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How do you define autism?

Autism is a developmental disorder where the patient suffers from the disability of verbal and
non-verbal interaction and finds social interaction difficult. It is a series of behavior patterns
which can be diagnosed in a child even before they turn three.
Unfortunately, there has been an increase in cases of autism over the years. A recent research
by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that one in every 68 children in the US
has the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This current number shows an increase by 30% from
two years ago when the number was 1 in 88 children.
What are the causes behind autism disorder?
The specific reason behind triggering the condition of autism is not well known but different
generic and environmental factors could be responsible for it. Autism is known to affect the
brains function of processing information by changing the connections and organizations.
Can autism be inherited?
As already mentioned, both genetic and environmental factors are responsible for autism but
the exact genes are yet to be determined. Although its risk in identical twins is the maximum,
while for siblings of patients of autism, the risk is higher by 5-10%, according to different studies.
It is also possible that the family members of an autistic child may exhibit slight impairment in
social interactions and communication.
How can one identify autism at the earliest stages?
The early spotting and treating of autism can have a better impact on the overall results of the
treatment of a child. It is also of utmost importance that a parent as the sole caretaker of the
child is able to detect the early signs of it.
From the early stages of infancy, a child is social by nature and they look at faces, react to
voices and start smiling by the time they are 2 to 3 months old. In a complete opposite scenario,
children afflicted with autism face difficulty in daily human interactions. Children who are
affected by autism show symptoms like being unable to respond to their name, late powers of
speech and negligible interest in people, by the time they turn a year old. Toddlers with autism
prefer to play alone, start talking late and have problems with communication in general.
Children detected with autism also tend to spend their time arranging their toys or spinning them
instead of trying to play with them. Another symptom of autism is that these kids do not react to
parental anger and are also quite unaffected by separation.
They are also unable to convey their feelings through their facial expressions, gestures and tone
of speaking. This inability to convey their feelings leads to frustration and behaviors like
screaming or throwing tantrums. These symptoms can be deduced over a period of time but it
has been observed that some children grow up normally but develop these symptoms later.

Red Flags for Autism:

They dont smile or express any happy emotions till six months or even after that.
They dont share sounds, smiles or any facial expression by the age of nine months.
No chattering till 12 months.
They dont start pointing out nor do they reach out or wave at anything by 12 months.
The child hasnt uttered a single word by 16 months.
No original or meaningful phrase by 24 months.
The loss of speech, chattering or lack of social skills at any of the above mentioned ages
is an indication to get your child checked quickly. The average age of deducting autism is
over the age of 4, although it can be diagnosed by the age of 2. It is important to get the
child diagnosed at the earliest possible stage so that their chance of having a successful
treatment is increased.
What other problems can be faced by autism patients?
Gastrointestinal problems are common and they affect up to 85% of children diagnosed
with autism. It can vary from diarrhea, chronic constipation or inflammatory bowel
diseases. 20-40% autism patients may also have epilepsy.
Sleeping disorders are common in both children and adults affected by ASD.
Other common problems are sensory disorders and they may have difficulty in
processing and integrating sensory information. They also have difficulties in reacting to
sights, sound, smell, taste and movements. While others are extra sensitive to sound or
touch, which is a condition known as sensory defensiveness, others may be underresponsive or hyposensitive.
Is ASD treatable?
If the autism treatment is started earlier through intensive behavioral training, it may
improve learning, communication and social skills in children with ASD. It will not lead to
a cure but if the person with ASD can learn to communicate then there is a chance that
his behavior problems may subside. The sensory problems can be further addressed
with occupational therapy and sensory integration.
There is medication available for hyperactivity, depression, anxiety and obsessive
compulsive disorders which can be given to ASD patients. There are antiepileptic drugs
to treat epilepsy and dietary changes can also prove beneficial for children who have
allergic tendencies to certain food items.

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