Don'T Let Racists Divide Us. Protest On 21 March: Unite Against Austerity

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Unite against austerity

Dont let racists divide

us. protest on 21 March

n Saturday 21 March there

will be mass protests against
racism in London, Cardiff and
Glasgow backed by the TUC, all the
major trade unions and campaign and
community groups.
These protests, coming just before the
general election, are an important chance
for working class people to show that we
wont let the likes of Ukip and the Tories
scapegoat migrants and Muslims and
divide working class people.
We are told time and time again that
the reason wages have been driven down
and public services are overstretched is
that there are too many migrant workers
coming into the country.
But is it migrants who have cut hospital
A&Es across Britain? Is it migrants that
have driven through years of cuts and
austerity? Is it migrants that are responsible
for the most sustained fall in working class
living standards since the 1860s?
The answer is no! no! and no! Its the
Tories and the bosses who have done all
this. The scapegoating of migrants is a
smokescreen, its a trick designed to fool us
and steal our votes.
Its a cover for the misery the Tories
have caused in government.


Month after month the right wing press

has been full of reports of Britain being
flooded by migrants. Ukips Nigel
Farage has lashed out at migrants,
demanding a five-year ban on immigration
and calling for migrants to be refused NHS
treatment or any kind of benefits.
But this is the same man who wants to
slash taxes for the rich, for the millionaires
and billionaires who were recently exposed
using the HSBC bank to avoid paying their
taxes on a massive scale.
The Tories are desperate to win back
votes from Ukip so they are ramping up the
rhetoric on immigration too.
David Cameron would like to blame
anyone for the problems ordinary people
face other than the bankers and politicians
who have caused the mess.
In Britain, as across the rest of Europe,
the rich really are getting richer while
workers suffer and then they have the
cheek to try to get us to blame each other.

Newcastle turns out against Pegida racists, 28 February

Instead of standing up to this nonsense

Labour leaders have gone along with the
panic over immigration.


Its the same logic thats led Ed Miliband

to promise to stick to Tory spending plans
instead of opposing austerityjust because
it plays better with big business and the
Tory press.
Thats why whoever wins the general
election on 7 May well still be facing
more cuts and closures.
The truth is that if we let racism divide
us we are in big trouble.
Its only when we fight together that we
have any hope at all of resisting attacks
from the government or the Tories.
Thats why everyone who can should
come onto the streets on Saturday
21 March and say no to racism and yes to a

united fightback against austerity.

And we also need an alternative to the
mainstream parties, a socialist alternative
that puts the blame on the bosses and
bankers. The Trade Unionist and Socialist
Coalition (TUSC) is running over 100
parliamentary candidates across Britain.
We should back them.

Stand up to racism demos

London: assemble 12 noon outside

BBC Broadcasting House, Portland
Place W1 (Oxford Circus) for march to
a rally in Trafalgar Square.
Glasgow: Assemble 10.30 am,
George Square, Glasgow.
Cardiff: Assemble 11am, Clare
Gardens, Riverside, CF11. Followed
by a march to City Hall, Cathays Park
CF10 3ND.

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