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About the Author


Mr. Assaad Hanna
Tentative book title and subtitle (if any):
"Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia," Part II.
Assaad is an Internationally Published Author in English in
the field of clinical psychology researched novels, a B.Degree
clinical psychology student with Gibson Online University,
previous half Marathoner
A Mechanical engineer
Assaad Hanna
Damascus, 00963 011
Home Tel: 00963 011 4451069
Clinical Psychology Research:
I Am an Internationally Published Author in English in the
Field of Clinical Psychology Researched Novels.
I Wrote and Published In English the 1st Part of my Clinical
Psychology Researched Autobiography Entitled
"Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia," The difficulties of life
I got an Advanced Diploma in Psychology, Counseling &
Managing Stress Related to the Virtual and Open Learning

Academy, UK.
I Am Studying a B. Degree Clinical Psychology.
I would Like To Study Too:
Clinical Hypnotherapy & Parapsychology & English
Literature, So to have:
a PhD in English Literature,
a PhD In Clinical Psychology,
a PhD In Clinical Hypnotherapy,
a PhD In Parapsychology.
I Want To Work In the Field Of Research in Order to Research
Novels Concerning All Sorts Of Mental Disorders.
I Wish I Would Be a Scientist.

- (1991) B.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering
From Damascus University in Syria
- (1996) 5A Level Course @ the American Language Center in
- (1995) Intermediate Level Conversation Course @ the
American Language Center in Damascus
- (2006) TOEFL with score 540
- (1995) TOEFL with score: 517
- (1993) TOEFL with score: 487
- (2008) Advanced Diploma In Psychology, Counseling &
Managing Stress.
- (2015) I Am Studying a B. Degree Clinical Psychology,
Gibson Online University
- I can speak and write French.
Because I have suffered from cyclothymia since 1986, I have
had 29 Years of Psychiatric Experiences,
. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Introspection, & Client
Centered Therapy.
. 11Years of Experience in Reiki, Bio-Energy, Psychotherapies
. 1998 I had an 11sessions of hypnotherapy
To Get Rid of My Complexes & to Re-Build My Personality
. Since 1998 I Havent Had Any Complex Because I Can See
The Complex & Prevent It From Taking Place.

. An Internationally Published Author in English in the Field of

Researched Novels Concerning:
1- Clinical Psychology
2- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
3- Introspection
3- Client Centered Therapy
4- Bio-Energy, Reiki, Psychotherapies
5- Hypnotherapy
. (2000-2001) I Wrote the First Part of My Clinical Psychology
Researched Autobiography
"Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia," Difficulties of the life
Published in USA & All Over The World By:
Schizophrenia, or Cyclothymia, Part II
Please, Search For:
"Assaad Hanna" & or "Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia,"
Yahoo, Google, Msn, AltaVista, Dog Pile, Hot Bot, Etc
You will find 100s of web pages including 100s of websites
concerning me, the book & the subject that is Mood disorders
and schizophrenia.
- (1998-1999) I Wrote Five Psychological Short Stories
- (1996-1997) Commercial English Correspondence Job,
Tenders, With:
Denco Company. Damascus, Syria, Po.Box 31597
I Am an Arabic Native Language Speaker, a French Language
Speaker, a Mechanical Engineer, a Previous Half-Marathoner
and An International Published Author In English.
I Absolutely Know Myself.
I Want to Work in the Field of All the A/M Therapies
Research In Order To Research Novels About All Kinds of
Mental Disorders.
Professional Associations:
- Professor Philippe Mazet, Public Hospital in Paris, France
- Dr. AbdulMassih Khalaf, CES in Psychiatry from France.

Clinic Tel: 00963 011 2314770. 2-4 PM Damascus Main

- The Late Dr. Aabdullah Kharbootly, Bio-Energy Therapist.
- The Late Pr. Mohamed Taofik alBojayramy, Damascus
University, PhD in English literature from UK.
Home Tel: 00963 11 2126512.
- My publisher:
- Dr. Naiel Alaassimy, PhD in Clinical Psychology and the
Head of Counseling Division in the Faculty of Psychology in
Damascus, Syria
- Dr. Mootaa Barakat, PhD in Psychology, Professor in the
Faculty of Psychology @ Damascus University.
- Dr. Iman Iiz, PhD in Clinical Psychology & Professor @ the
A/M Faculty
1. A
1- Quite simply, what is your 2nd book about?
2- What are its main themes and objectives?
Here Is An Overview Of "Schizophrenia, Or
Cyclothymia," The difficulties of life
2. Which Has Already Been Published By The Publisher
Author House. It Is The 1st Part Of My Clinical
Psychology Researched Autobiography.

The only way to fix a ravaged mind is to dive into its
depths and find the root of the problem. In a unique
new novel, Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia, author
Assaad Hanna mixes fiction with scientific and
psychological research to explore the depths of ones
mental illness.

Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia examines the life and

familial history of Nabil, a Syrian man struggling to
discover the origin of the mental illness that plagues
him. Hanna begins his novel like a psychiatric review,
assessing Nabil and his illness. He explores Nabils
life and history and travels back to the beginning of
the 1900s to examine the state and conditions of his
family and the origin of his genetics. He then moves
on to the late 20th century. Throughout the narrative,
Hanna mixes fiction with factual information and
discusses psychology and the differences between
schizophrenia and cyclothymia, often drawing on the
works of Sigmund Freud and others.
Nabil searches for the answers to his illness, enduring
regressive therapy, hypnotism, and bio-energy
sessions. He leaps from doctor to doctor, examines his
memories and researches his disorders, hoping for an
answer and some understanding. As the fictional
character moves through the examination of his life,
Hanna intersperses psychological principles as a
foundation for his voyage toward recovery.
A truly unique and interesting novel, "Schizophrenia
or Cyclothymia", descends into the depths of a mans
madness and emerges with enlightenment.
-The American Surgeon General states that the
percentage of total Disability-adjusted life year
(DALY) in market economies (1990)
For: all cardiovascular conditions IS 18.6%,
For all mental illnesses IS 15.4%
For all malignant diseases (cancer) IS 15%.
(DALY) is a measure that expresses years of life lost
to premature death and years lived with disability of
specified severity and duration (Murray & Lopez,

In 1 year, about 7% of Americans suffer from mood
disorders which resulted in 31000 suicides in 1996
and 500000 people visit emergency rooms due to
attempted suicide.
The A/M numbers encourage me to spend my life in
reading, researching, and writing in the field of
clinical psychology, hypnotherapy, and Bio-energy,
Reiki, psychotherapies in order to let the humanity
know the impact of mental disorders.
So I have written the 1st part of a serial of clinical
psychology researched novels. It is the 1st part of my
autobiography which includes factual material and
scientific one. There are relationships between both of
them. I ask the reader to explore such relations.
The scientific material is consisted of the
psychodynamic foundations school, (Freud, Adler,
Yung, Karen Hornay, Harry Stuck Sullivan and etc...).
The symptoms of schizophrenia, the symptoms of
mood disorders
Mania, Hypomania, Depression, Major Depression
Cyclothymiacs Disorder
The symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder
A glimpse about psychiatric medications
A glimpse concerning the history of psychodynamic
foundations school
3- What are you doing differently, or in a more
innovative way, or better than existing books?
Credentials that you should consider:
My 1st book has already been considered by The
Virtual and Open Learning Academy UK the
Research of my Advanced Diploma in Psychology.
The Grade Is A+ with distinction.

Please Be Notified That I Have Already Been an

International Published Author in the entire World via
World Wide Web.
Please, search for "Assaad Hanna"
& or
"Schizophrenia, or Cyclothymia,"
All search engines:
Yahoo, Google, MSN, Dog pile, AltaVista,
WebCrawler, Hot Bot, Meta Crawler, All the Web,
Lycos,, Vivsimo Wise Nut,,
Monster Crawler and AOL Search.
You will find 100s of web sites & pages.
They are all about the author, the book & the subject
of the book which is the mood disorders and
Now concerning the 2nd book of My clinical
psychology researched autobiography:
"Schizophrenia, Or Cyclothymia," Part II
Includes The Following:
Like My 1st Book, It Is Divided Into 2 Sections:
- A Real Novel Whose Hero Is Nabil.
After Nabil Has Already Had 2 Sessions Of Hypnosis,
That are fully Detailed In The 1st Book, and after he
has already read a lot of information taken from the
Internet about schizophrenia, cyclothymia & obsessive
compulsive disorder, he becomes sure that the right
diagnosis of his mental disorder is Cyclothymia.
He Decides To Study Clinical Psychology, Clinical
Hypnotherapy,Parapsychology & English Literature.
So To Work in the Field Of Research in Order To
Research Novels Concerning All Sorts of Mental

This is his Long Life Goal to Fight against Mental

Disorders Ignorance.
Now Here you are:
Schizophrenia, Or Cyclothymia," Part II.
My hero Nabil, Assaad Hanna, Follows 3 Regressive Sessions
of Hypnosis to Remember the Details of a
Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy which he already did in
October 1986-1987-1988
The fiction part states in full details the 3 Sessions.
I have added 2 Reiki psychotherapy sessions in full details.
The Scientific Material Includes The Related Case Study
Research Assessed By VOLA, UK By A
When I know myself & I have experienced in depth all the
A/M therapies, and when I have started studying, researching
& writing researched novels in all related Sciences, I think that
is my way to be one of the best very well known Authors In
All Over The World:
New Dostoyevsky
Using his Aura Nabil can see the mental image accompanying
to anybodys idea. So he can read other peoples minds.
Using his hands he can read peoples minds and he can
estimate the related client bio-energys level.
Have a look at my website 1st page
Credentials that we should consider:
Lets read what the author Bruce Holland Rogers Thinks of my
1st book and the author

Date: Tue, 20 Mar 01 17:13PM MST

Bruce Holland Rogers:
To: "Assaad Hanna"
Subject: Re: publishing a clinical psychology science fiction
"You have been waiting for word about your submission, and
Im sorry to say, the word is no.
Because Im also a writer, I know how rejection can sting. Ive
thought long and hard about what I can do or say to soften the
blow. In the end, of course, I cant be of much help. Having
your work rejected sucks rotten eggs. What I can tell you is
that I received a mix of work. Some of it I thought was
excellent. Some of it I thought was less than excellent. And the
first consolation I can offer is those words "I thought."
What I find excellent is a matter of taste. I may just be the
wrong editor for you. Second consolation: I took many of the
excellent submissions, but not all of them.
I rejected some terrific stories because I couldnt see how they
fit the anthologys theme. I rejected others because they were
too much like stories I liked a little better. And I decided
against others as I tried to decide which stories would be a
good mix and give the reader not just variety, but a sort of
rhythm to the reading.


Damon Knight once noted that an editor building an anthology

is like a carpenter building a house. When a carpenter rejects a
piece of wood on the grounds that he cant use it, hes not
judging the woods overall worthiness. Hes just saying that
for this part of this house, thats not the wood he needs. It may
have been the same with your story.
Im refraining from writing a more encouraging rejection to
those whose work almost made the cut. I think it can be
irritating to find out that someone else got encouragement
when you didnt. Besides, I cant know which sort of writer
you may be: Will encouragement help you? Or is an
anonymous rejection better, one that will make you seethe with
the determination to make Bruce Holland Rogers regret the
day when he couldnt have published your story and didnt?
Destiny called old Bruce, and he didnt hear. So show him!
And wave it under his nose!

Editorial Evaluation from Zeus Publisher:

TITLE: Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia
AUTHOR Assaad Hanna
LENGTH Full Manuscript
DATE 9th of July 2009


I found great interest in reading

"Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia,"
This work of clinical psychology / science fiction is a cleverly
worked novel which weaves fiction with scientific and
psychological fact to explore the depths mental disorder. The
story examines the life of Nabil, a Syrian man who struggles to
understand the mental disorder which plagues him. Tracing
Nabils family history back to the early 1900s and onwards
The work mixes fiction with factual discussions on the
difference between schizophrenia and cyclothymiacs disorders
and uses the works of Sigmund Freud among others.
Nabil uses regressive therapy, hypnotism, and bio-energy,
Reiki, sessions as he goes from doctor to doctor in an effort to
find answers. This unusual and unique novel descends into the
depths of a mans madness and emerges with enlightenment
and hopeful recovery.

I found the work well-written with excellent research carried

out. I was unsure whether a clinical work as this could be
successfully interwoven with a novel:
The author has achieved this with ease. Going back to the
patients roots, birth and childhood experiences reader is able
to understand the complexities of the mental problem. The
hypnosis sessions are a conversation between Doctor and


Patient are well done. The inclusion of various illustrations and

graphs depicting parataxic distortions, personalities and other
scientific material brings better understanding. I found this a
very comprehensive and informative work from an author with
excellent knowledge in the field of Clinical Psychology
The Evaluator: Leanne

I am an Orthodox Christian Syrian. Please have a look

at"About Page" in my web site.
I am the Good Father
Dr. Aabdullah Kharbootly has treated me by using Reiki since
1999. So I have become very well experienced in such field of
1- I can see and I can control my own bio-energy. I can see the
bio-energy related to any object around me and in the nature in
2- Using my Aura I can see the mental image related to
anybodys idea. Thus I can read his mind.
3- Using my hand which I put on anybodys head I can read
his thoughts.
4- In 1998 the late Dr. Ganem Makhool helped me get rid of
most of my complexes using a hypnotherapy. Then he lived in
my house with my family to explore all my complexes along


with my family ones. I had 11 sessions.

5- I havent had any complex since 1998 because I can see the
complex and prevent it from taking place.
6- Because nobody on the earth can live without a shrink,
psychologist or therapist to keep being psychologically healthy
and because Dr. Ganem has died, I have been one of Dr.
Aabdullah Kharbootlys patients since 1999 that means I have
11 years of experiences in the field of bio-energy therapies.
Thus I can throw away any bad idea by discharging its related
bio-energys shape. I can control my stress by discharging its
related bio-energy bursting out in my mind.
7- Dr. Kharbootly has taught me a kind of relaxing exercise to
be done before sleeping. So I can discharge all bad ideas,
problems, and their related stress taking place during the day.
8- During 2008 2009 a parapsychologist treated me using
bio-energy and spiritual experience. He was called Mr.
Lets read the following:
On Sunday 16th of August 2009 my uncle was dying in the
room 409 at Al Abbasids hospital behind Al Abbasids Stadium
in Damascus Syria.
Tel: 00963 011 4622700
When I visited him at noon and while the relatives were
around him, I operated my Aura, so I saw his soul leaving his
body and returning after a while. It was as big as his body.


Since St. Maria day took place on Saturday 15th of August, a

religious woman of my relatives was praying for St. Maria
near him. Then using my Aura I saw a long lady wearing a
dress whose shape was similar a little bit to a conic. It was
covering her body from her shoulders to her feet. She was
praying for him.
Later on a friend of the family who is a priest came to pray for
him, so everybody in the room stood and prayed. Then using
my Aura I saw his soul leaving the body from his head turning
around everybody in the room. It was far more smaller than his
bodys one whom I saw previously. I shall add it to my 2nd

Dr. Aabdul Massih Khalaf

CES in Psychiatry from
Rene Descartes University Paris V France
Psychiatry Consultant In
Al Besher Hospital, Damascus, Syria
Clinic address:
Syria, Damascus, Bahsah, Victoria Bridge,
Asia Hotel Building
Clinic Tel: 00963 011 2314770
Between 6.30 8.30 PM / Damascus Time/ Week Ends are
Sunday and Friday

Dear Sirs:
I supervised on the treatment of my patient, Mr. Assaad
Hanna, for 14 years. The first time he visited my clinic was in
October 1986. During the period of my supervision on him,
which spanned from 1986-2000, he struggled successfully to
master the following Therapies aiming to get recovered:

1-Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

2- Introspection
3- Client centered therapy.
In 1998 he followed 11 hypnotherapy sessions. So he got rid
of his complexes. The hypnotherapist rebuilt his personality.

Between 1999-2008 Assaad followed Bio-Energy, Reiki,

psychotherapies. Lately a Parapsychologist treated him using
Bio-energy and spiritual therapies.

Since he has successfully worked hard achieving the A/M

therapies since 1986, he is completely able to control his
mental Disorder which he has already tamed.
Using his own bio-energy, he became able to see other people
mental images related to their own ideas, so he could read their


The intelligence of the patient of Mood disorders is normal, so

he will be at a loss, or He is


So he will absolutely realize an outcome like:

Schizophrenia or Cyclothymia, Difficulties of the life,
Part II, III, IV, Slowly prepared BY Assaad Hanna.

Assaads autobiography title was controversial.

In 1986 I diagnosed Schizophrenia whilst in 2000 the late
Pr. Henry Ayoobs diagnosed Cyclothymia.
So such controversial problem led Assaad to call his book
Schizophrenia, or Cyclothymia.

Sincerely Yours
Dr. Aabdul Massih Khalaf

Mohammed Tawfiq El - Bujairamy (PhD)

Professor of English Literature,
Department of English, Faculty of Letters,
University of Damascus
Home Tel: 00963 011 2126512
Dear Sirs:

This is to certify that I have known Mr. Assaad Hanna since

He attended my lectures at the department of English
Language and Literature, and soon proved to be one of the first
10% of the class.
I knew him as an industrious student, serious of purpose,
Keen to learn and improve his knowledge.
He was hard - working, ambitious and capable of sustained
research for a long period of full - time work.
In addition to my lectures in poetry, literary criticism,
translation and comparative literature, he had already attended
advanced courses in the American Language Centre in
He had successfully passed the test qualifying to the FCE
Course in the British Council in Damascus.
He already passed TOEFL three times.
I highly recommend him for post graduate work leading to a
higher Degree.
Thank you.



I would like to dedicate this book to:
The soul the late Dr. Aabdulah Kharbootly who was
my Reiki psychotherapist whose name is Dr. Saba in
the novel.
To the soul of my late father Khalil Hanna, the
unknown revolutionary, the educated peasant who
struggled against the French colonialism when he was
a student at Al Tajhiz full board school. Then he was a
communist. When the Egyptian president Jamal
Aabdul Nasser unified Egypt and Syria aiming to
unify Iiraq, the Syrian communists opposed the
supreme authority of the Egyptian president asking for
3 parliaments, one in Egypt while the 2 others would
have been in Syria and Iirak. They asked for 3 prime
ministries, one in Egypt while the 2 others would be in
Syria and Iiraq. So the lonely president would have
been Jamal Aabdul Nasser. So Jamal Aabdul Nasser
decided to capture the communists. So my father,
Khalil Hanna, spent 9 months in jail and he was
forbidden from working as a mathematics professor.
He was assigned as the head of the directorate of
financial affairs in the ministry of agriculture and
agrarian reform. Then he organized the financial
affairs of the agrarian reform in all the regions of
Syria. Later on he would be the head of the directorate

of contracts in the same ministry. The minister of

agriculture compensated him for his good work by
putting him in jail for 2 months. As a result the work of
the ministry had a kind of failure the matter which
would oblige the minister to return him as the head of
the directorate of the contracts later on. In 1986 he was
put in jail for 2 months as a witness to the corruption
of a deal of cows between the minister of the
agriculture and a firm in Germany. When I decided to
write about the corruption of such a deal, an
intelligence car crushed him. During his life, My
father, Khalil Hanna, helped his father, his brothers,
sisters and the family in general. He died in 2003.
I would like to thank the Aarab British Accademy of
Higher Education. They gave me a scholarship to study
an advanced diploma in psychology, a certificate of
counseling and managing stress. I would like to thank
my tutor Pr. Carlos Smith who supervised on my
cognitive behavioral case research whose grade is A.
The Academy considered my 1st book Schizophrenia
or cyclothymia, The difficulties of life a research
whose grade is A+ with distinction.
To Dr. Aabdul Massih Khalaf who supervised on my
cognitive behavioral therapy.
To Dr. Adib Iissali who is called Dr. Hassan in the
novel. PhD in psychiatry from UK.
To Dr. Aamer Samaan, CES in psychiatry from
To my English teachers:
Mr. Josef Thabet, Mr. Albert Saad, and Mr. Aymen
Gazi who used to teach in alRazy languages institute,
and Mrs Dania Nizam who is teaching in the American


Language Institute in Damascus, Syria, and Mr.

Marlen L who used to teach at the same ALC.
Many thanks to the late Pr. Bujairami PhD in English
literature from UK.




Copyright Assaad Hanna (2015)

The right of Assaad Hanna to be identified as author of this work
has been asserted by him in accordance with section 77 and 78 of
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this
publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims
for damages.
A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British

ISBN 9781784552619
First Published (2015)
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
25 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5LB

Printed and bound in Great Britain


Nabil has had two sessions of past life regression hypnosis,.

He has read all the information available at the mental health
web site about cyclothymia and schizophrenia, so he finally
recognizes the right diagnosis. It is cyclothymia. It seems to
him that he can be surer if he discusses it with Dr. Simon
whom he hasnt met for a while.
Nabil calls him several times at his clinic, but nobody answers.
Later on he will know that he has been nominated by Tishreen
Military hospital for a scholarship to get a CES in psychiatry in
France. He has already studied for a MD in the same hospital.
I have to find another shrink to supervise on me and to
discuss my case with him. Nabil thinks.
Nabil knows by chance that a conference of child psychiatry
will be held tomorrow in the Meridian Hotel. It is organized by
the Syrian Ministry of Health cooperating with European
researchers. He decides to attend the debates. Since he has
already written in English a few psychological short stories, he
decides to take a few copies with him to the conference.
There, he doesnt know where the lectures will take place, so
he asks a very beautiful woman who is in charge. She is a tall,
fair-haired, green-eyed woman whose ivory cheeks are red. So
Nabil admires her a lot.


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