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The Holographic Universe

By admin on May 4, 2009 | In Oriental/New Age

sacchidekaM brahma
Ashayana Deane, or Anna Hayes as she was then known, seemed to be a
remarkable woman and at the same time, equally scandalous. Those were the times
when I first trained with Drunvalo Melchizedek, after a high recommendation from a
dear friend and a well-known Shaman Diane Stein. While the energy fields of
Merkabah and Vortexijah seemed strong, pleasant and multi-dimensional, there
were also cries of dissent from the likes of Ananda Bosman and Ashayana. While I
did not technically learn anything from Ashayana, I did catch up on her work
through her two books Voyagers (I & II) and Angelic Realities. A brief meeting with
her was eventless. At a recent gathering in San Francisco, where the who's who of
New Age gathered to discuss the phenomenon of 2012, it was interesting to see
Ashayana quoted frequently. In many similar congregations that I have attended in
the past (including the ones chaired by the likes of Gary Smith or those focused on
Ascension Mechanism), Ashayana was frequently criticized or ignored. Does this
marked change in attitude of the New Age community towards Ashayana and her
work indicate that the lady has finally arrived? Well, let's wait and watch ......
Here is a glimpse of some of her thoughts:
"The externalization of life, manifestation of matter and individuation of identity are
Holographic Projections of Consciousness-Energy Substance, created through an
intrinsic order of energetic relationships. Energetic relationships represent
interrelationships of consciousness, in its infinite manifest and de-manifest forms.
Reality is Though Construction. The core substance of the cosmos is Consciousness.
Thought is an attribute of Consciousness, the filter through which consciousness
manifests itself into the Hologram of Form.
Nothing is truly solid! All things are composed of consciousness and their apparent
solidity is determined by the relationship between the consciousness observing the
form and the consciousness of which the form is made. Human consciousness
emerges through an order of dimensionalization, which sets frameworks within
which the interrelationships of consciousness can take place. Human perception of
solidity and externalization is determined by the oscillation rates between
dimensionalized units of consciousness. Dimensionalized units of consciousness
form frequencies of energy, which exist in specific relationships to each other.
Human consciousness (the soul, spirit), and human physical form are patterns of
frequency formed by dimensionalization of units of consciousness. We perceive
manifest solidity due to the relationship between the frequencies of consciousness
of which we are made and those of the Unified Field of Conscious Energy around us.
Humans perceive as solid the frequency bands that exist one full dimensional

spectrum below the frequencies within which the individuated or collective

consciousness is stationed.
The only difference between a though and a manifest thing is the frequency of the
consciousness of the observer. Manifest reality is thought projection, made solid and
externalized by relationships between the frequencies of our focus of attention and
those of the projected thought forms. We perceive as reality the thought forms of
the collective masses as they were placed within the frequency bands that now
exist one dimension below the frequencies within which our present focus of
collective consciousness is stationed.
As reality is a thought field, composed of units of consciousness awareness, reality
can be directly affected by Thought, as the substance of both thought and reality
are one and the same. The key to mastery of our present reality and to restoring our
imprint for health, is understanding the reality of dimensionalization within which
our consciousness now resides. The human body is a Holographic Projection of
consciousness that is built upon a Holographic Template of structured units of
consciousness. This template represents the Living Morphogenetic Field, the
dimensionalized blueprint of conscious light, sound and scalar waves, within which
the individuated consciousness is stationed; and upon which the illusion of solidity
of the body matter is formed. To affect true and lasting change within the BodyMind-Spirit System of the human being, one must go to the core of its manifest
structure, the Holographic Template or Thought-energy Blueprint, upon which the
entire system of consciousness itself comes to know being.
A dimension represents a full Frequency Band, or repeating, cyclic sequence of
flashing on and off scalar wave points within a morphogenetic field. The
morphogenetic field scalar grid structure of dimensions takes the form of sets of 15dimensional matrices. The 15 dimensions are grouped into sets of 3 dimensions
each, forming 5 sets of 3-dimensional reality fields called Harmonic Universes. The
15 dimensions composing the 5 Harmonic Universes together represent one Time
Matrix system. Each dimension of frequency is composed of 12 sub-frequency
bands, or shorter cycles of the flashing on and off scalar wave points, which exist
as part of the longer cycle of the full dimensional frequency band. The Partiki in
each dimension have a specific rate of vibratory oscillation which determines the
Angular Rotation of Particle Spin. There is a 90-degree shift of angular rotation of
particle spin between each dimensional frequency band and a 45-degree reverse
shift between Harmonic Universes. Particles having varying vibratory oscillation
rates and angles of spin allow multiple dimensional reality fields to co-exist within
the same space while remaining perpetually invisible to each other. The
relationships between the wave strata within the dimensional frequency bands
create the holographic refraction of light, sound and scalar waves that allows
consciousness to perceive the illusions of matter solidity, space, time and
externalization of reality while it is ensconced within the structures of

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