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VMC PPPoE Dialer

User and Troubleshooting Guide

Table of Contents
User Guide............................................................................................................................................4
Multiple NIC cards...........................................................................................................................6
Troubleshooting Guide.........................................................................................................................7
Error 1201 : No Rrap PPPoE Dialer device found..........................................................................7
Error 1202 : Failed to create Phone Book Entry..............................................................................7
Error 1203 : Multiple NICs / Network cards bound to the DSL Modem........................................7
Error 1204 : Rrap PPPoE device found but could not connect.......................................................7
Error 1205 : No NICs / Network cards bound to PPPoE Protocol.................................................7
Error 1206 : Selected network card is not present...........................................................................7
Error 1208 : Cannot change settings when connected.....................................................................7
Stuck on Dialing...........................................................................................................................7
if you Log off and not able to login back into the network successfully..........................................8
if PPPoE Dialer Package is an unrecognized type of file.................................................................8

VMC PPPoE - Auto Installation Guide

Illustration Index
Illustration 1: VMC PPPoE Dialer - Connect.......................................................................................4
Illustration 2: VMC PPPoE Dialer - Disconnect..................................................................................5

VMC PPPoE - Auto Installation Guide

User Guide
Double click VMC PPPoE Dialer to launch the dialer application (Illustration 1).

Illustration 1: VMC PPPoE Dialer - Connect

Enter the username and password given by ISP.

Click Connect

Click Save username and password to avoid entering details each time

After connection has been established, an icon on the task bar is created with the tool tip
message VMC PPPoE is now connected

In Linux, the user has to launch the application TkPPPoE with superuser previlages and save the
username and password either the first time or when the user wants to change the username and
password. Only after this can any user launch TkPPPoE and can perform the operations of connect
and disconnect.

VMC PPPoE - Auto Installation Guide

Double click VMC PPPoE Dialer in the tray icon to launch the dialer application (Illustration 2).

Illustration 2: VMC PPPoE Dialer - Disconnect

Click Disconnect

VMC PPPoE - Auto Installation Guide

Multiple NIC cards

Click Advance in VMC PPPoE Dialer (Illustration 1) in case there are multiple NIC cards.

Select the NIC card from the pull down box and click Ok (Illustration 3)

1. The settings cannot be changes when the connection has been established.
2. This feature is not available in Windows 98.
3. In Linux, the user has to launch the application TkPPPoE with superuser previlages in order
to select the interface to connect to the modem.

VMC PPPoE - Auto Installation Guide

Troubleshooting Guide
The following Error can be reported by VMC PPPoE Dialer

Error 1201 : No Rrap PPPoE Dialer device found.

The dialer did not find the PPPoE device.
We suggest the following :
1. Was the driver installed ?
2. If you have just installed the driver, you may want to reboot your computer.
3. Go through the repair sequence in the installer.

Error 1202 : Failed to create Phone Book Entry.

Ensure dialup networking is installed and working on your computer.

Error 1203 : Multiple NICs / Network cards bound to the DSL Modem
Multiple network cards were found to be bound to the PPPoE driver. (Note : Some USB devices
such as a DSL modem report as network cards). Refer to the Multiple NIC cards section in the VMC
PPPoE User and Troubleshooting Guide.

Error 1204 : Rrap PPPoE device found but could not connect.
1. This may happen if you have uninstalled an old driver and installed a new one. A reboot should
solve the problem.
2. Another reason why this might happen is if the NIC card is disabled. Using the control panel, right
click on the NIC and enable it.
3. If you are using a USB cable to connect to the DSL Modem, check if the USB cable is yet
plugged in.

Error 1205 : No NICs / Network cards bound to PPPoE Protocol.

1. Check if the NICs / USB is connected properly
2. Refer to the Multiple NIC cards section in the VMC PPPoE User and Troubleshooting Guide.

Error 1206 : Selected network card is not present.

1. The NIC / USB previously connected was disconnected.
2. Refer to the Multiple NIC cards section in the VMC PPPoE User and Troubleshooting Guide.

Error 1208 : Cannot change settings when connected.

Refer to the Multiple NIC cards section in the VMC PPPoE User and Troubleshooting Guide.

Stuck on Dialing
After some time a The request has timed out error occurs.
VMC PPPoE - Auto Installation Guide

Reason : The dialer could not get a response from the remote server.
1. Verify the DSL modem is connected and the LEDs glow as required.
2. Verify the modem is connected to your computer
3. If the above are OK, contact your service provider.

if you Log off and not able to login back into the network successfully
Refer to the section Disabling of WINS Resolution in VMC PPPoE Manual Installation Guide.
Note: This error is specific for windows 98

if PPPoE Dialer Package is an unrecognized type of file

1. Double click on InstMsiA.exe in the folder Miscellaneous.
2. Reboot the system.
3. Install the PPPoE Dialer Package.

VMC PPPoE - Auto Installation Guide

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