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Studying, Answering, Teaching, Experimenting,
Analysing and Motivation techniques
(Yeos SATEAM techniques)
Joint Organisers

25 July 2008 Sandakan
1 August 2008 Tawau
8 August 2008 Kota Belud
14 August Beaufort
Yeo Peck Cheng1

A. Experiment
Q 1.
MX2 is a chemical compound which is soluble in water and has a melting point of 402 C. You as a
chemistry student would like to conduct an experiment to extract the metal from it. Describe an experiment
which can be use to get the pure metal which is shiny grey in colour from the chemical compound. Your
description should include a labeled diagram which will be use in the experiment and explain the redox
process which occurred.
[10 marks]



1. diagram; 2 electrode, closed circuit, dry cell, crucible, chemical

2. label ; MX2 compound, heat, carbon electrode

Fill a crucible with MX2 solid/powder

Dip 2 carbon rods into the MX2 solid
Complete the circuit with wire and dry cells / turn on the switch
Heat the MX2 solid until it melt completely

7. Grey shinny globule formed.

8. MX2 melt and the ions are free to move
9. M ion / M2+ accept electron and become M atom. /
M2+ + 2e
10. X Ion / X donate electron and become X atom (X2 molecule). / X

X + e
/ 2X-
X2 + 2e
M Ion / M2+ undergoes reduction [ACER] and X Ion / X - undergoes oxidation [DEO]
Electron transfer occurred / there is a change in oxidation number and therefore a redox reaction

If MX2 solution is used mark 2,3,6 cannot be given.

If no dry cell mark 1,5,7 can not be given.
Reject metal displacement.

Yeo Peck Cheng2

Q 2.
You are supplied with sodium carbonate solution, dilute sulphuric acid, zinc chloride solution and
other apparatus required.
Describe an experiment to prepare a sample of pure zinc sulphate with the chemicals provided . Write
equations of the reactions involved in your description.
[12 marks]
1. zinc chloride solution is filled into a beaker.
2. add the sodium carbonate solution into the zinc chloride solution
3. Stir the mixture with a glass rod
4. ZnCl2 + Na2CO3
ZnCO3 + 2NaCl
5. Filter the white precipitate produced with filter paper
6. Rinse the precipitate with distill water
7. Fill a clean beaker with dilute sulphuric acid
8. add the precipitate into the dilute sulphuric acid until in excess/ can not dissolve
9. Filter the mixture.
10. ZnCO3 + H2SO4
ZnSO4 + H2O + CO2
11. the filtrate is heated until 1/3 of its original volume/ saturated
12. cool the solution until crystals are formed
13. filter the crystals formed
14. dry the crystals by pressing between filter papers

B. Explanation.
When a strip of copper is dipped into a beaker containing silver nitrate solution a reaction occurred.
State the observations for the reaction and write the chemical equation, ionic equation and half
equations for the reaction.
[7 marks]

colourless solution turns blue

shiny grey crystals deposit on the copper strip
beaker gets hot / heat given out
copper dissolve / becomes smaller
Cu + 2AgNO3
Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag
Cu + 2Ag+
Cu2+ + 2Ag
Cu2+ + 2e
Ag + e

Yeo Peck Cheng3

Q 2. Element R and element Q are 2 elements in period 2 of the periodic table. Element R will
form an ionic compound with chlorine, whereas element Q will form a covalent compound with
chlorine. Explain in terms of electron arrangement how the 2 types of compounds are formed.
[12 marks]

electron arrangement of R is 2.1

electron arrangement of chlorine is 2.8.7
R donate electron
R Atom donates one electron / R
R+ + e
Chlorine Atom accepts one electron / Cl + e
ClR+ ion achieves a stable duplet electron arrangement and Chloride ion achieves a stable octet
electron arrangement. [SO EAR , sd ear]
7. Electron is transfer from R atom to chlorine atom
8. an attraction force between ions occurred/ electrostatic force
9. an ionic bond is formed between R+ion and Cl- ion
10. electron arrangement of Q is 2.4
11. every Q atom share 4 pairs of electron with four chlorine atoms / diagram
12. every Q atom form 4 single covalent bond with four chlorine atoms
13. every Q atom contributes 4 valence electrons and every chlorine atom contributes one electron
14. Q and chlorine atoms achieve a stable octet electron arrangement respectively.
15. Formula of the Covalent molecule formed is QCl4 .

Papaer 2
1. Eksperiment
a. diagram :
apparatus arrangement functionable and suitable,
label the chemicals ,
shade stopper with slanting lines
clamp the burette,
shade all solutions with dash / broken lines,
dry hydrogen gas,
dry copper(II) oxide,
clamp appparatus,
use arrow with the word heat,
end of delivery tube must be below the water level,
when heating test tube must be horizontal or mouth point downward,
use conical flask for titration and not beaker,
in thermochemistry(combustion) wire mesh is not required,
thermometer dont touch the bottom of the beaker,
label water,
for empirical formula use crucible with cover

Yeo Peck Cheng4

b. procedure
[ compulsory for question with describe an experiment / how
normally many marks - 4 marks for 4 steps, 6 marks for 6 steps
(heat , stir, rinse, pour, fill, dip, insert, filter, heat strongly/gently, drop by drop, added,
complete the circuit, turn on the switch, swirl, dry, connect with wire, cool , immerse,
pass, mix, bubble)]
Reactivity Series(RSMO) magnesium powder is mix thoroughly with carbon powder (not
add only)........ heat strongly
A test tube is immmerse in water (not put or place)
c. Table [includes title/label and unit, right decimal place]
d Observation
[senses change in colour of solution/solid (from purple to colourless),
smell (sour, pungent, choking, sweet, odourless),
feel(hot , cold),
sound(pop sound),
lighted, burn, ignite (nyalaan)
effervescence/gas bubbles ( not air bubbles)
glow spread slowly/fast
needle of galvanometer deflect
reading is zero ( not no reading)
no change ( not no reaction)
zinc strip become smaller/thinner ( not corroded/eroded)
brown deposit
brown precipitate
white fume
colour of copper(II) sulphate solution for electrolysis blue colour fade
colour of copper(II) sulphate solution changes from blue to colourless for metal displacement
e. Test
[examples of wrong answer :
test with lime water, lime water turns chalky,
test with lighted wooden splinter, pop sound,
test with litmus paper]
answer need to have method and observation
[examples of correct answer:
1. direct/bubble the gas into lime water through delivery tube and the lime water turns
chalky- white precipitate
2. bring/hold/insert a lighted wooden splinter near the mouth of the test tube containing the
gas and a pop sound is heard
3. bring/hold/insert a moist litmus paper near the mouth of the test tube containing the gas
and blue litmus paper turns red]

Yeo Peck Cheng5

f. calculation 3 marks ,
1 formula, 1 substitute, 1 answer
1 formula, 1 ratio, 1 formula
g. equation [ 3 type half equation , ionic equation, equation , (state is not required if
need to be correct, reversible arrow for ammonia)


h. graph [ uniform scale, label axes with units, size more than 50% of the graph paper, transfer the
points correctly and smooth curve or straight line not zig-zag nor snake need not pass through all
i. common mistakes
Faster rate of reaction
Higher rate of reaction
Reaction is faster
Rate of reaction increase


polymer....compound....high relative molecular mass....small molecule.....covalent bond

Rfm no unit
Calculation of relative formula mass show working ( working + answer)
So ear
1 Mg atom donate 2 electrons to form Mg2+ ion to achieve stable octet electron arrangement
better include ionic equation
soap anion... hydrophobic(hydrocarbon)......hydrophilic(ion)
water surface tension reduced....increase effectiveness in wetting cloth
Emulsion(big droplet become smaller droplets, negatively charge repel each other)
Unsaturated Hydrocarbon
compound.. H and C only ...double bond
Redox transfer of electron , change in oxidation number( not ox dan red simultaneous)
Heat of neutralisation
Heat .........given out........1 mol H+............1 mol OH- (not heat change )
Strong or weak acid.....depends on the degree of dissociation/ionisation......concentration of
hydrogen ion
.....dissociae completely.......water..... high concentration of hydrogen ion
... hydroxsonium ion even better
Yeo Peck Cheng6

.. electron arrangement diagram need to show all shells, nucleus , label and charge for ion.
In the case of ionic compound the 2 circles need to be near but not overlapping
Arrangement of atoms in metals need to be the same size and no overlapping.
chemical properties of acid
[ wrong answer ; litmus paper, universal solution, pH paper ,sour]
[ correct answer involve chemical reactions = CM OH ]
salt : better do test for all ions.
j. Explaination : theories :
Collision Theory [rate of reaction] , for acid mention H+ ion to replace particle
Theory of ion [electrolysis],
compound/ionic bond / covalent
physical properties of ionic/covalent compound
strong weak acid & alkali
Reactivity of elements in group 1 dan 17
Atomic size and electronegativity of elements in period 3
k. Name of reactions
[neutralisation( acid + metal oxide & acid + hydroxide),
acid + carbonate, acid + metal
metal & halogen displacement,
double decomposition of salt /precipitation,
combustion ,
heat decomposition (carbonate & nitrate)]
Redox Reaction
acid + carbonate,
acid + metal
metal & halogen displacement,
combustion ,
reduction by hydrogen and carbon
voltaic cell
Fe(II) to Fe(III) and vice versa

Non Redox Reaction

( acid + metal oxide & acid + hydroxide)
double decomposition of salt

Yeo Peck Cheng7

Paper 3
Question 1 & 2
1. Variables
2. Hypotesis
3. Observation
4. Inferens [ base on Observation]
5. explain the observation
6. Predict
7. Graph [ uniform scale, label axes with unit, size more than 50% of the graph paper, transfer
the coordinates correctly and shape of the graph must be smooth- no zig-zag ,no snake and
8. data interpretation
Equation/ ionic equation [balanced equation - 3 m, inbalance - 2 m, wrong formula 1 m.]
correct formula + balanced equation .
9. Reading appartus [burette, thermometer , electronic balance, voltmeter, ruler, ammeter, stop
watch etc with the correct decimal and unit]
10. Classify
11. Rate : changes of mass with time / changes of volume with time
12. calculation
13. state the operational definition [oIe]
Question 3
Statement of problem. (..M.......R....)
All Variables (temperature of solution and not just temperature.)
Hypotesis. ( the more ...M...the more R .// if...M..then...R.....//when.M, ..R//
(use increase/decrease not change)
5. List of materials and apparatus
(can deduce from diagram and procedure)
6. Method / technic/procedure.(1,2,3,4,5,6.. ; dont write set up as in the above diagram.)
( include clean, record, repeat)
7. Tabulation of data.- [ M and R] columns and rows, title, unit, fill the MV column


Yeo Peck Cheng8

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