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Chris Drown
English 10 H
28 October 2013
Compare and Contrast
Theatre has always been around; it has been in existence before language itself, and
has entirely affected the way we live our daily lives. Film is a relatively new art form,
appearing in the late 19th century and it has rapidly progressed throughout the 20th and
21st centuries. It is greatly challenging the importance of theatre, and has changed our
perceptions on art. People may consider them to be very similar; however, the amount of
contrasting information far outweighs the comparisons.
Acting is the absolute constant that is fundamental to the creation of film and
theatrical productions. The methods for the acting, however, are very contradistinctive. Film
acting is much more subtle in its execution, and is required to be significantly more
pragmatic. Theatrical acting is much more profound and must be fanciful in its creation in
order for the audience to be able to comprehend the actions of the actor; this is because the
audience is further away from the actor and is unable to see subtleties in the character.
The methods of delivery between the two art forms also vary dramatically. Film has
been delivered in a number of ways: movie theaters, television, computers, and phones. But
it has always been consistently delivered on a screen. Theatrical productions are always
performed in front of a live audience. The location can differ, but most often, theatrical
performances are operated in a theater with a stage and raked audience.
The sets of productions between film and theatre are completely different. The set of
a film is typically closed, and can be anywhere- from a house to a shopping mall, or perhaps
constructed in a studio. There is usually one side of the set that consists of cameras,
directors, crew, and lighting. Theatrical sets are typically on a stage of some sort. The set is
very strategically placed, and everything that is used in the production is almost always on

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stage or near it in the wings. Lighting is hung above the stage, and curtains are placed in
very specific places in order to hide certain areas of the set.
The intimacies of the productions are also distinctly separated. Film is primarily made
as a business venture; almost always, films are made for the sole purpose of making profits
and are made for almost everyone to like. Theatre is much more intimate in their
productions. They are essentially made to connect with the audience; to share with them a
performance that can never exactly be repeated.
The contrasting facts that separate film and theatre are of a significant number. They
are two art forms that are dramatically different, yet have one unmistakable similarity:
sharing a story with an audience.

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