Staff Meeting Minute

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SEMESTER 1, 2013/14
Minutes of 4th Staff Meeting

: 27th October, 2013 (Friday)


: 2: 45 pm


: Staff room, Block D, International Islamic School Malaysia (P).


1. Tr. Nazahar Abdul Hamid (Principal of IISMP)

2. Tr. Nik Siti Asilah (VPSACD of IISMP)
3. Tr. Beta Kartika Muflih (VPACD of IISMP)
4. Tr. Abdul Ghafur Arifin
5. Tr. Atif Bin Abdul Rahman
6. Tr. Hameeda Nisar Mehta
7. Tr. Nor Najmah Bt. Abd. Halim
8. Tr. Hjh Zalihah Nordin
9. Tr. Nurdina Bt. Mohd Noor
10.Tr. Nurul Hasanah Bt. Ismail
11.Tr. Aisha Yasin Ansary
12.Tr. Nor Haslinda Abu Talib
13.Tr. Nur Tasnim Omar
14.Tr. Sofa Ludin
15.Tr. Siti Aisyah Bt. Ibrahim
16.Tr. Siti Zunaidah Bt. Shadun Zubair
17.Tr. Zaleha Omar
18.Tr. Hamdan Chehdimae
19.Tr. Muhammad Enamul Haque
20.Tr. Sofi Tipree
21.Tr. Nurul Allia Bt. Abdul Jamil
22.Tr. Yasmeen
23.Tr. Siti Zaharah
24.Tr Nur Sabrina
1. Tr.
2. Tr.
3. Tr.
4. Tr.
5. Tr.


Ahmad Zakaria (EL)

Yasir Mat Idris (MC)
Fazillah Sulaiman (EL)
Sofaa Tipree (MC)
Nisreen Abdul Hameed (EL)

Principals address
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Action By

The meeting commenced at 2:45 pm with the recitation of Surah AlFatihah. It was chaired by Mr Nazahar, the Principal of IISMP.
1.1 Principal expressed his gratitude towards all teachers for their
dua for him and his family during the flood disaster.
1.2 Principal commented on few things:
1.2.1 During his leave Tr Beta had covered his place.
However, he received the report that some teachers
were committing misconduct, such as missing from
school without permission and not attending their
classes and relief classes. At the same time, he also
praised some teachers that performed their jobs well
despite of his absence.
1.2.2 Related to the above matter, he gave some
encouraging words to teachers to work hard,
cooperate to each other and increase their quality of
teaching. He also encouraged teachers to always
relate their job with the mission and vision of the
school so that everybody will be able to increase the
quality of his/her job.


2.1 Staffing
2.1.1 Principal welcomed the new Islamic Studies teacher, Tr.
Nur Sabrina.
2.1.2 Tr. Siti Aisyah is going to have maternity leave in January
and she will be replaced by new part-time teacher. At the
same time, Tr. Nurdina also will take maternity leave in
2.2 Planning
2.2.1 The end-of-semester examination will start on 6 th January,
2014 and finish on 10th January, 2014.
2.2.2 The MTP 4 will be conducted on 16 th of January, 2014.
2.3 Training
2.3.1 Some teachers will be involved in teaching training for
start from 20th January 2014 till 29th January, 2014. The
training will be conducted at IIUM under the Institute of
2.3.2 INSET session for IISMP teachers will be conducted on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the last week before
school open. However, Principal had not mentioned any
details of the program.
2.4 Attendance
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All teachers

Head of Exam

2.4.1 According to Principal the record of attendance has not

been improved much. The pattern is about the same from
previous months, thus he expressed his unsatisfaction
regarding this matter.
2.4.2 Hoping to see the improvement of the attendance, he will
introduce the new regulation that will be taken into action
immediately in semester 2. The regulations are: The log book will be placed in his room. For
those who do not bring the punch card or the late
comers with no punch cards need to go to his room to
sign in. Similarly, for those who arrives school after
8:15 am also need to see him and sign in the log
book. Principal will issue the show cause letter to
those who are late 3 times in a row. The punch in time for all teachers and admin
staff is 5 minutes before 8:00 am.
2.4.3 Principal also pointed the problem of leaving school
premise without permission. All teachers are required to fill
in the blue slip and get the principals signature.
2.5 Misconduct
2.5.1 According to Principal, there is no serious misconduct is
committed in IISMP. However, he hope all teachers are aware
of certain issue, such as leaving school premise without
permission, emergency leave and absent from classes since
these acting will lead to misconduct.
2.6 Main & Mini Assembly
2.6.1 The main and mini assembly is compulsory to all teachers.
2.6.2 There are some comments made by Principal regarding
this matter: All homeroom teachers need to sit with their
students respectively. From his observations, some teachers are chit
chatting, eating, tabbing and doing school work in
front of students during the main assembly. Assembly should be ended by 9:05 am and not to
drag the time. Related to this, he ordered that no
speech be given after Principals speech. Negaraku song and Asma Al Husna Nasyid must be
respected by teachers and students. All teachers must be punctual for the both assembly
regardless Principal is around is around or not. Mini Assembly is a priority for daily activity in the
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All homeroom

2.6.3 The ordered from Principal regarding the both assembly
will immediately take into action starts from Monday next
week (30th December 2013).
2.7 Classsroom Management
2.7.1 Principal suggested that homeroom teachers should care
about their home room class respectively. They should take
care of the decoration, cleanliness and neatness of the class
in a way to transform the class into beautiful, clean and
conducive environment of learning.
2.7.2 He complimented Tr. Sofa Ludin for her efforts in taking
care of her class, 1IS and suggested that other teachers
should follow what have done by Tr. Sofa.
2.7.3 Principal mentioned that some rooms are having
problems and need to be improved. The rooms as are:
IEP room empty because nobody wants to take care
Art room and living Skill room messy and no decoration
at all
4IS unarranged and there are a lot of rubbish
3IS, 3IN, 6IK, 6IS There are some empty racks are left
without any care
2.7.4 On the other hand, there are some classes that are in
good conditions. The classes are 4IN, 4IK, 2IN, 2IK, 3IK, 5IN,
5IK, 5IS and 6IN

2.8 Facilities and Maintenance

2.8.1 Library and Resource Centre Principal will discuss with HOD of Resource
Centre, Tr. Nisreen, regarding to improve and manage
the library in a way to improve and upgrade the
condition of the library. The teaching aids need to be
arranged and recorded so that teachers can utilize
them for teaching and learning. Principal hope this
arrangement will be materialized by the beginning of
next semester. Art room need to be renovated so that it will be
more suitable for students to apply their arts skills. Tr. Siti Aisyah also requested for upgrading the
facilities and condition in science lab.
2.8.2 Consultation Corner
Principal emphasized again that parents are not allowed to
enter the staffroom or classrooms to see teachers. Instead
they need to go to consultation room for discussion with
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Head of

Head of
Art teacher

2.8.3 Air-conditioned Some classes having problems with not working
air-condition. Tr. Sofa Tipree had made a complain that
her homeroom class, 2IN is not working. Principal will take action as soon as possible to
solve the air-conditioned problem by reporting to
Maintenance Manager.


3.1 YLP and SOW
3.1.1 Tr. Beta remarked that all teachers are required to submit
YLP and SOW at the beginning of semester 1 but some
teachers failed to do so. Thus, she appointed that the
particular teachers are given the chance to submit the
documents on Monday 30th December, 2013.
3.1.2 All academic HODs need to submit the soft copy of YLP &
SOW and end-of-semester exam questions to VPACD and
HOD of Exam Centre on Monday 30th December, 2013.
3.2 LBP Submission
3.2.1 Eventhough all teachers are required to submit their LBP
weekly, some teachers failed to do so. Tr. Beta emphasized
that if teacher continuously fail to submit LBP, he or she can
be considered as committing academic misconduct.
3.3 Exchange of Classes
3.3.1 Teachers can make the arrangement to exchange classes
among the teachers in case of emergency matters but they
need to fill the form properly and inform Tr. Beta prior to the
arrangement. In addition teachers need to submit the form
that already signed to Tr. Beta.
3.4 Busy Bee
3.4.1 Tr. Beta remarked that teachers are required to submit the
compilation of worksheets known as Busy Bee to her office.
The purpose to have Busy Bee or worksheet bank is to ease
the relief teachers to give some work to the students.
3.5 Study Portion
3.5.1 As of now, most of the teachers already distributed study
portion for end- of- semester exam to their students
3.6 Exam Timetable Distribution
3.6.1 Some teachers complained that they havent received the
copies of exam timetable for their respective homeroom
students. According to Tr. Beta, Sister Aida is doing the
photocopying for all classes.
3.7 Making up of Test/Quizzes/HW/Project
3.7.1 Teachers are required to re-evaluate their students
assessment in order to help the weak students to increase
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All Teachers

their grades.
3.7.2 Since the final exam is only 40% of the total grade, Tr. Beta
suggested that teachers can help their students by reevaluate the students coursework that worth 60% of the
3.7.3 The other ways to help students as suggested by Tr. Beta
is to give a various method of assessment such as oral test,
reading test, project, etc.
3.8 English and Arabic
3.8.1 For English and Arabic, the assessment is consists of
coursework and oral test.
3.9 Answer Key
3.9.1 Teachers are required to submit the answer key to Head of
Exam Centre by Monday 30th December, 2013.
Principal complained that some teachers did not prepare the
exam papers well especially in terms of editing. The common
errors that he pointed are the spacing, justifying, pictures and
selecting of fond.
He suggested that all teachers to go for Microsoft training.
Thus, he appointed Tr. Siti Zaharah to arrange for the
Tr. Beta brought up the issue of student promotion to higher
grade. Tr. Beta mentioned that the decision for the promotion
procedure is made by the management team: Principal, Tr.
Beta and Tr. Nik Asilah.
Tr. Beta also suggested that if teachers feel that procedure is
not suitable, the team can re-consider and re-evaluate but for
time being the procedure cannot be retracted. Meanwhile,
teachers should let the students be in their new classes as
long as we can help them.

Student Affair
4.1 Activities
4.1.1 Field Trip For the Field Trip activity, teachers are encouraged
to give their ideas to Tr. Nik Siti Asilah.
4.2 Next Semester Event List
4.2.1 Tr. Nik Siti Asilah distributed the event list for semester 2.
4.2.2 Tr. Nik Siti Asilah emphasize the concept of togetherness
where she hope teachers will always work together in
order to materialize our target to upgrade the activities of
the school.
4.2.3 The next coming activity in semester 2 is Cross Country.
4.3 Prefects/ Discipline Matters
4.3.1 In terms of discipline, nowadays there are a lot of pending
cases that Tr. Yasir cannot handle it alone. Tr. Nik Siti Asilah
asked teachers to give cooperation in handling students
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discipline cases. Teachers supposed to fill the discipline

form that was distributed in the beginning of semester.
4.3.2 Tr. Nik Siti Asilah asked teachers to understand the
situation of school prefects where they were not having
the proper and thorough training so it is unfair for teachers
to solely put a blame on prefects. She suggested that
teachers give more time and space for them to improve.
On the other hand, teachers have right to report on any
prefects who are misbehave.
4.4 Sports Day Certificates
4.4.1 Tr. Nik Siti Asilah had distributed the Sport Day
Certificates to all teachers.

Other Matters
5.1 Club and Welfare
5.1.1 November and December fees were collected on Friday,
27th December 2013.
5.1.2 Club and Welfare had contributed RM 200 to En. Isa
(security staff) for his grandchild wedding.
5.2 Team Building Activity
5.2.1 The Team Building Activity will be held on 7 th January
2014 at Sunway Lagoon. The attendance is compulsory.


Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm with Surah Al Asr and Tasbih

Prepared by:
Verified by:
(Tr. Zaleha Omar)
(Mr Nazahar Abdul Hamid)

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