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Sophie Boston

Production Title:
The Power of Love

Brief: create a music video

To create a music video the pop/indie song The Power of Love by
Gabrielle Aplin

Description of your intentions:

Ideally I would like to create a music video that encapsulates the soft and
feminine elements of the song, not necessarily following Goodwins theory of
matching the visuals to the lyrics I would like to do this sometimes but not all
the way through the song. I want my music video to be narrative based,
combined with a bit of performance that I can keep cutting back to as the A Roll.
This I would like to be my main performer playing an instrument, most likely a
piano as this is the primary instrument used in Aplins The Power of Love
however I need to be careful I do not simply duplicate the original.
Due to the sorrowful tone of the song I would like my subject story to be quite
serious, but not so depressing as to make my audience feel miserable whilst
watching it! This I will do by making a happy or ambiguous- ending, as I very
much believe in allowing the audience to use their imaginations and make up
their own endings. One idea that I have and have been thinking about for a while
is the idea of an older woman reflecting back on her past, and due to the song
being titled The Power of Love, ideally the focus on her reflection will be based
around a love interest, with whom I want her to be reunited with at the end of
the music video. This idea has been building up for a while, with influences such
as James Camerons Titanic (1997) which follows Rose as she looks back upon
her experiences when she was younger, which of course involved young Jack
Dawson- they then get reunited in Roses dream when she passes away. I was
also more convinced to do this idea after watching last years videos, one of
which Clare had created about a similar storyline with her grandmother and
dancing. Though I had already formed this plan in my mind, seeing this plot be
successful encourage me further to develop this narrative idea.
In terms of camera I feel I will be using more shots such as wide angles and mid
shots, as typically close ups and extremes are used more intimately for pop
videos. The only reason I would use a close up is to get something very
significant clear to the audience, and it will not be of a face, as I think it will be
invading and not fit in with the gentleness of the song. Camera movements will
be slow, editing will be continually with flashbacks to the piano playing and in

the past, but it will not be the jumpy, quick editing you might find in say, a rock
music video. I want the editing and slow camera movements to echo the
calmness of the song and tone.
Mis en scene will be simple, nothing too flashy. I think a good colour scheme
would be white, pale yellows, pale pinks, colours that are stereotypically
feminine. Makeup and hair will be simple as I want to convey natural beauty.
Bare feet and bare skin will also help convey this idea, as well as wearing the
conventional colour of white, as in Western cultures this colour represents purity
and innocence, whilst in Eastern cultures the meaning is far the opposite; white
is worn at Eastern funerals as a symbol of death and mourning. Either way, the
colour fits nicely in with the circular narrative, as audiences will have different
interpretations of the ending.
Target Audience:
I think my target audience will be mostly aimed at females because of the
femininity of the song, the artist, and the lyrics. The age range I reckon will be
16-24 but I feel older audience may want something a little more sophisticated
and probably wouldnt listen to artists such as Gabrielle Aplin. Of course the
target audience is extended out to those who listen to the pop/indie genre, and
anyone who has found Gabrille Aplins music due to her track being the infamous
John Lewiss Christmas Advert soundtrack. Typically I would imagine my target
audience to be quite girly and especially teenage girls who are perhaps more
emotional than teenage boys, as they mature quicker. Leading on from this, the
demographics of my audience would probably be a student, with maybe a part
time job, living in local areas based around London and the suburbs, ethnicity
would most likely be British as this is sung by a British girl whose image is
indefinitely the iconic English Rose. Promotional methods that I think I would
advertise my music video and ancillary tasks would be through both traditional
and non traditional methods e.g. on sides of buses, in bus stops, on billboards
because typically this age group is out and about quite a bit using public
transport so its more likely they will see this kind of promotion. This age group
has also the highest usage of internet browsing, whether that be on their
phones, laptops, iPads etc, so digital marketing e.g. through YouTube, shopping
sites, Twitter, Facebook will undoubtedly grab their attention as they scroll
through their iPhones and Androids.
Similar Products:
As mentioned previously, this idea would influenced by Camerons Titanic thanks
to the love story and circular narrative, and Clares successful usage of the older
and younger person.
Other similar products that I have looked out include:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (dir. David Yates, 2010) the
vanishing effect when Hermione (Emma Watson) casts a spell to make her
image disappear from all the family photos gave me the idea to do
something similar with mine, to indicate a loss.
Eclipse (dir. Catherine Hardwicke, 2010) The opening sequence is of the
protagonist Bella Swan in a dream where she sees her grandmother and
calls out to her, only to realize that she is looking at her own reflection.

She as a human grows older everyday whilst her boyfriend, vampire

Edward Cullen is immortal.
Say Something (music video, A Great Big World, 2012) the piano used in
this music video is beautifully done, with the spotlights all trained on the
pianist and the shiny walls and floor reflecting the instrument whilst the
camera revolves around the piano in a smooth 360 degree movement.

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