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GoFrugal RayMedi Solution

Food or Restaurant Retailer

Product Presented
RayMedi Point Of Sale 6.5 Professional Edition

GoFrugal Technologies Private Limited

III/D, Old No.13A, New No.209,Kaashyap Enclave, Velachery Main Road, Chennai-42
Phone No.044 4223 7800 / 4223 7900 Fax No.42022218
TIN NO:33660984327/2004-05 CST NO:799896/15.12.2004 ST NO:AACCG2423JST001



Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Business Benefits
2.1 Benefits

3 Billing Management
3.1 Billing
3.2 Billing Security
3.3 Delivery Management
3.4 Price Control
3.5 Printing Bill
3.6 Sales Man
3.7 Sales Order
3.8 Till Management
3.9 Promotions and Scheme Management

4 Inventory Management
4.1 Production
4.2 Change selling
4.3 Inventory
4.4 Mark up / Down
4.5 Opening Stock
4.6 Physical Stock Audit
4.7 Reorder
4.8 Repacking
4.9 Returns Management
4.10 Stock Transfer

5 Inwards Management
5.1 Purchase Management
5.2 Purchase Order
5.3 Purchase Schemes
5.4 Sales Returns Management

6 Accounts
6.1 Accounts Security
6.2 Cheque management
6.3 Comprehensive
6.4 Ease Of Use Accounts
6.5 Flexible reports

7 Business Configuration
7.1 Configuration Overview

8 Customer Management
8.1 Customer
8.2 Loyalty Management

9 Supplier management
9.1 Supplier - Management

10 Ease Of Use
10.1 Flexible

11 MIS Reports



11.1 Configuration
11.2 Overview
11.3 Reports

12 Printing
12.1 Print

13 Security Management
13.1 Security
13.2 Audit

14 Barcode Management
14.1 Barcode Features

15 Statutory Compliance
15.1 Vat Reporter

16 Maintenance Tool
16.1 Patch Manager

17 Support Tool
17.1 Doctor

18 Related Products
18.1 Products

19 Specification or System Requirements

19.1 POS Accessory Integration
19.2 POS Hardware Supported
19.3 Vendors Name

20 Standard Supported



1 Introduction
RayMedi POS is a comprehensive business management solution including flexible POS billing, trading, inventory
management, accounts, customer management and business intelligence for users who want to compete and thrive in the
current challenging environment. RayMedi is designed with easy, intuitive and user friendly GUI which leads to very less
support and training. The below is the partial listing of the features available in product as lots of features are getting
added in product in every release.

2 Business Benefits
RayMedi provides various business benefits to it's user that helps them in saving cost, providing better customer service
via managing customer relationships to cross-sell and up-sell, good supplier management, accurate management of
inventory, etc.
2.1 Benefits
Significant improvements in reduction of customer sales transaction time. Helps you do more transactions per
counter thus reducing the number of checkout counters and the hardware investment
Accurate business closing with very little manual work help you minimize the time it takes after the last sale to
close business for the day. Gives peace of mind and reduced hassles in store operations
Ease of use and simplicity reduces the training time and the robustness minimizes the inadvertent errors made by
POS operators. As there is lots of churn among POS operators, this is one of the biggest benefits of RayMedi point
of sale
Reduction in fraudulent returns. It is estimated that retail stores lose about 0.5% of sales due to fraudulent returns.
Managing returns in a systematic and authorized manner efficiently eliminates loss due to returns
Accurate recording of all inventory transactions lead to better inventory management and increases service levels
by preventing lost sales opportunities
Flexible and comprehensive inventory classification to suit your business needs. Such inventory classification can
be specific to each department.
Highly informative reorder module helps you increase your inventory turn and facilitates higher competitiveness
and increased net margin
Flexible physical inventory module facilitates measuring inventory loss on a daily basis to identify reasons for
inventory loss and take preventive action
Focus on calculating the landed cost accurately to help fix the selling price and measure the gross margin. With
your suppliers coming up with innovative and complex offers, the need to get the accurate landed cost based on
goods receipt entry is very critical to the success of your business
100% audit of all operations. Audit log help investigate issues to learn about the operational issue including
security lapse and help you take steps to prevent them in future.
Comprehensive security module helps to have control on every part of product.
RayMedi products are made for future. RayMedi offers many add-on products to leverage progress in technology
such as web, internet, mobile, etc.

3 Billing Management
Billing means total amount charged to a customer. It is the final checkout the customer does.
3.1 Billing
Flexible and easy to use billing screen that helps in faster checkouts.



Authorization control based stock update from sales for quick billing that can be adjusted later
Customer can be made mandatory or optional to suite as per business needs.
Support for items to be given as free in billing.
Integrated with all POS accessories such as barcode scanner, cash drawer, pole display, receipt printer, weighing
scale, etc.
All LOV (List Of Values) can be sorted based on item name, code, description, rates, alias, etc.
Provisions to give shipping details in sales bill which means actual customer address and shipping address can be
A bill can be put on hold for a customer while he is busy so that other customers should new wait. Option to
resume previous customer when he returns.
Multiple discounts can be given in sales bill either based on bill or based on items.
Conversion based billing can be done like buying in n unit and selling in n units.
Authorization controlled option to accept sales return in the sales billing screen itself. Option for cash settlement,
credit note or adjustment of sales return amount in the sale made.
Easy access key for reprint of old bills helps in reducing time spent over counter by customer.
Delivery challans can be issued to customers and such delivery challans can be combined into a sales invoice.
Integrated service module. Job card can be converted to bill with material consumed details.
Sales order can be tendered for advance amount that can be adjusted in sales bill later.
Dispatch entry can be made for customer wise bill wise which helps to track LR details.
Option to print sales invoice as tax invoice [for customers who have registered with VAT and want input VAT
credit for their purchases from you] or as retail invoice [for consumers]. The print format can be automatically
selected based on customer type
Items delivered or items marked for deliver can be printed at the bottom of the bill under a separate heading, as
Option to track lost sales opportunity when customer enquirers about a product that is not available, if the POS
staff tries to bill it, it is recorded as a lost sales. Such lost sales opportunity help track customer needs and demand
and help in procurement and store planning
Offline billing when the server is down due to hardware or network failure, the clients can continue to bill. Each
time the client starts up, it downloads the price information from the server and is used for offline billing. When
the server comes back, the billed information are uploaded to the server and normal operations are restored
Configuration to set the default quantity to bill. In stores where all items have barcode label, the default quantity to
bill is set to 1 so that every item must be scanned. This help accurate invoicing of what is carried by the customer.
Weighing scale integrated item scanning supported in billing.
Complete analysis for item purchase days Vs sales analysis helps in maintaining efficient inventory turnover ratio.
Manufacture wise sales analysis helps in knowing manufacturer or brand better.
A very useful option available called Quick add customer from billing screen with minimal key strokes to make
billing faster.
Easy to use Modifiers / Topping for the items that can be added, replaced or deleted during billing
Guest can be made mandatory or optional based on configuration
Session management in billing
Masters to define additional charges that can be collected in billing for example additional charges can be taken
for different shapes in bakery shop
Price level can be set based on Qty slab for example for 1-5 qty price level1, 5-10 qty price level2 , 11-20 qty
price level3 etc. Selling price is automatically calculated in sales based on qty wise price level.
Option to recall other counter bill means "Counter-A" hold bill can be called from "Counter-B" removes the need
of re-billing the items to a customer when he has partly billed in once counter and want to resume again.
Complete KOT maintenance like shows only billed KOT, cancel a KOT, Pending KOT, etc
Pending KOT list available on single key stroke
KOT numbers can be predefined for Stewards/stewardesses Each person will given one KOT book and this will be
fed into the database before the day begins / business begins



Waiter Number can be made mandatory or skipped based on configuration

Multiple orders taking procedures available like dine in, take awayt and delivery.
Conversion of KOT to invoice with option to combine multiple KOT into a single invoice reduces duplicate data
entry and manual work errors.
Provisions to maintain different prices for A/C and Non-A/C menu for same item.
Integrated Excise duty
Complete flow of Credit Card / Coupon Tracking process available.
Quotation can be made with discounts, conversions or price levels.
Option to add/less a modifier or topping for a item.
Flexible creation and billing of combo meals.
Table number for each order, shifting of tables for orders, combining tables and partial billing of table options
Restaurant default order types available can able to edit or create new order types also
Possible to add item and category image for fast searching and billing
VOID Bills possible while converting KOT to Bill, if customer not satisfied with particular ordered food.
Single KOT in multiple Kitchen print is possible (Eg:- Vegetarian kitchen, Non-vegetarian kitchen, Tandoori
Kitchen, Etc., )
Can govern Pizza management for both inventory and billing
3.2 Billing Security
All screen operation on billing screen are access controlled for eg: access controlled line discount and bill
discounts etc.
3.3 Delivery Management
Option to mark billed items as delivered. When a regular customer gives a list for home delivery, he may want to
carry a few items. In this case, those items can be marked as delivered in the bill. This prevents accurate delivery
of only invoiced items and prevents loss due to double delivery
Comprehensive delivery management and collection tracking pending delivery bills can be assigned to the
delivery boys and receipt from those delivery bills can be tracked.
All tender options available like cash, credit card, coupon, cheque, gift voucher, credit, etc.
Unique type of bill for handling payment on delivery, called due bill available. This is used to track payments on
delivery along with the pending deliveries and pending payments from the delivery bills
3.4 Price Control
Access controlled and authorized price override. Whether to allow rate edit for a product is part of the product
master and so the price override can be controlled for each and every product
3.5 Printing Bill
Invoice printing on plain as well as preprinted stationary
The sales order and delivery challan reference number(s) can be printed in the invoice.
3.6 Sales Man
Master to define sales man / representative commission based on product or based on category. In the invoice
screen, the sales man / representative name can be specified for the invoice or for each product. This help get
reports on sales man commission accurately



3.7 Sales Order

Sales order(s) can be converted into delivery challan or sales invoice on click of a key. No need to reenter the
order details again.
In sales order item LOV items already having sales order stock can be viewed
Easy to take sales order over phone. Customer can be located using phone number, customer name or any other
details of the customer such as apartment name, street name etc. Sales order can have the preferred date and time
of delivery for the customer
Option in sales order to mark sales order as door delivery order
Sales order can have discounts, price levels, rate validations, cost can be shown in alphabets etc
Shipping address can be given in sales order.
Option to authorize qty while converting sales order to sales
Production sheet can be prepared based on sales order received.
3.8 Till Management
Tender wise denomination details can be taken into account.
3.9 Promotions and Scheme Management
Comprehensive Promotions and scheme management - can manage all kinds of promotional schemes.
Promotions based on date range, free products, buy one and get x free, quantity purchase schemes, combination of
schemes, buy for N amount get N % off, etc.
Promotions can be set based on a Promotion Family which facilitates flexible grouping.
Schemes can be scheduled for date range or even for specified period during a day like (happy hours schemes).

4 Inventory Management
Inventory management or inventory control means an attempt to balance inventory needs and requirements with the need
to minimize costs resulting from obtaining and holding inventory.
4.1 Production
Production planning can be managed and tracked
Bill of material can be generated based on production planning.
Calculation of accurate costing of production with respective to material issued.
4.2 Change selling
Change selling allows to change selling price of items. Change selling screen can be configured to update
purchase price, MRP and cost of items based on secure access.
Change selling can be done to Discount from regular price: The prices of the affected items will be discounted by
the percentage entered. For example, if the item has a regular price of Rs.100 and the percentage entered is 10%
(effectively, Rs.10), the Price change Wizard will update the price to be Rs.90. The calculation formula is as
follows: [100 - (100 x 10%)] = 90.
Change selling can be done to Markup from cost: The prices of all the affected items will be set based on a
percentage markup from their respective costs. For example, if an affected item has a cost of Rs.50, and the
percentage entered is 50% (effectively Rs.25), then the item's new price will be Rs.75 or as calculated: [50 + (50 x
50%)] = 75.



Change selling can be done to Offset from regular price: The prices of all the affected items are set so that the
entered amount is added to the current price. For example, if an affected item has a price of Rs.110 and the amount
entered is 25, the Price change Wizard will update the price to be 135. The calculation formula is as follows: 110
+ 25 = 135
Change selling can be done to Offset from cost: The prices of all the affected items are set so that the entered
amount is added to the current cost. For example, if an affected item has a price of Rs.110, a cost of Rs.50, and the
amount entered is 75, the Price change Wizard will then update the price to be Rs.125. The calculation formula is
as follows: 50 + 75 = 125.
4.3 Inventory
Damage or Wastage entry facilitates accounting for the floor returns with the reason for wastage
Item transaction history is very useful to know and track the full item flow.
Complete stock movement and analysis can be managed and tracked.
Assembly type products can be defined. Assembly means virtual grouping of products.
Kit product type management. Kit means creation of new product based on component products. Every time you
make a kit, the on-hand quantities of the component items are automatically decreased.
Detailed stock status reporting based on supplier, manufacture, category etc
Inventory can be managed in Meters.
Parent / Child items : Supports loose sales from bulk packages. Eg. Selling rice from a rice bag
Flexible and easy to configure product categorization that suite as per business needs.
Facility to maintain manufacturer product code and my product code : Facilitates correspondence with the
manufacturer using the vendor product codes
Inventory status allows phasing out of product step by step like making the product unavailable for purchase
orders, goods receipt, sales, sales return before the product is stopped
Comprehensive stock and sales statement for your inventory management needs
Configurable options to calculate landed cost for the items based on offers given by suppliers. Such accurate
landed cost calculation is very important to arrive at the selling price and to earn the target gross margin. Based on
the product purchased, the landed cost can be configured to include/exclude cash discount etc.
Stock age analysis is available which is very essential to know as it helps in tracking and finding the age of stock
which in turn helps to know working capital requirements.
Inventory Age can be tracked and non moving stock can be promoted more to have higher incentive to customers
or salesman.
Batch wise inventory analysis helps to find out batch wise expiry, batch wise different rates, batch wise offers etc
Complete Expiry/Damage management system. Expiry/Damage can be received on daily, weekly or monthly basis
that can be adjusted in next bill or new product can be received as replacement or credit note can be raised
Stock update helps to maintain Inventory correctly any discrepancy in stock can be managed and tracked from
Stock update helps to manage inventory better as it provides flexibility to change batch no, MRP, Selling,
Purchase and Expiry date.
Item transaction history for full product details
Multiple EAN code can be tracked
Stock can be classified in multiple classification like damaged, salable, to be returned, etc
Picking list generation
Tracking of stock based on location, rack, shelf, bin, etc.
Once kits is prepared provision to revert Kit.
An ingredient item cannot be use for billing but maintain Inventory
4.4 Mark up / Down



Automatic selling price fixing based on Pre-configured price fixing algorithm for each product or category of
products. Using the price fixing algorithm, you can configure the round-off policy, price ends with configuration
like near, upper, lower etc.
Mark Up means selling price can be set based on Landing cost or Purchase price where as mark down means
setting selling price by marking down MRP. Mark Up / Down can be in percentage or amount
Mark Up / Down down can be defined based on Category, Item, Distributor and Manufacture.
4.5 Opening Stock
Opening stock entry to take stock input at initial phase of software implementation
4.6 Physical Stock Audit
PDT [handheld barcode scanner with memory] based stock audit - automatic generation of stock discrepancy
report based on computer and physical stock, correction of discrepancy Etc. This makes daily stock taking easier
and enables accurate measure of pilferage
4.7 Reorder
Comprehensive reorder module helps you finalize your orders quickly. All information required to order such as
the weekly sales for the previous month, the minimum and maximum sales in each week for the product, sales
during previous season of the year [for festivals] etc. are available. This helps you with optimal orders in line with
your sales expectations.
Configurable inventory level both in terms of quantity, number of days sale or stock value.
Reorder list can be generated based on Current stock level, items billed in last n days, etc. Items can be ordered for
n days based on previous sales history.
Distributor wise reorder can be done based on minimum stock level, last n days of sales etc
Reorder can be done based on Sales order received pending and actual stock quantity left
4.8 Repacking
Complete support for repack process buy in bulk and repack into multiple Skews. The short/excess in repack is
The short/excess and wastage measurement help reduce inventory loss
Comprehensive analysis on all aspects in repacking and short excess like wastage percentage etc
4.9 Returns Management
Returns Management Expiry / Damage / Breakage tracking and convert as purchase returns.
4.10 Stock Transfer
Stock transfer between locations just by click of a key
Discrepancy analysis for stock transfer
Acknowledgements for stock transfer

5 Inwards Management
Inward management means procedure for maintaining material receipt effectively



5.1 Purchase Management

Purchase DC can be converted to Purchase.
Option to adjust credit notes, purchase returns etc. while entering the goods receipt
View history for previous purchases from same distributor
View outstanding from purchase
Item distributor list for easy of purchase invoice creation. Items pertaining to specific distributors are created
automatically by RayMedi that helps in easy of purchase entry.
C-Form supported for interstate customers
All LOV sorting can be done based on Item name, Code, description, rate etc
5.2 Purchase Order
Multiple Purchase order can be converted to Purchase or Purchase DC based on simple key stroke.
Distributor wise items can be loaded in Purchase Order for easy of ordering.
Pending purchase order details to help analysis inventory better.
5.3 Purchase Schemes
Integrated purchase schemes
5.4 Sales Returns Management
Replacement purchase type is supported which helps in easy intake of replacement products.
Purchase return can be adjusted in purchase

6 Accounts
Accounts is the system of recording, verifying, and reporting of the value of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses in the
books of account. Accounting is a system that provides quantitative information about finances.
6.1 Accounts Security
Administrator control to create user based access levels with passwords
Restricted access to the screens depending on the user.
Screen wise operations can be restricted or allowed based on password
6.2 Cheque management
Cheque management helps in managing receivables and payables in efficient manner thus leaving less chances for
error and mistakes
Cheque printing
Cheque Issue management
Cheque-in-Transit management
Cheque management like Deposit, Bounce, Represent and Post dated Cheque tracking,
Cheque book maintenance.
6.3 Comprehensive



Trial Balance and Profit & Loss can be generated

Balance Sheet can be generated
Complete drill down from every report makes it's user interface easy to use
All types of vouchers entry are supported in RayMedi TRAC
Multi company accounting
Supports both Single entry and Double entry method of entry system
Annual Accounting maintenance means the ledger balances can be maintained year wise
Virtual outstanding maintenance
Comprehensive tracking of receipts with reconciliation for all receipt instruments
Independent Account dimension configuration for each account group such as asset, liability, income, expense etc.
Support to implement cost center, profit center etc. using account dimensions as per business and operational
management needs
Easy & powerful interface for bill to bill payment / receipt adjustment
Facility to enter multiple types of discounts and charges at the time of payment / receipt
Comprehensive on-account / excess adjustment mechanism
Rules can be associated with account dimensions to implement TDS, FBT, depreciation etc. as per statutory
compliance and business needs
Multi company voucher entry
Multi currency supported
Bank Reconciliation Statement Maintenance
Cash flow and Fund flow statement analysis available based on month, group and Ledger wise.
Ratio analsyis can be done based on Current ratio, Quick ratio, Working capital turnover, Asset turnover,
Receivables turnover ratio, Payable turnover ratio, etc which makes business analytical information available at a
Option to calculate interest on outstanding bills
Category support helps to group accounting ledgers as per required catgeories. This helps in many ways like
supporting cost center [cost center is a category], departments and departmentwise reports [department is a
category], project accounting [where project is a category], etc. Using this categorywise reports can be taken. This
category configuration will not disturb the normal Account group --> Ledger tree structure.
Rule definition and enforcement means rules can be defined by user this can be simple to complex rules that can
be enforced at the time of transactions. The simple rules can be ones like, donot allow any direct expense voucher
alone for a user X, donot allow petrol expenses above Rs.1000/- a month to be entered by user Y, when the rent
paid is above Rs.20,000/- deduct TDS at the rate of xx% and put the TDS amount in the TDS A/C - Rent Paid
ledger. There are many more great things that are possible with the rule support.
6.4 Ease Of Use Accounts
User designable Voucher and Cheque printouts
Voucher templates can be used to manage formulated vouchers like TDS, FBT, etc.
Screen based configurable settings to customize accounts software as per needs
Flexible Voucher Series and numbering System based on voucher type settings configuration
User configurable Masters and Vouchers to suite as per business needs
Reports can be customized as per needs based on Configurable reports tool
Voucher entry while viewing reports and vice-Versa
Accounts search interface to locate accounting entries based on any information
Tool to merge ledgers and groups to facilitate effective management of chart of accounts
Configurable screen shortcut keys to make screens accessible in less key stroke
Receipts can be auto or manually adjusted in bill adjustment screen
Opening balance can be maintained year wise.



Group wise Payment/Receipt bill settlements. Ledgers can be grouped and settled. (Can be useful for group of
suppliers / customer, etc)
Option to lock last years data once year end process is completed
Division wise accounts maintenance supported means if a company is having multiple divisions accounts can
maintained separately or combined
Flexible user interface to see party wise outstanding with all details for better clarity
Bank reconciliation statement report can be generated based on bank reconsile date which makes this statement
user friendly to compare with bank statement.
Company wise backup and restore facility which makes RayMedi Trac handy means it can be installed in multiple
system like home pc, auditors pc etc where his actual data can be imported for analysis or view purpose.
6.5 Flexible reports
Cheque counterfoil management helps to track Cheque in systematic manner
All report supports both Draft mode & Windows mode printout
Report can be exported to Excel
Petty cash report
Analysis report like Purchase/Sales analysis, Outstanding age wise analysis, etc
Customizable Party ledger and outstanding reports with 40 column reports
VAT registers / reports
All statutory registers like sales register, purchase register etc are maintained automatically
Ageing reports for receivables (outstanding) and payables
Graphical representation of ledger reports
Tree format of printout of Trial Balance, Profit & Loss and Balance sheet for better understanding
Summarized sales figures in day book reports helps in proper analysis
Option to view Consolidate day wise summary
Day wise expense summary report.
Graphical chart representation of all reports makes analytical data understandable like Funds flow & Cash flow
statement, Income & Expenses analysis, Asset & Liability statement, Outstanding, All ledger groups transacted
amount & balance with last year comparison,etc.
In ledger report option is available to merge two ledgers which make ledger view simpler, this output will be
shown in merged form that can be printed.

7 Business Configuration
RayMedi provides many business configurations that helps in customizing software as per user needs.
7.1 Configuration Overview
Support for batch and expiry. Option for Expiry date is mandatory.
Listing of items with multiple criteria and facility to search/filter to the specific item.
Multiple company, division and location : Each company can have its own document formats, business
configuration settings etc. The division and location are independent so that each division can be in multiple
Allow sales rate edit in billing.
Show profit margin in billing screen.
Option in Inwards to take previous deductions and additions details from previous purchase details to save entry
time in inwards.
Landing cost calculation can be defined based on various parameters.



Item code can be made editable based on configuration.

Option based change selling to allow change for Selling price, Landing cost, MRP or Purchase price.
Item wise comments can be given in Sales , sale Order and Quotation based on configuration.
Multiple printing profile for sales bill can be activated based on configuration.
Option to post all purchase and sales ledger separately in Accounts.
Touch Screen keypad enabled in all transaction screens.
Sales order can be made based on authorization if available stock is less.

8 Customer Management
Customer management means customers are happy with your service, loyalty is managed correctly, customer purchase
history is available etc. RayMedi has many features that leads to effective and better customer management.
8.1 Customer
Schemes and offer integration in sales
Multiple price levels supported. Price level can be set based on customer and product Can setup different price
levels (unlimited) - based on product/item or category - Can fix the price of the item depending on the purchase
price or per the demand. Helps in fixing the optimum selling price if the same item is purchased at different rates
Previous purchase history can be viewed for specific item for specific customer.
Customer item list can be set for easy of billing for frequent customers
Comprehensive customer master with customer type & invoice/delivery addresses
Create customer types such as Corporate, Retailer, Consumer, Wholesaler, etc. as per your business need and set
price level / discount for each customer type.
Complete customer analysis history based on Product, Returns, Delivery challans, Credit notes, Debit notes etc.
Add and modify customer information.
Track all customer relevant data including customer id, multiple addresses, phone no, birthday, anniversary date,
spouse info, child info, etc.
Generates membership ID card - automatic and manual.
8.2 Loyalty Management
Customer loyalty based scheme can be defined that allows to create a program to encourage specific actions and
repeat business from the customers.
Products can be excluded from the loyalty program. Similarly, loyalty points on the sale value can be different for
different products
Loyalty program helps to convert a irregular customer to a regular customer and encourage participation in
surveys and promotions
Loyalty program can be created based on Bill or item within it can be based on amount or points
Complete analysis available on loyalty program based on items and bill wise.
Customer Loyalty points or amount can be redeemed via loyalty redemption

9 Supplier management
Supplier management means lower inventories, shortage avoidance, and increased capital utilization.
9.1 Supplier - Management
Comprehensive reorder module helps you to manage with optimal orders in line with your sales expectations.



Detailed purchase module helps in analyzing the most reasonable supplier for a specific product based on previous
purchase history.
RayMedi help to manage supplier better with providing all type of analysis like Purchase order wise, product wise,
category wise, Purchase product margin summary, supplier wise return, purchase schemes supplier wise etc

10 Ease Of Use
Easy of use means software is very user friendly, flexible and easy to use
10.1 Flexible
100% keyboard operation. No need to use mouse. This helps you handle customers efficiently in the billing
POS keyboard mapping based on your frequently used functions and familiarity
Locate the item quickly using EAN/UPC/GTIN code, item code, item name, alias code, short name etc. Multiple
list of value interfaces to locate the item quickly as per your trade need including fast switching from one to
Category based selection of items, either in a single form or in a series of forms, facilitates accurate selection of
items. This is useful to select items based on brand, fabric, size type of classification
Temporary saving of invoices when there is an issue with the POS terminal. When the POS terminal restarts, the
invoice in progress loads again making it easy to resume invoicing from where you left
Stock ledger to get complete details on all stock transaction on a given SKU. The same can be exported to excel.
Item manager tools to manage duplicate items mistakenly created due to miss spelling, updating additional
attributes attached to items for better management of masters.
Common filters options across all screens
Provisions to select transaction in report and open it in transaction screen in view mode.
Drill down option in most of reports
Multi language supported
Screen wise configuration to manage usability better screen wise
Reprint screen : A screen where most of the transactions can be reprinted based on filter selection which facilitates
ease in use.

11 MIS Reports
MIS reports (Management Information System) means report that are used to support decision making, analyzing the
trend, analyzing competition,
11.1 Configuration
Powerful report administration tool users can configure the reports and add to MyReports section
Users can create customized report templates by defining and selecting fields.
Report personalization (you can configure how you want to see the reports) for eg: grouping in reports,
customizing columns display order, reports can be configured as related reports and all type of filters can be
Can export to Text, Excel, HTML or PDF.
11.2 Overview



Dash board represents data in graphical format for Sales and Gross profit for daily and monthly. Actual Vs Target
Business flash card to get overview of full business in a snap shot.
Ability to see reports from Internet explorer browser from remote locations
11.3 Reports
More than 350+ Predefined reports with option to configure additional sub-reports
Complete list of sales, purchase, inventory, accounts and business intelligence reports.
Comprehensive purchase analysis item wise, distributor wise, manufacturer wise, category wise and purchase rate
wise, MRP wise helps to manage distributor relationship better.
Complete sales analysis based on counter, customer, items, distributors, manufactures, sales-man, Category wise,
Areas wise, Rack wise etc helps to create a comfortable atmosphere for customers.
Inventory analysis reports such as Dead stock report, wastage report, products having MRP and selling price same,
low margin products etc helps reordering process to be profitable.
Detailed analysis on fast moving, slow moving, non moving based on distributor, product, manufacturer, category
wise etc
Customer analysis for Top n customer for the given period. Non ordering or purchasing customer
Hourly sales analysis
Complete reorder analysis based on excess stock, short stock, dead stock, non moving stock, fast moving etc
Complete analysis on category
Comprehensive Counter analysis
Loyalty analysis
Profit margin analysis item wise, category wise, distributor wise, customer wise, salesman wise etc
Comprehensive tracking on same product purchased from different vendors with different purchase cost.
Customer category wise reports

12 Printing
12.1 Print
Design your printed document formats. You can design the document format for all documents such as sales
invoice, delivery challan, sales order, purchase order, goods receipt entry, credit note, debit note, payment
vouchers, sales quotations etc.
Sales invoice can be printed on 40/60/80/135 column printers. Printout can be dot matrix, thermal, inkjet, laser
Many pre-designed sales invoice formats available as per your business unique needs. Sales invoice can show
regular price and customer special price with today's savings, sales invoice with accumulated loyalty points upto
this purchase, sales invoice with MRP and our store price with savings from your store etc. are available
Sales invoice can be reprinted. Options available to mark the sales invoice reprint as duplicate bill / copy bill etc.
Printing for every transaction can be configured to show preview before printing
Easy to design print format : Drag and drop the fields in each one of the section like header, detail and footer
Supports text [DOS] and graphical [Windows] printing.
Design for multiple stationary types : plain paper and pre-printed stationary.
Barcode sticker can be designed and printed.
Export to pdf and same can be sent as a email.

13 Security Management
13.1 Security



Roles can have exception attached.

Restricted access to the screens depending on the user or role.
Screen wise operations can be restricted or allowed based on password. For eg; clearing billing screen can be
configured password based.
Option for the user to hide screens within there control.
Prevent POS fraud. POS fraud is one of the biggest losses for the retailer. RayMedi POS security configuration
help retail business owner plug all holes. The audit log of all POS operation help retrospect and identify the reason
for pilferage
Optional configuration for 100% control of cash drawer opening and closing from POS software. Authorization
controlled opening of cash drawer with out a sale function to prevent cash theft and fraud
Tracking of all unsaved invoices help prevent POS fraud. When customer does not wait for the invoice but makes
the payment and goes away, the invoice could be saved without saving and printing. This encourages POS fraud.
But, such closing of unsaved invoices can be access controlled so that supervisor authorization is a must for
closing the invoice attempt without saving. Also, such unsaved invoice closing are logged to prevent supervisor
and POS staff working together
Role has multi levels of security that can be controlled very flexibly.
Login can be validated by username, user Id, Login cards and Bio (Thumb Scanning)
13.2 Audit
Comprehensive auditing of all transactions helps in finding discrepancy. Some of the examples of audited
transactions in POS operations are item void, bill void, cash drawer opening / closing, auditing of price lookup,
aborted bill attempts, canceled bills, edited bills, etc.
Audit tracking is based on very flexible user interface with all type of search options available that can be drilled
down to transaction level. Excellent control and insightful reports make it easy to manage.
100% audit of all operations. Audit log help investigate issues to learn about the operational issue including
security lapse and help you take steps to prevent them in future.
RayMedi Audit helps to trace and have control over frauds.
With the audit log you can prevent bad practices becoming bad habits. You can also use the information to analyze
exceptions to find the root cause and fix responsibility and prevent them in future.

14 Barcode Management
A bar code is the small image of lines (bars) and spaces that is affixed to retail store items, identification cards, and postal
mail to identify a particular product number, rate, location etc. The code uses a sequence of vertical bars and spaces to
represent numbers and other symbols.
14.1 Barcode Features
Supports barcode scanning: Verified with all leading barcode scanner vendors and POS hardware vendor
Multiple barcode formats for items supported
Extensible barcode label design to help in accurate invoicing to customers and for accurate inventory tracking : In
most of the food and grocery stores, the same products in the shelf may have different selling prices due to the
difference in purchase cost. This is especially true when the barcode label carries the selling price, as it is not
prudent to remove all products from the shelf, re sticker them and put them back in the shelf, when there is a price
change. In this case, the sales invoice must have the price as in the label of the product carried by the customer.
With RayMedi POS, you can make the price information part of the barcode label so that when each item is
scanned the bill carries the right price and the inventory is adjusted for the right PLU



Barcode font integrated with the printing tool so barcode can be printed on laser printer. Using this barcode can be
generated for transaction numbers in the document (so that one can scan the transaction by scanning the document
and use other advanced features)
Weighing scale integrated and barcode from weighing scale can be printed that are readable at POS End.

15 Statutory Compliance
15.1 Vat Reporter
The VAT Reporter is a 100% VAT enabled tool and can generated configurable VAT reports for all states.
VAT commodity master to configure the VAT commodity code as per your compliance needs. HSIN code can
also be used for VAT commodity code
Sales register and Purchase register can be generated separately only for exempted items. It can be generated
customer or distributor type wise
Vat reporter can be configured to be shown with surcharge or without surcharge
E-filing of VAT return supported
Vat reporter is having various configuration that will make VAT reporter suit as per your business needs

16 Maintenance Tool
16.1 Patch Manager
Patch Manager helps in periodic updates that can be done for latest and updated release to be available

17 Support Tool
17.1 Doctor
RayMedi Database verification tools helps in fixing and restoring errors related to database index, structure,
versions, etc.
Options to Export and Import windows registry.
Checks for local and remote printer reachability.
Test to analysis printer response time.
Option to clear printer buffer

18 Related Products
18.1 Products
Retail Chain Management Solutions for two store chains for regional / national chains.
RayMedi NetTrade for automating order receipt from customers and sending electronic invoices to them.
Complete business process between trading parties. Automated resulting in elimination of data entry and
increasing the order / delivery accuracy, improvement in service levels and customer satisfaction.
RayMedi Weborder for customers to place orders, track delivery, to know about offers and outstanding details. In
online portal customers can upload / update their stock and sales statement
RayMedi WebReporter enables real-time access to your business information. All reports are viewable from
browser when you are away from your business. RayMedi WebReporter helps your store manager to keep track of
the activities of the store.
RayMedi Alerts for sending business related SMS to suppliers, customers, staff and management on exceptions,
promotion information and reports. SMS are sent in real time from the distribution package Sales and Distribution
Management Solution for Manufacturers.
RayMedi Desktop is an unique security tool to protect your POS and PC's desktop. It helps to restrict unauthorized



Queue Bust is a mobile POS directly connected to server database or works in offline mode. This means, the
retailer opens a counter with the mobile POS when there is huge crowd at the point of sale.
RayMedi Service Management manages all aspects in service industry it is available as a addon in RayMedi POS
which includes warranty and AMC tracking.

19 Specification or System Requirements

Pentium IV or AMD Processor with minimum 512 MB RAM, 20 GB Hard Disk, OS Windows XP SP 2, Vista Sp1 and
higher SVGA Monitor and CD-ROM drive. For more details please visit
19.1 POS Accessory Integration
Barcode Scanner
Barcode Printer
Pole Display
Cash Drawer
MSR and MICR readers
Weighing scale
19.2 POS Hardware Supported
Epson POS
Touch screen monitors and LCD's
19.3 Vendors Name

20 Standard Supported
Codes we support [EAN/UPC/GTIN, code 128].
Note: RayMedi software comes in different editions features will vary as per editions. If local language / touchscreen are needed, they are supported only in RayMedi
RPOS6.5. This document is for information purpose only. GoFrugal Technologies makes no warranties, express, implied or statutory as to the information in this
document. RayMedi is a trademark of GoFrugal Technologies. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

2004-2012 GoFrugal Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.



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