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Wolf Moon Protection Ritual

January on the Full Moon

By: Willow Wisp

Items needed

2 small white candles-for protection and element of fire

1 gold candle- represents the Lord

1 silver candle-represent the Lady

Small amount of Wolf Moon Loose Incense-represents element air

Wolf Moon Protection Oil

1 small bowl water-for element of water

1 very small bowl of salt-for the element of earth


Cakes and ale


Set up

Gold candle Incense Silver candle

Salt Small White candle

Cakes and Ale Water Wand

Within Reach

1 small white candle

Wolf Moon Protection Oil

Recipe Section

Wolf Moon Protection Loose Incense

1 part althea-for protection

1 part carawy- for protection

3 parts Dragons blood- for protection and potency

1 part holy thistle- for the Wolf Moon energies

2 drops Wolf Moon Protection oil

1. Take each ingredient in a mortar and pedestal and grind each into a loose powder.
2. Mix all ingredients together well.
3. Sprinkle on charcoal disk in a fire proof bowl.

Wolf Moon Protection Oil

25 drops rose-for protection

15 drops eucalyptus-for protection

5 drops cedarwood-for protection

4 teaspoons vodka

1 ½ teaspoons distilled water

Directions: Mix all ingredients into a small dark glass bottle and place in a dark, cool, dry area for one
week mixing daily. Strain though a coffee filter at the end of the week back into bottle. To be used with
incense or to anoint candles with. Do a skin patch test BEFORE applying to the skin.

Moon Cakes
8 oz. Ground Almonds
4 oz. Regular Baking Flour
4 oz. Butter or Margarine
2 oz. Shredded Coconut
2 tbls. Dried Egg
6 Tbls. Honey
1/2 teas. Cinnamon
1/2 teas. Ground Mixed Spice
1 teas. mint (fresh is better, finely chopped) but dry will work too.

Mix the almonds with the flour, eggs, herbs and spices. Cream together the honey and butter until light
and fluffy then fold in the dry ingredients. Chill, roll out and cut into moon shapes or other shapes of
choice. Place on a greased and floured baking sheet and cook in a heated oven (200 C.) 400 degrees for
10 or until a very pale gold.

Sparkling Sanctuary

2 bottles sparkling white grape juice

1 12-oz. can pineapple with syrup
1" bruised gingerroot

Directions: Drain the syrup from the pineapple and place in a

small pan with one tablespoon of water. Add gingerroot and warm
for 15 minutes. Strain off root. Pour this liqueur into the grape
juice and garnish with fresh green grapes or pineapple chunks.

Pre Ritual Instructions

Anoint all candles with Wolf Moon Protection oil except 1 small white candle. Ritual bath is needed
before performing.

Items Needed



Dragon’s Blood-protection

Bath Sachet

Put all ingredients in bath sachet and tie tightly. Put in tub while water is running.
Circle Casting

Starting in the East, with your wand out in front of you, going in a clockwise circle to the South,
visualize a white light going around you and say:

“May this circle be cast for protection tonight.”

Now still moving clockwise, repeat phrase in the West and the North, visualizing your light getting
brighter with each turn. Repeat two more times on the third turn to the North say:

“And this circle of protection has been cast.

So Mote It Be!”

Corner Calling


Light incense and say:

“Element of Air, Please bring your loving protection to this circle tonight. Hail and


Light White candle and say:

“Element of Fire, Please bring your loving protection to this circle tonight. Hail and


Hold up your bowl of water and say:

“Element of Water, Please bring your loving protection to this circle tonight. Hail and


Hold up your salt and say:

“Element of Earth, Please bring your loving protection to this circle tonight. Hail and

Light Gold and Silver candles and say:

“Lord and Lady, bring your power and blessed protection to me tonight I ask. Hail and

Ritual Work

Items Needed

Wolf Moon Protection Oil

1 Small White Candle-for protection

Anoint candle with oil and say:

“May this candle be filled with protective power. So Mote It Be!”

Light Candle and say:

“As I light this candle now,

Spread protection all around.

Guide me safely day by day,

Goddess protect me I do pray.”

Cakes and Ale

Hold up your cakes and ale and make a toast to the Lord and Lady:

“To the Lord and Lady, I make this toast in their honor, Oh Gracious Ones!”

Eat and drink of the Cakes and Ale.

Energy Requests


“Are there any energy requests?”

Thanks to the Deity

Snuff out your Gold and Silver Candles and say:

“Thank you Lord and Lady for being here with me tonight and thank you for your protective
light. Hail and Farewell!”

Releasing the Corners



“Element of Earth, Thank you for bringing your power of protection to this rite tonight. Hail
and Farewell!”



“Element of Water, Thank you for bringing your power of protection to this rite tonight. Hail
and Farewell!”



“Element of Fire, Thank you for bringing your power of protection to this rite tonight. Hail
and Farewell!”



“Element of Air, Thank you for bringing your power of protection to this rite tonight. Hail
and Farewell!”
Opening the Circle

Going reverse now and starting in the north, going counter clockwise, move to the west, hold you
wand out in front of you and say:

“This circle is now opening.”

Still going in a counter clockwise circle toward the south, visualize your white light growing dimmer
with each turn. Say above phrase in the south and east.

Repeat two more times and on the third turn visualize your white light going out and say:

“The circle is now open,

You are protected.

So Mote It Be!”

Ritual Ending

“Merry ye go,

And protected ye shall be!”

Post Ritual Instructions

Take all wax, ashes, water and salt and bury in the ground for an offering and for protection.

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