Pumping System Parameters To Consider For Your Medical Instrument-KNF - PumpingSystem

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Pumping System Parameters to Consider for Your Medical Instrument

By David Vanderbeck, Business Development Manager

Selecting the wrong pump for a medical instrument can lead to costly manufacturing
delays, dangerous device failures, or even reputation-damaging product recalls. Therefore,
it is critical that designers have the minimum parameters they need to consider when
making their choice. This article helps to highlight several of the more important aspects
that need to be factored into their selection.
Its the kind of scenario that makes engineers and medical device designers cringe. Youve
finished designing a $150,000 blood analyzer and, with 50 units in the field, youre already moving
on to your next project...
Then, the news comes in. Because of an inappropriate pump in the system, virtually all of the new
analyzers have failed to function properly. Critical development time and moneyas well as
tightly knit plans for marketing the new producthave suffered a major setback.
This is not an imaginary scenario. Nor is it a rare one. While in the past 10 years major
technological breakthroughs have occurred in the design of pumping systemsgiving design
engineers more flexibility than ever beforemany engineers are not aware of them. Additionally,
clear guidelines highlighting important criteria for selecting the right pump have been seriously
lacking. Add to this mix the medical device designers traditional approach to purchasing a
pumplate in the design process and from a catalog of standard productsand you have a
recipe for disaster.
To avoid a pumps failing, it is extremely important that the designer acquaint himself with the
latest pumping system technology and clarify the key parameters of his pumping systems needs.
Then, and most important, the designer must communicate these parameters to his pump
supplier early in the design process.
Pumping Systems Defined
A pump is a subsystem, not a commodity. It is a dynamic, interactive element of the medical
device in which it functions. A pumping system will perform differently as conditions within the
medical device change. For example, temperature or electrical-power variations beyond a pumps
defined tolerance limits could cause the pump to malfunction and thus the entire medical system
to shut down.
Pump Types
There are many types of pumping systems on the market, each offering iis own advantages for
particular applications. Examples include:
* Diaphragm pumps. These use inlet and outlet valves to create pressure or a vacuum, as well
as to transfer liquids under a vacuum. They primarily are used in blood analyzers and life-support
systems because, by not having rotating or sliding seals, they are more tolerant than other pumps
to liquids or wet vapors.
* Peristaltic pumps. These pumps flex a tube to induce liquid flow within a system. Because the
tubing can be sterilized, peristaltic pumps are used most often to transfer sterile fluids, such as in
blood transfusion devices or automatic liquid-feeding devices. They also are used for multi-

channel pumping, i.e., using one pump and a variety of tubes to transfer many different fluids
* Linear pumps. These use a form of linear displacement (e.g., magnetic or pneumatic) to move
the pumps diaphragm, as opposed to flexing the diaphragm through the use of rotating elements.
They can operate very quietly, which is desirable for in-room patient-care equipment, such as
nebulizers and automatic drug-delivery systems.
Critical Performance Requirements
A pumps performance can vary dramatically depending on the device and the environment in
which it operates. Therefore, it is vital to clarify early in the design process the systems
performance requirements and to match them with those of the devices design. Several critical
performance requirements to consider are:
* The type of fluid being pumped and its temperature.
* UL or other third-party approvals required for installation.
* Physical dimensions of the pump.
* Production quantity of the device (necessary to justify and amortize the cost of customization,
if appropriate).
* Actual conditions at the pumps inlet and outlet, including load (vacuum and pressure) and
flow rate measured with a plus and minus tolerance.
* Motor type, and electrical requirements measured with a plus and minus tolerance.
* Ambient temperature at which the pump will operate.
* The pumps duty cycles (periods of operation and inactivity).
It is critical that designers specify the pumping systems tolerance to various performance
requirements, including electrical power, temperature, flow rate, vacuum, and pressure.
Specifying a pumps power requirement, for example, without toleranceat 115 Vis not
enough. Rather, if the pump operates in a system that varies up to 10 V, specify 115 V with a
tolerance of +- 10 V. Similarly, when specifying vacuum rate and flow rate, the designer needs to
specify a tolerance of flow rate over a tolerance of vacuum or pressure. This helps ensure that the
pumping system will function in the particular system environment for which it was designed.
For example, if a pump has the tolerance to create a vacuum greater than that required by the
device and the device contains soft tubing, the pumps excessive vacuum could cause the soft
tubing, the pumps excessive vacuum could cause the soft tubing to collapse, resulting in a
system shut-down or equipment damage. Likewise, a pumping system that can create pressure
greater than a medical instruments tolerance can break connectors and other system parts when
the pressure becomes excessive.
Lets look at some of these requirements in more detail.
Electrical Requirement
Naturally, every system environment demands specific electrical-power requirements. Will the
pumping system operate on 115 V/60 cycles exclusively? Will the system operate in the United
States as well as Europe, requiring that it operate with both 50-and 60-cycle current?

Perhaps voltage conditioning will be a

factorrequiring a voltage transformer
between the pump and power supplyso
that the pump operates with 115 V in one
environment and 220 V in another.
If a pump designated to operate at 115 V
(+=10 V) is located where voltage may vary
as high as 130 V, that pump may shut down,
resulting in overall system failure. Many
times this can be solved by specifying a
brushless DC motor to drive the pump. The
addition of a universal AC to DC power
supply, that handles a wide range of
voltages and frequencies to produce a
steady DC output, allows the use of one
pump anywhere in the world.
For world-wide use, and for portable, battery
operated instruments, there are many parameters to consider when selecting the motor, including
providing adequate power supply capacity to start and run the pump and battery capacity.
Because of the short lifetime of brush-type DC motors, they have long been replaced by brushless
DC motors, especially as the price of these devices becomes more competitive.
BLDC offer many advantages over AC and brush-DC types, including low heat generation, high
efficiency and low EMI/RFI. There is no brush wear or commutator sparking to shorten motor life.
Advanced BLDC motors feature logic speed control and logic on-off control. This allows the
designer to match pump performance with an instruments instantaneous demand, controlling
pump speed using the motors tach feedback output and instrument logic. Because the pump
generally operates at lower speeds, lifetime is enhanced.
Ambient Temperature
The pumps location within an instrument is very important. If ventilation is in adequate, the
ambient temperature could climb. If it climbs above the temperature tolerance of the pump, the
system could shut down and the equipment fail. At the very least, high ambient temperature and
improper ventilation can shorten the life span of a pumping system.
Duty Cycle
Some blood analyzers, for example, will at some point in their operation perform an analytical
function, such as optically reading the contents of a vial. This function can take from 10 seconds
to two minutes. During this time, fluid movement within the system stops; the vacuum pump is not
needed and frequently turns off. How long the pumping system remains inactive, the demands on
the pump when the analyzer performs its next function, and many other factors can be critical to
selecting the right pump for the job.
For instance, will the pump need to restart against load? Most pumping systems must be at noload conditions on inlet and outlet to restart properly. However, some pumps can be modified to
start against vacuum. If a pumping system must restart against vacuum, the designer must
communicate this to the pump supplier. Otherwise, a standard pumpone not designed to start
against pressure may be supplied.

* Will the system operate in the

United States as well as Europe,
requiring that it operate with both 50and 60-cycle current?
* Capable of restarting against
vacuummay be integrated into the
medical device. Then, a complex
venting mechanism has to be created
for the pump to restart properly.
Case Histories
The following case histories illustrate
some common pitfalls designers
encounter when selecting a pumping
Case 1: A designer selected a linear piston pump to perform a vacuum application in a blood
analyzer that handled wet gases (an inappropriate application for this type of pump). Of the 50
units in the field, virtually all were failing. The linear pumps were not producing the necessary
vacuum. Moisture was corroding the piston and cylinder, rendering the pumps inoperable. The
solution: The piston pump was removed, the architecture of the vacuum system was modified,
and three small diaphragm liquid vacuum pumps were incorporated.
Case 2: A sterilizer manufacture had improperly defined the operating parameters of his unit for
maximum/minimum pressure. The manufacturer selected a pump with a maximum pressure of 43
psi. While this was the pumps maximum pressure, it was also the minimum pressure needed for
the sterilizer to function. Therefore, when the pumps pressure dropped below 43 psi, the sterilizer
did not function. This was the case with units operating in cities where absolute pressure is lower
because of the altitude. Solution: the operating parameters for pressure were properly defined
and the pump was modified.
Case 3: The designer of a blood analyzer specified a pump with a specific motor power
requirement. However, he did not specify a voltage power tolerance. The analyzers were
operated in countries where voltage output is higher, beyond the motors capability. The results
were thermal overload and pump shut-off. Solution: a different motor with a specially wound,
wider tolerance coil was incorporated into the pumping system.
Pump failures, such as the ones illustrated above, usually are not the fault of the pumping system,
but rather of the designers not communicating complete system requirements to the pump
supplier. Working closely together, designers and suppliers can select the right pump to match a
systems requirements.

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