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College of Accountancy, Business Economics

& International Hospitality Management
Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
www. bat- Telefax (043) 300- 2202 loc 226

Consumer Survey Questionnaire

I. Respondents Profile
Name (Optional): _______________
Age: _________________________

Direction: Please put a check mark on the space () that corresponds to your
1. Educational Status or Occupation:
( ) Elementary
( ) College, please specify course ___________
( ) Secondary
( ) Faculty
( ) Non-teaching staff
II. Related Services
1. Do you buy gifts for your loved ones on special days? (if no, please proceed to
question no.7)
( ) Yes
( ) No
2. What kind of gift/s do you usually buy for your loved ones?
( ) Cake / cupcakes
( ) Balloons
( ) Chocolates
( ) Flowers
( ) Stuffed Toys
( ) Others, please specify: ____________
3. How much is/are the usual gift/s you give to your loved ones on special days?
( ) PhP 20.00 PhP 50.00
( ) PhP 251.00 PhP 300.00
( ) PhP 51.00 PhP 150.00
( ) PhP 301.00 and above
( ) PhP 151.00 PhP 250.00
4. When do you buy gift/s for your loved ones?
( ) On their birthdays
( ) On special holidays of the year
( ) On anniversaries and special days (monthsaries)
( ) Once a week
( ) Others, please specify: _________
5. Do you hire or request someone to deliver your gift to your loved ones?
( ) Yes
( ) No
6. Do you perform surprises for your loved ones?
( ) Yes
( ) No
III. Product Introduction
We, the ARM Company, are planning to establish Pick-a-Boo Occasions and
Events also known as the BatStateU Gift Shop. It is a one-stop-shop gift shop
which offers individual merchandise gifts and all-in-one gift packages which you can
choose from to suit your preference. Also, the business offers special services like
classroom deliveries, haranas, and surprise planning and performance to add to
your gift package. There will be special affordable offers in accordance to the terms
and conditions implemented between the school and the event planning committee.
Through this, the customer can definitely plan the best surprise or gift to their loved
ones in no hassle.

7. Have you heard of a gift shop offering the same line of special services?
( ) Yes
( ) No
8. In case Pick-a-Boo Occasions and Events be operational in the market, are you
willing to purchase the gift packages and avail the special services offered?
( ) Yes
( ) No
9. How much are you willing to spend for our offered special services? (classroom
deliveries, hourly basis deliveries, harana)
( ) PhP 30.00 PhP 50.00
( ) PhP 51.00 PhP 70.00
( ) PhP 71.00 Php 100.00
( ) PhP 100.00 and above
10. How much are you willing to spend for our offered surprise planning and
performance services?
( ) PhP 200 Php 299.00
( ) PhP 300.00 PhP 399.00
( ) PhP 400.00 Php 499.00
( ) PhP 500.00 and above
Comments and Suggestions:
Thank you very much!
College of Accountancy, Business Economics
& International Hospitality Management
Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
www. bat- Telefax (043) 300- 2202 loc 226

Retailers Survey Questionnaire

I. Respondents Profile
Name (Optional): ______________________________
Store Name: __________________________________

Store Address:_________________________________
Form of Business:
( ) Sole Proprietorship
( ) Partnership
( ) Corporation
Year of Operation
( ) 1-5 years
( ) 6-10 years
( ) 11-15 years
( ) Others, please specify: _______________
Direction: Please put a check mark on the space () that corresponds to your
II. Related Services
1. Do you sell merchandise/s that are common gift ideas for occasions?
( ) Yes
( ) No
2. What kind of gift/s do you usually sell?
( ) Cake / cupcakes
( ) Balloons
( ) Chocolates
( ) Flowers
( ) Stuffed Toys
( ) Others, please specify: ____________
3. How much is/are the usual gift/s you sell?
( ) PhP 20.00 PhP 50.00
( ) PhP 251.00 PhP 300.00
( ) PhP 51.00 PhP 150.00
( ) PhP 301.00 and above
( ) PhP 151.00 PhP 250.00
4. Where do you order your supply of merchandise?
( ) within Batangas City
( ) outside Batangas City
5. How many pieces per merchandise do you order?
( ) 1 10
( ) 31 40
( ) 11 20
( ) 41 - 50
( ) Others, please specify:_____
( ) 21 30
( ) 51 and above
6. How much do you sell per piece for the merchandise?
( ) below PhP 50.00
( ) PhP. 51.00 PhP 70.00
( ) PhP. 71.00 PhP 90.00
( ) PhP. 91.00 PhP 100.00
( ) PhP. 101.00 PhP 130.00
( ) PhP.131 and above
7. Approximately, how many pieces of your merchandise were you able to sell in
the last five years?

8. Do you offer special delivery services for the merchandise your customer buys?
(if no, please proceed to question no. 10)
( ) Yes
( ) No
9. How much is the delivery service fee?
( ) PhP 20.00 Php. 30.00
( ) PhP. 31.00 Php 40.00
( ) PhP. 41.00 PhP 50.00
( ) PhP. 51.00 PhP 60.00
( ) PhP. 61.00 PhP 70.00
( ) PhP.71 and above, please specify: _______________
10. Do you offer surprise event planning services? (If no, please proceed to question
no. 12)
( ) PhP 100.00 Php. 150.00
( ) PhP. 151.00 Php 200.00
( ) PhP. 201.00 PhP 250.00
( ) PhP. 350.00 PhP 400.00
( ) PhP. 400.00 PhP 450.00
( ) PhP 451.00 PhP 500.00
( ) Php 501 and above, please specify: _______________
III. Product Introduction
We, the ARM Company, are planning to establish Pick-a-Boo Occasions and
Events also known as the BatStateU Gift Shop. It is a one-stop-shop gift shop
which offers individual merchandise gifts and all-in-one gift packages which you can
choose from to suit your preference. Also, the business offers special services like
classroom deliveries, haranas, and surprise planning and performance to add to
your gift package. There will be special affordable offers in accordance to the terms
and conditions implemented between the school and the event planning committee.
Through this, the customer can definitely plan the best surprise or gift to their loved
ones in no hassle.
11. Have you heard of a gift shop offering the same line of special services?
( ) Yes
( ) No
12. In case Pick-a-Boo Occasions and Events be operational in the market, are you
willing to purchase the gift packages and avail the special services offered?
( ) Yes
( ) No

13. How much are you willing to spend for our offered special services? (classroom
deliveries, hourly basis deliveries, harana)
( ) PhP 30.00 PhP 50.00
( ) PhP 51.00 PhP 70.00
( ) PhP 71.00 Php 100.00
( ) PhP 100.00 and above
14. How much are you willing to spend for our offered surprise planning and
performance services?
( ) PhP 200 Php 299.00
( ) PhP 300.00 PhP 399.00
( ) PhP 400.00 Php 499.00
( ) PhP 500.00 and above

Comments and Suggestions:

Thank you very much!

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