SupplierDeliveryCalendar Setup in oRACLE APPS

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How To Setup Supplier Delivery Calendar - Organization Receiving Calendar In Versions and Above (Doc ID
Modified: 23-May-2014


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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

The purpose of this Bulletin is to apprise the users regarding the enhancements that have taken place in the Supplier Delivery Calendar / Organization Receiving
Calendar setups. These Enhancements have been done in Version 11.5.10 of the E-Business Suite Advanced Supply Chain Planning.

This Bulletin would be useful to all the users who are using Advanced Supply Chain Planning in E-Business Suite, and want to receive Material only on one particular
day from a Supplier into their Organization.

Supplier Delivery / Organization Receiving Calendar has been introduced in newly, in Advanced Supply Chain Planning Oracle E-Business Suite Version 11.5.10. For
supply or demand orders, ASCP looks for valid calendars using defaulting hierarchies. The Note consists of following sections:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:

Functionality Change
Delivery Calendar Setup
Known Issues


Previously in version 11.5.9, ASCP used the field in ASL 'Delivery Calendar' to define what days the receiving dock was open. In Version 11.5.10 this functionality
has been changed / Enhanced.
In 11.5.10 we provided the capability for users to explicitly control how the supplier processing time should be offset. This control is via the supplier capacity
calendar in the ASL. This is functionally consistent behavior because each supplier may have different working/non working times and we have provided the ability
to control the processing lead times offsets at the supplier level.
So the Delivery Calendar in ASL in Version 11.5.9, has been replaced by Supplier Capacity Calendar in Version 11.5.10.
Now receiving is controlled by the Organization Receiving Calendars.The receiving calendar will dictate the placement of the dock date of the buy order.
Defaulting hierarchy for Receiving calendars

Effect of calendars on planning output

Buy Orders

If you want to setup a Delivery Calendar for the Supplier , to define what days the receiving dock should be open, you will have to follow the steps detailed below.

Steps to Setup Delivery Calendar for a Supplier.

1. Create a Delivery Calendar which you want to use for receiving at your organization from a particular Supplier. In this case I have chosen to receive only on

2. Create a Freight Carrier for each supplier (NAV: Order Management/ Shipping/Set up/Freight Carriers, Cost Types / Freight Carriers) and define the ship
Carrier: Dallas_Carrier
Service Level : Choose from LOV
Mode : Choose from LOV
Ship Method : DC-Air-Air (This will automatically default based on concatenation of Carrier Short name , Service level and Mode)
Click on Organization Assignments and assign it to the Organization to which you want. In this case : M1

3. Navigate to Ship Method (NAV: Inventory /Setup / Organization / Shipping Methods)

We will find that the above Ship Method defined in Carriers would have got entered here, with a code automatically defined for it.

4. Assign the delivery calendar Type Organization - Carrier Calendar for that carrier (NAV: Order Management/Shipping/Setup/Calendar/Assign) - Carrier Calendar
Seattle Manufacturing - DallsCal - DC-Air-Air
Also assign the location and the calendar.

5. Create a supplier and a supplier site for each supplier.

Ensure that the Supplier site has a Postal code... In this case 95602.

6. Create a region and zone that encompasses the supplier site. (NAV : Order Management/Shipping/Setup/Regions and Zones)
United States - US - 95600 - 95605
Zone - YC-ZONE - United States - US - 95600 - 95605

6.1. Run the below 3 Concurrent Programs. (If not run, the Ship Method will not show up in the Sourcing rule form in the Destination instance)
OM > Shipping > Interfaces > Run
Import Shipping Locations (WSHMLOCR)
-- If you have regions defined, then this will map your locations to the regions
-----------------------------------Map Regions : Yes
Location Type : Both (Process both Internal and External Locations)
Number of Instances : NULL
Start Date : as required

Start Date : as required

End Date : as required
Location to Region Mapping (WSHLRMA)
-- If you have your locations defined and regions are not defined, then this will create regions based on your locations.
-----------------------------------Insert Flag : Yes
Number of regions to process : as required
Location Start Date : as required
Location End Date : as required
Region Interface (WSHRGINT)
(no parameters)
-- this program allows for loading the regions mapped by the above program or manually defined.

More info: Note 262124.1 - Set Up Intransit Lead Times For ATP To Ship To Customers

7. Create a transit time (NAV: Order Management/Shipping/Setup/Regions and Zones/Transit times) with
from as external region and to as internal location for the receiving organization. Assign the Shipmethod for this combination.
Origin Type Zone - YC-ZONE
Destination Type Internal - M1- Seattle
Ship Method - DC-Air-Air
Transit time - 0

Ensure that the Default Check box is checked so that this Ship Method will be used in case no ship method is found.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order for PO reschedule to work correctly, this Ship Method in the Sourcing Rule in STEP #12 MUST BE the Default ship
method from this form.
There is not any design that allows you to use Mulitple Ship Methods in this setup.

8. Create a Item (NAV: Inventory /Items /Master Items)

8. Create a Item (NAV: Inventory /Items /Master Items)

9. Created a MDS demand for the Item (NAV: Material Planning /MDS/ Names)
Date - 08/08/2008 , 08/11/2008 , 08/12/2008 , 08/13/2008 , 08/14/2008 , 08/18/2008
Qty - 5 each

10. In Approved supplier list for this supplier/supplier site assign the item.(Global)

11. Now run ASCP collection. Ensure that the Calendar DallsCal , is collected to Destination. You can check this in the Collections Workbench.

12. After the collection is done create sourcing rule in the destination with supplier and supplier site. (Note : Include both supplier and supplier site in the sourcing
rule). Also select the Ship method in the sourcing rule. The Ship Method would be available by Clicking on the LOV. In this case it is seen that the Ship Method code
- 000001_DC_A_AIR has been collected and assigned .
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order for PO reschedule to work correctly, this Ship Method MUST BE the SAME ship method marked as Default in STEP #7

13. Assign the sourcing rule to the assignment set.

Supplier Scheduling to Item - Instance - Organization.

14. Ensure the following profiles are setup for planning

MSC : Use Shipping/Receiving Calendar is set to Yes at Site Level.
MSC: Buy Order Processing Lead Time Calendar - Supplier Capacity Calendar
Refer to Note 566206.1 for more information on this profile
15. Define ASCP Plan Options.

Plan being run is Unconstrained ASCP Plan

16. Submit the ASCP Plan. Plan run date is 08-AUG-2008 (Will be referenced later)

17. Open the Planners Workbench and see that the delivery calendar will be followed. The logic of Planning Engine in Unconstrained plan would be to look
backwards for the valid date on the receiving calendar for the Dock Date. Since for Demands on 08-AUG-2008 (Friday) and 11-AUG-2008 (Monday) , when it looks
backwards, it cannot get the valid workday which is Tuesday, as it has already passed and hence the Dock Dates would fall on the System Date which is the Plan
run date. So you see the first two planned order having dock dates as 08-AUG-2008 which is a friday. All other Planned Orders will have correct Dock dates , and
would fall on Tuesday as per the Receiving Calendar as this valid date is available on the calendar.

18. If we right click on the Planned Order and select the Organization Receiving Calendar, the Calendar defined earlier will be shown.


1. In case you find that the Calendar that you defined is not Collected, You can first confirm this by Navigating to Collections workbench. (Advanced Planning >
Collections > View Collected Data)
Menu > Tools > Workdates
Calendar Type > Receiving
Scope > Organization
Organization > TST:M1
Ship Method > 000001_DC_A_AIR
Click On Refresh
The Calendar Code will be updated as TST:DallsCal

Secondly you can run the below SQL query in the Destination Instance.
FROM msc_calendars
WHERE calendar_code = 'TST:DallsCal'; -- Give your INSTANCE:CALENDAR_CODE

If the Calendar is not Collected, then it is a Collections Issue. Please run a Complete Refresh of Standard Collections, in case you have not done so and recheck if
the calendar is collected.
You might have to run Refresh Collection Snapshots as a Standalone Request in Source instance, in Automatic and Complete mode and then run Complete Refresh
of Standard Collections.
In case this also does not solve the issue, then log a SR with Oracle Support under the Product Code : 719 (ASCP)
2. When you run a plan, if the planned orders are considering the Ship method and the Receiving Calendar, then it will give you the correct Dock date.If you are not
getting the correct Dock Date, then you can first check in the Planners Workbench by Right clicking on the Planned Order and selecting Calendars > Organization
Receiving Calendar, and see if the Calendar and Ship Method are correct.
Alternatively you can run the below SQL in the Destination Instance and see if the two columns have been populated for your item. You will have to get the
transaction_id from the Planners workbench, by Clicking on the planned order and the navigating to Help > Diagnostics > Examine and giving Field as
transaction_id. Input the value in the SQL below.
SELECT receiving_calendar,
FROM msc_supplies
WHERE inventory_item_id = '&inventory_item_id'
and transaction_id = 'transaction_id';

If they are populated ,and even then the dock dates are incorrect, then it becomes a Planning engine Issue. Please Log a SR with Oracle Support under the Product
Code : 719 (ASCP)

Code : 719 (ASCP)

3. If the Ship Method is not coming up in the Sourcing rule form in the Destination instance.. check the below.
3.1. Run the below in Destination instance ..and confirm the ship methods are collected.
select * from msc.msc_interorg_ship_methods sh,
msc.msc_region_sites rs
where rs.region_id = sh.from_region_id
and rs.vendor_site_id = '&id';
select * from msc.msc_region_sites rs
where rs.vendor_site_id = '&id';

During a data collection run, the table: msc_st_region_sites is populated from the view: MRP_AP_REGION_SITES_V on the source instance. This view is based on
the table: MRP_REGION_SITES.
If the above does not return rows, check if the table MRP_REGION_SITES is populated with the correct mapping data in the source instance.
This table is populated in the Refresh Collection snapshot concurrent program.
This table gets populated in the following two cases:
1) During collection run, when
a)the profile option "MSC: Refresh Site to Region Mappings Event" is set to "Collection of Sourcing Rules"
AND b) we are doing a complete/targeted refresh of sourcing rules.
2) When the refresh collection snapshot program is run Manually and the profile option "MSC: Refresh Site to Region Mappings Event" is set to "Running of Refresh
Collection Snapshots Request".
3.2. Confirm after setting up the Regions and Zones if you ran the below 3 concurrents...
1.Import Shipping Locations
2.Location to Region Mapping
3.Region Interface
If not, run the above 3 Concurrent Programs.
3.3. Set the profile "MSC: Refresh Site to Region Mappings Event" to "Collection of Sourcing Rules "
3.3.1. Run Complete Refresh of Collections.
4. Creating Regions & Zones is not under the purview of this document. You can refer to the below documents for more help.
Note 755832.1 - How to Import Customer Addresses Into Shipping Regions and Zones ?
Note 466170.1 - How does one populate the country LOV In the Regions tab on the Regions & Zone Form
Note 1096326.1 - Location To Region Mapping Parameters.

1. Shipping Method LOV in the Sourcing Rule form in the Destination instance, would return wrong value, i.e. it would return the ship method description. It is
suppose to return the Ship Method Code. This will give incorrect plan results. There was a incorrect fix done via Bug 6344603 which introduced this bug.
MSCFDDSR.FMB 115.76.11510.8 is version with incorrect fix.
By populating the Ship Method Text (description) instead of the Ship Method Code into the form and the table, Planning is not able to find the correct information
and does not plan the intransit time correctly.
This incorrect file version is included in ASCP Engine Rollup patches
Patch Number Release Date
RUP #28 - Patch 6642641 10-Apr-2008
RUP #27 - Patch 6444221 24-Dec-2007
RUP #26 - Patch 6332127 28-Oct-2007
A new Bug 6883753 was logged to get the Bug 6344603 correctly implemented. Patch 6883753 to revert the changes that were improperly made in is available on
Metalink as a One off patch. After applying the patch the file version should be 115.76.11510.9.
This is also included in ASCP Engine/UI Rollup #29 Patch 6843364
More information on this is available in ... Note 557816.1 <Shipping Method LOV In Sourcing Rule Return Wrong Values - Planning for Intransit Days Incorrect>
You need to Ensure that you are on RUP # 29 Bug 6843364 or have applied one off Patch 6883753 to get correct plan results, in case you are on RUP # 26, 27, 28.
2. There is another issue that would happen... Assume that you have missed out to check the Default Ship Method as mentioned in Step # 7 above.
You released the Planned order and created a Purchase Order out of it. If there is a change in Demand, and you run Collections to collect the change in demand the
new Purchase Order created, the Purchase Order would be suggested to Reschedule Out. The Suggested Dock Date calculated by the Plan would not honor the
Delivery/Receiving Calendar here. The reason for this is that Receiving calendar for a Purchase Order is derived from ship method. But because PO (Purchasing)

Delivery/Receiving Calendar here. The reason for this is that Receiving calendar for a Purchase Order is derived from ship method. But because PO (Purchasing)
module does not support ship_methods, collected PO's does not carry a ship_Method on them. Since there is no ship method, the plan cannot find the Delivery
Calendar, and hence uses the Organization calendar instead. We need to remember here that Plan will not refer to Sourcing rule here to get the ship method as
the Purchase order already has the Supplier details.
For the Purchase Order's to use correct ship methods, there are only two solutions:
a.Manually update ship_method on each PO (CUSTOMIZATION). OR
b.Create a default ship_method (which has a carrier calendar defined) between this supplier site and org. Planning would use this ship_method and in turn would
validate the dock dates on this receiving calendar. (Step # 7 as discussed in Setup steps in section # 2 above)
As stated the whole issue happens as follows:
1.Firstly, planned order is created with Ship Method and correct calendar.
2.When released, the planned order becomes a purchase order.
3.When Purchase is collected back to planning system, it does not have a ship_method. The reason for this is PO(purchasing) module does not support
ship_method. This is the main reason why we are having the entire issue.
What ever ship method and calendar is used by PO is not shown by purchasing module. Hence the collected data also does not contain any ship method. you can
verify this by running sql:
--- count of collected purchase orders with a valid ship method:
select count(*)
from msc_supplies
where plan_id = -1 --collected data
and order_type = 1 --purchase orders
and ship_method is not null

This would return zero, because purchase orders would not have ship_method.
4. Since the ship_method is not available on PO, planning can only pick the default ship_method. Had the ship_method been available on the collected data,
planning could have used it. But that is not supported by PO module and hence this issue.
5.Also there is an issue if default ship_method is used. We will always pickup default for all the suppliers irrespective of which ship method was assigned to which
supplier. But since the issue is out of planning and related to purchasing module, we can only support it through the customization. (The Solution 1 of updating each
PO) That is, customer can manually update the ship_method on each PO. I am not sure if this is possible through the PO form.
The solution recommended was to update the table msc_supplies with valid ship_method for collected data (plan_id = -1). As long as collected data has the ship
method, planning will respect it. Otherwise planning uses default ship_method.
SQL query:
update msc_supplies
set ship_method = 'SHIP_METHOD' --- choose proper ship method
where plan_id = -1 --- collected data
and transaction_id = &transaction_id --- transaction_id of PO
and inventory_item_id = &inventory_item_id
and organization_id = &organization_id

This customization was successfully implemented by another Customer in Bug 5902871 <ASCP DOES NOT RESPECT CARRIER RECEIVING CALENDAR WHEN
The above Customization will work only if the customer is on Engine RUP # 24 Bug 6012246 or above. There was a code fix done in Bug 5902871 which was
included in RUP #24 to ensure that the Planning Engine first looks at the Ship Method stamped on the Purchase Order and then only look at the default ship method
defined in the Transit times form. Prior to RUP # 24, it will directly look at the default ship method and if it is not found, it will not honor the delivery calendar and
instead use the Organization Manufacturing Calendar.

6. For Release 12, there is a issue with Shipping Calendar for Supplier. Apply Patch 6856560 - for the same.

NOTE:1096326.1 - Questions on the Location To Region Mapping Concurent Program Parameters
NOTE:262124.1 - Set Up Delivery (Transit) Lead Times For ATPable OR Non-ATP Items To Ship To Customers
NOTE:557816.1 - Shipping Method LOV In Sourcing Rule Return Wrong Values -Planning for Intransit Days Incorrect
NOTE:566206.1 - What Is The Behavior Of Profile MSC: Buy Order Processing Lead Time?
NOTE:466170.1 - How does one populate the country LOV In the Regions tab on the Regions & Zone Form
NOTE:755832.1 - How to Import Customer Addresses Into Shipping Regions and Zones ?

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