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We need to answer these questions by tonight if possible and submit it ASAP for the The

Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme.

Read the terms and conditions first before answering the questions.

1. Personal Statement: Please tell us about yourself, personal bio, who you are and what you
stand for?
2. In a few words, tell us why you decided to become an entrepreneur. What led you down the
path to pursuing your own business?
3. If you are operating/trading, for how long?
4. Briefly describe your current business or idea
5. In more detail, what will your company do or make?
6. What is new, interesting or different about your idea or business?
7. What problem does your product or service solve?
8. From below, which most accurately describes your product or service development stage:

9. If your answer is Other in the previous question, please elaborate

10. From below please select your companys primary industry sector

11. If other, please, specify

12. What is the size of the market opportunity for your business/idea?
13. How will you make money in your business?
14. How much sales are you currently generating at your current stage of business development?
15. Explain how you intend to (or already do) find customers?

16. Who are you selling to or you plan to sell to in the next year?
17. How big is the addressable market for your product or service?
18. Who are your competitors? What differentiates you?
19. List your top 3 competitors:
20. What is your current milestone for business?
21. What is your next milestone for this business and how long will it take you to reach it?
22. What is the name of your company?
23. When and where was your company founded?
24. How many employees do you have? What percentage are contractual, part-time, and full-time?
25. Do you have any business partners, if so what is the partnership structure?
26. How long have all the partners worked together as a team?
27. What is your primary role in the business?
28. If accepted into the programme, will you work full time on this business/idea with no other
external obligations? (YES, NO, MAYBE)
29. If you cannot commit to working full-time on this startup if accepted, please explain why?
30. Tell us something impressive you have personally built or achieved.
31. What is the total amount of cash invested to date in this startup?
32. Enter the approximate time you or the team has worked on this business/idea.
33. What are your current monthly cash expenses?
34. How much revenue has your startup generated since inception?
35. How much revenue has your startup generated in the last month?
36. Do you plan to raise money in the future? If so how much and when?
37. What is the projected breakeven volume and revenues for the business?
38. How long (years) will it take your business to break even?
39. Describe what impact your business will have within your community, country for job creation,
revenue generation or social development? (200 words)
40. What are some of the challenges you face in operating or launching your business?
41. Explain briefly what you hope to achieve from the 9 month entrepreneurship programme? (200
42. What business skills do you most need to learn about?

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