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teaching with digital media and technology

Course Schedule

Intermediate and Culminating Performances of Understanding Due



Due Date

UDL Book Culminating Performance

March 13

Diversity Poster Culminating Performance

Prezi Teaching for Understanding Map Intermediate Performance

WebQuest Culminating Performance

#teachingis Collage Culminating Performance

April 6
April 13
May 1
May 12

Unit 2: Creating an Online Book for All Learners

Week of March 9-13

Priming Questions

According to the authors, what are the benets of students becoming digital authors?
According to the authors, why is it important for students to use technology in school?
What does it mean to write purposefully?


Creating Digital Authors (

Reection Task


Metacognitive Check Due Friday (no Surprise Tweet)

UDL Book Major Performance Due by Friday, March 13

Week of March 16-20

* Special Week: Spring Break (No Classes) *

teaching with digital media and technology

Unit 3: Exploring the Many Sides of Diversity

Week of March 23-27

Priming Questions

What is a WebQuest?
What can a student learn from engaging in a WebQuest?


What is a WebQuest? (

What are the Essential Parts of a WebQuest? (
What Kinds of Topics Lend Themselves to WebQuests? (


See the Exploring the Many Sides of Diversity WebQuest (

Surprise Tweet Due Friday

Reection Task

Week of March 30-April 3

* Special Week: Good Friday (No Classes on Friday, April 3) *


Reection Task


See the Exploring the Many Sides of Diversity WebQuest (

Surprise Tweet Due Friday
Diversity Poster Culminating Performance Due by Monday, April 6

Unit 4: The Quest to Build a WebQuest

Week of April 6-10

Priming Questions

According to the authors, what does understanding mean?

How is this denition similar to and dierent from your own denition of understanding?
What do Generative Topics and Understanding Goals add to the teacher planning process?


Introducing Teaching for Understanding (

Generative Topics (
What are Understanding Goals? (


Prezi (

Reection Task

Surprise Tweet Due Friday

Week of April 13-17

Priming Questions

How do Performances of Understanding help the learning process?

What are the dierent ways a teacher can use scaolding in a WebQuest?


What are Performances of Understanding (

Using the Zone to Help Reach Every Learner (
24 Assessments That Don't Suck (


Google Sites (

Reection Task

Surprise Tweet Due Friday

teaching with digital media and technology

Week of April 20-24

Focus and Project Time

Reection Task


Surprise Tweet Due Friday

Prezi Teaching for Understanding Map Intermediate Performance Due Monday April 13

Unit 5: What Does Teaching with Technology Look Like?

Week of April 27-May 1

Priming Questions

What are some of the pictures of teaching presented in these articles?

What experiences have you had as a learner that look like these pictures of teaching?


Mastering the Teaching Game (

#Teachingis Adapting (
The Importance of Saying I'm Sorry (


Quozio (
Picadilo Collage Maker (

Reection Task


Surprise Tweet Due Friday

WebQuest Design Culminating Performance Due by Friday, May 1

Week of May 4-8


Reection Task


thinglink (
Metacognitive Check Due Friday (no Surprise Tweet)
#teachingis Collage Culminating Performance Due by Tuesday, May 12

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