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Author Name : Prof. S.M. Rajendran,

M.D., F.R.C.P. Glasgow), F.I.M.S.A.,
Prof. of Medicine & Diabetology
Sree Balaji Diabetes & Obesity Research Centre (BALDORC)
Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital,
Chromepet, Chennai 600 044.
E mail :
Introduction :
In Future, in India especially Tamil Nadu will become the leader of T2DM. This non
communicable problem will have impact on Family as well as affect the economy of India.
World Health Organization will be expecting the India will be the capital of T2DM. We expect
around 50% of our total population be having T2DM in another 15 years, among them, most of
them from Tamil Nadu around 11.7%, Kerala 8.2%, Andhra 8.7 % where as Central India 2.3%.
Why so much incidence, where is the fault ?
Fault with people or Treating Physician or Environment or Combination of all.
Patho Physiology :
Beta Cell is unique cell which secretes Insulin. Beta Cell is situated in the islets of
Langerhans which is the part of Pancreas. Beta cell is the inner most cell immediately next to
Blood Vessels, once Sugar in the Blood increases,
Beta Cell Noramal

Beta Cell secretes Insulin there by control our Blood Sugar Beta Cell surrounded by
Alpha Cell, Delta Cell and Pancreatic Polypeptide Cells. Beta Cell and Alpha Cell regulates
Glucose Metabolisms and maintain the Sugar level. The Beta Cell regulates Body Metabolism
and it is almost situated in the centre of our bodies (Left Side). This Beta Cell is our Balancer.
The Beta Cells secretes Insulin, which acts on cells from Head to Foot. Our Body needs
energy to function that is done by Insulin. The Insulin converts Glucose Energy.
The excess sugar stored as Glycogen in the Liver and Muscles. When we do Exercise, the
Muscle Glycogen will be depleted for the Energy, when we are in Fasting, Liver Glycogen will
be utilized. Glycogen will be reconverted to Glucose again and same will utilized for our
Body Energy. So, if either Insulin is not sufficient or where Insulin secretion normal but
sensitivity of Insulin reduced (Insulin Resistance) leads to Type 2 Diabetes.
By the time, Physician Diagnose T2DM 50% of Beta Cells already destroyed.
The destruction of Beta Cell due to over load. Excess eating of Food more than our need
especially cerbohydroates leads to increase demand of Insulin. So, in short T2DM is mainly due
to excess eating of food (cerbohydrates).
The spending Energy is lesser than, that have we consumed. This excess will be
converted and stored as Fat in the Abdomen - Abdominal obesity. Being always eaten the rich
Carbs and Fats, we have to penalty ding as T2DM. That is like wealth tax. T2DM is lifelong
problem. If our earning less, no tax. Similarly if eat less no disease at all. Request the people not
to buy any disease by buying the fatty food.
Who will prone for Diabetes :
1. Father or Mother Alone T2DM : 50% of Children T2DM If both parents 99% Children
will get T2DM.
2. Abdominal Obesity
3. Thyroid or ovary problem
4. Unlimited excess food, especially fast food
5. Stress and tension

6. Sedentary People :
7. Environmental Pollution like
a) Dirty Electricity.
b) Pesticides, Chemical Adulteration of food.
c) Chronic association with electronic gadgets.
How Food works out :
Prevents Blood Insulin Metabolic
Sugar rise
Resistant priority



Blood Sugar

Carbohydrate :
Rice , Sweet, Fruits,
All Root Vegetable




No. But it
generally Blood
Sugar during
fasting, intensive
exercising or
Insulin Resistant.




Protein :
pulses and cereals


No rise





No rise




Eating 100gm of carbohydrates at noon is as same as eating 100 gm of sugar at 2 pm for a

Diabetic Patients, where as 100 gm Protein is same as 25 75gm of Sugar. So, we are
essentiality take low Carbohydrates with more Proteins. Carbohydrate calories matter more the
total calories.
What do mean Insulin Resistance (IR) : I.R. is mainly due to

Belly Fat (Abdominal obesity)

Cell Membrane Inflammation
Muscle weakness and atrophy
Muscle Glycogen Product defeat.

IR is mainly due to fat in the body especially Lower abdomen fat (Belly). Increased Plasma free
Fatty Acid (FFT) leads to I.R. Fat deposit in the Mitochondria of cell that leads to I.R.
There are 3 types of Fat,
1. Saturated Fats
2. Mono Saturated Fats
3. Poly Saturated (Omega 6) Fats
Among them, Saturated Fat is harmful, our Food contains both saturated and unsaturated Fats.

Saturated Fat :
Contains Triglycerides (Saturated Fatty Acids) derived from Animal Products
Eg. Meat, Dairy Egg Also present in Plant, Vegetables, Coconut, Palms.
There Fats are solid in room Temperature. It raises LDL Cholesterol (Bad) directly.
Unsaturated Fat :
1. Trans Fats :
It can also increase Total cholesterol as well as LDL Cholesterol and reduce HDL
cholesterol (Good).
Eg. Egg, Cakes, Cookies, Fries, Donuts. Hydrogenated Oil.
2. Mono Saturated Fats :
Liquid at room Temperature but solidly at Cold Temperature.
Eg. Olive Oil, Peanut Oil, Canola Oil.
It will lower LDL Cholesterol and maintain HDL Cholesterol .
3. Poly unsaturated Fats:
Liquid at Room Temperature
Eg. Sunflowers, Seasame oil, Corn oil, Cotton Seed oil, Soybaeans oil,
etc. It will help to reduce your LDL cholesterol but too much also reduced your HDL
Omega 3 fatty acid : Essential fatty acid. It cannot produce by our body cells.
Good source : Cold water Fish, Flax seed, Soya and walnuts. This will reduce Heart disease and
increase immunity.
Carbohydrates and Fats are the main culprits to destroy or reduce the function of
Beta Cell. This makes us to understand the causes for Diabetes.
What we should do to avoid and cure T2DM :
Can we avoid T2DM
Can we reverse T2DM
Can we cure T2DM

For all, answer lies in your hand

Life Style Modification.

This means :

1. Exercise

2. Diet

Exercise :
Three type of exercise which is very simple and essential can perform and comfortably
and conveniently by all.
1. One Second Exercise
2. One Minute Exercise
3. One hour Exercise
1. One second Exercise :
When anybody offers to eat or drink during your meeting or Guests House just close
your eyes for a second and think of Diabetes. By one second closing the eyes the urge of
drinking will be vanished.
2. One Minute Exercise :
Same thing when anybody offers to eat, you just rise your hand and wave it in the air for
a minute in the form of No this also will avoid your Temptation.
3. One Hour Exercise :
Wear a canvas shoes with carton socks and walk briskly without talking or hearing
music. Concentrate yourself while walking One hour walking will reduce 200 kcl. During
walking, Muscles glycogen will be converted as Glucose (Energy) and same will be utilized
there by Blood Pressure, sugar, especially Fasting Blood Sugar will be reduced
as well as will increase good Cholesterol. Regular request Exercise will improve the health
and activate all Endocrine system and relax the Brain, there by our body Metabolism will be
under control. So, People should and must aware the importance of Exercise. Laziness is the
main cause for metabolic disorder. Where ever you are and whatever the place, time and work
spare One hour for Exercise.
Next to Exercise in Life Style modification is DIET. Quantity of Diet is more important
than Quality of diet. The Importance of diet you lead to free from


These Five diseases are the worst enemy and this is due to our diet pattern. There are
Two Proverb in Tamil
1. Alavodu Sappittu Valamodu Vazungal (Restrict your food and live long)
2. Alavukku Meerinal Amudhamum Vishamagum (Even if Amirtha Drinks
more it will be turn to Poison)
In order to live Healthy life quantitates the Diet.

Buying the Fast Food

Eating too much
No Exercise

Paying the penalty is the form Multiple Disease

Majority of men are sedentary workers so they require not more than 1200 calories
per day. This 1200 calories can be obtained in a quantitative dict.
Advice to take more and more Vegetables, less Rice (restricted 6 8 small spoons like
pickles) wheat also restricted quantity. Majority of the think wheat, Ragi, Kambu, Oats can be
take in larger amount not so, anything eating restricted amount. If we do have strict Life Style
pattern, we can cure or at least reverse the T2DM.
Genes :
Is Diabetes Hereditary : Yes Genes plays a role. When genetically predisposed, not just
your genes alone, genes load the Gun and Life Style pulls the Trigger. Meditation & Dedication
may reverse your Diabetes.
Which is better opinion :
Life Style
Medication :
Yes drugs may control your diabetes but it has got to own side. Effects, so, try to avoid
the drugs to Control Diabetes. When you are in drugs your mind always not under your control,
wavering sometimes you may eat more and thinking that it may be adjustable by increasing the
doses. But it is danger. Actually any drugs cans mutate the Gene further and worsen the health.
Waxing and waning of sugar will damage the cell more than persistent Hyper Glycemia, Hence
Medication must be cautions. Avoid drugs as well as avoid self adjustment of doses.
Life Style :
Of course, it do wonders when there is dedication and will power to control your diet at
any cost definitely it do wonders.
Meditation :
Even though it is debatable about their importance and role towards health.
Third Eye :
It is nothing but Pineal Gland. This Eye is described is all religion. Pineal glands do
wonders to our body repairs our gene; protect our body form environmental exposure damage.
This Gland will secrete hormone called Melatonin. Hormone Melatonin will control over Beta
Cell, regulation and regeneration. This Hormone will normally secrete from 11 pm to 4 am.

During that hour all damaged cells will get repaired. Since Beta Cell has got Melatonin
Receptors which will help Melatonin to enter into Beta Cell, makes to work and secrete Insulin.
So if need a good health and keep the Doctor away open your Third Eye to live longer,
Younger and Healthier. Third Eye can be open by simple way by Ten minutes Meditation.

Conclusion :
Never Lazy , Walk !

Walk !

Walk !

Walk to your Railway Station

Walk to Post Office

Walk to Super Market

Keep away your Two Wheeler or Four Wheeler.

Keep away from Restaurant , Party

Keep away from Electrical Pollution.

This will definitely keep away from Doctor.

Try to use your own Doctor. Third Eye (Pineal Gland) to lead Good
Health and Family Health.


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