her soft skin was against mine, her warm breath agai
nst my chest, I felt so good in that moment. She was sleeping; her heart and her
breath were constant. Damn! I forgot I was hungry; I didn't want to wake her up
for that. What? She was my slave, the only things I should want from her was se
x and blood. I shouldn't care about her.
"Slave" I said softly in her ear "Wake up". Her breath accelerated when she ope
ned her eyes oh how sweet She looked! 'Focus Damon' I said to myself.
"Yes master?" She asked.
"I'm hungry" I saw a weird expression on her face was a mix between shame and e
xcitement. She grabbed her hair with one hand leaving his neck free for me. She
was learning to be obedient. I couldn't avoid looking at her body, god she was h
ot, long legs, formed thighs, oh, nice breasts too!
"Master?" She asked bringing my gaze back to her face. I took her head with one
hand and bit her, her blood ran faster, her heart was pounding like crazy, her
blood tasted so good, it always had the same reaction on me, I started to touch
her. She moaned when I heard her, my manhood pressed hard against my boxers. 'Fo
cus, it's just blood' I rolled over her and stopped drinking. I looked at her, s
he was breathing heavily, and she met my gaze. I was on top of her, I looked at
her lips, they were wet and so fucking red. I had to kiss her, so I did. Her lip
s received anxiously my kiss, it wasn't a sweet kiss, it was a demanding and pas
sionate kiss. Her lips opened to let my tongue go through. I pressed myself agai
nst her.

"I need you" I said honestly, I had wanted her so bad that I couldn't wait anymo
re. I started to touch her breast, and then I separated her legs so I could be i
n the middle of them. I was so excited. I took off her bra leaving her breasts f
ree for me; I sucked them she moaned without control. I wanted to kiss everythin
g of her, her breast her ribs her lips. I took off her underwear completely now
she was naked. I stood up and took off quickly my boxer to continue. We were bot
h naked now and I was on top of her with her legs around me, I pressed my manhoo
d against her thighs "I want you now" I said breathing fast.
"Oh! Oh! Master" she claimed in my arms.
I kissed her hard while I tried to get in her.

Arlene's P.O.V
I felt his manhood trying to get in me, I was so horny his kiss was hard and lu
stful; I needed him inside me but... But... I shouldn't. He continued trying to
get in me softly while he was kissing me, he didn't want to hurt me, I was a vir
gin and he knew that. Was I going to let him have my virginity?

Hope you like it!!
I know, I know! You want to know what'll happen dont worry I upload next chapter
today :) thank you for voting!
[8] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 8)
I know this is short but I didn't want you to be anxious jeje!
0o0 Chapter 8 0o0

I couldn't believe we had got so far, he was on top of me, both naked and he was
trying to get in me, I had to stop him.

"Master please don't" I begged, he was kissing my neck and he didn't stop "don't
please" I started to worry because he was stopping at all.

"I can't stop" he said kissing me again. My heart started pounding, fear made my
body froze. I felt his manhood pressing against my virginity.

"Don't! Stop! Please master" I begged, I tried to remove him from me but he grab
bed my hands above my head and kissed me again. A tear rolled down across my fac
e "Please" I sobbed in his lips. He took a deep breath. He let me go but he was
still on top of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He screamed on my face "I don't get you, damn
! One moment you're screaming of pleasure in my arms and the next one you don't
want me to touch you" for the first time I saw confusion plastered on his face.
Tears were still in my eyes "Don't look at me like that, I should continue! I sh
ouldn't care about your feelings, I shouldn't" he said standing up and dressing
up. He opened the door and before leaving "Damn! But I do care" he whispered and
he was gone.
I was in shock; I didn't even say a word. He said he care about my feelings, my
master cared about me. The door opened again, it was too tall to be Damon so I c
overed myself with the sheets.
"Oh, I'm sorry" Ash said apologizing, he got closed to me "Are you ok?" He saw m

y tears
"What the hell did he do to you? Shit! I'll kill him" he said running to the doo
"No! Ash! Don't" but he was already outside, I got dressed as fast as I could "A
sh! Ash!" I scream running behind him. When I was in the hallway I heard a stron
g sound coming from the place that Ash had gone. I only wished that nothing bad
had happened.

Hope you like it!!

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[9] He's my master, I belong to him (chapter 9)
Chapter 9
Oh God! More sounds kept coming from the place Ash had gone to. I saw a big wood
en door in front of me and when I opened it, I couldn't believe what I was seein
g. Ash was hurt he had some blood and bruises on his face. Damon was absolutely
fine, his hair was messier than usual but he looked fine. Everything in the roo
m was broken, a beautiful table was now in pieces all over the room. Books were
all around the floor.
"Oh my God! Ash stop!" I screamed getting their attention.
"He forced you, I know" Ash stated cleaning the blood off his face.
"No, he didn't! He didn't do anything Ash" I explained.
"And if I did it, that's not your problem, she's my slave not yours" Damon said
glancing at Ash "And since when you call him by his name?" He looked at me again
"She doesn't have to call me "sir" because we are friends, right Arlene?" He sai
d smiling.
"Yes" I said smiling back.
"This is ridiculous" Damon walked until he was in front of me "When did you ask
my permission to get out of the room?" he looked angry.
"I'm sorry, master. I thought..." He didn't let me finish.
"Go to the room, now" he exclaimed almost screaming.
"Damon..." Ash started.
"You.. Just shut up! You're lucky that I don't tell my father that you attacked
me because of a stupid slave" Damon's words were like poison 'stupid slave' so t
hat was what I was for him, some stupid slave.

"She's not just a stupid slave! And you know that. You don't want to admit that
you care about her" God! Ash was so direct. Damon didn't reply. He just went out
of the room grabbing me by my arm to force me to go with him.
"Master... You're hurting me" I complained as we walked back to our room. When w
e got inside he slapped the door and pushed me against the wall. Suddenly he was
in front of me; he grabbed me by my chin and kissed me. I tried to push him bac
k but he kept my hands against the wall.
"Mine" he said on my lips and he kissed me again, the kiss was possessive and sw
eet at the same time. He suddenly let me go and embraced me.
I was in shock while I was being embraced by my master, he smell so good. I felt
his breath on my neck, he gave me little kisses all over it. It felt so soft, s
o nice. 'He's bipolar' the voice inside my head said. I took a deep breath to sm
ell him 'so nice' I said in my mind. He stopped and walked to his bed sitting do
wn. Someone knocked the door for the first time since I had arrived. It was the
lady that carried the food. She was a little bit older than me, she was blond an
d thin.
"Excuse me, your highness" she said smiling to him. Damon just nodded
"Here's your food, slave" she told me with some weird look
"Do you need anything else, sir?" She asked getting closer to Damon moving her a
ss like a snake, what a whore!! I thought to myself. Wait wait wait!! Was I jeal
"No, go" Damon said coldly, he didn't even look at her. I smiled. The lady just
left with a sad face. Yes! Yes! Yes! He didn't even look at her. 'Arlene! What t
he hell are you thinking?! He doesn't belong to you' my conscious spoke for me i
nside my head 'but he rejected that bitch yes yes' my mind kept talking.
"What's so funny, slave?" Damon asked.
"Eh... I just... Remember something funny, master" I lied.
"And what was it?" He said with his black eyes looking directly in mine. I decid
ed to tell the truth.
"Well, that lady almost jumped to you and you didn't even look at her, master" I
explained nervously, it was the first time we talked like that.
"Mmm, and that make you happy because...?" He said smiling. Fuck!
"It's just funny, master" I replied. He stood up. He walked slowly until he was
in front of me.
"I don't think that's the reason" he said with some ironic tone. I didn't replie
d, god he was gorgeous his eyes were intimidating me.
"I -I" I couldn't make a sentence.
"Were you jealous?" Damon asked smiling "When I make a question, you tell the tr

uth, otherwise I'll punish you" he claimed. Fuck! I yelled to myself internally.
"I -I just... It was..." God what the hell was wrong with me. His face was so cl
ose to mine that I could feel his breath.
"Are you falling for me, slave?"
OMG! I couldn't believe what he just asked me. Anyway...what was the answer? Was
I falling for my master??
[10] He's my master, I belong to him (chapter 10)
////Chapter 10///

I was frozen trying to figure out the answer for the question that my master ju
st asked. Was I falling for him?
"I don't know" I was honest, I didn't know but I was sure that I cared about hi
m, a lot! But did I love him? It was too soon to say.
"You don't know... Mm do you like me?" Dear lord... Why was he making all those
questions! Of course I liked him, he was gorgeous and he was sweet in his own w
"Yes, master" I said blushing. He kept looking at me with those dark eyes, I fe
lt so vulnerable. Suddenly he took off his T-shirt. God! He was hot; he walked u
ntil he was facing me. He grabbed my hand and said...
"Touch me" what? He just asked me to touch him. I felt the blood in my cheeks,
it was almost impossible not to blush when he was standing in front of me half
naked and asking to touch him. My heart was pounding like it was the end of the
world. I moved my hand and touched his chest, his skin was so soft and cold. The
n, I touched his face, his cheek, his nose when I touched his lips, he closed hi
s eyes, his lips were so soft and wet, I wished I could kiss them. After that, I
didn't know where else he allowed me to touch but I continued touching his hair
that was so dark that I couldn't see it well. He opened his eyes, God his gaze
was killing me, he looked so peaceful like he wouldn't hurt me, I didn't realize
d I was getting closer to him, I kissed him. It was the first time I started a k
iss between us. It was a sweet kiss, he didn't touch me or tried to take control
he just... Kissed me back. I was controlling the kiss. God...'So... Good...' I
said in my mind, I forgot all my problems, all the freaking situation. It was ju
st me and him, nothing else in the world existed. I stopped the kiss because I h
ad no more air in my lungs.
"I could kiss you forever" he said in my lips. I smiled because I felt exactly
the same way. I kissed him again, I needed to! His lips tasted so good, I bit hi
s lower lip "Don't do that or I'll lose my control" he said smiling. We kissed u
ntil I felt I had lost my lips. When we got apart we both were breathing heavily
. He walked to his bed and took his t-shirt "Your friend is coming" he said bitt
erly. Fuck! Ash was so opportune. I wanted to continue kissing Damon. "Come in"
Damon said before Ash knocked the door. Ash went in with a confused expression.

"Sorry if I bother...Hi again Arlene" he said smiling to me "I came to see if

everything is fine and to apologize to Damon for the misunderstanding that happe
ned before" now he was looking at Damon, who looked pretty upset.
"Yeah... Whatever" he replied walking to the door "I let you two alone so you c
an 'hang out' " the irony in his voice was so obvious "And remember what I told
you slave" and he left. I knew what he meant 'no touching' I had to remember tha
t if I didn't want any trouble.
"Are you ok?" Ash asked looking worried
"Yes...I guess I'm just overwhelmed for what happened tonight" I was honest, a
lot of things had happened.
"He didn't hurt you because of me, did he?" He asked.
"No, not at all" My mind was still on those kisses with Damon.
"Arlene! Hello? God you're in other world" Ash said smiling. Ops...!
"I'm sorry. Are you ok? I saw some blood in your face early" I checked his face
but there was no sign of blood.
"Don't worry. I heal fast; I guess it's good to be a vampire sometimes"
"I guess, I'm so tired" I had no more energy for that night.
"So...have you ever gone out of this room?" Ash asked like he was up to somethi
"No... Well, when I went out early to stop you but I guess that doesn't count"
I didn't know that big mansion I was curious to see it all.
"Perfect. I'll take you out some of these nights, what do you think?" He was al
ways so happy. It was contagious.
"That would be great! But...Damon..."I started.
"Don't worry; I'll come up with a plan"
"Ok Ash. I don't mean to be rude but I need some sleep, it's almost the morning
" I excused myself.
"Oh no! Don't worry, have a nice sleep, sweet Arlene" he said getting closer to
me, he caressed my cheek 'no touching' I walked to my bed to stop the contact.
"Goodnight, Ash" he just walked out of the room.
"What a loooonnng night" I said to myself. Where was Damon? He was supposed to
sleep during the day and it was almost the morning. Well, I was too tired to thi
nk in that moment before I realized, I fell asleep.
7:00 am

10:00 am

1:00 pm

3:00 pm

5:35 pm
"Slave! Wake up" a female voice said.
"What?"I asked half slept yet.
"You're so damn spoiled, here's your food. You didn't even taste what I brought
you last night. You'll get sick if you don't eat!" It was the same blond girl t
hat Damon rejected last night. I sat down on my bed while she was leaving all th
e food on the night- table. I felt so weak. I stood up and walked to the bathroo
m to wash myself. I took a bath and went out with my hair still wet. The lady wa
s still there.
"Do you need something?" I asked because she was just standing there.
"I have to stay here until I make sure you eat, it's an order" she explained.
"Oh.. I see" I replied eating. The food was really good when I finished she sta
rted to get all the plates "Thank you...what's your name?" I said smiling.
"Sara, don't play 'the nice girl' with me, I don't like you so don't waste your
time" what a bitch!!! I was just trying to know her! Bitch! Bitch! She left the
room a few seconds later.
"Bitch!" I said to myself. Maybe she was jealous. I was so glad that Damon had
rejected her the night before. I walked to the window, it was a huge window. I m
oved the black curtains to see outside. I could see the garden in front of the m
ansion. Some humans were collecting some of the flowers. I saw Ryan, the slave t
hat came the first night I was here; He was talking to...Sara that bitch! I wond
er where was Damon. The sun was dying in the horizon. That night Damon didn't ap
pear, I spent the night by myself not even Ash showed up. I was so bored. I went
to sleep in the morning and woke up in the afternoon. Another night and still n
o sign of Damon. Where the hell was he? I must admit that I missed him. I heard
someone knocked the door. I smiled.
"Come in" I said excited, then I realized that it wouldn't be Damon because he
wouldn't knock the door.
"Hello!" Ash said with his typical smile. I didn't answer well at least I had s
omeone to talk "how are you tonight?"
"Boreeeeed!" I complained "You have no idea how bored I was last night, at leas
t you came tonight" I continued.
"Well, now that I'm here that could change" Ash was always in a good mood.
"What do you have in mind?" I asked excited.
"What about me taking you out?" Yeeeees!! I didn't mind if it was right or wron
g I just wanted to do something.
"Yeees!" I jumped to him and hug him without thinking about it 'no touching' I

stepped back but still smiling.

"Well, I'll take you out more often if that's the pay you'll give me" he said s
"Don't get used to, by the you know where Damon is?" I had to ask!
"No idea, I haven't seen him around" he replied.
"Mmm so! Where are we going?" I said trying to stop thinking about Damon.
"I'll show you around the mansion, there are some beautiful gardens that you'll
love" yes! :)!
"Let's go!"
"Don't take it personally you look good but I don't think that going out in tha
t sleeping dress would be a good idea" he said laughing.
"Asshole!" I went to the little closet were the clothes that Damon gave me were
. I changed, I put on some pants and a purple T-shirt, my hair was messy but fin
e. We went out silently we passed some large hallways until we finally got outsi
de, there was a path with big trees all around, everything was so illuminated, t
here were a lot of lights. The moon was beautiful. I felt the wind on my face.
"So nice..." I said closing my eyes. The wind made my hair move "ahhh it feels
so good"
"I'm glad you enjoy it" Ash was happy, I could feel it in the tone of his voice
"You know, I feel so lonely sometimes... I don't get along with others vampires
because I don't agree with treating humans slaves like animals, I don't have a
slave for the same reason; So, vampires think that it makes me weak to think lik
e that" I opened my eyes to look at him, his gaze was focused on the moon, his g
reen eyes seemed to be darker while he continued "But I don't care. I know somed
ay this slavery thing will end, for now I can just help in my own way like givin
g to you this moment of freedom" wow Ash was a good guy. I held his hand.
"Thank you" I said honestly.
"Sir, your majesty is asking for your presence" someone said behind us. I turne
d around to see Ryan.
"I'll be right back, you can take a walk while I'm gone" Ash explained to me, I
just nodded. When they left I didn't know where to go so I just moved forward t
o the garden. I saw someone in the middle of the garden but it was too far to s
ee. I walked to see who it was.

It was Damon.
[11] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 11)

/// Chapter 11///

Fuck! I was really unlucky that night. Damon was sitting beside a statue right i
n front of me, he was looking to the other side ' What do I do?' I wondered. May
be if I moved silently he wouldn't see me. I took two steps backwards to hide my
self behind a tree when I heard his voice...
"I know you're there, I can feel the beats of your heart" he said still looking
to the other side of the garden.
"I'm sorry master... I...-" he interrupted me.
"You have no excuse, slave" he explained coldly. He stood up and walked to face
me "Get out of my sight, now" he commanded but he didn't even look at me. What w
as wrong with him? He didn't scream on my face or anything. I mean I didn't like
that but he was acting weird. I turned around to walk back to the path, I hadn'
t seen him in a while and when I did, he told me to go. I had to talk to him, wh
o knew when I'd see him again.
"Master are you ok?" I asked facing him, his dark eyes met mine for the first ti
me in the night.
"Yes" he replied coldly and went back to the seat beside the statue. I followed
him. I sat down beside him.
"You don't seem to be good" I knew I just disobey him because I didn't leave but
I need to know what was happening to him.
"I told you to go" he said bitterly. It hurt me that he didn't want me to be aro
und. But I was stubborn.
"Master..." I said touching his face. He slapped my hand and stoop up grabbing m
e by my arm to make me be on my feet.
"Who the hell do you think you are? I said go! So go! You're my slave you do as
I say. Enough with this actitude from you. I don't want you around me" he scream
ed on my face. I looked down but he grabbed my chin. There was something in his
eyes... Was that 'desire'?
"My apologies master" I said honestly.
"Stop apologizing! You can't keep doing wrong and expect me to forgive you becau
se of a stupid apology" he was mad. I didn't know what to say. A tear rolled dow
n my cheek, he let me go "Go, now. If I see you out of the room again you don't
wanna know what I'll do to you" he said bitterly. What the hell was wrong with h
im? I walked back to the mansion and then to my room, thank God I had a good mem
ory because I could have lost so easily, that mansion was huge. When I got insid
e the room, I started to cry.
"What's happening to me" I said to myself "Why does it hurt me so much that he d
oes want me to be with him?" I covered my face with both hands and cried. His wo
rds were inside my head 'I dont want you around me' how could he say that?
Ash P.O.V
I went to see why the king wanted from me, but I didn't expect to hear what he s
"Ashton... what do you want with Arlene?" He was right to the point.

"She's my friend" for now...

"Vampires don't usually have human's friend" he claimed.
"Right, but I'm not usual. I thought you already know that, 'uncle'" I said the
last word with irony.
"You always surprise me Ashton, but let me tell you this" he said facing me
"I didn't expect 4 years for her to give her to Damon so you can come to sneak
your littles fingers on her"
"Mmm are you suggesting that I want to take her from Damon?" I asked. He smiled
"I don't suggest, what I say it's the truth" he emphasized the last word.
"I'm not Shawn, I'm not the bad guy. She is my friend and I don't think it exist
any rule that make me be away from her" I explained.
"I'm just warning you, Ashton. She belongs to him"
"She's not an object" I replied.
"Whatever. You can go now, keep in mind what I just told you" he went back to hi
s seat.
I left the room and went back to the garden, but I couldn't see Arlene. An image
of her came back to my mind, she didn't know how beautiful and innocence she lo
oked in her sleeping dress. 'Be pantient' I said to myself. Where did she go?
"She's not here, she's in her room" Damon's voice surprised me, he was right beh
ind me. I was so focused thinking about Arlene that I didn't sense him. I turned
around to see him.
"Damo-" he punched me on the face so hard that I fell to the ground, I got up qu
ickly. I cleaned the blood from my mouth " I must admit that I didn't see that c
oming" I said looking at him.
"Stay away from her!" he yelled at me.
"Jelous?" I said smiling.
"I'm dammed serious, Ash. Stay away from her" he repeated.
"Why do you want him away from me? If you're not with me. Why do I have to be al
one?" Arlene asked right behind us with the most brave tone I ever heard from he
r. Damon didn't turn around, I did. But I wished I hadn't, her face was so red l
ike she had been crying for hours. Marks of dry tears were still on her face. Da
mon turned around to face her. What would say to that? Curiosity ran through my
Hope you like it!!!
Commentttt!! And voteeee! That's what inspire me! Please! :)
[12] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 12)
Sorry if I take so long to upload, i'm on vacation in a town that computers dont

exist jajaja I do my best by my phone. next chapter will be special!

Arlene's P.O.V
"Why do you want him away from me? if you are not with me. Why do I have to be a
lone?" I asked, Ash turned around to face me, he looked pretty worried. A few se
conds later Damon turned around, too.
"Arlene...are you ok?" Ash asked.
"No, I'm not. I need an answer" I replied. I was tired of not being considered,
tired of not knowing or understanding Damon at all.
"I don't have to answer anything to you" Damon said icily. He started to walk aw
ay, when he passed beside me he said "To the room, now" I followed him but I wou
ld have my answer. When we got to the room he sat down on the bed but he did not
look at me.
"I need an answer" I reminded him.
"You're not ready for the answer of that question, slave" he claimed.
"Of course I am! I don't care if you kill me or punish me, I'd have my answer! I
'm dammed tired" I screamed. His gaze met mine.
"Don't you dare to talk to me like that, you are still my slave" He remind me me
"Punish me if you want! But answer me" I said. He stood up and walked to be righ
t in front of me. He looked bad.
"You want an answer?" he questioned dangerously, I felt his breath on my face.
"Yes" I replied, I was brave I must admit.
"I want you" he spoke clearly "I want you so bad that I can't be near of you, I
want your body, your blood, I want everything from you" I was breathless " I can
't control myself anymore, and for some fucking reason I don't want to lose cont
rol with you, I don't want to force you or hurt you" he continued, I was absolut
ely frozen "And I won't give you away, you are mine" he emphasized the last word
. I was speechless...
" I...want you..too" Did I just really said that? His eyes showed the surprised
that caused him. Next thing I knew he was kissing hardly and desperately and the
worst fact was that I kissed him back with the same desperation...
hope you like it!
[13] He's my master, I belong to him (chapter 13)
Sorry! I dont like to make you wait.

I was kissing my master like my life depend on it, his hands were all around my
body, his lips were so soft. He stopped the kiss and I felt his face on my neck,
then my throat, every touch of his lips on my skin was driving me crazy... He t
ook off his shirt and I did the same leaving my breasts exposed to him. His hand
s touched my boobs desperately then I felt his mouth sucking my nipples. I moane
"Oh! It feels good, master" I said with my heart beating fast than ever. He cont
inued as he slipped one of his hands between my thighs. I felt him caressing my
sensible zone "Ah ah" I couldn't stop myself from moaning. Next thing I knew we
were both naked on his bed and he was on top of me, I was feeling his manhood be
tween my thighs, it was a torture!
"I need you, now" he emphasized the last word. I kissed him to show him that I w
as ready so..ready.
"Do it, master" I begged, I wasn't scared anymore I wanted him so bad inside me.
His manhood pressed against my virginity, I heard him moaned. Then he just got
completely inside me.
" hurts" the pain was inmediatly. He did it so fast that it took my body a
few seconds to feel the pain, tears began rolling down my cheeks "Master... It
hurts" I complained because he continued moving inside and out of me. I tried to
make him stop but he grabbed my hands "Master please it hurts..." I begged, he
just kissed me.
"Shh... It's just for a minute, the pain will go, I promise" he said on my lips
and continued moving inside me. I tried to move my hands but it was useless. The
pain was going away leaving just a really nice sensation. I felt his breath in
neck and then his fangs, he bit me... Oh God...what I felt was amazing... He bit
ing me and being inside me at the same time was killing me. I felt like I was ab
out to be in heaven...
"Ahhhh... Master..." I screamed feeling all my body explode in pleasure. He cont
inued moving and moaning..
"You're mine" it wasn't a question, it was a demand "Say it" he whispered on my
"I'm...I'm.." With his movements in me was difficult to think and talk clearly "
I'm yours, master" I stated finally.
"Oh... You're deliciuous" he said kissing me, I felt him to moaned louder and st
opped. I felt something warm inside me. He just got apart and lay beside me. My
heart was still pounding like crazy. My mind came back to reality. 'I just... Ga
ve him what he wanted' I said in my mind 'well, I wanted it too but my virginity
...' I blushed, I couldn't believe what I had done. He was still he didn't make
a move beside me, it was a very uncomfortable silence. I sat down on the bed and
stood up " I didn't tell you to stand up, slave" his voice was cold again.
" I just..." He didn't let me finish.
"We'll take a shower" he claimed stading up. 'We' I didn't like that. God! He wa
s gorgeous and still naked. I blushed focusing my gaze on his face. He walked to
his bathroom, I hadn't ever seen what was behind that door. I followed him. It
was a big bathroom all decorated in black and white. I covered my boobs with my
hands. He got inside the shower "Come" he said extending his hands. I walked ins
ide the shower thanks God it was a big shower, water starting falling on my head
and face; he was just there staring at me. I felt so embarrased, I saw his manh

ood, it was hard again. I wanted to run away, I knew what he would want and my m
ind was so collapsed I needed some time "Turn around" he command with lust in hi
s eyes.
"Master..." I started.
"Turn around, slave" he said again, I did it, I was facing the wall now. I felt
his hands in my waist.. Then going up to my breast.
"Master... I..." His hand got between my thighs. The water was still falling
n my body. I tried to push him away but he grabbed my hands and pressed them
ve my head against the wall. He made me be trapped between the wall and him.
h his free hand he continued touching, his soft lips were kissing my neck. I
ldn't move... "No..." I said when I felt his free hand opening my legs. Then
manhood pressing against my entry again "master don't..."


"You're mine.. You said it" he whispered in my ear.

"You'll never force me, master. You said it too" I stated.
"I'm not forcing you" he said calmly "I just need your body"he continued.
"You just had it"
"It's not enough, slave" he said touching me again.
"It's enough for me... I just lost my virginity... I can't do 'it' again, please
master be considered" I begged. He let go of me.
"Just for this time" He said gettiing out of the shower. I took a deep breath...
It'd be a long night.
[14] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 14)
///Chapter 14///
When my master left, I took a deep breath and washed myself in the shower, the w
ater was so warm, it was relaxing me I felt some pain between my legs but I gues
sed it was normal after what happened...I had enough time in the shower, time to
get out.
Ash P.O.V
I was walking to Arlene's room to see if Damon didn't do anything to her, well I
must admit it; I was curious, I want to know what he answered to Arlene. When I
got in the corridor, Damon was coming.
"Damon" I said stopping, maybe he'd talk to me.
"Not in the mood, Ash" he replied passing besides me and continued walking. I di
dn't like the smell he had. He smelled like her, he had her essence all over him
. I also smelled her blood in his breath. A wave of anger came to me.
"What did you do, Damon?" I screamed so he hear me. He stopped and turned aroun
"She's completely mine, now" he said with a smile in his face and walked away.
I felt like someone just tore apart my heart. I knew what he meant. He took away
her innocence. I felt the need to go and kick his ass until I had his blood in

my shoes but I controlled myself, I was good at that, so instead of going to kic
k him I walked to Arlene's room. I knocked the door and went in after hearing a
"come in".
There she was, beautiful as always her dark hair was in a ponny tail, her black
eyes looked at me like I was in the right place at the right time. Her lips were
wet they looked so inviting. She was wearing a purple t-shirt and a black skirt
with some deportive shoes.
"Are you ok?" I had to ask.
"That's the first thing you always ask me when I see you, we need to variate ou
r greetings" she said smiling, well she looked ok to me.
"You're right" I admitted "So did you get your answer?" I needed to know what h
"I guess I got more than an answer" she replied.
"Really? How's that?" I felt bad to make her tell me something that obviously s
he didn't want to say.
"I gave myself to him" ok I must admit I didn't expect that, she said it so cold
ly that it took a few seconds to me to react.
"I see. But it wasn't against your will, right?"
"No, I wanted too" she said looking down.
"There's nothing to feel ashame, Arlene. It's ok" I said trying to comfort her.
"It's not ok, Ash. My virginity was the only thing I had, my body was the only t
hing that belong to me and now... I had nothing he got everything from me" a tea
r rolled down her cheek "The worst fact is that I wanted to give it to him... I
wanted so bad" that hurt me. But it wasn't her fault.
"Don't cry, you can't feel guilty for doing something you wanted to do, Arlene"
she looked at me, her eyes were wet she looked so vulnerable.
"I'm sorry for making you listen to all my stupids problems" she said cleaning
her tears.
"It's my pleasure to help you, you know that" I grabbed her hand "Listen... I'll
always be here for you when you need me" I was completely honest at that. She b
lushed, I felt thirsty. 'Focus'
"Thank you..." She said and hug me. I felt her smell, her heart pounding...her b
lood inviting, I was so closed to her neck. 'Focus' I stopped the hug and caress
ed her face.
"You'll see everything will be alright" I claimed, she smiled.
Ariel P.O.V
I was taking care of my cat, his name was "Bloody" yes I know, it was ironic but
I liked to make jokes about vampires, even when I was one of them. Bloody was p
retty arrogant maybe in his other life he was a vampire, suddenly he jumped to m
e, he didn't like strangers. I felt Damon walked into the room, but I didn't say
a word, I knew Damon would come. I was like his psychologist.

"Easy...bloody easy" I said caressing my cat.

"I can't believe you still have that stinky cat" Damon said with a disgust face.
"If you're here to insult my cat, then go" I replied, Bloody smelled good, he wa
sn't stinky.
"Black cats bring bad luck" he claimed.
"Oh really? I'll do some research about that" he was avoing to talk directly of
what was bothering him
"You didn't come to talk about my cat, so to the point Damon" I said letting Blo
ody go.
"You know why I'm here" he said sitting down in the couch.
"So it finally happened" it wasn't difficult to guess that, Damon had the essenc
e of the girl from feet to head.
"Yes" that was all what he said.
"So?" I was freaking out, it must be something really important because Damon di
dn't want to say it. He looked down and put his hands of his face. I walked to h
im and kneeled in front of him. I apart his hands from his face "Damon, tell me
what's bothering you" he looked confused, my big bro that was always cold and su
re now looked confused.
"She...I..." He mumbled. For god sake he couldn't even talk. A question came to
"Do you love her?" I asked directly, he looked down. I grabbed his chin
" Damon Richmond...are you in love with your slave!??" I asked almost freak out,
he moved his lips to talk...what would be his answer?
Hope you enjoy it!!!
I enjoy this chapter myself.
You met Ariel, what do you think about her? Well... I'll upload soon :) bye!
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[15] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 15)
Hi! Sorry if I take too long to upload.
Comment!! I love to know what you think!
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Damon's P.O.V
Ariel was kneeled right in front of me, she looked alarmed like if the answer of
the question she just made was something to die for. I didn't know exactly the
answer but...
"I think I have some feelings for her" I was honest "But love? It's too soon to

say don't you think?" Relief went for a minute in Ariel's face, she stood up.
"I want to meet her" she said walking to that big mirror she had.
"What for?" I asked. The idea of Ariel meeting Arlene was not in my mind.
"To understand better the situation between you two, I have only seen your side
of the story" Ariel was so confusing.
"My side of the story? What are you? A lawyer? This is not a judgement situation
" I replied.
"I understand myself. Can I see her or not? Mr. Possesive" possesive? I wasn't.
Well maybe a little but that was normal right?
"Yes, of course you can"
"Then shall we go?"She asked walking to her door. I didn't know what Ariel had i
n mind but I knew it wouldn't be good.
Arlene P.O.V
Ash was telling me about how he helped his slave to scape, Ash was a good guy, a
nd he looked so sweet when he smiled 'What the hell Arlene, you can't see him th
at way, he is your friend' I said in my mind.
"I hope she's free and happy, now" Ash said looking to the window. I grabbed his
"She is, thanks to you" I said honestly. Ash caressed my cheek. The door opened
and I automatically jumped and stood up getting some distance from Ash. Damon wa
s standing in the door, he walked to a side letting me see a girl, she was beaut
iful, she had blond-curly hair, her eyes were gray? I couldn't see them well, sh
e was wearing a fancy black dress, that was tight in her weist and breast and co
mfortable in the down part. She looked like a doll. She had a smile on her face.
She must be my age.
"Master" I said focusing my gaze on the floor.
"She's pretty" she said walking to me "And her blood smell so good, can I taste
her?" I froze the idea of other vampire drinking from me was...'unthinkable!' If
that word even exist.
"No" my master said with a menacing tone.
"Buu bored Damon" she was like a little girl after all "Oh,'re here
, right you're always behind someone else property, is that your hobby?" God! Th
at girl was direct.
"You're always so funny, Ariel" Ash replied, so the girl name was Ariel.
"Slave, look at me" Ariel demanded, And I did it "now...look at your master" she
asked, I didn't want to do it, not after what had happened. My heart started po
unding like crazy when I met his gaze, My breath accelerated, his eyes were dark
er than ever.
"What is all this about?" Ash asked breaking the moment, I looked to the floor a
"None of your business, I can go now, I got my answer. It's a pleasure to meet y

ou, slave" she said grabbing my chin to face her "I hope to see you in the party
tomorrow's night" she said and wait for my answer.
"If my master take me, I will, my lady" I answered politely.
"Call me Ariel, I'll make sure Damon take you" she replied getting near to my ea
r, I felt her breath "I'll give you a gorgeus dress so you can show that beautif
ul body of yours and make him go crazy" she whispered. I smiled and blushed at t
he same time.
"Let's go Ariel" Damon said impatienly.
"There's no need to rush, you're not leaving with me" she walked to Ash and grab
bed his hand "Ash is leaving with me, let's go. It's almost the morning and this
is not our room" she winked her eye to me.
"See you tomorrow night" Ash said walking beside Ariel.
"Bye, big bro" Ariel said embracing Damon. They left closing the door behind the
m. Ok now was just Damon and me. An uncomfortable silent was in the air.
"Master I was wondering... Are you taking me to the party that Lady Ariel mentio
ned?" I needed to ask.
"Any personal reason for you to go?" He asked like I had something to hide.
"No, master. I just want to get some air, you know I'm always here in the room"
I explained carefully. He walked to me without saying a word. When he was in fro
nt of me, he wrapped his hands around my waist and started to kiss my neck my sh
oulders. Was that what I was for him? A object to satisfy his needs? His hands s
lipped in my back going down to my ass while he was kissing my neck. I felt a li
ttle bit used but I couldn't deny that I liked his touch. I liked to feel him. S
uddenly he stopped and hug me. I was a confused, maybe I misjudged him. He let m
e go and grabbed my hand, he walked and I followed him to the bed. He lied down
and I did the same, I was a little bit cold.
"Come here" he said with his arms opened, I made myself comfortable in his chest
, he wrapped his hands around me. I didn't feel cold anymore "We'll go to the pa
rty tomorrow's night, but you have to behave or I won't be able to protect you"
he said caressing my face, he was being nice "You have to respect every vampire
you see and talk just when they ask you to do it, don't let others vampires to t
ouch you. If that happen you explain them that you already have a master and he
doesn't share you, am I clear?" I listened carefully to all the advices he was g
iving me.
"Yes, master" I said smiling, I felt so good in his arms, he smelled nice. He tu
rned his face and now he was looking directly in my eyes. God! Why did he have t
o be so beautiful? His lips were so...'Arlene! Stop it' I bite my lower lip. Whe
n he saw it he said...
"What do you feel for me?"He asked like it was a simple question.
"I...wh-I..." I didn't make any sense with my 'words'
"Don't answer me now, do it tomorrow" he said and kissed me, it was a soft kiss.
We got apart "let's sleep" he said kissing my forhead. He's never been so sweet
before. I felt good, it wasn't difficult for me to sleep.
[16] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 16)Part 1

Hello!! Special Chapter 16! Part 1! I hope you like it! I did it with love to al
l my fans that always comment and vote!
Chapter 16(Part 1)
Something was producing a sound that woke me up. When I opened my eyes I realize
d that it was the door, someone was knocking. My master was beside me and he loo
ked at me with those eyes that intimidated me.
"Open the door" he asked. I stood up and went to do it. I didn't like what I saw
"Sara" I said like a greeting. She just looked at me and then her gaze focused i
nside the room; I moved so I could block the view of my master half-naked on the
bed. She frowned.
"Lady Ariel sent me to give this to you" she talked like she was forced to do it
, I didn't get why she hated me so much. I saw a white box, it was large I took
it without hesitation "And your food" I took with the other hand the plate.
"Thanks" I said politely. She didn't respond as I expect. I just closed the door
"She hates you because she's jealous. She wished she could be in your place" my
master explained like he just read my mind "What's that?" he asked pointing the
white box.
"A gift from Lady Ariel, master" I smiled because I knew it would be the dress s
he promised the night before.
"I know that. But what's inside the box?" I didn't want to answer that, it was s
upposed to be a surprise, I shook my head "You won't tell me?" he asked dangerou
"It's a surprise for you, master" I blushed.
"I see. Then surprise me, I'll give you some time to get ready. It's almost six
and the party begins at seven" he said taking some stuffs from his closet. I gue
ssed he would get dressed somewhere else. When he was about to go out of the roo
m he turned around to face again "And eat everything I need you strong for tonig
ht" he moved so fast, suddenly he was right behind me. He whispered in my ear "I
'm'll be a long night, slave" his tone was lustful, I shivered, he
kissed my cheek and walked out of the room. I stood there for 10 seconds before
"So direct master" I said to myself. I ate my food with despair; I wanted to see
my dress. When I finished I ran to the bed and put the white box on it "Oh my g
od..." I claimed when I saw it, it was absolutely amazing. It was a short dress;
it was all black with purple slashes. The top part was a corset and the down pa
rt was pretty loose. I just loved it! In the box were the accessories and even t
he sandals "Yes!" I jumped. I was excited I had never worn a fancy dress before.
There was also a note in the box.
It said "Dear Arlene, I hope you like the dress I chose it myself for you. It'll
fit your body perfectly. Trust me. See you at the party, Ariel"
I didn't know why she was so nice to me, I had seen her once in my whole life, b
ut I didn't care if people like that ugly slave Sara could hate me so fast, I wo
uld enjoy people who liked me. I took a long shower and got ready, I put on my d
ress. It was so tie in my waist it made my bubs looked like they would go out an

ytime but I must admit it, I looked hot. My breasts looked provocative; my waist
seemed to be small than ever and my longs legs made me look elegant. I put some
make-up so I didn't look so pale.
"Ready" I claimed to myself. I heard the door opened and I turned around to face
my master, I was so nervous, I wanted to surprise him. There he was...just stan
ding surprised, his gaze was lustful when he looked at my body "I hope you like
it" I said smiling. He didn't answer his gaze was intimidating me. He was gorgeo
us...His hair was messy and wet; he was wearing a black suit that made his pale
skin looked awesome.
"You're beautiful, slave" he said as a compliment me. I blushed like always.
"Thank you, master. You look good, too" I replied, it was the truth.
"Shall we?" he extended his hand to me. I smiled. We went out of the room and st
arted to walk in the big hallway. I heard some music but it seemed to be far, we
crossed one side of the garden and there it was, there was a big door and some
guards on it.
"Your majesty" they said making a reverence to my master. When we got in I was s
o nervous that I could die of a heart attack. It was a big salon; it was decorat
ed in black colors, the people...oh god the people...they were all beautiful, so
me of them were talking and the slaves were behind them. I felt pity because the
re were some dirty slaves on the floor, their master had them enchained like the
y were dogs.
"Remember what I told you, slave" my master reminded me walking to a group of va
mpires, there was his brother Shawn.
" honor us with your presence, I thought you wouldn't come" Shawn sai
d with sarcasm. I didn't know what to do so I just stood behind my master like I
saw other slaves to do it, Shawn searched me with his gaze "Oh...the slave is h
ere, too" he said grabbing my hand and making me be in front of the others vampi
res, one of them had his slave in floor all dirty. There were five vampires, one
of them had a beautiful baby face, he was gorgeous, and I focused my gaze on th
e floor.
"She's hot" I heard one of the vampires said. I felt a hand grabbing my chin, it
was the boy with the baby face, and I couldn't stop blushing "mmm yummy you sho
uldn't blush in front of vampires" he said getting near to me "It invites us to
want you" he said in my ear, my master grabbed my arm making me be behind him ag
ain "Easy Damon...I was just...admiring your slave, you don't share her? What ab
out one night?" I shivered, what the hell was wrong with that boy.
"No, she's mine and I don't share her" my master said dangerously.
"He's possessive with his stuffs" Shawn said to break the ice "It is just like t
hat girl...what was her name...Mary, Damon was absolutely obsessed with that vam
pire, he didn't want to share her but unfortunaly she wanted to be shared and I
didn't miss the chance" Shawn laughed and so the other vampires, my master tense
d. I looked all over the salon again, I saw Ash in one of the corners, I said hi
with my hand and he walked to me.
Ash P.O.V
I was about to go back to my bedroom when I saw Arlene, god! She was gorgeous, s
he looked so provocative 'stop it Ash' said the voice in my mind. I arrived to t
he group of vampires where she was.
"Good evening" I said to everyone.

"Good evening" all replied me, but not Damon.

"Maybe I have this dance with your slave, Damon?" I knew Damon couldn't say no i
n front of all those vampires, he couldn't show weakness in front of them so I t
ook advantage of that. Damon just nodded. I felt electricity when I touched Arle
ne hand to take her to the dance floor.
"Hi Ash" she said smiling when we got apart of those vampires that were looking
at her like she was a piece of meat.
"Hello, you're gorgeous tonight" I said the truth, she blushed...ahh what did sh
e do that? It was killing me to see her so provocative and blushed. I wrapped my
hands around her tiny waist; she was so near to me now, I could feel her breath
, her heart beats, and her breasts against my chest... 'Focus ash'
"It's a beautiful night" she said in my ear. Her breath was warm.
"Arlene...I need to talk to you" I said slowly while we were dancing.
"Yes?" she said looking at me...god her lips she was tenting me.
"I-" I felt a hand grabbing mine, making loose contact with Arlene.
"Ashton, what the hell are you doing?" Ariel said making go back to reality.
"I-was-no" I was still trying to focus.
"You can't do that in public" she complained as we walked.
"Do what?" I asked confused.
"You almost kiss her! And no mention the way you were looking at her, the king i
s right there" she pointed the king in his throne "he could had seen everything
and you'll be in trouble right now" Ariel was pretty right. What was I thinking?
Well, I wasn't thinking.
"Arlene is alone" I said trying to go back.
"Don't worry, she'll be fine" I followed Ariel; I couldn't believe I had been so
near of telling Arlene...that.
Arlene P.O.V
Where did Ash go? I just got the chance to see Ariel taking him like a little bo
y. Now I was in the middle of the dance floor, I walked until I got out of the m
ultitude, I saw a door in front of me but I knew I shouldn't go out, but someone
pushed me and crossed the door so fast that I almost feel when I got outside, n
ow I was in the garden perfect, I turned around and I froze when I saw him it wa
s the boy with the baby face, the one that looked like he couldn't hurt anyone,
he was handsome.
"Excuse me, sir. I must go back to find my master" I said walking to the door.
"You're not going anywhere" he grabbed my arm.
"My master will be upset if I don't go back, sir" I said politely. Suddenly he w
as behind me; he covered my mouth with his hand. I was scared now, I felt his fr
ee hand in my legs, he was caressing my tights, and I shivered.

"I always have what I want, you won't be the exception" he said bitterly in my e
ar. Oh god that some helped me. I tried to move but he was strong, I felt his br
eath in my neck 'no' I said in my mind.
Comment!! I love to know what you think :)
[17] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 16)part 2
Hello... uploading fast because i'm finally home :) enjoy
Damon's P.O.V
Shawn kept talking like a crazy man, he was so chatty. I was absolutely bored an
d wondering where the hell Arlene was, since Ash had taken her to dance, it'd be
en a while.
"Yuju? Damon?" A female voice said beside me. It was Mary. She was the first vam
pire I fell in love when I was young but she cheat on me with Shawn "Aren't you
going to say hi to me? Where are your manners?" She asked. She looked hot like a
lways, she was tall and had brown hair.
"Hello, Mary" I said with sarcasm.
"Speaking of the devil... Here she is" Shawn said grabbing and kissing her hand
"My lady you look absolutely beautiful tonight" Shawn was pathetic sometimes.
"Thank you, Shawn" she replied taking a step back from Shawn "So Damon may I hav
e this dance with you?" She asked politely so I couldn't say no. But unfortunall
y for her everyone knew what she had done to me so my negative would be absolute
ly understood.
"I'm sorry. I have to go to get my slave, I'm thirsty" she frowned "It'll be oth
er time but Shawn would be pleased to dance with you" note the sarcasm. I turned
around and started to look for Arlene. Where the hell was she?
Arlene's P.O.V
I was being touched by that vampire that looked so innocent before but now I kne
w that he wasn't at all. He was touching my thighs and his tongue was caressing
my neck. Ah I needed to do something. I got some strength and I kicked him hard
in his sensible zone, he felt to the ground. I ran to the garden because he was
blocking the door to go in the salon again. I ran as fast as I could, I felt the
branches of the trees scratched my arms and legs but I couldn't stop. Suddenly
something pulled me at my hair.
"Ahhhh" I screamed, it really hurt me. Then I felt some hands wrapped around my
"Where are you going?" I froze when I heard the voice of the boy I just ran away
"Let me go" I said trying to hit him.
"I'm a vampire, don't ever think you're stronger or faster than me because you'r

e not" he talked bitterly.

"What do you want?" I didn't want to ask that, I was afraid of the answer. He tu
rned me around to face him.
"You" and that was all that he said before pulling me at my hair and leaving my
neck exposed to him "Just a sip" No, please that someone helped "Don't move or i
t will hurt" of course it'd hurt, I didn't want him to do it. When he got near t
o me, I bit his ear, yes ironic "Ahhh!" he claimed taking a step back. I started
to run in direction to the salon again, I ran for the smallest path I found, so
maybe it would be difficult to him to follow me. But I was wrong when I was abo
ut to arrive he pulled at my hair again and got me by my waist, I felt his fangs
in my neck.
"No! No! Let me go" I screamed. He covered my mouth with his hand.
"You have no way out now" he whispered in my ear, I felt something hit the boy a
nd I fell to the ground. I couldn't believe what I saw; Damon was standing in fr
ont of me with the most dangerous look I'd ever seen in him.
"Are you ok?" He asked me, I just nodded standing up.
"Damon-I-it's not..." The boy tried to talk but Damon just hit him in his the fa
ce, the boy fell to the ground; blood started to stain in the boy's suit.
"You crossed the line" Damon claimed getting near to him. Damon moved so fast th
at I couldn't see well but he was kicking that boy ass. Blood was all over him.
Oh god he would kill him.
"Master" I called him because I needed him to stop; I didn't want him to become
an assassin in front of my eyes. He didn't listen to me. He was about to kill hi
m, I have to stop him "Damon" it was the first time, I called him by his name, h
e let go the boy, who fell unconscious to the ground, and looked at me with surp
Damon's P.O.V
She just called me by my name, it was the first time I heard my name from her li
ps. It produced a great sensation of peace. She was nervous I could see that, ma
ybe she was scared for not calling me 'master' I wanted her to say my name again
"Say it again" I asked, she looked confused.
"What?" She asked confused.
"Say my name, again" I repeated. She opened her eyes in surprise.
"Oh...Damon" so nice, maybe I was crazy or stupid, But I liked it. I could spend
the night with her beside me, listening to her to say my name. She smiled but t
hen an expression of pain came through her face, and I hit the reality. She had
scratches all over her arms and legs. Her hair was messy and she was scared she
had some dry tears in her cheeks. Anger ran through me again, I will kill Mark f
or doing this to her, I turned around and saw Mark unconscious on the floor. I r
aised my hand to finish him "Damon...don't" Arlene said behind me, she grabbed m
y left arm "Please, don't kill him"
"He deserves that and more" I replied.
"You're not a killer" she said with that sad face. Damn! Why did she have to be

so beautiful and sweet?

I took a deep breath. I couldn't say no to her, I couldn't.
"What the hell is going on here?" Ariel asked with Ash beside her. Ash ran to Ar
"Are you ok?" He asked checking her arms.
"Don't touch her" I said dangerously, he had no rights to touch MY Arlene.
"Oh my lord! Is that Mark?" Ariel asked running to Mark and kneeling beside him
"Can someone explain me what happened" Ariel asked with despair.
"He tried to force Arlene" I said bitterly.
"Is that right, Arlene?" Why did she ask her? She didn't believe me?
"Yes" Arlene talked looking at me.
"But he didn't get to you, did he?" Ash asked worried.
"No, Dam-my master arrived just in time to stop him" she replied.
"Ok. Less talk more moving, we need to get Mark out of here, the king will be up
set if he finds a almost dead vampire in his garden" Ariel always so focused "He
needs blood, so Ash will carry him to my bedroom, and I'll give him my slave's
blood so he heals faster" we all stood there looking at Ariel she was fast with
ideas "Move!" She yelled "Ash carry him, try to be silent, that no one sees you"
"Why me? Why not Damon? And I stay here with Arlene, she's hurt too" Ash complai
"Damon will kill him if he gets near of this boy again" Ariel explained. Ash sig
"Ok let's go. Arlene are you sure you're ok?" Damn! Ash was stubborn.
"I'm fine" she replied, Ash caressed her cheek. I pushed him hard.
"Don't touch her!" I screamed in his face.
"If she doesn't stop me, I'll touch her anytime" he replied.
"Don't you dare, Ash" I said dangerously, I admitted that I was jealous. Arlene
got between us.
"Ash stop it" she said looking at him.
"No, he's an asshole; I'll teach him a lesson. He doesn't know how to treat a la
dy like you" she said to her.
"So you do know how to treat her? Have you been touching her all this time?" I w
as mad now.
"At least, I gained by pulse every touch she allowed me to do, not like you that
almost force her" he said bitterly.
"Arlene get out of my way, now" I claimed because she was in front of him, I did
n't want her to get hurt.

Arlene's P.O.V
Ash and Damon were about to kill each other if I just moved. Ariel whispered to
me "Stop them, now" she was busy with the vampire on the ground.
"Arlene, move" Damon asked again.
"Yes, move Arlene, I'll teach him a lesson" Ash encouraged him.
"Both of you stop! Now!" I screamed they both looked at me in surprise "you look
like two little boys fighting for a toy, I'm right here. I can hear what you bo
th say"
"He's a bastard" Ash said to me like excusing his attitude.
"Leave it, Ash" I claimed.
"No! He doesn't deserve you, you're too much to someone like him" Ash kept talki
"He deserves me, Ash" Ash looked at me with surprise in his eyes.
"Oh really" Ash said with sarcasm.
"He's my master, I belong to him" I said clearly. Damon smiled to me.
"You don't belong to anyone, you're not an object" Ash was making be mad, he was
so stubborn.
"Let me clear, I WANT to belong to him, anybody else. Just him because I love hi
m" everyone stood there breathless even Ariel. A huge silent decorated the night
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[18] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 17)
Special Chapter! Hope you like it!
Chapter 17
The silence was reigning the moment. Only the sounds of the trees' branches bein
g moved by the wind were heard. Not even Ariel spoke a word to make us move or s
omething; it was Ash the one who broke the silence.
"You love him?" he asked me like it was insane to say that. Damon looked at me w
ithout expression on his face.
"Yes, I love him" I repeated, I had said it in front of everyone so it didn't ma
tter if I reiterated or not.
"How can you love this asshole?" Ash looked mad now. Damon moved quickly until h
e was facing Ash.
"I'm right here, Ash" he menaced.
"And?" Ash was so violent tonight. I hadn't seen him like that ever before. What
was wrong with him? I pushed Ash's chest to make step back.

"What's wrong with you?" I had to ask "You're never like this. You're always pea
ceful and funny"
"Oh really? You're never like this, either. You're always intelligent and reserv
ed" he said bitterly.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I was getting mad now.
"It means that you lose it. How can you love someone like him? That had treated
you like an object?" Ash almost screamed on my face.
"That's none of your business" I said bitterly. Silence again dominated the plac
e. Damon kept looking at me with those dark eyes, I didn't know how in the hell
I was going to be able to face him when we were alone but I didn't want to think
about it.
"Hey! You guys" we all turned around to see Ariel knelt on the ground "I admit t
hat I love drama and love scenes and that I enjoyed the confession but this is n
ot a good moment for this, seriously" Ariel said and the vampire on the ground m
oved a little, but he still was unconscious. Ash walked to Ariel when he passed
beside me he whispered...
"We'll talk later" I just nodded. Ash carried the vampire like it was a pillow,
vampires and super strength.
"He's starting to heal but needs blood. You go to your bedroom. I'll take care o
f him" Ariel walked with Ash beside her, Ash looked at me with... what was that?
Pain? Then he focused his gaze on the ground and followed Ariel. He looked sad
maybe I was too straight but he made mad with his comments.
"Arlene" I froze, Damon just called me by my name. Ok now my heart was about to
get out of my chest "Let's go. You're hurt and no one can't see you or they'll s
uspect and start to make questions" he was right we walked back to the big house
. We entered the big hallway that led us to our room. He didn't say anything and
neither do I, I was so embarrassed. What could he think of me now? Maybe that I
was a stupid slave for falling for someone like him, I mean he was a vampire an
d not only that he was from royalty. His kind and mine don't mix or at least sho
uldn't. I sighed, Ash had a point; I wasn't very intelligent when I confessed my
self to him. Now I was more vulnerable than ever in front of him. We got into th
e room, what an uncomfortable silence.
"Take off that dress. You need a shower" he said calmly, I was walking to my sma
ll bathroom but he grabbed my hand "From now on. You use my bathroom ok?" I just
nodded and walked to his bathroom that was double than mine. I took my shower,
at first it hurt when the water fell on my injuries. I took a towel and went out
. I was walking to my closet when he grabbed my hand again, my towel fell to the
floor and I tried to reach it but he stopped me "You won't need it" he pulled m
e to his bed "Lie down" I obeyed. He was insane if he wanted sex in the conditio
n I was, I mean I was tired and hurt. Running for a while with a crazy vampire b
ehind you wasn't fun at all. My heart accelerated, I was completely naked in Dam
on's bed he sat beside me. He held my arm and licked one of my scratches, the co
ntact of his tongue with my skin made me shivered.
"Master" I complained, I loved him but I didn't want to be a sexual object to hi
m and I wasn't in my best time for that.
"I'm just healing your wounds" he said like he knew what I was thinking. Oh! Wel
l I really misjudged him, I stayed still. But it was so difficult when he was li
cking my body. When he finished with my arms he went down to my legs, specifical

ly to my tights, I wanted to die; his warm breath was driving me crazy. When his
tongue licked a scratch there, I moaned and quickly covered my mouth with one h
and. I blushed and felt pretty pathetic. He giggled...oh God...Damon just giggle
d? He had never done that before, well not with me. I sat down on the bed as he
stood up. He had a smile on his face. I wanted to ask what was so funny. But I w
as naked on his bed and he had just licked my body; it wasn't the best time. I w
alked to my closet blushing because he kept looking at me. I put a sleeping dres
s on that fell just to my tights. I turned around to face him. Why did he have t
o be so beautiful? He was t-shirtless; I could see his defined chest and arms. H
is black hair was messy and he was...biting his lower lip? So sexy. I need to br
eak that uncomfortable silence.
"Is there anything else you need, master?" he frowned and walked to me. He grabb
ed my face with both hands and kissed me, it was a sweet kiss and it was passion
ate at the same time.
"Say it" he whispered on my lips, I was confused, his lips were soft than ever.
"What?" I asked.
"What you said outside" I knew now what he meant.
"I love you, Damon" I said wrapping my hands around him. He kissed me hardly unt
il I felt my lips were going to faint. I felt so good inside his arms. I didn't
care if I wasn't smart for letting myself fall for him, it was impossible to sto
p my feelings.
[19] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 18)
Hiii!!! I'm sorry for making you wait!! I hope you enjoy this chapter as I did!
Well I let you read now.
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Chapter 18
Damon and I
od. I could
s in my ass
e as bad as
but someone

were kissing like it was the end of the world, his lips tasted so go
kiss him forever, he was now touching my back...his slipped his hand
and grabbed it softly, I loved to feel him, to know that he wanted m
I wanted him. We were drunk in sensations... he was kissing my neck
knocked the door making us stop.

"Damn" Damon complained as he got some space between us. I took a deep breath my
heart was still accelerated. I walked to the door and opened it. It was Ash. He
evaluated me.
"Mark is fine, now. Ariel wants you to be there, she needs your help" Ash said l
ooking at Damon, he didn't look at me. Damon just nodded and started to walk out
of the room but when he was passing Ash, he whispered him...
"Don't do anything inappropriate, Ash. I almost kill a vampire tonight, don't ma
ke me try to kill you, too" and Damon walked to the big hallway, there was silen
ce between Ash and me, I didn't know what to say, after everything that had happ
ened that night.
"We need to talk" he said seriously, I just nodded "How in the hell did you fall
in love with Damon?" I knew he would ask that.
"I don't know, sometimes it just happens" I said honestly, I didn't want to say
Ash why I loved Damon, all the stuffs that I liked about him I found it inapprop
riate for the moment.

"Just happens? I don't recognize you" he said bitterly, I bite my lower lip.
"Why is it bothering that much? You're my friend. You suppose to be there to sup
port me not judge me" I needed an explanation. He grabbed my face in his hands,
I felt his breath on my face "What are you doi-" he kissed me, I felt his lips c
aressing mine, asking for entry, I just stood there in shock. I didn't move and
I didn't respond him either. I took a step back to get him off me but he grabbed
my face stronger. I tried to remove his hands with mine but it was impossible,
so I just stood there with my eyes opened and not moving my mouth at all, he wou
ld get tired any time. I must admit that his lips were nice and tasted good but
I wasn't enjoying the kiss, he was forcing me, he pressed his hands in my chin t
o make me open my mouth, I had no option when I opened it he got his tongue insi
de my mouth, why was he doing this? I asked myself I wanted him to stop "No" I m
umbled in his mouth. He let me go, I took a step back away from him. He looked a
t me, his lips were red "Why did you do that? Are you crazy?!!" I screamed at hi
"I had to do it, I needed you" he said calmly.
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. He was getting near to me again.
"This is for your own good" he said grabbing one of my hands
"What? Ash, what the hell is wrong with you?" I had to ask.
"You don't have a future with him, Arlene. He's the king's son, he will use you
and let you behind all broken, I don't want that for you" he said with sadness i
n his face.
"I made my choice, Ash. I don't care if I don't have a future with him, I'll enj
oy every moment that I have with him, I knew the risk, I knew what I was getting
myself into. I'm not a child" I explained, he just looked at me for a moment.
Ariel P.O.V
Mark was standing in front of me, he looked pretty angry, I had explained him wh
y Damon had hurt him so badly but still he didn't look pleased. But he agreed ab
out not telling the king what happened it would get him in trouble, too. He left
the room and I sat down in the couch.
"Long night" I said to bloody who was playing with something in the floor and he
suddenly tensed, I felt Damon's presence get in my room.
"What do you need from me?" he asked walking to me.
"You tell me" I replied calling bloody to come to me.
"Seriously, Ariel. Why did you call me for?" he asked serious.
"I didn't call you, Damon. I had everything under control" Damon's face looked c
"Ash said you need me" he said confused.
"Well, he lied because I don't" I said clearly.
"Bastard" he said angry walking to the door.
"Calm down, they needed to talk; Ash is pretty smart, I must admit. Maybe he jus
t needed to talk to her in private" I explained caressing Bloody.

"I don't think so" he said walking out of the room, I followed him, I loved dram
a and watched Damon doing a jealous scene would be fun.
Arlene's P.O.V
Ash was looking at me with some guilty expression on his face.
"I'm sorry" he said and grabbed my face again; I fight to make him stop but it w
as useless.
"Kissing me by force won't make me stop loving him" I said bitterly.
"I know, but taking you away from him will" What? I didn't have a chance to resp
ond, he covered my mouth with something, I fight because I couldn't breathe... s
uddenly all became black and started to lose equilibrium, I fell in Ash arms "I'
m sorry" he said and it was the last thing I heard before losing conciouness.
I love to know what you think.
[20] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 19)
Hi!!! thank you for your comments and votes! You guys rock! Well, I love to hear
what you think so...comment please :) and vote!!!
Damon's P.O.V
I was walking to the hallway, I was so angry now, how did Ash dare to lie to me
in my face? He would pay for that, I would make sure of that!
"I'll kill him" I said aloud, Ariel was walking besides me but she didn't say a
word. Maybe she knew I was right for being mad at Ash.
"Calm down, Damon" she claimed grabbing my hand "maybe, He just wanted to talk t
o her" she continued trying to make me feel better. When we finally got to my ro
om, I saw it empty. Where the hell were they?! Ariel saw the confusion in my fac
"What the hell?" I asked aloud checking the bathrooms and the closet.
"Maybe they went out for a walk" Ariel explained but I could tell that she was n
ervous. We both knew something wrong was going on. Ariel's slave showed up.
"My lady" the slave said as a greeting to Ariel.
"You're just here in the right time! Go and tell others slaves to look for Arlen
e, Damon's slave. Do you know who she is?" Ariel asked to her slave. The slave j
ust nodded and walked out of the room. I thought Ryan or something was his name.
"I'm gonna look for her by myself" I walked to the door. Ariel stopped.
"No... You need to calm down first, Damon. You can't just walk like a crazy vamp
ire all over the mansion, let the slaves look for her" Ariel grabbed my hand "Yo
u're a royal, remember? You have to be careful in the way you act" why did Ariel
have to be so reasonable sometimes? I didn't care anymore, I was just shocked,

I hoped Arlene was fine and that damned bastard! Ashton would pay the consequenc
es. Ryan came back, he looked tired and sweat.
"My lady, we look all over the mansion. She's not inside and apparently not in t
he gardens, either but slaves are still looking in them, they are big" the slave
explained breathing fast. He must have run all around the house.
"Oh! Damn! Damn! Damn!" I screamed hitting the wall, making holes on it.
"Damon..." Ariel started but I just hit the wall again.
"Fuck! Fuck! I will kill him for this, I will! I promise!" I screamed, I grabbed
my head with both hands "Damn! Shit! He took her away from me! Where the hell d
id he take her?! Shit! Shit!" I was out of control.
"Damon..." Ariel was trying to stop me, he grabbed my arm but I just slapped her
"Don't you get it? She's gone!" When I said the last words, I felt like thousand
s pieces of glass dig into my heart, I felt pain, real pain... it'd been a while
since I hadn't felt pain but now I was feeling it cruelly and badly, It was lik
e something was missing inside me. I just sat down on the bed; it had her smell
all over. I grabbed my hair with strength, Ariel got closer to me "If he hurts h
er... If he just lies one finger on her..." Ariel grabbed my chin.
"Hey...She'll be fine, Damon" Ariel tried to comfort me, but it wasn't working.
"No, she won't! That bastard! If something happens to her... I...I don't know wh
at I would do" I knew how silly and stupid my words sounded but it was the truth
, she wasn't only a slave for me.
"We'll find her, you'll get her back. What's meant to be it'll be, Damon" Ariel
claimed caressing my hair "We have two options, bro. We can start looking for th
em, right now, they can't be far or we can stay here and hit the wall and scream
, it's your choice" Damn! Ariel always so direct. She was right.
"Let's go" I said walking to the door Ariel smiled and followed me. ' I'll find
you, I swear' I said in my mind.
Arlene's P.O.V head... I felt dizzy and confused and I couldn't open my eyes very well,
I heard horses' steps...? I opened my eyes, which it resulted pretty hard. I wa
s in sort of carriage...'Where am I?' I asked myself in my mind. I saw Ash sitti
ng in front of me...he was staring at me, he looked worried.
"Are you ok?" He asked, and his voice brought back to me all the memories, Ash f
ighting with me about my love for Damon, Ash kissing me by force, Ash saying he
was sorry and then everything went dark.
"Oh God! Stay away from me!" I exclaimed looking all over the carriage we were
moving fast.
"Arlene...I won't hurt you, that's the last thing I want! Please you know me" As
h stated calmly.
"You're wrong. I don't know you anymore. What did you do? Where are we going? Wh
at's this all about?" Many questions were coming out of my mouth.
"It's the best for you. Trust me, I just want you to be happy" how could he talk

so normal?
"This is not what I want, I want Damon. I want to go back" I stated firmly.
"Really? What for? Let me ask you this... Did he say "I love you, too"? Or bett
er did he call you by your name when he took away your innocence? Did he tell yo
u how beautiful you are?" All his questions hurt me a lot I must admit because t
hey answers for those questions were 'no' "You keep saying that you know what yo
u get yourself into but I know and you know, that's not true, Arlene" he was rig
ht at some point, a tear rolled down my face. I cleaned quickly.
"I love him, Ash" I was honest, my love for Damon was all what I got, I was a sl
ave. I was away from my parents and my sister...oh I missed her so much. But now
all what I got was a forbidden love for my master. Terrific, I was such a stupi
d "It's all that I got..." It was the truth.
"That's not true, Arlene. You have me. I had plans for you; you don't have to be
a slave anymore. You don't have to be humiliated by anyone" Ash said caressing
my face.
"I don't love you, Ash" I had to be honest.
"I'm not asking for love, you being my friend will be absolutely enough for me.
I just want you to understand that there's more for you that just being a slave
in love with her master because it's all you got" silence dominated the carriage
and suddenly we stopped and some guy opened the door.
"So...what's gonna be, Arlene? Go back? Or become a free respect lady?" He offer
ed to me his hand. My thoughts were mixed up in my head. But I had my decision..
Vote :)!
[21] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 20)
Hello! readers!! thank you so much for your votes and comments! here's chapter 2
0!! Enjoy!
Arlene's P.O.V.
Ash was extending his hand to me; I had a plan in my head that I hoped it work b
ecause my life depended on it. I smiled to Ash.
"I'll stay with you" he smiled and I could see he was happy "But I have my condi
tions" he stopped smiling.
"Ok. What are they?" he asked worried.
"I'll tell you, later. Now I want to know your home" I said grabbing his hand an
d going down the carriage. It was a beautiful house but not as big as the one fr
om the king, I felt a pain in my chest because I remember Damon, oh god I missed
him so much I didn't know how I would live without him but I had to be strong.
A young lady came out of the house running to Ash. She was beautiful and she was
wearing a fancy dress like the royals usually wore.
"Ash!" she screamed giving him a hug. I felt a little bit jealous.

"Oh sweet Annie! How I missed you" Ash claimed kissing her forehead, they seemed
to be family.
"Your mother was driving us crazy, she misses you so much" the girl complained a
nd then looked at me from feet to head; some repulse expression went through her
face "Who is she?" the girl demanded Ash like I wasn't even there.
"I'm right here, my name is Arlene" I said extending my hand. But she didn't mov
e; that was so rude.
"She's a human" the girl said watching me. She was a vampire, I could see that c
"Yes, I'll explain everything inside the house" Ash said grabbing my hand and ma
king me follow him, the girl just walked with us, when we got inside, I was shoc
ked; it was an elegant living room with black furniture and big red curtains, it
was a nice combination of black and red. A woman, who looked pretty arrogant wa
s sitting in one of the couch.
"My boy, I was starting to worry about you" she stood up, so that must be Ash's
"I'm fine" Ash replied.
"So this is the girl? Damon's slave huh?" the mother asked, one more time I fel
t ignored, I mean I was right there but they still talked like I wasn't, I didn'
t decide to come with Ash to be treated just like I was in the king's house.
"Yes, my name is Arlene. What's yours?" I asked the woman extending my hand. I w
as afraid that she screamed or something but instead she shook my hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Arlene. I see Ash was right about you, you're brav
e" she said smiling "Well, welcome to my house. I'm Sonya by the way" I smiled t
o her, she was a nice woman, I could say that. I felt someone touching my should
er. I turned around to face the girl that had been rude with me a few minutes ag
"I'm Annie and I'm sorry for what happened outside, I didn't know it was you" I
didn't know what she meant with that but I smiled to her. We spent hours talking
, I found out a lot of information, Sonya was the king's sister but they didn't
get along because she was like Ash, she didn't like the slavery. Sonya apologize
d and went to her room, she got some stuffs to do. Ash told me that he was going
to see if my room was ready. So now it was me and Annie. I didn't know what she
was in this house, if she was family or not.
"So... are you from this family?" I asked; I had to. I was curious.
"Almost, I was a slave just like you" ok I must admit that surprise me, she look
ed so elegant with manners, I couldn't believe she had been a slave. She must ha
ve seen the shock in my face "Yes, I was! When I was seventeen I was sold to a c
ruel vampire, you know. He raped me, he hit me, he bite me" she moved her hair t
o one side of her face and showed me an horrifying mark in his neck.
"Oh...I'm sorry" I felt bad for her.
"It's ok, Sonya saved me, you know. I'm free now" she said smiling and I smiled
back. But she wasn't human anymore.
"Who turned you?" I had to ask.

"It was Sonya, she didn't want to but I begged her because I realized the only w
ay I could help other humans was becoming a vampire" she explained seriously. Th
at must have happened time ago because she and Ash were like brother and sister.
"How old are you?" I knew I was asking and asking but I was curious and Annie di
dn't seem to bother.
"34 years old, I was turned when I was 19" so that's why she and Ash get along s
o well, they knew each other for years.
"I see" I said thinking about Damon, he was never cruel to me.
"What about you? How was your master?" she asked curious maybe it was her turn t
o make questions. I was about to answer but Ash arrived extending his hand.
"Your room is ready, you must be tired" Ash claimed and I just nodded. Then he l
ooked at Annie "It's almost the morning, we should be walking to our rooms, too"
he advised Annie. She just nodded. We went upstairs; I felt my eyes shine when
I saw my room. It was big with a king sized bed in the middle, everything was wh
ite curtains, sheets, lamps; even the door for what I guessed was my bathroom.
"It's beautiful, Ash" I exclaimed walking inside.
"I thought this color would fit for you, you know, white symbolized peace and fr
eedom" he said standing in the door.
"It's perfect" I smiled to him.
"I'm glad you liked it" I jumped to the bed "Arlene..." Ash called me, I sat dow
n in my bed and looked at him.
"I want to know your conditions" I knew he would be curious about that. Well, it
was time to make things clear to Ash.
"Ok, first I want you to borrow me some books about behavior, I want to
w to act and behave properly and I want books in general about culture.
o learn Ash; I want to know the world. If it is not much, I want to ask
be my Tutor, she was a slave once and now she looks just as elegant as
sh was surprised, I could see him in his face.

learn ho
I want t
Annie to
Sonya" A

"Ok. I can help you with that, what else?"

"Second, I don't love you and I don't think I ever will, so if you have any hope
s that me being here with you will develop something between us more than a frie
ndship let me know and I leave immediately because it won't happen" I knew it wa
s cruel and direct but I had to make things clear. Some sad expression appeared
in Ash's face.
"OK, I understand" he said smiling but I knew he was sad.
"And the last one, please promise me you will consider it at least" I said prepa
ring myself to tell him what I wanted.
"You're scaring me, Arlene" Ash complained waiting for me to talk.
"After studying and learning manners, I... I..." I couldn't say it.
"You what?" ash looked worried. I encouraged myself, I remember myself the reaso

n of why I was doing Damon... I would die slowly without him b
ut I had to this first if I wanted a future with him.
"I want to become a vampire" I said clearly. Ash was shocked.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Soo what do you think? comment! I love to know what do you think!
[22] he's my master, I belong to him (chapter 21)
Here's chapter 21!! enjoy!
Ariel's P.O.V
Damon was driving me crazy, he walked around the room like he was an animal in a
cage, we had gone to search Arlene but we hadn't had any results, it seemed tha
t Ashton had taken her to one of his mother properties, which were protected by
a barrier; Only the owner of the house decided who was able to see it and get in
side. This could be a problem. I needed to think so I could give a solution to D
amon but it was impossible to concentrate with Damon walking like a crazy man in
the room and it was almost the morning.
"Damon, stop it! Walking around the room won't make her appear" I said trying to
calm him.
"I'm going to inform my father" he claimed walking to the door.
"Hey!" I appeared in front of him "You're not going anywhere, first you need to
sleep; the sun is rising and second you tell your father tomorrow because you lo
ok like a mess and if the king sees this desperation on you, he will notice you
have feelings for your slave" Damon focused his gaze on the floor.
"You're right" he walked to his bed. It hurt me to see him like this, so sad, so
desperate. He lied down looking to the roof; I was beginning to be feel tired,
when you're a vampire a the sun rises you feel so sleepy like your body it's wei
ght more heavy than usual. I was about to leave the room when Damon's voice stop
ped "Please, don't leave. Stay with me" he asked with his eyes closed. He didn't
like to show weakness, he never showed it so he must have been really bad if he
was admitting that he didn't want to be alone. I lied down beside him and embra
ced him caressing his dark hair.
"She's going to be ok, bro" I said kissing his forehead.
"I need her" he admitted sadly, that broke my heart. He was like my brother and
seeing him like that was breaking my heart.
"We'll find her. I promise" I comforted him.
"What if she doesn't want to be found? What if she wants to be with Ash?" he ask
ed worried.

"She loves you, Damon. She said it and I know she does" I replied, I knew for su
re that girl loved Damon, the way she looked at him, she was so obvious. I close
d my eyes and left myself all into the world of dreams.
Ash's P.O.V
What? I was stunned; Did Arlene just ask me to turn her into a vampire? I didn't
know what to say, but the sun rising was making me feel dizzy and weak. I could
n't concentrate very well.
"Arlene, I have to go. We'll talk about this later" I said walking out of the ro
om, not leaving a chance to her to argue.
"Just think about it" she screamed, she knew I could hear her even when I was al
ready outside. The hearing skill was one of the advantages of being a vampire. I
arrived to my room and for my surprise Annie was standing in front of my door.
She was beautiful and peaceful like always her brown hair was in a pony tail and
her chocolate eyes looked worried, her body was decorated with a simple red dre
ss that made her soft and pale skin looked so inviting 'Stop it, Ash' I said to
myself; I opened the door and got inside the room she just followed me.
"Are you going to do it?" she asked directly, so she had been listening to our c
"Do what?" I played the fool getting myself inside my sheets.
"Turn her" Annie replied seriously.
"I don't know, I can't think clearly, I need to sleep" I claimed crossing my arm
s across my face.
"Well, I hope you let her know all the consequences of you turning her before ma
king a decision. She deserves to know everything; she's a good girl, Ash" and wh
at was I? The bad guy? I saved Arlene from slavery; I saved her for that stupid
arrogant Damon that took advantage of her innocence.
"I know. I would never do anything to hurt her" I affirmed.
"Right. You would do everything to not lose her, too" the irony of Annie voice m
ade sit down in the bed and looked at her directly.
"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked intrigued.
"I know you, Ash. You care about that girl and it was your selfishness that brou
ght her here, not your good heart!" she exclaimed mad, how could she say that? I
stood up.
"I saved her!" I affirmed.
"No, you want her" she said clearly "Or you're going to deny that you care about
her?" she continue and I just turned around. A thought came to my mind abruptly
"Are you jealous?" I asked surprised, Annie frowned but I knew she was nervous.
"Of course not! You wish! I'm just concerned about that girl because I like her"
she said quickly.
"Really?" I said getting closer to her, she step back. Wow Annie was walking awa

y from me, which was a surprise she always looked strong and cold after becoming
a vampire.
"Of course. Ash what are you doing?" she asked walking until she was between the
wall and me. This situation made remember what happened between Annie and me ye
ars ago.
--------------------------------Ash's Flashback--------------------------------------------------------------------I was so bored in the living room, my mother was spending all her time talking t
o that human she brought home. The girl would become a vampire in a few weeks an
d she was being prepared for that. God she was beautiful; since the first moment
I saw her, I felt the need of having her, I felt nervous around her, I had neve
r felt that way for a girl before; my first love, I supposed. I knew my mother w
ould absorbed all her time teaching her manners and stuffs. That night, I went t
o her room, because I loved to talk to her, she was so sweet and nice. When I go
t inside her room, she was getting dress.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed feeling really ashamed but that feeling changed whe
n I saw her, she was holding her dress to cover her bubs, but her legs were out,
long legs, her skin looked so inviting. Without thinking clearly I was already
in front of her just a few centimeters of her face. I could feel her breath, so
"Ash, what are you doing?" she asked completely blushed. I couldn't control myse
lf and I kissed her, her lips tasted so sweet. She didn't respond at the beginni
ng she was surprised but then she kissed me back, I felt her mouth opening for m
e, I played with my tongue in her lips driving her crazy. I touched her soft bac
k going down to her ass but suddenly she stopped me and got some space between u
s "This is wrong" she said getting dress quickly.
"Why? I want you and you want me. There's nothing wrong with that" I replied bre
athing heavily, that girl really turned me on.
"I can't do this. I'm sorry, this never happened" she affirmed, I didn't underst
and a thing.
"I don't understand I know you want me, too" I said confused "Your lips don't li
e, Annie" I continued, I tried to look her in her eyes but she just avoid my gaz
"This never happen and it won't happen again, Ash. Get it!" oh no... she would h
ad to explain me why in the hell that couldn't happen again, I was falling in lo
ve for her and I wouldn't walk away so easily from my first love. I grabbed her
chin to make her look at me.
"I won't walk away, Annie. I need an explanation" I affirmed looking at her eyes
"I was a slave, Ash" she explained like that would made things clear to me.
"But you're not anymore" I said not understanding her at all. Tears began fallin
g from her eyes.
"A vampire took away everything from me!! Everything Ash! My dignity! My innocen
ce! My everything! I'm broken and I don't know if I could ever fix myself again"
she said with tears in her eyes, I felt so bad for her. Her pain was my pain "T
he last thing I need is to fall in love with a vampire. I can't...I just can't d
o this now" she said crying and sitting down in her bed. I was about to give her

a hug but she raised her hand making me stop "Please don't. Just go" I felt a c
old air get inside my body, I had strong feelings for her, and without her warm
smile and nice talks I felt lost.
"I...I..." I didn't know what to say or how to explain that I needed her.
"Just go... and promise me that you'll forget about this and you'll try to see m
e as your family" she said cleaning her tears.
"I can't make that promise" I was honest; I would never see her like a sister.
"At least try" she sounded so sad, I just nodded. I started to walk to the door,
I felt a pain inside my chest but I had to be strong for her, I didn't want to
cause her any suffer. The next night my mother turned her and she became cold an
d reserved; we never talked about that night but I remembered every night.
----------------------------------------End of flashback------------------------------------"Ash! back off" Annie asked pushing me back and walking to the door. But I could
hear her fast breathing which meant she was nervous.
"This conversation is not over, Annie" I affirmed and I felt her tensed in front
of the door.
"It's over for me, have a nice sleep, Ash" and with that she walked out of the r
oom, I lied down again and quickly fell asleep but I had a lot of things in my m
hopeee you enjoyyy!!!!
now you know what happened between Ash and Annie! what do you think???
[23] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 22)
Here's Chapter 22!! Once more! thank you guys for your support! you rock! :) now
that I had my computer the chapters will be longer :D! Well, I let you read! an
d Comment! please! I love when you take some of your precious time to let me kno
w what you think about my story! and of course vote! it's just a click! Enjoy :)
Comment and vote :)
Arlene's P.O.V
I woke up feeling lazy and relax, I had slept a lot. I looked up the window and
it was getting dark, I got out of bed and walked to my new bathroom, which was a
lso all white as the room was; everything looked so clean and in order that I di
dn't even want to use the bathroom to not ruin its perfection; You see, I wasn't
used to this, my family and I had been low class since I had consciouness, my f
ather worked as a mule to gain some money for us. However, we always had food, t
he vampire kingdom was uncharged of feeding the human population since we were t
heir food; that's why we followed their rules without hesitation, that's why I a
ccepted my destiny of becoming a slave because I couldn't forgive myself if my f
amily starved to death for an act of rebellion from me. The point was that I was
n't used to all the luxuries I had seen in the king's mansion and that now I was
seeing here. This room was so beautiful, it was hard to believe that I was stay
ing in here; I had nice clothes and a warm bed just for me. In that moment I jus
t wished I could share this comfort with my family, I knew that my sister's eyes
would shine if she could see that room, she would jumped in the bed screaming h
ow comfortable it was, I smiled to the image of my sister being so active; oh go

d I missed her... I missed my mom and her comfort words; I missed my father and
his bright smile that cheered us up. Tears began falling down, I cried in silenc
e, I didn't cry for them, I cried because I missed them; Since I had left my ho
me I hadn't let myself to feel the pain of being away from my family; it hurt to
o much to face it...I wanted to see them, they were such a good people I wondere
d if that was possible but I stopped giving myself hopes, I didn't want to cause
troubles to my parents. I needed to stop thinking about them it was breaking my
heart, I walked to the mirror which had a beautiful white frame decorated with
flowers, I looked myself reflected and combed my hair beside my face. I cleaned
my tears up.
"No more tears, smile Arlene you have to be strong for yourself, for your family
and for..." My voice broke... I couldn't say his hurt, I grabbed my c
hest as I was trying to hold myself together, I took a deep breath "And for him"
I stated finally. I shouldn't have thought about him, because maybe he had alre
ady forgotten me. He didn't look for me or anything, I had been here for more th
an a week and I hadn't heard he had come to get me back or made a search, I was
just a slave for him maybe he had another one already, that thought hurt me, I c
leared my head.
I realized I was starving so after taking along relaxing bath and getting myself
dressed with a simple purple dress I found in the closet, I went down stairs to
see if I find something to eat. An old lady, who was cleaning the living room,
stared at me as I walked down stairs.
"Hello, do you know where the kitchen is?" I asked. She looked at me for a while
, it was intimidating me. Wait... Wait... She was human...did Sonya and Ash have
human's slaves? Just like the king? That couldn't be that would be really hypoc
"Walk for that corridor, the first door you'll find" she answered still staring.
I had to ask.
"Are you a slave? I mean Sonya and Ash are against slavery, right?" I was a litt
le confused, the old lady frowned. What? It was just a question.
"I'm not slave. I'm sort of their employee; they had treated me like a part of t
his family. I got a great pay and I had a nice room" she said seriously. Oh... M
y mistake.
"I see. So... There are others like you?" She nodded impatiently. What a mood sh
e had. I just followed the instructions and voila! The kitchen, I felt a little
bit daring for walking like this was my house but you have no idea how hungry I
was. I opened some cabinets looking for something to eat, I found bread and butt
er, which could satisfy my appetite, I wasn't an exigent person, I could see som
e bottles of red liquid what I assumed was blood, I didn't even touch them. I ma
de myself a sandwich, well two sandwiches and I served myself a glass of water;
I was putting the bread and butter back in the cabinet when I felt a breath in m
y neck.
"Ah!" I screamed at the contact and turned around to face a smiling Ash "It's no
t funny! You scared me" I complained closing the fridge.
"That's the idea. To be so thin you like to eat, don't you?" He pointed to the s
andwiches. I blushed, it was embarrassing, I thought no one would be awake yet,
but I thought wrong. I sat down in the table to eat my food. Ash got something f
rom the cabinet and sat down in front of me "Well, let me have this breakfast wi
th you" he said drinking from... A bottle of blood, right. Ash knew how to took
someone appetite away very quickly; I blocked the thoughts to eat peacefully. I
gave a bite to a sandwich after swallowing I met his gaze.

"Is that...human's blood?" I had to ask, I knew this wasn't the conversation you
had when you're eating but I was curious, I continued biting my sandwich.
"It is" his answer surprised me before I could say anything he continued "Some h
umans gave us their blood voluntary and we pay them for it" I understood. I fini
shed my meal and did the dishes. When I was done, Ash was staring at me.
"What? I was hungry" I explained myself before he commented about me eating too
much again.
"I got that pretty clear" he smiled and I glanced at him "Arlene... About what y
ou... Ask me last night..." I interrupted him.
"Please don't tell me anything, yet. Just think about it, please" I put the most
innocence face I had. I felt so comfortable in this house it's like I could be
me, my real me without being scared of punishment or orders. Ash sighed.
"Ok. I talked to Annie, she's pleased to be your Tutor" Ash claimed calmly.
"Really? That's great!" I gave him a hug before realizing what I was doing, I st
ep back...getting some space we both tried to say something but nothing came out
of our mouths, Awkward moment mode on.
"Annie is her room, it's the door in from of yours" he said finally.
"All right" I smiled walking out of the kitchen. I had to control myself for tho
se impulses if I didn't want Ash to get me wrong. I went up stairs and knocked t
o the door Ash told me to. Annie opened it with a big smile, everybody here was
always smiling; it was contagious.
"Ready to learn?" she asked enthusiastic. I nodded and walked inside the room, i
t'd be long days.
Damon's P.O.V
Ariel and I were standing in front of my father, we needed to tell him what happ
ened but we didn't know from where to start. I knew this would cause Ash and my
aunt Sonya big troubles but Ash deserved it.
"So? What's the honor, my son?" My father asked simulating expectation but I kne
w that he already knew about the missing slave. He knew everything that happened
in his kingdom.
"Ash took my slave away" I said coldly. That bastard, every time I remember that
I wanted to kick him until he died painfully and slowly.
"I knew this would happen, my dear Arlene must be now with my 'humanitarian' sis
ter" note the sarcasm at the last line, my father never got along with my Aunt t
hey were so different.
"We tried to find her, father" Ariel said, even when my father was just her uncl
e, she called her 'father' because he raised Ariel since she was 6; Ariel's pare
nts died when she was 5 years old they were murdered by some humans "But it's im
possible with the barriers Sonya had around her properties, we didn't even know
where to search" she continued, My father stayed in silence.
"How did he run away? Because you can follow its track" my father affirmed.
"He didn't go by feet, he ran away in a royal carriage and he didn't go for the

path. He went for the woods, we supposed" Ariel replied.

"A carriage?" My father laughed "What a romantic escape. I guessed Ash will neve
r stop surprising me" I bite my tongue to not tell my father this was serious, h
e would noticed that I cared so much about it, he drank a glass of blood before
talking again " And... Arlene went with him voluntary, I suppose" it looked like
an affirmation but it was a question.
"We don't know" I replied, Ariel glanced at me and frowned. What?
"I think he took her against her will, Arlene liked to be a slave" Ariel lied bu
t it was better to say that Arlene liked to be a slave than she loved me.
"Maybe, I noticed some obsession in Ashton the last time I talked to him or warn
ed him to stay away from Arlene" My father served himself another glass of blood
"You know my children I hadn't live for thousands of years in vain. I knew this
would happen"
"Then why didn't you stop him, father?" I couldn't stop asking. Ariel grabbed my
hand in disparagement.
"I guessed it's fun to watch the stupid efforts Ashton and Sonya do in vain agai
nst human slavery" All my body tensed, he didn't stop him because it was fun for
him. I step forward.
"Damon..." Ariel protested holding my hand tighter. My father stayed in silence,
I took a deep breath to calm down.
"What do we do?" I asked him instead of yelling him to take things seriously.
"Nothing" my father said so calmed.
"Nothing?" I was stunned.
"Just wait, Sonya has to give the Halloween royal party in a few weeks. She will
have to remove the barriers at least for one of her properties that night. I be
t Arlene will be there; so you wait, go to the party, bring her back and have a
happy ending" he said smiling. My father could be heartless, merciless and evil
but he just gave us a solution to find Arlene, it wasn't for sure she'd be in th
at party but at least Sonya would be and that was a start.
"Thanks, father" I started to walk to the door with Ariel beside me, my father's
voice made stop.
"But there'll be a problem..." My father started, we both looked at him to conti
nue "It's a costume party" oh great...really just great.
Arlene's P.O.V
I spent the whole week studying with Annie; learning about manners wasn't easy,
I thought that it was old fashion but Annie made understand that Sonya, Ash, "hi
m"(because I couldn't say his name) and Ariel were royals and they had to behave
properly so if I wanted to be like them some day I had to learn. They knew how
to act by instinct because they were raised to be royals but when you're a slave
and you had lived your entire life being poor it's hard to get used to the roya
ls life and rules; it's a extreme change. We spent hours at night studying. Toni
ght we were talking about feelings.
"Listen carefully, Arlene" Annie said seriously "A decent lady never show her fe
elings to a man directly, the man must go first telling his feelings" ouch that

hurt, I remember how I said to...him that I loved him I didn't know why it cost
me so much to call him by his name.
"I guessed I should have known that before" I stated with a sad smile.
"Why?" I didn't answer "What's wrong, Arlene?" Annie was concerned.
"I..." I was blushing so fast "I told a man that I love him" Annie frowned, and
then her face changed to anger.
"You told Ash you love him?" She raised an eyebrow.
"No! Of course not! I don't love Ash. He's my friend" she sighed in relief. Wait
! I got that, I wasn't stupid she looked jealous and then when I told her that I
didn't love Ash she was relief. I wrote it in my mental notebook.
"So? Who is it?" She was curious, I took a deep breath.
"My master" I replied focusing my gaze on the floor.
"Damon? You fell in love with Damon?" Listening to his name made me remember whe
n he asked me to repeat it for him, my heart twisted like someone was grabbing i
t so hard that it couldn't continue beating 'Strong, Arlene' I said to myself.
"Yes" I said clearly but this time with my head high, I wasn't ashamed of my fee
lings, maybe the fact that he didn't say he loved me back made me feel bad but m
y feelings for him were pure and nothing to be ashamed of.
"Are you a masochist? That's not right! How can you fall in love with a vampire
that may have treated you as crap?" She yelled and I stood up.
"He didn't treat me like crap, he was nice to me!"I exclaimed, he was a nice vam
pire even when I didn't get him sometimes.
"I met him once when I was a slave, he was an arrogant bastard" I was really ang
ry now, how could she insult him like that!
"He's not! He was good with me. Because you get raped or who knows what else by
your master it doesn't means that was the same for me!" Ok that was mean, Annie
stood in silence " I'm sorry...Annie I didn't mean to..." She interrupted me.
"No, it's ok. You're right, if you said he was good to you, I have to believe yo
u, it's just that he's one of the king's sons" she said in a calm voice "Did he
feel the same way?" Bang! Right to the injury my heart had, because he didn't te
ll me he felt the same way. Annie interpreted my silence "Oh...I see, it's fine.
Now you're free and the next time you met him; You'll know how to behave, You w
on't show to him any feeling so he can know that you're not like all those girl
that are dying for being in his arms" well, actually I was sure I was dying for
being with him even if it was just to satisfy his needs, I know 'what a low self
-esteem' but it was the truth; when you love someone it's hard not to give every
thing away for just one minute with that person.
"I'm tired" I stated getting my notebook and stuffs.
"You should get some rest, you've been a good student" Annie said smiling. I had
learnt a lot this week. I was reading a fiction book to entertain myself before
sleeping every night.
"Have a nice sleep, Annie" I said bowing, Annie laughed and did the same. I walk
ed out of the room and opened the door of mine; it was so convenient that my roo

m was in front of Annie's. I closet my door behind me; I thought that maybe a ba
th would help me. I slipped myself into the bathtub feeling the water relaxed my
skin and muscles. I remembered when I had taken a shower in Damon's bathroom wh
en he had tried to have sex and I begged him for understanding and he listened t
o me; I knew that he had been nice to me even when he had mood changes but he ne
ver hit me or hurt me, he didn't even force me and he was my master he could hav
e done whatever he wanted with me but he chose to be nice and to wait for me to
have sex and it was his decision, what made me fell in love with him. I sighed g
etting the towel around my body, I put on some sleeping dress then I watched mys
elf in the mirror, I could feel a part missing in me; in my eyes you could see c
learly sadness... and anxiety. I touched my neck and found two marks, they were
pretty invisible but if you looked carefully you could see them. Every memory of
him attacked me cruelly... The first time he bite me, first kiss, first touch..
. I missed him. His dark eyes that always had looked at me with lust and sometim
es affection... god he was so beautiful, his lips, his body, his hair... toc toc
, I came back to reality someone was knocking the door. I opened and it was Son
"Good evening, Arlene" she looked at me with confusion in her face "Why are you
blushed?" oh... that was so embarrassing. Remembering about him had had its cons
"Err... I'm cold, I guess. What can I do for you?" I asked trying to skip the at
tention in me.
"Well, next week I had to give the Royal Halloween party and you may want to go
with us to put in practice what you have been studying" she stated smiling, she
reminded me to my mom, she had that tranquility around her that make you feel th
at everything will be ok.
"It would be nice to go" I replied in affirmation.
"But...there are a lot of possibilities that Damon go, too" she said carefully.
I stayed in silence a few seconds. Was I ready to face him?
"I don't want to cause you any troubles, Sonya" I stated concerned, if Damon wou
ld go and he'd see me I don't know what would happen.
"Don't worry, we'll protect you" she affirmed meeting my gaze "Besides, I doubt
that he find you, it's a costume party" oh... she was right.
"Then I'll go" I said smiling, she just smiled back and walked out of the room.
I closed the door and sat in my bed. Millions of questions attacked my head, wha
t would I do if I see him? What would he do? I guessed I had to wait to get the
answer of those questions.
Hope you enjoy!! Halloween Royal Party is coming! :)! Comments pleaaase! =)
[24] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 23)
Helloooooooooooo!!!! I want to thank you all you guys for your votes and comment
this is the longest chapter I had made so far, now that I had my computer it's m
ore easy to write.
and there some pictures of the costumes and a song please check them out!
I hope you enjoy! and pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaseee I need your comments!!! I love to kno
w what's your opinion...!

Comment!! Votee! just a click!

I let you read! :)
Arlene's P.O.V
I was walking barefoot in the garden; I could feel the lawn brushing my feet; ro
ses and carnations were extended all around me; they caressed my arms and legs m
aking me feel relax and part of the place. I felt the nature and fresh air movin
g my hair. But it was too dark and I couldn't see the path well, I stopped becau
se I didn't know if I should continue. Suddenly, the dark became so deep that I
barely could see , a cold air caressed my skin, I felt a presence behind me and
I knew it was him but I needed strength to face him; I turned around slowly and
there he was... wearing a black shirt with some undone bottoms allowing to see h
is well-formed chest, his pale skin seemed to shine in all that darkness, his pe
rfect jaw and lips took my breath away for a second, I met his gaze, god those d
ark eyes shouldn't exist they could captivate anything in this world, his eyebro
ws were constricted and his black hair was messy beautifully as always. I just s
tood there in silence for a while, my heart pounding like crazy.
"Damon..." I said his name feeling the shock of seeing him. His dark eyes looked
at me with... anger?
"Liar" he claimed turning around and starting to walk away. I started to walk be
hind him feeling a pressure in my chest.
"I'm not a liar... I" he didn't let me finish.
"Traitor" he said not stopping, it was being difficult to follow him, because my
legs started to feel so heavy.
"I didn't... no... wait! Please listen to me! Don't go" I needed to talk to him,
I felt tears rolling down my face, he couldn't go, it hurt me like hell that he
was thinking so bad of me; I wasn't a liar.
"You left me after saying you love me, liar" he quickened his pace and I started
to run behind him, but I felt my legs so heavy, it was leading me to desperatio
n not to move faster. Every time I thought I could grab his arm to make him stop
, he moved faster "I despite you" he claimed clearly those words were a shot dir
ectly to my heart.
"Damon... listen to me...please" I was sobbing without control because he was ge
tting far from me, the spines of the roses started to scratch my arms and legs,
the air was so cold, I couldn't breath well I felt my lungs contracted desperate
ly trying to find air, I couldn't run anymore.
"You betrayed me" he murmured and I didn't know how I could hear him because he
was already far. The pain in my chest exploded making me hard to breath.
"No! Don't go!" I screamed taking my last breath away, I couldn't breath well I
felt my heart in pain as my lungs, he couldn't go... not like this...I couldn't
live without him, I couldn't live knowing that he despised me "I do love you, pl
ease don't go... please..." I begged falling in my knees, I didn't have more ene
rgy and the lack of air was making me dizzy.
"You proved the opposite of that with your actions" he said coldly before disapp
earing in the darkness, I stood up trying in vain to follow the direction where
he went. No... he couldn't go.
"Damon! Damon!" I screamed as loud as my lack of air allowed me to. I felt a pai

r of hands shaking me.

"Arlene! Wake up!" a female voice said making me open my eyes. I was breathing w
ith difficulty and I felt my cheeks all wet. I sat down looking all over my room
. It was night already.
"Damon..." I said searching for him; tears were still rolling down my face.
"It was just a bad dream. It's ok" Annie said giving me a hug. She looked worrie
d, it took me a few minutes to get that it was just a bad dream, a really bad on
e. It was so real. I could still listen to his cold voice "Traitor, liar, you be
trayed me" oh god, I cried for a few more minutes and Annie didn't say a word, s
he seemed to understand that I needed a little more time than usual to calm down
from that nightmare. We separated and I cleaned up my tears.
"I'm sorry... I just... he" I didn't know what to say.
"Don't apologize for having nightmares, Arlene" she said with a sweet smile "I u
nderstand, if you don't want talk about it" Annie was nice; she reminded me Arie
l they were very similar. They have that special way to make people felt underst
ood. I just nodded, because she was right I didn't want to talk about it "Are yo
u sure you want to go to the party tomorrow's night? You know there are many pos
sibilities that you see him" she looked worried about that. I took a few seconds
to think about it, what if that nightmare was true? What if Damon despite me? C
ould I face that? But I didn't think that he would spend some emotion in me, I w
as just a stupid slave he must have forgotten me already.
"I'll be fine" I forced a smile to dissipate Annie's worry.
"Well, then wash that pretty face of yours and come downs stairs, I had
sses and masks for you to choose" she added with enthusiasm. I stood up
ed to the bathroom. When I got out, the old maid I met the other day in
ng room was there making the bed. I just started to get dress and I put
hair in a pony tail when the maid's voice made me turned around.

some dre
and walk
the livi
my long

"You fell in love with a royal, huh?" she said calmly. How..?
"How do you know that?" I asked confused, I never mention Damon or anything in t
hat house, only with Annie, how did she know?
"The mark" she pointed to me, but the mark of the fangs was almost impossible to
see since that distance. I grabbed my neck trying to feel it "No, the mark in y
our back" she explained getting closer to me; she pointed to the middle of my ba
ck. I turned around trying to see in the mirror what she was pointing and my jaw
fell opened when I saw it, it was like a tattoo but kind of a black rose with s
pines. How in the hell did I dismiss that? I hadn't seen it before. What was tha
"I didn't know... please call Lady Annie. I need to talk to her" I said to the m
aid yet pretty confused. A few minutes later, Annie was in my room.
"What happened?" she asked worried, she must have seen the confusion in my face.
"What is this?" I asked turning around so she could see the mark.
"Oh... that" she replied nervously. I stood there waiting for an explanation, An
nie must have known because she looked like she knew but didn't find the right w
ords to explain.
"Well?" I asked impatient.

"Well, that mark means that you belong to a royal, it emerged in you a little mo
re fast than usual sometimes takes years to appear" she explained.
"But I had seen other royal's slave and they don't have this or never talk about
it" I said confused.
"That mark appears when you love your master, you're not the first slave to fall
in love with her master, there have been many. If you give your blood and body
voluntary to your master and if he's a royal, that mark will appear. It's like s
ome mark of royal property" she finished and I sighed. So I had to carry with no
t only my broken heart but also a mark that I belonged to Damon.
"I see" I didn't expect this but I had to be strong. I smiled to Annie "Well, I'
m ready. Let's see those dresses" Annie smiled back.
After 30 minutes, I was watching a lot of dresses in the living room with Annie,
when she had said that she had some dresses and masks for me to choose among th
em I didn't thought they were that many. Almost 20 dresses were all over the liv
ing room, the maids helped us to organize them. I had no idea which one I'd like
, but then I saw a beautiful gothic back-red dress; in the top part it had a cor
set and it was loose down, it was really short but it was gorgeous. I just loved
it. It reminded me the black dress Ariel had given me.
"I like this one, but it's really short... is that ok?" I asked Annie, it was a
royal party and I didn't know if it was right to wear a dress like that.
(Arlene's costume)
"Of course it's ok, it's a costume party you can wear anything you like; well th
at dress is part of a dolly gothic costume, and you will have to wear ribbons an
d two tails besides your face" ribbons? I liked it, so I'll be a gothic doll.
"I love it so what are you going to be?" I asked her, she already had a white dr
ess in her hands; it was long in comparison with mine.
"An angel" he said showing the dress, which was gorgeous, and she had a pair of
wings in the other hand.
"That's ironic, you know; you being a vampire dressed like an innocent and pure
angel" I said smiling.
"I love irony" she smiled back, the rest of the night we spent it preparing the
details and talking, I told Annie about my family and some things about Damon b
ecause I really didn't like to talk about him, it hurt too much. I remember the
other night when Annie looked jealous about Ash.
"So... you're never been in love?" I asked directly observing Annie's reaction,
she tensed.
"Not really, I guess" she replied trying to look calm but she wasn't I had spent
two entirely weeks with her; I got to know her. The only way she would give som
e real answer is asking her directly so I could see by her reaction a lot of thi
"Are you in love with Ash?" I asked firmly, she tensed and stood there absolutel
y frozen. I could see how her hands played with each other she was nervous, I ha
d never seen her so insecure.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she replied trying to look serious but
I knew she wasn't being honest, I mean all her reactions were obvious.
"I thought you trust me, I mean I told you about my forbidden love with a royal
and you can't tell me about your feelings for Ash" I said honestly, it was the t
ruth I expected that she trusted in me.
"Let it go, Arlene" she walked to the door. I stood up and walked to her.
"Why can't you tell me? I know you have feelings for him, I'm not blind" I said
grabbing her arm "Why don't you trust me? Why don't you admit it?!" I asked her
a little bit angry now, it hurt that she couldn't trust me. She slapped my hand.
"Because he's in love with you!" she screamed in my face, now it was my turn to
stay frozen.
"No, he's not!" Ash wasn't in love with me, I mean maybe he cared about me but l
"Yes, he is! And that hurts me like hell! I didn't want to admit it because I th
ought that if I just ignore my feelings they would disappear! Tell me how saying
my feelings for him aloud would help me? It just make them real" she focused he
r gaze on the floor, I felt so bad for her at that moment.
"Annie...I..." she didn't let me finish.
"I'm crazy in love with Ash. Happy now?" she said with irony. But then I heard s
omeone coughing behind Annie, and my heart stopped there. Behind Annie was a sur
prised and stunned Ash, with some glasses of juice in a tray in his hands. No on
e moved or say anything in a few seconds. We all stood there wordless. Annie was
actually shaking and I got to see, two lines of blood rolling down her cheeks,
she was crying? I had heard vampires cried blood. Annie turned around and walked
as faster as she could to get out the room.
"Annie! Wait!" I screamed but when I got to the door, she had already disappeare
d, damn! Vampires were fast. Ash was still in silence not moving not talking, he
looked perturbed "Ash?" he didn't look at me "Hey Ash! Ash!" I said grabbing hi
s chin. He looked at me but his eyes were in another world.
"She... she... loves me" he stuttered not moving. I didn't know what to say. Bu
t I knew I had to fix all this, because I caused it. Well, Ash knew Annie's feel
ings now. I sighed.
"Yes, she does. It's obvious" I replied grabbing the tray from his hands and put
ting it in the night table. I got one of the glasses of juice and offered to him
"Drink, you need it to swallow what you just heard" I said calmly, he took the
glass and drank it in one gulp.
"I need to think..." he said walking to the door "Have a nice sleep, Arlene" and
he disappeared. What had I done? I hope Annie didn't hate me after all that. I
went to my bed, time to sleep because tomorrow's night would be really long.
Costume Party
It had finally arrived the night of the party, we were all ready, Annie looked g
orgeous in her Angel costume, and I looked good too; my long black hair was besi
des my face in two tails, the dress was perfect for my body even when it was a l
ittle bit short, we were in the living room waiting for the carriage to come for
us, Sonya was already in the place of the party since she was organizing it and
Ash had gone with her, I remember the pirate costume of Ash. He looked so cute;

I didn't understand why he left with her mom but maybe he didn't want to face A
nnie after what happened last night. I had apologized to Annie and she had said
it wasn't my fault and things were pretty normal between us thanks god. Sonya ha
d given me a bracelet, which had some inscriptions in Latin.
"Remember if any vampire tries to hurt you, you show them the bracelet. You're u
nder Sonya's protection. Don't worry I don't think they try anything" she said c
almly. And the offered me a red mask. "Take it, you have to use it all the time"
she explained seriously.
"Why?" I asked curious putting the mask on. It covered my eyes and part of my no
se only.
"First, it's a royal rule, you know to make things interesting and second it'd b
e difficult for Damon to find you" she explained and I just nodded "Be careful,
Arlene. It may be difficult for him to see you among all those masks but if you
get too close to him he can smell you, you belong to him and you're marked. All
your body will try to attract him" ok I didn't expect that.
"Lady Annie, the carriage is here" the old maid announced, and Annie and I walke
d outside. The cold air refreshed my naked legs and arms. It'd be a long night.
Ariel's P.O.V
The party had finally arrived, it was a relief because I was so worried about Da
mon, the past days he hadn't been good; we were in our carriage going to the par
ty with Shawn. Damon was in silence, he looked so cute with that vampire costume
, I know he wasn't really creative after all that happened; he was wearing a bla
ck suit with a long cape tied to his neck, his fangs were shown as they were par
t of the costume. I was wearing a fallen angel costume; I had the wings and ever
(Ariel's costume)
Shawn was in a death costume, he had a fake axe and a long dark jacket with hood
. The carriage stopped and the servant opened the door making a reverence. I gra
bbed the masks and offered to them. They frowned.
"It's a rule, remember?" I reminded them; every year was the same; they didn't l
ike masks, Shawn because he was too arrogant and he thought he shouldn't hide hi
s beautiful face from the ladies and Damon, because he thought masks were ridicu
lous. "Come on, guys. It's only for one night" I explained with the masks still
in my hands. They looked at each other.
"Please, brother. When you become king, eliminate this stupid rule" Shawn said t
o Damon putting his mask on.
"I'll make sure of it" Damon replied putting his mask, too. I smiled they looke
d gorgeous, I was so proud of my brothers, even when they weren't my real brothe
rs, I had grown with them. They had their defects but deep down they were good.
Even Shawn that always tried to act like the bad guy, but he wasn't at all but o
nly a person who lived with them could know how they really were. People usually
thought badly about them.
"Well, let's go" I claimed going down the carriage with Damon's help. We got int
o the big door of the salon, a guard made a reverence.
"Your majesty" he said. Even when he couldn't see our faces he knew who we were,
we wore a golden necklace to identify us as royals. When we got inside the big
salon, there were at least 200 hundreds vampires and there'd be more because the

night was starting. Pumpkins, spider web, bones, skulls were all decorating the
walls, and I must admit that Sonya liked making things colored even when it was
a Halloween party. Shawn was already on his own talking to some nurse girl, I s
aw Damon hiding his necklace in one of his pockets.
"What are you doing?" I whispered in his ear as we walked.
"I don't want anyone to recognize me, this thing gets too much attention" he exp
lained. I stayed confused "I will find her, Ariel" he said walking to the dance
floor. I just sighed. It'd be definitely a long night. I felt a tap in my should
er and turned around to face a... wizard? What a weird costume, I just stood the
re waiting for the vampire to say something.
"May I have this dance with you?" the vampire offered his hand smiling. Why not?
I mean everyone was in their own business tonight, I deserved some fun. I took
his hand and walked with him to the dance floor.
Arlene's P.O.V
I was so uncomfortable; I was standing in one corner of the big salon between An
nie and Ash. They didn't talk, I had tried to break the ice a few minutes ago bu
t it didn't work. Ash had told me to be careful and to remember that royal's vam
pires wore necklaces, golden ones. I checked every vampire I saw passing by; not
hing. I was really nervous. Just to think that Damon must be in that room, gave
me shivers. I was bored, I mean Annie didn't speak and Ash was still like he was
slept but with his eyes opened. I sighed.
"May I have this dance with you?" a vampire in a Death costume asked to Annie. S
he nodded and walked with him to the dance floor. I knew she accepted just to ge
t out of this awkward situation. I wished I could do the same. Ash just stood th
ere, I mean I had come to have fun and I wasn't having it at all. A few minutes
of boring passed.
"I'll be right back" I said walking away, there were so many decorations and sta
tues I hadn't seen. Ash grabbed my arm.
"No, you can't be alone. Stay here" he stated and I sighed again. Annie came bac
k and the awkward situation started again. No one talked or moved.
"Did you enjoy your dance?" Ash asked Annie.
"Why? Do you care?" Annie replied. I felt a bad place.
"Don't answer a question with another one!" Ash exclaimed. Oh god.
"May I have this dance with you?" a guy asked, Annie and Ash words had me pertur
bed and I just took the boy's hand and walked to the dance floor. I felt relief
when I stopped listening to Annie and Ash arguing, they definitely were in love.
A soft melody started.
I wrapped my hands around the boy's neck, while he wrapped his around my waist.
We danced softly, he was a good dancer, I must say. Oh... I remembered I had to
be careful, I glanced at the guy's neck; No. There was no necklace. I felt relie
f. He enforced his grab making our bodies touched. I felt his breath in my ear.
Something was not right. His breathing was not normal. It was a little bit accel
"My Arlene, you're beautiful" he whispered in my ear. I froze...that voice... he
... I tried to step back but he grabbed me stronger.

"Da-da-mon" I stuttered in shock. I could recognize that voice anywhere, when he

asked me to dance I didn't pay attention because I was listening to Ash and Ann
ie arguing. I didn't know what to say. He let me go and grabbed my hand making m
e follow him. We walked out of the dance floor and he continued walking. Where w
as he taking me? While he walked I could see his formed back and arms, he was we
aring a vampire costume, all that black looked so good in his pale skin. God! He
was so beautiful... he finally stopped in some dark corner of the place, oh...g
od no one was there... was he going to hurt me? I remembered the nightmare. He p
ulled me closer to him; I felt his hands in my waist. I was shaking...not in fea
r, in...just shock... he caressed my face and kissed me desperately, his lips we
re demanding. There was just so much need in his kiss I just gave in and respond
ed him. I had missed him so much. I wrapped my hands around his neck... I loved
him so much that it hurt; I felt tears rolled down my cheeks. We had kissed each
other so much that I got apart to get some air. He looked directly at me; those
dark eyes... show need and desperation.
Damon P.O.V
There she front of me with tears in her cheeks, her lips were wet and r
ed for the kissing before, I had millions of things going inside me happiness, d
esire, thirst, anger, relief... I had no words to explain it. I grabbed her face
again and kissed her because I needed it; I needed to know that she was real an
d not some of my dreams about her. I took off her mask and stood there looking a
t her beauty. She was so perfect. She took off my mask as well and looked at me
in silence. I kissed her again, I didn't want to talk, and I didn't want to ruin
anything with my big mouth. I wanted to listen to her say my name, to touch her
, to bite her, to make her scream of pleasure again in my arms but I hold myself
. Because I didn't want to do anything that could make me miss her more when she
left; because she wasn't with Ash against her will, she came with them wearing
a costume. So she escaped with Ash because she wanted too. My cold heart...was i
n pain. I wanted her to be happy and if that meant that she wasn't with me, I w
ould die of broken heart but at least she'd be happy. I got some space between u
s; it was being hard to control myself.
"You're free, I won't make you come back with me" I stated trying to be cold but
it was so hard. She looked surprised.
"I...I..." she tried to speak but she couldn't make a sentence.
Arlene's P.O.V
I didn't know what to say, he just said he won't make me come with him, he didn'
t need me anymore? That hurt, but I guessed he was a prince; he wouldn't care ab
out me as I did for him. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks. I cleaned them
up. He got closer to me again and kissed me but this time was a soft kiss, a ki
ss that made me feel hurt and needed. When he got apart just a few inches, I cou
ld feel his breath caressing my lips; I had still my eyes closed. I felt my lips
more wet than usual.
"I just want you to be happy even if that's not with me" he said his lips caress
ing mine "I love you" he said and I opened my eyes in shock but he was already g
one. I touched my lips and saw blood on them... his tears....he was...crying...
"Damon!" I screamed but no one replied.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you enjoy!!! :)! commentsss!! pleeeaaaaseee :D

[25] he's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 24)
Hellooo!!!! I'm sorry if I was late... I had been busy with college!!! So enjoy!
!! and you know comment!! and voteee!! I loved that you made a lot of comments!
in the last chapter!!
"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all"
Extract from the poem "Hope is the thing with feathers" by E
mily Dickinson.
Arlene P.O.V
"Damon!" I screamed looking all over the corner where we had been, but he was no
t there... I put my mask back on and walked to the multitude pushing people to l
et me go through "Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me" a lot of annoyed gazes met mi
ne but I didn't care, I was focused on finding Damon. He had said....he... he ha
d said he...loved me... I didn't see that coming. I knew he cared about me becau
se of the way he had treated when I was his slave but love me? Love me back? Tha
t was a huge new level, a smile formed in my lips "He loves me" I said for mysel
f. A few vampires glanced at me like I was crazy but I didn't care... Damon love
d me. The man I loved, loved me back. God! My heart pounded fast in joy. I had t
o find him, he had got me completely wrong, he had told me he wanted me to be ha
ppy even if that was not with him, but he was the only one I wanted beside me. H
e was the one I wanted to be happy with. It seemed like he didn't know that but
he should have; I told him I loved him a few weeks, did he forgot it? I hoped he
didn't. It was being difficult to find Damon with all those vampires in costume
s. He was in a vampire costume, I remember and just as I thought it; I saw the b
ack of man with a cloak... I taped his shoulder and he turned around "Da-"but in
stead of a pair of dark eyes, I saw blue ones.
"May I help you?" A young, soft voice asked. I step back.
"My apologies, Sir. I thought you were someone else" I replied politely just as
Annie said women should speak to unknowns. He smiled at me, he had dark blond h
air and pale skin but in his face all I could see was his blue eyes and smile be
cause he had a mask. I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand.
"May I have this dance with you, beautiful human?" he asked smiling. Oh my lord.
.. you couldn't deny a dance to a royal vampire and he was one of them. How did
I know? He had the golden necklace.
"How can you know I'm beautiful when I'm wearing a mask, sir?" I said trying to
distract him from taking me to dance.
"Well, let's say I am very good with predictions, my lady. Besides you smell goo
d which suggest that you must be... delightful" he finished kissing my hand. I s
tep back... what should I do? I asked myself. I needed to find Damon and dancing
with this vampire wouldn't help me at all or maybe yes.
"You flatter me, sir. I'd love to dance with you" I said with a bright smile. W
e walked to the dance floor and danced softly. He held me tight as we danced. He
smelled really nice. 'What are you doing? Focus" my sub conscious reminded. W
hen the song ended I excused myself telling him I was too tired to more dancing,
he understood. When we were out of the dance floor, I started with my plan.

"Oh my lord... "I exclaimed getting his attention.

"What's wrong, lady?" he asked worried.
"I'm lost.... I don't know where my master is and he will be so mad if I'm not w
ith him" I said sadly, he grabbed my hand.
"I can help you. Who is your lucky master?" well, I didn't think my plan would a
ctually work out but it seemed like this vampire was a nice one, because in othe
r cases he would have screamed or bite me, but he was treating me as a vampire n
ot as a slave.
"Damon? The king's Lutter son?" he asked a little bit surprised.
"Yes, sir"
"It does not surprise me that such a delightful lady belongs to a royal vampire"
he caressed my cheek. I didn't move or told him not to do it because he wasn't
doing it with lust or anger, he was just being nice, I could see that.
"Can you help me?" I asked him, he just nodded and grabbed my hand.
"It won't be difficult. Royal's blood is powerful and different from the rest of
vampires, among royals we can sense ourselves easily" he stated as we let ourse
lves into the multitude.
Damon's P.O.V
I hadn't stop running and running until I got outside the salon. I found myself
now in the garden, breathing fast. I made my bloody tears disappeared no one cou
ld see me like this, I was a mess. I grabbed my head with my hands trying to tak
e the pain away but it wasn't working. I set her free... I lost her... I had wan
ted to take her back... make her be with me even when she didn't want to, I knew
it was selfish but I had wanted to do it until I saw her tonight, she was so br
ight, elegant and secure. I felt proud of her and every thought of making her co
me back to me, to be treated as an inferior as a slave again disappeared of my m
ind. She looked so good and happy; I wanted that for her... I wanted her to be b
etter not because I thought she was bad but because she deserved better. She wou
ld be happy with someone else... I felt anger just to imagine some else touching
her. Damn! Damn!
"Damon?" a female voice said behind me. I turned around to face a really angry A
riel "What the hell are you-" she didn't continue "Have you...been...crying?" sh
e asked stunned, I had cleaned my tears but the smell of my blood was still in m
y face, only a vampire that knew perfectly my scent like Ariel could noticed.
"I don't want talk about it" I started to walk to the door of the salon. Ariel g
rabbed my arm.
"Damon... I'm sorry" Ariel said honestly so she had seen Arlene, she may have se
en her bright and smiling. It wasn't difficult to know that Arlene wasn't agains
t her will with Ash.
"Don't be" I said letting her behind as I walked.
"Did you talk to her? What did she say?"

"Words are unnecessary, Ariel" I replied.

"Words are really necessary because facts can be misunderstood, Damon" Ariel cla
imed running and getting in my way.
"Drop it, Ariel" I warned as I passed beside her to continue my way. The silence
dominated the ambient for a few seconds. But I knew she couldn't leave me alone
"You should have listened to her, instead of guessing what she may have said" Ar
iel complained walking besides me we arrived to the door of the salon "But it's
your problem, bro. I hope you never regret your suppositions" she spoke calmly a
s she walked into the salon; I followed her thinking that she may be right... Wh
at if...? What if... Arlene was going to tell something different of what I expe
cted? I came in the salon seeing the multitude dancing and talking. Where could
she be? Maybe it wasn't too late to see what she wanted to say.
Arlene's P.O.V
"He's not in the salon, Arlene" Lucian stated, he had told me his name a few
utes ago. We weren't unknowns anymore so I could call him by his name. Where
Damon? Did he leave? I felt bad "Don't be sad, he will come back. He had to
with his father in the throne soon" Lucian said trying to comfort me, he was
e. I felt someone grabbing my arm violently.


"What-?" I turned around surprised.

"Where the hell have you been?" Ash asked, he looked angry and worried.
"You're hurting me" I complained as I tried to remove his grab but he enforced i
"That's not the way to treat a lady, Ashton" Lucian said slapping Ash's hand to
free me from his grab.
"Lucian? Oh my lord... Lucian!" Ash exclaimed giving Lucian a big hug.
"You know each other?" I asked the obvious question.
"Of course, he's the prince of Athalia" Ash replied smiling.
"Athalia?" I asked confused.
"It's another kingdom, in the north; where vampires coexist with humans and slav
ery don't exist; it's wonderful, I'll take you some day" Ash was excited, I coul
d see maybe because that was what Ash wanted for this kingdom, freedom.
"Sounds good" I said smiling to Lucian. Wow he was nice, humble and good even wh
en he was a royal vampire and a prince. Lucian put off his mask. He was hot, in
his blue eyes you could see how humble he was; he didn't look at me with superio
rity. He looked at me as we were equals.
"Well, I would like to see your face, Arlene; if it's not much to ask" Lucian as
ked smiling. I smiled back as I took off my mask. He stared at me for a few seco

nds making me blush "Beautiful... I told you I'm good with predictions" he conti
nued, I chuckled. Ash just stood there watching us.
"Arlene, where were you?" Ash asked breaking the moment.
"I was..."
"She was with me, Ashton" Lucian interrupted me.
"Oh I see, I was just worried" Ash replied looking at me.
"I'm fine" I stated securely.
"I was trying to help her to find her master" Lucian said casually, blood left m
y face. No... no... I didn't want Ash to know that.
"Is that so? Her master?" Ash teased. I sighed.
"Where's Annie?" I tried to distract them but Ash gave me the 'look' that meant
that he wouldn't drop it and we would talk about it later.
"He's dancing with that vampire again" Ash said with anger. I smiled he looked c
ute when he was jealous. Lucian was staring at me.
"How do you know each other?" Lucian asked breaking the silence.
"I free her from slavery" Ash replied, again the blood left my face, I had told
Lucian I was looking for my master, which now he knew I didn't have. Lucian look
ed confused for a few seconds.
"I see, so you don't have a master, Arlene" Lucian said looking directly into my
eyes. I blushed without control; he had realized I had lied. I just nodded. Wha
t a long night "Then what's Damon for you?" he pointed behind me. I turned aroun
d feeling the air abandoned my lungs. There he was... those black eyes where sta
ring at me.
"Damon..." I said breathless. My heart started pounding like crazy, he was weari
ng his mask. A huge silence decorated the moment. I didn't know what to say or
"It's been a while, Damon" Lucian greeted, but I felt the tension between them.
"Damon..." Ash greeted as well, Damon gave him a killer look and walked to him,
I could see hate and anger in his dark eyes, I got myself in his way and grabbed
his arm.
"Don't, Damon, don't" I begged trying to stop him. He just looked at me and his
look changed from anger to confusion. He looked at Ash again.
"You have no idea how dead you are, Ashton" Damon menaced coldly, Ash just stare
d at him stunned.
"Wow... Arlene you're really wanted, aren't you?" Lucian asked smiling. It wasn'
t the moment for jokes. Damon grabbed my arm and pull me to walk but before I co
uld take a step someone's hand grab my other arm "That's not the way to treat a
lady" Lucian complained as he tried to pull me. Ok I didn't believe those things
happened I was right in the middle of them and they were pulling at my arms lik
e I was a doll.
"Lucian, you really don't want to mess with me, don't touch her" Damon menaced h

is eyes were darker than ever. Ok I needed to stop this. I slapped both hands.
"I'm here, control your testosterone for god sakes!" I screamed. Yes. I just scr
eamed to two vampire prince but they searched for it. The music stopped.
"Arlene... I..." but the Damon was interrupted for someone talking aloud.
"Ladies and gentleman, May I have your attention please" a young vampire said, h
e was in the big centrals stairs of the salon. Everybody in the salon was in sil
ence "thank you" he continued "I'd like to present your majesty, King Charles Lu
tter-Richmond" he said making a reverence. And every vampire and human in the p
lace made the reverence as well. I imitated them.
"Great" I heard Damon said behind me. The king walked among the vampires to his
throne with arrogance. But he didn't sit down he stood there, he was going to s
peak so everybody stayed in silence.
"Good evening, my children of the night. I hope you're enjoying our Halloween pa
rty, I see my sister had succeeded organizing this wonderful party" he made a pa
use and I saw Sonya walked to his side, the king kissed her hand and grabbed her
hand in the air "I have a announcement to do, my beloved ones. My son Damon wil
l be soon replacing me as you may know" I saw Damon tensed "As you know, we want
to continue our legacy and for that Damon will get married soon" I felt the air
leaving my lungs "Damon, my son come here" the king said pointing Damon, vampir
es opened a line among them to let him go through he walked until he was besides
his father "I'd like to introduce you in front of our people your fianc" the kin
g said and a tall, pale, brown-hair lady appeared besides him. She was extremely
gorgeous. I felt my heart froze; the air was out of my body. Damon stood there
with no expression in his face "Crystal Montgomery, she's the king's Montgomery
daughter" tears began rolling down my cheeks... he was engaged...he... was.... M
arrying someone else... I fell my heart broke into thousands of pieces. Ash grab
bed my hand tight, he knew how I felt. Everybody started to applaud, the girl gr
abbed Damon's hands and he didn't reject her... it hurt me so much, I didn't get
it... why did he tell me he loved me and he was marrying someone else? It didn'
t make sense. The claps stopped and the king spoke again "We want you to enjoy a
nd remember that eternity is delightful" he said smiling to all the audience, I
turned around and started to walk out of the multitude.
"Arlene!" Ash and Lucian screamed but I was already running with tears in my eye
s and a pain that took my breath away.

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[26] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 25)
Hello people!! Chap 25!! Finally, i'm sorry I was really busy...! I was doing a
really long french homework!! u_U! I hope you enjoy... i loved to write this cha
Comment and voteee!!! :D! Listen to the song :)
Chapter 25
Arlene's P.O.V
I ran... I just ran from the salon, I went through a door that led me to the gar

den, I couldn't breathe... god it hurt so much... how could he...? My chest went
up and down fast, I was hyperventilating... I grabbed my chest trying to hold m
yself together, I took off my mask desperately, and tears were rolling down my c
heeks without control. Oh god... he... I couldn't say it. I just couldn't... I f
elt my legs abandoned me and I fell to my knees and I cried so much that it was
difficult to breath but the pain didn't go away it just increased.
"Oh god..." I exclaimed for myself, I had never experienced such a deep pain it'
s like fire burning you from the inside. I loved him so much... how could he...?
The image of the gorgeous girl grabbing his hand tormented me as adding gas to
the fire inside me. Images! images...! All the vampires clapping... the king smi
ling... Damon just standing there without denying that he would marry her. I cou
ldn't take it. How would I survive? This pain was too much to handle the rest of
my life "Oh god please make this pain go away" I exclaimed to the air, no respo
nd. I cleaned my tears but when I looked to my wets hands I saw a black substanc
e mixing with the tears, my make-up... was now ruined, I didn't care but it just
reminded how good I wanted to look for this party just in case I found Damon; e
verything I did was for him... I wanted him to see me beautiful as all those gor
geous vampires around him, because sometimes I felt so insignificant in front of
him that I thought looking as much beautiful as I could, it could make him see
me as someone that deserved his love but I was wrong, I wasn't that person... w
hat was I thinking? He was a royal...he was the future king... I wasn't enough f
or him.
"Arlene..." someone said behind me, I turned my head to face Ash and Lucian. The
y were just standing in there, when they saw my face both looked away.
"I wa-wa-nt t-t-to be a-lo-lo-ne" my voice was completely broken, I couldn't spe
ak well. Ash looked really sad; he walked and kneeled besides me.
"Arlene..." Ash started...
"Don't...! Just... go-go away" I said trying to speak better. I focused my look
on the floor. I was ashamed that they were seeing me so broken but my heart was
burning inside me, it was so hard not to embrace Ash and cried so loud that all
the vampires would hear me. I felt someone else's steps. I looked up to see Anni
e, she looked controlled.
Annie's P.O.V
I was absolutely surprise, I knew I would find a sad Arlene but not this... she
was sitting on the floor, her eyes and face were red as a rose, her make up was
rolling down her face with her tears, I felt so bad for her, I saw Ashton and Lu
cian just standing there. Of course they didn't know what to say or do to make h
er feel better.
"Prince Lucian" I said making a reverence, I wasn't a royal, and I had to respec
t royal vampires as everyone else.
"Anne-Marie" Lucian responded smiling, I looked at Arlene concerned; she didn't
need to be in the spotlight at that moment.
"Ash, Lucian please leave. I'll take care of this" I told them.
"But..." Both Ash and Lucian started.
"Leave now" they obeyed me since I gave them a killer look if they tried to argu
e in a moment like that, they walked inside the salon. Arlene just focused her g
aze on the floor again; she was ashamed I could see that. She looked like a mess

. I kneeled besides her. I started to clean her face with a handkerchief; sudden
ly she jumped to me and embraced me, I stayed frozen but then I embraced her as
well. She cried desperately in my shoulder, she was shaking.
"He...he's enga-ga-ged" she said crying, my heart broke, I caressed her hair. I
knew she didn't need words, she just needed to be heard "I'm so stupid...I lo-lo
-ve him so much... I-I don't know how to survive, Annie" a tear of blood rolled
down my cheek, it was breaking my heart, I hadn't cried in years but this girl r
eally got to me. What could I say? I knew how much a broken heart can hurt... sh
e was so young and good; she didn't deserve to suffer this bad "I-I should ha-ha
ve known...I wasn't en-enough for him" another bloody tear rolled down my cheek
marking it; I separated her from me and I grabbed her face in my hands.
"You're good enough for anyone, Arlene. Is that clear?" I said looking into thos
e red and sad eyes that looked at me with pain. She extended her hands to clean
my bloody tear.
"You shouldn't cry. You're perfect" she said caressing my cheek.
"I'm not, my dear" I said honestly "Let's go home" I helped her to get up and cl
ean her face but she was red as a tomato and remains of make up marked her face.
"I look horrible, don't I?" she asked with a smile but I knew it was a fake one.
"Put on your mask" but the mask only covered a part of her face "We'll walk as f
ast as we can so no one notice us" I said grabbing her hand, she just nodded. We
got inside the salon again and we walked really fast among the vampires. We wer
e going to make it, we went through the exit door and we started to walk in the
path to our carriage. I felt a presence following us, it was him.
"Arlene... wait!" Prince's Damon voice said, I felt Arlene tensed as we turned a
round. I stood in front of her protectively.
"With all our respect, your highness, she has nothing to talk about with you" I
said trying to control myself for slapping him. I was a lady, I had to remember
"I had to talk to her" he said serious, I looked at Arlene asking what she wante
d and she shook her head.
"I just want to go home" she said sadly. Damon moved fast and he was already in
front of us grabbing Arlene's arm.
"I need to talk to you, I have to explain..." he said to her, Arlene slapped his
hand. When he tried to get to her again I stopped him.
"She's been clear, your highness. Now if you excuse us, we must go" I stated gra
bbing Arlene's arm to make her walk besides me. But Damon was persistent, he app
eared in front of us making us stop, Arlene looked away, I could see she tried n
ot to see him.
Arlene's P.O.V
I didn't want to see him, to see his beauty... his dark eyes making me feel like
I would belong to him for the eternity. I tried to look away most of the time,
now he was blocking our path. I didn't want to talk to hurt me so much,
all the engagement stuff was fresh in my heart, I couldn't handle a conversatio
n with him, and I just couldn't. My mind was in sort of a trance, like my body w

as trying not to feel so it wouldn't have to face that horrible cold pain, I had
inside me.
"Arlene...please. It's not what you think" his voice added gas in the fire insid
e me, I felt as devastated as a wood that had been deforested.
"Your highness, we must go" I heard Annie said trying to convince Damon. But I k
new he was stubborn. I took the last strength I had left.
"Get the fuck out of our way, "your highness" " I screamed with irony, Damon sto
od there in shock, and Annie was surprise, too. I grabbed Annie's hand and made
her walk fast to our carriage; we got on it but not before hearing Damon's voice
"I won't give up, Arlene!" he screamed so we could hear him clearly, I swallowed
"I love you, Arlene, and I'll always will!" he screamed the last sentence. My h
eart pounded as crazy and a tear rolled down my cheek, how could he scream he lo
ved me when he was marrying someone else? Liar, Annie and I just remained in sil
ence while the carriage advanced through the dark night.
"Are you ok?" Annie asked concerned. I just nodded cleaning my tears.
Ariel's P.O.V
"I love you, Arlene, and I'll always will!" I saw Damon screaming, and I appeare
d besides him and pushed him.
"Are you out of your mind?" I asked angry. He didn't answer "What the hell was t
hat? You're engage, remember? You can't go screaming to the air you love someone
that it's not you fianc" I said with logic, Damon took a deep breath.
"Do you love me, sis?" he asked suddenly.
"Of course, I do" I replied the obvious question.
"You would do anything for me, you would want me to be happy, right?" he asked l
ooking deep in my eyes, I didn't like where this was going.
"Yes, I suppose" I replied doubly.
"Well, my happiness just left in that carriage you see there... I love that huma
n with every single part of my body and when she's not around me... all those pa
rts of me go with her" he said calmly looking to the path the carriage went. I d
idn't know what to say "So just for one minute, put your logic and reason away,
and tell me a plan to do now as my sister" he said looking at me, I took a deep
breath, I knew what he meant, well he was my brother and I loved him so I did wh
at he asked. I reached for a fast plan for him. He smiled to me as I was telling
him the plan and gave him some stuff.
"Thank you, you're the best sister ever" he kissed my forehead.
"I know, now go! Hurry, I'll tell our father you were indisposed and you went ho
me" he smiled at me before disappearing in the darkness.
Arlene's P.O.V
The moon looked peaceful; I was focused on the window. Annie was in silent we sh
ared gazes often but just that, I didn't know what to say exactly, I didn't want
to talk about anything. The carriage stopped abruptly. What?

"Stay here, I'll go to see what happened" Annie said. She got out the carriage,
I stayed there and silence dominated the night. Why was Annie taking so long?
"Annie?" I screamed but she didn't respond, I was about to go out the carriage b
ut someone opened the door "Oh Annie I was scare beca-" but it wasn't Annie, it
was... "Damon?" I said in shock he had Annie unconscious in his arms "What did y
ou do to her" I asked in panic.
"She's fine, just sedated" he said calmly as he put her lied on her seat.
"What? Are you insane?" I asked confused, I got out the carriage and I found mys
elf in the path, a long dark path, no houses or others carriages. Shit. I felt D
amon's grabbing my arm. I turned around trying to release myself "What are you d
oing? Put your hands off me!" I screamed but he just smiled.
"You're coming with me" he said.
"Of course not! I'm not going anywhere with you" I stated firmly.
"Really?" he said getting closer to me.
"Back off!" I warned.
"That's not what you said the night you gave me your innocence" he affirmed smil
ing, I felt the blood going to my cheeks. I was completely blushed; I didn't kno
w what to say to that.
"Leave me alone! Go to see your fianc" that hurt me but I had to say it.
"I won't leave you alone, you're coming with me" he said as he took me and next
thing I knew I was being carried as a sack in his shoulder. I felt so exposed my
dress was really short, remember?
"What are you doing? You're crazy!" I screamed hitting his back and trying to mo
ve my legs but he had them really tight "Let me go!" I screamed in vain, he star
ted to walk really fast... all I could see was the ground passing faster and fas
ter through my eyes, oh god vampire speed. My stomach complained, I was feeling
dizzy "Stop! Stop!" I screamed when my look became blurred. I could hear him chu
ckle "It's not funny!" I screamed as loud as I could but my voice got lost in th
e air fast because of the speed. God where was he taking me? I would know that r
eally soon with this speed.
Do you like it?? Comment!! and voteee!! next chapter will be lovely! :)
[27] He's my master. I belong to him (Chap. 26)
Here's chap. 26 finally!!! I'm so sorry! you have no idea how busy i am with col
lege. i'm doing a miracle uploading today because i had a lot of stuffs to do! b
ut i couldn't let you wait anymore! so enjoy!! comment and vote!!
Chapter 26.
Arlene's P.O.V
I was really really dizzy... I needed Damon to stop because I was feeling sick..
. All my blood was now in my head thanks to the position he had me. Where was he
taking me? The question remained in mind as we 'run' if I could call that 'run'
because to me it was so fast I barely could see him touch the ground. I tried t

o say something but I felt that if I talked I would vomit. I was so nervous... I
had so much time without being with him alone... It made me wonder what he want
ed to say. I mean he was getting married... What could he say? Finally... He sto
pped... Thanks god... He put me down but I got dizzy as the blood in my head run
down the veins of my body again, I lost my equilibrium and before I crashed to
the ground I felt his cold hand holding me. When I stabilized I slapped his hand
"Don't touch me" I stated as I step back "Where are we?" I asked looking for the
first time to the place... It was so dark... I heard a sound similar to... wate
r moving? And I turned around "Oh my god!" I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
.. It was a cliff... We were in a cliff... I could see the ocean... A big full m
oon reflected in the water... I had never seen the ocean in my life before... be
cause it had been in the vampire kingdom territory. The view was so beautiful...
I could see the water smashing against the rocks down... It was a really high c
"Arlene..." Damon started behind me. I came back to reality.
"Take me back" I stated as serious as I could but he looked so beautiful all in
black and the moonlight made his pale skin looked so inviting.
"We need to talk" he replied getting closer to me, I step back.
"About what? I have nothing to talk about with you, 'your highness' " I said wit
h irony. I felt bad for treating him like that but he deserved it... He broke my
heart... Inside me I was still bleeding, he was engaged.
"I'm not good talking" he said calmly.
"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically.
"Stop it with the attitude, Arlene" he asked looking deep into my eyes.
"What did you expect, Damon? You broke my heart... You said you love me and then
you announced that you're marrying someone else. How do you think I feel?" I cl
aimed angry.
"I know exactly how you feel! Because you did the same to me!" He said in my fac
"What are you talking about?" I asked absolutely confused.
"You said you loved me and then you ran away with Ash! How do you think I felt?"
He asked the last part imitating my words.
"It's not the same" I replied.
"Yes, it is" he claimed secure.
"No, it's not! Because it wasn't my choice to escape at the beginning" I stated
"It wasn't my choice to get marry, either. I didn't know! My father surprised me
in front of all our people, I don't even know that girl" he explained.
"Sure! Then why did you hold her hand? You looked pleased besides her!" I scream
ed releasing the pain I had inside me.
"I was supposed to do it, I couldn't let down my father" he replied. I prepared

myself to reply, I had my feelings on my skin.

"You do-" he didn't let me finish, he kissed me... He grabbed my face with both
hands... It was impossible for me to reject him, it felt so needed... I immediat
ely kissed him back. His lips were demanding... I felt electricity going through
my body.
"I missed you so much!" He said in my lips... Our breathing was fast. The kiss w
as passionate and needed. His tongue caressed my lips making shiver, oh god I ha
d missed his sweet lips so much. I bite his lower lip and he let go a little moa
n. He let my lips and I felt his breath in my neck. His tongue licking my skin "
The smell of your blood is killing me" he claimed in my skin making feel his war
m breath.
"Do it" I stated because his tongue was driving me crazy. His fangs caressed my
skin. I let go a little moan. And then he bite me... I felt lust and need throbb
ing in my whole body. His hands slipped inside the dress... The contact of his h
and with my naked skin made me moaned louder. It felt good to satisfy his need.
A few seconds after he stopped drinking he kissed me furiously. I felt him untyi
ng my corset, my dress fell to the ground leaving just in my underwear... He too
k a step back leaving standing half naked and disoriented... He looked at me wit
h those deep black eyes full of lust and tenderness at the same time "You're so
beautiful" he said grabbing my face in his hands "It's not enough to look at you
... I could stare at you the whole night" he continued smiling. He kissed me aga
in. The cold air caressed my naked skin... But I wasn't cold... I was warm in hi
s arms, his hands travelled all around my body making me moan. He kissed me and
then went down to my chin... My neck... My breast... He took off my bra leaving
my bubs exposed and I felt his breath in my breast.
"Oh Damon..." I exclaimed while he sucked my nipples. It felt so good... He play
ed with his tongue in there. The sensation was insane... I couldn't help moaning
. He slipped his hand between my legs caressing in circles my sensible zone "Ahh
it feels good" I said and moaned at the same time. He pushed me softly until I
was laid on the ground and he took off his clothes quickly... he looked gorgeous
naked... The moonlight highlighted his pale skin he was big... A really big man
. He got on top off me and kissed me again... I felt his manhood in my abdomen.
"I need you" he said breathing fast in my lips "But I need to control myself I d
on't want hurt you" he said positioning between my legs... He tore apart my pant
ies, I felt his manhood in my entry, I kissed him with desire, I wanted him as b
ad as he wanted me. I could see how much control he was using not to enter in me
at once. He did it slowly, he moaned louder when he was inside me, he seemed to
lose control because he started to thrust me fast and I felt the pain increased
"Da-da-mon" his thrusts didn't let me speak well. But then he bite me and I forg
ot any pain and I started to enjoy it... Oh god... How was possible that pleasur
e? It was amazing. I could feel him inside me hard. He stopped drinking my blood
"You're mine" he whispered in my ears as he continued moving in and out of me. I
felt a pressure in abdomen... Begging to be free.
"I'm yours, only yours" I claimed feeling the pleasure ready to be release... I
felt my body tensed and explode in sensations "Damon!" I screamed his name as th
e orgasm took my body, the sensations were delicious... Every single part of my
body was throbbing leaving me a sensation of relax... in peace. He finished and
lied down besides me... The beautiful moon was in front of us. It was such a gor
geous view. He wrapped his hands around naked waist.

"I love you" he said kissing my forehead.

"I know" I replied smiling. He chuckled.
"When did you become such a conceited?" He looked at me with those black eyes.
"I learnt it from you, your highness" I gave him a little kiss in his cheek.
"Oh really? Don't you love me back?" He asked kissing my nose.
"Maybe" I replied smiling.
"Maybe?" He raised an eyebrow he used his cloak as a sheet to cover us. "You're
in trouble now, girl" he said kissing me, I chuckled.
Ariel's P.O.V
I saw Damon disappearing in the darkness to follow the carriage thirty minutes a
go, I hoped he could talk to Arlene. They were crazy in love you could say that
only with looking at the way they looked at each other. I sighed... It had been
difficult to me to put my logic away but he was brother and I would do anything
for him. Now it was time for explanations, I got inside the salon and just immed
iately a servant came to me.
"Lady Ariel, your majesty is asking for your presence" he said making a reverenc
e. 'Here we go' I said to myself. I walked among the vampires. Someone grabbed m
y arm abruptly and pushed me away the multitude and led me to a corner against t
he wall. Great. In front of me were Ash and Lucian.
"Ashton, you're always so polite" I said sarcastically.
"Where's Damon?"
"Where's Arlene?" Both asked at the same time.
"I don't know" I said calmly.
"Don't lie to us! You do know" Ash exclaimed "We can't find Annie, Arlene or Dam
on. I don't think it's a coincidence". Ash explained seriously. I sighed. Ash wa
s so emotional always letting the feelings rule over his reason. Lucian remained
quite but looking at me deep in the eyes. He'd always been beautiful and myster
ious, I liked that combination but his gaze was getting me on my nerves.
"I saw Arlene and Annie leave in their carriage, twenty minutes ago" I conserved
my normal tone. Lucian stared at me, I was a little nervous.
"She's hiding something but she won't tell us" Lucian said to Ash looking at me
deep in my eyes. How did he know I was lying?
"If you excuse me" I said passing besides them, I stopped besides Ash and whispe
red in his ear "And if touch me again with that rudeness, you'll lose your arm,
my dear" I kissed his cheek and continue my way. The party was in its boom, ther
e was no single vampire that wasn't dancing. I arrived to the throne and found t
he king, Sonya and Damon's fiance "Aunt Sonya" I greeted "Lady Crystal" I greeted
the girl. They just smiled at me. My father had been Sonya's and the king's bot
her; unfortunately he died. But thanks god the king became a father to me "Fathe
r, you asked for my presence" I said in front of him.
"My sweet Ariel, you look terrific with those wings" he said smiling. I just smi
led back "I have a problem, my beloved one" he said calmly.

"What can I do for you, father?" I asked politely.

"I can't find Damon, and here our gorgeous Crystal wants to talk to him about th
eir engagement" he stated grabbing the girl's hand. I could see she was a young
vampire. 'Ariel's acting mode on' I said in my mind.
"Oh father" I looked at the girl "Crystal. I'm sorry to tell you that Damon was
indisposed and he had to leave" I said putting the sorriest face I had. Crystal
looked surprised.
"He left?" She asked confused, I saw my father making a deep thought, that wasn'
t good so before he could suspect anything, an idea came to my mind.
"Yes, and he asked me to give you this" I put out a beautiful rose of one of the
pockets of my dress, very practical dress "He said that this flower wasn't comp
are with your beauty but it was all he had to express his sincere apology for le
aving" actually that flower was mine, the vampire in the wizard costume gave it
to me earlier when we danced. Crystal smiled and so did the king.
"Always a gentleman my son" my father said.
"It's so beautiful" Crystal said smelling the flower.
"Is there anything else you need, father?" I asked.
"No, that's it. Go and enjoy, my dear" he said extending his hand, I grabbed it
and he made me inclined to kiss my forehead. He was always very affectionate wit
h me. I walked to the multitude again. I didn't know where I had left my mask an
d I didn't care anymore. A lot of the vampire weren't wearing them anymore. I fe
lt a hand covering my mouth and a strong arm wrapped around my waist pulling to
a door. Negations came out of my mouth but any vampire could listen with all tha
t noise. I knew the person who had me was a vampire, stronger than me because I
couldn't release myself from the grab. I felt myself dragged to a room a then th
e door shut. The vampire pushed me to the floor. I stood up quickly and turned a
"Lucian?" I asked surprised "Why did you do that?"
"Why are you avowing me?" He asked instead of answering my questions.
"I don't have to answer anything to you" I replied "Who do you think you are? Yo
u may be a prince but you have to respect me, I'm a royal, too!" Now I was yelli
ng, but this guy got me on my nerves.
"You'll answer. It's better if you do it the good way" he spoke calmly.
"And If I don't?" I had to ask.
"It'll be by force but you will answer, Ariel. You don't fool me with all your a
cting. I know your weakness" he said approaching to me.
"My weakness? What are you talking about?" What was wrong with Lucian? I felt re
ally intimidated. He grabbed me by arms and I tried to use my strength to releas
e myself but he was stronger than me "Get off me!" I yelled in his face, but he
just pushed against the wall "What are you doing?!" I asked confused. I felt his
body against mine; he grabbed my hands above my head with one hand. And then hi
s other hand caressed my thighs "Don't touch me" I menaced him.
"Your weakness, Ariel. It's that you need to control everything, when something
gets out of your control you freak out" he said caressing my thighs "Like now"

"Put your hands off me. If you do something to me you'll face the consequences"
I spoke bitterly.
"Something like what?" He asked and I felt his breath in my neck "Like this?" I
felt his tongue touching my skin. I shivered. I couldn't help the electricity th
at ran through my veins. He faced me and I felt his breath in my face "You alway
s avoid me, Ariel. In every party, every reunion you avoid me. I have seen the w
ay you look at me. You like me but you're afraid because it's something you can'
t control" He said in my face, my breath accelerated. 'Control, Ariel, control y
ourself' I said in my mind.
"You're wrong, little prince" I replied in his face but he was so near that our
breath were mixing.
"Prove it"
"What?" I asked it was a little difficult to focus when he was so near.
"Prove me that I'm wrong" he replied. I tried to release myself again but his gr
ab got tighter.
"How?" I didn't want to play his game but I didn't have a choice.
"One kiss, give me one kiss and then tell me you didn't feel anything and I'll l
et you go" he spoke calmly.
"Are you serious?" I asked surprised, he just nodded "there's no way I'm going t
o kiss you"
"Why? You're afraid I'm right?" Ah! This guy really knew how to make people did
what he said.
"All right just one kiss and you let me go" I accepted. He let my hands free and
took my face in his hands. Without any hesitation he kissed me, his lips were s
oft and tasted good, I just stood there trying to control myself, but his tongue
was caressing my lips making me shiver. I didn't know in what moment the kiss b
ecame a lustful one; we were kissing each other like teenagers in love, with des
peration and lust like we'd been waiting for this for too long. 'Ariel what are
you doing?!' My conscious attacked me and I separated myself from him. A moment
of silence passed between us only our accelerated breaths were heard in the room
"Your body doesn't lie, Ariel. I'm right" he said with arrogance. I took a deep
breath before responding.
"You win. I like you, Happy?" I said walking to the door. He grabbed me by my ar
m making me face him.
"I like you, too. You have no idea how much time I've been watching you, every s
ingle secret look you gave me I noticed it" he spoke slowly. I slapped his hand.
"Listen me carefully, you bighead. You win... But this won't happen again, ever!
" I sounded secure even when I wasn't at all but I needed to get things under co
ntrol because all this was freaking me out. I opened the door.
"You're afraid, Ariel. But you can't control this. You'll see" he murmured befor
e I slapped the door. I walked among the vampires again trying to get my mind ca

Arlene's P.O.V
I felt so good in Damon's arms, I was exhausted; but Damon seemed just fine, dam
ned vampires and his energy. He started to touch me again but grabbed his hands.
"I'm tired. You're insatiable" I complained getting up the ground, there was an
icy wind in the air. I got my dress on and walked to the edge of the cliff and w
atched the moon and the ocean in silence. I felt completed knowing that he was w
ith me. But the moment had arrived, the moment of the talk. I didn't want to get
there but I needed to know what was going to happen. I felt him behind me, he w
rapped his hands around me and kissed my cheek "Nice view" I said breaking the s
ilence but I could notice the sadness in my tone.
"Do you trust me?" he asked. I didn't know where that question came from.
"With all my heart" I replied honestly.
"Then jump" he proposed in my ear.
"What?" I asked confused "I love you but I don't want to die, this is too high"
I said looking down. I felt dizzy.
"You won't die" he stated secure.
"Yes, I will. There are too many rocks down there. I could get myself killed eas
ily" I explained concerned.
"Do you trust me or not, Arlene?" he asked again.
"I do but-" he interrupted me.
"Then do it" he took a step back. I turned around to face him.
"I don't want to do it" I replied scared.
"Then you don't trust me"
"Why on earth do I have to prove you that I trust you by jumping to a secure dea
th?!" I really had to ask. He didn't reply. He just stared at me with those gorg
eous eyes he had.
"If you really trusted me, you would jump. Because I'm telling you nothing is go
ing to happen to you" he said calmly. He had a point. Ok it was the moment of kn
owing how much I loved him, and it was really much because I was going to jump.
I took a deep breath and got closer to the edge. The wind moved my hair furiousl
"If I died..." I didn't continue. If I was going to do this I had to do it witho
ut thinking much. I ran a few steps and throw myself to the air "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I
screamed as I felt my body falling quickly. I saw the rocks getting closer and c
loser to me. 'Oh my god I'm going to die' I said in my mind. I closed my eyes wa
iting for my death; but nothing happened. I opened my eyes in shock... I was...
I was... floating in the air....oh my... I was really floating in the air... I c
ould see the rocks really near of me and the water smashing against them splashi
ng water to me "Oh my god" I exclaimed. I felt my body going up... "Oh my god" I
repeated in shock. I went up in the air... until I was in front of Damon, he wa
s in the edge of the cliff, his eyes... his eyes I couldn't see the
color well "Oh my... you're doing this?" I said pointing to me... floating in th
e air I couldn't believe it yet "I'm going to fall...I'm really going to fall...
please get me down...I need to feel the ground... please" I started to panic, I
closed my eyes. Next thing I felt... my feet on the ground thanks god. I opened

my eyes to find a smiling Damon. His eyes were dark again.

"You really trust me" he said kissing me. I separated myself for him.
" that was..." I couldn't make a coherent sentence. He embraced me
"You really trust me, I love you" he said embracing me tighter. I took a deep br
eath... I was alive. When he let me go I slapped him. He looked at me in shock "
what was that for?" he asked.
"You're an idiot! You should have told me that you could do that. I was scared a
s hell! But that was... amazing!" I said embracing him. He chuckled. I could sti
ll feel the adrenalin in my veins. He gave little kisses in my face. His deep bl
ack eyes looked in mine seriously. It had come the moment.
"We need to talk" he said seriously. I just nodded. I knew this moment would com
e but I didn't want to face it. Well, some things in life are unavoidable.
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[28] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 27)
Helloooo guyyysss!!! no more wait!!! thank you so much for your messages and vot
You guys rock!! here's chap. 27!! Enjoyy!! and let your comment and vote please
Chapter 27
The moment had arrived, the moment I'd tried to avoid: the talk. I didn't know w
hy it scared me so much what he had to say but I was in silence without knowing
what to say. He embraced me, which made me be a little more worried. We stayed l
ike that for minutes, he smelled so good, and it felt so good to be in his arms.
I didn't want to break the embrace, but it happened, he took a step backwards.
He looked at me with those gorgeous black eyes he had. I didn't say a word. I co
uld still feel his warm in my arms, his smell on my body, and his soft lips agai
nst mine.
"Arlene" he started and I could see in his eyes that it wasn't good what he was
going to say. I didn't reply or say anything, I just stood there looking at him.
.. waiting for him "I need some time" he said clearly. My breath was caught in m
y lungs.
"Time? What do you mean? What are we going to do? Are you going to get marry?" t
he questions came out of my mouth very quickly, questions that needed desperatel
y an answer. He turned around and took a deep breath "You're going to get marry,
aren't you?" I asked with my heart pounding in expectation "Answer me, Damon" I
could feel the tears being formed in my eyes but I kept them there.
"I don't know" he replied not looking at me. That was a shot directed to my hear
t. He didn't know... it meant that there was a chance that he would do it.
"You don't know?" I was in the verge of tears now. I walked to him and grabbing
him by his arm making him face me "How can you say that so calmed?" I asked in f
ront of him, I realized he avoided to look at me.

"It's complicated" he said like that would make me understand.

"Really? What am I suppose to do? Watch your wedding and congratulate you?"A tea
r rolled down my cheek.
"I'm not saying I will marry Crystal..." he saying her name... made the pain in
my heart grew.
"But you're not saying you won't, either" my voice broke at the last part now it
was my turn to turn around and take a deep breath. This was too much to assimil
ate; I knew the talk wasn't going to be good but I didn't expect that he was act
ually considering marry that girl. 'Breath Arlene breath' my mind advice me. "Ho
w can you say that so calmed after what we lived together a few minutes ago?" I
"I love know I do but..." he started
"But what? I'm not a royal; I'm just a human, I'm not gorgeous like that Crystal
" I said bitterly. He grabbed me by my arm making me look at him; I slapped him
in the face so hard that my hand was burning. He just stood there "You're an idi
ot!" I screamed in his face and then walked to the woods, I had no idea where I
was but I didn't care.
"Where are you going?" he asked concerned. I started to walk inside the woods ev
erything was so dark but the moonlight led me "You're acting like a child" he co
mplained as he followed me.
"When I become a vampire, I won't even look at you and your slutty wife" I mumbl
ed; anger and disappointment spoke for me. Immediately he appeared right in fron
t of me.
"What did you just say?" I saw the danger in his eyes. I swallowed.
"You heard me" I replied trying to start to walk again but he grabbed my arm wit
h strength "Ouch! You're hurting me" I complained as I tried to release myself.
"Are you thinking about becoming a vampire?" he asked dangerously. I needed some
air and strength to respond since his eyes were giving me a killer look.
"No, I'm not thinking about it. It's a fact, Ash will..." he didn't let me finis
"Ash? Be careful with your words, Arlene" he menaced. My heart was pounding like
crazy, he knew how scared me "Don't tell me you're thinking about Ash turning y
ou" I didn't say a word it was hard to focus.
"That's not of your business" I responded finally swallowing hard. His grab got
tighter in my arm as he got closer to me, I could feel his breath in my face.
"Listen to me, Arlene" he started and his breath caressed my face, his lips were
so near "You're mine, only mine. I won't allow any other vampire biting you or
touching you. Especially not Ash" his tone, his look. He was serious, really ser
"It's not your choice, it's mine" I tried to speak normal but it was really diff
icult to do it when he was looking at me like that.
"I won't allow it, even if I had to drag you back to the mansion and enchained y
ou to my bed" he said with his lips caressing mine "You belong to me" his lips w
ere driving me crazy. But I had to be strong.

"No, I don't. No when you're going to be with someone else" I spoke bitterly get
ting some space between us. He tried to kiss me but I managed to turn my face to
one side.
"Arlene... I'm warning you" he threatened seriously.
"I'm not afraid of you" I replied, I was just angry and confused.
"You should be" he whispered in my ear "Do you know the consequences if Ash turn
you?" he asked.
"What consequences?" I asked confused.
"You will always have to be around him all the time; because if you're not you w
ill feel incomplete. If he makes a command you follow it without hesitation, if
he wants you to take off your clothes and have sex with him, you will do it" he
explained bitterly. I didn't know that. Ash didn't explain me that part. I was w
ordless "Is that what you want? To create such a strong bond with Ash?" he asked
with sadness in his eyes.
"I didn't know... that part" I said honestly.
"It doesn't surprise me that Ash didn't mention that" I was still assimilating e
verything Damon just said. Those were really important consequences "Are you sti
ll thinking about becoming one of us?"
"Yes!" I screamed in his face, he looked at me surprised "I don't want to be the
poor human that fell in love with her master anymore; I want to be at your leve
l. I need to be at your level"
"This is not about levels, Arlene. It's your life what you're talking about" he
"I don't care! I don't want a life if you're not in it" I spoke sadly; tears wer
e rolling down my cheeks. He grabbed my face with both hands.
"I just need some time to find a solution, please" he begged "I don't want to lo
ose you. I can't loose you. Please be patient" he continued caressing my cheeks
"And if you want to become a vampire, I'll turn you" the last part made my body
froze. Oh my...lord...
"Really?" I asked in shock, happiness running through my veins. He kissed my for
"Yes. But you know the consequences" he said looking deep into my eyes.
"I already feel incomplete when you're not around me; And about the commands...
I have an horrible feeling that you'll take advantage of that" I replied caressi
ng his face. He laughed.
"Maybe just a little, but don't worry when you become a vampire you'll be as ins
atiable as I am" he said with a mischievous smile. I smiled, but then that Cryst
al came back to my mind.
"When can you turn me?" I asked trying to forget her.
"Be patient" he said kissing me softly.
"What about Crystal?" I said her name bitterly.

"I will play the perfect fianc for now, until I come up with a plan"
"Can't you just reject her?" I asked with hope in my words.
"No. It's complicated, Arlene" he stated sadly. I took a deep breath.
"Ok. I'll give you time, but promise me you won't touch that girl" I menaced try
ing to sound dangerous. He embraced me.
"It's a promise. But you need to promise something in return" He embraced me tig
"You'll keep Ash's fangs away from you" he whispered in my ear making me shiver.
I just nodded, I didn't know what was going to happen but I loved him so much,
I had to try to make things work. I understood him, he was the king's son, and i
t wasn't easy to refuse one of his father's requests.
Annie's P.O.V
"Annie! Annie! Weak up!" I heard a voice calling me but it was
to open my eyes "Annie!" I heard the desperate voice again, I
owly and then I saw a really concerned Ash a few inches of me,
s messy and his deep green eyes were looking directly in mine,
pushed him.

being really hard

opened my eyes sl
his brown hair wa
I felt nervous. I

"Stay back" I said sitting down. I looked around, I was still in the carriage "W
hat happened?" I asked confused.
"You tell us" Lucian said right behind Ash. They help me to get down the carriag
e, the night was so dark. And then it hit me, the carriage stopping, when I was
going to check I found the driver unconscious and then a figure in the shadows a
nd everything became black. I could feel the essence of royal blood around, it w
as Damon's essence.
"Damon" I said realizing that it had been him.
"I knew it!" Ash exclaimed "Where's Arlene?" I felt a little bit jealous of Ash'
s concern about Arlene but I forced myself not to show it.
"He must have taken her" I stated trying to focus, I was still sedated. Damon mu
st have used Hyrume, which was the only sedative that worked on vampires.
"Are you all right?" Lucian asked, finally someone that cared about me.
"Yes, I guess"
"Where did he take her?" Ash asked looking all over the place. Anger ran through
my veins.
"I don't know!! And if you're so concerned, follow her essence and find her! You
insensitive bastard!" I yelled in his face. Ash looked at me in shock.
"Just go" I said turning around to hide the bloody tears formed in my eyes. I ju
st felt Ash's presence abandoned the place really fast. Of course he went to loo
k for her; I wasn't worry for her because I knew she loved Damon; and it seemed

to me that he loved her, too. So she must be fine. Lucian and I remained in sile
"You should fight for him" he advised right behind me.
"There's nothing to fight for. He loves her not me" I explained bitterly.
"You don't know that. You should ask him"
"He knows I love him, ok? And he hasn't said a thing; so I take that like an ans
wer" I spoke calmly. Lucian had always been like a brother to Ash. He visited hi
m very often.
"I insist. You should talk to him. He can get confused pretty easily, I'm sure h
e's not in love with that girl" he spoke seriously. Hope ran through my veins, L
ucian knew Ash pretty well. I turned around to face him.
"Thank you" I said honestly. He just nodded "You seem to be good in love's stuff
"Not really. I can't even get the girl I want. She's really hard to catch" he re
sponded looking at the big full moon in the sky.
"Who is the lucky girl?" I was curious.
"Ariel? Damon's sister?" I asked in surprised. He just nodded. I understood what
he meant, she was really weird, and I had never seen him with a guy before. She
always looked peaceful and reserved "You'll have to work hard to get her" I adm
"I know. But it's worth it" he stated calmed. We stayed in silence as we finally
started to go after the path Ash had gone.
Arlene's P.O.V
I was kissing Damon lustfully, his lips tasted so good, I could kiss him forever
. I touched his chest... god his muscles were so defined. I felt his hands slipp
ing under my skirt and I chuckled.
"Not again" I complained, I felt his breath in my neck, I knew what he was tryin
g to do. He wanted to bite me so the lust would run through my veins and we woul
d have sex again "Damon! Stop..." I said between sighs.
"Why? We don't know when we'll see each other again" he said letting little kiss
es all around my neck. God it was so hard to say no to him. I grabbed his face w
ith both hands to make him look at me. His dark eyes met mine, his dark hair was
messy and it covered part of his forehead.
"S.T.O.P" I spelled giving him a little kiss for every letter. He put his poppy
"I'm going to miss you" it broke my heart to see the sadness in his eyes. Sudden
ly he tensed and put me behind him protectively.
"What's going on?" I asked looking around. But I got my answer just immediately;
Ash appeared right in front of us. The tension was so heavy between them that I
automatically took a step backwards.

"How dare you to take her after announcing your engagement?" Ash asked, I could
say he was mad.
"I want to hurt you so bad... so don't temp me, Ashton" Damon said bitterly.
"I'm not afraid of you" Ash replied getting closer to us. Oh my lord, I walked u
ntil I was in front of Damon.
"Ash... I'm fine" I stated but Ash didn't look at me, his gaze was full of anger
. He was focused on Damon.
"Stay back, Arlene" Damon said grabbing me by my arm and pulling me behind him.
When I tried to walk again to Damon, he was not there. And then I saw them, figh
ting, they moved so fast that it was difficult for me to catch up his movements.
"Damon! Ash! Don't do this! Stop!" I screamed until the lack of air stopped me.
They were hitting each other fast; if they continued like that they would kill e
ach other. In that moment I hated to be just a stupid human. Blood coming from t
hem stained my face in a quick moved "Oh my god!" I exclaimed removing the blood
from my forehead and cheeks. They needed to stop. My hearts was pounding in des
"What the hell is going on?" someone asked behind me. I turned around to see Luc
ian and Annie standing in shock.
"Don't stay there, stop them!" I screamed desperate. They disappeared in the air
and the next thing I knew Lucian was holding Ash as Annie was keeping Damon con
trolled. I saw the blood in Ash's face and chest, he was really hurt. Damon just
had some scratches in his neck.
"What were you two thinking?" Lucian asked worried.
I was about to walk to them when I felt a cold strange air caressing my skin com
ing from behind and I turned around.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed in shock.
"What's happening here, my beloved ones?" The king Lutter asked smiling in front
of us. We all stayed in shock looking at him. We were in trouble, seriously tro
ubles now.
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[29] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 28)
Bonsoir!! Good evening!! i'm so happy!!! Today i recited a poem in french and i
was great..!!! my professor told i did it with passion!! I'm so happy! well than
ks again for your votes and comments! you're the best readers ever :D!! ok here
is chap. 28!! enjoy!! comment&vote
Chapter 28
Ariel's P.O.V
I was dancing with a vampire that my father chose for me to dance, I was really
bored. But I had to be near from my father to see all his movements; he was talk
ing to Crystal in the throne, I had sensed half an hour ago Ashton and Lucian le
aving the place. But I didn't care. I saw a servant whispering something to my f
ather, and then my father went down the throne and started to walk to the garden

's door.
"Excuse me, I'm tired" I lied to my partner. Immediately I started to follow my
father. He walked out of the salon "Father" I exclaimed behind him. But he didn'
t stop 'This can't be good' I said to myself. He disappeared in the darkness "Oh
-oh" I said running behind him, following his essence. My dress wasn't really co
mfortable to run with super speed but I had to try. I felt my angel's wings fell
because of the speed, I felt sorry, because I really liked those wings. My fath
er was incredible fast as it could be expected. I was begging that it wasn't wha
t I was thinking, that my father had discovered Damon and Arlene. I felt other f
ive presences besides my father ahead us. Three royals, a vampire and a human...
fuck! We were really fucked now. My father stopped and so I did. In front of us
was Arlene with a surprise and scared expression in his face. A few meters was
Ashton and Lucian, Ashton was really hurt and in the other side was Damon and An
"What's happening here, my beloved ones?" my father asked calmed as always. Oh-o
h I said in my mind.
Arlene's P.O.V
Nobody moved. Nobody made a sound. Nobody spoke. I had never been in a situation
like this, I was still assimilating that the King Lutter was right in front of
me. I saw Ariel behind him with the same expression of surprise we all had. I ga
ve Damon a little look; he was just shocked; I could say that.
"You forgot how to speak, my children?" the king asked us, but his brown eyes me
t mine making me freeze. He was powerful; you could say that with just looking a
t him "There are so many feelings I can smell here" he said looking around "Lust
" he looked at Damon "Love" at me, "Confusion" Ash, "Hope" Annie, "Desire" Lucia
n, "And fear" he looked at Ariel. We all stayed unmoving; the silence was gettin
g me on my nerves. Somebody needed to speak. That somebody was Lucian.
"King Lutter, what a surprise to see you around here" Lucian said calmly, lettin
g go Ash and walking to us.
"I can say the same to you, Lucian" the king replied. I felt in the middle of th
is conversation but I couldn't move "I'm still waiting for an answer. What's hap
pening here?" he said pointing to Damon and Ash.
"Just a little fight between cousins" Lucian replied smiling.
"Really?" the king asked smiling back.
"Yes. But we have it under control now" Lucian explained calmly. I took a deep b
reath. Silence dominated the place again.
"Oh my children, I love when you try to fool me. Why do you keep underestimating
me? Do you think I've lived so many centuries in vain?" the king said getting c
loser to me. We all stayed in silence "Arlene, my dear. Long time no see" he sai
d caressing my cheek, I didn't move. He passed me and continued walking to the o
thers "You two" he said to Damon and Ash "Fighting for a slave, you should be as
hamed. I expected that from Ashton but from you Damon" he said shaking his head
"She must mean something to you" the king spoke seriously. Oh god... we were so
dead if he found out about Damon and me "I know everything. I just played the st
upid king to see how far you were able to go" he said looking at all of us.
"I don't care about her" Damon spoke seriously.
"Damon, my son, you never wanted a slave before. We had a lot of discussions abo

ut you getting a slave. So I wondered, why would you come to me asking for help
to get your slave back? It made no sense. I'm pretty suspicious, my son" he said
to Damon, who remained in silence "And Arlene has the mark in her back, which m
eans she fell in love with a royal. So I guessed we would face a love story" he
said smiling to me. Oh no... this couldn't be good.
"With all my respect. You're wrong, your majesty" I said without thinking about
it. I didn't want to get us all in trouble.
"Damon is not in love with that human, father" Ariel supported me "You know him,
he wouldn't fall for a slave" she continued walking to be besides me.
"Then how do you explain his interest for getting her back? And the mark the gir
l has?" the king asked Ariel seriously.
"You know Damon, father. He is a spoiled boy, he wasn't interested on her, he wa
s angry because Ashton took away his toy, right Damon?" he looked at Damon for s
"Yes, father. It's embarrassing that you even consider that I would fall for a h
uman" he spoke bitterly. The king looked confused for a few seconds.
"Then why she has that mark? She fell for you but you didn't fall for her?" the
questions were getting me on my nerves. Lucian took a step forwards.
"She is in love with me" Lucian said seriously. What? We all stayed in shock. He
looked at me.
"Yes, I love Lucian, your majesty" I supported him still surprise.
"When she escaped, I met her and it was love at first sight. She has the mark be
cause she fell in love with a royal vampire, and that royal is me" Lucian explai
ned calmly. I wondered how could he speak so calmed when he was telling so many
lies? The king let go a little sight.
"Was I wrong?" the king asked more for himself than to us "So why Arlene has Dam
on essence all over her and Damon has her blood running through his veins?" that
question let us all in silence. Damn! The king was really smart. I knew it was
up to me now.
"Oh... your majesty. Your son raped me and drank my blood against my will" fake
tears rolled down my cheeks "He couldn't accept that I didn't want him because h
e's used to have every girl under his feet" I explained seriously with the sadde
st face I could make.
"I see. Damon is that true? You raped my little Arlene?" the king asked Damon.
"Yes. I couldn't help it, father. I have decided to set her free, I'm bored. Cou
ld you find me a new slave?" Damon said calmly. I felt a little bit jealous but
I understood he needed to lie.
"Of course, my son. I knew that when you started having slaves you would like it
" the king said smiling "What should I do with you, my beautiful Arlene?" the ki
ng asked staring at me.
"She's my fiance, I would love if you let me take her with me" Lucian said.
"Only a royal like you would marry a human. You are obviously from Athalia, I do
n't know how vampires can live as equals with such as inferior race like the hum
ans" the king said with despise. I felt a little bit angry. But I didn't say a w

ord "Anyway, yes you can take her. I don't care, I achieved what I wanted. Now m
y Damon has tasted the flavor of power over humans. He'll be a perfect king" he
said proud. Only if he knew...
"Yes, father" Damon said smiling.
"Well, I must go now. I have a party to attend" the king said turning around.
"We'll follow you, father" Ariel claimed as the king disappeared in the darkness
. We all let go a huge sigh.
"Oh my god... that was so close" I exclaimed.
"I thought we were all dead" Annie spoke for the first time in a while.
"You're looking good, Arlene" Ariel said smiling to me. I hadn't seen her in a w
"Thanks, you too" I was honest. Ash and Lucian remained in silence. I noticed th
e way Lucian was looking at Ariel.
"Damon, we should go" Ariel stated seriously. Damon appeared right in front of m
e, his hand caressed my cheek.
"Keep your promise" he said kissing me, oh god... I always forgot how delicious
his lips were. We heard people coughing around us.
"Get a room!" Annie complained. We got apart and I embraced him... it was so har
d to say goodbye, tears were forming in my eyes but I controlled them.
"I love you" I whispered in his ear. He kissed my forehead... and his black eyes
met mine...
"I love you, too" he kissed me again.
"I don't mean to be anti romantic, but Damon we need to go" Ariel stated behind
us. I took a step backwards.
"She's right. Go" I said sadly even when I felt that one part of me was with him
and that if left he would take that part of me with him. He kissed my forehead
again and walked to Ariel. In a fast move I saw Lucian appeared in front of Arie
l and kissed her quickly. We all stayed in shock even Damon.
"What are you doing?!!" Ariel complained as she pushed him back. But we could al
l see that she was blushed. We all chuckled "And you!" she looked at us "Don't d
o that, I don't... he doesn't... there's nothing between us, ok?" she tried to c
lear things but all she was doing was giving us an affirmation that she liked Lu
"Let's go, sis" Damon stated smiling. Ariel gave a killer look to Lucian.
"See you, Arlene" Ariel waved her hand to me. I just smiled. They disappeared in
the darkness. I started to walk to Ash to see if he was fine. When I got to him
, he slapped my hand.
"I'm fine" he exclaimed disappearing in the darkness.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked offended.
"His vampire pride is hurt. You see, he was really hurt and Damon barely had som

e scratches" Lucian explained me. I nodded in understanding.

"So, how are we going to go, my dear fianc?" I asked to Lucian smiling. I had jus
t met him that night but he saved my life. He lied for me and Damon so I was rea
lly grateful to him.
"Well, I'm afraid I'll have to carry you. We're far from your home" he replied.
"Oh god... no more vampire speed, I'll vomit, I swear" I said honestly.
"We have no choice" Annie stated giving me a sad look. Oh great... just great...
Lucian turned around and offered me his back.
"Come on, Arlene. I thought you were brave" Annie stated pointing to Lucian. I s
ighed. I wrapped my hands around Lucian's neck and did the same with my legs aro
und his waist.
"Not too fast, please" I begged. I heard Lucian chuckled.
"Let's go" that was the last thing I heard before feeling my body almost flying.
The wind stirred my hair and moved my dress furiously. Trees... branches... eve
rything was passing so fast. I was having a hard time to keep my eyes opened, my
sight was blurred and the hit of the wind was making me tear. I hide my face in
Lucian's shoulder. A few minutes after; as fast as it finished. Luci
an stopped; I was really surprise... that had been really fast. I still had my f
ace in his shoulder "Arlene... we are here, you can release your grab now" Lucia
n said calmed but I didn't move "Arlene" he called me again. This time my body r
eacted and I let him go getting a little bit dizzy when my feet touched the grou
"I thought I said 'not too fast'" I quoted myself trying to fix my hair that now
was all messy and knotty.
"That was the lowest speed I could go" he put a sorry face. I just sighed. We we
re in front of Sonya's house now.
"Where's Annie?" I asked confused.
"Don't know. Maybe she is with Ash" Lucian replied shrugging his shoulders.
"What a long night" I complained walking to the door. Lucian didn't move "Do you
want to come inside?" I asked politely. He just nodded.
Annie's P.O.V
I knew that Lucian and Arlene had arrived to the house already; but I decided to
follow Ash's essence... he was near of the house... I could sense him. I stoppe
d when I felt his presence a few steps from me. He was sitting in a big rock...
looking at the sky. His injuries were healing already, but he had remains of blo
od in his costume. I took a deep breath, I didn't know why I came here...I didn'
t know what to say or do. His green eyes met mine for a second and then he looke
d at the sky again.
"Are you ok?" I asked not really sure of what to say. He didn't respond "Damon i
s way older than you, it's logical that he's stronger than you" I tried to comfo
rt him. His angry gaze met mine.
"Leave me alone" he stated focusing his gaze in the moon again. I was about to l
eave but I remembered Lucian's words... 'You should fight for him' I took a deep

"No, I won't let you here so you can feel pity for yourself" I exclaimed serious
ly "Seriously, Ash, I understand you have your pride but be realistic for god sa
kes! What did you expect fighting a vampire older than you? This is not a novel,
where the principal character defeated the other guy by magic. This is the real
world" I exclaimed. He stood up and jumped from the rock to be right in front o
f me.
"And why do you care? Because you 'love me'" he quoted bitterly, I could feel hi
s breath on my face. I felt hurt because of the way he said it. I didn't respond
"Say it! You love me now, right?" he said sarcastically. I didn't get why he w
as saying it like that with so much anger in his voice.
"Yes, I do love you" I replied honestly.
"I don't believe you" he said bitterly in my face. I opened my eyes in shock.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"You're just being selfish. You broke my heart! You were my first love and you r
ejected me coldly twenty years ago. You have any idea how much did I suffer seei
ng you always and not be able to touch you? To kiss you? I was in pain all the t
ime, Annie! All the fucking time! That's why I went to live in the king's mansio
n because I couldn't handle myself anymore around you! and now when I met someon
e else you just realized that you love me. You're like a kid that doesn't like h
is toy until he sees someone else using it. It's not fair, Annie, it's not. I'm
not your toy" he stated coldly in my face. I was just surprised. I was wordless.
I felt tears being formed in my eyes. I just turned around and walked a few ste
ps away from him. A tear rolled down my cheek, he was right at some point but I
had suffered, too. I stopped.
"You're not the only one that suffered" I stated starting to walk again "But, do
n't worry. I won't bother you anymore with my fake love" I said and I walked as
fast as I could. In a few seconds I was right in front of our house. I felt tear
s rolling down my cheek. Ash's words were burning me from the inside. I got insi
de the house and passed the living room quickly and went up stairs to my room.
Arlene's P.O.V
I was waiting for Annie in the living room with Lucian, I knew that she would ne
ed me, Ash was angry and sometimes when we are angry we try to hurt other people
to feel better, I knew Ash would say something bad to Annie.
"She's here, I have to go to see her" I excused myself to Lucian.
"All right. See you around, Arlene or may I say...fiance?" He joked kissing my ha
nd. When he was gone. I went up stairs quickly. I knocked Annie's door but I did
n't receive a reply so I got inside. She wasn't in her room but then I heard the
shower. I opened the bathroom's door carefully and the scene I faced... it wasn
't what I expected. She was sitting on the shower's floor with the water falling
in her head; her dress and her long brown hair were all wet; she had her hands
wrapped around her legs. There was blood mixing with the water on the floor.
"Annie" I said feeling so bad for her. But she didn't even look at me. I walked
to the shower and kneeled right behind her, I didn't care if I got myself wet. I
embraced her from behind. She grabbed my arms with strength as she cried.
"I lost him" she said between sobs. I couldn't help myself for crying, too. It h
urt me to see her like that, she was always so elegant and reserved... see her b
roken was something hard for me.

"You'll be fine" I said caressing her hair.

"I can't do anything right. Everything goes wrong for me" she stated sadly "I'm
not meant to be happy" that last line broke my heart.
"Yes, you are. You're gorgeous and elegant. You'll be fine, Annie" I tried to co
mfort her, but my voice broke at the last part. She cried...our dresses were sta
ined with her blood. I let her cry; she needed to free all that pain she had ins
ide. A few minutes later, I felt her stop, she was weak. I stood up and took a s
tep to kneel right in front of her. I took her face in my hands "Enough, Annie.
You can't keep losing you blood" I stated looking at her "It's almost dawn, come
on. Stand up" I said helping her to stand up. I helped her to walk out of the b
athroom; she looked so gone, like her body was the only part of her that was in
the room. I changed her, and put her some warm clothes on. I helped her to get i
nside her bed "Sleep now, Annie. You'll be fine" I said caressing her hair, she
grabbed my hand.
"Thank you" she said honestly.
"You're my friend, there's nothing to thank for" I said smiling "We're even now"
I stated remembering when she found me crying in the garden and she helped me.
She just smiled at me and I let her between her sheets. I knew what I had to do
now to take Ash out of his confusion. I walked out of the room 'Now Ash will se
riously listen to me' I said inside my head as I walked to Ash's room. I didn't
even knock the door I just got inside; Ash was standing in front of his bed t-sh
"Arlene... what-? Why are you wet? Is that blood? Are you all right?" he kept ma
king questions.
"I'm fine! Now you listen to me, you stupid vampire" I stated in his face, he lo
oked surprise "You're an idiot" I said taking my dress off.
"What are you doing?" he asked watching my dress falling to the floor. I was now
in my underwear.
-------------------------------------------------It'll continue....
-------------------------------------------------Right now..... xD
Ash was so surprised to see me half naked that he couldn't even speak well. I to
ok my bra off, leaving my breast exposed to him.
"Take me. Is that what you want, right? Then go ahead" I said bravely. He just s
tood there.
"What are you doing?" he asked confused. I walked to be right in front of him an
d I kissed him. His lips received me slowly and doubtfully. I grabbed his hands
and put them in my ass as I kissed him. He kissed me back slowly... his lips fe
lt nice but I wasn't feeling a thing. I kissed him lustfully for a while. I stop
ped the kiss and got some space between us.
"What did you feel? Is it the same feeling you have when you're around Annie?" I
asked him seriously "Or is it like the feeling you experimented when you kissed
her twenty years ago?" he just stood in silence; I could see he wasn't even blu
shed. He opened his mouth to reply. I waited for his answer with anxiety.

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:D! make me happy with your comments and votes!
[30] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 29)
Sorry if i took so long, i finally finished my semester! yeih!! :D! comment and
Chapter 29!!
Arlene's P.O.V
Ash and I remained in silence for a few seconds; I saw his green eyes were darke
r than ever. I had never seen him with that dangerous look before. He stared at
me in silence. I was waiting with anxiety his answer.
"You chose the wrong moment to do this" he said showing me his fangs. I took a s
tep backwards. He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me closer to him.
"What-" he didn't let me finish, he grabbed me by my hair exposing my neck to hi
m. Then it hit me, he had lost too much blood in the fight with Damon, he was we
ak and thirsty and I appeared in front of him almost naked; I had done the stupi
dest thing ever! "Ash...don't" I said worried, I felt his tongue licking the ski
n of my neck "No! Ash! Stop!"
"I can't control it" he excused caressing my skin with his sharp fangs "You smel
l so good" he whispered in my ear, I tried to release myself from his grab but i
t wasn't working.
"Ash... you can control it, please!" I begged trying to make him realize what he
was doing. Panic started to run through my veins "Please, Ash..." I knew that f
or a thirsty vampire was hard to control himself, I had seen it with Damon. He c
overed my mouth with one hand. Murmurs of negation tried to come out. Next thing
I felt were his fangs being buried in my skin. I let go a scream but it was ret
ained in Ash's hand. I felt the lust in my body but it wasn't the same that I fe
lt when Damon bit me. It was different; I didn't feel the need of touch him or a
nything; I tried to release myself but it was impossible, I felt him drinking my
blood... taking my energy away from me; I was weak since Damon had drunk from m
e that night too. I felt his free hand going down my back... I tried to stop him
but I was so weak, he caressed my ass lustfully. No... I needed to stop him. He
stopped drinking and pushed me against the wall, he grabbed my hands above my h
ead; I felt his hands touching me desperately "Ash! Don't do this! Please!" his
eyes were so dark, the bloodlust had taken his mind, and he slipped one of his h
ands inside my panty "Ash! Please!" I begged "Think about Annie! You... you..."
it was so hard to talk when he was touching me like that "You love her, please"
I said as my last intend to stop him. For my surprise he did stop! He let me go
and took a few steps backwards. His green eyes came back to the shiny green they
usually were.
"What have I done?" he said looking at me surprise.
Annie's P.O.V
I was so sad, Ash's words kept tormenting me and I couldn't stop thinking about
it. I wondered where Arlene was; maybe a little talk with her could help me. I w

alked out of my room and instantly it hit me a blood essence... Arlene's blood e
ssence. What? I walked down the corridor and I realized that smell came out of A
sh's room. I took a deep breath before getting inside the room, the scene...oh m
y lord...this couldn't be... Arlene was standing next to the wall wearing just h
er panty, he had a fresh mark of bite in her neck, blood was still coming out it
; ash was t-shirtless right in front of her, his breath accelerated. I could sti
ll smell the lust in him. His lips were full of blood, Arlene's blood. I grabbed
my opened mouth; I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Ash noticed my presence
and looked at me, Arlene followed his gaze. Arlene looked at me with surprise in
her eyes; Ash just looked away embarrassed. I instantly took a step backwards.
"Annie, I know this can sound like a clich but it's not what you're thinking" Arl
ene spoke quickly like trying to maintain me there so she could explain. I didn
't respond... it hurt so much...
"You said you were my friend!" I exclaimed feeling the tears being formed in my
"And I am! I am your friend, I was just trying to help you" she said seriously.
"Oh really? How? Fucking the man I love? I don't think so!" I screamed walking t
o her. Anger running through my body.
"It's not her fault" Ash stated sitting down on his bed.
"You just shut up! Why are you doing this? To make me pay for all those years yo
u suffered? I suffered too! So this is not necessary" a tear rolled down my chee
"Annie, calm down. Let me explain you" Arlene asked walking to me. I raised one
hand to stop her.
"There's nothing to explain. He wants you, he loves you. I just need to get it a
nd move on" I said cleaning the bloody tears on my cheeks.
"No! For god sakes! What are you two so complicated?!" Arlene screamed in my fac
e, I had never seen her so angry before "You love each other, you had loved each
other for years! Why is that you can face it and be happy? Do you love sufferin
g?" he screamed to both of us.
Arlene's P.O.V
Annie and Ash remained in silence, they made me be angry. I didn't get why they
were so complicated! I mean they loved each other. They should be happy! They co
uld be together without any problem while I was having a hell time trying to fig
ure out how I was going to be with the man I loved. It didn't seem fair to me th
at they had the chance and they were wasting it.
"He doesn't love me" Annie murmured sadly.
"Oh my lord. Annie, he loves you" I said secure. Annie looked at Ash but he rema
ined in silence with his gaze focused on the floor.
"Then why he's been behind you all this time?" Annie asked shaking her head. I f
elt like a therapist.
"Ash! Be a man for god sakes and stand up" I commanded, Ash stood up doubly. His
green eyes met mine; I noticed he didn't want to look at Annie.
"I don't get it. I told him I love him and then I find him half naked with you a

nd your blood running through his veins. How is that he loves me?" Annie asked c
onfused. I took a deep breath.
"He doesn't love me. The only reason he was behind me all this time, it's becaus
e I remind him of you. I remind him when you were still human and that was the c
losest he could get to you, just enjoying the memories I brought to him. He hasn
't stopped loving you for a second" Both Annie and Ash stared at me in shock.
Ashton's P.O.V
I was feeling so guilty for what I did to Arlene, I bit her and almost raped her
, what the hell was I thinking? I had stood up and watched her little discussion
with Annie about me without any interest. Until her last sentence hit me. She w
as right... she remind me of Annie. God I'd been so stupid.
"Then why didn't he say it?" Annie said with sad voice.
"I don't know maybe he doesn't feel ready. Ask him. I have to go" Arlene said pi
cking her dress from the floor.
"Are you ok? I'm so sorry, Arlene... I shouldn't..." but Arlene interrupted me.
"It's ok. I'm fine" she said smiling, she was always so good with people even wh
en she had been hurt.
"What did he do to you?" Annie asked worried.
"We'll talk about that later. Now it's time for you to talk" Arlene said walking
out of the room. I felt the blood running fast through my veins; I didn't know
what to say. The silence dominated the room for a while. Annie was playing with
her fingers nervously. She was wearing only her sleeping dress, I could see her
pale skin so inviting; her long brown hair fell besides her face. Her lips... Go
d... those lips were always so red and tenting me.
"I guess you have nothing to say" she said walking to the door. I grabbed her by
her arm quickly making her face me. I grabbed her face with both hands and kiss
ed her. God those lips, those lips... could drive me crazy any time, I had wante
d to taste them so badly. I kissed her desperately, and she kissed me back.
"I've been such an idiot, Annie" I said in her lips, our breath were accelerated
"I love you, I want you, I need you. Only you. It's been always you" I kissed h
er again tasting the sweetness of her lips. I carried her to my bed and laid her
"Be gently" she asked with scare in her eyes. I knew what she had been through;
I knew that her vampire master had broken her years ago. So I would do my best t
o be nice with her and not hurt her.
"I will" I said letting little kisses in her skin.
Arlene's P.O.V
I stood up in front of Ash's door, until I heard when he said he loved her and t
hen the kissed and sighs. Ok I should go now, I said to myself. I walked to my r
oom more than happy. My plan didn't go as I actually had planned but the result
was the same. They were finally together. When I was getting closer to my room,
I saw Sonya walking to me.
"Are you all right?" she asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm more than fine. I'm happy" I replied honestly.

"Really? Why is that?" she asked curious now.
"Let's say my job as cupid had succeeded" I smiled. She seemed to understand wha
t I meant.
"Finally, it was about time" she smiled back to me "Long night, huh?" she commen
ted starting to walk again.
"Yeah" I said walking to the opposite side she was going.
"Oh Arlene, before I forget it. I found this letter in the carriage which I used
to come back. It has your name on it" she gave to me a little white letter.
"Thanks" I said walking inside my room. I opened the letter quickly. It had a me
dium piece of paper inside.
It said: "Arlene, I know everything about you and Damon. Your love story is hea
rtbreaking; unfortunately I won't allow you to be together. For your own good, S
TAY away from him or I'll tell the king the truth, I had proves. In case you don
't know, if the king finds out that his own son lied to him. Damon will be sever
ally punished and exile, is that what you want for him?"
I had to stop reading the letter because my heart was about to jump out of my ch
est... I took a deep breath to continue...
"And if this is not enough to make you be away from him. I know your parents, Ra
chel Willington... gorgeous woman as you; she's always smiling, right? And what
about your father? He's hardworking and happy. They are nice people.
P.D: Your little sister is a very smart girl with a very sweet virgin blood runn
ing through her veins. You're warned."
The tears started rolling down my cheeks...I saw the letter in my hand again, I
was shaking without control.
"Oh my god" I said to myself " god, oh my god" I kept repeating to myself
. My family...Damon... the people I loved in this world was in littl
e sister... who could do this? What did she/he mean with proves? This couldn't b
e happening.
Unknown's P.O.V
"Do you think she got the letter?" my servant asked me smiling.
"Yes, I hope she'll do as I say or this will get really bloody" I replied lookin
g at Madeleine, Arlene's little sister, who was unconscious and tied up on my be
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[31] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 30)
Hello people!! How are you today? Ready to read? Ready to get some clues about w
ho may be the unknown? Jejeje XD I want to thank Kiersten(yoursexybeastXoX) for
her help! :D

and you know you're the best readers ever! Thanks for your votes and comments!
Enjoy&Comment! Read&Vote!
"Pain can last forever
If you don't release it all
But once it's free be ready
To fade before it's done"
Extract from the poem "Feelings" by Arix (Cold_lady)
Chapter 30
Unknown's P.O.V
I was walking slowly to my father's room; I didn't have to knock because he knew
I was coming. When I got inside his room, he was standing in front of the windo
w observing the moon.
"Father" I greeted.
"How is the plan going?" he asked without hesitation.
"Good. She's got the letter" I replied smiling.
"It's a little bit cruel what you're doing, don't you think?"
"I have no choice, father. She won't leave him by good ways; she loves him for r
eal" my words were the truth; Arlene loved Damon with all her heart.
"Well, you're my family; flesh from my flesh, blood from my blood" he took a dee
p breath "I'll support you but you have to promise me one thing"
"Do not hurt the little girl; it's not her fault besides she'll become a beautif
ul human to serve us" he commanded seriously.
"I know. When are you planning to attack?" I was curious.
"Soon, very soon" I saw him smile evilly.
Arlene's P.O.V
I couldn't sleep during the whole day; I spent hours walking from one side to th
e other in my room. My mind was a mess; my brain was collapsed thanks to be thin
king too much about who could have sent the letter... Damon's fiance? But how cou
ld she know? God, I needed to see my family, to check if they were fine. Maybe A
sh could take me to the town but I couldn't tell him about the letter, could I?
Oh my lord, who could do something like that? I waited for the night to come. I
took a long bath... feeling the water on my head... refreshing my mind. I put on
a short dress and brushed my long hair; A few minutes later the darkness arrive
d, so I walked to Ash's room. I knocked but no one answered.
"Ash? Annie?" I asked opening the door slowly; but I wish I hadn't; they were bo
th naked on the bed, Annie had one of her pale legs above Ash "Oh my god!" I sai
d turning around closing my eyes with strength trying to forget that scene. Then

I heard Ash's voice.

"I'm so sorry" I exclaimed but of course I didn't open my eyes. I heard Annie an
d Ash laughing "It's not funny!"
"You can look now" Annie said between chuckles. I opened my eyes slowly and they
were both dressed, wow... vampire speed. Ash was smiling and holding Annie's ha
nd. She was wearing her sleeping dress, she had marks of bites in her neck... an
d wrists and... Ok too much information, at least her marks were already healing
"You had a crazy night, huh?" I smiled because I was happy for them, they were g
ood people or should I say vampires? Anyway Annie blushed quickly.
"Let's go have breakfast together" she said with enthusiasm. She walked to the d
oor but Ash didn't move.
"Arlene..." Ash started making look at him.
"I have no words to apologize for what I did to you last night" I felt regret in
his voice.
"It's ok. It was worth it, you're together now" I stated smiling.
"And thank you for what you did for us. You're the best human I ever met; you do
n't care about making a sacrifice for others. So thank you, you're great, I'm gl
ad to have a friend like you because you're a real one" Ash's words made me want
to cry. No one had ever said something like that to me; actually I hadn't had f
riends in my whole life. I felt the tears being formed in my eyes.
"Aww so sweet" I said smiling trying not to cry.
"What about a hug?" Annie asked extending her arms; I got closer to them and hug
ged both of them.
"I love you, guys" I stated honestly.
"We love you too, girl" Ash spoke sweetly. For the first time in weeks I felt at
home, I felt part of something... part of a family. I felt loved.
"Enough, you smell to sex and blood" I complained breaking the embrace, they bot
h laughed. We went downstairs to the kitchen; Annie was cooking some weird meal
that I couldn't remember its name. She said it was her favorite when she was hum
an. So she cooked it for me since she would drink blood. We were talking and mak
ing jokes but my mind was still on that letter... what should I do? I wondered.
"Arlene? Hello" Annie asked tapping my shoulder.
"I'm sorry. Hey guys..." I got their attention "I want to go to the town, you kn
ow, to visit my parents" I was playing with my fingers nervously.
"I don't think that's a good idea. You're exiled from king's lutter kingdom sinc
e he set you free to marry Lucian" Ash spoke seriously.
"But... I really need to see them; please!" I begged, there had to be a way. Ash
and Annie looked at each other for a few seconds.

"Maybe she can pass unseen" Annie said supporting me.

"It's too dangerous" Ash was deadly serious, I could see it in his green eyes.
"Please!" I begged putting the best poppy face I had.
"She can wear a cloak. There are a lot of humans there she can pass unnoticed" A
nnie continued helping me. Ash took a deep breath.
"But it has to be a quick visit" Ash finally accepted.
"Yes! Thanks" I exclaimed happy. I really needed to see if my family was fine. S
pecially my little sister. Annie served my plate on the table, it smelled good.
"Eat, you need food and this" she gave me two seeds? She must have seen the ques
tion on my face "It'll help you with the lost of blood you had last night" she w
as right, I was feeling weak and the lack of sleep didn't help. I ate desperatel
y when I finished Annie was staring at me surprise.
"To be thin you like to eat, don't you?" she asked taking a sip of the bottle of
blood in her hands.
"I said exactly the same thing a few weeks ago!" Ash exclaimed laughing and kiss
ing Annie's forehead.
"Yeah... yeah... funny" I said sarcastically. They were still laughing when we h
eard a knock on the principal door "I'll go" I said standing up and walking to t
he door. When I opened for my surprise it was Ariel.
"Hey! Thanks god Sonya removed the barriers otherwise I couldn't have found you"
she walked in smiling. She was wearing a gorgeous blue dress; her blond curly h
air was loose and fell until the middle of her back.
"What are you doing here?" I asked looking outside to see if Damon was around.
"He didn't come with me" Ariel said like reading my mind "I just came to give yo
u this" she offered me an envelope. I just froze when I saw it. It reminded me t
he letter "Arlene, are you ok?" Ariel asked concerned "It's just a letter not a
ghost" I blinked trying to react.
"Who is it?" I heard Annie and Ash coming out of the kitchen.
"Arlene?" Ariel asked extending her hand with the envelope.
"Sorry" I said getting the letter.
"Hey! Ariel!" Annie and Ash greeted. Ariel looked at them; Ash was holding Annie
's hand.
"So you're together now" Ariel smiled. Annie just nodded and looked at me.
"You're pale, Arlene" She stated walking to me.
"I'm fine" I said opening the envelope. Annie, Ash and Ariel stood there with cu
riosity in their eyes. I extended the piece of paper and the first thing I read
relaxed me: it was from Damon. I smiled instantly but then I remember: Stay away
from him, I know your parents, your little sister has a sweet virgin blood runn
ing through her veins; I tensed remembering what I had to do.

"What did he write?" Annie was really curious.

"I'll go read it upstairs" I walked out of the living room feeling my heart poun
ding. When I got inside my room I sat down on my bed to read the letter...
"I'm not good with words, you know that but I'm making an effort for you
. I just... miss you so much; I can still feel your lips, your skin, your warm b
reath; I can still heard your voice, your laugh, your moans. I need you seriousl
y; I can't stop thinking about you... I just can't"
I stopped reading because two big tears rolled down my cheeks 'be strong' I said
to myself... after a few seconds I continued
"So, I want to see you tomorrow's night, I will find a way to escape fo
r a while to see you. I know how hard it's this situation but wait for me. I'll
find a solution...
P.D: Wait for me tomorrow!
I love you.

put the letter asides and embraced one of my pillows to cry; how was I going t
leave him? How was I going to face him? I just loved him so much; I didn't wan
him to be in danger. I just couldn't risk him... I didn't care if I died insid
but he would be ok, I'd make sure of that. I needed to be away from him 'Oh my
lord... why does it hurt so much to even consider it?' I said to myself. Tap ta
p tap... someone was knocking; I instantly stood up and tried to remove the tear
s of my face with the back of my hand.
"Come in" I exclaimed but I wasn't expecting to see Lucian "Oh it's you" I state
d trying to hide my face.
"Are you ok?" Lucian asked walking inside.
"Just a little bit emotional" I tried to smile but I just couldn't.
"Why?" he asked but then his eyes went to the letter on my bed "It's from Damon,
isn't it?" I just nodded and he understood "You'll be fine, Arlene" he encourag
ed me.
"It's nothing, I just miss him" I tried to sound secure but I knew it wasn't wor
"I was going to ask you to help but if you're indisposed, I'll come back later"
he said smiling.
"No, I'm fine. Tell me" I sounded secure for the first time. He doubted for a mo
"All right. Well, it's just... that you know Ariel and I..." he looked like a ch
ild trying to speak, I smiled.
"You want me to help you with Ariel?" I asked almost reading between his shutter
ed words. He just nodded looking away. I chuckled "The prince of Athalia needs m
y help with love's stuffs?" I exclaimed almost laughing.
"It's not funny, she's difficult you know? A few minutes ago she just hit me dow
nstairs because of the kiss I gave her the other night" he exclaimed rubbing his

"You mean the kiss you stole from her?" I couldn't stop laughing a little, since
when I had become the vampire's cupid?
"Ash and Annie are together thanks to you, so please help me" now I was a famous
cupid and I couldn't even fix my own love life.
"I don't know how I can help but ok, I'll try" I stated smiling. Lucian's face t
ransformed into happiness, he embraced me with strength.
"Thanks! Thanks"
"I'm human, you know?" I said because I couldn't breath. He let me go and walked
out of the room smiling. 'Stupid's vampires in love' I thought walking behind h
im. When I arrived to the living room Ariel and Lucian were gone and Ash was rea
ding a book.
"Where's Annie?" I asked and she appeared in front of me with some black clothe
s "You scared me!" I complained damned vampire speed.
"I found everything in black: the cloak, gloves, even a hood" she was excited. I
got the clothes smiling.
"Thank you"
"No problem! You're my friend, remember?" she said smiling "The carriage is wait
ing for you, remember, it has to be quick Arlene. We can't go with you because i
t can seem really weird two vampires in the human town" I understood clearly. In
the town only humans lived. I walked to the principal door putting on the cloak
and gloves.
"Be careful" Ash advised seriously. I just nodded and got out of the house. I pu
t my hood on and got inside the carriage.
About 45 minutes later, I was arriving to the gates of the human town. The carri
age slowed its velocity. I watched the kids playing on the street. Some humans w
ere carrying wood one after the other with a guard behind them screaming them to
continue. I remembered one night I had asked my mother 'Why is he screaming to
them?' the guards had always treated humans with despite; My mother replied 'Bec
ause he's encouraging them to continue so they can finish and go have fun soon'
I was five years old when that happened; I closed my eyes trying to stop those t
houghts but when I opened them again, I saw the park where I used to play when I
was a child. I had grown on those poor streets, full of human's slaves and poor
dirties children. It was so sad; I took a deep breath as the carriage stopped i
n the square of the town. I got down and walked fast to the street where my hous
e was, I could feel my heart pounding like crazy. When I stepped on my street, m
y sight became blurred with tears. Everything was like I hadn't left: broken win
dows... orange illumination, a few cats searching food; the door of my home... m
y home... I felt two tears rolling down my cheeks. I walked slowly... I couldn't
believe I was there... I had thought I would never see them again. I knocked th
e door. I felt my heart pounding like crazy when I heard the steps of someone wa
lking to open. The door opened showing me my mom...oh my god... her brown eyes
looked choked, she was wearing her favorite apron. She had dust in her face and
arms, she must have been cooking.
"Arlene?" she asked surprised, and I could see the tears in her eyes. I just emb
raced her crying.
"Mom! Mom! Oh my god! Mom!" I said crying, she just caressed my hair. She smelle
d like always, she smelled like home. I felt secure in her arms.

"My sweet child" she said kissing my hair. We broke the embrace and she grabbed
my face with both hands "How...? Oh god! I'm so happy to see you" she said kissi
ng me all over my face.
"Where's my father? Where's Madeleine?" I asked walking inside the house, but my
first question was answered; my father was standing in shock in front of the ki
"Dad" my voice broke. He immediately ran to me and embraced me "Oh dad" I said e
mbracing him tighter.
"I knew you were alive! Oh baby, we miss you so much" he said caressing my hair.
We got apart and I tried to remove my tears.
"Where's Madeleine?" I asked again. My parents looked at each other for a few se
conds "What is it?" I was starting to worry "Maddy! Maddy! I'm home!" I screamed
walking to her room. When I got inside her bed was intact, her room was clean a
nd ordered. Madeleine was really disorganized, well she was an 6 years old girl
it was supposed to be normal at that age; something was wrong.
"Arlene..." my mother said sadly grabbing my shoulder.
"Where is she?" I asked afraid of the answer.
"We don't know" my father's voice broke. I felt my body tensed and more tears ke
pt rolling down my cheeks "A few nights ago, she went to buy some bread for dinn
er and she didn't come back" I grabbed my chest with strength... Oh No... no...
no Maddy... my sight became blurred and my father's arms hold me before everythi
ng became black.
Unknown's P.O.V
I got inside my room and for my surprise, Madeleine was waking up; I sat down on
a chair and watched how she started to move on my bed. She had a bandage on her
little eyes and she was tied up.
"Mommy?" her sweet voice asked "Daddy?" I felt bad for using such an innocent so
ul for my purposes but I had no choice "Mommy?" she tried to come loose but she
couldn't "I can't see! Mommy... I can't see, please help me" she looked like Arl
ene; she had the same dark hair and pale skin "Mommy... please... why is so dark
?" she was starting to panic. I stood up and sat down besides her. I caressed he
r forehead "Mom? Is it you?" she asked with hope in her words. Her blood was run
ning fast through her veins... warm... innocent blood "I can't move... I can't s
ee, mom help me" she was scared... her fear was driving me crazy; Fear for vampi
res could be an aphrodisiac. If a human was scared when we're feeding, the blood
tasted better... so much better. I hadn't realized that I had actually leaned t
o the little girl. She smelled good. I grabbed her chin moving her face aside "M
om...what... please help me" she was crying now. I smelled her neck... good. 'Ju
st a sip' I said in my mind. I licked her soft skin "No... mommy" she said in te
ars. I extended my fangs.
"I thought I told you not to hurt her" my father stated in the door. I stood up
quickly "Come with me" he ordered and followed him, I gave the little girl a loo
k; she was still crying... 'I will taste your blood, little girl' I said inside
my head walking out of the room.
"Mom!!" she screamed crying as I closed the door.

Sooo! What do you think? like it? hate it? comment and voteee!! :)
[32] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 31)
I uploaded this chapter again since there were troubles with people reading it :
Chapter 31
Arlene's P.O.V
I felt a strong smell on my nose, some voices I couldn't hear well, I opened my
eyes slowly to see my father holding a piece of cotton in his hands. I sat down
on my bed feeling dizzy, my head was spinning. I wondered what happened and I re
membered quickly, my sister... she wasn't... oh god.
"Maddy" I said on the verge of tears. My father remained in silence as my mother
came inside the room with a glass of water.
"How do you feel, sweetie?" my mother asked offering me the glass. I grasped it
with my shaking hand.
"When did she disappear?" I asked sadly.
"Two nights ago" my father replied looking down "It's my fault, I shouldn't have
sent her to buy that bread, she is too young" it hurt to see my father blaming
himself. I grabbed his hand.
"It's not your fault, dad. She's always been a very smart girl, she usually went
to buy the bread by herself" I tried to comfort him. We stayed in silence; the
memories of Maddy smiling and asking me to play with her attacked me leaving me
breathless. I grabbed my chest with strength "I have to go" I stated remembering
Ash and Annie had said it had to be a quick visit and it was almost midnight.
"How are you, Arlene? How do they treat you?" my mother asked concerned.
"I'm good, mom" I lied looking away.
"I know you, but I'll pretend I believed that lie because I can see in your eyes
that you don't want to talk about it" my mother knew me so well, sometimes it w
as scary. I embraced her feeling tears rolling down my cheeks. She cried as well
, my father joined the embraced and kissed us with his wet lips, he was crying a
s well "If something happen to her...I won't survive, Arlene" my mom said betwee
n sobs "She's just... so young, so innocent..." my heart hurt, Maddy didn't dese
rve to suffer, she didn't deserve anything bad; she was just beginning to live.
We broke the embrace with the sadness surrounding us. I walked to her room for t
he last time, her small bed had her white sheets so cleaned, I saw some pieces o
f paper on a little night table she had. She was learning to write... I smiled i
"Did she write on all this papers?" I asked my mother, who was in the door, I co
uld see she didn't feel brave enough to get in.
"Just small phrases, she's just beginning" she explained sadly "That one was her
first phrase" she said pointing to one of the pieces, I got it and my heart alm
ost burned inside my chest when I read it, it said 'I miss my sister' oh god...
tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrolled. I checked all the others pieces 'My si
ster is wonderful' 'I love my sister' I was hyperventilating. My mother embraced

me from behind "If you ask her what does she want to be when she grow up, she'l
l say she wants to be like you" my mother said sadly behind me. I had to be stro
ng. I walked out of her room taking a deep breath. I put my hood and said aloud:
"I will find you, Madeleine" it was a fact; it was enough of stupid, crying Arle
ne. Now that person who kidnapped my sister would see how strong I could be. I w
alked out of my house without saying goodbye to my parents it was just too painf
ul. I walked to the carriage fast but before I could get to it someone grabbed m
e by my arm and put a piece of paper on my hand. I couldn't see the face because
it was covered with the shadow of a hood. The person ran away when I had the pi
ece of paper of my hand "Hey! Hey!" I screamed running behind him/her but in a f
ew seconds I couldn't see her/him anymore. I read the piece of paper, it was exa
ctly what I imagined;
it said: 'I knew you would come to
ne. Well, now you know how serious
st admit that her blood is tenting
to control myself. So, it's better
r sister's good.

your parent's house, you're predictable, Arle

I am about this. Your sister is fine but I mu
me and I don't know for how long I will able
if you leave Damon as soon as you can for you

P.D: Time is precious, remember that'

I crumpled the letter with anger "This will be a cold war, I can promise you tha
t. You chose the wrong person to mess with" I stated to myself walking to my car
riage. Stupid and good Arlene was gone, leaving a heartless one. I needed to bec
ome heartless and strong if I wanted to recover my little sister. I got on the c
arriage "Wait for me, Maddy"
Madeleine's P.O.V
I was wondering why couldn't I see? Where was my mom? And dad? Why was I tied up
? Maybe it was a game but I didn't like it. I was tired and hungry. I couldn't s
cream or cry anymore, I still had dry tears on my cheeks. I didn't understand wh
at was happening but I was weak, I needed to eat. I heard a door being open.
"Mommy?" I asked with hope. But no one answered "I'm hungry" it was the truth "I
don't like this game, mom" I said honestly. I felt two cold hands grabbing my f
"If I untie you, you promise you won't try to escape?" a male voice asked. But i
t wasn't my father.
"Who are you?" I asked confused.
"I guess you won't be able to escape even you're not tied up" I heard him chuckl
ing. And the next thing I felt were his cold hands untying me. When I had my han
ds free I tried to touch my eyes realizing they were covered, I removed the band
age. But the man wasn't in front of me anymore, he was in the door. I couldn't s
ee his face, he had a hood and the shadows didn't let me see "Your food" he poin
ted to the night table. It was room, a big room. The sheets were black as the wa
"Who are you?" I asked again.
"A friend" he replied.
"Mom says I shouldn't talk to strangers"
"I don't see any stranger around here. I'm your sister's friend" really?

"Really? Where is she? I want to see her" I asked really excited.

"Eat and behave and you'll see her soon. It's a promise" he said seriously. I l
ooked down to the food and began to eat excited. I
couldn't believe I would see my sister. I had missed her so much.
Arlene's P.O.V
I arrived to the house with sadness and anger in my whole body. Annie and Ash as
ked me what was wrong but I said nothing and walked to my room. I was tired so I
lied down on my bed looking up without knowing I felt asleep.
The next night I was on the living room waiting for Damon, I needed to talk to h
im. Hours and hours passed and no sign of him. I wondered if he could manage to
escape. At midnight I was desperate but then I heard a knock on the door. I ran
to open it. There he was... his dark hair covered part of his forehead, his dark
eyes looked at me with need, and in his lips a bright smile was formed. I smile
d instantly and embraced him filling my lungs with his fragrance. We didn't spe
ak it was not necessary to say how much we had missed each other. We broke the e
mbrace and he grabbed my face with both hands, I felt his lips against mine desp
erately. God his lips were soft and sweet, his tongue played with my lips asking
for entrance when I opened my mouth and his tongue got in... I let go a little
sigh, I felt the lust running through my veins. I got some space between us, his
lips were red.
"We need to talk" I stated focusing but he wrapped his hands around my waist and
kissed me again.
"Talk can wait" he stated in my lips. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he l
ift me to carry me bridal style while we were still kissing. In a few seconds we
were in my room's door. I heard an uncomfortable cough.
"You highness" Annie greeted Damon; he left my lips to respond.
"Hi, Annie. Bye Annie" he said getting inside the room. I chuckled, he laid me d
own on my bed, his dark eyes met mine for a few seconds, and his cold hand cares
sed my face. He started to kiss my neck leaving little kisses on it; I felt the
desire on my whole body. But he suddenly stopped and looked at me with anger in
his eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked confused. He grabbed me by chin with strength "Damon, wh
at's wrong? You're hurting me" I complained not understanding.
"Who the hell bit you?" he asked exposing my neck to him.
"Oh... that" I said understanding. He got up and started to walk from one side o
f the room to the other "Damon..."
"Give me one reason for not killing Ashton right now!" he screamed clenching his
"Calm down" I stated walking to him "It's not what you're thinking"
"You promised it, Arlene. You promised that you would keep his fangs away from y
ou!" he was mad I could see that. I embraced him from behind.
"Calm down, Damon. Let me explain" I said in his ear. He was breathing fast. I e
xplained him everything that had happened with Annie and Ash, and my role on tha
t entire situation. Of course I didn't tell him Ash almost had raped me. He rema
ined in silence for a few moments.

"I still want to kill him" he said breaking the embrace and turning around to fa
ce me. I kissed him desperately playing with my tongue on his lips. I slipped m
y hands under his t-shirt feeling his defined muscles and cold skin.
"Are you sure is that what you want the most?" I said in his lips. He smiled.
"You're dangerous" he stated pushing me to the bed. We fell on it; the kiss beca
me lustful and desperate. He slipped one of his hands under my dress when his ha
nd made contact with my skin, it made me shiver. He left my lips and started to
kiss my neck. I felt his fangs caressing my veins. He left little kisses on the
way to my breast. He tore the dress leaving me with my panties. His warm breath
on my nipples sent electricity to my whole body. I felt the pressure between my
legs; I wanted him bad. He sucked my nipples making me let go a little moan. He
knew where and how to touch to drive me crazy; I felt his hand tore my panties a
part. He got up and took off his clothes. I looked at him dazzled, he was gorgeo
us all his muscles were defined arms, abdomen, chest, legs and god he was big. H
e got on top of me and kissed me, our naked skin made contact sending shivers th
rough my spine. I felt his hard member rubbing against my thighs. He got inside
me slowly, my body protested at the invasion but then I felt an inexplicable ple
asure, I moaned loudly. He started to thrust against me slowly, I could see in h
is face that he was trying to control himself. His thrusts became harder and fas
t, I hammered my fingernails on his back with strength.
"Ah! Damon! Ah! Ah! Ah!" I moaned without control, he kissed me desperately.
"Oh Arlene, you're delicious" he said in my lips. I felt an amazing sensation be
ginning to go through my skin.
"Damon!" I screamed as the pleasure took over my body leaving me breathless. He
continued his thrusts and I felt him tensed and growled. I felt something warm i
nside me. He lied down on my chest breathing fast. We stayed like that for a few
minutes "We need to talk" I said breaking the moment. He moved from me and lied
down to be aside me.
"About what?" he asked wrapping his hands around my waist.
"I had to leave you" I said clearly. He looked at me surprised.
"And I need you to turn me, tonight" I continued ignoring his question. He sat d
own on the bed with the sheet around his hip, god he looked hot.
"What are you talking about?" he was really confused. I told him the whole story
about the letter. He was angry.
"We need to pretend that we are not together anymore, in front of everyone. We d
on't know who this person is" I stated looking at him.
"Shit! Who could something like this?" he asked angry "I'm sorry; I know how you
must feel" he said caressing my face "We'll get her back, together"
"I hope so. I need to be stronger, Damon. As a weak human I don't think I can sa
ve her. I need to become a vampire" I said honestly. He took a deep breath.
"Are you sure this is what you really want?" he asked looking deep into my eyes
"There's not turning point after I change you" I filled my lungs taking a deep b
reath ready to respond.

"Yes, I'm sure" I stated secure. He smiled.

[33] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 32)
Hellooooooooooooooooo peopleee!!! Sorry for taking so long!! I'm still recoverin
g but i did what i could to upload today as i promised! This day had been awfull
to me, i almost pass out this morning, it was so horrible!! anyways! i won't bo
ther you with my complains about my sickness!
Arix! :)
Chapter 32
Damon's P.O.V
Arlene had fallen asleep in my arms; her head was resting on my chest. I could s
ense her calmed breathing and heartbeats. She had rings under her eyes as a prov
e of her lack of sleep. She was extremely tired, I could feel it. That's why I h
adn't drunk her blood even when I was dying for it. She was just too weak. I car
essed her hair softly; I couldn't believe she was mine. I always thought I would
live bored and cold forever, until she appeared. She melt the ice around my hea
rt, she could be so warm and enthusiastic. She had no idea how strong she was, I
was proud of her. She was the bravest human I ever met. I felt lucky to be the
guy she chose for her. I kissed her forehead. I let her sleep for a few hours, I
thought about the bastard who was doing this to Arlene's little sister. I would
make him/her pay for this. Arlene moved in my arms, he opened her big black eye
s slowly. I caressed her cheek.
- What time is it? - She asked rubbing her eyes.
- 5:15 am - I said pointing to the clock on the wall.
- Oh god! Dawn is near - She stated worried. I smiled and gave her a soft kiss.
- I know - How are you so calmed? - She asked confused. I caressed her hair as she was a
little girl. Well, in front of me and all the years I had lived, she was - Damon
! It's late, I told you, I want to be a vampire tonight - she assumed I forgot i
t - Now we don't have time - We have time, Arlene. It's just I'm been thinking, I can't turn you - I spoke
calmly, I saw the surprise in her face.
- Why not? - Think about it. If the vampire, who sent you the letter is watching you, when
he/she finds out you became a vampire and feels my essences on you, he/she would
know we are still together. It wouldn't make sense to act like we are not anymo
re- I explained carefully; Arlene opened her mouth in realization.
- You're right - She stated sadly. I grabbed her small face with both hands.
- We're going to find your sister. I promise - I gave her a little kiss. She for
ced a smile.

- She's just so... Little - her voice broke. I embraced her while I caressed her
- She'll be fine - I broke the embrace and got up. I looked for my boxers and pa
nts and put them on.
- God, you're hot! - she exclaimed looking at me. I smiled buttoning my shirt I can't believe you're mine- she said biting her lower lip. I leaned to her and
kissed her. The kiss was becoming passionate; her lips were like a drug... The m
ore I tasted them the more I wanted to kiss them. She stopped me pushing me.
- I know, I have to go - I knew that was what she was going to say.
- Yes, you do. It's late - she got up completely naked and started to look for h
er clothes. My eyes were on her body, her creamy skin, her firmed breasts, her s
mall waist, her plane abdomen, her nice hips... She threw me something - Stop st
aring! - She complained putting her dress on.
- You're hot - I said staring at her - When you live with me I'll have you in a
small room so no one else can see you but me - I said smiling but I felt her ten
sing. Did I say something wrong?
Arlene's P.O.V
Live with him? How could he say that so calmed? I mean, I wouldn't just go and l
ive with him. I wanted to get marry, I knew it sounded girly and traditional but
that's how my parents raised me. Yes, it lost sense because I already slept wit
h him but it didn't matter, I want a marriage, yes, the white dress and everythi
ng. I wanted my love to be blessed by God even when the bride was a vampire. I t
ensed and he noticed.
- What? - he asked looking right into my eyes. He must have seen the anger.
- Nothing. I'm just worried because it's late - I forced a smile. He didn't seem
to believe me.
- Right. Well, come here - I knew he was going to go. I embraced him with streng
th. He smelled so nice.
- I wish you didn't have to go - I was honest. I'd miss him so much
- I wish you didn't lie to me - damn! He knew me so well; i knew he was referrin
g to before. I didn't respond. He gave me a little kiss - Ok. When you want to t
ell me what's going through that head, I'll be here - he said getting some space
between us - Ah! And keep Ash's fangs away from you. This is my last warning he said turning around and opening the door.
- I'll miss you - I'll miss you, too. Stick to the plan, don't do anything stupid - and with tha
t he disappeared making me feel incomplete. The plan, to act like we weren't tog
ether anymore but we would see each other secretly. I was tired so I closed the
dark curtains to keep the sunlight out when dawn arrived. I jumped to my bed, it
still had his smell. I fell asleep quickly.
Madeleine's P.O.V
I was eating a big piece of chocolate cake, I was having a great time in that pl
ace, I was no longer tied up and the guy with hood treated me well. But hours ha

d passed and I hadn't seen my sister yet. I missed Mom and Dad. I was starting t
o be worried. Who was that guy? He had said he was my sister's friend but where
was my sister? I remember one time Arlene told me that if a stranger tried to co
nvince to go with him I should run. She had said strangers could tell a lot of l
ies to catch girls. That guys was a stranger... Should I run? I asked to myself.
I walked to the door and went out of the room. There was a long corridor; white
walls with a lot of pictures hanging on were besides me. I couldn't see the end
of that long corridor; It was too dark. I walked slowly passing doors and doors
. I finally got to some kind of hallway. I was confused and scared, it was reall
y dark. I saw a big door in front of me, I opened it and the sunlight attacked m
y eyes, I blinked a couple times.
- What the hell are you doing? - a female voice said behind me. I turned around
and it was the old woman who usually brought food and sweets to the room where I
was. He was walking to me. 'Run run run' said a voice in my mind. 'Run!' I star
ted to run away from the old lady. She ran behind me screaming me to stop; I cou
ld hear her desperate steps. I ran as fast as I could there was a big garden and
a path where the carriages were. I saw another man with the same clothes the ol
d woman was wearing - Get her!! - I heard the woman screamed behind me. I was re
ally scared now. The man stood in my way trying to block it but I dodged him and
let him behind. My heart was pounding desperately, I was deeply scared but my s
ister's words kept in my mind 'Once you start to run don't stop until you feel y
ou're safe' and I didn't feel safe at all. I got inside the woods and kept runni
ng and running, I fell a couple times but I stood up as quickly as I could, my w
hite dress was stained with mud now. No one was following me. I sat down on the
ground breathing fast. Where was I? I looked around and all I could were trees a
nd scrubs; I walked slowly and saw a little lake in front of me. I washed my dir
ty hands and face. I walked besides the lake, the sun was going down, that meant
the night would arrive soon. The guy with the hood usually came to the room whe
re I was at night so I started to run among the trees again.
Unknown's P.O.V
The night had arrived, I got up from my bed and got dress quickly. I was going t
o give Arlene a quick visit. I put on my hood and walked out of the room. When I
was about to get out of the house, a servant called me.
- Your highness, something had happened - she sounded nervous.
- I don't have time. Watch the little girl and give her more food - I ordered wa
lking out of the house.
- But your highness... - the servant exclaimed but I had already started to run.
Arlene's P.O.V
I was dreaming about some weird woods when I felt something cold covering my mou
th. I opened my eyes slowly feeling someone on top of me. It was really dark, th
e night had come. I tried to move and release myself but the grab became tighter
- Shhhh - that person whispered in my ear. I could barely see a hood and face in
the darkness. I stayed still and closed my eyes making believe that person that
I had passed out. I could feel something against my thighs. That person was a m
an definitely a man. He seemed to believe I was unconscious because he started t
o shake me. I took advantage of the moment and pushed him away from me. I got up
as quickly as I could, looking for something I could use as a weapon but it was
too dark.

- Who the hell are you? - I asked moving carefully. He didn't respond and appear
ed behind trying to wrap his arms around my waist, I moved fast and slapped his
hands - Don't touch me - I exclaimed stepping back. He was tall but that strange
hood didn't allow me to see his face. I thought about screaming so Ash and Anni
e could come to help me but this man in front of me was the one who had my siste
r I was sure of that. I needed to know if she was fine - You have my sister, don
't you? - I asked trying to calm down. He just nodded. Oh god... I kept my head
high even when I was deeply scared - Is she all right? - He nodded again. A minu
te of silence passed, I saw him rising his hand and removing his hood. His face
was free but I couldn't see him well. He tried to reach me again but I stepped b
- My dear Arlene - that voice... That voice... - You must not reject me or did y
ou forget I have your little sister - Oh my god... That voice... It was him... H
e fired a candle illuminating his face. I couldn't believe it... It was definite
ly him...
- You - I stated in shock.
Madeleine's P.O.V
I was tired... so tired of running, I wanted mom and dad to come and get me; the
darkness didn't let me see well where I was going. I was dirty and hungry. It w
as really cold, I started to shake a little; everywhere I looked was exactly the
same: Trees, scrub and more trees. I was scared, dry tears remained on my cheek
s; I always tried to be brave like my sister was, she was not afraid of darkness
so I tried to be strong and kept walking. After a few hours I arrived to a path
, there were marks of horse steps, I saw a light coming to me, and then I heard
horses' steps slowing down. A carriage stopped right in front of me, the door op
- Hey, you little girl - a woman gently voice called me. I looked up and saw a v
ery beautiful woman sitting down inside the carriage. She reminded me of my sist
er - Are you lost? - She asked worried.
- Yes - I replied removing the dirt of my face, she looked so clean that I was e
mbarrassed. She offered me her hand.
- Come inside, it's freezing out there - she said smiling. I just nodded and got
on the carriage. It smelled good and it was warm. She was looking for something
and then she gave me a blanket.
- Thank you - I said honestly wrapping it around me. The carriage started its ma
rch again.
- What were you doing there alone? Are you ok? - She evaluated me.
- I... I was running away from someone - Someone? Your parents? - I shook my head - What's your name?- Madeleine - You remind me of someone - she said smiling.
- What's yours? - I asked curious, beautiful girls always had nice names.
- Crystal, Crystal Montgomery - She replied smiling

-------------------Sooooooo! like it? hate it? leave your comment! :D! you know now that the unknow
n is a man :P
Next chap will be up this week as well :)
it says goodbye (waving) Arix! (K)
[34] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 33)
Hello peopleee!!! Best readers ever!!! here's the next chapter!!! You'll finally
know who is the unknown!
OoO Chapter 33 OoO
Arlene's P.O.V
I was in shock, really and deeply in shock... I couldn't believe it was him, of
all the people in the world he was the last one I would have thought. I couldn't
say a word or move, I was speechless. My heartbeats could be heard all around t
he room.
"Surprise?" he asked walking to me, I tried to step back but I couldn't.
"Lucian?" I had to ask even when I was looking at him. He smirked and got closer
to me; he caressed my cheek, now I could look at him well. He had a scar on his
right cheek; I didn't remember that scar and his eyes... his eyes were complete
ly different.
"Lucian knows how to get to gorgeous humans" he spoke calmed. Why was he referri
ng to himself as third person? I couldn't speak; my mind was assimilating all th
"Why?" my voice came back to me; the reality hit me on the face and I felt pure
and deep anger. He had my little sister, he was threatening me. I remembered whe
n he asked me for help with Ariel! What hypocrite! How could he do this to me?
"Why are you doing this? I thought you were my friend!" I screamed on his face.
He let go a little sigh.
"You're so nave, Arlene" he tried to touch me again but I slapped his hand "Let m
e introduce myself... my name is Louis" he extended his hand to me; what? Did Lu
cian have two personalities or something? He saw the confusion on my face and sm
"Lucian is my brother, my twin brother" he explained coldly. My breath was caugh
t inside my lungs; I felt relief and confusion at the same time. Lucian had a tw
in brother? Why didn't he mention that? And why this guy I didn't know was doing
all this to me? A lot of questions came to my mind. I didn't know what to say.
The image of my little sister gave me strength.
"Where is my sister? Why are you doing this?" I asked walking to him. I wouldn't
show fear to him. I would do anything for Maddy.

"Let's see... how I explain it?" he asked calmed. I couldn't believe I was facin
g the bastard who kidnapped my little sister. Anger replaced the fear I was feel
ing and I slapped him on the face with all my strength turning his face to one s
ide. He smiled mischievously "I deserved that" he admitted caressing his cheek.
"You bastard! How can you do this? Is she alright?" questions and more questions
kept coming out of my mouth.
"She's fine... for now"
"I don't even know you, why are you doing this?" I didn't understand any of this
. Lucian was a good guy, how could he have such a cruel brother? If Athelia was
a kingdom of peace... that's what Ash had told me.
"You know... people say that between twins there always a good one and a bad one
. I guess I'm the bad one, don't you think?" I didn't reply, how could this guy
talked so calmed? "Lucian have always been the good guy, my mother is always pro
ud of him. In fact, he's the next king. What about me? Louis? I'm just a mistake
because I don't believe in all that shit about peace between humans and vampire
s; that's an abomination! How can you think that we're equals? You're inferiors;
in front of us you're like animals" I could feel the hatred on his words.
"My father doesn't agree with this peace shit either; but of course my mother i
s an old and prestigious vampire, she began the peace pact and everyone followed
her" Lord... this guy was crazy "I have always kept an eye on this kingdom I di
dn't want it to become a piece of shit like Athelia; I had met Damon many times
before and he was the perfect king to this place: heartless, cold, not caring ab
out the human race; he would carry perfectly his legacy until you appeared! I ca
n't allow another kingdom to get into all the peace crap because Damon had becom
e weak, with you besides him he would start the peace pact sooner or later. I ou
ght to me and my kind to defend our places until the end of my life" he stated h
is last sentence on my face. His words were full of despise and hatred. He was a
really bad guy. I took a deep breath it wasn't a good moment to be weak; I had
to keep my head high.
"So, that's why you're doing this"
"Do you understand me now? It's not personal, girl. You're just in the wrong pla
ce and the wrong time, that's it"
"What?" he asked confused.
"Why do you hate humans so much? What have we done to you?" I asked on the verge
of tears with my little sister's image on my mind, if this evil vampire had her
I didn't want to think what he could have done to her. He stayed in silence for
a while.
"Because you're just humans" he replied despisefully.
"We haven't done anything to your kind. We should be the ones to hate your peopl
e. We lived in slavery, we're treated like inferiors all the time" I exclaimed a
"Because you're inferiors" he replied smiling.
"No, we are not! Even when your kind had made mine suffer for years, we don't ha
te your people; we, the humans, know forgiveness; and that... make us superiors
in front of you" Louis looked at me surprised. A minute of silence passed, all I

could hear was my accelerated breathing "I had to leave my home, my parents, my
sister, everything I knew to become a slave. I knew it would be hard but I alwa
ys kept my heart and my mind full of love. I even fell in love with my master an
d got him to love me back. I don't hate you even when I know you kidnapped my si
ster; and that makes me better than you. You have said a lot of hurting words ab
out humans but they don't get to me because deep down... inside my heart I know
I'm better than you" I said honestly. Louis looked down.
Damon's P.O.V
I was bored walking around the garden; I passed besides the salon where the firs
t party I had taken Arlene took place. I remembered when she told me that she lo
ved me. I missed her so much; she was always so smiling and strong. She knew how
to face difficulty; she didn't know she had the power to change people around h
er, to make them better. I felt a presence walking to me.
"Your highness, Lady Crystal is here" Sara said behind me with some jealousy ton
e, it was easy for vampires to sense the human's feelings. I turned around and s
tarted to walk inside the mansion but Sara blocked my way, I frowned "I-I was wo
ndering... now that you don't have a slave I-I can... I can be your feeder, your
highness" she shuttered. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm fine" I replied coldly and continued my way, she grabbed me by my arm. This
girl was insistent.
"Please consider it, your highness" I removed her hand from my arm and walked in
side the house. Easy girls... I had always despised those kind of girls that did
n't appreciated themselves. In a few seconds I was in the living room, the candl
es and the fireplace were on. Crystal was standing in front of a picture of my f
amily, she was evaluating it. She was wearing a long blue dress, the corset made
her boobs looked inviting, and her long hair was in a pony tail. She was gorgeo
us; I knew it but nothing like my Arlene. I sighed.
"Milady" I said making a reverence, she was a princess; I had to be really respe
ctful. She walked to me; I realized there was a little girl behind her.
"Damon" Crystal greeted smiling. She must have seen the confusion on my face. Th
e little girl was all dirty with a blanket around her little body. She had long
black hair all messy around her face. This girl looked so familiar to me "I foun
d her on my way here, she seems to be lost" Crystal explained holding the girl's
hand. The girl looked at me with curiosity in her eyes. I kneeled in front of h
"Are you lost?" I asked trying to sound nice, I had never talked to a human chil
d before so I didn't know what to do or say. She just nodded "What's your name?"
I asked removing hair from her face.
"Madeleine" that was... that was Arlene's sister name, that couldn't be possible
"You have a sister, don't you?" I asked smiling; Madeleine just nodded "What's h
er name?"
"Arlene" I couldn't help it and embraced the little girl.
"Thanks God you're alright" I stated with her inside my arms. She was safe, she
was safe. I didn't know Madeleine but she was really important to Arlene so Arle
ne's happiness was mine. Crystal frowned confused. I let go the little girl, she
was also as confused as Crystal.

"You know her?" Crystal asked surprise.

"Kind of" I replied. Madeleine stayed in silence confused "Are you hungry?" I as
ked Maddy feeling sorry for her, she nodded embarrassed. I didn't know what she
had been through but it was for sure anything good. "Servant!" I called aloud an
d Ryan appeared quickly, that Ariel's slave was always around the house.
"Yes, your highness?"
"Take this little girl to a bathroom and feed her" I ordered. I noticed Madelein
e tensed besides Crystal and walked to be behind her. I grabbed her by her littl
e arm and kneeled in front of her "You need to trust me, Maddy"
"Only my sister calls me Maddy. Do you know her?" she asked with hope in her eye
"Yes, I'll take you to see her if you go and eat"
"That's what the other guy said and I never saw my sister" well, I didn't know w
hat to say to that. I stood up looking at crystal. She understood that I didn't
know what to say.
"Madeleine" Crystal said getting her attention "You'll be fine, I promise. I won
't let anything happen to you, ok?" Maddy just nodded and walked to Ryan. They w
alked out of the living room "Arlene... she was your slave, right?" Crystal aske
d looking at me.
"I see. I guess it's true about you and Arlene, you seem to care about her littl
e sister even when you didn't know her" Crystal was pretty smart "There's no poi
nt on lying to me, Damon" she said smiling "I don't love you, you don't love me.
Not saying won't make it less real" I had to smile.
"You're right"
"We need to keep this engagement's lie alive for our own good" she explained ser
iously "We'll have problems, Damon. My kingdom has signed the peace pact a few w
eeks ago; as you know there are plenty of vampires who don't agree with this. My
father is afraid we'll face a rebellion"
"A rebellion? A rebellion of what?" I asked surprise, I didn't know about this.
"We have heard there's an organization of vampires who don't agree with the peac
e pact between humans and vampires. So they're doing what they can to stop more
kingdoms to sign it"
"I see" it made sense "They were the ones who attacked your father a few months
ago, to stop him" I stated.
"Yes, they tried to kill him. We don't know much about the members of this organ
ization, but we need to be careful. This kingdom is being watched, if they see t
he minimal weakness in you, the next king, they'll try to stop you, too"
"Thanks for telling me this, Crystal"
"There's nothing to thank for; I want peace, Damon. Humans have suffered for so
much time, and they don't deserve it. You're my hope in this kingdom. I want it
free as mine; I'm happy you're in love with a human because you're now able to s
ee how good that race is"

"I know. I have learnt a lot from them" I said smiling. Crystal smiled back.
"Well, I must go now. I guess you'll return the little girl to her family" I jus
t nodded as I watched Crystal walking to the door.
"Crystal" I said making her look at me.
"Thank you" I said honestly. She just smiled and nodded. When she was gone, I wa
lked to see how Madeleine was doing. Arlene was going to be so happy.
Arlene's P.O.V
Louis was standing in front of me looking down, he looked surprise, my words see
med to be running and running around his mind. I took a deep breath, I had to ta
ke advantage of this moment, I looked around and saw besides a small table on my
side a little box... and then I remembered, Damon had given to me the night bef
ore, it contented a weird dust, which was the only drug that worked on vampires.
He had used it with Annie that night he had taken me from the carriage. I moved
slowly until the table was right behind me.
"Nice words" he exclaimed getting me on my nerves. I was sure he could hear my h
eartbeats "But they don't work on me" he said getting closer to me, he slapped m
e with the back of his hand so hard that my back crash with the table and I fell
to the floor disoriented; The box fell behind me "Maybe I should just kill and
bam!" he screamed as I tried to stand up but it wasn't easy, I grasped some dust
inside my hand "End of the problem" he grabbed me by my arm making me stand up
"You're gorgeous, it's such a shame" 'Be strong' I said to myself 'For Maddy' 'I
can do this' I said to myself. He grabbed my neck and started to squeeze it, ma
king me difficult to breath. I coughed a couple times "Goodbye, Arlene" he state
d squeezing with strength my neck, I could finally move my hand and threw him th
e dust right on his face, he let me go and I fell to the floor coughing without
control "You bitch!" he screamed walking to me disoriented, he blinked a couple
times. I dragged myself until I hit the wall with my back, he was about to get m
e when he closed his eyes and fell unconscious on top of me. His head hit mine a
bruptly. I removed him from me; God he was heavy, I caressed my head, it hurt me
like hell. I stood up a little bit dizzy, I felt something warm on my hand. Gr
eat, it was blood. I walked to the door and opened it quickly. My sight was blur
red, I couldn't pass out 'Be strong' I said inside my mind.
"Annie! Ash!" I screamed as loud as I could. Annie appeared in the corridor in a
few seconds.
"Arlene?" she asked with a concerned look.
"I-I..." my sight became black before I couldn't explain a thing; l fell in Anni
e's arms.
So!!! Did you expect that? xD! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
Comment!! I'd love to know what's going on your head!!
[35] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 34)
Hello guys! as you know i'm not in my best time, today was my best friend's dad
funarl and it was heartbreaking :/! I'm making an effort for you guys because yo

u deserve it besides you cheer me up with your comments :)

Chapter 34
Annie's P.O.V
I was playing the piano when I heard some voices upstairs, it couldn't be Ash. H
e went out to buy some food now that Arlene was living with us we needed to supp
ly our kitchen very often; because that girl ate a lot! I didn't get how she cou
ld eat so much and keep that slender body. Maybe Arlene was talking to one of th
e employees. I kept playing the piano with passion; music was one of the things
I loved with all my heart. I usually sang when I was playing this great instrume
"Love... is the mortal weapon...
We all get to use sometimes....
It can eat us from the inside
Or lead our souls to shine"
I sang softly as I moved my fingers above the piano smiling. I heard some noises
upstairs, really loud so I stood up and started to walk upstairs. In that momen
t I heard Arlene's desperate call.
"Annie! Ash!" I ran to the corridor where I found her with blood all over her fa
ce and blinking over and over again, she was trying to stay awake. What the hell
had happened?
"Arlene?" I asked worried and stunned. What happened to her?
"I- I..." she tried to speak but her eyes were closed before she could make a se
ntence. I caught her limp body before it fell to the floor. Oh God... blood... h
er blood smelled so good, so sweet. 'Calm down, Annie' I said in my mind. My thr
oat was burning. Thanks God I had drank some blood earlier otherwise I would hav
e drained her to dead. I turned my head aside to avoid her sweet smell; I laid h
er on the floor carefully. I evaluated her: she had a wound on her forehead as s
he had hit something hard; bruises were forming on her pale neck like someone ha
d squeezed it. She had remains of a white dust on her hand. I knew what that was
because of the smell so I didn't even touch it. Damon had drugged me with that
before. I didn't know what to do, so I let Arlene on the floor and walked to he
r room. I was surprised to see a disaster on it: remains of a broken table decor
ated the floor, but then it hit me... an essence, a vampire essence. I looked ar
ound and saw a figure on the floor; I kneeled in front of it. It was a man, I mo
ved him to see his face...
"Lucian?" no it wasn't Lucian... this essence was completely different besides h
e had a lot of different characteristics that Lucian didn't have like that weird
scar on his cheek. Who the hell was that guy then? I knew he couldn't be good,
I was sure he was the one to hurt Arlene. How did he get inside? He was unconsci
ous I noticed the white dust on his face so Arlene may have used it to defend he
rself from this vampire. He would be unconscious for a while... so I walked out
of the room and carried Arlene to my bedroom. Ash had definitely chosen the wron
g time to go out. I called some servants to help me with Arlene.
"What happened, Lady Annie?" Magda, our oldest employee, asked.
"I'm trying to figurate that out" I replied honestly. I cleaned Arlene's wound c
arefully, it wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Should I call the guardians, milady?" Lisa, another servant asked. I didn't wan
t humans to get in that, I didn't want anyone to get hurt.
"No, I can take care of this; Try to wake her up. I'll be right back" I said to
Magda. I walked to Arlene's room again; I didn't know what to do with the vampir
e but I couldn't wait for him to wake up and try to hurt Arlene again 'Think, An
nie, Think' I said in my head walking from one side to the other inside the room
. Then an idea came to me...
Damon P.O.V's
Madeleine was definitely Arlene's sister, she ate... just like her...just too mu
ch. I wondered if it was in their genetic or something. I was sitting on the cou
ch while she was sitting on a chair in front of the table; Ryan kept bringing he
r more and more food. She had already taken a shower, now I could see her better
; she had black hair and dark eyes just like Arlene but Her skin was paler. She
looked so innocent; she was wearing a simple yellow dress that was too long for
her because we didn't have children's clothes in the house. So I took a simple d
ress from Ariel's closet.
"Thank you, the food was great" Maddy said to Ryan smiling; she was educated.
"You're welcome" Ryan replied taking all the plates from the table. I stood up a
nd walked to her.
"Maddy, if you want to see your sister tonight; we better go now" I stated serio
"Are you a vampire?" her question surprised me. She looked just too little to kn
ow about our kind.
"But you're not mean" she said confused "Paul said vampires were evil monsters"
"Who's Paul?"
"A friend" she replied looking at me with curiosity in her eyes. I didn't know w
hat to say exactly. My non-existence experience with children had got to me.
"I'm not mean" that was all what I got. She stood up and the dress touched the f
loor, it was really long. She offered me her hand.
"Prove it. I want to see my sister" she stated seriously, I couldn't help smilin
g, she was brave. I held his hand and started to walk to mansion's door but then
I heard a scream from behind.
"Damon Richmond!" Ariel sounded really mad. Oh my Lord... "Did you get in my roo
m without my permission?" she already knew the answer to that question so she di
dn't let me speak "I hate when you don't respect my privacy and-" she stopped ab
ruptly when her eyes met Maddy's "Is that a human child?" she asked surprised an
d took a deep breath to catch Maddy's essence "Yes, definitely a human girl"
"Why is there a human child in the royal mansion? Are you crazy?" her eyes met m
y hand holding Maddy's "Oh you pervert!" she exclaimed grabbing Maddy by her arm
and separating her from me. She pulled Maddy behind her protectively.
"What the fuck!" I exclaimed confused before I could speak Maddy's voice stopped

"He's not mean, he's taking me with my sister" her soft voice said behind Ariel.
"She's Arlene's sister" I told Ariel before she could think any more twisted thi
"Oh" Ariel said in realization and grabbed Maddy's hand and mine to force us to
walk behind her. We walked until we were in the gardens of the mansion "Now, wha
t the hell is going on? You have any idea of what can happen if our father sees
this human child here?" I must admit I hadn't thought about it. Ariel was always
smarter than me.
"I'm taking her with Arlene, now"
"First of all, I'm not going to ask how this little girl ended up here because I
guess there's a long story behind that fact and we don't have time and you're n
ot going anywhere" she stated secure.
"Why not?"
"Because you went out last night! Our father is watching you, Damon. He didn't s
wallow the full lie we tried to tell him, he's smart. I'm pretty sure that if yo
u go out tonight he has people commanded to follow you" Ariel was uniquely smart
that was for sure. I was glad I had her on my side.
"Arlene can't pass another day worried about her sister, I'll take the risk" I s
aid secure, Arlene was suffering for Maddy; I couldn't let her pass another hour
s in pain and worry. Ariel sighed.
"I'll take her" Ariel said looking at Maddy "God, she's like a little version of
Arlene, they are so similar"
"Would you do that for me?" I asked stunned.
"Of course, you idiot" Ariel replied looking away, I smiled. She didn't like to
show weakness. I kneeled in front of Maddy.
"Listen, Maddy. I can't take you to your sister but this young lady here will, o
"Is she a vampire?" Maddy asked looking up to Ariel. I smiled.
"Yes, but she's a good one like me" I explained softly. Maddy looked at Ariel an
d doubted for a moment.
"Ok" she said finally walking to Ariel and holding her hand.
"Be careful" I advised Ariel and she just nodded "Please tell-" I was interrupte
d by Ariel.
"' Tell her I love her and miss her' " she finished my sentence "I know. You don
't have to say it" she said kneeling and offering her back to Maddy, who looked
at her confused but got in her back after a few seconds.
"Maddy, she's going to run a little bit fast so you can see your sister as soon
as possible" I explained to Maddy but she just nodded. Ariel smiled at me and st
arted to run disappearing in the darkness.

Arlene's P.O.V
Oh God... what a horrible pain on my head, I still had my eyes closed but I coul
d hear voices and fell a terrible pain on my head. What happened? I wondered ope
ning my eyes. Magda, the servant that always gave me bad responses was staring a
t me.
"Are you ok?" she asked, of course I wasn't. I sat down on the bed and realized
I was in Annie's room. I didn't reply I was too busy wondering what the hell ha
d happened. I touched my forehead and complained when I found a wound on it and
then it hit me... Louis... he had my sister... I got up as quickly as I could bu
t it wasn't a good idea, I got dizzy and Madga got me before I crashed into the
wall "You should stay in bed" she said laying me down again but I tried to get u
p again.
"I can't stay in bed, I need..." I stopped when I saw Annie getting inside the r
"It's ok Madga, let her go" she said politely and walked to be in front of the b
ed. I stood up and ran to my room, but for my surprise Louis wasn't there, the r
oom was even cleaned and perfect again. I felt Annie behind me and turned around
"Where is he?" I asked afraid of the answer of that question.
"He's unconscious, tied up and enchained" Annie replied calmed "Now, can you ple
ase explain me what the hell happened?" I was about to open my mouth to explain
when Ash appeared in the corridor with some stuffs on his hands. He looked happy
"You're not going to believe what I bought..." he stopped when his gaze met my f
orehead and then my neck "what the hell!" he exclaimed walking to me "What happe
ned? Did you two get in a cat fight? Why didn't you wait for me?" he said joking
"This is serious, Ash" Annie said crossing her arms around her chest. Ash just n
odded "A. We have an unconscious hungry vampire enchained in our basement; B. He
almost killed Arlene and C. He's an evil copy of Lucian" I couldn't help chuckl
ing at letter C.
"Ok. I can't leave you a few minutes alone definitely. Arlene, are you ok?" he a
sked looking at me.
"I'm fine"
"So? Are you going to tell us what happened?" Annie asked seriously.
"It's a long story" I stated but before I could say anything else we heard a hor
rible woman scream downstairs. Ash and Annie disappeared immediately while I wal
ked downstairs as fast as I could. I got inside the kitchen and passed the door
to the basement. More stairs and more stairs; when I finally finished the stairs
I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around my waist, I started to panic it wa
s really dark "Let go of me!" I exclaimed.
"Shh! It's me!" Ash said on my ear as the lights were turned on. He covered my e
yes with his hand.
"What are you doing? Let me go!" I said trying to remove Ash's hand.
"I don't think you want to see this" Ash stated secure. Of course I could, I rel

eased myself and took a step forward. Oh my god... blood... a lot of blood was o
n the floor... remains of... Magda were all over it... guts, skin and hair were
mixed with the red substance; I felt sick.
"Oh my God!" I stated covering my mouth to stop my nausea. Broken chains were be
sides Magda's remains. Two tears rolled down my cheek. Poor Magda. I looked up
at the wall, something was written on it.
It said "Say Goodbye to your sister and Damon" it was written with Magda's blood
, oh my lord...
"Oh god..." I said turning around, Annie was in the corner of the place looking
at Magda's remains with two red tears on her cheeks, and Ash was besides her rub
bing her shoulder.
"This is my fault" Annie said sadly "I shouldn't.... I should..." I walked to he
r and looked at her deep into the eyes.
"This is anyone's fault. He's a heartless vampire; he's the bad guy here so he's
the only one we should be blaming right now, ok?" I said secure. My little sist
er... oh God he was going to kill her and... Damon... things were so fucking rui
ned at that moment. I needed to cry... I needed to let go all the pain and fear
I had inside me... I ran upstairs and before I could get out of the kitchen I ex
ploded. I cried loud feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks quickly. I screame
d with pain over and over again as I cried desperately. I would never forgive my
self if something happened to my sister because of me. NEVER.
"Arlene!" that voice... it came from the living room... "Arlene!" was I hallucin
ating? I had lost it seriously, I was hearing my little sister's voice calling m
e... maybe I had passed out and it was a dream "Arlene" she called again, I clea
ned my tears trying to clear my sight. I walked out of the kitchen to the living
room, it that was a hallucination about my sister I was going to enjoy it defin
itely, I had never thought so well about madness.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So? Commen? vote? complains?
[36] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 35)
Chapter 35
I had lost it, I was hearing my sister's voice calling me but that couldn't be p
ossible. I stepped inside the living room and found Ariel standing in front of t
he couch. My eyes went down and I saw my little sister on the floor holding Arie
l's hand. I couldn't believe it.
"Maddy?" I said on the verge of tears. Oh my God... she ran to me with tears on
her eyes, I kneeled to receive her. She crashed into me and embraced me with str
ength "Oh my God! Oh my God!" I exclaimed feeling her, she was ok.
"I was so scared" she said in a sad tone. She was crying, I caressed her hair so
ftly "I tried to be strong like you but I was scared"
"Shhh it's ok, sweetie. It's ok to be scared" I calmed her down. I had always be
en proud of her. We got apart and I removed the tears from her cheeks. She cares
sed my face softly.
"I missed you" she said honestly. I smiled at her cleaning my tears.

"I missed you, too" I kissed her forehead. I couldn't believe she was safe, I co
uldn't believe she was standing in front of me and that she was fine. It was so
"Are you ok?" she asked looking at bruised neck and forehead.
"Yes, nothing to worry about, sweetie" I replied standing up. Ariel had remained
in silence "How is it that you're here? What happened?" I asked to both.
"I don't know, I just came to bring her since Damon couldn't come" Ariel said se
"I can tell you what happened" Maddy sounded secure, I nodded my head to indicat
e her to continue, she told us the complete story, how she escaped from that hou
se where she had been kept locked in a room, how she found Crystal, and when she
met Damon.
"I must admit it, Arlene. This little sister of yours is smart and brave" Ariel
affirmed looking at Maddy, who was smiling, I heard some footsteps coming, Ash a
nd Annie appeared in the living room. They were surprised to see Maddy.
"A human child?" Annie asked surprised.
"Yes" Maddy replied walking to them "My name is Madeleine" she extended her hand
to them. Annie smiled and shook her little hand.
"Nice to meet you, Maddy. I'm Annie and this is Ash"
"You're pretty, Annie" Maddy said honestly. Oh God once she was comfortable she
could talk forever.
"She's my little sister" I stated watching Ash's confusion face.
"You don't need to tell me that. It's like a little version of you" Ash joked sh
aking Maddy's hand.
"Is that blood?" Maddy asked watching the bottom part of Annie's dress.
"No" I replied quickly and lift Maddy from the floor to carry her "It's paint, A
nnie loves to paint and she stains her clothes sometimes, right Annie?" I explai
ned secure.
"Yes, I'll show you my paintings someday" Annie smiled at Maddy. A young servant
showed up, we, the adults' one, needed to talk. Some Maddy couldn't be there. A
nnie understood my gesture "Audrey, come here" she called the servant "Take this
little girl to the play room, and tell the guards to watch her, please" the ser
vant just nodded as I put Maddy down.
"Go with her, sweetie. We'll talk later, ok?" I said caressing Maddy's cheek, sh
e just nodded and left with the servant.
"What the hell is going on, Arlene?" Ash was the first one asking. Ariel had the
same confusion expression.
"Louis, Lucian's twin brother, was blackmailing me through letters. He wanted me
to stay away from Damon so he kidnapped my little sister and said he would kill
her if I didn't do what he wanted"
"Why would he do that?" Ariel asked confused.

"He doesn't want peace between humans and vampires. He said Damon was the perfec
t king until I appeared in his life. He doesn't want this kingdom to sign the pe
ace pact like it happened in Athelia" I explained carefully.
"It makes sense, now" Ash said thoughtfully.
"Maddy managed to escape and Crystal, Damon's fiance, found her and took her to D
"So, I guess we're safe now" Annie stated.
"I don't think so. Louis also said he had proves about Damon's relation-ship wit
h me, he said he would take them to the king. So Damon is in danger, now" I spok
e sadly.
"This is so fucked" Ash said worried "What do we do now?" we were thinking about
it when we heard a knock on the door. Annie went to open the door. Lucian came
in with some weird expression on his face.
"Ladies" he said making a reverence "I guess you don't know"
"Know what?" Ariel asked what we all were asking in our minds.
"There's no nice way of saying this" he stated looking at us seriously.
"Then say it!" I exclaimed.
"A servant was sent to my kingdom to invite us to presence the exile and torture
of a traitor in this kingdom" he said seriously. We all made a gesture to him t
o continue "Damon's exile" my jaw fell opened as my heart started pounding like
crazy. I felt tears being formed on my eyes. We all stayed in silence and shock.
"Why?" I had to ask.
"It seems that the king Lutter found out about you two" Lucian replied sadly. Oh
my fucking Lord. I grabbed my chest with strength... oh Damon... no...
"Damon" I said feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks. I was having a hard tim
e trying to breathe.
"Oh God" Ariel exclaimed sitting down on the couch "My father's guardians weren'
t watching him, they were making sure he wouldn't escape for the exile event" Ar
iel said in realization "When is it?"
"Tonight" Lucian replied sadly. I felt like thousands of glasses were stuck into
my heart. I grabbed my face with both hands and cried in silence; Annie sat dow
n besides me and rubbed my shoulder.
"Calm down, Arlene" she said trying to comfort me.
"How can you ask me that? The man I love is about to be torture and exile from t
his place! I can't calm down! I just can't!" I yelled on her face "Oh God" I saw
Ariel walking to me.
"Arlene" she called getting my attention, and I felt a hard slap on my face "I h
ad always admire your bravery, and I think that's one of the reasons my brother
loves you. Crying here won't help him in any fucking way. So get yourself togeth
er for him" she stated seriously. She was right; it wasn't a moment to be weak o
r scared.

"You're right" I admitted cleaning my tears and standing up "Lucian, do you know
where the exile event is?" Lucian nodded his head "Annie, tell the guards to ta
ke care of Maddy" I stated walking to the door. Ariel and Lucian followed me. An
nie disappeared for a second and then came back and walked with Ash to the door
"You don't have to come" I said honestly. It wasn't an obligation.
"We're friends, remember?" Ash said smiling.
"You can always count on us" Annie said smiling as well, I smiled back at them.
They were such a good people. I nodded my head and opened the door. The cold air
brushed our skins. Lucian offered me his back.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Always" I replied getting on him 'Wait for me, my love' I said in my mind.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prepareee yourself for the next chapteeer!!!
It'll be emotional and a lot of things will happen!!!
Arix :)
[37] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 36)
Here i am! uploading again!!
Chapter 36
The cold air was moving my hair violently. I was on Lucian's back while he was r
unning the fast he could to get to the exile event. I distinguished Ash, Annie a
nd Ariel coming after us. I knew it wasn't easy what I was about to face but I w
ould anything for someone I loved. Besides I wasn't alone, I had my friends with
me; I smiled to that affirmation. They were good people or should I say vampire
s? It didn't matter. I felt lucky to have them. Specially, Ash and Annie; they h
ad no idea how much they had taught me. Annie: her perseverance and strength, sh
e was the strongest woman I had ever met. She showed me that we can overcome dif
ficulties and hard moments. She had been through a lot of pain and humiliation i
n her past but she managed to overcome it and survived. I admired her for that.
Instead of depressing and be lonely she studied and became a better woman for he
rself. And Ash: his charisma and kindness; he was always smiling and trying to m
ake you feel better, to make you smile. His happiness was contagious; I smiled i
nstantly. They were great and they were my friends. Lucian and Ariel, they were
also good people. I mean, Ariel loved her family with all her heart even when sh
e tried to mask it every single day that told a lot about her. She was a control
ling person and she may look cold; but deep down, she was as sweet as a candy; A
nd Lucian, I didn't know much about him but the few things about him I knew let
me guess he was a good guy. I mean the fact that he actually wanted peace betwee
n humans and vampires told a lot about him; besides he wanted to help me with al
l this Damon's exile thing.
"You're a good boy" I said to Lucian on his ear.

"I know" I thought he replied because with all the wind was kind of difficult to
After what I thought were the longest minutes in my life, we finally stopped. I
felt a little bit dizzy but I was getting used to the entire running-fast thing.
I got down Lucian's back and took a look around. I could see we were in the Roy
al's mansion frontiers; trees were surrounding us and keeping us hidden in the s
hadows. A few human guardians were talking in front of the gates.
"Is it here?" I whispered to Lucian.
"It's inside. In the big garden, they have chairs for the visitors' vampires to
be sitting and decide" Lucian explained in a whisper.
"Decide what?" I asked confused. Ariel gave Lucian a killer look "What? What are
you hiding from me?" I asked both of them. Lucian looked down avowing me.
Ash was the one to walk to me with a sad expression on his face.
"The vampires will choose Damon's punishment" Ash said seriously "The exile is n
ot the worst one"
"Which is it then?" I didn't like where that was going.
"Death" Oh God. I turned around taking a deep breath trying not to collapse rig
ht there. Damon needed me at that moment so I would be strong for him.
"Thanks Lucian" Ariel said sarcastically.
"It's ok, Ariel. I'm fine, I would have found out sooner or later" I stated faci
ng them again. I walked to them thinking "How can we get
"We have two options" Ariel said secure. It didn't surprise me that she already
had a plan inside her head. She was fast making plans "One, I go inside the mans
ion and get you some of the special cloaks the visitors' vampires will be using
tonight and then you go inside as you were part of them"
"Sounds like a good plan to me" Ash said thoughtfully.
"But it has a problem; we don't have that much time because I can't just get in
and out and then come back with all of you. It'll be suspect" Ariel explained se
"Second option?" I asked.
"We'll jump the barriers and get inside quietly"
"I vote Option two" Ash exclaimed smiling. We all gave him a killer look "I was
trying to remove the tension among us" he explained. We decided the second optio
n was the better one because we didn't know if the judging event had begun alrea
dy. So we didn't have time. Lucian offered me his back. I was kind of nervous b
ecause it actually was a really high fence but I trusted Lucian.
"Be silent" Ariel warned and started running fast and gaining impulse to jump th
e fence quickly. She supported her body on one had touching in the highest part
of the fence and then crossed it. She was excellent, I mean, she didn't produce
a sound.
"Let's do this, ready?" Lucian asked me as I held him with strength.

"Ready" I replied. He started running fast and I closed my eyes when he jumped,
I felt my whole body in the air. I wanted to scream but I held myself. I opened
my eyes, which was a terrible mistake because we were crossing the fence in the
air at that moment. It was so fucking high. I closed my eyes again and squeezed
Lucian's neck.
"Arlene, I'd like to keep my neck" Lucian complained as I opened my eyes and rea
lized we were on the ground.
"Sorry" I said getting down of his back. Ash and Annie landed besides us. We wer
e in one the biggest garden of the mansion, I guessed because all I could see we
re flowers and trees.
"Follow me" Ariel said walking and we followed her in silence. We passed a lot o
f trees and decorated nude statues. It reminded me when I had found Damon alone
sitting besides a statue. I could feel the tension among us, we didn't know what
we would face but it was for sure anything good.
"Is this garden ever going to end?" Annie asked walking behind me. She didn't re
ceive a reply. We finally got out of the garden but we all stopped surprised whe
n we saw Ryan standing in front of us. He seemed to be watering some flowers.
"Mistress" he greeted Ariel making a reverence. Lucian moved to him but Ariel st
opped him.
"It's ok, I trust him" Ariel said calmed "Where's Damon?" she asked to Ryan.
"He was taken to the cells a few minutes ago. I heard he was going to be brought
to the visitors' vampires soon" Ryan explained carefully "I'm so sorry, milady"
he added sadly. Lucian raised an eyebrow. I could see he was a little bit jealo
us. Ariel didn't bother to reply "The event is at the old square" Ryan said poin
ting to the left of us. We started to walk without hesitation. As we advanced we
started to hear people talking and murmuring things. We get to the square and t
here were a lot of vampires sitting on chairs around a circle. The king was in h
is throne, Shawn was besides him and an empty chair at the other side, and I sup
posed it was for Ariel.
There were also a lot of guards around the place. We were hidden among the trees
. I didn't see Damon. A young vampire stood up and walked to be in front of ever
yone. I wondered how they all could be so calmed and cold about the entire situa
"Good evening, Ladies and gentleman" the young vampire said making a reverence.
"You honor us with your presence. We're here tonight as you know to decide the
future of one of our kind. Damon Richmond" as he finished I saw a few guards com
ing out of the shadows with... Damon. Oh God. He had chains on his hands, neck a
nd feet. A few lines of blood were descending from the places where he had the c
hains. He was shirt-less and his dark hair looked was all messed up. I could see
the agony and pain on his eyes. I fought not to cry.
"Silver chains, they are burning his skin" Ariel said sadly as she looked away.
A tear rolled down my cheek. One of the guards pushed him to the ground. Damon f
ell on his knees. My heart was pounding like crazy.
"Oh God" I said looking away. It was just too much... just too much to see him l
ike that. It hurt me like hell. The young vampire stood besides Damon.
"He's accused of betraying and lying to our majesty the king Lutter" the young v
ampire explained "Besides, he had a romance with a human and he doesn't seem to

regret it" all the vampires made a sound of surprised and started murmuring thin
gs among them
"Lady Claudia will start the trial" as the young vampire said her name, everybod
y made silence.
"What does he have to say on his defense?" The vampire lady called Claudia asked
. She was wearing a black long dress; her hair was red as fire. She looked old a
nd cold. Damon looked at her right into her eyes.
"You can torture me or even kill me but my heart will always belong to her. I do
n't regret it and I'm not ashamed" his words made me cover my mouth and cried si
lently. Annie rubbed my shoulder.
"Torture him. That may make him change his mind" Claudia commanded. Oh my God. O
ne of the guards punched Damon on the face with strength while another one kicke
d him on his stomach.
"Oh God!" I exclaimed feeling every punch and kick as it was being given to me.
Damon coughed blood. I took a step forward but Lucian grabbed me by my arm.
"We have to wait, if they just decide to torture him and send him to exile. You
can be together anywhere else" Lucian explained concerned but I could see on his
face he was affected by what was happening, too. I tried to take a deep breath
but I couldn't. It's hard to do it when you're feeling pain inside you. When the
guards finished hitting Damon, he was laid on the ground. A guard pulled him by
his hair and made him be on his knees again. The image took my breath away; Hi
s pale skin was stained with blood everywhere. He coughed blood a couple times.
The king and Shawn remained unmoved. Claudia walked to Damon.
"Have you thought better?" she asked him right in front of him. Damon nodded his
head "I'm glad you have. What do you have to say?" she asked smiling. I didn't
breathe waiting for Damon's answer.
"You'll never have what Arlene and I had" he said smiling "So you can all go to
hell" after he finished Claudia slapped him on the face turning his head to one
"Bring me the silver whip" she said to the guards. They ran to search for it "Le
t's see if your love can make you resist true pain, little boy" She menaced look
ing at Damon smiling.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Did you like this chapter? tell me what you think please
Next chapter will be decisive for the story!!!!
[38] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 37)
Here's the next chapter wattpaders.

OoO Chapter 37 OoO

The tension and silence among all the presents was unbearable. Claudia was stand
ing in front of Damon while the guards were searching for the silver whip. My he
artbeats were incredible fast. I didn't think I could hold myself anymore, Damon
was suffering, I could see it, I could feel it. When you get to love someone, y
ou share a connection; it lets you know a lot about the other person state. And
I could feel Damon's pain. He was being brave but deep down he was suffering. I
heard Ariel taking a deep breath and turning around. I still had dry tears on my
The weather didn't help, it was cold. I saw the guards coming with the whip. It
was a long silver whip, it looked very sharp.
"Oh my Lord" I exclaimed covering my mouth with one hand. Claudia smiled and gra
bbed the whip looking at Damon "I don't think I can see this, we have to do some
thing" I stated looking away. Tears welled up from my eyes again. I fell somethi
ng cold on my head; I touched it and looked at my hand: snow. I looked around an
d it was starting to snow. Things couldn't get any worse.
"Snow?" Annie asked behind me. I nodded my head and looked at Damon, his bare ch
est raised up and down quickly. Snow fell on his bloody face and shoulder 'He mu
st be cold' I thought sadly. It was breaking my heart.
"Damon Richmond... what stubborn little child of darkness" Claudia stated positi
oning herself behind a knelt Damon. My breath was caught inside my lungs as she
raised her hand with the whip "I'll show you true pain" I closed my eyes with st
rength but couldn't stop hearing the whip against Damon's skin. It emitted a hor
rible sound. I grabbed my mouth with strength crying. I opened my eyes slowly...
my sight was blurred because of my tears. I saw Damon laying on the floor. The
horrible whip's mark on his back, crimson blood kept coming out of the injury.
"Damon..." I said sadly as I took a step forwards. But Ash grabbed me by my arm
making me stop. Claudia pulled Damon by his hair to make him kneel again. Tears
kept rolling down my cheeks. I looked at the king, how could he watch this witho
ut showing any expression? Shawn looked a little perturbed. They were family for
God sakes. Sadness was present on Damon's eyes. I knew he would be wondering th
e same thing.
"It's a shame to ruin such a beautiful creature" Claudia said smiling evilly. Da
mon was shaking as the snow mixed with his blood on the ground and covered his b
are chest. He was extremely pale. Claudia raised her hand again with the whip. I
was about to step forward when I saw Ariel passing besides me.
She had dry blood tears on her cheeks, she cleaned them quickly. Her blonde curl
y hair was full of snow. She passed among the multitude and stepped into the cir
cle. Every gaze on the square was focused on her.
"Father" she exclaimed looking up to the king in his throne. Claudia stopped and
watched Ariel with curiosity on her eyes.
"My dear Ariel, I'm glad you could make it" the king said offering the free seat
besides him. How could he be so heartless? Ariel shook her head looking down.
"I have always obey you, father. No matter how unjust you were, I have never gon
e against you" her gaze was still focused on the floor. She spoke sadly as she w
as as in pain as Damon. The king raised an eye-brow. Damon managed to open his e
yes and looked at Ariel. It was just so sad "You're my father but I can't let yo
u do this. He's my brother and I love him more of what I could accept" her voice
broke as she looked up and we all could see her bloody tears rolling down her c

"I love you, too, silly sister" Damon said smiling even when he looked weaker th
an ever. Ariel smiled back at him.
"You shut up!" Claudia exclaimed as she raised her hand again. But Ariel appeare
d in front of her and stopped Claudia's hand in the air.
"You won't touch my brother again, bitch" Ariel stated as she slapped Claudia on
the face making her fall to the floor. Claudia touched her cheek and anger inva
ded her eyes as her fangs got extended.
"How dare you?" Claudia said standing up "Vampires" she called them and a group
of vampires walked to Ariel surrounding her. Ariel went on a defense position.
"We have to help her" I exclaimed looking behind me. Ash and Lucian nodded their
heads. But suddenly the king stood up making everyone around Ariel stop. I had
the hope he could have thought over.
"Vampires stay back!" he commanded and the group of vampires moved back leaving
a scare Ariel looking at her father "You have disappointed me, my dear" his word
s were full of bitterness and coldness. I was shocked as Ariel opened her eyes c
onfused. How could act like that in front of her crying daughter? Didn't he have
a heart? The king's eyes turned completely red. Damon tried to stand up.
"Noo! Noo!" Damon managed to scream as Ariel started coughing "Father! Don't! I'
m the one who needs to be punished not her!" Damon screamed. Ariel coughed and c
overed her mouth with her hand. She suddenly fell on her knees.
"Ahhh!" she let go a scream of pain grabbing her stomach. She coughed blood with
out control. I was shaking in shock. The king had his red eyes focused on her, h
e was doing it. Lucian and Ash were ready to attack when Shawn stood up from his
chair and pushed his father making him lose the eye-contact with Ariel. A line
of blood went down Ariel's neck as her body went limp and fell to the snowy floo
"Stop, father" Shawn stated walking desperately to Ariel. She was laying on her
stomach unconscious, her curly blonde hair mixing with the white, cold snow. Sha
wn knelt besides her and grabbed her by her arms to turn her around.
"Are you going to betray your father, too?" The king asked Shawn with anger on h
is voice. Shawn looked up to the king with disappointment and sadness on his fac
"You're not a father! A father wouldn't do this to his own children!" Shawn said
pointing Ariel and Damon. Damon was surprised I could see it on his face. The k
ing turned around and walked to his throne.
"Vampires, you know what you have to do. Judge and Punish them as they were any
others vampires not my children" he said sitting on his big chair again. A group
of vampires took Shawn away from Ariel.
"No!" Shawn tried to fight but they were just too many "Ariel! Wake up! Ariel!"
he screamed and one of the vampires punched him on the stomach. Damon tried to s
tand up but Claudia kicked him on his back making him fall on his stomach. He ex
tended his shaking hand to Ariel while she was laying unconscious on the snowy f
loor. But Claudia stepped on Damon's hand before he could reach Ariel. I felt an
ger running through my veins.
Lucian and Ash passed besides me. In a fast move, Lucian lifted Ariel up from t
he floor and carried her bridal style. Ariel's white dress was stained with bloo
d. Ash stood in front of the king.

"More and more keep coming out. You're like cockroaches" the king exclaimed look
ing at Ash and Lucian "I knew you would come, Lucian. I have a special person wa
iting for you" The king smiled to his affirmation. And I saw someone coming out
of the darkness besides the king.
"Louis" I said when his pale face was shown.
"Hello, brother" Louis greeted Lucian smiling. The snow kept falling making diff
icult to watch.
"That bastard!" Annie exclaimed besides me. Lucian made a gesture to Ash to wal
k to him. He said something to Ash and gave her Ariel. Lucian walked to be right
in front of his brother. They were the same but so different at the same time.
They looked right into each other's eyes. Their eyes turned red.
"Let's have fun, brother" Louis stated as he threw a punch to Lucian, but he dod
ged it and kicked Louis on the stomach sending him in the air to the trees.
"I'll take care of this" Lucian said to Ash and walked to the trees.
Lucian's P.O.V
I walked to my brother, who was getting up from the ground and shaking the sand
out of his clothes. He looked at me and smiled evilly.
"Are you going to kill me this time, brother?" he asked sarcastically. I had had
thousands of chances to kill him before but I hadn't done it because he was my
brother after all.
"You crossed the line, Louis. This time your little games went too far" I said a
s I ran fast and appeared in front of him. I punched him on the face before he c
ould react. We were twins, we shared some abilities but I had always been strong
er than him. He cleaned the blood from his lips. He ran fast to me but even when
his movements were in an incredible speed I could see them. I pulled my little
knife out and waited for him. He punched me on the face and I grabbed his hand t
o pull him to me. I stuck my knife on his stomach. I felt the warm blood stainin
g my hand; Louis coughed blood on my shoulder.
"You're serious this time, brother" he stated as I got my knife out on his stoma
ch. I felt terrible, he was my brother... my twin brother but he had just hurt s
o much people. He fell on his knees, the crimson blood staining the snow under h
im. He wouldn't move in a while. I had to kill him, I knew I had but I needed st
rength to do it.
Damon's P.O.V
Pain... pure and cold pain was invading every part of my body. The silver chains
kept burning my neck's and wrists' skin, and the injury on my back was healing
slowly since I was losing too much blood my healing process had slowed down. I w
as laying on my stomach feeling the cold snow under me, my sight was blurred but
I could see Ash holding Ariel's limp body. How could my father do something lik
e that to her? She even said she loved me. Ariel wasn't the kind of girls who li
ked to show her feelings but she did it for me. She exposed her feelings in fron
t of everyone for me. And Shawn... he truly surprised me, I thought he would be
happy for my torture and exile since he would be the next king but instead he tr
ied to defend me and disobeyed my father. I felt lucky to have both of them.
Even when the pain was unbearable and couldn't even stand... I was happy. I was
happy to know that some people had actually loved me. Arlene... my sweet and inn

ocent Arlene, she showed me her way to see the world. I had been so blind, I had
always thought: we, the vampires, were superiors and better than humans but it
was the other way around. We had treated them like animals and had taken their d
aughters from their families and they still didn't hate us. They still served us
. Humans were nobles and had an extreme ability to love and forgive. Vampires th
ought they were better but they were not, we all had lived in an empty existence
... venting our frustration and loneliness to the humans.
When Arlene appeared in my life, it was like she had taken off my blindfold and
showed me her wonderful human nature and warm heart. Her smile... was contagious
. How couldn't I love such a wonderful creature?
I knew she was there... somewhere, I could sense her. I could feel her, she was
hidden and that was the best thing she could do. I didn't want her to get hurt b
ecause of me, I wasn't worth it. I felt an extraordinary pain on my hand; Claudi
a had stepped on it. I saw Ash carrying Ariel, her pulse and breathing were extr
emely weak. She needed blood, urgently.
"Finish with this, Claudia" I managed to say. I looked at Ash and he nodded his
head in understanding. I wanted to gain some time so Ash could escape with Ariel
and saved her. Claudia smiled and raised her hand with the whip and I felt it o
n my back opening my skin and sending a wave of pain through my body. I couldn't
stop coughing blood for a while; I knew I had internal bleeding from the hits a
nd punches the guard had given to me before. So I wouldn't live for much time if
things continued like that. And I honestly didn't care, I was happy... I had lo
ved and someone had loved me back, that was all a vampire like me could have ask
ed for. The only thing that bothered me was the fact that Arlene would be alone
, and I didn't want her to suffer, not because of me. She didn't deserve it. I c
ould never forgive myself for every tear she would spill for me. I heard a metal
lic sound and managed to look up and see Claudia drawing a sword.
"Your sentence... is Death" Claudia spoke triumphal. It was the end... 'My sweet
Arlene, don't cry for me when I'm gone... I don't deserve it' I said inside my
mind as I watched Claudia raising her sword. An enormous silence surrounded the
place... I closed my eyes waiting for my death. I saw my mother smiling at me...
she had always been a smiling person, so that was how I remembered her... smili
ng. Desperate footsteps broke the silence and made me open my eyes.
"Put it down, you freak" Arlene stated secure while tears kept rolling down her
cheeks, which were red as her nose... I guessed she had been crying a lot. I fel
t bad for causing her pain.
"The human, this is going to be interesting" Claudia said as she put her sword d
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leave your greats comments :) pleeease!
Next Chapter will be up soon! Don't worry.
A friend gave the Ariel's pic. So I have two questions for you guys
1. What do you think of the pic?
2. What's going on your minds after reading this chapter?
With love!
Arix <3

[39] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 38)
Finally!! Uff I'm so sorry!!! I just came back from my trip today and I had the
first part of the new chapter on my notebook u_u so I had to type it and then co
ntinued the chapter! Anyway! I won't bother you with my complains!
Here's Chapter 38 ladies and gentleman! (Did I just really say that? O.O)
OoO Chapter 38 OoO
Arlene's P.O.V
My heartbeats could be heard all over the place. I was standing in front of doze
ns of vampires. Gorgeous flowers and big status were surrounding us. The snow ke
pt falling making the cold almost unbearable. An ice wind passed among us moving
my hair and making me shake a little. All the vampires around me were staring a
t me surprised. Damon was knelt and all his body was covered with blood and snow
. Claudia started laughing.
"I must guess you're the human Damon fell in love with" She stated smiling at me
"My name is Arlene" I replied defiantly. Murmurs were heard around us.
"Silence!" Claudia demanded seriously. I met Damon's gaze for a few seconds. How
I loved his eyes! I felt terrible because now that I was close enough I could s
ee how bad he was hurt. I took a step towards him but Claudia got in my way "Wha
t should I do with you?" she asked caressing my hair. I slapped her hand.
"Don't touch me" I looked right into her eyes. She slapped me hard on the face.
I fell to the ground landing on my ass. A line of blood descended from my mouth
to my chin.
"You never look at your superiors directly, didn't you learn that, slave?" she a
sked and a sadistic smile was formed on her red lips. I got up and cleaned the b
lood from my mouth with the back of my hand.
"You're not my superior" I replied smiling "I'm better than you" Claudia glanced
at me with anger on her now red eyes.
"Oh really?" her tone emanated danger and anger. But she wouldn't intimidate me.
She was far from that. I nodded my head and turned around to the audience.
"How can you think you're better than humans? When you don't even know forgivene
ss and mercy" I said sadly. Suddenly, I felt a horrible pain on my head. I reali
zed Claudia was pulling at my hair and dragging me all over the ground; she thre
w me into the air and I landed on my hands and knees. I looked up and found Damo
n in front of me looking at me concerned.
"Arlene..." his voice sent electricity through my
m and grabbed his bloody face with both hands, he
n. I leaned to him and kissed him softly, feeling
ped his hand weakly around my waist. I felt tears
e that could be our last kiss...

entire body. I got close to hi

grimaced. I knew he was in pai
his wet and cold lips. He wrap
rolling down my cheeks, becaus

"How sweet!" I heard Claudia behind us "Or should I say pathetic?" I got some sp
ace from Damon and saw the thirst on his eyes. He had lost a lot of blood so he
may have been starving. I was going to offer him my neck when I felt something h
ard and metallic against my back; I arched in pain and screamed. I fell on Damon
's arms sobbing. My back's skin was burning and warm blood was rolling down on i
"Arlene" I heard Damon's call but I was so into pain that it was too hard to foc
Damon's P.O.V
I had seen Claudia coming with the whip but I had no time to warn Arlene. Claudi
a whipped Arlene with force and she arched to me in pain and fell in my arms. I
felt anger and powerlessness burning me from the inside. Arlene's sobs were brea
king my no-beating heart. But then, it hit me... Arlene's scent. She had a bleed
ing injury on her back and I was extremely weak and thirsty. She needed to stay
away from me.
"Arlene" I called her trying to control myself. I wrapped my hands around her to
move her away but it was a terrible mistake; when my hands touched her back, th
ey got completely stained with her blood. Unconsciously, I raised my hand to my
face. Arlene's broke the embrace but I was dazed by the blood on my hand; I lick
ed it desperately like a starving animal until my hand was clean.
"Damon" Arlene's surprised call brought me back to the moment. I looked at her a
nd paralyzed. My blurred sight was clearer and I could see her in detail: she wa
s wearing a simple dress that fell to her knees, her mouth and cheeks were cover
ed with my blood for the kiss she had given to me before. Her eyes and nose were
red, she may have been crying too much. She grimaced and I remembered the bleed
ing wound she had. She was still on her knees looking at me. The bloodlust attac
ked me with force but a few seconds later I realized I wasn't only craving for h
er blood, I wanted her body, too. I looked down trying to contain myself because
I wouldn't hurt her, I had never done it before and I wouldn't do it at that mo
ment. I preferred to die. She raised her hand to me but I slapped it "Damon?" sh
e sounded confused.
"Stay back" I said coldly. Even when I wanted the opposite of that statement. I
wanted her close to me. I wanted to touch her, to feel her, to bury my fangs on
her soft and warm skin... I shut my thoughts. My internal bleeding made me cough
blood a couple times. I didn't have much time. I knew I would die soon. I felt
Claudia behind me, she was enjoying this.
"No!" Arlene exclaimed trying to get up but she was
her knees again. I felt the silver whip against my
my skin once more. There's a point where you're in
you stop feeling. I fell on my stomach feeling the
ight was completely blurred "Damon!" Arlene's sweet

just too wounded and fell to

back scratching and breaking
such a deep sea of pain that
snow on my right cheek. My s
voice remained inside my hea

Arlene's P.O.V
"Damon!" I screamed as loud as my lungs allowed me to. He was on his stomach and
the blood kept coming out of the several wounds he had on his back. He was so p
"Look what we got here!" Claudia exclaimed and I turned my head to see Annie bei
ng held by two vampires.
"Let me go!" She demanded with despair.

"This is so fun" Claudia stated smiling. A flash of pain crossed my body. The in
jury on my back hurt as hell.
"Claudia" I heard the king's voice behind us "Finish with this, now" Finish? Oh
God... that couldn't be good. Claudia nodded her head.
"Yes, your majesty" She walked to Annie. I tried to get up but once more failed,
my back was burning me. Claudia wrapped her pale hands around Annie's neck "a y
oung vampire" Claudia said with despise and squeezed Annie's neck.
"Ahhh!" Annie screamed desperately.
Lucian's P.O.V
Louis was leaning against a tree. The wound on his stomach kept emanating blood.
He was covering it with one hand. He had bruises all over his face but they wer
e already healing.
"Am I supposed to bleed out to death, brother?" he asked smiling "That's cruel.
Even for me" I stayed in silence. I needed to make a decision.
"Why did you do it, Louis?" it was a stupid question but I needed answers. Louis
chuckled and coughed several times before replying.
"Why?" he asked with a twisted smile on his face "Silly brother, why?" his tone
wasn't serious "You, always on the spotlight making our mother proud, you
dare to ask me 'why'" a sadistic smile was formed on his lips. We were the same
but yet so different "The prince and future king of Athalia asks me 'why'"
"Yes" I said secure.
"Because I got NOTHING!" he screamed the last word "You had the smiles, the girl
s, the compliments. You were good at studying, learning and treating people. You
were the perfect son. What was I, Lucian? I was the troublemaker, the rebel and
stupid one"
"That's not true..." he interrupted me.
"It is the truth. I lived under your shadow for decades. I understand now why th
ere's always a good twin and a bad one. Because the good one steals everything f
rom the other one and makes him bad" his words were full of anger and despise "W
hy was I always in trouble? Because I wanted attention! I needed it! We may be v
ampires but I needed my mother when I was a newborn. And where was she? Talking
to her friends about how wonderful you were and how rebel I was" I looked down t
hinking about Louis's words.
"So this is about jealousy?" I asked angry. He had made all that disaster becaus
e of jealousy.
"No. I'm an adult vampire now. I don't need you or my mother. I have my father w
ith me" he replied taking a deep breath. He was in pain.
"My father? Is he behind all this?" I asked surprised. Louis smiled at me and no
dded his head.
"It doesn't matter if I tell you now. It's already too late. There'll be war, my
dear brother"
"War? I can't believe this. You're such a selfish bastard, Louis" I spoke the tr

uth "My mother has always loved you with all her heart; she has always cared abo
ut you. How can you say she didn't pay attention to you? She was always with YOU
! Because you were constantly in trouble, she had to be there to apologize for y
ou and pick up your mess!" I said coldly. Because it was the truth "Do you have
any idea how many times I tried to show her one of my paintings but she couldn't
even look at it because she was worried about where you were and what you would
do? I could be upset and angry now but I'm not. Because you're my brother, I kn
ew I had to share my mother's attention with you and I honestly didn't care. I w
as proud of you" I stated. Louis was deadly serious.
"Proud of me?" he asked sadly "Why would you be proud of me?"
"Because you dared to make things I wish I had done. You were never afraid even
when you knew you were in big troubles. You didn't care about manners and courte
sy, you were always yourself in front of everyone while I had to pretend and act
carefully. I felt envy but then let it go because I knew those things were the
ones that made us different" Louis was petrified in front of me.
"You can't be serious, you have everything you want" Louis stated secure.
"That's not true" Louis raised an eye-brow "I don't have my brother" a long sile
nce surrounded us for a few seconds. Louis looked down and I walked to him buryi
ng my fangs on my left wrist. I offered him my wrist and he looked up.
"Why?" He asked confused.
"I want my brother back" I stated smiling at him. He grabbed my hand and started
drinking my blood. I knew I couldn't have killed him even if I wanted to. He wa
s flesh from my flesh; blood from my blood... besides the connection between twi
ns was deeper than any other. Louis stopped drinking and sat down on the ground
because his injury would take a while to heal. I heard someone coming. Ashton ca
me out of the shadows with a limp body on his arms.
"Lucian" Ashton said desperately. I looked at the limp body carefully and realiz
ed it was Ariel. My cold Ariel. I walked fast to Ashton grabbing her hand.
"What happened?" I asked concerned, she was extremely weak and pale. Her curly b
lond hair fell into the air. There were remains of dry blood on her mouth and no
"Long story" Ashton explained sadly. I was about to bite my own wrist to give he
r my blood when I heard my brother's voice behind me.
"Your blood will kill her because her body will reject it"
broken inside. The blood on her veins is completely froze
be healed by an old vampire, like the king or our mother.
ime" Louis said coughing on the ground. I cursed inside my

he said secure "She's

and dry. She can only
You don't have much t

"Are we going to believe in him?" Ashton asked confused "He's a murderer and a b
astard. All this shit is happening because of him"
"He's an expert on vampire's medicine" I stated looking at Louis. He could perce
ive how important Ariel was for me so he wouldn't lie. I was sure of that.
"Are you serious?" Ashton asked surprised. I was about to talk when we heard a t
errifying scream coming from the square "That's Annie" Ashton exclaimed giving m
e Ariel and running to the square. I was about to follow him when I heard my bro
ther's voice.
"Are you going to leave me here? I'm healing fast. Aren't you afraid of my escap

e? I could be gone when you come back" he asked smiling.

"You're my brother. I trust you" I replied running through the trees. Ariel's li
mp body was deadly cold and pale. Her lips were purple and her dress was stained
with blood. She had bled too much. But I would save her. She wouldn't die in my
Arlene's P.O.V
Annie's scream was still inside my head. I needed strength to get up but I would
do it, she was my friend. As soon as I stood up, a flash of pain went through m
e making me arch. I took a few steps and leaned to grasp a piece of wood on the
ground. My back hurt as hell when I did it but I walked to Claudia.
"Hey, bitch!" I called her and she turned her to me. I tried to stick the piece
of wood on her back but she grabbed my hand with her free one. She let Annie go
and turned to me. Annie fell unconscious to the ground.
"Annie!" I saw Ash coming out of the shadows. He ran to Annie and knelt besides
"How dare you to stop my fun, stupid human?" Claudia asked angry walking to me.
I took a few steps backwards. I was starting to shake since the snow kept fallin
g on us. It was really cold. My blood kept rolling down my back; I needed streng
th not to pass out. I took a few deep breaths. I looked around and froze. Damon
was on the ground with blood all around him mixing with the snow, he was so pale
; Annie was unconscious and Ash was trying to wake her up desperately and scared
; Shawn was held by two vampires and had a sad look on his eyes; Lucian came out
of the shadows with Ariel almost dead on his arms. I looked at my shaking hands
and they were full of my own blood. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Dozens of vamp
ires stared at us in silence, only the heartbeats of a human heart were heard...
my human heart. I realized I was the only one, who could do something among all
that evilness and coldness. I turned to the king and started my way to him. I p
assed Lucian, who was looking at me surprised... I passed Ash, who kept his atte
ntion on Annie. I passed Shawn, who gave me an understanding look. And finally,
Damon... who had kept his love for me even when he had been tortured. I knelt be
sides him, kissed him on the cheek and whispered on his ear:
"You're right. They'll never have what you and I have" I said in a funny tone. H
is deep black eyes met mine sadly "I love you" I stated honestly and tried to st
and up but he grabbed my wrist weakly.
"If... I don't make it..." he tried to continue but coughed blood. I touched his
bloody face.
"I know. You love me, too" I said smiling at him. His hand caressed my cheek sof
tly; I closed my eyes enjoying his touch. The burning sensation on my back made
me open my eyes "Goodbye, my love" his eyes met mine for a few seconds before cl
osing. I kissed his forehead as tears rolled down my cheeks. I stood up and cont
inued my way to the throne. Anger and powerlessness were running through me. The
image of Annie, Ariel and Damon being hurt, was really sad.
"Your majesty" I said sarcastically. Everyone in the crow was in deep silence, e
ven Claudia.
"Arlene" The king greeted serious.
"How can you be sitting in there while two of your children are dying?" I asked
feeling the tears on my cheeks "How can you hurt your own children? How can you
be there watching them suffer? They are suffering! They are fighting to survive!

YOUR CHILDREN! The ones you raised, the ones who were proud of you, the ones to
call you 'Father'" my voice broke but I needed strength to continue through all
that painful facts "You raised them well, you know why? Did you see how they de
fended each other? Ariel, who had never disobeyed you, did it for her brother. S
hawn, who didn't care about anybody but himself, tried to defend his brother. Yo
u're a family, for God sakes! You should be the one trying to protect them not h
urt them. They don't have their mother. They have you!"
"Don't you dare to mention my dead wife! Guards!" the king exclaimed standing up
. The guards grabbed me by my arms.
"I dare to mention her because she must be suffering as her children are. Or do
you think she is happy?" I asked fighting the guards. The king was angry "I don'
t care if you kill me, but I will be heard so my words are kept inside your head
. That boy on the ground covered with blood; trying to survive" I pointed Damon
"it's your son, Damon. The one you wanted to be the king" The king looked at Dam
on and looked away "Don't look away! Look at him! He's suffering! Do you see how
difficult for him it's to even breathe now? He's coughing blood! Can't you feel
his agony?" I said sadly cleaning the tears from my cheeks
"What about Ariel? She lost her father but she has always believed she has you.
She has respected you and loved you. Look at her, now!" I demanded angry. The ki
ng gaze met Ariel's limp body on Lucian's arms "She's dying... slowly and painfu
lly. Do you think she deserves that, Charles?" I said his pile name "Are you goi
ng to let them just die in front of you?" I looked down sobbing "They are your c
hildren" I said looking up "You should love them because they are great"
"Silence, Arlene" The king ordered seriously. But I wouldn't just shut up. I cou
"And yes, I fell in love with your son. He's a great boy and... he used to admir
e you. You were his model to follow and look what you're doing to him, now. I'm
just human, I know that. But I am weigh better than you. Because I would NEVER h
urt my own children, I would NEVER make them suffer; I would NEVER stay still wh
ile they're dying" I said feeling my back hurting me as hell. I groaned looking
"Your majesty" Claudia's voice said behind us. I turned my head moving the guard
s with me.
"You just shut up!" I screamed and everyone looked at me surprised "You're just
a cold bitch who is jealous because no one has ever loved her!" I said defiantly
"I would die happy, now. Because I know I've loved and been loved. What about y
ou? Nothing? So keep your mouth shut" Murmurs were heard around the vampires. Cl
audia looked at me with anger on her eyes.
"I'm going to kill you!" she exclaimed walking to me.
"Truth hurts, doesn't it?" I said smiling. Claudia's eyes became red. The guards
let me go knowing Claudia would kill me now 'Death... here you come' I said ins
ide my head. I glanced at Damon and he was still unconscious "He's your son" I s
aid to the king before feeling a punch on my face. I fell to the ground and scre
amed in pain when my hurt back touched the cold snow under me. I looked to the
sky as the snow kept falling on me; I smiled because I had always loved snow sin
ce I was a child. My sight was blocked by reddish hair: Claudia. It had come the
moment. I was shaking and feeling dizzy.
"Claudia" I heard the king's voice "Stop, I'll take care of her myself" I saw Cl
audia stepping back and heard a few steps coming to me. Well, at least I was goi
ng to get killed by the king and not that cold bitch. The king walked until he

stood right besides me.

"Please make it quick" I begged with no hope. If he hadn't had mercy for his own
children. What could I expect for me? I smiled at my naivet. The king raised his
hand and I heard Ash and Lucian groans. I moved my head asides to look at them
but they were already held by vampires. I closed my eyes waiting for my death.
Five long seconds happened... and I didn't feel anything maybe the king had done
it so fast that I hadn't had the chance to feel it.
I opened my eyes slowly; as my eyes were getting used to light I saw something a
bove me blocking my sight of the dark sky. The king was still standing besides m
e and I realized he had his hand extended to me...
He was offering me his hand... like a father would do when you fall to the groun
d... I was so shocked that I couldn't move just looked at the king.
"Help me to save my children" He said as he held my hand and helped me to stand
up. Everyone around us was as shocked as I was... I wondered if that was really
happening... I couldn't believe it.
The king DID love his children...
UF! So?? What do you think??!!!
Leave your greats comments :D!
Arix <3
[40] He's my master, I belong to him [Chap. 39] TEASER
Hello people!! Here's a short extract from Chapter 39...
The Chapter will be up soon. I'm working on it.
He's My master, I belong to him [Chap. 39] TEASER
"Damon!" I screamed kneeling beside him. The beats of my heart could be heard ov
er a kilometer away. He was unconscious, I grabbed his face to turn it to me
"Damon, look at me. Please..." I begged scared, scared that he didn't wake up ag
ain, scared that his wonderful dark eyes didn't look into mine again. I needed h
im; he couldn't die in my arms. The snow kept falling staining his beautiful pa
le face. He had some bruises on his cheeks and lips. He looked so vulnerable, so
helpless. It was breaking my heart; I always had seen him strong and powerful "
Damon, please... open your eyes" warm tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was e
xtremely cold and the injury on my back wasn't helping 'What should I do?' I won
dered feeling powerless.

"He needs blood" A calmed voice said behind me, I didn't need to turn around to
know who it was: Louis. What was he doing there?
"Stay away from us" I menaced seriously. But I needed someone there; it wasn't m
uch what I could do if Louis attacked me. The square remained lonely and silent.
I looked at the king who was extremely busy healing Ariel. Lucian was beside h
im with a concern expression on his face. I turned my head to Ash; he was giving
his blood to Annie. There was no one free to come to help if Louis decided to k
ill me. Suddenly, Shawn appeared beside me. Thanks God.
"Stay back, you freak" Shawn said to Louis seriously. I was glad he appeared. Lo
uis smiled at him, and then turned his head to me.
"He needs blood, Arlene" He stated looking right into my eyes. It could be so we
ird to look at him since he was like another version of Lucian "Just my humble a
"Don't listen to him. He was the one to bring my father proves about you and Dam
on" Shawn explained taking a step towards Louis. But what if Louis was right? Wh
at if Damon needed my blood? Louis must have seen the thoughtful expression on m
y face.
"He's dying, Arlene" He said calmed. I looked at Damon who was extremely pale. A
flash of pain went through my body. My wound hurt as hell. I had no time to thi
nk, I needed to save Damon. I touched my back, staining my hand with my own blo
od, it hurt me but I held the pain.
"What are you doing?" Shawn asked confused.
"He's right, Damon needs blood" I said putting my bloody hand on Damon's face.
"That's not a good idea, Arlene. He's been starved almost to death; he won't be
able to control himself if he drinks your blood" Shawn stared at me worried. I d
idn't care if Damon drained me to Death; I was ready to sacrifice... myself.
".....My love for her was beyond words... beyond imagi
nation and definitely... beyond death..." Damon's phrase.
-------------------------------------------------That's is people... the last phrase was from Damon, you'll see when and why in
the next chapter...!
Arix <3
[41] He's my master, I belong to him (Chap. 39)
Hello!!! I think this is one of the longest chapters of this story!
Sorry for the long wait and the teaser :)
And the song... I was listening to that piece of music while I was writing an sp
ecific part of this chapter. I'll tell you where so you play it there if you wan
t to.

OoO Chapter 39 oOo

The king was standing right in front of me. I was holding his hand; he had just
helped me to stand up. Everybody in the square was in absolutely shocked. Nobody
moved talked or breathed. I was astonished, the wound on my back stung making m
e arch a little. I didn't know what to say, but we needed to move...
"Your majesty" I said automatically. His brown eyes looked into mine for a few s
econds. But then, he let go of my hand and walked to the place where Lucian was
standing with a Ariel inside his arms.
"You shall leave" The king ordered to all the vampires in crowd "Now"
"I don't mean to be disrespectful, your majesty. But we are here to judge your s
on, and we have decided that his punishment is death" Claudia spoke calmed. The
others vampires with hoods nodded their heads.
"Leave my land, now. I won't repeat it" The king's tone emanated danger and powe
"We can't leave until we have ended Damon's punishment. I'll kill him quickly, y
our majesty and you-" Claudia stopped talking and screamed. She fell to her knee
s holding her head. The king walked to her slowly.
"I said I won't repeat it, Claudia. Be careful with your words, he's my son. I c
ould kill you in a blink of an eye. However, I do not want to stain my hands wit
h your filthy blood. Do not make me change my mind. Leave, now" he passed beside
Claudia leaving her in shock. Murmurs were heard in the crowd. Claudia red eyes
met mine; I saw the anger on her gaze. She stood up coughing. Suddenly she appe
ared right in front of me, she raised her hand but before she could hit me... sh
e arched in pain as blood came out of her mouth, nose and ears without control.
A human boy ran to catch her before she landed on the floor. I was speechless "I
warned you" the king said looking at her with red eyes. I knew he was going to
kill her.
"Please, your majesty. I beg you mercy for my mistress" The human boy exclaimed
holding Claudia. I perceived something familiar on the boy's eyes: Love. He love
d her "We'll live immediately, please let her live" he sounded so desperate. I f
elt pity for him. How could someone love Claudia? I wondered but I had always be
lieved that even the evilest person in the world deserved a second chance. Maybe
Claudia could reflect on herself when she found out that this human boy had beg
ged for her life. The king didn't listen to the boy and walked to them.
"We all deserve a second chance, your majesty. Let her go, please" I stated hone
stly. The king looked at me astonished "We have important things to take care of
right now" I said pointing to Ariel and Damon. The king nodded his head and app
eared beside Lucian. The human boy glanced at me and whispered a 'Thank you' he
left with Claudia after that. All those vampires with hood disappeared in a few
seconds. I glanced at Damon, who was lying on his back, surrounded by snow on th
e ground.
"Damon!" I screamed kneeling beside him. My heart beating could be heard over a
kilometer away. He was unconscious, I grabbed his face to turn it to me "Damon,
look at me. Please..." I begged scared, scared that he didn't wake up again, sc
ared that his wonderful dark eyes didn't look into mine again. I needed him; he
couldn't die in my arms. The snow kept falling staining his beautiful pale face
. He had some bruises on his cheeks and lips. He looked so vulnerable, so helple

ss. It was breaking my heart; I always had seen him strong and powerful "Damon,
please... open your eyes" warm tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was extremel
y cold and the injury on my back wasn't helping 'What should I do?' I wondered f
eeling powerless.
"He needs blood" A calmed voice said behind me, I didn't need to turn around to
know who it was: Louis. What was he doing there?
"Stay away from us" I menaced seriously. But I needed someone there; it wasn't m
uch what I could do if Louis attacked me. The square remained lonely and silent.
I looked at the king who was extremely busy healing Ariel. Lucian was beside h
im with a concern expression on his face. I turned my head to Ash; he was giving
his blood to Annie. There was no one free to come to help if Louis decided to k
ill me. But suddenly, Shawn appeared beside me. Thanks God.
"Stay back, you freak" Shawn told Louis seriously. I was glad he appeared. Louis
smiled at him, and then turned his head to me.
"He needs blood, Arlene" He stated looking right into my eyes. It could be so we
ird to look at him since he was like another version of Lucian "Just my humble a
"Don't listen to him. He was the one to bring my father proves about you and Dam
on" Shawn explained taking a step towards Louis. But what if Louis was right? Wh
at if Damon needed my blood? Louis must have seen the thoughtful visage on my fa
"He's dying, Arlene" He said calmed. I looked at Damon who was extremely pale. A
flash of pain went through my body. My wound hurt as hell. I had no time to thi
nk, I needed to save Damon. I touched my back staining my hand with my own bloo
d, it hurt me but I held the pain.
"What are you doing?" Shawn asked confused.
"He's right, Damon needs blood" I said putting my bloody hand on Damon's face.
"That's not a good idea, Arlene. He's been starved almost to death; he won't be
able to control himself if he drinks your blood" Shawn stared at me worried. I d
idn't care if Damon drained me to Death; I was ready to sacrifice... myself.
"I don't care" I was honest. I would die happily in Damon's arms. Damon moved a
little when my bloody hand touched his nose "Damon, Please..." I begged. His eye
lids moved a little "Damon? Please open your eyes" I thought my heart was about
to get out of my chest "I'm here. Don't leave me, please" Damon opened his eyes
a little, my soul jumped in hope for a second "Damon, you need blood" I said not
caring about my warms tears falling on his pale chest.
Damon's P.O.V
Emptiness... and numbness were surrounding me... it was so cold, I was so weak.
I was starting to lose sensibility on my body; I knew the next step after that w
as Death. I could hear voices but they seemed to be so far, as if the sources of
those voices were miles away from me. I felt two warm hands holding me... but I
couldn't move. My body wouldn't respond me. I managed to catch a voice... that
sweet and soft voice I loved: Arlene's voice.
"Damon... please" I smiled internally, how I loved to hear her saying my name. I
remembered that party when Mark had attacked her, when she said my name for the
first time. She would never understand the sensation her voice could cause to m
e. She even thought she loved me with the same intensity I loved her. She was so

wrong; my love for her was beyond words... beyond imagination and definitely...
beyond death. I made an effort to open my eyes but it was really difficult "Dam
on? Please open your eyes" She sounded desperate and worried. I didn't want her
to suffer for me. I didn't deserve it. I used all my strength to open my eyes. B
ut my sight was so blurred, I barely could distinguished Arlene's face "Damon...
you need blood" she stated secure.
And then it hit me... her scent... two drops of warm blood fell on my cold lips;
I licked them quickly. Her flavor sent flashes of electricity through my entire
almost dead body. I grabbed her wrist and buried my fangs on her creamy skin in
a fast move. She let of a little scream of surprise. Her scent filled my mouth
making me bury my fangs deeper as I didn't have enough of her; I held her hand w
ith strength as I drank for her wrist. I heard a cracking sound but didn't pay a
ttention to it.
I heard voices arguing around but couldn't care less. My body received the ener
gy desperately, and her warm blood started running through my veins bringing me
to life. I felt something caressing my hair "Damon..." a voice said softly. I co
ntinued drinking that delicious blood; I didn't have enough of it yet.
Ash's P.O.V
"Annie?" I called her as she opened her eyes slowly. I had given some of my bloo
d to her. She sat down on the ground confused.
"What happened?"
"Are you ok?" I asked grabbing her face with both hands.
"I'm... good" She managed to say.
er a short kiss, her lips felt so
here's Arlene?" she asked worried
d Arlene kneeling beside Damon on
er and that Louis bastard, too.

A bright smile was formed on my lips. I gave h

soft and warm. She stopped the kiss smiling "W
observing the square's loneliness. I visualize
the ground a few meters away. Shawn was with h

"Let's go" I helped Annie to stand up "Arlene needs us. I almost can't feel Damo
n's presence anymore" which meant only one thing. He was almost dead. I knew Arl
ene wouldn't survive without him. She wouldn't kill herself or anything like tha
t because she had a loyal respect for life, but she would live an empty existenc
e until the day she died. Annie and I ran to her.
"Damon... you need blood" She said seriously and offered him her wrist. Two drop
s of blood fell on his face. He licked them in a desperate move, and I saw his d
ark eyes turning to red. He was craving for her blood. Before I could even say a
thing Damon buried his fangs on her skin quickly. Arlene arched in pain; he was
n't being gentle at all. He started feeding on her desperately. Arlene was alrea
dy weak; she couldn't lose too much blood. Damon held her hand with too much str
ength, a horrible cracking sound was heard: He had fractured Arlene's wrist. Arl
ene covered her mouth with her free hand holding the pain. Tears rolled down her
face as she lost her energy.
"We have to stop him" Annie said worried.
"No..." Arlene said softly "He needs my blood" Arlene could be so stubborn.
"We have to stop him. You'll die if we don't" Annie stepped towards them.
"Please... respect my decision. As my friends you should respect it" Her voice s

ounded weak.
"And what decision is that? To let him drain you to death? I'm sorry, but we can
't respect that" Annie sounded upset. I knew she was, she had that particular f
rowned expression she made when she was angry.
"Damon..." Arlene spoke weakly. She was having a hard time, trying to maintain h
erself conscious. She had lost too much blood because of that wound she had on h
er back "Damon..." she called him again but Damon didn't show any gesture to sto
p. Arlene's breathing started to fail. I sensed her heart suffering for the lack
of blood.
"Shit!" I exclaimed as I grabbed her by her free hand making her stand up. Damon
stood up as well; I pushed him away from her. Arlene fell unconscious in my arm
s immediately. Damon looked at me with anger on his red eyes and ran to us but S
hawn stopped him, holding him like a beast. I laid Arlene on the ground in a fas
t move "Shit! Shit! She's not breathing, Annie" I stated pushing Arlene's chest
and giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I heard Damon's growls; the beast h
ad taken over him. When you are a vampire and you're feeding if someone takes yo
ur pray away, you don't rest until you get it back. I always compared ourselves
with a starving animal; after all, we weren't humans. We were predators "Aren't
you an expert on Medicine?! Help us!" I asked desperate to Louis. I was so despe
rate that I didn't care if he was the bad guy. He walked to us and knelt beside
us. He bit his own wrist "What are you doing?"
"Saving her life" he said putting her bleeding wrist on Arlene's mouth. She didn
't move, she looked so fucking dead. I heard Annie's sobs behind me.
"She's not moving" I said freaking out. A long minute passed, it was the longest
moment I had ever lived in my entire existence. There was a silence of expectat
ion and concern filling the place.
(A/N: NOW play the song)
Damon's P.O.V
My sight was completely blurred, I couldn't distinguish anything. I just wanted
my pray back; I needed that delicious blood again inside my mouth. No one could
take her away from me. She was mine. Someone was holding me; I tried with all my
strength to remove those arms from me. I growled over and over again in protest
. Mine... mine... that word kept running inside my head. My wounds were already
"Brother" a male voice said but I didn't pay attention to it. I needed my pray b
ack. I would have my pray back "Brother! Damon!" that voice called me again. I g
rowled angry, there was only one thing inside my mind: Bloodlust. "Shit! Stop mo
ving Damon!" that male voice asked again "Arlene is dying" as soon as those word
s filled my ears. I paralyzed... controlling my internal monster. Arlene... she
was... I blinked a couple times as my brain reminded me who Arlene was: My etern
al and only love "Damon?" Shawn's voice sounded worried.
"Arlene..." I whispered looking all over the square. She... had... given her blo
od to me. I remembered her words, her weak heart beating as I fed on her. And fi
nally I saw her, I stopped breathing astonished. That was the worst sight of my
entire existence... she was lying on the ground unconscious, covered with blood.
She looked so fragile and pale. Ashton was pushing her chest up and down despe
rately. I saw bloody tears on his cheeks; Annie was standing in front of them cr
ying without control. Louis was knelt beside Arlene letting drops of his blood f
all on her mouth. Without knowing I was already in front of them.

"She's not moving" Ashton's voice broke. I fell to my knees looking at my bloody
"What have I done?" I said aloud. I glanced at Arlene one more time. She couldn'
t die... she couldn't die... I kept repeating that inside my head. But she wasn'
t breathing... and her heart had almost stopped.
"She's not swallowing my blood. Damon, give her your blood through your mouth" L
ouis spoke seriously "Vampire blood is the only thing that can save her" I nodde
d in understanding. I bit my tongue feeling my own blood inside my mouth "But do
n't give her too much of it or she will turn into one of us" I knew that. I grab
bed Arlene's pale face with both hands. She was so fragile and beautiful; she lo
oked like an angel on Earth... I would always wonder how an angel like her could
be with a demon like me. Snow felt down on her forehead, I cleaned it as I lean
ed to her...
As I went closer to those soft lips, which had given so much hope to my tormente
d soul...
As I realized that she was the light to my darkness...
I touched her lips with mine softly, feeling two bloody tears rolling down my ch
eeks. I kissed her carefully opening her mouth to me. My blood got inside her qu
ickly... she moved a little.... Thousands of images of her came inside my mind.
Her bright smile, her strength to overcome difficulties, her sweet way to encour
age everyone and her devoted love for me. She had been so stupid to sacrifice he
r life for me...
My sweet Arlene....
My strong Arlene....
My light...
My hope...
She moved softly... while I was giving her...
The kiss of life...
I concentrated all my feelings for her while I was kissing her... I wanted her t
o understand the intensity of my love 'I love you, beautiful' I said inside my m
ind 'Don't leave this tormented soul alone' those words were the truth... I coul
dn't be alone again. Not after knowing and loving such a wonderful creature like
her. I stopped the kiss but kept my lips against her as my tears fell down my f
ace and stained her beautiful face.
Arlene's P.O.V
I was feeling how life was abandoning my body... but I wasn't sad or worried, be
cause I had given my life for my love. I would have done anything for him... Oh
Damon... mother... father... Maddy... I would miss them so much.
All I could see was darkness...
All I could sense was numbness...
All I could feel was coldness...
At least I had stopped feeling pain; my body didn't hurt me anymore. It was like

it was already dead. My heart was finally stopping beating. But then I felt som
ething against my numbed lips... and then a warm substance inside my mouth... I
felt warm and protected. It tasted salty and metallic, it was blood. It let me f
eel someone else's feelings... Damon's feelings. I'd never known he loved me th
at much, the sensation his blood transmitted was pure adoration for me 'I love y
ou, beautiful' I swore I heard those words from him 'Don't leave this tormented
soul alone' I needed strength to survive for him, for me, for my family.
My heart started beating stronger than ever... I would survive, I had a strong
spirit... there were still so many things I wanted to live, so many things I wan
ted to do better, so many things I wanted to change. There were people that need
ed me... like my Damon. My body started hurting me again, which was a good thing
because I was feeling again, I was getting back to life. The warm fluid stopped
getting inside my mouth but those warm lips didn't get apart from me... I tried
to open my eyes but didn't succeed. I tried to speak but only produced a little
sound of complain. Those soft lips got apart from mine.
"Arlene" That strong but sweet voice called me. It's incredible what love can ma
ke you overcome. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times. I looked right int
o those black eyes I loved.
"Dam..." I tried to say his name but couldn't. Suddenly, I felt two strong arms
lifting me, forcing me to be sitting on the ground, and then those arms were emb
racing me. I inhaled his fragrance on his bare chest. I felt pain on my back bec
ause of his tight embrace but didn't care.
"I'm sorry..." Damon said honestly. Then, I heard him sob. Was he crying?
"You're hurting her" Louis said indifferently.
"It's ok" I stated back, because I wouldn't push Damon away... ever. Damon got s
ome space between us and I saw his gorgeous face, it was all stained with blood
because of his tears. Without any warning his lips were on mine. He kissed me de
sperately and kissed him back with the same intensity. I grabbed his hair to pul
l him to me and deepened the kiss. His tongue played with mine softly sending sh
ivers through my entire body. He tasted so good; I couldn't believe this was hap
pening... I was in his arms, kissing him, feeling him...
"I'm angry at you" he whispered on my lips. I smiled.
"Really?" I teased playfully.
"Yes, you'll pay the consencuences of doing such a stupid's actions" I knew what
he referred to.
"My only defense is my love for you" I said looking right into his eyes.
"Good defense, young lady" he stated helping to stand up. My back hurt me a litt
le. Someone coughed behind us. I turned to see Annie and Ash with their faces st
ained with blood.
"Oh" I exclaimed and embraced them "You didn't have to cry, sillies"
"Sillies? Don't be such an ungrateful friend" Annie stated getting some space be
tween us. I smiled at her. Friend... my friends... real friends that worried and
got in trouble for me.
"Are you ok?" I asked Annie.
"Never been better, I'm strong, you know" She said smiling. Ash gave me a sweet

look. Louis was standing there, too. He had helped us, why? But then Ariel came
to my mind.
"Where's Ariel?" I asked concerned. Last time I saw her, she was really bad. No
body answered... I started to worry. She couldn't... have died, right? I shut th
at painful thought immediately "Where's Ariel?" I repeated my question. I glance
d at Damon but he remained in silence. No... no... that couldn't be possible...
she couldn't... tears started welling up my eyes. I saw the king walking to us "
Your majesty... where's Ariel?" I asked even when I was deeply afraid of the ans
"I did my best to save her..." The king said softly. No... no...
"No..." I whispered sadly.
"And he succeeded" Ariel said stepping from behind him. My eyes went opened with
joy. I ran to her and embraced her tightly "Alright, that's enough" she said pu
shing me back. She didn't like affection's gestures. Lucian appeared beside her
smiling at me. I smiled back happy. I was so happy we were all ok.
"Let's go inside, it's freezing" The king spoke walking to the path that leaded
us to the mansion. We started to follow him.
We arrived to the mansion and walked inside the living room. Everyone sighed in
relief feeling the warm that the mansion provided. We'd been for long outside...
and it was freezing there.
"I'd like to talk you later, Arlene" the king said politely.
"Of course, your majesty"
"Let's go upstairs" Damon said holding my hand. And in that moment I realized Lo
uis hadn't come inside. He had stayed outside. I let go Damon's hand and walked
to the window. I distinguished a figure in the lonely square. The snow kept fall
ing making almost impossible to see through it. I walked to the door and stepped
out of the house "Arlene? Where are you going?" he asked following me. And ever
yone else followed him.
"It's freezing out there" Ariel complained behind me. I walked all the way throu
gh the path. I could hear the five vampires behind me asking to go inside again
but didn't pay attention to them. I didn't stop until I was right in front of Lo
He stayed back looking down; I took a few steps towards him.
"Come" I invited honestly. I felt everyone else tensed behind me even Damon.
"How can you invite me in after what I've done to you?" he asked. I looked down
and then up showing him my best bright smile.
"I have a big heart..." the words came out of my mouth filled with honesty "A he
art that is able to forgive because I believe forgiveness is the key to make thi
s world better" Everyone stayed in silence. I held Louis hand and pulled him to
walk back with us to the mansion.
---------------------------------------------------------I hope it was worth the wait...! I loved writing this chapter....
Comment!! please... it's great to know your thoughts about my story.

Hugs Arix<3
[42] He's my master, I belong to him (Chapter 40)
OoO Chapter 40 OoO
We were all in the living room facing a long silence. I guessed we all were assi
milating the night. I couldn't believe we were safe, Ariel still looked weak but
Lucian was taking care of her, they were both sitting on the principal couch. A
nnie and Ash were in front of one of the windows watching the snow fall, Ash had
his arms wrapped around her, embracing her from behind, they looked so sweet. L
ouis was leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. His eye
s met mine for a few seconds, I smiled at him, and he seemed surprise. Damon and
the King were whispering things to each other, since vampires had advanced hear
ing, I was sure I was the only one that couldn't hear what they were saying. I s
ighed sitting down on one of the couches, but when my back touched the furniture
, it hurt me a little. I had completely forgotten about the wound in my back. I
knew it was almost healed since I had Damon's blood but the key word was: almost
. So it still stung. In a second Damon was beside me.
"Are you alright?" He asked concerned. Everyone in the room was staring at me.
"I'm good, it's just... My back" as soon as I finished my sentence Damon was che
cking my wound.
"Father" he called worried. The king positioned himself behind the couch to watc
h carefully my back.
"There's nothing to worry about, my son. Her wound will be healed in a few hours
thanks to your blood, she just needs to rest" The king said slowly.
"Let's go upstairs" Damon said holding my hand softly.
"I'm good... I..."
"Arlene" Ariel's voice interrupted me "I don't mean to sound mean but you looked
horrible, we all looked horrible, we are all stained with dry blood so you shou
ld go upstairs and take a shower. I'll be going to my room as well" Ariel always
so direct. I nodded my head in agreement.
"Dawn is near, you..." The king said referring to Annie, Ash and Lucian "You can
stay here the day. It's safe" the three vampires nodded theirs heads. Louis sta
rted walking to the door.
"Your majesty" I said in protest.
"I'm sorry, Arlene. But I can't offer my house to someone I do not trust" the ki
ng had a point. But what if Louis didn't make to his home? I followed Louis unti
l I was walking beside him.
"What are you doing?" He asked frowning.
"I'm leaving with you" I said secure.
"What?" I heard the 7 vampires in the room screamed in surprise.
"You're not going anywhere" Damon menaced walking to us.
"Yes, I am. I won't let him to be in risk, if he doesn't make it until his home

I will help him and hide him from the sun"

"You can't be serious" Annie said worried because deep down she knew how serious
I was.
"You're not going anywhere, Arlene. If you leave I'll drag you back" Damon's ton
e was dangerous.
"Then let him stay"
"We can't do that. We don't trust him, we don't know what he could do" Ariel sai
d from behind.
"I know what he can do, he helped me to save the man I loved" I said seriously.
Everyone stayed in silence, nobody moved or talked. I held Louis's hand and walk
ed with him, in a few seconds Damon was right in front of me, he slapped our han
ds to separate them.
"Don't touch him" he warned with a dangerous look on his eyes. I sighed, Damon c
ould be so possessive.
"Jealous?" Louis teased smiling. I could feel the tension between those two. Dam
on looked at him with anger.
"Damon" The king called to break that uncomfortable moment "We'll let him stay,
but he'll be under strict vigilance" I smiled immediately.
"I don't need your pity" Louis said bitterly.
"It's not pity, take it as a payment for helping me and Damon" I stated. Louis s
eemed to hestate.
"Ariel, lead them to the guests rooms and tell the guards to watch Louis careful
ly" The king ordered. Ariel just nodded and walked upstairs, Annie, Ash, Lucian
and Louis followed her.
"Have sweet dreams" I said aloud to all of them.
"Damon, you go to your room, I'd like to talk to Arlene if she's feeling good"
The king said politely.
"Yes, I'm good" I said nervously. Damon was about to protest but i gave him a ki
ller look. When he was gone, the king's brown eyes met mine "What can I do for y
ou, your majesty?" I asked finally.
"Let's forget about my position, I'm going to be Charles and you Arlene in this
conversation, alright?" I nodded my head surprise "You have a very special power
, Arlene"
"Me?" I asked confused.
"You have the power of changing people, the power of forgiveness. You have no id
ea how difficult can be for a person to forgive. It intrigues me how you can do
it. Why did you beg for Claudia's life after what she had done to you? Why could
you insist on helping Louis after his actions against you?" I took a deep breat
"I'm just human, your maj- Charles" I said finally "it's not in me to hate or de
spise other people. We all deserve second chances"

"I can't forgive, Arlene. I have tried but when you spent some many centuries wi
thout forgiving it becomes part of you"
"I understand" I took a deep breath and looked up "When I saw Claudia hurting Da
mon, I wanted to hate her, to stop her, to hurt her but when you were about to k
ill her and I saw that human defending her, I couldn't let you kill her, she des
erved an opportunity. Hatred generates hatred, if you have killed her, the human
would have wanted revenge and after a few years he would come for you filled wi
th rage and pain. And a long chain of deaths would be formed. That's why I don't
agree with murder, because if you kill someone no matter how bad he was, he has
someone that loves him, someone that would cry for him. He's someone's child, s
omeone's love, and someone's friend" we stayed in silence for a few seconds.
"You sounded just like my wife" he said suddenly "She believed this world could
be better, she believed in peace, and then her slave betrayed her and stuck a st
ake on her chest while she was sleeping" I felt the sadness and anger on his voi
"I'm sorry" I said honestly.
"I couldn't forgive that slave; I tortured him and killed him slowly and painful
ly. But even when I was causing him so much pain, it didn't calm down my agony.
It didn't make me feel better; It had no effect on the deep suffering I was faci
ng" I couldn't believe he was talking to me, I felt so comfortable; I had never
expect the king to be so open to me.
"You know, physicals' injuries are not the ones that mark us, the psychological
ones are. If you have forgiven him, he would have felt terrible because he would
know you were better than him. Besides, you would have felt better"
"You're an admirable human. It's a shame I can't marry you so you can stay aroun
d" he said joking "I guess i have to conform to you marrying my son then" my eye
s went opened as I blushed without control.
"I... I'll stay around, I promise" I said faking a smile, because I remembered D
amon didn't talk to me about marriage. He just said he wanted me to live with hi
m. I sighed.
"Is there something wrong?"
"No" I lied forcing a bright smile.
"You know, I'm one of the oldest vampires in this land, you can't lie to me" I l
ooked away.
"I... We..."
"You haven't talked about marriage, have you?" How did he know?
"No, we'll take our time to..."
"Arlene, stop lying" Charles said softly.
"He hasn't said a thing about that" I stated finally.
"Oh" I didn't like that sound "Give him some time"
"Of course, I will. I love him"

"I know. Go to bed, you need to rest" I smiled at him and turned around to the s
"Charles" I called not turning around "I'm sure your wife is proud of you right
now" The king didn't reply. I went upstairs slowly; I had liked that little chat
. When I got to the corridor that led me to Damon's room, I remembered the firs
t time I had walked through it, I had been so scared and nervous. I stopped in f
ront of the door not moving for a moment, in that room everything had started. I
took a deep breath as I opened the door; the room was exactly the same: the sma
ll closet with my bed inside, the two doors for the bathrooms, Damon's big bed a
nd the medium size window. How things had changed since the last time I had step
ped on that place. Damon was lying on his back looking up; he turned his head to
me and gave me a comforting look. I walked to him slowly as he got up.
"Damon" I said softly looking right into his dark eyes, I couldn't believe we we
re ok. He caressed my cheek and gave me a little kiss on it.
"You were very brave out there" He sounded proud.
"I wound do anything for the people I love" I smiled at him. He was leaning to k
iss me when we heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" Damon said getting some space between us.
"The food you ordered, your majesty" Sara said putting a tray on the night table
, she seemed surprised to see me there "Oh, you're back" she sounded bothered. I
just smiled and kissed Damon softly on the lips. I stopped the kissing and look
ed at her licking my lips.
"Yes, I'm back" I said triumphal. She gave me a killer look and left the room. I
"You're mean" Damon said offering
felt sick. I ran to the bathroom
h had been empty so I didn't have
me to stand up. I washed my mouth
y" his voice sounded guilty.

the tray to me. But once I smelled the food, I

fast and vomited on the toilet bowl; my stomac
much to vomit. Damon was right behind helping
wondering what the hell had happened "I'm sorr

"You're sorry?" I asked confused.

"I should have known..."
"Know what?"
"My blood is still running through your veins, you won't tolerate human food for
a while" he explained taking the tray away from me.
"Oh" that was all what I said "But I'm hungry" I was honest.
"I'm sorry; your body won't be able to receive food in the next hours"
"Great, what can I tolerate during this time? Blood?" I said joking but Damon wa
s deadly serious "Really? You're kidding right?"
"No, I'm not. It's just for few hours"
"What happened if I drink blood?"
"If you drink any blood nothing will happen but if you drink mine, you'll become
a vampire since I already gave you a big quantity of it" I started to think abo

ut it maybe it was the right moment to become a vampire "I know that face. It's
not a good moment to turn you"
"Then when it'll be? You always say that" Damon sighed "For you there won't be a
good moment ever" He walked until he was right in front of me. Our foreheads to
uched. His warm, sweet breath caressed my face.
"I just want you to be sure of this. There's no turning back, Arlene. It's a big
"I know. I'm not stupid, Damon. I want to be with you forever, I want to help hu
mans and I won't be able to do those things being a human" I said honestly.
"Look at me" he asked softly, I looked up to meet his intense gaze "Are you sure
"Yes, I am" I replied secure.
Damon stayed in silence for a few seconds. I was really nervous because I didn't
know if he would agree to turn me. But the next thing I saw made me stop breath
ing. He bit his own wrist and then offered it to me. I hesitated for a second be
fore grabbing his hand and looking at the blood coming out of his wrist.
"Drink" He snapped me out of my thoughts. As a human I could see that as a disgu
sting thing to do but I actually was excited for doing it. I wanted to know what
Damon felt when he drank my blood. I licked his wrist tasting his salty scent,
and then finally started sucking and drinking. Damon let go a little sigh. I con
tinued drinking until he stopped me "Enough" I felt weird, my stomach felt funny
"Now what?" I asked confused.
"Let's take a shower and then sleep"
"That's it?"
"What were you expecting? Your body will start changing from this moment, it's b
etter if you're sleeping while the biggest changes occur" he explained pulling a
t my hand to make me walk with him to the bathroom.
We got inside the big shower chuckling, I didn't even have the chance to take of
f my clothes; the water started falling on me. My back stung a little. I realize
d Damon was staring at me.
"What?" I asked intrigued. Then it hit me, the sleeping dress I was wearing was
white, when it got wet it became transparent. My boobs were completely visible "
Oh" I covered them quickly with my hands. But I saw the lust on Damon's eyes. I
"Come here" he said smiling mischievously. He wrapped his hands around my waist
and kissed me softly. We were both tired, I knew that and it was almost dawn. I
embraced him tightly.
"I'm so happy" I spoke the truth. He buried his face on my neck and kissed it so
ftly making me shiver. We washed ourselves quickly; he helped me rubbing my back
carefully with the soap. He was being so nice and sweet to me. His caresses fel
t so nice on me. He kissed the back of my neck.
"Let's sleep" He said softly as he wrapped a towel around me. He lifted me from
the floor and carried me bridal style. When we got to the bed, he lay me slowly

on it and kissed my forehead. His dark eyes met mine. I caressed his pale cheek
and he closed his eyes feeling my touch. He lay beside me and took our towels o
ff leaving us completely naked; I blushed staring at his defined abdomen and fir
med legs. He wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer to him. We were so
close; our naked bodies were touching, his skin felt so warm against mine. I me
t his intense gaze and smiled.
"I love you" I said honestly. He kissed my lips softly.
"I love you, too" I saw a flash of concern on his eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"This is your last moment as a human"
"Oh" I said in realization "Is going to hurt me?" I had to ask.
"Just when the big changes take place" he explained embracing me "I'll be here,
don't worry" my last moment as a human... I wondered how Maddy would take it whe
n she found out.
"I'll be the same inside, right? Only my body will change" I stated worried.
"You'll be the same" his words calmed me down "Look at me, my love" he said catc
hing my attention on his dark eyes, which were becoming red. I looked away "Arle
"Your eyes" I complained not looking at him.
"I'll induce you into a deep sleep, so you won't wake up during the process of c
hanging" he explained grabbing my chin, making me face him again "Do you trust m
e?" I nodded my head "Nothing will happen to you, I promise" I looked right into
his now red eyes. I started feeling dizzy and weak.
"Damon..." I mumbled weakly feeling the strength leaving my body.
"I'll be here when you weak up" that was the last thing I heard before falling a
Damon's P.O.V
I had my Arlene inside my arms; I saw her closing her eyelids slowly.
"I'll be here when you wake up" It was the truth; I would never be apart from he
r. I covered her naked body with a blanket and kissed her forehead. I could feel
the sun rising on the horizon; I put some boxers and pants on quickly. I ran to
Ariel's room in a blink of an eye, I opened her door in a fast move. Ariel was
putting a dress on.
"Damon!" she screamed as she covered herself. I closed my eyes.
"I'm sorry"
"Didn't you learn to knock? My God! To be a prince you lack of manners" She comp
lained "You can open your eyes now" she sounded upset.
"I need your help" I said without hesitation.
"Oh really?" she asked sarcastically. I gave her a killer look.

"I need a slave to take care of Arlene during the day"

"Why? Didn't the wound on her back already healed?" She started combing her blon
de hair.
"Yes, it's just that..." I was deeply uncomfortable; I didn't know how to say it
. Well, what scared me was what Ariel's reaction could be.
"What?" she raised an eyebrow. I didn't have time for that.
"I turned her" I said finally.
"What!" Ariel exclaimed walking to me as an angry woman "You did what?" she made
stepped back. Ariel could be dangerous.
"You love me, remember?" I said smiling.
"You two are going to cause me a heart attack" she exclaimed holding her head. S
he yawned. The sun rising was starting to weaken us.
"We're running out of time"
"Alright. What do you need?"
"Your slave. He helped us and I don't know why but I trust him" Ariel walked out
of the room and came back quickly with the slave beside her.
"Ryan, Go with Damon and do as he say" Ariel ordered as she walked to her bed.
"Yes, mistress" Ryan looked at my sister with certain adoration. Oh... that huma
n was in love with her.
"Thank you, sis" I exclaimed walking through the door. Ryan followed me in silen
ce "You liked her, don't you?" I stated once we were walking through the corrido
r. The slave remained in silence; he didn't need to answer "You should tell her"
"She's in love with some else, your highness" He said sadly "Even when she won't
admit it, she loves that Prince from Athalia"
"Lucian?" I asked surprise. Ryan nodded his head. I knew Lucian and Ariel were o
n something but I didn't know my sister actually loved him.
"You should see the way she used to look at him during reunions or parties in th
e kingdom. I had wished to be him so many times. God knows how bad I wanted her
to be mine and not his. But in the end, I guess she'll be with him"
"How can you say that if you haven't even told her your feelings?"
"What for, your highness?" He asked and we reached my door. He opened it reveali
ng my beautiful Arlene on the bed "What can I do for you, your highness?" he ask
ed not moving.
"Take care of her; she's in the process of becoming a vampire. She may have feve
r and shivers" Ryan nodded his head. I lay beside her "Ryan" I called him.
"Yes, your highness?"
"She's my life, I trust you to take care of her" I kissed Arlene softly, that wo
uld be the last time I kissed her as a human. I closed my eyes and fell my body
going limp. It'd be a long day.

Ariel's P.O.V
I couldn't believe Damon had decided to turn Arlene into a vampire. Well, I knew
that would happen sooner or later, they were crazy for each other. But that day
wasn't a good one, I mean, we barely escaped dying; it wasn't a good moment to
do it. Anyway, it was their choice. I covered myself with my blanket from feet t
o head. I closed my eyes waiting for my body to sleep but I felt some movement i
nside my room. My body went in an alert position; I heard silences steps and the
n I saw a shadow through the blanket walking to me. Maybe it was Louis. I jumped
out of the bed in a fast move and fell on the shadow; I grabbed my lamp which w
as the first thing I managed to grasp. I was about to hit that shadow man when I
realized who it was.
"Lucian?" I asked confused. I was on top of him still threatening him with my la
mp. Louis and Lucian were very similar but I would recognize Lucian's smile ever
"Are you thinking about killing me with a lamp?" He asked smiling.
"What are you doing here?" I questioned bothered. Definitely, the princes I knew
didn't have manners, first Damon and now Lucian.
"I came to see how you were" He stated looking away. I put the lamp on the floor
and put my hands on the sides on his head.
"Really? Why would you sneak then? Couldn't you just knock?" I knew that wasn't
the reason he had come to see me, I would find out which was the real one.
"I thought you were sleeping" that was an excuse. My curly hair was hanging in t
he air and touched his face several times. He extended his hand to my face and c
aressed my cheek. I moved my head aside to avoid his contact. Suddenly, he grabb
ed by my forearms and pulled me to the floor to get on top of me. I fought to st
op him but couldn't. He held my hands on the sides of my face.
"Let go of me!" I complained. His face was so near of mine. Without any warning
he kissed me savagely and rudely. His demanding lips played with mine making me
give in to him. I kissed him back desperately. He released my hands to slip one
of his hands under my dress; his skin felt so warm against mine "No..." I said o
n his lips but he was already caressing my thighs. I pushed him back violently.
I was breathing fast. He started at me surprised.
"Why are you so stubborn? Why can't you face your feelings?" Lucian asked as I s
tood up quickly and shook the dust out of my dress.
"Feelings? You're such a conceited, little prince" I stated walking to my bed.
"We can't keep playing this game, Ariel. I don't want a game with you; I want a
formal relation-ship" his blue eyes showed how serious he was. I wasn't ready to
have that conversation.
"Don't put pressure on me, Lucian" I spoke looking right into his eyes.
"I understand you're scared, because this is something you can't control..."
"This is not about control. There's a reason for me to be so cold and indifferen
t, I don't want to get hurt. I had enough losing my parents. I believe love is a
double-edged weapon, it can lead you to happiness or suffering"
"So you won't take that risk? You won't be happy because you can't take that ris

"I'm good the way I am now" I said coldly.
"No, you're not! That's the biggest lie you have dared to tell me, Ariel"
"I'm not lying! Why can't you understand?! Why can't you leave me alone?!" I sc
reamed on his face.
"Because I can't stop thinking about you! I admire you because you managed to su
rvive after your parents' death and you adapted to this family. You're smart and
tender even when you try to show yourself as a cold controlling vampire" his wo
rds surprised me. I had never allowed anyone to talk about my parents in front o
f me "Don't blame me for not giving up on getting the greatest girl I have ever
met" I didn't know what to say to that. He grabbed my face with both hands "I wo
n't hurt you. Please, give me a chance" He asked as he wrapped his hands around
my waist. I felt his breathing on my head. I must admit it felt good to be in hi
s arms. I got some space from him.
"Alright, little prince but If you hurt me..." he didn't let me finish and kisse
d me. it was a soft kiss, I smiled when we got apart "I have one condition" I sa
id serious. Lucian stared at me intrigued.
"What?" he asked concerned, I could see he was worried about my condition.
"Please, learn to knock the door" I laughed at the end of my sentence watching h
is face turned from concern to bother.
"Really funny" he said sarcastically as he pushed me to the bed and got on top o
f me "Now it's time to pay for your insolence, girl"
"I'm shaking" I said playfully.
"You'll see" he said smirking.
Arlene's P.O.V
I was watching my whole life passing through my eyes. My childhood, those small
moments that had marked my existence like when I learnt to read, when my mother
explained how things worked at this kingdom, when my little sister was born, and
how her bright smile brought joy to our humble home. Then my adolescence, I saw
how scared I was when I found out I would be sold to a vampire, my mother's sad
ness and my father's powerlessness. I felt so weird, I felt my body changing. I
tried to scream when I felt my bones twisting making me writhe in agony. I heard
a voice whispering comforting words but I couldn't understand them completely.
I couldn't open my eyes, either. I felt my stomach being contracted with strengt
h, all my organs seemed to be moving; it was so painful that it let me breathles
s for a few seconds. My lungs felt like the air was burning them and my throat w
as so dry.
"Arlene..." that voice... my head hurt me when I tried to remember who that voic
e belonged to "Open your eyes..." I could just get some extracts from phrases. I
felt like my heart was being torn apart, I screamed in pain. I felt two cold th
ings touching each side of my face "WAKE UP!" that voice screamed. I couldn't br
eathe... I just couldn't... I was suffocating "Arlene!" his sweet voice called a
gain. I opened my eyes slowly, but I couldn't see a thing, my sight was so blurr
ed, I realized I was shaking. I rubbed my eyes trying to see "Look at me, Arlene
. Please, look at me" another flash of pain went through my body, I felt like my
veins were burning me from the inside.

"AHHH!" I screamed in agony.

"Arlene, I need you to look at me" I looked for the source of that sweet voice,
I met a pair of red eyes looking right into mine "You're ok, I'm here" he was...
he was... my head hurt me again making me stop thinking. I pushed him back as I
stood up shaking.
"It hurts... my head... hurts" I managed to say. It was hurt to keep my eyes ope
"Hey, look at me" there was a red substance on my eyes that didn't let me see we
ll "It's me, Damon" Damon... Damon...
"Damon..." I said in realization.
"Yes, it's me. Let's go back to bed" he stated walking to me, I stepped back aut
omatically "It's just me" my Damon... the man I loved. I was about to walk to hi
m to embrace him but my set of teeth started hurting me, I covered my mouth but
then I tasted my own blood inside it, I ran to the bathroom and spitted blood on
the toilet bowl several times. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder "It's no
rmal, my love. Your body is taking your human blood out"
"Mmy teethhh hhurt" I managed to say with my mouth filled of blood. I continued
spitting blood until I felt two sharp things moving my canines' teeth "Ahhh!" I
cried in pain when my two canines fell to the toilet bowl "Ahhh!" Damon embraced
me from behind.
"It's ok; it's just the fangs... Shhhh, I'm here" Owing to the fact that my cani
nes were gone, the two sharp things replaced them positioning themselves on the
space left. You have no idea how painful that could be.
"It hurts..." I complained breathing fast.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry" he whispered on my ear.
hurt body relaxing. I extended my hands in front of
.. they looked so pale. Damon kissed the back of my
" he said lifting me and carrying me like a baby. I
, he smelled so good.

I closed my eyes feeling my

me, they were full of blood.
head "Let me take you to bed
buried my chest on his chest

He lay me on the bed softly, he kissed my forehead sweetly. I had stained with b
lood his pale chest and hands.
"The worst has already happened" he said to comfort me. I touched the tip of one
of my fangs with my tongue and cut myself.
"Ouch!" I complained.
"Don't play with those fangs, they are extremely sharp"
"You don't need to tell me that" I stated caressing my mouth, it still hurt like
"Welcome to the world of darkness" He said smiling at me. He bowed to me "My pri
ncess of darkness" his dark eyes showed excitement. I hadn't realized it was alr
eady dark.
"Princess of darkness, huh? I like it" I said getting up. Oh! I was completely n
aked; I wrapped the sheet around me quickly. I could hear every small sound insi
de the room, the wooden floor cracking, Damon's breathing. I could smell my own
blood; it smelled sweet like a red wine. I could smell Damon's scent... it was v

ery appetizing I must say. I licked my lips like a predator in front of its vict
im. But I could also smell my body, I stunk of sweat and blood all mixed. I walk
ed to the bathroom slowly because my whole body felt weird. I took a long shower
removing all the blood and sweat from me, there were still parts of my body tha
t hurt.
"Need company?" Damon asked taking his pants off in front of me. God, he was so
sexy. He got inside the shower and took a few steps to be with me under the show
er head. I wanted him, like I had never wanted him before. But not only his body
, I wanted his blood as well. I placed my hands on his shoulders while he was le
aning to kiss me. I felt his wet lips against mine, which sent a pleasant sensat
ion through me. Our tongues played lustfully for a while. I left his mouth to ki
ss his cheek, then his ear and finally his neck. He lifted me up making me wrap
my legs around him. I felt his hard member against my sensitive zone. I licked h
is neck while he was licking mine. I acted for instinct and buried my new fangs
on his smooth skin. He let of a moan as I started drinking his blood; it was the
greatest and pleasant thing I had never experienced. He put his manhood on my e
ntry and penetrated me without hesitation. I arched in pleasure, it was just too
much... to drink his blood and felt him inside me. His thrusts became harder an
d harder while I was moaning and sucking his blood.
"Oh my Lord... you're so delicious and appetizing" he whispered on my neck, and
the next thing I felt were his fangs being buried on me.
"Ahhh!" I screamed as I stopped drinking his delicious scent. I felt my back hit
ting the wall with each of his hard thrusts "Damon!" I screamed in pleasure hold
ing him with strength. We both moaned loudly when we reached the climax, I felt
a relax sensation going through me. I put my feet on the floor "That was..." I h
ad no words.
"I know" he said kissing my cheek and lips softly.
After making love four times, we were resting on the bed embracing each other. I
got on top of him and kissed him. His naked body against mine felt so nice.
"Arlene..." he said smiling mischievously. I could feel his manhood going hard a
gain "Who is the insatiable now?" he asked slipping his hands under the sheets t
o caress my back and then my ass.
"Are you complaining?" I asked playing the hurt woman.
"No at all" he squeezed my ass making let go a little sigh. But a knock on the d
oor interrupted us. Damon put me asides gently and got up. He put some boxers an
d a pair of pants on "Who is it?" He asked behind the door.
"It's me" Ariel's voice sounded angry "It's almost midnight, are you thinking ab
out getting out of that sex cave any time soon?" I couldn't stop laughing to her
"We'll be right there. Wait for us in the living room" He stated throwing a towe
l to me.
After we had taken a shower and put some decent clothes on. We went down stairs,
talking and teasing each other. I wasn't paying attention to the stairs, I stum
bled but before I could fall, I instinctively jumped and landed perfectly on the
living room's floor. Everyone there stared at me. Ariel was sitting on the couc
h talking to Annie. Ash was beside the King, who smiled at clapped.
"What a grace movement, Arlene" He sounded proud. I had no idea how I had done i
t "I see you have joined the family of night. Welcome" he bowed to me.

"Thank you, your majesty" I spoke honestly.

"We have a surprise for you" Ash said smiling.
"Really?" I asked excited. I heard the principal door being open; I sensed three
human's hearts. The first one I saw was my mother "Mom?" I asked running to her
, I embraced her with joy. My father was behind her, his eyes were welling up wi
th tears "Oh... Dad..." I gestured to come to us. He joined our embrace.
"What about me?" Maddy's sweet voice "I want a hug, too" she said folding her ar
ms around her chest. I knelt in front of her and extended my arms "You're more b
eautiful, sister" I smiled at her statement. My parents stared at me realizing I
was a vampire now.
"You're beautiful, too" I said embracing her. I stood up and held Maddy's hand "
Maddy, that's our king"
"Good Evening, your majesty" she bowed to him "I know them" she pointed Damon, A
nnie, Ash and Ariel. She let go of my hand and held my parents' to pull them "Co
me, mom and dad. I'll introduce you my friends. They are good vampires" We all s
miled at her.
"You highness" my parents said in front of Damon.
"Call me Damon" Damon asked gently.
"He's my sister's boyfriend" Maddy said indiscreetly. We all stayed in silence w
ithout knowing what to say.
"Oh" my mother exclaimed forcing a smile. My sister introduced her friends to my
parents. She could talk so much. Damon walked to me silently.
"Follow me" he said seriously. I nodded my head.
"We'll be right back" I excused ourselves as we walked to the garden's door. Dam
on led me to the garden where he had found it one night alone along time ago.
"What is it?" I asked immediately.
"Nothing. I just want to be alone with you for a moment" He said caressing my ch
"My parents are waiting for me" I said folding my arms across my chest.
"I have the right to be alone with my fiance"
"Don't be so selfish..." and then it hit me "Wait, what? What did you just say?"
I asked.
"You heard me" I stayed in silence for a moment "I said I have the right to be a
lone with my fiance" he repeated kissing my forehead "Did you really think I didn
't know how important marriage was for you, Arlene. You underestimated me" he lo
oked right into my eyes. Then, He started searching something inside his pockets
... oh no... I stepped back so nervous. He put a little box out and opened it sh
owing a gorgeous golden ring "Miss Willington, would you do me the honor of bein
g my wife?" my eyes welled up with bloody tears, I held them back smiling.
"I..." I turned around breathing fast. I had dreamed so many times about that. I
t was shocking to see that dream becoming true "Yes" I said turning to him again

but he wasn't there anymore "Damon?" I called him scared. Where was he? "Damon?
" I called scared. Maybe he thought I didn't want to marry him because I took to
o much time to answer. Oh no... "Damon?" I screamed worried. I felt footsteps be
hind me and turned to the sources. My family, Ash, Annie, Ariel, the king and Da
mon were there.
"What's your answer, my love?" Damon asked smiling. He was such a conceited.
"Of course, I'll marry you, idiot" I exclaimed. My parents smiled.
"Kiss! Kiss!" Maddy started screaming.
"Madeleine" my father made her stop. Everyone started congratulating us. We spen
t the night in the living room talking and sharing stories. We had so much fun.
Maddy fell asleep on Ariel's lap.
"A child looks good on you, sis" Damon teased. Ariel gave him a killer look.
I said goodbye to my parents and everyone in the living room. It was almost dawn
and my body felt so weak. I got inside Damon's room and stood in front of the w
indow watching the moon disappearing. I felt a pair of cold hands being wrapped
around my waist. Damon embraced me from behind.
"What are you thinking?" He asked softly.
"How things can change" I said honestly "I came here as a slave, as an inferior
for you. I'm now a vampire and your fiance" I sighed "Humans were treated like an
imals in this kingdom and now your father is willing to sign the peace pact" Dam
on kissed my cheek.
"You know who is the responsible of those good changes?" I shook my head "You, y
our kindness and pure heart led this place to be better. You changed us, Arlene"
"No, it wasn't me" I said honestly "You all had a good heart, you just needed to
find it inside you"
"You led us to find it" he whispered on my ear "You're a great woman; I'm very g
rateful and lucky to have you. Sometimes I think I don't deserve such a kindness
soul to be beside me" I turned around to face him. I grabbed his face with both
"My master..." I said playfully "My love. You deserve me; I wouldn't
be what I am now without you. You showed me what true love is. So, don't say you
don't deserve me" I gave him a short kiss. His dark eyes looked into mines with
"I can't believe you're mine forever" He sounded excited.
"I have always been yours" I said smiling "I belong to you, remember?" he smiled
"I'll love you for the eternity, my goddess"
"I'll love you, too, my love" I kissed him and embraced him with strength.
I would never let him go...
He had been my master and I had belonged to him, but only one of those two state
ments had changed

He wasn't my master anymore. He was my future husband but I still belonged to hi

m with all the pieces of me.
The End
For now...
----------------------------------------------------So? it's over my dears and beloved fans... I want to thank you for being with me
during this path :)
If you're wondering if there'll be a sequel... The answer is....
Guess it :)
I expect a lot of comments please =)
Hugs <3
[43] He's my master, I belong to him (Sequel) TEASER
Hello dear fans, for those who missed this story, i have good news... There'll b
e a sequel... it won't be as long as the first book but it'll please you I think
because there will be blood, action, vampires, lust and romance... dangerous co
mbination! Here you have the teaser since you have waited for so long for news f
or this story.
The sequel name will be
"He's my husband, we belong to each other"
"He's my husband, we belong to each other (HMMIBTH sequel) TEASER"
&& Extract from Chapter I &&
"Ouch!" I complained as I felt the air leaving my lungs "It's too tight, Ariel"
"Stay still, Arlene" she continued tightening my corset.
"I may be a vampire but it still hurts" I said expecting some consideration from
"Do you want to look perfect or not?" she asked bothered. I shut my mouth.
We were in front of a big mirror, we both looked so pale but gorgeous. Ariel was
wearing a spectacular blue dress; her curly blonde hair fell until her forearms
. Her grey eyes showed excitement. Well, I also looked good since I became a vam
pire, I was more beautiful. My black hair had an unusual brightness while my dar
k eyes were showing hope and happiness. The corset was really tight, it made my
waist look smaller and breasts looked inviting. I could almost image Damon tryin
g to get his fangs on them. I smiled at thought.
"Ready" Ariel said triumphal. I was stunning; the white dress fit me perfectly.
I had to be perfect...

Because it was my wedding day.
Unknown's P.O.V
"The time has come" I said loudly "We attack tonight!" the dozens of vampires un
der my command nodded their heads smiling sadistically.
"Will we attack before or after the wedding, sir?" one of them asked.
"Before. There's something I want to take from that place for myself. She intrig
ues me"
"We're ready, master" some vampires screamed proudly.
"Then, let's start our way to victory!"
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Want to know what happens next? :)
[44] He's my husband, We belong to each other (HMM, IBTH's sequel)
Here's the sequel people! I hope you like it.
He's my husband; we belong to each other.
His well-formed chest was going up and down as he breathed softly. He was on his
underwear, so I could see his pale defined abs and legs. His dark-messy hair wa
s covering his forehead and ears.
Who was he?

my love....
my future husband...
It was the first time in weeks; I woke up first when the night had arrived. He l
ooked tired; he and his father had been working a lot lately preparing everythin
g to sign the peace pact.
I knew I shouldn't be there; I was a vampire lady now. It was sort of a rule for
a couple like us not to be left alone or sleep together until we married. But t
hat night as soon as I woke up I had decided to sneak into his room.
"Damon" I said his name caressing his face. He opened his dark eyes slowly and g

ave me an intense look.

"You should not be here, milady" he stated sitting down. I noticed he had bags u
nder his eyes.
"I know" I teased leaning to him.
"Don't temp me, Arlene. I may lose control pretty easily" his red lips invited m
e to kiss him and so I did. I gave him a short teasing kiss.
Damon wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to him. He kissed me desperate
ly "I need you" he whispered on my lips. I needed him, too.
A knock on the door made us jumped away from each other.
"Damon?" Shawn's voice asked at the other side of the door.
We would be seriously in trouble if Shawn found me there.
"I'm coming" Damon replied getting some pants on. Then, he kissed my forehead an
d whispered "Use the window" I nodded my head. It wasn't the first time I would
have to use that window to leave Damon's room. I walked to the window and jumped
out of it landing perfectly on the garden's ground, advantages of being a vampi
"Arlene?" oh oh, someone had seen me. I turned around nervous.
"Prince Lucian" I greeted pretending a smile.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was just... you know... just... taking a walk" I wasn't a good liar.
Lucian looked up to Damon's window.
"Isn't that Damon's window?" How on earth did he know that?
"I don't know, maybe" I hesitated afraid of being discovered. But then I noticed
some small leaves on Lucian's hair. They were really small but since the day I
became a vampire I was able to perceive many details. My thoughts were interrupt
ed when Ariel appeared from behind a tree fixing her dress. Oh.... now I got it.
"What are you doing here?" she asked trying to act normal. Ha! I got them.
"She was in Damon's room" Lucian affirmed secure. I swallowed.
"What?!" Ariel was the last person I wanted to know my secret meetings with Damo
n "What were you doing there? You know it's forbidden for you two to be alone li
ke that until you get married"
"I know" I looked down embarrassed. No, wait, they had been doing something behi
nd those trees and I could bet it wasn't talking. They had no moral "You are tog
ether now, ardent you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about" Ariel played the fool.
"Yeah right" I rolled my eyes.
"Ok you got us. Can you keep the secret?" Lucian asked directly.

"If you keep mine"

"it's a deal" Lucian said smiling at me. I was happy for them.
"We should get out of here" I agreed with her "if someone sees us..." Lucian fol
lowed her "See you later, Arlene" Ariel said waving her hand.
"Hey Lucian! You have leaves on your hair" I chuckled at the end of my sentence.
They were soon gone. Since Damon had proposed to me, I came to live in the roya
l mansion. I barely hung out with ash or Annie. Maddy and my parents came to vis
it me every two days. I felt so lonely sometimes, I didn't see Damon as often as
I would like. Our wedding was in two days, thanks God.
I walked through the garden caressing the flowers around me. I took a deep breat
h filling my lungs, I liked to be there. It was so peaceful.
A figure passed quickly in front of me. It was a definitely a vampire. He ran re
ally fast. I followed him trying to catch up with his speed.
"Hey!" I screamed at him and for my surprise he stopped. When he turned to me I
wasn't expecting him to be... "Louis" I greeted smiling.
"Lady Arlene" he said coldly.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came as a messenger from Athalia" his tone was so indifferent. Seconds of sil
ence passed between us.
"Did you get the initiation to my wedding?" I asked curious.
"Are you attending?"
"Why not?" I asked confused. Louis didn't reply immediately, he looked away befo
re answering.
"I have my reasons"
"Oh, sure" maybe I shouldn't have asked.
"I have to go. Good night, Lady Arlene" the way he spoke made me feel strange. I
t was like he knew something I didn't. He disappeared in the darkness; Louis was
weird that was for sure.
I sighed.
They could be so complicated sometimes.
I looked around and found something that got my attention.
A statue, a woman statue; I remembered when Ash had took me out of my room and I
had found Damon there sitting beside that statue alone a long time ago.

+Arlene's Flashback+
Fuck! I was really unlucky that night. Damon was sitting beside a statue right i
n front of me, he was looking to the other side ' What do I do?' I wondered. May
be if I moved silently he wouldn't see me. I took two steps backwards to hide my
self behind a tree when I heard his voice...
"I know you're there, I can feel the beats of your heart" he said still looking
to the other side of the garden.
"I'm sorry master... I...-" he interrupted me.
"You have no excuse, slave" he explained coldly. He stood up and walked to face
me "Get out of my sight, now" he commanded but he didn't even look at me. What w
as wrong with him? He didn't scream on my face or anything. I mean I didn't like
that but he was acting weird. I turned around to walk back to the path, I hadn'
t seen him in a while and when I did, he told me to go. I had to talk to him, wh
o knew when I'd see him again.
"Master are you ok?" I asked facing him; his dark eyes met mine for the first ti
me in the night.
"Yes" he replied coldly and went back to the seat beside the statue. I followed
him. I sat down beside him.
"You don't seem to be good" I knew I just disobey him because I didn't leave but
I need to know what was happening to him.
"I told you to go" he said bitterly. It hurt me that he didn't want me to be aro
und. But I was stubborn.
"Master..." I said touching his face. He slapped my hand and stoop up grabbing m
e by my arm to make me be on my feet.
"Who the hell do you think you are? I said go! So go! You're my slave you do as
I say. Enough with this attitude from you. I don't want you around me" he scream
ed on my face. I looked down but he grabbed my chin. There was something in his
eyes... Was that 'desire'?
"My apologies master" I said honestly.

"Stop apologizing! You can't keep doing wrong and expect me to forgive you becau
se of a stupid apology" he was mad. I didn't know what to say. A tear rolled dow
n my cheek, he let me go "Go, now. If I see you out of the room again you don't
wanna know what I'll do to you" he said bitterly. What the hell was wrong with h
im? I walked back to the mansion and then to my room, thank God I had a good mem
ory because I could have got lost so easily, that mansion was huge. When I got i
nside the room, I started to cry.
"What's happening to me?" I said to myself "Why does it hurt me so much that he
does want me to be with him?" I covered my face with both hands and cried. His w
ords were inside my head 'I don't want you around me' how could he say that?
+End of Flashback+
I sat beside the statue, realizing how much things had changed. An enormous foun
tain was in front of me, it was beautifully illuminated.

A cool breeze passed moving my hair; it was a very calmed night.

I stood up and extended my hands in the air looking up. There was a gorgeous ful
l moon lighting the night.
"You!" a voice screamed behind me. I turned around surprise. I hadn't sensed any
one. There was a vampire wearing some mask to cover his face. I could only see h
is eyes, they were red. He had a knife on his right hand.
"Who are you?" I asked confused.
"It doesn't matter" he ran quickly to me and tried to cut me with the knife, I d
odged him easily. I had trained a lot lately.
"Stop! I don't want hurt you" I stated as I saw him coming to me again. He jumpe
d in the air to confuse me but when he was about to land over me, I kicked him o
n his stomach sending him away from me. He stood up fast. He disappeared in the
darkness but he wasn't gone I could still feel his presence. I looked around qui
ckly. Where was he?
"Up here!" I looked up but it was too late, he landed over me burying the knife
on my shoulder.
"Ah!" I screamed in pain. I felt his cold hands holding my face and then he remo
ved his mask a little to leave only his mouth visible.
"Does it hurt?" he asked sadistically.
"Put your hands off me!" I screamed trying to remove him from me. But then, his
cold lips were on mine in a quick move. I tried to push him back using my hands
but he didn't even move. He was kissing me, the bastard was kissing me. He squee
zed my jaw making me open my mouth to him.
"No..." I managed to whisper. His tongue explored my mouth as I was moving uncon
trollable under him. Suddenly, he let me go and disappeared. I tried to stand up
but the knife was still on my shoulder.
"Lady Arlene?" Ryan's voice asked from behind me.
"Call Damon!" I screamed sitting down. I needed to take the knife out but I just
couldn't. I guessed I wasn't used to this yet. In just a few minutes, Damon app
eared right in front of me.
"What the hell happened?" he asked kneeling in front of me "Are you ok?"
"What do you think?" I asked sarcastically. He gave me a killer look "Take this
thing out of me" that was the only way the wound would heal. Damon wrapped his f
inger around the knife.
"Ready?" he asked worried. I nodded my head closing my eyes. He took the knife o
ut in a quick move.
"AHH!" I screamed feeling my entire body arch in pain.
"I'm sorry" Damon said softly caressing my cheek "Who did this to you?" I felt t
he anger on his voice.
"I don't know. He was masked"
"Tell me what happened, every single detail" I told him everything but I doubted

about the part where the vampire had kissed me. Damon was extremely possessive.
"And... he..." I doubted.
"And he what?" Damon knew me so well, I couldn't lie to him.
"He kissed me"
"What?! He's so dead" Damon's dangerous tone always scared me.
"Ryan, tell my father we need to have a meeting urgently" Ryan nodded his head a
nd left.
"Don't make a big deal of this"
"Why not? Because you liked the kiss?" Damon could be so jealous.
"No, of course not. It's just not a big deal"
"The hell it is. A vampire gets inside our royal territory without being notice
d, he attacks my fiance and then he kisses her. Trust me, it is a big deal" I was
n't going to argue with him. I had enough that night. Damon helped me stand up;
my wound was already healing "Let's go inside"
We walked to the principal door and then we stepped inside the mansion.
Ryan appeared in the living room.
"Your father is waiting for you, your highness"
"I'll be right back" Damon stated giving me a short kiss on the lips "Don't go o
utside, ok?"
I nodded my head. I went upstairs to my room. I lay down on my bed looking up.
Who was that vampire?
I thought he wanted to kill me and then he kissed me.
The next two days I spent them inside the mansion. Damon had made me promise him
, I wouldn't go outside. The security of the royal mansion had been enforced.
The preparations for the wedding were overwhelming me.
+The Wedding day+
"Ouch!" I complained as I felt the air leaving my lungs "It's too tight, Ariel"
"Stay still, Arlene" she continued tightening my corset.
"I may be a vampire but it still hurts" I said expecting some consideration from
"Do you want to look perfect or not?" she asked bothered. I shut my mouth.
We were in front of a big mirror, we both looked so pale but gorgeous. Ariel was
wearing a spectacular blue dress; her curly blonde hair fell until her forearms
. Her grey eyes showed excitement. Well, I also looked good since I became a vam

pire, I was more beautiful. My black hair had an unusual brightness while my dar
k eyes were showing hope and happiness. The corset was really tight, it made my
waist look smaller and breasts looked inviting. I could almost image Damon tryin
g to get his fangs on them. I smiled at thought.
"Ready" Ariel said triumphal. I was stunning; the white dress fit me perfectly.
I had to be perfect...
Because it was my wedding day. Or well, my wedding night.
Unknown's P.O.V
"The time has come" I said loudly "We attack tonight!" the dozens of vampires un
der my command nodded their heads smiling sadistically.
"Will we attack before or after the wedding, sir?" one of them asked.
"Before. There's something I want to take from that place for myself. She intrig
ues me"
"We're ready, master" some vampires screamed proudly.
"Then, let's start our way to victory"
Arlene's P.O.V
"Arlene" Ariel's voice made me turn to her.
"I just wanted to say... that..." Ariel wasn't good expressing her emotions.
"I'm happy you're the one my brother chose to marry" that was so sweet from her.
"Thank you" I said honestly. I felt the need to embrace her but I knew Ariel did
n't enjoy physical contact unless you were Lucian.
A knock on the door interrupted us. Ariel went to open the door.
My father came in smiling.
"Oh you're so beautiful" I saw the tears on his eyes.
"Dad, don't do this" I said feeling the bloody tears welling up my eyes.
"Ok Ok" he said controlling himself.
My father offered his arm to me; I grabbed my bouquet and wrapped my free hand a
round his arm.
"Ready, darling?"
"Always, dad"
We went downstairs and then stepped outside the mansion. The wedding was going t

o be in the garden, which was beautifully decorated. There were people sitting o
n chairs beside the way to the altar. Everyone stood up when they saw me. I smil
ed at everyone. The night was cold but calmed. And then I saw him...
He was wearing a black suit that made his pale skin looked inviting.
My father walked me to the altar, and gave my hand to Damon smiling.
"Take care of her" Damon just nodded his head.
We were in front of the father now. He smiled at us.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of God, and in the p
resence of these witnesses to join Damon and Arlene in the bonds of holy matrimo
ny. If there is anyone here who knows a just cause why they should not lawfully
be joined in marriage, I implore you to speak now, or forever hold your peace" T
he father said at everyone. No one said a thing. So, the father continued speaki
ng about love and faith until he finally started the vows.
"Do you, Damon, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to
cherish, to have and to hold; and do you promise, forsaking all others, to cleav
e to her and her alone, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do" Damon stated secure. I felt the tears welling up my eyes. This was my dre
am coming true. The father looked at me.
"Do you, Arlene, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and t
o cherish, to have and to hold" I stopped listening when I saw a pair of red eye
s a few meters away us, inside the dark woods "And do you promise, forsaking all
others, to cleave to him and to him alone, for as long as you both shall live?"
I was completely frozen. I blinked a couple times and the eyes were gone. Maybe
I was hallucinating.
"Arlene?" Damon asked concerned. Everyone had started whispering things because
I hadn't replied to the vows.
"Huh? Oh, yes, I do. I do, father" after my distraction. Damon and I shared the
rings and the father spoke to end the ceremony.
"Because Damon and Arlene have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witn
essed the same before God and these witnesses, and have thereto given and pledge
d their faith, each one to the other. I pronounce that they are Husband and Wife
, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Damon, you
may kiss the Bride"
Damon looked at me and smiled.
He gave me a soft kiss. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Go in peace" the father ended and everyone sta
rted clapping.
I was so happy.

He was my husband; we belonged to each other.

Damon and I turned to the crowd and smiled in happiness. I was walking down the
altar to embrace my mother and Maddy when we heard some screams from behind.
I looked up to see dozens of masked vampires coming to all of us. Oh no! Damon's
fingers were wrapped around my arm.
"Step back" he said pulling me behind him.
"What's going on?" I asked confused. The guards started fighting the unknowns, i
n just a few seconds the garden had turned into a battle field. Every human star
ted running away, only the vampires stayed to fight.
"I have to fight, stay here, Arlene" Damon said joining the bloody fight, which
was staining the entire garden with blood.
Where was Maddy? And my parents? I found them hidden behind a table. I started
running to them. When I was about to arrive someone appeared on my way. I met th
ose red eyes nervously.
"You" I stated stepping back. He twisted his head.
"We meet again" he said coldly.

So? What do you think?
Leave your comments please :D
[45] He's my husband, We belong to each other (HMM, IBTH's sequel) Chapter 2
Here's the second chapter. I'm sorry if it is too short... next one will be long
er :)
-He's my husband, we belong to each other&Chapter 2&
The masked vampire was right in front of me. Those red eyes looked into mine lik
e he was trying to get something from me. I immediately stepped back. He did not
move which confused me, I took a look behind him. My parents were completely sc
ared; they were holding Maddy, who was crying. I would do anything for them.
I went on a defense position nervously. I wasn't an expert on fighting, I had tr
ained but it wasn't enough yet. That vampire looked powerful and old.
"What do you want?" I dared to question.
"Do you really want to know?" I knew he was smiling, even when I couldn't see hi
s face. I could sense it.
He disappeared in the air and I knew he was coming from behind me. I turned arou
nd and tried to punch him on the face but he just grabbed my hand and threw me i
nto the air; I landed on my hands and knees.

I stood up and realized I was inside the woods. He had thrown me few meter away
the garden. He wanted us to be alone. That was not good.
My wedding dress was an obstacle to fight; it reduced my possibilities to move.
Even when it was a gorgeous dress, I knew what I had to. I tore up part of the d
ress, leaving my legs in the air so I could move better.
The dark woods were incredibly silent; I took a look around and saw just trees a
nd remains of snow. The winter had just ended.
Where the hell was he?
My pulse was rising every second, I was deeply scared; I must admit it. I was a
new vampire; my chances to defeat an old immortal like him weren't good.
A cold breeze caressed my arms and now exposed legs.
"Arlene..." his voice said behind me. I quickly turned around but he wasn't ther
e. He was really fast. My chest went up and down as I was breathing uncontrollab
ly. I needed a weapon. I looked down and saw a piece of wood on the ground.
I grabbed it in a fast move and stayed in a defense position. The suspense and t
ension were killing me. I could only hear the branches being moved by the wind a
nd my accelerated breathing.
"You can't defeat me, Arlene" his words came from the shadows.
"Show yourself, coward" I teased in order to get him in my field of vision; othe
rwise I couldn't have a chance to defeat him.
He stepped out of the shadows slowly. He was extremely tall, I noticed that.
"Who are you? What do you want?" I had to ask.
He didn't reply and ran to me. I used the piece of wood to block his hits. I was
having a hard time to dodge his attacks. I kicked him on his stomach sending hi
m backwards. But he just ran back to me incredibly fast and pushed me with stren
gth, my back hit a tree, I arched in pain. I didn't have the chance to move when
he hit me on the stomach making me cough blood.
The sweet metallic flavor of my own blood remained in my mouth as I fell on my k
I used the back of my hand to clean my mouth. I needed to be strong. I looked up
and the vampire was few meters away from me. He was just staring at me without
Suddenly, he got one of his hands inside his pocket and got a small bag. It cont
ained a white substance.
"Do you know what this is?" he asked observing the bag in front of him. No, I di
dn't. I stood up slowly using the tree to support myself.
He threw the bag into the air and used his knife to cut it quickly. A weird dust
came out of it and was spread in the air. As soon as it hit my nostrils, I felt
Oh no... I covered my mouth and nose quickly; I knew what it was.

That weird dust which was the only drug that worked on vampires. Damon had used
it with Annie a long time ago. And then I used it with Louis.
"You do know what it is" he said softly. That mask was protecting him from the d
ust. I supported my body on the tree, I felt extremely heavy. My sight was becom
ing blurred... No... no... I was using my whole strength to stay awake. I wanted
to scream but instead I just whisper...
"Damon..." I fell on my knees losing equilibrium.
Damon's P.O.V
I buried a stake on the third masked vampire I was killing that night. He scream
ed in pain and disappeared.
I just stood up shaking the blood off my hand.
"Damon..." I heard Arlene's whisper... it was so weak but I sensed it. Since I h
ad turned her, we shared an intense bond. I took a look around but didn't see he
r. She wasn't in the place I had left her.
"Damn!" I screamed running to the altar. But when I got there, she wasn't around
I saw Arlene's family hiding behind a table. I walked to them
"You shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous" I said walking them out of the garde
n "Go inside the house. You'll be safe there"
"Damon" Maddy's voice caught my attention.
"What is it?"
"Arlene... she..." Maddy was sobbing "A bad vampire attacked her... I saw him"
"What?" both parents said alarmed. They didn't seem to have noticed it. Maddy wa
s very smart.
"Where?" I asked her. She pointed the woods.
"Thank you, Maddy"
I started my way to the woods.
Unknown's P.O.V
Arlene was unconscious beside the tree she had tried to support her body. I twis
ted a smile. It had been easier of what I had thought.
Three of my subordinates appeared beside me.
"They are too many, master" one of them said justifying the fact that we were lo
sing the battle. I did not care about that battle; we had not gone there to figh
t; just to see how many they were and which abilities they had. I had not even b
rought my best fighters.
I just planned to create a distraction to get the bride, and I had succeeded.
I walked to Arlene and lifted her from the ground to carry her bridal style. She
looked really peaceful.

"Put your hands off her!" I heard a scream behind me. I smiled. I turned around
to face him.
"Damon" I greeted smiling even when he couldn't see my expression.
My subordinates got in front of me. I would use them to distract Damon while I w
as leaving with her beautiful wife. Damon appeared in front of them and started
I took a few steps backwards and gave them my back.
"No! Arlene! No! Wake up!" Damon's screams of powerlessness were left behind whe
n I started running through the woods.
Damon's P.O.V
"No! Arlene! No! Wake up!" I screamed desperate as I saw that bastard taking her
away from me. No again...
I couldn't handle to be away from her again...
I killed those three vampires in a blink of an eye and followed the way the vamp
ire had used to leave but found nothing.
"No this shit again!" I said falling on my knees. I was clenching my fits with s
trength "Damn!" I was really angry at myself. I couldn't save her... I couldn't
stop that bastard.
She was my wife...
And she had been taken away from me right in front of my eyes. I couldn't do a t
I stood up breathing fast. I hit a tree and pulled it down in a fast move.
Arlene... I felt like someone had stuck a sword through me. I needed her...
I could not believe what had happened. That wasn't how I had visualized our wedd
ing night. I swore I would kill that vampire. If he just put a finger on her...
"Your highness" one of the guards called me from behind.
"What?" I asked bothered.
"We have won the battle, your highness. We also captured two of them alive in or
der to interrogate them" oh yes, those bastards were going to tell me where my w
ife was.
"Let's go"
When we arrived to the garden, the two masked vampires were there. They had brui
ses and cuts all over them, they were on his knees. A silver chain was wrapped a
round their wrists.
"Take those masks off them" I ordered and the guards did as I said.
"Damon" my father said appearing in the garden. He had been fighting one of the
strongest masked vampires a while go. Apparently he had won. Ashton, Annie and A
riel appeared behind him. They were extremely tired; they had been fighting, too

"Where's Arlene?" Ashton asked immediately.
"They took her"
"What?" everyone asked at unison.
"Yes, I don't know why. We need to interrogate these vampires" I stated kneeling
in front of those bastards.
"Where did he take her?" I asked using a menacing tone. They were newborns; they
were deeply scared.
"We are loyal to our master" one of them said nervously. I punched him on the fa
ce with all my strength.
"Really?" I asked taking a knife out of my pocket.
The vampire was scared. I could sense it.
"You won't see your wife again, little prince" the other one said smiling
ere so easy to distract... we were just a distraction so our master could
our wife... ah!" the vampire screamed and blood started coming out of his
nose and ears. My father was doing that. The vampire's limp body fell to
ound. I focused my gaze on the left vampire.

"You w
take y
the gr

"If you don't want that" I pointed the dead vampire "Tell me everything you know
"If you promise not to kill me" the left vampire stated nervous.
"It's a deal"
"He... we didn't know much about him. He was always masked... he said he wanted
to weaken this kingdom and that your wife played an important role in it; that's
why he wanted to take her"
"Where did he take her?"
"I don't know, I swear. He was extremely cautious, but I can tell you the place
where we had our meetings" he was honest. After he gave us the address to the m
entioned place; my father was ready to kill him.
"Don't, father" I was a man of word "Guards, take him to a cell"
The guards did as I said.
"We'll find her, son"
"Of course, we will. And I swear God; I'll kill that vampire with my bare hands"
Arlene's P.O.V
I opened my eyes slowly. I felt so weak and confused; the first thing my eyes sa
w was a wooden ceiling. I moved my hands feeling soft sheets, I was on a bed. I
sat down taking a look around. It was a small room, I remembered what had happen
ed. Oh no... I stood up quickly and started my way to a big window but then I fe
lt something burning on my ankle, I looked down and saw a silver chain wrapped a
round it. I was chained to the bed like a dog.

"What the hell?"

"If you try to escape it will hurt you" that voice... I turned around deeply sca
"You" the masked vampire was leaning against the door's frame "What do you want
from me?" I asked desperate.
"Everything" his cold answer made step back "I am your new master"
Please! Votes!
it means a lot to me when you comment :)
[46] He's my husband, we belong to each other (HMM,IBTH's sequel) Chapter 3
Here's chapter 3.
I'd like to congratulate Cookie for being the winner of the cover's contest for
this story.
Cover right there >>>>>>>>>>>
Great job, Cookie =)
He's my husband, we belong to each other.
+Chapter 3+
"New master?" I asked confused. The masked vampire took a few steps towards me.
"Yes, you were a slave once so I guess you know what I'm talking about" I steppe
d back nervously.
"I'm not a slave anymore" I stated secure.
"Actually, you are. You're my slave now" I couldn't see his face but I knew he w
as smiling. I took another step backwards and my back hit the wall.
"You are crazy" it was the truth; I wasn't going to become his toy.
"Maybe" he replied quickly "But, perhaps you can love me, Arlene"
"Didn't you fall in love with your last master?" his question bothered me a lot
"Who knows? Maybe you fall in love with me as well" I stayed in silence for a fe
w minutes, that vampire was so wrong, I would never love him.
"Don't talk about love when you don't even know what it is"

"Do you? What is love, Arlene? I have seen hundreds of definitions but what's lo
ve for you?" I looked away thinking about his question. I didn't have to answer
him but I wanted to do it.
Thousands of images of Damon and my family came to my mind.
"When you love someone..." I paused taking a deep breath "You give everything yo
u have to make that person happy" I remembered Damon's smile "You always want to
keep him warm and protected" Maddy's sweet face came to me "You'll be willing t
o sacrifice everything even yourself for him" I remembered when I had almost lo
st Damon "Love is a complex feeling... it sticks to your heart and become the re
ason you weak up everyday" Images of Damon and me together came to me, I missed
him so much.
The masked vampire stayed in silence.
"Interesting" he said finally "You're very known for your ability to forgive, Ar
"Love is forgiveness" I stated more to myself than to him.
He walked to be right in front of me. He held my face with both hands, I tried t
o move my head away but his grab became tighter. I had no choice but looked righ
t into his red eyes. He didn't say a word; he just stood there staring at me. I
was about to push him back when he grabbed my hands and held them above my head.
He used his free hand to hold my chin.
"You are more interesting of what I expected" he whispered on my ear, his lips c
aressing my earlobe "And by the way my name is Santiago" he stated and disappear
ed in the darkness.
Ariel's P.O.V
"Damon, stop" I stated bothered, he kept walking around like a crazy man. I felt
a dj vu sensation, oh right! Damon had acted the same way when Ashton had taken A
rlene from him "You have to stop! You're getting me on my nerves!" I said grabbi
ng his arms to make him stop.
"I have to find her" he sounded as desperate as he was.
"And you will, but we need to think over this with cold head" I was right as alw
ays. We wouldn't elaborate a plan if Damon continued walking around desperately.
He seemed to agree with me because he stopped and sat down on the couch "Thank
you" I said with my hands on my waist.
"We have to go to the place that vampire gave us"
"Yes, but first we have to go over every single detail. Maybe there's something
we are missing" I said sitting down next to Damon.
"The leader distracted us to take Arlene with him" he began talking.
"He has to be an old vampire; otherwise he wouldn't be able to control an army o
f vampires" I stated thinking about it "We know him, that's why he's using a mas
"I saw him and I didn't recognize his scent" Damon stated secure.
"Maybe you don't know him but someone here in the kingdom does, because there ha

s to be a reason for him to hide his identity" I said analyzing the facts "What
did he tell you?"
"Nothing, he just said my name and left" Damon replied looking down concentrated
"Lucian said his father didn't agree with the peace pact, he was the one behind
Louis when he attacked Arlene. Maybe he has something to do with this, don't you
"Yes, you're right" As usual "But he's the king of Athalia. We can't just go the
re and throw accusations without any proves" And for the first time in a while m
y brother was right.
"We can talk to the queen" I said standing up "I'll talk to Lucian to get us a m
eeting with her"
"Since when you and Lucian are so close?" Damon's question got me out of guard.
I turned to him pretending a smile.
"We are not close, it's just..." Damon folded his arms around his chest.
"It's just...?" Damon raised an eyebrow "Is there something I don't know, sister
I didn't say a thing. Damon knew how to read beyond my lying faces.
"We are not close. End of the conversation" I stated giving my back to him.
"You are together!" he screamed standing up. I turned to him.
"Shhhh! Shut up!"
"You are, aren't you? You know you can't lie to me" I knew that.
"I guess we are together" I admitted finally "You can't say a word of this"
"No problem" he stated smiling.
"We should go, do you have the address the vampire gave us?" I asked changing th
e subject.
"I memorized it" he replied sadly. I knew he needed Arlene like he needed blood
to survive. I was always surprise by the intense feeling those two shared.
"Let's go" I walked to the door. But someone opened it before I got to it.
"Hi" Ashton and Annie came in "We are here to help"
"Thanks, I appreciate it" Damon stated.
"We are about to go the place the vampire mentioned" I explained.
"We're going with you then" Annie said softly.
"We'll find her, Damon" Ashton said looking at Damon.
"Yes, we will" I stated getting outside.
We would find Arlene at any cost. She was my only sister-in-law after all.

Arlene's P.O.V
I was walking around the room like a caged rat. I needed to do something but the
chain restrained lots of my moves, besides I was getting weaker every second. I
needed blood, I needed Damon's blood. He was my feeder since I became a vampire
; I hadn't tasted any other blood.
Santiago... that was the masked vampire's name.
What did he want from me?
I needed to get out of that place, which was for sure.
"Arlene" his voice made me jump in surprise. I hadn't sensed him.
I turned around to face him; he was only wearing dark pants. He was t-shirtless,
which allowed me seeing his well-formed chest and arms. He had a tattoo on his
left arm, I couldn't see it well. He was still wearing his mask. His pale naked
neck invited me to bury my fangs on his pumping veins and satisfy my need. I sho
ok my head to push those thoughts away.
"Are you thirsty?" his question got me out of guard. I didn't reply "You are, ar
en't you?" I took a step backwards "I saw the way you looked at my neck, Arlene"
I looked away embarrassed "You want my blood"
"I don't"
"You do" he walked to me in a slow pace. He was right, I was really thirsty if h
e came any closer I wouldn't be able to control myself. I was a newborn after al
"Master" a female voice called from the door "You have a visitor"
"I'll be right there" Santiago stated giving his back to me and then walked out
of the room. I was safe... from now. I didn't want to drink his blood.
I sat down on the bed... I just wanted to go home. I knew Dawn was near... but I
didn't want to sleep there. I didn't feel safe.
The door was opened and I jumped out of the bed going on a defense position. It
was a masked vampire but it wasn't Santiago, his eyes weren't red.
The vampire took his mask off.
"Lady Arlene"
I was shocked.
"Louis?" I asked confused. What was he doing there?
"We don't have much time"
"What are you doing here?" I couldn't believe it.
"That's not important. I'll get you out of here but you have to be patient"
"Wait for me tomorrow's night. Be ready" he said giving his back to me.

"Louis... wait..."
"I have to go" and he left just like that. I wasn't sure I had understood everyt
hing he said but... he was going to get me out of that place.
He was a light of hope in my darkness.
-----------------------------------------------------------Please vote and leave your comments!
I need your support here... this is a watty story so the more you comment... the
more you help me...
Thank you =)
[47] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 4)
Here's chapter four, sorry for the long wait... I don't have a computer yet :(
Oh! I'm really excited because this story made it to round 2 on the watty awards
I have never asked you something like this but please go there on the vampire ca
tegory and vote for this story :)
I have never won anything in my life u,u it would mean the world to me.
-Chapter 4Santiago's P.O.V
Arlene continued in front of me, she was looking at me with anger. I could total
ly understand her; I had ruined what supposed to be the best day of her life. Sh
e looked beautiful even when her wedding dress was torn in some parts. She met m
y gaze, her dark eyes showed how thirsty she was, I smiled under my mask; she wo
uld not resist biting me if I came closer. She had no idea who I was, I smiled a
t her ignorance.
I took a step towards her and she stepped back, the chain around her ankle made
some noise.
I felt a presence on the room's door.
"You have a visitor" a slave said from behind. I sighed; I would have to leave A
rlene thirsty for the day, which was a shame.
I disappeared in the air and headed to my studio.
I opened the door and stepped inside, there she was...
My ally, the traitor who brought me information from King Lutter's kingdom. She

was a spy there. She was wearing a humble short dress; her blonde hair was in a
pony tail.
"What happened?" I asked directly.
"Damon captured two of us, he tortured them and one of them gave him information
about your last hideout, master"
"Ungrateful newborns, they couldn't keep their mouths shut" I cursed inside me "
I guess, Damon is planning to get to that place and try to rescue his beautiful
wife" the girl nodded "When?"
"Tomorrow's night, master"
"Shit!" that was definitely
documents inside, I hadn't
dawn, we have no time to go
meet them there and I don't

a problem, my last hideout still had some papers and

had the time to clean up before I left "It's almost
and clean now. And if we go tomorrow's night we may
want a fight, at least not yet"

"I can clean that place up for you, master" the girl was smart "I am human, the
sunlight won't hurt me. I can go during the day" her eyes met mine. She had a pa
ir of gorgeous blue eyes, I must say. She started blushing because of my look.
"You are more useful of what I thought, girl" I was honest in that statement.
"Thank you, master" innocent human, I noticed some hope and illusion on her expr
ession. She thought I could feel something for her but she was so wrong. I despi
sed her kind.
"You're dismissed, go and do as I say" she nodded her head and walked out of the
I needed to think everything over; I needed to think coldly if I wanted things t
o be the way I wanted.
Damon would do anything to get Arlene back, that was fact so I needed to be real
ly careful if I wanted to keep Arlene here.
I couldn't believe everything was going as I had planned it. Everyone in Lutter'
s kingdom was focused on finding little Arlene and that weakened them. I would a
ttack when they didn't expect it.
For now, I would entertain myself with her.
Arlene's P.O.V
I kept walking around the room, the sound the chain produced every time I moved
was really annoying. I felt frustrated, dawn was near and I had no intention of
sleeping in that bed.
What was he doing there? He said he would get me out of that place the next nigh
t but how? Why? I didn't understand that vampire at all; he was a puzzle for me.
I didn't know how vampires could say humans were complicated when it was the ot
her way around.
I growled and stopped walking.
I looked down at my dress...

My wedding dress...
I sat on the bed, there was a small window in front of me, I could barely see th
rough it... the darkness was leaving as the light was just arriving.
I looked at my hand and saw the golden ring on my finger.
That ring was prove of my union with Damon.
My husband...
It was surreal for me what had happened; I never expected my wedding night to be
like that. It's hard to believe that the day you expect to be perfect and wonde
rful... was ruined.
I missed Damon so much. I felt my eyes watering as I remembered his sweet smile.
.. his warmth, his sexy voice...
"Oh Damon..." I covered my face with my hands to cry silently.
I wanted him to be there for me.
The sun was rising up, I felt my body going weak and I felt sleepy.
I didn't want to sleep on that bed but it was impossible as a vampire to stay aw
ake while the sun was on.
I cleaned my tears and felt my body going limp on the sheets.
My eyes felt so heavy...
What was that sound?
The darkness had arrived I could sense it.
I opened my eyes slowly. The smell of fresh blood hit my nostrils; I immediately
sat down on the bed.
I moved my long hair back and sniffed to find the source of that blood.
I looked at my dress and found it stained with blood.

"What the hell?" I asked feeling sick. I forgot about my thirst.
I realized there was a drop of blood was falling on my dress.
I didn't want to look up but I had to do it.
I moved my head up slowly and looked at the roof...
"Oh God..." There was a human boy tied there, blood kept coming out of his wrist
s. I immediately jumped out of that bloody bed "Oh God..." I was a vampire but I
wasn't used to that kind of things. I was shaking when I covered my mouth with
my hand.
"Help..." a weak whisper came from the human, he was alive...
"Oh my God..." I ran to the bed and got on it. My feet started sinking on the bl
oody sheets "I... are you..." I didn't know what to say, I looked up on the verg
e of tears.
"Help me..." his heartbeats were so weak.
"Oh God... I will get you down" tears started rolling down my cheeks; I imagined
how much that human was suffering.
"Please... it hurts"
"I know..." my voice broke. I was weak but I needed to do something, I had to do
I extended my claws and jumped with all my strength to cut one of the ropes whic
h were holding him there. I did the same thing three more times until the human
fell on me. I grabbed his face slowly. He was deeply in pain.
"It hurts, please" I closed my eyes feeling the tears falling from my eyes.
"I'm sorry" I said crying.
"Make it stop" I didn't know what to do... I felt so lost. I wished Damon was t
here so bad. I put my hand on the human's wrists but the blood kept coming out o
f them.
"I don't know what to do" I stated frustrated "I'm sorry"
"Kill me"
"What? No, No way"
"Please... stop the pain" he had beautiful gray eyes.
"I can't kill you"
"I'm suffering"
"I know" I looked away feeling the powerlessness and anger running through my ve

"You're beautiful" he whispered softly "Are you an angel?" I was holding my tear
s back.
"No, I'm not"
"You look like one" he smiled at me.
How could I save him? Should I turn him into a vampire? But I didn't know how to
do it correctly besides I was weak.
The human started closing his eyes. Oh no...
I bit my own wrists and put it on her mouth.
"Drink, please" I didn't know if I was doing the right thing but I had no choice
. I wouldn't let someone die in my arms. Drops of blood started falling inside
the boy's mouth. I grabbed one of his bleeding wrists and tasted his blood.
After a few minutes I stopped the process. The boy kept his eyes closed but his
heartbeats were ok.
"Oh my dear Arlene" Santiago's voice said behind me "You always surprise me, I k
new you would try to save him but I didn't expect you to cry on him and turn him
I stood up angry
"How could you do something like this?" I got dizzy. I needed blood soon.
"You're really weak, aren't you?"My sight was blurred and I fell on my knees. I
saw Santiago taking the boy "don't worry I'll keep him safe"
"No..." I whispered before my sight became completely black.
Damon's P.O.V
We had finally arrived to the last hideout of the vampire who had taken Arlene.
Ariel and Ashton had come with me and a group of guards. It was in the woods, an
old cabin. Ariel was already checking inside. She came out quickly.
"There's nothing here, they had cleaned everything up. It was a human, her scent
it's all over the place" she stated sadly.
"Calm down, Damon" Ashton stated secure "I can smell that human's scent a few mi
les away, I'm sure we can find her"
"Then let's go" I said following Ashton.
I would find my Arlene... that was for sure...
And I would also kill the vampire who had her...
I swore.

Leave your comment. I love to know what you think.
[48] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 5)
Hello! Sorry for taking so long. And i know it's short but I'm sick, so Jim doin
g my best.
Please don't forget to comment and vote for this story in the watty awards.
+Chapter 5+
"Lady Arlene" I heard a soft whisper but I was so weak that it was hard for me t
o open my eyes "Wake up" I started opening my eyes slowly, but when I did I coul
d only see a blurring figure in front of me.
I was lying on my back, feeling the cold floor under me. I remembered I had pass
ed out when Santiago took the boy with him.
I sat down supporting my weigh on my hands.
"Are you alright? We have to go" That voice... I turned my head to one side to s
ee him.
He helped me to stand up; I couldn't believe how weak I was. Louis broke the cha
in around my ankle in a quick move.
"You need blood soon" he stated wrapping one of his arms around my waist to help
me walk.
I thought about asking him to give me his blood; but I didn't dare to. I barely
knew Louis and vampires took really serious the act of sharing blood.
"Once we cross that door, you
s door "There are hundreds of
l movement" I nodded my head,
ke the typical prince: blonde

have to be silent" he explained pointing the room'

vampires in this place, they will sense the minima
I realized Louis smelled really nice. He looked li
haired and blue eyes.

It reminded me of one of the fairy tales my mother used to tell me, where the pr
ince always saved the damsel in distress.
"Lady Arlene?" Louis' voice brought me back to the reality: we weren't in a fair
y tale and Louis was not my prince.
"Let's do this" I stated walking to the door.
After crossing the door carefully, we found ourselves in a long dark corridor; t
he walls were made of grey stone.
Was it a castle that place? Seriously?
Couldn't be more similar to a fairy tale the whole situation?
Louis and I walked slowly down the corridor, we weren't even breathing not that
we needed to.

We found stairs at the end and we went down slowly, the old wood cracked with ev
ery step we took.
We finished the stairs and there was a big garden in front of us. I heard voices
around that place. I felt how the adrenaline increased in my body knowing that
we were in risk of being discovered.
We passed a few trees and hide behind them every single time we moved. I stuck m
y head out of the tree to take a look around.
There were five vampires wearing some white uniform; they were laughing at....
...The boy.
The boy I had turned into a vampire, the boy Santiago had taken away. He was enc
hained to the wall, blood kept coming out of his mouth, and his fangs had just g
rown. He was older of what I thought.
He had a square face with prominent cheekbones and pointed nose. His eyes were g
rey; he had full lips which looked inviting stained with blood.
He also had a well-formed body; his bare chest was defined and leaded the way to
his abs.
I felt a strong force pulling me to him but I kept my position.
Louis squeezed my waist to make me react.
"We have to save him" I whispered looking into Louis' blue eyes.
"Shhhh! Save who?" he asked confused.
"The boy in the chains"
Louis took a look at the garden to see the boy.
"We can't, I know you like saving people but this is not our best moment" Louis
started walking but I grabbed him by his arm.
"You don't understand, Louis. I turned him, I can't leave him here" I stated.
"You what?!" Louis exclaimed and I covered his mouth, we couldn't produce a soun
d there.
"We have to save him" I repeated.
"You turned him? What the hell were you thinking?" Louis was shocked, i could se
e it.
"I saved him"
"You are a married lady"
"And?" I asked confused.
"You can only drink your husband's blood" I didn't know that "It is considered u
nfaithful if you drink someone else's blood and to turn another human it's unfor

"Yes, you cheated on your husband"

A minute of silence passed among us.
"I didn't know..." I didn't know what to say.
"You're enchained to that boy forever. He's apart of you now, you have an eterna
l bond with him" I knew what Louis meant "You should forget about him" but i cou
ldn't leave him there.
"Please, Louis. I can't leave him here"
Louis sighed.
"Distract the vampires until I get two of them and then while I'm fighting you g
o and release the boy. That's the plan, got it?" I nodded my head smiling.
"Thank you" I said honestly.
"Don't thank me yet" Louis said seriously.
Ariel's P.O.V
I was following Ashton through the woods; he said he still sensed the human scen
t so we were all behind him.
In a few seconds we found the human running desperately. I smiled sadistically a
nd jumped in the air to appear right in front her.
I was surprise, it was...
She worked as a slave in our kingdom.
"Sara?" I asked confused.
"Milady" she made a reverence.
"What are you doing here?" I asked but Ashton grabbed her by her arm with anger.
"This is the human who cleaned the hideout" I realized he was right, the scent i
n the place we had just gone to, was the same of this woman.
"I don't know what you're talking about, sir" Sara was nervous.
Damon walked to be right in front of her.
"I don't like hurting women, Sara. But I lost my wife and I would do anything to
get her back including torturing you until you tell me what you know" He said s
eriously. Sara opened her eyes scared.
This was going to be fun.
So? What do you think?

I love to know what you think.
[49] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 6)
+Chapter 6+

I had my back against the rough bark of a tree. Louis was standing in front of m
e, his blue eyes showed how concentrated he was. I wondered how Louis and Lucian
were so similar yet so different.
I realized Louis had something Lucian didn't have: a dangerous aura around him.
if you just met him you would run for your life.
Louis met my gaze and noticed I was staring at him, he decided to break the sil
"Are you ready?" he asked sticking his head out of tree to watch the guards.
I took a deep breath noticing the cold air filling my lungs. I took a look at t
he garden; it had roses and big trees all around. it was beautiful. There was a
small path which leaded to the enchained boy and the guards.
The guards were wearing sort of a military white uniform. I didn't understand w
hy they used such a pure color to commit horrible things like hurting that pure
boy. White wasn't the right color for the bad guys.
"Lady Arlene?" Louis' voice snapped me out of my thoughts. i needed to focus.
"I'm ready" I stated finally. Louis nodded his head and stepped back to let me
walk to the garden's path.
I had to do my part... I needed to distract the guards.

I let go a long sigh trying to calm my nerves. I fixed my torn wedding dress and
my hair.
As soon as I stepped on the path, I felt my blood pressure getting accelerated.
"Be calmed" Louis whispered still hidden behind the tree.
I took another step feeling how the rocks were harming my feet.
The guards noticed my presence and turned their heads to me.
"Hello" I tried to sound as innocent as I could "I'm lost, can you help me?"
one of them smiled mischievously. He was extremely tall; I knew he was the stro
ngest one of the three.
"Identify yourself, beautiful" he sounded deadly serious.
I had no answer for that. And he seemed to notice it. The three guards shared l
ooks, and the tall one took another step towards me.

"Aren't you the vampire girl our master kidnapped?" I took a step back.
Where the hell was Louis?
Like Louis read my mind, he appeared behind one of the guards and broke his nec
k in a quick move.
Louis moved in blurring speed, he extended his claws and attacked ripped the ot
her guard's head off.
I was shocked. Louis' movements were lethal and precise.
The tall vampire in front of me hadn't noticed what was happening behind his ba
I didn't know what to do, I had no energy and I was not a killer.
"Move!" Louis screamed at me as he was running to the guard. But I didn't move,
Louis stuck his claws in the guard's back, his hand went through it and came of
out of the guard's chest.
The hit was so fast that spitted blood to my face.
Louis got his hand out and the guards limp body fell to the ground.
I immediately started cleaning that disgusting blood off my face.
"I told you to move" Louis said shaking the blood off his claws.
I didn't say a thing. It was hard for me to get used to all that cold-blooded k
The boy...
I run through the path and stopped in front of the boy. I broke his chains; reg
ular chains were no obstacle for a trained vampire like me, even when I was extr
emely weak.

I was releasing his hands and I could feel his intense look. He was staring at m
e. When his hands were free he started caressing my face.
"My angel... you're real" he said tenderly, he had a childish voice.
"She's not yours and she will stop being real if we get caught" Louis stated co
ldly slapping the boy's hand "Can you walk, newborn?"
The boy just nodded.
"Let's go" Louis ordered as he began walking through the path. the boy and I sh
ared looks and followed Louis in silence.
After going through walls made of stone; we found a high fence in our way.
How on Earth were going to go through that?
"You can't jump it, can you?" Louis knew perfectly my limitations "I'll throw y
ou to the other side, you know how to land, right?"

"Wait, throw me?" I asked confused.

"You're weak and we don't have the time to climb it. You know how to land or no
t?" Louis was deadly serious about the throwing thing.
The thousands times I had jumped out of Damon's window, had taught me how to la
nd perfectly.
"What about him?" I had to ask. I was sure the boy didn't know about landing or
jumping fences.
Louis sighed.
"Fine. I'll throw him, too. But you have to catch him at the other side. He kno
ws nothing about landing"
"Ok" I replied secure. The boy was nervous I could sense it.
Louis extended his hand to me, I held it nervously. Louis' hand went up to my a
rm and squeezed it gaining impulse.
He threw me in the air. I felt my whole body floating; I passed the fence and s
tarted falling.
I prepared myself to land.
'Land like a cat, land like a cat' that thought spun around my mind during my e
ntire falling moment.
Finally, I landed on my hands and knees. I took a look around; there was a lone
ly, grassy field in front of me. The clouds hide a beautiful new moon.
A cold breeze passed caressing my bare arms and legs.
It made me wonder...
Where were we?
Oh the boy...
I turned around to look at the fence and spotted the boy falling down.

He was moving his hands trying to get equilibrium. He looked funny 'Focus' a voi
ce in my mind said.
I extended my arms to the front like I was trying to catch a baby.
He fell right over me. The impact made us fall to the ground. He landed on me.
"Ouch!" I complained, my back hurt as hell.
The boy supported his weigh on both hands putting them asides my face. I could
feel his entire body above me.
His closeness was having an effect on me. I met his gaze, he was dangerously cl
osed. He had a glint in his grey eyes. It felt so right to be so closed to him.

I realized he was getting closer to me, his breath caressed my face and his eye
s looked at my mouth and then went down to my chin, ending on my neck.
"No" I said immediately. I knew what he wanted. He didn't pay attention to me a
nd buried his face on my neck.
"I want to bite you so bad" he whispered on my skin. I knew that, for some reas
on I was aware of all that boy's needs.
His tongued licked my skin making me shiver. I put my hands on his bare chest t
o stop him.
"I said no" I menaced trying to push him back. One of the boy's new fangs graze
d my skin. I moved under him, I knew deep inside me I wanted to please him. It w
as something by instinct.
"Am I interrupting something?" Louis' voice made me push the boy away with all
my strength.
I stood up quickly. Louis gave the boy a killer look.
"Let's keep moving" Louis stated coldly.
We all entered the field carefully. I didn't know where we were but I was sure
we had a long way ahead us.
Damon's P.O.V
Ariel slapped Sara's face with all her strength. The poor human was kneeling in
front of us.
"You better start talking" Ariel menaced looking at Sara with despise.
The human spitted blood.
"I'm innocent, milady. I was just taking a walk ar-" Ariel slapped her again.
"Don't you lie to me!"
"We know you're working for the enemy" Ashton added folding his arms across his
"What? I don't what you're talking about" Sara kept lying.

Ariel punched her on the face. Sara's cheek turned red. Ariel knelt in front o
f Sara and held her chin.
"We have no time to play. Tell me what you know or I'll break you, bone by bone
" Ariel sounded completely evil.
I was just watching the situation, I trusted my sister to get the information o
ut of the human.
Sara remained in silence but fear was invading her eyes.
"I am loyal to my master" Sara stated smiling "You'll never find that bitch" sh
e added looking at me.

Ariel grabbed Sara's arms and broke it in a quick move.

"Ah!!" Sara screamed in pain.
"You're going to tell me what you know" Ariel's angry voice stated "It hurts, d
oesn't it?"
Sara started sobbing.
Ashton gave Ariel a knife.
"You don't know what true pain is" Ariel smiled evilly "I'll show you"
My sister was the nicest girl in the world but she could be the cruelest one as
Arlene's P.O.V
we finally stepped out of the lonely field. i was really tired.
We entered into a dark forest.
"I need a break" I exclaimed sitting on a rock. I was breathing fast.
"We can't stop now" Louis was serious.
"It's easy for you to say that. Your energy is full" I barked exhausted.
"Fine. Just two minutes" Louis said walking to a tree and leaned against it.
"Angel" the boy's voice surprised me.
"Are you talking to me?" I asked confused.
"I'm not an angel; my name is Arlene, what's yours?"
I just smiled at him.
"You are an angel for me" he was really sweet.
"Hey!" Louis' voice interrupted us "You, boy, come here"
Blake hesitated for a moment but finally walked to Louis.
"Listen to me very carefully" Louis started seriously "She's out of your reach,
she's married to one of the most powerful vampires in this land; so don't build
up your hopes"
I was speechless. I didn't expect Louis to say that.
"She's my maker" Blake looked at me "What happens between us it's not of your c

"You're right. I'm just giving you a piece of advice. You should listen to me if
you want to keep living"
"I'm not afraid of death"
An uncomfortable silence passed. The tension was unbearable.
'Oh boy this is awkward' I thought for myself.
I stoop up.
"Let's go. I'm feeling better" I lied.
Louis and Blake looked at me.
I pretended a smile.
"Let's keep moving" I started walking.
They both followed me in silence.
That was going to be a long trip, which was for sure.
*-*he's my husband, we belong to each other*-*
hello! =) how are the awesome fans ever? I hope you enjoy reading this chapter
as much as I enjoyed writing it.
You're getting to know Blake, huh? It seems he's a boy with strong character.
I'd like to thank the old fans for following this story since the very beginnin
g. You all have a space in my heart.
And of course I'd love to welcome the new fans '=)
"Welcome to my little vampire world" I love you already =D.
I'm talking too much. Anyway, stay tuned... =) don't forget to show your suppor
t... vote, comment, fan, like etc!
Love u all!
[50] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 7)
+He's my husband, we belong to each other"
-Chapter 7-

I had no words to describe how fatigued I was. The lack of blood in my system wa
s weakening me second by second. I really needed blood. I used my tongue to wet
my lips since they were so dry. Louis kept walking without stopping for not even
a second. Blake followed him in silence, he glanced at me every time he could m
aking me a little bit nervous.

What was I going to do

this whole situation.
ake was going to be in
fortable situation for

with him? I didn't want to imagine Damon's reaction about

Damon was extremely jealous and possessive. I was sure Bl
trouble. I felt so stupid, I ended creating a truly uncom

We kept going through the dark forest. I could only listen to the sound of owls
and squirrels hiding from us. The night was deadly silent.
I looked up for a moment trying to find the moon among those long trees branches
but i just got to see numerous clouds.
I heard water's sound coming from ahead. I realized the woods were coming to an
end. I stepped out of them and stayed in shock.
"Oh my God" I exclaimed surprised. I couldn't believe what i was watching.
Ariel's P.O.V
I was having fun by torturing Sara. She deserved it, I couldn't believe she had
betrayed us. Humans could be very ungrateful. Damon was standing beside me, I co
uld sense how desperate he was about getting information from the human.
Sara was coughing blood and she could barely breathe. I wrapped my hand around h
er fragile neck.

"Speak, little traitor" I said bitterly. She looked at me with fear on her eyes.
She remained in silence so I started squeezing her neck.
"Ah!" she screamed in desperation as the air was not getting into her lungs "I'l
l speak! I'll speak!" she said quickly.

I let her go and she fell to the ground coughing. Damon took a step towards her
and knelt beside her.

"Tell me everything you know" he said coldly.

Sara looked at him and i noticed a glint on her blue eyes. Realization hit me: s
he was in love with Damon. Now, everything made perfect sense. She was hurt beca
use Damon chose Arlene over her. That was why Sara betrayed us.

"I'll speak if you promise not to kill me" Sara spoke nervously.
Damon's dark eyes met mine and then went back to Sara.

"You have my word" He said honestly.

"My master's name is Santiago" she started nervously.

"Santiago?" Ashton asked confused

"Do you know him?" I questioned looking at my cousin.

"Of course. He's from Athalia"

"What?" we all exclaimed at the same time.

"He's the bastard son of the king"

"you mean, he's Louis and Lucian's half brother?" i was really surprise.

"Yes" Ashton stated quickly.

"Wait" i said getting everyone's attention "How do we know is the same vampire?"
Sara stood up.

"Sir Ashton is right. Santiago is the not recognized son of the king of Athalia"
She explained.

"where is he now?" Damon asked Sara.

"I'll tell you but it's impossible for you to get in there" Sara said seriously.

"Why?" i had to ask.

"The place is protected by a spell, it's not even visible. Santiago decides who
goes in or out" Sara explained carefully.

"Do you know where that place is even if it's not visible?" Damon asked.

"Yes" Sara replied looking away.

"Take us there" Damon stated seriously.

Sara just nodded her head. It was going to be a long night after all.

Arlene's P.O.V

I was still shocked. My eyes were widely opened in surprised. I opened my mouth
to say something but i was wordless.
Louis remained in silence as i was trying to calm down.

"The ocean? Really?" i asked confused. Yes, we had in front of us a big dark blu
e ocean. We were standing on a cliff.

"Yes" Louis replied coldly.

"Where the hell are we? how are going to get out of here?"

"It's an island"

"An island?"

"Yes" I couldn't believe it.

"Oh God" i stated running my fingers through my hair.

"Calm down, Arlene. I wouldn't have come here if I didn't have a plan" Louis exp
lained seriously.

"What's the plan? Swimming? I got news for you, Louis. I can't swim"

"The lack of blood is affecting you" he said looking at the ocean. He was right.
I was upset, I mean, I felt angry for some reason.

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok. Let me explain you this" he pointed to the ocean "That's not really an

"It's part of a spell"

"A spell?" Louis could really confused me.

"Yes, a spell Santiago uses to control and watch the comings and goings" And the
n i remembered.

"Ashton's mother used to have a similar spell. she could make her house invisibl
e and she would make it visible only for the people she wanted in" i said in rea

"It's the same type of spell. Only powerful vampires can perform it"

"How can we get out?" I asked worried. Blake was in silence behind us, i guess h
e had nothing to say about this.

"Have you developed your mental powers?" Louis asked me seriously.

"Well, not totally"

"We have to use them to see beyond that fake ocean"

"I'm not sure I can do that, besides I'm weak" i explained sitting on the ground
. I was exhausted.

"you have to. We have no others options"

"I need blood" I said honestly "I can't even stand anymore. I'm starving"
Louis walked to me and knelt in front of me. He took up the long-sleeved of his

"What are you doing?" i asked frowning. but i got my answer immediately. Louis b
it his own wrist and then offered it to me "Louis..."


"I can't do that. I won't cheat on my husband again" i said shaking my head.

"This is a life or death situation, Arlene" I could smell his blood. I could alm
ost taste it, Louis' scent was extremely attractive. He was right at some point,
we needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. I was about to grab hi
s hand when Blake slapped it fiercely.
Louis gave him a dangerous look.

"If she needs blood, I'm the one to feed her" Blake stated seriously. The tensio
n between those two was unbearable.

"Let this be the last time you touch me, young boy. Otherwise I'll be forced to
kill you" Louis was really serious.

"I'm not afraid of you"

"You should be" Louis stated with a dangerous aura around him.

"Enough!" i screamed bothered "We have important things to think about right now
Louis offered his wrist to me one more time.
"No" Blake said from behind. I looked at him and saw anger on his grey eyes "Ple

ase, let me feed you"

I was really confused. I wish I wasn't a vampire at that moment, so i couldn't n
eed blood.

"Arlene?" Louis' voice made me turn to him again.

I didn't want to choose. I was going to cheat on my husband again no matter who
i chose. I just didn't want to do it.
I stood up pretending a smile.

"I'm fine. Let's try to get out of here" I stated walking to the cliff edge. Sil
ence passed among us for minutes.
Louis walked to be right beside me.
"This is going to be quick. Close your eyes" He ordered and I did it "Feel the p
ower inside you" I could feel it. it was like a strong force was filling my vein
s "Now, focus that power on your mind" I did it slowly "Open your eyes"
When I opened them my sight was blurred. I blinked a couple times to clear it. T
he ocean was gone; instead there was a lonely field in front of us. I couldn't b
elieve it had been that easy.
I tried taking a step towards the field but my legs didn't respond me.

"Louis..." Why did my voice sound so weak? i felt how body was dismaying and i l
anded on Louis' chest. He lift me and carried me bridal style. I looked back and
spotted Blake behind.

"Angel! don't leave me here!" he screamed at me.

"Blake..." I could barely utter a word, i was so weak "Louis..."

"It's better this way" Louis stated coldly.

"Angel!" Blake's scream was the last thing I heard before losing consciousness.

+He's my husband, we belong to each other+

I know, I know. What a way to end this chapter :) I hope you enjoyed it =)

Poor Blake...
Let me know what you think :)
Love u all

[51] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 8)
He's my husband, we belong to each other.
- Chapter 8 Blood...
That word kept spinning around my mind.
I needed that sweet liquid inside my mouth and I needed it urgently.
I tried opening my eyes but failed. My throat was sore. I could feel how weak my
body was. I felt like I was in flames, like my insides were on fire burning eve
ry piece of me.

My lips were completely dry. I made an effort to open my eyes; I pushed myself i
nto a sitting position. I looked around completely confused.

That was all I could think of.

"Arlene?" A male's voice called me. I turned my head to the source of that voice
but I just got to see a blurring figure; I showed my fangs like a savage when I
saw the pumping in the figure.
"Arlene?" The voice sounded confused but I could not care less. I just wanted th
at blood and I would get it no matter what.
I stood up and took a step towards the figure.
"Arlene, the blood thirst is controlling you..." I stopped listening. I knew tha

t vampire in front of me but for some reason I couldn't think clearly.

"Blood..." I whispered smelling the vampire's scent. He had powerful and ancient
blood running through his veins.
The vampire stepped back saying things but I couldn't listen to him.
I jumped to him quickly, he fell down and I landed on top of him. I immediately
buried my face on his neck.
I grazed his skin with my sharp fangs. I was craving for his scent. He was my pr
ey. I bit him slowly feeling how my fangs broke into his skin. As soon as I perf
orated the vein, the salty scent came inside my mouth.
The lust joined us few seconds later. I felt how my body was gaining strength. T
he vampire's hands were wrapped around my waist. I knew he was controlling the l
ust my bite was causing in him. I felt his cold hands going up and down my waist
. He let go a long sigh. I shuddered.
I stopped drinking and leaned back. I looked at the vampire's lips. My body was
still hot and needed. I was about to kiss those full lips when I felt two strong
hands on my shoulders pushing me back.
"I don't want you to do things you'll regret later" The vampire stated with his
hands frozen on my shoulders. Wait... I knew that voice... he was...
I looked into his blue eyes.
"Louis..." his name left my lips as I jumped away from him "Oh God..." I was so
embarrassed "I'm so sorry...I..." I didn't know what to say.
"It's fine" Louis stated getting up.
"I don't know what I was thinking..."
"I do" Louis said caressing his neck where I had bitten him "You were thinking a
bout blood. The thirst blinded you"
"I'm sorry" I said honestly. I was so embarrassed, sharing blood was a really im
portant thing among vampires "Why didn't you stop me?"
"I don't know" I didn't expect that answer.
"Oh no..." I said running my fingers through my hair "I cheated on my husband ag
ain, didn't I?" I asked completely disappointed of myself "What's wrong with me?
"I'm a bad wife" I felt tears welling up my eyes.
"It was not your fault" Louis tried to comfort me.
"What's Damon going to think of me?"
"He doesn't need to know" Louis replied seriously.

"You don't have to tell him. We keep it as a secret because it was not intention
al, Arlene" Louis explained carefully.
"I can't lie to Damon. He can see right through me"
"You won't lie. You'll just omit this part"
"I don't know..." I took a look around for the first time. we were in an old aba
ndoned cabin "Where are we?" I walked to a big window and saw a dark forest.
"It's Lara's forest; one of the biggest forest on this land" Louis said walking
to me right behind me.
Flashes of memories came to me: Louis and I escaping from the illusion Santiago
had created...
"Angel! Don't leave me here!" his scream of desperation was tattooed on my mind.
I was like U could feel his fear.
"Where's Blake?" I turned to Louis, who remained in silence "You left him behind
, didn't you?"
"It was better that way"
"What? Who do you think you are to make choices for me?" I was angry now.
"Santiago is going to kill him" I said scared. I had turned Blake into a vampire
, the feelings I had towards him were inexplicable. I wanted to protect him, to
see him happy. It was like he was my son.
"How could you be so heartless?" I asked Louis feeling the anger clouding my min
"Don't be childish. Think with cold head" Louis said coldly.
"Did you just call me childish?" Louis sighed.
"Yes, you're being childish with this entire situation. You are a married lady n
ow. What do you is going to be Damon's reaction when he finds out about Blake?"
"I don't know! But Blake doesn't have to pay for my mistakes" That poor boy was
so young.
"You should be thanking me for this"
Oh.. Louis shouldn't have said that. He just added fuel to my anger.
"Are you serious?" I was fuming now.
"You know what? This conversation is over!" I yelled at him and walked to the ca
bin's door.

"He's just a stupid boy!"

"Go to hell!" I yelled at him and stepped out of the cabin.
I started walking through the woods. I just hated Louis at that moment.
"Where are you going?" Louis asked from behind "You have no idea of where you ar
e" I turned around and spotted Louis leaning against the door frame. His arms we
re folded across his chest.
I took a deep breath trying to calm down. I didn't like when people made choices
for me, and I hated the way Louis was talking about Blake, like Blake was an ob
ject we needed to get rid of. Blake was a person; he didn't have to pay for my m
"Come inside. You have nowhere to go" Louis stated coldly.
I didn't move or say a thing. Louis sighed.
"Fine. Stay there and freeze to death" he said giving his back to me "By the way
, dawn is near so you should get inside, childish girl" I opened my mouth to say
something but he just disappeared inside the cabin.
Hateful Louis, but he was right. Dawn was near. I sighed defeated and started wa
lking to the cabin.
Ariel's P.O.V
"This is the place" Sara pointed a lonely field in front of us. Damon and I shar
ed gazes and nodded our heads.
I focused on seeing beyond that lonely field. A blue ocean appeared on my sight
and then some woods. I closed my eyes to stop seeing through Santiago's illusion
"Yes, it is here" I stated looking at Damon "We need to get a place to sleep, Da
wn is near"
"I want to go in there now" Damon said seriously.
"We can't. It's too dangerous for now" I explained looking at my brother. He loo
ked around sadly like he was trying to find Arlene.
"She's right, Damon" Ashton supported me "If we go now, we'll end up dead by the
Damon stayed in silence. I knew how desperate he was for finding his wife.
- -

We found an old mine inside some lonely forest. Everyone stepped inside the mine
but Damon was standing right in the entry. He was submerged on his own thoughts
. His dark eyes were staring at the sky.
"We're going to find her" I stated secure.

Damon kept looking up.

"She's near, Ariel. I can feel her" He said and closed his eyes "I can almost sm
ell her" he took a deep breath "It's driving me crazy, Ariel" I didn't know what
to say to conform him "I need her. I'm dying every minute I passed without her"
"I'm sorry" that was all I got. I wasn't good dealing with emotions.
"I can't believe I wasn't able to stop those bastards. She was taken away right
in front of my eyes. I couldn't protect her, what kind of husband am I? "
"Don't blame yourself, brother"
We both stayed in silence.
Damon was the one to break the silence.
"This is Lara's forest, isn't it?" He turned around.
"Let's go inside" Damon said walking inside the mine.
The next night was going to be an interesting one. I was sure of that.
+He's my husband, we belong to each other+
Hello! Yes, Arlene and Damon are at the same forest... isn't that good?
The next chapter will be full of emotions, people!
Please show your support by voting on the watty awards, vampire category for thi
s story! Of course only if you want to J
Love u all
[52] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 9)
*He's my husband, we belong to each other*
- Chapter 9 My sleep time ended when I sensed the sun hiding, when darkness began flowing ar
ound me. My body started waking up, slowly. I was lying on my back. When I final
ly opened my eyes I just got to see the damaged roof of the cabin; it had severa
l holes, you could see the sky right through them.
I felt something warm against my skin. I looked down and froze when i saw Louis
cuddled against me, his head was resting on my chest and one of his hands was wr
apped around me. Immediately, I pushed him away and he fell off the bed abruptly
, hitting his head against the floor.
"Ouch!" he exclaimed caressing the back his head "What the hell was that for?" i
t was the first time I heard Louis saying a bad word.

I folded my arms across my chest.

"Are you out of your mind?" he asked standing up.
"You were all over me" I said looking away.
"What?" Louis' blue eyes showed his confusion.
"You were embracing me" I said with my gaze focused on the wall.
"Excuse me?" Louis used a hateful tone "You were the one to embrace me few hours
"What? What are you talking about?"
"You whispered something about being cold and you pull me into a hug" Did I? Oh!
Then, I remembered I thought it was a dream.
"Oh I thought it was a dream and you were Damon" I was deeply embarrassed.
"I have news for you, Arlene. Vampires can't dream" Louis stated coldly.
I looked at him; he ran his fingers through his messy hair. His blue eyes looked
into mine for a second.
"So it wasn't a dream, it was real. Oh I'm so embarrassed"
"Don't be. You're been too much time away from your maker. You want to see him s
o bad that your mind can play jokes to you"
I sighed. Oh my Damon, how much i missed him.
"I'm sorry for..." I cleared my throat "You know, making you hug me"
"What about being sorry for pushing me savagely off the bed?"
"Oh I'm sorry for that; too" I stated honestly "I can't believe it. It felt so r
eal, like Damon was closed to me"
"Of course it felt real, you were actually embracing someone" Louis pointed hims
elf "Me" he sounded upset.
"I said I was sorry" I reminded him getting up from the bed.
Louis stuck his head out of the window to watch outside.
I wanted to ask him, what we were going to do next but I was still embarrassed a
bout what happened.
Louis didn't stop surprising me; he had all the evil and dangerous aura around h
im but deep down, he was just a boy. The scar on his cheek gave him a mysterious
look, like showing how much experience he had in fighting.
He glanced at me with the corner of his eye. I looked away trying to play the fo
ol, he could still be intimidating.
"We have to leave" his cold tone was back.
"Why?" stupid question, I know. But it left my lips before I could stop it.

"Santiago will send his men behind us. We are not safe here"
Uh... Santiago, his name made me sick. it reminded me of the way he had treated
me, like I was just an object for his plan.
"How far are we from the kingdom?"
"Really far. But that's not our biggest problem"
"Then what is it?" I asked frowning.
Louis pointed up, and I followed his finger. There was a notorious full moon rig
ht in front of us.
"The moon? That's our biggest problem?" I asked totally lost.
"You don't know about the effect the moon has on vampires?" Louis asked totally
I shook my head.
"The moon has an effect in every night creature. In our case, it weakens us and
clouds our minds"
"It can make you feel confused and do things you wouldn't do normally" Louis exp
lained staring outside.
"I didn't know that. So, you're saying we can't go out tonight?"
"We shouldn't but I guess we don't have a choice" There were lots of things i di
dn't know about being a vampire.
Louis turned to me with a deadly serious expression.
"Listen to me, very carefully. We'll go out, try not to look at the moon. And th
e most important thing, try to keep yourself focused, your mind can get really m
essy out there"
I nodded my head nervously.
Damon's P.O.V
"It is full moon, Damon. It's not the best night to go there" Ariel kept giving
me reasons for not going outside the mine. But my mind was somewhere else.
I wondered what she was doing at that moment. Was she ok? Did she miss me? How d
id she manage to survive? I was sure she had fed otherwise she would be dead by
now. Vampires can't survive without blood for long, especially the newborns like
"I'm going to look for her. You stay here" I stated seriously. I didn't want to
put the others in danger because of my stubbornness.

"Damon, listen to your sister" Ashton started walking to me "She's right-"

"As usual" Ariel interrupted him. Ashton gave her a killer look "Sorry. Continue
"We won't be in our full potential tonight. You know better than anyone what a f
ull Moon can cause in us" I knew what Ashton was referring to. Long time ago, I
had disobeyed my father, I was just a newborn. I went out when there was a big f
ull moon, it completely clouded my mind and I ended up lost in the woods. I was
lucky not to kill anyone during the hours I spent with my head completely cloude
"I am stronger now" I said coldly.
"No matter how strong you are, Damon. It will weaken you anyway" Ariel exclaimed
with her hands on her waist. She could look like a child sometimes.
"Don't waste your time. I won't stay here spending another night without my wife
"I understand your desperation-" Ashton started but i just interrupted him.
"You do? What would you do if Annie was taken from you?" I asked coldly. Ashton
remained in silence.
Annie stepped towards me with a sad expression.
"I understand how you feel, your highness" She held my hand "Go and find her" Sh
e gave me a comforting smile.
I smiled back at her.
"Very helpful, Annie" Ariel said sarcastically "why don't you push him off a cli
"You don't understand" Annie said softly "She's his wife, he loves her and he wo
uld do anything for her; that's what love is about"
"Love is about being stupid enough to risk your life like that? If it is, then i
will never love someone"
"Oh really?" I teased looking at Ariel "I thought you were in love already"
Ariel rolled her eyes.
"I don't love Lucian" as soon as the word left her mouth, she regretted them.
"Lucian?" Ashton asked confused "you and Lucian? Really?" he said staring at Ari
el, who was fuming now.
"This is not about me, ok?" She folded her arms across her chest.
"I can't believe it" Ashton was still assimilating the news.
"Shut up!" Ariel exclaimed embarrassed "If you say a word of this, i will kill y
ou myself"
Ashton raised his hands in a peace offer.
"I'll keep my mouth shut" he said smiling.

"It's not funny" Ariel said giving her back to us.

"I have to go" I said taking a step towards the exit.
"Be careful, please" Ariel's beg was soon left behind me as i walked outside the
The dark woods received me with a cold breeze. Immediately i felt the uncomforta
ble sensation the moonlight was causing in my body. I could smell Arlene, for so
me reason I wasn't able to detect her location but I was sure she was near of me
Arlene's P.O.V
My head was a disaster, my sight was blurred. Louis was right about the moon thi
ng. I felt weaker everything second. We were walking through the dark woods, roc
ks kept hurting my bare feet but my wounds were healing automatically.
It was exhausting to stand under the moonlight. I was breathing heavily while Lo
uis was looking fine. I felt jealous of him; old vampires seemed to tolerate thi
s better than newborns.
"Are you ok?" Louis looked at me with the corner of his eye.
"What do you think?" I was exhausted.
Louis kept walking and I just followed him in silence.
I tripped over a rock and fell abruptly on my hands and knees.
"Great" Sarcasm was really flowing through me.
"Let's take a break" He said helping me to stand up.
"This is harder than I thought it would be" I had to admit it.
"Can't say I didn't warn you" Louis stated looking around "There's something wro
"What?" I asked sitting on a cold big stone. I rubbed my eyes trying to clear my
blurred sight.
"There's someone around here. I can smell him" Louis sniffed in the air.
"Santiago's men?" I was deeply scared now. I didn't want to go back to that horr
ible place.
"I don't know. Stay here" Louis ordered taking few steps away from me.
"No, don't leave me alone. Louis!" he was already out of my sight.
"Arlene" That voice...
I didn't want to turn around but I did it slowly.
"Oh my God..." I felt the air leaving my lungs. It was him...
"You have to run" He spoke quietly, he looked so scared.

"Blake..." I couldn't believe it.

"Go now"
"What are you talking about? Why are you here? Are you ok?" I felt like he was m
y son, like he was a part of me.
"They are coming for you. You have to go"
"Santiago's army. He's using me to track you because I can feel you better than
anyone since you're my maker"
I noticed the white uniform Blake was wearing.
"You are one of them now?" I asked confused.
"No, but I have to pretend to be one. I have no choice"
"I'm sorry for leaving you..."
"We have no time for this. Go now, they'll be here any minute"
I stood up and started stepping back.
"Just go" I could see the sadness on his grey eyes. I nodded my head smiling sad
Where was Louis?
I started walking away from Blake.
"I'll find you" I heard him say before getting into the darkness.
I kept running through the woods.
"Louis?" I whispered several times. I had no idea of where Louis had gone.
Suddenly he appeared from nowhere right in front of me.
"We have some troubles" he stated breathing heavily.
"I know"
"What? Did you see them?"
"Santiago's army? No, I just..." I didn't know if I should tell Louis about Blak
e considering the fact that Louis didn't like him at all "I just heard them comi
ng. They're coming for me"
Louis gave me a strange look.
"You suck at lying" he said holding my hand to pull me behind him.
We really needed to run.
Damon's P.O.V

There was something wrong in the woods. I could sense it. I was being extremely
careful with every step I took. There was an unbearable silence surrounding me.
I felt someone coming from behind. I turned quickly to face a newborn in front o
f me.
I realized he was wearing one of those white uniforms. He was working for Santia
go. The boy looked at me nervously.
"Who are you?" he asked confused "Are you from the good guys?" I didn't fully un
derstand his question.
"Let's say I am" I replied to keep him talking "Who are you? Where's Santiago? T
ell me and I'll kill you quick"
"My name is Blake"
+He's my husband, we belong to each other+
So? Yes, Damon and Blake just found each other.
What do you think? Leave your comments, please

[53] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 10)
He's my husband, we belong to each other.
+Chapter 10+

Damon's P.O.V
A newborn was standing in front of me. He had been turned into a vampire just fe
w days ago, I could sense it. He was wearing the uniform I had seen on Santiago'
s men the day of my wedding. The vampire has just told me his name, like I cared
about that. He was going to give me the information I wanted. The moonlight was
not really affecting me much, I was an old vampire. But the newborn in front of
me looked weak, the younger you are as a vampire, the more the moonlight will a
ffect you.
"Where's your master?" I asked directly.
"Master?" The newborn seemed confused.
"Santiago" I said his name with despise.

"He's not my master. If you are from the good guys, you should leave this land q
uickly. An army of vampires is coming here as we speak" he sounded honest. But I
couldn't believe him.
"Aren't you one of them?" I asked twisting my head to the one side.
"No. I'm pretending to be one to save my life"
"As I was going to believe that" I replied coldly. It had been a while since the
last time I had killed a vampire. I could have fun with that little newborn.
"I'm telling you the truth. I came here as quickly as I could to warn Ar-"
I appeared right in front of him, he froze completely surprise. I wrapped my han
d around his neck.
"You better start telling me the truth" I stated squeezing his neck. He looked i
nto my eyes completely in fear. And then, it hit me...
He smelled... her.
I let him go completely in shock. He stepped back coughing. I got my hand to my
face and sniffed it. He had her smell all over him. That little bastard had the
smell of my wife all over him.
He was so dead.
I appeared behind him and kicked him on his back. He fell to the ground, landing
on his hands and knees.
"What did you do to her, bastard?" I was really angry now.
"What? What are you talking about?" he frowned confused. I grabbed him by his ne
ck lifting him from the ground "I don't know what you're talking about" he said
before gasping for air.
"You have my wife's scent all over you! Where is she?" I squeezed his neck hard.
He tried to sink his claws on my hands to stop me.
"I-I-can't-breathe" he stated trying to get some air inside his lungs. Stupid ne
wborn, only if he knew that he didn't need to breathe at all.
"Speak before I break your neck" I heard how bones started cracking on my hand.
He screamed in pain.
"She-She-" he couldn't speak well so I threw him to the ground. He coughed as ai
r was getting inside him again.
"Speak!" I ordered. I really wanted to kill that vampire. It was taking a lot of
my self-control not to do it at that moment. I wanted to break his neck and eve
ry bone of his body. The only thought of him touching Arlene, made me the rage i
The newborn got up breathing heavily.
"Your wife... her name is Arlene?" he asked looking at me.

"Yes. Where is she? What did you do to her?"

"She was here few minutes ago and I didn't do anything to her"
"Why do you have her scent all over you?"
"I don't know..." he said looking away. He was lying, I could see it. There was
something he wasn't telling me "You're her husband" he added looking at me.
Rage took over me and I ran to him. I punched him on the face, he fell on his ba
ck. I got on top of him and kept punching him over and over again. Blood started
staining my hands.
That bastard was going to die.

Arlene's P.O.V
Louis and I had stopped running. The moon was weakening me; I sat on the ground
gasping for air. I looked up to the sky, that big full moon was so gorgeous. It
had a shining line around, it looked almost yellow.
"I feel so confused" I stated rubbing my forehead.
"It's normal. We have to keep going"
"I can't"
"Santiago's men will be here any minute"
"Are you sure we're going in the right direction? I think we are lost, I have se
en the same trees over and over again"
"We are not lost, Arlene. Get up"
"I think we are. Look around, all the same trees"
"Arlene!" Louis screamed got my attention "You need to focus"
"Focus on what?" I asked confused. Louis knelt in front of me; he held my face
on both of his hands.
"Look at me" he demanded. I looked into his big blue eyes; they were beautiful..
. like the color of the sea.
"Your eyes are beautiful" I was honest. I was having a hard time trying to think
"Arlene, you need to focus. If you let yourself fall into the moonlight effect,
it won't stop" what was he talking about? Moonlight's effect? It sounded funny.
I chuckled. Louis sighed.
"I didn't want to do this but I have no choice" Louis grabbed me by my wrists.
"What are you doing? It tickles" I said smiling like a fool.
Louis squeezed my wrists hard until a cracking sound was heard.

"Ah!" I screamed in pain. I got up feeling dizzy "Oh God..." I exclaimed as bloo
dy tears began forming in my eyes "it hurts. What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I'm sorry"
"Oh my God, it freaking hurts"
"They will be healing in just a minute"
"What the hell did you that?" I asked trying to move my fingers.
"You were into the moonlight's effect. I was losing you"
"Pain can be helpful to get a vampire out of that effect" Louis explained.
"So you decided to break my wrists. Couldn't you just scratch me or something?"
Louis didn't reply.
"We have to move"
"Right" I rolled my eyes but then I felt a horrible pain. I don't know how but I
knew Blake was in pain, I could almost hear his screams of agony.
Louis turned to me waiting for me.
"What now?"
"We have to go back"
"What? Are you out of your mind?"
I turned around and started running back, Louis appeared in front of me blocking
my way.
"Get out of my way!"
"Are you crazy? Are you going to walk to your death?" Louis asked frowning.
"Move!" I exclaimed, feeling desperation running through me.
"Why on Earth do you want to go back?"
"Blake..." I whispered feeling his suffering. Bloody tears started forming in my
eyes "Please, Louis"
Louis seemed to be thinking about it. Louis stepped aside and I started running
back immediately. He followed me in silence, I smiled because Louis was such a g
ood vampire even when he wanted to act the other way around.
I really needed to get to Blake. He needed me, I could sense it.

Ariel's P.O.V
I kept walking around the mine wondering where Damon was. I just wished he wasn'
t hurt or anything like that. He had been so stupid to go out in full moon.

"Stop walking, Ariel. It's getting me on my nerves" Ashton said passing beside m
I gave him a killer look.
"Leave her alone, Ash" Annie said shaking some sand off her dress.
"She needs to stop walking, for real" Ashton replied bothered.
"She is just worried" Annie added.
"I will take a look outside" I stated walking to the mine's entry.
I took a step outside feeling the intense moonlight on my skin. I looked around
and stood completely frozen. Shock was running through my cold veins.
Dozens of vampires were surrounding the mine. They were wearing some weird crims
on uniform. Immediately, I knew they were Santiago's men.
They were all staring at me. I felt completely vulnerable.
"Good evening, young lady" That voice...
I turned aside to look at him.
"Santiago" I whispered weakly.

Lucian's P.O.V
"We really need to hurry" I exclaimed to the army behind me. The king Lutter and
my mother had united forces to fight Santiago's group. They had wanted me as t
he commander of the entire army. I remembered the king's words "I trust you, Luc
ian. Go and help my son"
Damon had sent a vampire to keep us updated of what was going on. He had said he
found Santiago's hideout. And he also said that Ariel and the others were insid
e a mine in the Lara's forest. We were on our way to that mine, at the moment.
I had a bad feeling about this night. It was like the full moon was warning us.
"We are getting closer, sir" a guard said from behind.
I just wished we could arrive in time to that mine.

Damon's P.O.V
I kept punching that little bastard on the face. Blood was coming out of his nos
e and mouth.
"Please..." he was drowning with his own blood. How sweet!
"Please what?" I asked and punched him on the chest with all my strength. I hear
d the cracking sound of his ribs.

"Ah!" he screamed in pain.

"I'll show you real pain" I said coldly. Fear invaded the vampire's eyes.
"Damon..." my body completely froze.
I turned my head aside to look for the source of that sweet angelical voice I lo
ved so much.
There she was...
My lover...
My best friend...
My princess of darkness...

+He's my husband, we belong to each other+

Hello! I know it's not long but I couldn't keep you waiting for so long.
Arlene and Damon are face to face now, people.

Leave your comments

Support this story on the Watty awards!
Love u all
[54] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 11)
+He's my husband, we belong to each other+

Chapter 11

I was running fast through the dark woods, I could only hear Blake's moans of pa
in. He needed me.
I passed an enormous tree and stopped completely shocked.
Blake was lying on the ground and someone was on top of him punching him on the
face. And that someone was...

"Damon..." his name left my lips in a soft whisper. I felt a shiver going throu
gh me when Damon turned his face to me. Those dark eyes met mine causing need in
I didn't know what to do or say, I completely forgot about Blake.
My husband...
My beloved husband was right in front of me.
Damon stood up in silence. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it qui
I felt tears on my eyes. How much i had missed him. I ran to him and embrace hi
m tightly, he smelled just like always. I buried my face on his neck as he was w
rapping his arms around me.
"Oh Arlene..." he whispered kissing me all over my face. His lips looked for mi
ne; I wanted to feel him so bad. He kissed me desperately, his soft lips started
playing with mine and my body started getting hot. I loved being inside his arm

"Damon..." I whispered on his lips. I couldn't believe it yet. I had wanted to s

ee him so bad and now he was standing right in front of my eyes. He held my face
with both hands deepening the kiss.

I wrapped my arms around him, feeling my breasts against his well-formed chest.
His hands went down face to my neck, then they went down to my shoulders. He squ
eezed them softly, like he was trying to express how much he missed me.

I felt like we were alone in the world. Nothing else mattered, noone else matter
ed; just the two of us.

Someone coughed behind us but I didn't pay attention. I kept kissing my husband
like it was the ending of the world.

"Hey! I'm sorry for interrupting this but we have to go" Louis' cold voice said
from behind. And that was how my mind reached reality once more. We were in dang
er. I stepped back feeling a tigling sensation on my lips because all the past k

Damon's dark eyes met mine in silence. I could see so much on his eyes: Love, lu
st, and need. The way he looked at me, made me feel completely vulnerable.

"You are right" Damon's strong voice said to Louis but he kept staring at me "Ar
e you ok?" I just nodded my head. I didn't have words at that moment.

I heard another cough coming from behind my husband.


I looked down to see him trying to stand up. His wounds were already healing but
there was blood all over his face.

I could feel the tension in the air. Damon followed my gaze and looked at Blake.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked taking a step towards Blake.

"No..." I managed to whisper not knowing exactly what to say.

"What does he have your scent all over him then?" Damon turned to me again. I di
dn't know what to say.

"This is not the best time for questions. We have to move" Louis saved me.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked Louis looking deadly dangerous.

"Damon, we have to go" it was my turn to save Louis.

Damon glanced at me frowning; I knew he was trying to guess what the hell was go
ing on there.

Blake stood up staring at me. His grey eyes showed concerned. I gave him a comfo
rting look. I needed him to know that everything was going to be ok, even when I
wasn't sure about that. It's hard to explain the conection between him and me.
It felt like he was a part of me.

I felt a strong grab on my arm. I followed that arm to find Damon pulling me beh
ind him.

"Let's go" his grab around my arm became tighter.

Louis followed us in silence.

What about Blake?

I looked back and saw him cleaning the blood off his face. He looked so lonely a
nd scared.

"Wait..." I stated slapping Damon's hand.

"What?" Damon's penetrating dark eyes looked into mine like he was trying to get
something from me.

I swallowed hard.

"We can't leave him here" I pointed Blake.

"Why not?" Damon raised an eyebrow.

Good job, Arlene. Now you got your husband to ask you unnecessary questions. Dam
on took a step towards me with a deadly serious expression on his face.

"Why not?" He repeated his question with a dangerous tone.

"Because I'm his maker" Louis stated sounding secure.

"What?" Damon sounded confused.

"Yes, I turned him. I can't leave him here" I couldn't believe Louis was actuall
y lying to save me.

Damon seemed to be thinking about it.

"Move, little boy" Louis pretended to sound attached to the boy even when he act
ually hated him.

Blake seemed surprised as he was walking to us.

We started running through the woods. I tried to keep my eyes away from the full
moon. I didn't want to fall on its effect again.

Blake glanced at me everytime he could. I kept looking away, Damon knew me so we

ll. I didn't want him to notice any attachment between Blake and me.

It was going to be a long night.

Ariel's P.O.V

The bastard who had kinapped Arlene was right in front of me. I felt the need to
kick him hard but as usual I controlled myself.

"Where is she?" Santiago asked twisting his head to one side.

"Who?" i asked showing my best smile.


"I thought you had her" I said and my smile grew bigger. If Santiago was looking
for Arlene, it meant she had escaped.

Santiago walked to me making me step back until I hit a rock behind me.

"Stop smiling like that, silly little princess"

"Why?" I questioned holding his gaze. That bastard was so wrong if he though he
could intimidate me.

"You don't understand the situation, do you?" he asked extending his hand to my
face "Look around you. You are surrounded"as soon as one of his cold fingers car
essed my cheek, I slapped his hand.

"Don't touch me" I menaced but kept smiling. I knew how much it bothered him to
see me so calmed. He wanted me to be scared. Vampires like Santiago enjoyed othe
r's people fear.

"Why not?" he asked giving me a psycho smile "You know, I have always seen you a
s an untouchable vampire lady. And now you are here, so vulnerable. I must admit
, i feel tempted to touch you"

"Touch me and you are dead"

"I am already dead, darling. I thought you knew that" He started laughing on my

"You are right. You stink to death" I put a disgusting face. Santiago stopped la
ughing and I felt his cold hand being wrapped around my neck. He was stronger an
d faster than me because he was older. I extended my claws to sink them on his h
ands. He screamed in pain stepping back.

He caressed his hands until they were completely healed.

"I will have fun breaking you" He stated running to me. He raised his hands in t
he air to hit me. I closed my eyes waiting for the hit but it never came.

I opened my eyes confused. A strong arm had stopped Santiago.

"Are you going to hit a girl, Santiago?" Ashton asked pushing Santiago back "Tha
t's low, even for someone like you" I spotted Annie coming out of the mine with
the three vampire guards who were with us.

Inmediately, I did the math. There were almost 30 vampires surrounding us, one o
f them was extremely older than us. We were in disadvantage.

"Are you ok?" Annie asked appearing beside me. She froze when she saw Santiago.
She stepped back, i saw fear on her eyes.

"Annie?" I asked confused. Santiago gave her a twisted smile.

"We meet again" He stated staring at her.

"No..." Bloody tears started forming on Annie's eyes.

"Annie, What's wrong?" Ashton and I asked at the same time. Annie kept stepping
back until she hit the wall made of rock behind us.

"My dear Anne-Marie" Santiago tried to sound sweet.

"No..." Annie started shaking, bloody tears rolling down her pale cheeks.

"I can't believe someone was stupid enough to turn you into a vampire" Santiago
took a step towards us.

"Annie..." Ashton called her, we needed to know what the hell was going on. Anni
e covered her mouth with her shaking hand.

"Are you scared, Annie?" Santiago teased smiling.

"No! No! No!" Annie screamed holding her head.

Ashton walked to her and trying to hold her but she slapped his hands.

"No! Don't touch me! Please!" She was hysteric.

"Annie..." Ashton seemed to be so shocked. Annie fell on his knees, still holdin
g her head. It was like something was tormeting her mind.

Annie's P.O.V

I could hear Ash calling my name but I was submerged on my memories. I couldn't
believe that vampire was few meters away from me. I wanted to stop shaking but j
ust couldn't.

Annie's Flashback.

I was standing in my new master room. My seventeen's birthday had been a week ag
o but I hadn't been sold until that day. I heard the door being opened and inmed
iately I was on my feet staring at the ground.

"Master" I greeted.

"You are sort of beautiful" I couldn't stop blushing at his words.

"Thank you, master" I stated obediantly.

I sensed him walking to me. Then, his cold hands were holding my face.

"Look at me" and I did. I met his eyes. He was absolutly beautiful.

I felt my heart pounding like crazy against my ribs. Suddenly, his cold lips wer
e on mine. He kissed me savagely, his tongue explored my no longer virgin mouth.
Then, he started biting my lower lip hard. It really hurt me. I tried to step b
ack but his grab on my face became tighter. His fangs broke into the skin of my
lip, he cleaned the blood with his tongue. I pushed him away covering my now ble
eding lip with my hand.

I looked at him and he was smiling.

"Don't come any closer" I stated when he started walking to me again.

"Why not?"

"Just don't" I said stepping back. Next thing I felt was a strong hit on my face
. I fell on my ass feeling how my cheek stung. He grabbed me by my arm and pushe
d against the wall.

"You don't tell me what to do" His tone was dangerous. I felt his cold hands sli
pping under my short dress.

"No..." I whispered weakly "Please..."

"No what?" he started kissing my neck, sucking it enough to make it hurt.


"Keep begging, slave. The more you beg, the more I get turned on" he whispered o
n my ear and then he bit my earlobe.

And that was how all the rapes started. That vampire had broken me, I would neve
r be the same girl I was before he got in my life.

End of Annie's Flashback.

I tried to keep those memories away from me, but they kept coming to me. I never
expected to see that vampire again.

Ariel's P.O.V

I was extremely worried about Annie. She kept crying on the ground, and it was k
illing me not know what was hurting her so bad.

Ashton kept calling her but she seemed to be in another world.

"Annie" I called her walking slowly to her.

"What the hell is going on?" Ashton asked looking at Santiago.

"Should I tell him, little Annie?" Santiago asked smiling.

"Tell me what?" Ashton was frustrated, I could feel it.

"She's good in bed, isn't she?" Santiago asked looking at her. But Annie kept cr
ying covering her face.

"What?" Ashton and I asked at the same time.

"It feels good to be inside her, doesn't it?" Santiago said and I felt absolutel
y disgusted by his words.

"What did you do to her?" Ashton was tensed.

"Why don't you ask her?" Santiago looked at Annie once more "Oh it seems like sh
e doesn't feel like talking right now"

I walked to Annie and knelt beside her carefully. I didnt want to scare her.

"Annie..." I called her softly.

"Make him go away" she stated shaking.

"What did he do to you?" Ashton asked from behind me.

"She used to be mine" Santiago's word were like poison to Ashton "I was her mast
er, I had fun with her-"

"Shut up!" Ashton screamed completely out of control.

"I love the way she begged me to stop everytime I took her" Santiago teased star
ing at Annie.

"I'm going to kill you with my bare hands! I swear to God!" Ashton was really an

"I would love to see you try" Santiago stated smiling.

Arlene's P.O.V

We kept running through the woods, I was getting tired. The moon could affect me
even whe I wasn't looking at it.

"Stop" Damon ordered standing frozen in front of us.

"What?" I asked looking around.

"They are here" Damon stated taking a silent step to the front.

"Where?" and then I saw them. Vampires on uniforms were in a circle, it was like
they were surrounding something.

"That's the mine, isn't it?" Louis spoke quietly.

Damon just nodded his head.

"Arlene and the newborn should stay here" Damon said in a whisper "It's too dang
erous there"

"I'm not going to stay here" I said folding my arms across my chest.

"You will" Damon menaced looking at me. I opened my mouth to argue but I knew th
ere was nothing i could do to persuade my husband.

Louis and Damon shared gazes and started walking to the mine. I sat on a rock fe
eling completely useless.

I realized that now I was alone with Blake.

That was not going to end good.

+He's my husband, we belong to each other+

Hello there. I guess, you hate Santiago more than even after what he did to Anni

I'll wait for your comments and votes!

Love u all!

[55] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 12)
He's my husband, we belong to each other.
+ Chapter 12 +
Ariel's P.O.V
"Annie, you need to calm down" I stated trying to help Annie to stand up. She ha
d stopped shaking but she was still sobbing. I looked around and spotted Ashton
in an useless attempt to fight Santiago.
"I will make you pay!" Ashton screamed completely angry. He headed to Santiago,
rage plastered on his face. He tried punching that bastard on the face but Santi
ago dodged him easily.

My cousin was no rival for Santiago; the bastard was an old powerful vampire aft
er all.
"I'm sorry" Annie's weak voice brought my attention back to her. I noticed some
guilt on her eyes.
"It's ok" I wasn't good deal with emotions, but I could definitely make an effor
t for Annie "It's not your fault" I gave her a comforting look.
Annie looked down; I couldn't imagine what she was going through. It must have b
een terrible for her to face her rapist again.
"Ash..." Annie scanned around looking for him "Please, tell me he doesn't know..
"I'm sorry. He knows everything, Santiago told him" I had to be honest. I felt a
present coming towards us from behind. I pushed Annie away to keep her safe.
For my surprise, it was Ashton. He was coming in the air, his back crashed again
st the wall made of rocks. He fell unconscious to the ground; blood was coming o
ut of his mouth.
"Ash!" Annie's screamed almost made me cover my ears. She took a step towards As
hton but Santiago appeared on her way.
"Hello, Anne-Marie" The bastard greeted blocking her way. Annie had no choice bu
t to step backwards.
"Santiago" That voice...
Santiago turned his head to my brother, who was standing few meters away from us
"Oh the little prince is here, too" Santiago grinned at Damon.
I spotted Louis standing beside my brother. Louis looked just like Lucian; it st
ill surprised me how similar they were. Louis seemed to notice my stare because
his eyes met mine for a moment. I looked away feeling completely embarrassed.
I felt relief because Damon was an old vampire; he was definitely a rival for Sa
ntiago. Louis was really powerful as well.
Suddenly, Santiago extended his claws and stuck them on Annie's stomach in a qui
ck move.
"Ah!" Annie screamed in pain, spitting blood.
Damon appeared behind Santiago and kicked him on his back, sending him away from
"I am your rival, here" Damon affirmed coldly.
"Ariel" Louis' cold voice got my attention "Take care of Annie and Ashton. I wil
l deal with them" He pointed Santiago's men.
"They are too many" I stated worried.
"Just do it" Louis gave his back to me.

"Arlene is in the woods, if you need help with them"

"But Louis-"
"I'm not Lucian. Stop worrying about me" his coldness made me stop talking. Fine
! If he wanted to kill himself, then good for him. I gave Louis a killer look, e
ven he couldn't see me.
The fight had just started.
Arlene's P.O.V
The silence was becoming unbearable. Blake was leaning against a tree while I wa
s sitting on a rock. I had to break that uncomfortable silence.
"Are you ok?" I glanced at the bruises on his face, his wounds were already heal
He just nodded his head in reply. His grey eyes met mine for a second but then h
e looked away.
"I'm sorry about that" I pointed his face "Damon can be really aggressive someti
Blake just nodded again. Fine, if he didn't want to talk, I would stop trying to
start a conversation. I folded my arms across my chest staring at some random t
"Why did you turn me?" His question caught me out of guard.
"You heard me" he took a few steps towards me.
He raised one of his thick eyebrows.
"You were dying and I..." I didn't know how to explain it.
"and?" he asked waiting for me to continue.
"I just wanted to save you. I couldn't just let you die in my arms" Blake grabbe
d me by my elbows and pulled me up. I stood up confused.
"Did it ever occur to you, to think what was what I wanted?" he stated shaking m
"You're hurting me" I complained trying to release myself from his strong grab.
"You're just a selfish little princess, aren't you?"
"What?! No! I was just trying to help you" I explained feeling hurt by his words
"You didn't help me. I told you I wanted to die, I asked you to end my suffering
" he was really angry. I could sense it; I was his maker after all. His emotions
were transmitted to me immediately.

"I..." I was speechless.

"Now, I am doomed! I'm commended to feel attached to you. I want your blood so b
ad that it's fucking driving me crazy! I want to feel you and you are married, y
ou love someone else"
"I'm suffering. You have any idea how I felt when I saw you kissing him, when I
saw how much you love him on your eyes. It kills me, and this is worse than deat
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be" he held my face with both hands "I just want you to be mine" his lips
were on mine in a quick move. I pushed his chest to make him step back but he j
ust wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips were soft, they tasted good but I
wasn't enjoying the kiss. It felt totally wrong.
I moved my head aside to avoid his lips. He tried to kiss me again.
"Don't" I stated as I saw him leaning to me again "Please, don't"
"Kill me" he whispered, his face so closed to mine that our breaths were mixing
"I can't take this anymore"
I held his face with my hands.
"I can't. It's not on my nature to kill"
"Then let him do it"
"Let who?"
"Your husband. I know he will try to kill me when he finds out the truth"
"I can't do that" I said honestly.
"Arlene" Ariel's call surprised me from behind.
"Ariel?" I asked confused.
"You two come with me now!" she sounded urgent.
We followed her in silence until we got to the mine, which looked more like a ba
ttle field than a mine. There was blood everywhere.
I spotted Damon and Santiago fighting, their movements were so fast.
"Look who's here" Santiago pointed me "Arlene and his new lover"
"What?" Damon asked confused.
"Yes, oh you don't know, do you?" Santiago teased smirking. I tensed feeling com
pletely frozen "She turned that boy into a vampire, isn't that romantic?"
"You're lying" Damon said clenching his fits. His eyes became darker. He looked
at me "He's lying, isn't he?" Hurt was filling his face.

I swallowed hard shaking my head.

"No, he's telling the truth. I'm Blake's maker" I stated looking down.
The moment had arrived.
+He's my husband, we belong to each other+
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Next chapter for tomorrow
[56] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 13)
Part 13
Lucky number, huh?
Today, I will upload two chapters =)
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*Chapter 13*
"You what?!" Damon exclaimed completely in shock. He looked right into my eyes,
his jaw was tensed and a flash of anger went through his face.
"I... I'm sorry..." Damon was clenching his fits. His eyes went from Blake to me
"You turned him?!" he said through clenched teeth. Hurt and anger were plastered
on my husband's face.
"I-" Damon wouldn't let me speak.
"I cannot believe this!" He turned around breathing fast. It was like he couldn'
t stand the view of me and Blake together.
"Isn't this romantic?" Santiago added.
"Shut up!" Ariel screamed at him and then gave me a disapproving look.
"Ariel..." I felt so bad.
"We don't have time for this" she said coldly "Damon, focus on your fight"
Damon glanced at me coldly before turning to Santiago.
Lots of emotions were crossing me at that moment: Guilt, because I had done some
thing wrong.
Fear, because I was afraid of losing my husband.
Anger, because I was angry at myself for creating the entire situation.
Preoccupation, because my husband was on a fight.
"Arlene, I need your help" Ariel's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
I turned my head to her. She was kneeling beside an unconscious Ash. Her fancy b

lue dress was stained with blood and her curly blonde hair was all over Ash's ch
est as she was trying to wake him up.
I started my way to her but she raised her hand as a signal for me to stop.
"Help Annie" Annie? Ariel pointed behind me.
Annie was lying on her back, coughing blood. She had a wound on her stomach.
"Oh my God, Annie!" in just two seconds I was beside her holding her face.
"Annie? Can you hear me?" She barely opened her brown eyes.
"Arlene..." She whispered weakly.
"Shhh... don't speak. You'll be ok" I looked at her wound, it was healing slowly
. The process had been slowing down because she was losing blood quickly.
"Where's Ash?" she coughed after asking that.
"He's ok. Ariel is with him now" it was in that moment, I realized we were in a
battles field.
Dismembered bodies were lying on the rocky ground around us. The smell of blood
filled my nostrils; Louis was few meters away from us. He was fighting more than
five vampires, he was extremely fast and precise. His pale face was stained wit
h blood.
The night was getting cold; the notorious full moon was still illuminating us, g
iving the strange sensation of being in the daylight.
I brought my attention back to Annie. Ash was also wounded but I couldn't tell h
er that.
"I can give her my blood" Blake's voice surprised me a little. I had completely
forgot about him.
"Well, I'm just thinking logically. She may heal faster if she gets some blood o
n her system"
"How do you know that?" I had to ask.
"I have lived surrounded by vampires. I know a lot about them"
Annie squeezed my arm.
"Arlene..." she grimaced in pain. She was becoming paler and paler in my arms.
"We'll do it" I took Blake's offer. Annie was my friend, she couldn't die in fro
nt of me.
Blake bit his own wrist. As soon as his scent hit my nostrils, my mouth started
watering. I sighed, I needed to stay focused.
Blake brought his wrist near to Annie's face.
"No..." Annie refused turning her head aside.
"Annie, you need it" I stated the obvious.

"Who is he?" she asked in a whisper.

"He's..." Blake looked at me waiting for my answer "I trust him. Just drink his
"Annie, I would give you mine if I wasn't this weak"
Annie seemed to be thinking about it. Finally, she grabbed Blake's hand and brou
ght his wrists near to her face. A flash of jealousy crossed me when Annie start
ed drinking Blake's blood. I couldn't stop feeling possessive; I guess it was no
rmal since I was his maker.
Damon's P.O.V
Rage was clouding my mind while I was fighting that bastard, named Santiago. I c
ouldn't believe Arlene had been unfaithful to me, I just couldn't. The only thou
ght of her touching that damned boy was making me groan in anger.
"Angry, prince?" Santiago teased smiling at me.
"I'm going to remove that stupid smile from your face" I said through clenched t
"Oh" Santiago pretended to be surprise "How does it feel?" H e paused shaking hi
s head "Being betrayed by your sweet new wife?"
"Don't you dare talking about her with your filthy mouth" I ran to him and punch
ed him hard on the face. He stepped back trying to gain equilibrium. He spitted
I extended my claws. Santiago was a dead vampire, so was Blake.
Santiago appeared in front of me and then tried to punch me but I bended down an
d grasped a stick from the ground. I straightened up and buried the stick on his
chest in a quick move. Shock filled his eyes as I was pushing the stick deeper,
breaking ribs and heart together. He spittled blood and gave me a twisted smile
"I'm surprise" he managed to say coughing blood.
"Don't be. Any last words?"
"Bite me"
"Nice choice of words" I used my claws to rip his head off.
His head feel to the ground and then his limp body as well.
I shook the blood off my hand. I had just killed one of the two vampires, I had
planned on killing that night.
Just one was missing.
Arlene's P.O.V.
Annie pushed herself into a sitting position. Blake was standing beside us, hold
ing his wrist, waiting for his cut to heal. I felt relief because Annie looked b

"Are you ok?" I needed to make sure she was.
"I guess. Where's Ash?" she sounded urgent.
"Ariel is with him. Don't worry" I tried to comfort her, even when I had no idea
of Ash's state.
"Good to see you again" Annie extended her arms to me "Come on! I need a hug. I
thought you were dead" I embraced her smiling. Annie could be so warm. I felt so
happy to see her.
We broke the embrace smiling at each other.
"I'm glad you're ok" I said honestly. Annie's eyes went to Blake.
"Who is he?" she asked with curiosity on her eyes.
"I'm Blake" he replied before I could say a thing.
"Annie!" Ash's voice surprised us.
I turned to see him. He was exactly the same cute boy I considered my best frien
d. His brown hair was messy as usual and his green eyes showed concern. Ariel wa
s following him in silence. He embraced Annie tightly.
"Are you ok?" he asked kissing her all over her face.
"Yes" she replied giggling. They looked so cute.
"Hello?" I tried getting Ash attention "Remember me? I'm your friend, the one wh
o was kinapped" Annie chuckled at my comment while Ash started his way to me wit
h his arms opened.
"Arlene!" he embraced me and lifted me from the ground "I knew you were ok!" he
exclaimed sounding secure.
After breaking the embrace, Ash glanced at Blake.
"Who is he?"
"His name is Blake. That's all I know" Annie stated looking nervous.
Ash looked at me waiting for my explanation. I sighed.
"I'm... well" I cleared my throat because everyone was staring at me, including
Ariel who by the way didn't look happy to see me.
"She's my maker" simple, precise and direct. Blake could be so impulsive.
"What?!" Annie and Ash screamed at the same time. Ariel didn't say a thing.
"Well, I..." I smiled nervously.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Annie asked shocked "Damon is going to kill h
im when he finds out"
"He already knows" Ariel added coldly.
"Oh... this is not going to end well" Ash stated worried.

"You should be running away, newborn" Ariel said looking at Blake with despise.
That was it, I was sick of her attitude.
"This is not his fault" I stated looking at her.
"I know it's not. But he's dead anyway. Damon is going to kill him as soon as he
finishes with Santiago" Ariel sounded so sure about that.
"You got that right, sister" Damon's cold voice said from behind paralyzing the
five of us.
*He's my husband, we belong to each other*
The moment has come, people. Damons faces Blake...
Wait for the next chapter... I will upload it in the next few minutes
[57] He's my husband, we belong to each other (Chapter 14)
He's my husband, we belong to each other.

Chapter 14

We all turned around to look at Damon. He was walking to us in a slow pace; his
dark hair was messier than usual. His eyes held no emotion or feeling. He had sc
ratches on his pale arms and neck. Blood was rolling down the left side of his f
ace. It was then, that I noticed he was holding something on his left hand...
Santiago's head.
I felt absolutely sick but controlled myself. Damon threw the head to Annie's fe
"He got what he deserved" Damon sounded so dangerous.
Annie stepped back grimacing in disgust.
"Ash, get that thing out of my sight" she stated feeling sick "And thank you, yo
ur highness"
I was speechless. If Damon did something like that to Santiago, I didn't want to
imagine what he could do to Blake.
Damon's eyes passed me and went to Blake, who was standing behind me. My husband
started walking to him. I stepped towards blocking his way.
"Get out of my way" I swallowed hard feeling my dry throat.
"It wasn't his fault" I didn't want Blake to pay for my wrong actions.
I felt a strong force pushing me away. Damon's eyes were red, he was using his m
ental power on me. I kept stepping back until my back hit the rocky wall.
"Damon! Don't!" I screamed trying to walk to them again but it was useless. It w

as like I was being held against the wall "Please! It's not his fault"
"Damon..." Ash started trying to intervene.
"This is between him and me. I appreciate if you stay back, Ashton" Damon kept w
alking to Blake. I could feel how scared the newborn i had created was.
"But Damon-" Ashton was interrupted by Annie.
"He's a good boy, your highness. He even gave me his blood to save me" she said
"He what?!" Ashton asked surprise "You drank his blood?"
"Yes but-"
"Kill him, Damon. If you need any help, let me know" oh great! Now Ash was jealo
us too.
Damon smiled at Blake.
"Should I kill you quickly or slowly?" Damon asked.
"No! Ariel! Do something" I felt powerlessness running through me.
Ariel took a step towards Damon.
"Brother" she got his attention "This is not the appropriate moment for this"
"It looks like the perfect moment to me" Damon stated rising his hand in front o
f Blake, his claws extended.
"No!" I screamed scared.
A blurring figure appeared between Damon and Blake. It was Louis, I sighed in re
Louis pushed Damon back.
"Stay out of this, Louis" Damon menaced.
"She will never forgive you if you kill him" How did Louis know that? Apparently
, he knew me more of what i expected.
"I want him dead" Damon was staring at Blake, who remained frozen.
"I understand that. But I hope you can live with the consequences of killing him
" Louis pointed me "She will never forgive you, Damon. Can you live with that? I
f you can, then go ahead, kill him in cold blood" Louis stepped aside.
Damon stayed in silence; he seemed to be thinking about what Louis had said.
Suddenly, dozens of vampires appeared in front of us. I spotted Lucian leading t
"I guess we are late" Lucian joked with his usual bright smile "Are you all righ
t?" he asked evaluating us.
"Yes, but some help could have been great" Ariel stated folding her arms across
her chest. Lucian smiled at her sweetly.

"I'm sorry, princess" Lucian stated walking to us.

"There is no need to pretend you barely know each other" Ash said chuckling "We
all know you are together" he added pointing Ariel and Lucian.
Ariel became pale and looked away.
"I don't know what you're talking about" we all sighed. She wasn't a good liar i
n that moment.
"Prince Damon" Lucian greeted my husband "Lady Arlene"
"Hello" I smiled at him.
Damon released me from the wall. I put my feet on the ground taking a deep breat
"Guards, take this vampire" he pointed Blake.
"What? No..." I protested walking towards the guards to stop them. I felt a stro
ng grab on my forearm.
"Where do you think you're going?" Damon asked coldly "Could you at least stop r
ubbing your love for that boy on my face?"
"What?" I asked confused "I don't-"
"Let's go back to the kingdom" Damon ordered and started pulling me by my arm be
hind him.
"Damon" I complained while he kept being so rough to me.
+ Three hours later +
We finally arrived to the kingdom. The royal mansion looked splendid. The king a
nd Sonya were waiting for us at the door. They asked us about the fight, Santiag
o's motivation and so on.
I was exhausted, I just wanted to take a shower and sleep but Damon's grab on my
arm was like a chain.
"Who is that newborn?" The king asked pointed Blake, who was being held by two g
"I'll explain that later, father. For now, just take him to a cell" He added to
the guards "Now if you excuse me, I want to be alone with my wife"
I was about to protest but Damon pulled inside the mansion quickly. We went upst
airs in a fast pace.
He pushed me inside his room roughly.
"Stop treating like this" I complained caressing my wrist where he had held me.
"What did you expect, miss unfaithful?" he was angry.
"I-" he pushed me against the wall and kissed me savagely. At first, I tried to
push him back but I had missed those sweet lips. I kissed back feeling his body
against mine.

"You are mine" he whispered on my lips "Whether you like it or not" I felt his h
and slipping under my torn dress. A flash of desire crossed my body but I could
taste anger on his kiss. I didn't want him like that.
"Damon..." I moved my head aside to avoid his lips but he held my chin making me
look into his dark eyes.
"What? I'm not a good kisser, anymore? Is he better than me?" he asked through c
lenched teeth.
"No... Damon I-" his lips were on mine before I could say something else. His ha
nd touched under my torn dress savagely. I couldn't stop wanting him even when h
e was being extremely rough to me. He bit my lower lip hard, I grimaced in pain
"No..." I managed to whisper. He leaned back and started tearing my corset "Damo
n, don't" I felt tears watering my eyes.

When he was done leaving me half-naked, I pushed him back with strength.
"Just listen to me, then you can do anything you want with me" a tear rolled dow
n my cheek and he seemed to snap out of his anger. He looked down.
"I should be able to let you go, to let you be happy with him but I just can't"
there was sadness on his voice.
"I don't love him" I said honestly "Santiago threw him half dead inside the room
I was, I just wanted to save him from death and I didn't know that was cheating
, I swear" Damon seemed surprise by my words "I just see him like a son, because
I'm his maker but nothing more"
"I didn't explain you about the rules of being married as vampires" Damon said i
n realization.
"You didn't" I said in relief because he was finally listening to me.
"I didn't get the chance because you were kidnapped just after the wedding" he e
xplained looking at me.
"I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you" I was being absolutely honest.
"You have nothing to be sorry for"
"I always act by instict. I just didn't want to watch him die" I said looking do
"Hey, look at me" he held my chin "That's one of the reasons why I love you. You
are such a good woman"
"No buts" He embraced me tightly "I missed you so much"
I buried my face on his chest, sniffing him. He smelled just as usual. I felt bl
oodlust going through me.
"I'm thirsty" I stated softly.
Damon chuckled. I went up to his neck, licking his skin slowly. My fangs pierced

his veins and the blood came quickly inside my mouth, how I had missed his scen
t. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist while I continued drinkin
g, feeding and filling my need. He squeezed my waist making me moan on his neck.
"I want you so bad that it hurts" he said and let go a sigh. I felt exactly the
same way. I stopped drinking and looked for his mouth to kiss him fully. Our ton
gues played lustfully while my desire for him was growing. He took me to the bed
quickly, he was desperate for feeling me and so was I.
After making love for I don't know how long because I lost notion on time, we we
re both laying on our backs staring at the ceiling.
I rolled over to face him; I kissed him softly and then leaned back.
"Again?" he asked raising one of his thick black eyebrows.
"It was just a kiss" I chuckled.
"Too late" he stated going on top of me. I giggled under him.
"I love you" I affirmed looking right into his eyes. He caressed my face.
"What are we going to do with Blake?" I knew he would ask sooner or later.
"I don't know. But I think we should ask him what he wants and respect his choic
e" I said knowing what Blake wanted: Death. As much as I didn't want him to die,
I was going to respect his wish.
"You know you are mine for the eternity, don't you?" he said smiled at me.
"Oh that's a long time" I pretended to sound bothered "I don't even like you tha
t much" I teased smirking.
"Is that so?" He asked with a twisted smile.
I nodded my head.
"I guess I will have to punish you" he pretended to sound serious.
"Really? I'm shaking" I said sarcastically.
"You'll see" he started leaving little kisses all over my face and went down to
my neck. I laughed because it tickled me.
"No... Stop it" I said playfully.
"Make me" he teased and continued.
"I think we should go out. I need to see my family" I said between laughs.
"Hmmm" he finally stopped.
We both stood up. I went to take the shower I needed so badly, more because of m
y old humans costumes than because I was dirty or anything like that. Vampires d
idn't sweat. I got out of the shower and got in the closet.
When I was getting inside a short fancy dress I felt Damon staring at me.

"Would you like to form your own family?" he asked shyly.

"Huh?" I murmured confused.
"You know, to form your own family" he paused looking away "With me" and then it
hit me... he was asking me...
"Are you asking me if I want to have babies?" I sounded as surprise as I was.
"Kind of" Damon looked so cute when he was nervous.
"But I thought vampires couldn't have babies"
"They can't"
"Then how...?"
"There is a place in the outskirts of the kingdom, where vampires' couples go wh
en they want to have babies"
"You mean, vampires adopt?"
"Technically, we go and get a human baby. Then, instead of feeding him with milk
we give him our blood. He grows as a vampire and our son" he said the last part
proudly "That's how my brother and I were created"
"Oh, I didn't know that"
There was a minute of silence.
"So?" Damon asked walking to me.
"It's ok if you don't feel ready. I mean, we just got married..."
"Yes!" I screamed interrupting him "I want to have babies with you" I smiled at
"Really?" he came running to me and embraced me tightly "I love you, I love you!
" he kept repeating it as he lifted me from the floor.
I loved that vampire with all my heart.
After all, he was my husband and we belonged to each other.

+He's my husband; we belong to each other+

So people, that was the end of the sequel, I told you it was not going to be as
long as the first book. An epilogue will be add next year =) because I guess you
want to know how it's the baby thing going to go between Damon and Arlene.
I omitted the Rated scene because as you know this story must be PG for the Watt
y awards.

To Lucian's and Ariel's fans: It may be a bonus chapter as well for that couple.

Now, I want to thank you for every time you vote and comment on this story. It m
eans the world to me for real.

It's sad for me to say goodbye to these characters for now. But I will see them
again soon, when I work on the Epilogue and the bonus chapter.
Oh! I almost forgot... Happy New Year!
I hope the next year is filled with happiness for you and your family. It may be
sad for me because this is the first Christmas without my dad but I will be ok,
I think.

You all have a piece of my heart!

Love and hugs
[58] He's my husband, we belond to each other (Epilogue - Part I)

He's my husband, we belong to each other

Epilogue (Part I)

I was extremely nervous, sitting impatiently inside the golden carriage Damon ha
d ordered for the two of us. He was sitting in front of me, staring at the outsi
de through the window. The horses steps were heard all over the lonely path we w
ere passing. I placed my hands on my lap, squeezing my dress nervously.
"It's going to be alright." Damon said without even looking at me. He knew me so
well, so I was sure he did not need to see me to know I was deeply anxious. Why
? Because we were heading the adoption mansion placed in the kingdom's outskirts
. I had been waiting for this day for the past couple of weeks.
"I know" I replied trying to sound secure. I stared at my husband; his skin look
ed absolutely beautiful under the slight light coming inside through the window.
His dark eyes were focused on the outside. His black hair was messy as usual, c
overing part of his ears and forehead. He was wearing a formal black shirt with
some undone buttons, showing the begging of his formed pale chest. He looked ext
remely sexy. I sighed remembering how many times I had told that aloud. Damon tu
rned to me, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked staring at me. His eyes were melting my heart
"Yes" I nodded smiling at him.
"You're going to be a great mother," He caressed my cheek grinning at me. I pres
sed my face against his cold hand, closing my eyes "You are perfect." I felt his
wet lips brushing mine. His breath was teasing me, provoking me.
"There's no such a thing like perfection" I replied while our nose were touching
"That was I used to believe before I met you" he kissed me softly, letting me fe
el his soft lips slowly. I held his face sensing the movement of his jaw while h
e was deepening the kiss. His tongue invaded my mouth causing me to let go a sig
h. How could I possibly love this vampire more? It seemed to me like every day m
y love for him grew bigger, overflowing my heart. I had to control myself otherw
ise that would end badly.
I leaned back breaking the kiss; he looked into my eyes and gave me a twisted sm
"Are you, milady, afraid of losing control?" He smirked while I was resting my b
ack on the seat.
"No, maybe it's you who can't control himself" I teased grinning at him. He bit
his lower lip sexily. I felt the need of leaning to him and kissing him but I he
ld myself back.
"Is that so?" he said extending his hand to my face. He caressed my lower lip wi
th his thump, sending shivers through me. I swallowed.
"Damon" I protested holding his hand.
"Do you really think we are ready to do this?" I asked seriously "A child is a b
ig responsibility"
"I know" he leaned back and sighed "Everything is going to be fine"
The carriage stopped, announcing we had just arrived to our destination. Damon w
ent out and offered his hand to me to get out. As soon as my feet touched the ro
ugh ground under me, I looked up to see a two-store mansion in front of us. It h
ad a beautiful garden surrounding it. The walls were purely white. Lights were
coming out through the mansion's window. A tall young human opened the principal
door and ran to us.
"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond" she bowed showing her respect. She was wearing
a maid's uniform. She had a rounded face and strong factions; her hair was brown
and was on a pony tail. Her hazel eyes were staring at my husband, she was dazz
led and I could not blame her. Damon completely ignored her stare "Mrs. Russell
is waiting for you inside"
Damon held my hand and pulled me towards the door. I swallowed as we crossed the
big wooden door. We were immediately in a very warm living room, it had brown f
urniture and the windows were covered by curtains with the same color.
"Your highness" An old woman greeted smiling at us "Please, feel welcomed into m

y humble home"
"Margaret, it's always a pleasure to see you" Damon smiled back at the woman "th
is is my wife Arlene" the woman looked at me instantly.
"Milady" She bowed and I just nodded my head "I understand you are looking for a
child to adopt. Well, the newborn babies are upstairs. Please, follow me" We
followed her in silence. My breathing was getting faster every time I took a ste
p up.
The long stairs came to an end.
"It's the first room there" She pointed to a door and then gestured us to walk t
owards it. I took a deep breath and squeezed Damon's hand while we were heading
to the door. Damon grabbed the doorknob and glanced at me. I nodded my head as a
sign for him to continue. He opened the door slowly. It was big room with color
ful walls; there were small stretchers in a line. I stopped breathing because I
could see small fingers and feet moving. I covered my mouth and froze. I could n
ot believe my dream was about to come true, since I was child I had always wante
d to get married and to form a family.
"Arlene" Damon rested his hands on my shoulders to push me to the first little s
tretcher. Once I was in front of it, I looked down and felt tears filling my eye
s. There was a small baby lying on his back, he was sleeping, looking so cute an
d vulnerable. He had a white blanket wrapped around his body. Damon embraced me
from behind, resting his head on my shoulder to stare at the baby.
"He is beautiful, isn't he?" He whispered quietly.
"Yes, he is" I agreed and started walking to the next stretcher. A beautiful gir
l was on it, sleeping as well "They are all so beautiful, how I can possibly cho
ose just one of them?" I said peeking on the others stretchers. Damon walked to
the final stretchers.
"Come here" He said observing one.
"What is it?" I asked and stepped towards him.
"Look" he pointed the stretcher. I looked at it; oh my God... there were two bab
ies there, a boy and a girl. They were awake and playing with their fingers. The
y were extremely cute. The girl smiled showing her gums.
"Oh she is so cute. I think she is the one" I said caressing her small face, she
looked so vulnerable.
"Have you already made your mind?" Mrs. Russell asked from behind.
"I think so" I said smiling at the little girl. The small boy beside her grabbe
d the little girl's hand. Oh Lord, they were both so cute.
"Are they brother and sister?" I asked curious. Mrs. Russell walked to be beside
"No, but since the day he was born he only calms down when he's next to her. We
don't know why" She explained playing with the boy's finger "If you take her, he
would probably cry for some time. But don't worry we would find a way to calm h
im down"
"Damon, can we-"

"You want both of them, don't you?" My husband knew me so well.

"I know it's a big responsibility but..." I sighed "It just feels wrong to separ
ate them" Damon stayed in silence for a few seconds. I swallowed feeling my dry
"We will take both of them" he said grinning at Mrs. Russell. Instantly, I jumpe
d to him and embraced him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes" He kissed my cheek and broke the embrace.
"Let me get them prepared so you can take them. You can wait downstairs" Margare
t explained and we did as we were told.
20 minutes passed, when we finally spotted Mrs. Russell coming downstairs, she w
as holding the small girl and the young maid was following her, carrying the boy
. A big smile was formed on my lips. Mrs. Russell offered the girl to me, I stoo
d there frozen. I had carried babies before, my little sister when she was born,
but I was nervous anyway.
"Arlene..." Damon whispered pushing me towards Mrs. Russell. I held the small bo
dy of the baby carefully. She looked so fragile, just like a doll. As a vampire
I could smell the sweet blood in her veins but since I had fed properly I had no
problem controlling myself. I glanced at Damon; the maid was offering the boy.
"No, thank you" he said shaking his hand. He was nervous.
"Damon" I protested gesturing him to hold the baby.
"No, I can't do it. Babies are extremely fragile. What if I break one of his bon
es by accident?" Damon looked so cute when he was nervous.
"He's your son now. You will have to carry him sooner or later" I said kissing t
he girl's forehead.
The maid brought a hamper and got the baby inside. I just sighed as I watched my
husband grabbing the hamper just to avoid a direct contact with the boy. It wou
ld take some time for Damon to get used to the situation.
We did all the paper arrangements and walked to the carriage with our two childr
en. In our way back to the kingdom we both stayed in silence observing the child
ren. The boy started crying.
"He needs the girl" Damon stated uncomfortable.
"Mrs. Russell said he only calms down when he's beside her"
"Right" I said putting the girl beside the boy inside the hamper. Instantly the
boy stopped crying "hmm, it worked"
"Isn't that weird? They are not relatives"

"Yes, maybe he does not want to be alone" I said as the carriage stopped. We had
arrived, I stepped out, and Damon followed me holding the hamper. I spotted Ann
ie opening the principal door; the royal mansion looked so peaceful that night.
"They are here!" Annie screamed running towards us. Ash appeared behind her and
followed her smiling at us "Is it a boy or a girl?" Annie asked excited. Ariel c
ame out the mansion, being followed by Lucian.
"Actually, we de-"
"Oh my God! They are two!" Annie exclaimed peeking on the hamper "You adopted tw
o children? They are so cute. Are they brother and sister?" She grabbed the girl
's little finger playfully.
"Two children?" Ariel walked to us to confirm it "Are you out of your mind?" I s
ighed, Ariel would always be controlling "You are too young to have a child and
you adopted two!"
"Leave them alone, Ariel" Lucian said smiling at us "Congratulations" I smiled b
ack at him.
"Thanks, Lucian"
"Have you chosen the names for them?" Ash questioned staring at the babies.
"Not yet" I replied starting to walk to the mansion. Everyone followed me whispe
ring things about the babies. I stepped on the living room and decided to sit on
the couch. Damon did the same and put the hamper beside me.
"Where's my father?" my husband asked taking a look around.
"He's in some kind of meeting," Ariel answered looking concerned "I'm sure he wi
ll be worried when he finds out you adopted two babies."
"Ariel" Lucian protested.
"What? I'm telling the truth"
"You're just ruining their moment" Lucian explained wrapping an arm around Ariel
's small waist "Maybe I should just take you away so you can't bother them" Befo
re Ariel could protest, Lucian pulled her to the studio in a fast move. I sighed
, hmm vampires...
We spent some time talking about the adoption mansion and the babies but then I
decided to take the babies upstairs. Damon and I had been preparing a room for t
hem but it was not ready yet so we took it to our bedroom. After I left the babi
es with the maid, I went to the garden because I felt the need of taking some ai
I sat on a bank thinking about everything. I knew I had taken a big responsibili
ty but everything would be alright, I would do my best to raise my children prop
erly. I noticed a presence behind me and did not need to turn around to know who
it was. I knew his scent perfectly.
"You have a perfect family now" he whispered softly. I turned half of my body to
look at him. He was leaning against a statue. His big blue eyes were staring at
the sky, his blond hair shined under the stars light.
"Louis" I said as a greeting "I have no time to thank you for all the things you
did for me"

"You don't have to thank me; I had my reasons for doing it"
"What reasons?"
"Some things are better to be left untold"
I stayed in silence for a few seconds.
"How does it feel?" he asked suddenly.
"To have a family. To be loved" I noticed some melancholy on his eyes.
"It feels good"
"Are you happy, Arlene?" his question caught me out of guard.
"I guess I am"
"You guess?" he looked at me, and I felt like he was seeing through me. I looked
down avoiding his stare "You are not happy, are you?" I looked up to meet his e
yes once more.
"Of course I'm happy" I tried to sound secure.
"Don't lie to yourself" he said walking to me.
"I'm not lying" I stood up bothered.
"Did you know you are a terrible liar?"
"I am not lying, Louis" I repeated remaining perfectly still while he was approa
ching to me.
"This was supposed to be your dream, wasn't it? To marry and form a family but n
ow that you're actually living your dream you feel like there's something missin
"I don't know what you're talking about" I looked away and I felt his cold hand
holding my face, forcing to look at him once more.
"You don't have to lie to me"
"I'm not ly-" he leaned to me causing me to stay frozen. His cold lips kissed my
forehead and then he stepped back and turned around.
"Again, you are a terrible liar" he said disappearing the darkness.
I stood there for I don't know how long.
Was Louis right? Was I lying to myself? Those questions were burning my mind.
+He's my husband, we belong to each other+
This was the first part to the epilogue. I hope you like it, the second part wil
l be up soon, I hope.
Thanks for being faithful to this story.



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