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The Pineal Gland

It is interesting to note how different cultures have placed great importance upon the pineal gland
with regards to their spiritual practices. Almost without exception the pineal gland has appeared
within the teachings of different ancient groups who assigned the cultivation of spiritual awakening
to this pea-sized gland which sits deep within the brain.
In alchemical language the pineal gland is known as the Ni Wan which is often translated as being
the mud pill palace. It is the physical manifestation, the Jing, of the upper Dan Tien which is a
rotating sphere of information which sit as the underlying energetic blueprints for the formation of
the pineal gland within the physical realm of our body. So is the pineal gland the upper Dan Tien,
yes and no, the upper Dan Tien manifests energetically as a sphere of Qi within the skull and
physically as the pineal gland within the Ni Wan area of the head.
Light Receiver
The pineal gland has been discovered to react to light, photon energy, by biological scientists. This
often causes confusion as the pineal gland essentially sits within complete darkness inside the head
so often it is known as the appendix of the brain. A useless organ which serves little purpose.
Interestingly other studies have shown that the pineal gland secretes serotonin directly involved in
governing our happiness levels and preventing us from sinking into depression. The light that the
pineal gland reacts to within Daoist alchemical thought is the Shen energy rising up through the
Chong Mai into the area of the upper Dan Tien. As the vibratory frequency of the Shen hits the
pineal gland it reacts to the light giving a sense of a white light appearing within the minds eye, the
alchemical pill. This pill, with practice, can begin to expand its light over the head of a sincere
practitioner leading to the formation of a halo of white energy which can be perceived by those
around who have awakened the thirds eye, the collateral branch of the energy body which runs from
the pineal gland to the Yin Tang area of the head.
The pineal gland is awakened by this internal light leading to perception beyond the realms of
physical vision. Psychic vision, abilities and phenomena can be attained once the pineal gland
receives the light it requires from deep within the consciousness of the accomplished Daoist
practitioner. Many of the intermediary level abilities recorded as being available to internal arts
practitioners are a result of the pineal gland, the all seeing eye as it was known within many
gnostic schools, awakening giving a glimpse of the world beyond the realm of Jing, physicality.
Beyond this realm of light, Shen, and the pineal gland lay the realm of emptiness, the gateway to
Dao. It is the role of the upper Dan Tien to convert the higher perception frequencies of the pineal
glands by-products into a direct connection to the divine. This is now entering the higher stages of
alchemical practices. Only the most ardent meditation devotees will enter this door and find the
opening of the Xuan Men (mysterious pass).
It is fascinating to me how the pineal gland has been represented within ancient cultures. In many
cases it was represented with a pine cone as can be seen in many examples of ancient architecture,
religious artefacts and even within the Vatican as can be seen in the image below. It has long been
knowledge within the religious traditions of both the East and the West that the pineal gland is an

important factor in any spiritual seekers connection with the divine but sadly this information is
generally held back from the lay follower of any religion or spiritual school.

Statue of the Pine Cone in the Vatican and the Pine Cone on the Popes Staff
The pineal gland then became changed into the pyramid image which we see as an important image
within the majority of mystery schools within the west. The pyramid image with the all-seeing eye
which appears on American money and within many symbols and logos represents the pineal gland,
the activation of the all seeing eye through Shen information which is shown as the illumination
often depicted around the eye. It is even possible to see the white light of the pyramid surrounding
meditation practitioners who are able to utilise the full lotus position in their practice. This light is
directed from the upturned feet of the lotus position towards the third eye area of the head as the
pineal gland begins to activate. It is easy to see how the pyramid became linked to spiritual elevation
once you have witnessed the Shen triangle appear during internal alchemy. From these logos it is
clear to see that the formation of countries and governments around the world was originally down
to those with great knowledge of the internal workings of human consciousness; what a shame this
knowledge is no longer perpetuated by them into the general populace, it could be a very different
world indeed. For many, the symbol of the all seeing eye as it appears in the logo below has
become something of a sinister image; the mark of a growing Orwellian state. Whatever the truth
now, it was originally a sign of great spiritual significance.

All Seeing Eye and Pyramid symbol from US money and Government Logo
Problems with the pineal gland can arise if it is enabled to become calcified to any great degree.
Calcification encases the pineal gland in a hard shell much like the enamel layer surrounding our
teeth. This prevents the pineal land from receiving any spiritual light essentially plunging our
consciousness into darkness and preventing us from attaining any kind of spiritual awakening.

Calcification of the pineal gland can lead to depression, fatigue, muscle pain and wastage. many
researchers are now even linking the pineal glands calcification to conditions such as MS. On top of
this it prevents meditation practitioners from moving beyond the realm of the physical in their
practice. In my opinion it is of the utmost importance for any internal arts practitioner serious about
alchemical advancement to stop consuming anything which can lead to calcification of the pineal
gland. Steps should then be taken to reverse any damage which has already been done. Thankfully
the calcification can indeed be reversed.
Flouride Poisoning
The biggest offender in calcification of the pineal gland is Flouride. This is the toxic substance which
is put into American water and some water in Europe. It is said to help prevent tooth decay but
emerging evidence shows that this is not actually the case; some have even managed to show that it
does the opposite! Flouride is also in our tooth paste and luckily it is easy enough to buy Flouride
free toothpaste over the internet or in many health stores. Also be aware that many bottled drinking
water companies now put Flouride into the water as well. In the UK we are lucky enough to not have
Flouride in the majority of our towns water supplies but the water companies still pump Fluoride
unannounced into the water to purify it if there has been any reports of any contaminations to the
water. Those who really want to save their pineal gland should seriously consider cutting Flouride
out. I have even suggested this to several people who suffer with clinical depression and their
depression has gone away within a couple of weeks. It is my opinion that many cases of depression
are actually linked to calcification of the pineal gland due to Flouride poisoning. If you are reading
this and you suffer from depression try switching your toothpaste and monitoring your water to
ensure that it is pure; see what happens
Processed foods and (research is showing) GMO foods also attack the pineal gland as well as
numerous other aspects of our mind and body. These should be cut out of the diet in order to protect
the pineal glands functioning.
Foods that Help the Pineal Gland
Organic food (including meat) helps to heal the pineal gland. Especially important are organic green
leafy vegetables which have a strong de-calcifying affect upon the body in general. Spirulina is very
useful along with Goji berries which are great foods for meditation practitioners. I would suggest
that these foods should be consumed for a period of time prior to entering into any kind of
meditation retreat or prolonged periods of serious sitting practice. I have also read recently that
fermented cod-live oil is also great for helping the pineal gland but I have not had the chance to try
this yet. Also remember to drink plenty of pure water in order to detoxify the system and cleanse the
Heavenly Streams
Those who practice the Heavenly Streams exercises in my books can also help the pineal gland to
de-calcify by focusing upon the GV17 point (Naohu ) or GV24 (Shenting) and activating
them in the same way as described for other points in the Heavenly Streams book. Practice with
these points for around 5 minutes a day and you should help your poor pineal gland greatly!

In Conclusion
The purpose of this Blog is to gradually put up pieces of information like this which may be useful to
modern internal arts practitioners. These are things which are not necessarily suitable for a book as
they are not part of classical Daoism. This is because they are issues which were not an issue several
hundred years ago but they are now! I will try my best to keep my opinions out of the material I post
here but that is not always possible; I guess that is the nature of a Blog
Try my steps outlined here, monitor your diet, cut out Flouride and see if this helps your well-being
and meditation practice any. It has helped mine and those who I have suggested follow these steps.
Happy practice

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