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Kiki Curry Winters

Find Out Why This Artist Really Rocks

MLK Parade

North Dallas Panthers And Lyons Foundation Shows Support

DFW Tejano Coalition

Election Of New Board Brings New Ideas To Play

Oak Cliff s Mardi Gras Parade

Spectators Are Wowed More And More Each Year

Hearts, Arms and Wallets Wide Open

A Mans Poll On Valentines Day Gifts




Table of Contents

Kiki Curry Winters

DFW Tejano Coalition

Find out why this artist really rocks!

Election of new board brings new ideas to play.

Hearts, Arms, & Wallets Wide Open

A mans poll on Valentines Day Gifts.

MLK Parade

North Dallas Panthers and Lyons Foundation shows support.

Cliff s Mardi Gras Parade
Arts wows the spectators each year more and more!
14 Who is Tereso Ortiz?
Quien es el Sr. Tereso Ortiz?

16 Meet & Greet

Dreaming the Cure kicks off at Chuys in Fort Worth.

Editors Note
Dear Readers,

Thank you for joining us once again. Each month we strive to produce a unique publications in the
multi-diversified metroplex. We are proud to say that much positive feedback and new supporters and
looking at us and giving us a thumbs up!
Last month we covered one of the recipients of DFW Art Awards Doug Winters, Now we bring you
Kiki Curry Winters and plan to cover more art as we visit the art walk that the old Valley View Mall
While we are not a bilingual publication, we want to make sure that Casa Guanajuatos Corner is
translated to you all in English. We want you to read all about the wonderful things our co-publisher,
Tereso Ortiz is doing with the center. Make sure to listen to the house on-line radio station, Casa GTO
radio on your tune-in app. You can also visit the center for information on all the things they offer the
We want to encourage you all to invite us to your events. We want to make sure we cover all types of
shows. We are also seeking people wishing to get experience in writing and photographing. Please call
214-779-0400 for information.
Lucy Bocanegra

L.B. Flores

Tereso Ortiz
Casa Guanajuato
Lucy Bocanegra
Luzette Portillo
Lucy Bocanegra
Lola Florez
Marc L. Brown
Bree Cast
Heather Ann
Mari Garza
Rockz the Fashionista
Sofia Galvan
Lucy Bocanegra
D A Signs & Banners
Unsolicited Material
may be submitted to
All unsolicited material will not be
All rights reserved. Expressed
opinions of the writers are not of
the publisher/publication.
Advertisers are verified to be in
good standing, but The Show
Scene Magazine, Trendkill Media
are not liable for any misconduct
by advertisers/contributors and/or
(c)February 2015

The Multi Talented

Kiki Curry Winters
Story and Photos By Lucy Bocanegra

One of the most amazing things I learned as I sat down

with Kiki Curry Winters is that I could not narrow her down to just
one type of Artist. She is invested in her works whole heartedly.
How do I know this by just briefly speaking to her?
The multi-talented woman is very creative and innovative
on creating her own techniques, not only with visual art, but even in
the process of writing a book. She does not use the normal, typical
way. She thinks outside of the box when creating. The results are out
of this world!
Kiki went to Silversmith School in San Miguel de Allende,
Mexico. She explains, The technique I use to create wonderful
abstracts, I named Acrylicrete. The reasoning behind the name is
a surface similar to cement. It is laid on a board before the acrylic
while dispersant is administered. She then uses a propane torch to
move the colors and blend them.
Everyone remembers the scene in Lucille Balls movie
called The Long, Long Trailer. Lucille Ball travels cross country with
Desi collecting rocks from every stop. Unlike Lucille Ball, Kiki has
a far more patient and understanding husband, Douglas E. Winters.
An Artist himself, he understands her desire to create. He will
turn back on a long highway to make sure his lady gets her rocks!
She incorporates all types of agate slices, quartz crystals, amethyst,
turquoise and plain stones.
Beside adding lights to the back of her art, she enlightens
us with her stories. Her first novel, Crows Calling, took about a
year to write, but Curry set her mind to do something and had it
published! The name of her second novel is called Eating Crow. The
author tells us the purpose of her novel is to empower women that
are abused. She does this in an uncanny and humorous adventure
with a smattering of karmic revenge for icing. Curry tells us, Doug
painted the art for the cover of Eating Crow. This is called Matate
Arch. She says both will be available at her studio located at Gallery
at Midtown.
Gallery at Midtown
13331 Preston Road, Dallas, Texas 75240

DFW Tejano
Coalition On A
by Lucy Bocanegra

Dallas, Texas
Early February 2015, Mary Richarte put
out an invite for the Tejano music lovers to
bring new, fresh ideas to the DFW Tejano
Music Coalition. We decided to attend and
see what the organization, founded in 2008,
was all about.
The 501(C) (3) organizations mission
is to act as an educational medium for
promoting, preserving, and helping in the
advancement of Tejano Music to the youth
and our culture. The coalition wants to help
preserve the Rancheras, Polkas, Cumbias,
Conjunto, Country, Folk, Rock, and Blues
that are all part of Tejano music. The idea
is to promote it and keep it alive. I say alive
because it is not dead!

I attended the 1st meeting of the year and

paid the economical $10.00 fee. This gave
me a membership card, bumper sticker and
the power to vote in an enthusiastic group
of vibrant Tejano lovers.

Meet the Board

President: Mary Richarte

Vice-President: Mario Rivera
Secretary/Treasurer: Diane Pittman
Sargent of Arms: Dennis Ybarra
Parliamentarian: Olga Vargas
Webmaster: Sergio DeAlva
Event Coordinator: Pachuco Pete Pena &
Teresa Morales
In the following months I will be writing
up on the planned event that the coalition
is having. The meeting brought much
interest from us at The Show Scene because
we are eager to see Tejano Music survive
the many changes that the new generation
brings. We plan to give the DFWTMC
full support in getting the word out to you
about the lastest happenings. Be it Fan
Fair, Tejano Idol, or music awards, the
organization will be there showing support.

Arms, Hearts, And Wallets Wide Open

by Marc L. Brown

Fort Worth, Texas

My full time job is working at a call center. This is the perfect setting to conduct a poll to see what
people think makes the perfect gift for a loved one. 80% of my co-workers are women. I asked the top
3 gifts a man could give a woman and a woman a man for Valentines Day. These are the top 3 answers.
TOP 3 gifts ideas for women:
#1 Jewelry of Any Kind
#2 Roses with Candy
#3 A Trip to the Spa That Includes A Mani and Pedi
All this is going to be received with open arms and the wider the wallet opens,
the better the chances are that the piece of jewelry you pick will, WOW her! Just
do not buy her a blender! I heard it loud and clear.
When the women were asked what the ideal gift is for a man, most said the
typical things such as tools, cologne or the couch and remote control. I asked the
men the same question to help the women out when shopping.
The men all agreed on the these:
TOP 3 gift ideas for men:
#1 Home Cooked Meal
#2 Sex
#3 Guys Night Out
Should a woman want to give her man all three, please give them in the exact order
listed. Do not send us out hungry!

Time Marches On
By Lola Florez
Photos by Theodis Lyons, III

Time Marches on and on as as the years pass.

Martin Luther Kings marches turned in to
parades to celebrate equality after decades of
struggles. Then in a instant act all we marched
forward for becomes a step back. Recent news
headlines in peaceful demostrations against
police brutality gives us a sense of more need
to unite.
In Dallas, Texas the MLK Parade is something
the group at the Lyons Foundation gladly
participates in. It is not only a pleasure but an
obligation to go show support and join others
who remember the times of harder issues and
struggles than the ones we face today. The
tolerance level of a peole was different then
than it is today.
With news and social media technology, there
is no way to hide injustices or down play
brutality as well as overlook peaceful family
oriented clebebrations.

Mardi Gras

Bishop Arts Way

by Lucy Bocanegra
Photos by Luzette Portillo
Oak Cliff - Dallas, Texas
Each year the Oak Cliff Mardi Gras
Parade becomes a must for the new
and old residents of Oak Cliff. The
Bishop Arts District has made the
event more exciting each year.
As with many other parades, there is
a float contest. There were well over
60 entries and the most remarkable
ones are The Basements and the
Winnetka Heights Neighborhood
Associations Wizard of Oz theme.
Wait, maybe it was the Elvis group
on mini motor bikes... No it was the
BEST! Sorry, but I have to say the
whole parade was freakin awesome!
I found myself comparing it to the
Cinco De Mayo Parade on Jefferson
Blvd, where rules forbid participants
such as Elba Garcias dental office
or others to throw tooth brushes or
even candy. At the Mardi Gras event
it is required that each float have a
minimum amount of 250 beads to
throw at the crowd. Or should I say,
safely hand to the spectators?
The event was well worth standing
in the crowded streets of the Bishop
Arts district. It was worth having
a couple of near misses with the
flying beads! It was well worth the
long drive from the North West side
of Oak Cliff to see a Texas Made
Tornado twirling around in the streets
with a production that beats the daily
parade that Disney Land puts on.
Why so? Well because we know it is a
diversified group of actual neighbors
dressing up and participating as
everything from Dorothy to the flying
monkeys and the Lollipop Kids to the
tin man, lion and the Oz himself.
Summed up in one word. All I can
say about the Mardi Gras parade is,






Quien Es El Director De Casa

Guanajuato Y Por Que Apoyar
Historial De Tereso Ortiz Alvarado Y
Casa Guanajuato Dallas
By Lucy Bocanegra
Photos By Luzette Portillo

Nombre: Tereso Ortiz Alvarado

Fecha de Nacimiento: Octubre del 1949
Lugar de Nacimiento: Ocampo Guanajuato Mxico
Nivel Acadmico: Cuarto grado de primaria Colegio particular
Guadalupano en Ocampo Gto.
Estado Civil: Casado con Ramona Gomes del Campo desde
Agosto de 1970 en Ocampo Guanajuato
Juntos Tienen: (6, Hijos,) 4, mujeres y 2, hombres
J. Guadalupe, origen en Ocampo Guanajuato. Casado 2 hijos
y 1 hija, nivel acadmico preparatoria y 1 ao de colegio
Universitario, profesin, Artista Grfico.
Mara, origen en Dallas Texas. Casada 3 hijos y 2 hija, nivel
acadmico preparatoria y 1 ao de colegio Universitario,
profesin, Ama de Casa.
Teresa, origen en Dallas Texas. Casada 1 hija, y un hijo, nivel
acadmico preparatoria y 2 aos de colegio universitario,
profesin, sigue estudiando medicina y trabaja para un Dr.
Ana, origen en Dallas Texas. Casada 1 hijo, y una hija, nivel
acadmico preparatoria, profesin, Registrar en WE greiner
Vernica, origen en Dallas Texas. Casada 2 hijas y 1 hijo,
nivel acadmico preparatoria, profesin, mantener records de
pacientes en Clnica trabajando para un Dr.
Jos, origen en Dallas Texas. Casado, 1 hijo, y una hija, nivel
acadmico preparatorio y 3 aos de colegio privado en Lincoln
Tech, profesin Mecnico trabaja para la Ciudad de Dallas
como mecnico de vehculos del sistema de Polica.
Por Que Lo Apoyamos es simple. Los objectivos son algo en
comun que esta publicaccion tiene en cerca de la communidad.
Objetivos de Casa Guanajuato:
A - Ser un Puente neutral entre nuestra Comunidad y el Estado
de Guanajuato.
B - Fomentar nuestra Tradicin y Cultura.
C - Asegurar que la familia sea la base principal para resolver
cualquier problema que aqueje a nuestra Comunidad.
D - Orientar nuestros objetivos siempre en el bien de la
comunidad y nunca al lucro de particulares.
E - Mantener nuestra organizacin abierta para todos sin
importar raza, credo, o afiliacin de partidos polticos.
F - Nunca permitir que nada ni nadie altere nuestras finalidades.
G - Poseer y mantener un lugar en donde nuestra comunidad se
cultive y se capacite.
H - Integrar nuestra organizacin con la comunidad general de
Dallas Fort Worth con el fin de fortalecernos y enriquecernos
I - Siempre ser dirigida de manera autnoma para llevar acabo
los objetivos antes mencionados.


Who Is Casa Guanajuatos

By Lucy Bocanegra
Photos By Luzette Portillo
Founder/President: Tereso Ortiz Alvarado
Date of Birth: October 1949
Place of Birth: Ocampo Guanajuato Mxico
Education: Cuarto grado de primaria Colegio particular Guadalupano in Ocampo Gto.
Marital Status: Married with Ramona Gomes del Campo since August 1970 in
Ocampo Guanajuato
Offspring: (6 children) 4 girls and 2 boys.

With much love and support from family and friends, the founder of
the Casa Guanajuato Tereso Ortiz sets out to make sure the centers
objectives and mission is always top priority.

A - Serve as a bridge for our community and the State of Guanajuato.

B - Preserve our culture and traditions.
C - Assure that family be the principle basis to resolve any issues in our community.
D - Orientate our objetives to serve the community always, not individual gains.
E - Welcome open doors for all races, creeds and political parties.
F - Never allow anyone to alter our objectives.
G - Provide and maintain a center where our community can meet and engage.
H - Deliver our organizationto the Dallas Fort Worth community as a force that
stregthens and enriches spirituality.
I - Always direct our selves in a professional and honorable manner to deliver the set
forth objectives.

Meet &

Story and Photos By Lucy

Ft. Woth, Texas
The weather in Texas is
crazy this time of year. It
can be raining and freezing
one day and super sunny
the next.
Lucky for the supporters
of the Dreaming the Cure
Organization Mother
Nature was nice and let the
sun shine for the meet and
greet fund raising event.
Many car clubs, city
officials and survivors as
well as current patients
who fall ill due to brain
tumors were present. In
attendance was many
Car Club members from
Goodtimes and Rollerz
Heather of BCC Modeling
and Mikalo with PMEEmpire helped coordinate
the raffle and donations for
the fundraiser.
Just before the cool breeze
came in the crowd was
treated to some awesome
young talent. Julians
Keeper was a pleasant
surprise. This is a band
that we are sure to keep an
eye on.
All this was to get
everyone hyped up and
ready for the main event.
Make sure you all go out
and support a noble cause.
6th Annual Dreaming The
Cure Lowrider/Custom
Truck and Bike Show
Sunday, April 12, 2015 at
11:00am - 6:00pm
T&P Train Station 316 W.
Vickery Blvd Fort Worth,
TX 76104







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For any questions, please contact The Show Scene Magazine Editor Lucy Bocanegra:
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